
Release | Mad City auto rob v6.0 [Hide nametag!]

Feb 18th, 2019
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  2. Hello guys, here a new update of my auto rob script. in this update I haven't added new robs but I improved lots of things lol. Some days after the v4 release mad city developers changed lots of things like the anti tp and other things. This update also fixes some bugs caused by the last update of mad city.
  3. The most important of this update is that I added a way to stop the auto rob. When you execute the script, type in the chat "/e toggle" then the auto rob will start, to stop it, type again "/e toggle" and it will stop when current robs are finished.
  5. Ah I forgot, the hide name and clear appearance are very useful to avoid reports!
  7. Changelog
  8. Now you can disable the autorob!! (with "/e toggle")
  9. When you die the script won't break and will resume
  10. Debug mode, hide nametag and clear appearance options!
  11. Now you can disable the noclip (if you disable it expect bugs)
  12. Fixed a bug that breaks the night club rob if someone already hacked the hack pad
  13. Now the busy system won't print things if you don't have the debug mode enabled
  14. Inproved the TPs
  15. Fixed a bug that didn't let you break the night club door (because developers changed something)
  16. And more things, but I don't remember
  17. Code
  18. As every update I give you perms to put and adapt this to your GUI.
  20. Code:
  21. ------------------------------------- [Quick Settings] ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  22. -- note: changing some of this values can make this script unstable and very bugged
  23. Movment = false -- Enables or disables player movment (by default in false to avoid bugs)
  24. Noclip = true -- Enables or disables noclip (by default in true to avoid being thrown
  26. hide_nametag = false -- Disables your nametag for other players (useful to avoid reports)
  27. star = false -- If enabled will show a star for other players if hide nametag is on
  29. clear_appearance = false -- Useful when you use hide_nametag and clear_appearance together (players wont know who you are)
  31. debug_mode = false -- Enables/disables the debug mode (I use this to test things, idk if is useful for u)
  32. view_invisible_parts = false -- if enabled will show invisble parts if the debug mode is on
  33. show_your_nametag = false
  35. bank_cooldown = 500
  36. nightclub_cooldown = 500
  37. casino_cooldown = 500
  39. cant_rob = "Can't rob the %s because %s"
  40. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  42. local busy = false
  43. local busy_with = ""
  44. local robbingBank = false
  45. local robbingNightclub = false
  46. local robbingCasino = false
  47. local robbingJewerly = false
  48. local toggled = false
  50. function clearAppearance()
  51. if clear_appearance == true then
  52. game.Players.LocalPlayer:ClearCharacterAppearance()
  53. end
  54. end
  56. function hideNametag()
  57. if hide_nametag == true and star == true then
  58. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.NameTag.Title:Destroy()
  59. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.NameTag.Script:Destroy()
  60. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.NameTag.Icon.Rank:Destroy()
  61. elseif hide_nametag == true and star == false then
  62. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.NameTag:Destroy()
  63. end
  64. end
  66. function noclip()
  67. if Noclip == true then
  68. game:GetService("RunService").Stepped:connect(function()
  69. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Head.CanCollide = false
  70. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.LowerTorso.CanCollide = false
  71. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CanCollide = false
  72. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.UpperTorso.CanCollide = false
  73. end)
  74. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Changed:connect(function()
  75. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Head.CanCollide = false
  76. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.LowerTorso.CanCollide = false
  77. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CanCollide = false
  78. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.UpperTorso.CanCollide = false
