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Sep 21st, 2019
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  1. Hazel Bot 2.0#1670:
  2. Hazel Bot 2.0#1670:
  3. Hazel Bot 2.0#1670:
  4. Monarch#1111: Hey there <@182976620057985024>
  5. Monarch#1111: I'll be your freelancer for this commission.
  6. Monarch#1111: Can you tell me a little bit about what you want?
  7. Ty#7904: Everything is there, as I said I really don’t know what I want. Ideas at the moment. Examples can be seen with searching “letter P logo” on google, not entirely sure out of which I want though.
  8. Ty#7904: Sorry if I come across lazy, I’m on my phone on holiday so just a pain.
  9. Monarch#1111: Np.
  10. Monarch#1111: Alright.
  11. Monarch#1111: Are we going for a minimalistic theme here?
  12. Ty#7904: Fairly, yeah.
  13. Monarch#1111: Alright.
  14. Monarch#1111: <@182976620057985024> How does $8 for this sound?
  15. Ty#7904: Possibly, could I see a portfolio or something before I agree to a fee please? 🙂
  16. Monarch#1111: <@182976620057985024> Ofcourse. I'll get that for you immediately.
  17. Ty#7904: Thank you 🙂
  18. Monarch#1111:
  19. Monarch#1111: My behance.
  20. Monarch#1111: <@182976620057985024>
  21. Ty#7904: Any other specific letter designs?
  22. Monarch#1111: Yes.
  23. Ty#7904: Can i see them please
  24. Monarch#1111:
  25. Ty#7904: are you able to do something similar to this? not an exact replica, but something similar, and a price if you can please so i can compare with others 🙂
  26. Monarch#1111: Yep.
  27. Monarch#1111: For sure.
  28. Monarch#1111: <@182976620057985024> I can have this today or tomorrow for you 🙂
  29. Ty#7904: Your asking price?
  30. Monarch#1111: <@182976620057985024> I'd say $5-$8
  31. Ty#7904: Can do $6, offered 7 from some other dude
  32. Ty#7904: will just need to double check i can send money rn, paypal needs me to verify on my laptop and i don't have my phone number rn since im on holiday 🤦
  33. Ty#7904: Update, payment can be sent, if you're happy with $6 and such send me an invoice/paypal email to send the money to, make sure to tag me 🙂 <@546855401208020992>
  34. Monarch#1111: Alright.
  35. Monarch#1111: Can I have your paypal <@182976620057985024>
  36. Ty#7904:
  37. Monarch#1111: -invoice <@182976620057985024> $6
  38. Monarch#1111: I'll start it as soon as its paid.
  39. Ty#7904: Believe its paid, just confirm please 🙂
  40. Monarch#1111: -message <#619904376412176399> Paid Invoice has been paid.
  41. Hazel Bot 2.0#1670: @everyone
  42. Monarch#1111: Awesome.
  43. Monarch#1111: I'll have it update for you tonight
  44. Ty#7904: Take your time, no rush whatsoever. That's an insane system you got there by the way
  45. Ty#7904: originally since there was no message i thought the bot had just glitched out then I got the notif through my phone 😂
  46. Monarch#1111: Oh alright 🙂
  47. Ty#7904: Anything at the moment? 😛
  48. Monarch#1111: Hey no sorry. I had to go back to the hospital for something. I will have an update for you tomorrow at arround this time. So sorry for the delay.
  49. Ty#7904: No problem 🙂
  50. Ty#7904: 👀
  51. sasha_who#0001: <@546855401208020992> will be with you in the morning<@182976620057985024>
  52. Ty#7904: 🤔
  53. Monarch#1111: Hey there <@182976620057985024>
  54. Monarch#1111: Please let me know when our online so I can provide you with an update
  55. Ty#7904: Just send it whenever you can pleasd@
  56. Ty#7904: Please *
  57. Monarch#1111: Alright.
  58. Ty#7904: I’m at college but if you tag me I should be able to reply fairly quickly.
  59. Ty#7904: Can you let me know when this can be done by please?
  60. oofed#9759: <@546855401208020992>
  61. Monarch#1111: <@182976620057985024> I'm getting married this weekend but I'll finish early on Saturday.
  62. Ty#7904: No problem, congratulations mate 🙂
  63. Monarch#1111: Thank you!
  64. Ty#7904: Mention me when you've got it sorted, not entirely sure on your timezone 🙂
  65. Ty#7904: <@!546855401208020992>
  66. Ty#7904: Can I get some sort of Information? "Early on Saturday" has passed for me.
  67. Ty#7904: Expecting a reply and an update by tomorrow noon, BST. Baring in mind the product can't be done if I've not had chance to comment on its progress..
  68. sasha_who#0001: <@182976620057985024> Today’s the day he’s getting married. He’ll be on to tell you what’s going on later today or tomorrow.
  70. <@!546855401208020992>
  71. Hazel Bot 2.0#1670:
  72. Ty#7904: I’ll need some updates ASAP. It’s delayed 3 tasks of mine up to now.
  73. sasha_who#0001: you're gonna have to wait. he's not gonna drop everything he's doing for a 6 dollar job. he'll be with you tomorrow.
  74. Ty#7904: Don't give me a date if you're not going to fulfil it. I want an update by tomorrow noon, or a refund if that can't be met.
  75. Ty#7904: I appreciate he has a wedding coming up but if that's the case don't give a date and then don't reply at all, he was online 75% of yesterday and could've took 5 minutes to reply and say "Look I can't get it done yet please give me {x} days" and that's a different situation, it's about a freelancer working with your client, not ignoring them entirely.
