
AtomicScience v1.2 Fulmination Generator math

Nov 3rd, 2020 (edited)
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  1. AntimatterMass being 0.125 or 1
  2. Antimatter energy = (2,000,000,000,000,000 + 18,000,000,000,000,000 * (AntimatterMass))
  3. 125mg energy = 4,250,000,000,000,000
  4. 1g energy = 20,000,000,000,000,000
  5. fulmination voltage = 10,000,000,000 (doesnt matter tbh)
  6. fulmination max energy maybe = 10,000,000,000,000
  7. if antimatter explosion distance from fulmination gens is
  8. bigger than 1 meter (aka 1 block away), then no power it made for it
  9. 125mg. otherwise, a cube around the area is made with all other fulmination generators that could generate power. ones that dont touch dont make power even if they're in that cube.
  10. antimatter explosionRadius = 12
  11. 100 fulmination gens as a 5x5 cube hollow inside but 2 sticking up from bottom center as a platform for the antimatter
  12. total maxEnergyPerGenerator = 4,250,000,000,000,000 / 100(number of generators) = 42,500,000,000,000
  13. distances is taken into account...
  14. distance is calculated from 2 vectors. it's the magnitude of vec1 - vec2
  15. so far left gen distance = 2 blocks away, so say the pos of the fulmination gen is (2,0,0) and the antimatter position is (0,0,0), distance is (2,0,0) - (0,0,0) which is calculated via ((2-0), (0-0), (0-0)). then the magnitude being sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z). the distance can be shrunk down to just 2 so sqrt(2*2) = 2
  16. the block below is 1 block away so sqrt(11) == 1, 3 block awaw = sqrt(3*3) = 3
  17. but, if it's 2 blocks below and 1 left, it's (1,2,0), so sqrt(1x1 + 4x4 + 0x0) == sqrt(17) = 4.1
  18. min being a funtion to return the smallest value between the 2 given values, so min(2,5) returns 2, min(25, 22) returns 22.
  19. fulminationEnergy = min(maxEnergyPerGenerator, (maxEnergyPerGenerator / distance / explosionRadius)
  20. == (4,250,000,000,000,000 / 1 / 12) == 354,166,666,666,667 joules, or 354,166,667MJ. multiply by 10 for MJ to RF conversion = 3.5 billion rf, so 10kirf/t transfered means it lasts about 5 hours for a single fulm gen
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