  79. end)
  80. end
  81. end
  83. function message(msg, color)
  84. local msg_color = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)
  85. if color == "green" then
  86. msg_color = Color3.fromRGB(84, 243, 35)
  87. end
  88. if color == "yellow" then
  89. msg_color = Color3.fromRGB(243, 237, 46)
  90. end
  91. if color == "red" then
  92. msg_color = Color3.fromRGB(243, 4, 4)
  93. end
  94. if color == "dark_red" then
  95. msg_color = Color3.fromRGB(127, 2, 2)
  96. end
  97. if color == "blue" then
  98. msg_color = Color3.fromRGB(65, 48, 255)
  99. end
  100. wait(0.3)
  101. game:GetService("StarterGui"):SetCore("ChatMakeSystemMessage",{
  102. Text = msg;
  103. Color = msg_color;
  104. Font = Enum.Font.Cartoon;
  105. })
  106. end
  108. function toggle()
  109. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Chatted:connect(function(msg)
  110. if msg:lower() == "/e toggle" then
  111. if toggled == false then
  112. wait(1)
  113. message("Starting the auto rob...", "yellow")
  114. toggled = true
  115. noclip()
  116. hideNametag()
  117. clearAppearance()
  118. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 0
  119. game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerScripts.ControlScript.Disabled = true
  120. wait(0.5)
  121. message("Auto rob started!", "green")
  122. else
  123. message("Stopping the auto rob...", "yellow")
  124. message("Ending current robs...", "yellow")
  125. repeat
  126. wait()
  127. until(busy == false and robbingBank == false and robbingNightclub == false)
  128. --message("An error ocurred: the script can't stop the auto rob!", "dark_red")
  129. game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerScripts.ControlScript.Disabled = false
  130. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 16
  131. toggled = false
  132. --[[for i = 1,10 do
  133. wait(1)
  134. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position =,25,358)
  135. end]]
  136. wait(0.5)
  137. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Head:Destroy()
  138. message("Auto rob stopped!", "red")
  139. end
  140. end
  141. end)
  142. end
  144. local died_fix = coroutine.create(function()
  145. while wait() do
  146. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:WaitForChild("Humanoid").Died:Connect(function()
  147. if toggled == true then
  148. toggled = false
  149. wait(10)
  150. message("You died! Resuming the auto rob.", "yellow")
  151. game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerScripts.ControlScript.Disabled = false
  152. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 16
  153. wait(5)
  154. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 0
  155. game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerScripts.ControlScript.Disabled = true
  156. wait(1)
  157. hideNametag()
  158. clearAppearance()
  159. busy = false
  160. toggled = true
  161. message("Auto rob successfully resumed!", "green")
  162. wait(20)
  163. end
  164. end)
  165. end
  166. end)
  168. local debug_things = coroutine.create(function()
  169. if debug_mode == true and view_invisible_parts == true then
  170. for i, v in pairs(workspace:GetDescendants()) do
  171. if v:IsA("Part") or v:IsA("MeshPart") and v.Transparency == 1 then
  172. v.Transparency = 0.3
  173. end
  174. end
  175. end
  176. if debug_mode == true and show_your_nametag == true then
  177. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.NameTag.Enabled = true
  178. end
  179. end)
  181. local robCashRegister = coroutine.create(function()
  182. while wait(5) do
  183. pcall(function()
  184. if toggled == true and busy == false and robbingBank == false and robbingNightclub == false then
  185. for i, v in pairs(workspace.ObjectSelection:GetChildren()) do
  186. if v.Name == "CashRegister" then
  187. local part = v:FindFirstChildOfClass("Part")
  188. if part.Name ~= "Nope" and robbingBank == false and robbingNightclub == false then
  189. busy = true
  190. busy_with = "robbing cash registers"
  191. wait(1.5)
  192. local pos = v.SmashCash.Position
  193. for i = 1,5 do
  194. wait(1)
  195. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position = pos
  196. end
  197. wait(0.5)
  198. v.SmashCash.SmashCash.Event:FireServer()
  199. wait(2)
