

Jul 24th, 2017
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  1. So, I dreamt I was in like, a world full of superheroes, not neccesarily like BNHA where everyone has a superpower, more like marvel or dc where superpowered beings are key figures and junk. So, I was this girl who was born disabled, without the ability to walk, and was prone to seizures. My mother was this brilliant scientist who, upon my birth, worked tirelessly to develop some system that would allow me to walk and be a 'regular' human being. My father, who was the corporate CEO at the facility she was working in, decided to murder her, and claim the technology she was developing for me as her own, but unknowingly to him, she was injecting me with packets of experimental nanobots up to when I was teenager, and when she was killed.
  3. Basically, when the nanobots started to activate, they gave me the ability to generate power armor over my body and integrate with technology and junk, its kinda like a Spider-Man story because she was killed around the same time that the powers started to manifest. The whole world is like, this cyberpunk superhero world, and theres like, this gang leader who could make clones of herself and they could all fuse and become giant and stuff, and I became a hero after my mother died and apparently she was like, my first 'villian' or whatever and she was kind of like you.
  5. Well, anyway, like, the meat of my dream happened when my father, who's company has been going on the decline ever since the murder, decided to use the technology to become a super villian, and the last thing I remember is that I was fighting him while he was trying to rob a science facility and stuff and appealing to his humanity and trying to get him to give up and just 'go watch a movie or something together before you turn yourself in', and it seemed like I was getting through to him as he got up to hug me, but instead he like, punched me through a goddamn wall and into a mall on the other side where the gang leader lady was hanging out with the rest of her gang, he jetted off and the last thing I remember was breaking down crying in front of the gang leader lady, who then agreed to help me stop him, and then I woke up.
  8. It was really good I have no idea how I dreamt this.
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