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a guest
Jan 11th, 2020
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  1. User launch file not found
  2. ... logging to /root/.ros/log/8ef5952a-33e2-11ea-9083-b827eb83b79e/roslaunch-flytos-1830.log
  3. Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile.
  4. Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
  5. Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.
  6. ]2;/flyt/flytos/flytcore/share/core_api/launch/core_api_autopilot.launch
  7. started roslaunch server http://flytos:41501/
  10. ========
  13. * /flytos/mavros/
  16. * /flytos/core_api_navigation/is_dji: False
  17. * /flytos/core_api_param/is_dji: False
  18. * /flytos/core_api_payload/is_dji: False
  19. * /flytos/core_api_setup/is_dji: False
  20. * /flytos/mavros/cmd/use_comp_id_system_control: False
  21. * /flytos/mavros/component_id: 241
  22. * /flytos/mavros/conn/heartbeat_rate: 1.0
  23. * /flytos/mavros/conn/system_time_rate: 1.0
  24. * /flytos/mavros/conn/timeout: 20.0
  25. * /flytos/mavros/conn/timesync_rate: 1.0
  26. * /flytos/mavros/distance_sensor/hrlv_ez4_pub/field_of_view: 0.0
  27. * /flytos/mavros/distance_sensor/hrlv_ez4_pub/frame_id: hrlv_ez4_sonar
  28. * /flytos/mavros/distance_sensor/hrlv_ez4_pub/id: 1
  29. * /flytos/mavros/distance_sensor/hrlv_ez4_pub/orientation: ROLL_180
  30. * /flytos/mavros/distance_sensor/hrlv_ez4_pub/send_tf: True
  31. * /flytos/mavros/distance_sensor/hrlv_ez4_pub/sensor_position/x: 0.0
  32. * /flytos/mavros/distance_sensor/hrlv_ez4_pub/sensor_position/y: 0.0
  33. * /flytos/mavros/distance_sensor/hrlv_ez4_pub/sensor_position/z: -0.1
  34. * /flytos/mavros/distance_sensor/laser_1_sub/id: 3
  35. * /flytos/mavros/distance_sensor/laser_1_sub/orientation: ROLL_180
  36. * /flytos/mavros/distance_sensor/laser_1_sub/subscriber: True
  37. * /flytos/mavros/distance_sensor/lidarlite_pub/field_of_view: 0.0
  38. * /flytos/mavros/distance_sensor/lidarlite_pub/frame_id: lidarlite_laser
  39. * /flytos/mavros/distance_sensor/lidarlite_pub/id: 0
  40. * /flytos/mavros/distance_sensor/lidarlite_pub/orientation: ROLL_180
  41. * /flytos/mavros/distance_sensor/lidarlite_pub/send_tf: True
  42. * /flytos/mavros/distance_sensor/lidarlite_pub/sensor_position/x: 0.0
  43. * /flytos/mavros/distance_sensor/lidarlite_pub/sensor_position/y: 0.0
  44. * /flytos/mavros/distance_sensor/lidarlite_pub/sensor_position/z: -0.1
  45. * /flytos/mavros/distance_sensor/sonar_1_sub/id: 2
  46. * /flytos/mavros/distance_sensor/sonar_1_sub/orientation: ROLL_180
  47. * /flytos/mavros/distance_sensor/sonar_1_sub/subscriber: True
  48. * /flytos/mavros/fcu_protocol: v1.0
  49. * /flytos/mavros/fcu_url: /dev/ttyAMA0:921600
  50. * /flytos/mavros/gcs_url: tcp-l://:5760
  51. * /flytos/mavros/global_position/frame_id: fcu
  52. * /flytos/mavros/global_position/rot_covariance: 99999.0
  53. * /flytos/mavros/global_position/tf/child_frame_id: fcu_utm
  54. * /flytos/mavros/global_position/tf/frame_id: local_origin
  55. * /flytos/mavros/global_position/tf/send: False
  56. * /flytos/mavros/image/frame_id: px4flow
  57. * /flytos/mavros/imu/angular_velocity_stdev: 0.000349065850399
  58. * /flytos/mavros/imu/frame_id: fcu
  59. * /flytos/mavros/imu/linear_acceleration_stdev: 0.0003
  60. * /flytos/mavros/imu/magnetic_stdev: 0.0
  61. * /flytos/mavros/imu/orientation_stdev: 1.0
  62. * /flytos/mavros/local_position/frame_id: fcu
  63. * /flytos/mavros/local_position/tf/child_frame_id: fcu
  64. * /flytos/mavros/local_position/tf/frame_id: local_origin
  65. * /flytos/mavros/local_position/tf/send: False
  66. * /flytos/mavros/local_position/tf/send_fcu: False
  67. * /flytos/mavros/mission/pull_after_gcs: True
  68. * /flytos/mavros/mocap/use_pose: True
  69. * /flytos/mavros/mocap/use_tf: False
  70. * /flytos/mavros/param/force_update_params: False
  71. * /flytos/mavros/plugin_blacklist: ['safety_area', '...
