

Jul 24th, 2018
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  1. In Response to "Sapient species wouldn't need mating season's, I don't care what anyone say's. It would never work in any kind of society, and it's just a cheap excuse for hack authors to make stupid and shitty fanfics, like this one. And you are really serious? Like, this isn't a joke?"
  3. Of course it's a joke >.>, and yes I agree they wouldn't need mating seasons, which is why I don't incorporate them in my more serious stories. When writing a piece of fanfiction you have to derive a catalyst from the source. This is why you can make a video of Pinkie Pie squirming with horror as she looks at the horrible shipping pics at the same time having a story about Pinkie Pie falling in love with a mare. You simply build upon a derived characteristic. For fun I took the idea that ponies were horses and took two key elements: mating seasons and the display of urination a mare uses to tell a stallion she is ready for mating. One can reasonably suspend their disbelief of sapient creatures having a mating season to make the story work. I just wanted to make a silly fic about Fluttershy peeing, as per my norm. It just so happened I chose what you see here as the plot elements. Try not to take me too seriously, I'm not trying to make money, nor am I an english major. I simply think writing is an important skill, and writing pony porn for pleasure helps me build upon my writing skills. This fic wasn't to demonstrate my gripping plot and loyalty to source material skills, it was more of the desire to create a character having a mental break down as well as going into greater detail than I normally do with urination. I'm sorry if you think the mating season is a cheap excuse for a shitty fanfic, everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and I just think while unrealistic, it still can provide the backbone for a decent fic if the writer is skilled enough (not saying I am, but I did find "beating the heat" to be humorous from what I read).
  5. Edit: seriously fuck it, I just added a comedy tag; It was supposed to be part of the joke not having one, but people still think I'm being serious about this being a viable clopfic or portraying deep psycholgocal romance to an inanimate object. This was simply written on a whim, with a random idea that popped into my head; this is now my fourth incomplete fic if you don't beleive me.
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