  200. if part.Name == "Nope" and robbingBank == false and robbingNightclub == false then
  201. busy = false
  202. end
  203. end
  204. end
  205. end
  206. elseif debug_mode == true and busy == true then
  207. print(string.format(cant_rob, "cash registers", busy_with))
  208. end
  209. end)
  210. end
  211. end)
  213. local robDiamondBox = coroutine.create(function()
  214. while wait(5) do
  215. pcall(function()
  216. if toggled == true and busy == false and robbingBank == false and robbingNightclub == false then
  217. for i, v in pairs(workspace.ObjectSelection:GetChildren()) do
  218. if v.Name == "DiamondBox" then
  219. local part = v:FindFirstChildOfClass("Part")
  220. if part.Name ~= "Nope" and robbingBank == false and robbingNightclub == false then
  221. busy = true
  222. busy_with = "robbing diamond boxes"
  223. wait(1.5)
  224. local pos = v.SmashCash.Position
  225. for i = 1,5 do
  226. wait(1)
  227. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position = pos
  228. end
  229. wait(0.3)
  230. v.SmashCash.SmashCash.Event:FireServer()
  231. wait(2)
  232. if part.Name ~= "Nope" and robbingBank == false and robbingNightclub == false then
  234. else
  235. busy = false
  236. end
  237. end
  238. end
  239. end
  240. elseif debug_mode == true and busy == true then
  241. print(string.format(cant_rob, "diamond boxes", busy_with))
  242. end
  243. end)
  244. end
  245. end)
  247. local robSafe = coroutine.create(function()
  248. while wait(5) do
  249. pcall(function()
  250. if toggled == true and busy == false and robbingBank == false and robbingNightclub == false then
  251. for i, v in pairs(workspace.ObjectSelection:GetChildren()) do
  252. if v.Name == "Safe" then
  253. local part = v:FindFirstChildOfClass("Part")
  254. if part.Name ~= "Nope" and robbingBank == false and robbingNightclub == false then
  255. busy = true
  256. busy_with = "robbing safes"
  257. wait(5)
  258. local pos = v.SmashCash.Position
  259. for i = 1,10 do
  260. wait(0.3)
  261. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position = pos
  262. end
  263. wait(0.3)
  264. v.SmashCash.SmashCash.Event:FireServer()
  265. wait(2)
  266. if part.Name ~= "Nope" and robbingBank == false and robbingNightclub == false then
  268. else
  269. busy = false
  270. end
  271. end
  272. end
  273. end
  274. elseif debug_mode == true and busy == true then
  275. print(string.format(cant_rob, "safes", busy_with))
  276. end
  277. end)
  278. end
  279. end)
  281. local robTipJar = coroutine.create(function()
  282. while wait(5) do
  283. pcall(function()
  284. if toggled == true and busy == false and robbingBank == false and robbingNightclub == false then
  285. for i, v in pairs(workspace.ObjectSelection:GetChildren()) do
  286. if v.Name == "TipJar" then
  287. local part = v:FindFirstChildOfClass("Part")
  288. if part.Name == "SmashCash" and robbingBank == false and robbingNightclub == false then
  289. busy = true
  290. busy_with = "robbing tip jars"
  291. local pos = v.SmashCash.Position
  292. for i = 1,5 do
  293. wait(1)
  294. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position = pos
  295. end
  296. wait(0.3)
  297. v.SmashCash.SmashCash.Event:FireServer()
  298. wait(2)
  299. if part.Name == "SmashCash" and robbingBank == false and robbingNightclub == false then
  301. else
  302. busy = false
  303. end
  304. end
  305. end
  306. end
  307. elseif debug_mode == true and busy == true then
  308. print(string.format(cant_rob, "tip jars", busy_with))
  309. end
  310. end)
  311. end
  312. end)
  314. local robCash = coroutine.create(function()
  315. while wait(5) do
  316. wait()
  317. pcall(function()
  318. if toggled == true and busy == false and robbingBank == false and robbingNightclub == false then
  319. for i, v in pairs(workspace.ObjectSelection:GetChildren()) do
  320. if v.Name == "Cash" then
  321. local part = v:FindFirstChildOfClass("MeshPart")
  322. if part.Name == "Cash" and robbingBank == false and robbingNightclub == false then
  323. busy = true
  324. busy_with = "robbing cash"
  325. local pos = v.Cash.Position
  326. for i = 1,10 do
  327. wait(0.3)
  328. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position = pos
  329. end
  330. wait(0.3)
  331. v.Cash.Cash.Event:FireServer()
  332. wait(2)