  72. * /flytos/mavros/plugin_whitelist: []
  73. * /flytos/mavros/px4flow/frame_id: px4flow
  74. * /flytos/mavros/px4flow/ranger_fov: 0.0
  75. * /flytos/mavros/px4flow/ranger_max_range: 5.0
  76. * /flytos/mavros/px4flow/ranger_min_range: 0.3
  77. * /flytos/mavros/safety_area/p1/x: 1.0
  78. * /flytos/mavros/safety_area/p1/y: 1.0
  79. * /flytos/mavros/safety_area/p1/z: 1.0
  80. * /flytos/mavros/safety_area/p2/x: -1.0
  81. * /flytos/mavros/safety_area/p2/y: -1.0
  82. * /flytos/mavros/safety_area/p2/z: -1.0
  83. * /flytos/mavros/setpoint_accel/send_force: False
  84. * /flytos/mavros/setpoint_attitude/reverse_throttle: False
  85. * /flytos/mavros/setpoint_attitude/tf/child_frame_id: attitude
  86. * /flytos/mavros/setpoint_attitude/tf/frame_id: local_origin
  87. * /flytos/mavros/setpoint_attitude/tf/listen: False
  88. * /flytos/mavros/setpoint_attitude/tf/rate_limit: 10.0
  89. * /flytos/mavros/setpoint_position/tf/child_frame_id: setpoint
  90. * /flytos/mavros/setpoint_position/tf/frame_id: local_origin
  91. * /flytos/mavros/setpoint_position/tf/listen: False
  92. * /flytos/mavros/setpoint_position/tf/rate_limit: 50.0
  93. * /flytos/mavros/startup_px4_usb_quirk: True
  94. * /flytos/mavros/sys/disable_diag: False
  95. * /flytos/mavros/sys/min_voltage: 10.0
  96. * /flytos/mavros/system_id: 255
  97. * /flytos/mavros/target_component_id: 0
  98. * /flytos/mavros/target_system_id: 1
  99. * /flytos/mavros/tdr_radio/low_rssi: 40
  100. * /flytos/mavros/time/time_ref_source: fcu
  101. * /flytos/mavros/time/timesync_avg_alpha: 0.6
  102. * /flytos/mavros/vibration/frame_id: vibration
  103. * /flytos/mavros/vision_pose/tf/child_frame_id: vision
  104. * /flytos/mavros/vision_pose/tf/frame_id: local_origin
  105. * /flytos/mavros/vision_pose/tf/listen: False
  106. * /flytos/mavros/vision_pose/tf/rate_limit: 10.0
  107. * /flytos/mavros/vision_speed/listen_twist: False
  108. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/BAT_ADC_CHANNEL: [-1.0, 2.0, 0.0, ...
  109. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/BAT_A_PER_V: [36.367516, 3.0, ...
  110. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/BAT_CAPACITY: [-1.0, 3.0, 2.0, ...