  76. Ty#7904: but still can't reply to the ticket?
  77. Ty#7904: I now expect a reply tonight, <@!546855401208020992>. You're online and have been multiple times, otherwise I'll be requesting a refund. Thanks.
  78. Monarch#1111: I'll have it done tonight <@182976620057985024>
  79. Monarch#1111: Apologies for the wait.
  80. Monarch#1111: Up until a few hours ago I was on a plane.
  81. Ty#7904: I get that, as mentioned above, you were online throughout a lot of yesterday; I do work & have a life, I get that sometimes things can't be met and that's fine, but a simple 2 minutes reply instead of speaking in the freelancer discord would've been very much appreciated. Thanks for the response.
  82. Monarch#1111: Hey <@182976620057985024>
  83. Monarch#1111: Are you online?
  84. Ty#7904: I am.
  85. Monarch#1111: I have an update for you.
  86. Ty#7904: Awesome.
  87. Monarch#1111: Great.
  88. Monarch#1111: Screenshotting
  89. Ty#7904: Okay
  90. Monarch#1111:
  91. Monarch#1111: Do you like where this is going?
  92. Monarch#1111: Or shall I change the shape a bit?
  93. Ty#7904: Hmm, that's quite interesting. Keep that as a draft and just try an alternative shape if you have something in mind, I quite like that though, something I don't exactly recall seeing anywhere before.
  94. Monarch#1111: Okay
  95. Monarch#1111: I had an idea to build onto this
  96. Monarch#1111: Once sec
  97. Ty#7904: Okie dokie.
  98. Monarch#1111:
  99. Monarch#1111: Alright
  100. Monarch#1111: I've tweaked the points
  101. Monarch#1111: They should be a little less alarming now.
  102. Monarch#1111: Do you want me to add shading?
  103. Ty#7904: Apologies for the late reply <@!546855401208020992> - That's nice, add shading, yes please.
  104. Monarch#1111: I'll have an update for you today.
  105. Ty#7904: Awesome.
  106. Ty#7904: 🤔
  107. sasha_who#0001: <@!546855401208020992>
  108. Monarch#1111: <@182976620057985024> I'll send in about 30 mins. Apologies.
  109. Ty#7904: Thank you.
  110. Ty#7904: Isn't this frustrating, lol.
  111. Monarch#1111: I'm working on it right now.
  112. Monarch#1111: Please stand by.
  113. Ty#7904: Do what you can and tag me with an update, I might be asleep as I'm extremely tired, but we'll see
  114. Monarch#1111: <@182976620057985024> Can you tell me two colors you'd like me to include in this?
  115. Ty#7904: #E96F10 - #E4E10D or around those two colours, similar
  116. Monarch#1111: Awesome.
  117. Monarch#1111:
  118. Monarch#1111: Those colors?
  119. Ty#7904: If those're what I sent, I need to see them on the actual logo really lol
  120. Ty#7904: Look imma set a deadline because the waiting is starting to piss me off. You have until Tomorrow 11.59PM BST. Thanks.
  121. Ty#7904: And that is justified. It’s been almost 2 weeks since I requested this, you told me it could be done in 2 days. I’m fed up of seeing you online and doing nitro shit in the staff discord when you can’t give me updates properly. Whether I’m online or not that doesn’t stop you from sending an image for my response in the morning. If this isn’t done by tomorrow night I’ll be opening a scam report and requesting a refund.
  122. Monarch#1111: <@182976620057985024> As I said I am on my honeymoon. I cba with this, I'm sorry.
  123. Monarch#1111: What is your pp email?
  124. Monarch#1111: I'll go ahead and refund you.
  125. Ty#7904:
  126. Ty#7904: Thanks
  127. Monarch#1111: Again.
  128. Monarch#1111: I'm sorry.
  129. Monarch#1111: Its not usually like this for me.
  130. Monarch#1111: My honeymoon as thrown some of these things off, I'm truly sorry.
  131. Monarch#1111: I have issued the refund.
  132. Ty#7904: No problem. Thanks anyways 🙂 appreciate the easy way of resolving it too. Never had to make a scam report, glad I still don’t have to.
  133. Monarch#1111: I apologize deeply.
  134. Monarch#1111: <@182976620057985024> Lucky.
  135. Monarch#1111: I get scammed every three days or so.
  136. Monarch#1111: Its easier at this point just to open a chargeback.
  137. Ty#7904: Enjoy your honeymoon though 🙂 apologies for the none stop irritation from me.
  138. Monarch#1111: No
  139. Monarch#1111: Dude
  140. Monarch#1111: I'm so sorry.
  141. Monarch#1111: I'm back on the 23rd. Maybe I can make you a sig or something.
  142. Monarch#1111: I swear I'm not usually like this.
  143. Ty#7904: Don’t be. The money wasn’t a problem. I’m just pushy with this stuff. I’m sure if I’m still in need I can come back when you’re less busy.
  144. Monarch#1111: No no. I dont deserve to do your commissions. I'll let another graphic designer handle it.
  145. Ty#7904: Of course you do. If you’re capable then you deserve to, sometimes life comes first and as a freelancer myself I appreciate that. The irritation was more because I just see people online and wonder why I don’t get a reply, but I’ve had worse at other teams. I appreciate your effort; and enjoy your honeymoon. I won’t mention this outside of our ticket because it’s a simple mishap so I don’t see a need to make it public 🙂
  146. Monarch#1111: Thank you so much for understanding.
  147. Monarch#1111: I really do appreciate it.
  148. Monarch#1111: Shall I close this?
  149. Ty#7904: Go ahead. Have a good day mate.
  150. Monarch#1111: You do the same.
  151. Monarch#1111: -close
  152. Hazel Bot 2.0#1670: Creating channel transcript.
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