  333. if part.Name == "Cash" and robbingBank == false and robbingNightclub == false then
  335. else
  336. busy = false
  337. end
  338. end
  339. end
  340. end
  341. elseif debug_mode == true and busy == true then
  342. print(string.format(cant_rob, "cash", busy_with))
  343. end
  344. end)
  345. end
  346. end)
  348. local robTv = coroutine.create(function()
  349. while wait(5) do
  350. pcall(function()
  351. if toggled == true and busy == false and robbingBank == false and robbingNightclub == false then
  352. for i, v in pairs(workspace.ObjectSelection:GetChildren()) do
  353. if v.Name == "TV" then
  354. local part = v:FindFirstChildOfClass("Part")
  355. if part.Name ~= "Nope" and robbingBank == false and robbingNightclub == false then
  356. busy = true
  357. busy_with = "robbing TVs"
  358. wait(3)
  359. local pos = v.StealTV.Position
  360. for i = 1,5 do
  361. wait(1)
  362. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position = pos
  363. end
  364. wait(0.3)
  365. v.StealTV.StealTV.Event:FireServer()
  366. wait(2)
  367. if part.Name ~= "Nope" and robbingBank == false and robbingNightclub == false then
  369. else
  370. busy = false
  371. end
  372. end
  373. end
  374. end
  375. elseif debug_mode == true and busy == true then
  376. print(string.format(cant_rob, "TVs", busy_with))
  377. end
  378. end)
  379. end
  380. end)
  382. local robAtm = coroutine.create(function()
  383. while wait(5) do
  384. pcall(function()
  385. if toggled == true and busy == false and robbingBank == false and robbingNightclub == false then
  386. for i, v in pairs(workspace.ObjectSelection:GetChildren()) do
  387. if v.Name == "ATM" then
  388. local part = v:FindFirstChildOfClass("Part")
  389. if part.Name ~= "Nope" and robbingBank == false and robbingNightclub == false then
  390. busy = true
  391. busy_with = "robbing ATMs"
  392. wait(1.5)
  393. local pos = v.ATM.Position
  394. for i = 1,5 do
  395. wait(1)
  396. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position = pos
  397. end
  398. wait(0.3)
  399. v.ATM.ATM.Event:FireServer()
  400. wait(2)
  401. if part.Name ~= "Nope" and robbingBank == false and robbingNightclub == false then
  403. else
  404. busy = false
  405. end
  406. end
  407. end
  408. end
  409. elseif debug_mode == true and busy == true then
  410. print(string.format(cant_rob, "ATMs", busy_with))
  411. end
  412. end)
  413. end
  414. end)
  416. local robSlotmachine = coroutine.create(function()
  417. while wait(5) do
  418. pcall(function()
  419. if toggled == true and busy == false and robbingBank == false and robbingNightclub == false then
  420. for i, v in pairs(workspace.ObjectSelection:GetChildren()) do
  421. if v.Name == "SlotMachine" then
  422. local part = v:FindFirstChildOfClass("Part")
  423. if part.Name ~= "Nope" and == "SlotMachine" and robbingBank == false and robbingNightclub == false then
  424. busy = true
  425. busy_with = "robbing slot machines"
  426. wait(1.5)
  427. local pos = v.SlotMachine.Position
  428. for i = 1, 1,5 do
  429. wait(1)
  430. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position = pos
  431. end
  432. wait(0.5)
  433. v.SlotMachine.SlotMachine.Event:FireServer()
  434. wait(2)
  435. if part.Name ~= "Nope" and robbingBank == false and robbingNightclub == false then
  436. else
  437. busy = false
  438. end
  439. end
  440. end
  441. end
  442. elseif debug_mode == true and busy == true then
  443. print(string.format(cant_rob, "slot machines", busy_with))
  444. end
  445. end)
  446. end
  447. end)
  449. local robBank = coroutine.create(function()
  450. while wait(2) do
  451. pcall(function()
  452. if toggled == true and game.ReplicatedStorage.HeistStatus.Bank.Locked.Value == false and robbingNightclub == false then
  453. robbingBank = true
  454. busy = true
  455. busy_with = "robbing bank"
  456. if debug_mode == true then
  457. warn("All robs have been paused to rob the bank")
  458. end
  459. wait(5)
  460. --[[for i, v in pairs (workspace.ObjectSelection:GetChildren()) do
  461. if v.Name == "HackComputer" then
  462. for i = 1,10 do
  463. wait(1.5)
  464. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position =, 27.5895, 529.505)
  465. v.HackComputer.HackComputer.Event:FireServer()
  466. end
  467. v.HackComputer.HackComputer.Event:FireServer()
  468. wait(1)