  111. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/BAT_CNT_V_CURR: [0.000806, 3.0, 3...
  112. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/BAT_CNT_V_VOLT: [0.000806, 3.0, 4...
  113. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/BAT_CRIT_THR: [0.07, 3.0, 5.0, ...
  114. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/BAT_EMERGEN_THR: [0.05, 3.0, 6.0, ...
  115. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/BAT_LOW_THR: [0.15, 3.0, 7.0, ...
  116. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/BAT_N_CELLS: [4.0, 2.0, 8.0, 7...
  117. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/BAT_R_INTERNAL: [-1.0, 3.0, 9.0, ...
  118. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/BAT_SOURCE: [0.0, 2.0, 10.0, ...
  119. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/BAT_V_CHARGED: [3.7, 3.0, 11.0, ...
  120. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/BAT_V_DIV: [18.1, 3.0, 12.0,...
  121. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/BAT_V_EMPTY: [3.25, 3.0, 13.0,...
  122. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/BAT_V_LOAD_DROP: [0.3, 3.0, 14.0, ...
  123. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/BAT_V_OFFS_CURR: [0.0, 3.0, 15.0, ...
  124. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/CAL_ACC0_EN: [1.0, 2.0, 16.0, ...
  125. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/CAL_ACC0_ID: [3866634.0, 2.0, ...
  126. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/CAL_ACC0_XOFF: [0.922212, 3.0, 1...
  127. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/CAL_ACC0_XSCALE: [0.973437, 3.0, 1...
  128. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/CAL_ACC0_YOFF: [0.239495, 3.0, 2...
  129. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/CAL_ACC0_YSCALE: [0.999452, 3.0, 2...
  130. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/CAL_ACC0_ZOFF: [0.064687, 3.0, 2...
  131. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/CAL_ACC0_ZSCALE: [0.983967, 3.0, 2...
  132. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/CAL_ACC1_EN: [1.0, 2.0, 24.0, ...
  133. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/CAL_ACC1_ID: [4260618.0, 2.0, ...
  134. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/CAL_ACC1_XOFF: [0.070793, 3.0, 2...
  135. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/CAL_ACC1_XSCALE: [0.995131, 3.0, 2...
  136. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/CAL_ACC1_YOFF: [-0.048938, 3.0, ...
  137. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/CAL_ACC1_YSCALE: [0.980293, 3.0, 2...
  138. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/CAL_ACC1_ZOFF: [0.202926, 3.0, 3...
  139. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/CAL_ACC1_ZSCALE: [0.9749, 3.0, 31....
  140. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/CAL_ACC_PRIME: [3866634.0, 2.0, ...
  141. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/CAL_AIR_CMODEL: [0.0, 2.0, 33.0, ...
  142. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/CAL_AIR_TUBED_MM: [1.5, 3.0, 34.0, ...
  143. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/CAL_AIR_TUBELEN: [0.2, 3.0, 35.0, ...
  144. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/CAL_BARO_PRIME: [0.0, 2.0, 36.0, ...
  145. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/CAL_GYRO0_EN: [1.0, 2.0, 37.0, ...
  146. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/CAL_GYRO0_ID: [3932170.0, 2.0, ...
  147. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/CAL_GYRO0_XOFF: [0.0455, 3.0, 39....
  148. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/CAL_GYRO0_XSCALE: [1.0, 3.0, 40.0, ...
  149. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/CAL_GYRO0_YOFF: [-0.015193, 3.0, ...
  150. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/CAL_GYRO0_YSCALE: [1.0, 3.0, 42.0, ...
  151. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/CAL_GYRO0_ZOFF: [0.004894, 3.0, 4...
  152. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/CAL_GYRO0_ZSCALE: [1.0, 3.0, 44.0, ...
  153. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/CAL_GYRO1_EN: [1.0, 2.0, 45.0, ...
  154. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/CAL_GYRO1_ID: [4325898.0, 2.0, ...