  469. v.HackComputer.HackComputer.Event:FireServer()
  470. wait(1.5)
  471. return
  472. end
  473. wait(3)
  474. break
  475. end]]
  476. for i = 1,5 do
  477. wait(1.5)
  478. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position =,0,488)
  479. end
  480. wait(.5)
  481. local pos = workspace.Bank.MoneyBags["Money Bag"].Position
  482. for i = 1,5 do
  483. wait(1.5)
  484. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position = pos
  485. end
  486. wait(25)
  487. for i = 1,5 do
  488. wait(1.5)
  489. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position =,25,358)
  490. end
  491. robbingBank = false
  492. busy = false
  493. wait(bank_cooldown)
  494. elseif debug_mode == true and busy == true then
  495. warn(string.format(cant_rob, "bank", "it's closed"))
  496. end
  497. end)
  498. end
  499. end)
  501. local robNightclub = coroutine.create(function()
  502. while wait(1) do
  503. pcall(function()
  504. if toggled == true and game.ReplicatedStorage.HeistStatus.Club.Locked.Value == false and robbingNightclub == false then
  505. robbingNightclub = true
  506. busy = true
  507. busy_with = "robbing night club"
  508. wait(5)
  509. if debug_mode == true then
  510. warn("All robs have been paused to rob the night club")
  511. end
  512. for i = 1,5 do
  513. wait(3)
  514. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position =,42,-153)
  515. end
  516. wait(3)
  517. for i = 1,5 do
  518. wait(2)
  519. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position =,142,-100)
  520. end
  521. wait(0.3)
  522. for i, v in pairs(workspace.ObjectSelection.HackKeyPad:GetChildren()) do
  523. if v.Name == "HackKeyPad" then
  524. v.HackKeyPad.Event:FireServer()
  525. end
  526. end
  527. wait(3)
  528. for i = 1,5 do
  529. wait(2)
  530. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position =,142,-155)
  531. end
  532. wait(35)
  533. for i = 1,10 do
  534. wait(1)
  535. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position =,25,358)
  536. end
  537. robbingNightclub = false
  538. busy = false
  539. wait(nightclub_cooldown)
  540. elseif debug_mode == true and game.ReplicatedStorage.HeistStatus.Club.Locked.Value == true then
  541. warn(string.format(cant_rob, "night club", "it's closed"))
  542. end
  543. end)
  544. end
  545. end)
  547. local robCasino = coroutine.create(function()
  548. while wait(1) do
  549. pcall(function()
  550. if game.ReplicatedStorage.HeistStatus.Casino.Locked.Value == false then
  551. robbingCasino = true
  552. busy = true
  553. busy_with = "robbing casino"
  554. --[[for i, v in pairs (workspace.ObjectSelection:GetChildren()) do
  555. if v.Name == "HackComputer" then
  556. for i = 1,10 do
  557. wait(1.5)
  558. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position =, 27.5895, 529.505)
  559. v.HackComputer.HackComputer.Event:FireServer()
  560. end
  561. v.HackComputer.HackComputer.Event:FireServer()
  562. wait(1)
  563. v.HackComputer.HackComputer.Event:FireServer()
  564. wait(1.5)
  565. return
  566. end
  567. wait(15)
  568. break
  569. end]]
  570. if debug_mode == true then
  571. warn("All robs have been paused to rob the casino")
  572. end
  574. wait(5)
  575. for i = 1,10 do
  576. wait(0.5)
  577. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position =,142,-155)
  578. end
  579. wait(35)
  580. for i = 1,10 do
  581. wait(0.5)
  582. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position =,25,358)
  583. end
  584. robbingCasino = false
  585. busy = false
  586. wait(casino_cooldown)
  587. else
  588. warn(string.format(cant_rob, "casino", "it's closed"))
  589. end
  590. end)
  591. end
  592. end)
  594. message("Thanks for using this auto rob script!\n\nTo start/stop use \"/e toggle\"", "blue")
  595. toggle()
  596. coroutine.resume(died_fix)
  597. --coroutine.resume(busy_fix)
  598. coroutine.resume(debug_things)
  601. coroutine.resume(robNightclub)
  602. coroutine.resume(robBank)
  603. coroutine.resume(robCashRegister)
  604. coroutine.resume(robDiamondBox)
  605. coroutine.resume(robSafe)
  606. coroutine.resume(robTipJar)
  607. coroutine.resume(robCash)
  608. coroutine.resume(robTv)
  609. coroutine.resume(robAtm)
  610. coroutine.resume(robSlotmachine)
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