  155. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/CAL_GYRO1_XOFF: [-0.00027, 3.0, 4...
  156. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/CAL_GYRO1_XSCALE: [1.0, 3.0, 48.0, ...
  157. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/CAL_GYRO1_YOFF: [0.001201, 3.0, 4...
  158. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/CAL_GYRO1_YSCALE: [1.0, 3.0, 50.0, ...
  159. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/CAL_GYRO1_ZOFF: [-0.000417, 3.0, ...
  160. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/CAL_GYRO1_ZSCALE: [1.0, 3.0, 52.0, ...
  161. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/CAL_GYRO_PRIME: [3932170.0, 2.0, ...
  162. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/CAL_MAG0_EN: [1.0, 2.0, 54.0, ...
  163. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/CAL_MAG0_ID: [396809.0, 2.0, 5...
  164. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/CAL_MAG0_ROT: [0.0, 2.0, 56.0, ...
  165. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/CAL_MAG0_XOFF: [-0.044543, 3.0, ...
  166. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/CAL_MAG0_XSCALE: [1.017369, 3.0, 5...
  167. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/CAL_MAG0_YOFF: [-0.033646, 3.0, ...
  168. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/CAL_MAG0_YSCALE: [0.997122, 3.0, 6...
  169. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/CAL_MAG0_ZOFF: [-0.066965, 3.0, ...
  170. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/CAL_MAG0_ZSCALE: [0.980036, 3.0, 6...
  171. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/CAL_MAG1_EN: [1.0, 2.0, 63.0, ...
  172. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/CAL_MAG1_ID: [396825.0, 2.0, 6...
  173. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/CAL_MAG1_ROT: [-1.0, 2.0, 65.0,...
  174. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/CAL_MAG1_XOFF: [-0.067529, 3.0, ...
  175. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/CAL_MAG1_XSCALE: [1.004816, 3.0, 6...
  176. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/CAL_MAG1_YOFF: [-0.024698, 3.0, ...
  177. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/CAL_MAG1_YSCALE: [1.031056, 3.0, 6...
  178. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/CAL_MAG1_ZOFF: [0.051077, 3.0, 7...
  179. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/CAL_MAG1_ZSCALE: [0.963105, 3.0, 7...
  180. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/CAL_MAG2_ID: [0.0, 2.0, 72.0, ...
  181. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/CAL_MAG2_ROT: [-1.0, 2.0, 73.0,...
  182. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/CAL_MAG3_ID: [0.0, 2.0, 74.0, ...
  183. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/CAL_MAG3_ROT: [-1.0, 2.0, 75.0,...
  184. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/CAL_MAG_PRIME: [396809.0, 2.0, 7...
  185. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/CAL_MAG_SIDES: [63.0, 2.0, 77.0,...
  186. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/CAM_CAP_FBACK: [0.0, 2.0, 78.0, ...
  187. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/CBRK_AIRSPD_CHK: [0.0, 2.0, 79.0, ...
  188. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/CBRK_BUZZER: [0.0, 2.0, 80.0, ...
  189. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/CBRK_ENGINEFAIL: [284953.0, 2.0, 8...
  190. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/CBRK_FLIGHTTERM: [121212.0, 2.0, 8...
  191. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/CBRK_GPSFAIL: [0.0, 2.0, 83.0, ...
  192. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/CBRK_IO_SAFETY: [22027.0, 2.0, 84...
  193. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/CBRK_RATE_CTRL: [0.0, 2.0, 85.0, ...
  194. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/CBRK_SUPPLY_CHK: [0.0, 2.0, 86.0, ...
  195. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/CBRK_USB_CHK: [0.0, 2.0, 87.0, ...
  196. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/CBRK_VELPOSERR: [0.0, 2.0, 88.0, ...
  197. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/COM_ARM_AUTH: [256010.0, 2.0, 8...
  198. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/COM_ARM_IMU_ACC: [0.7, 3.0, 90.0, ...
  199. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/COM_ARM_IMU_GYR: [0.25, 3.0, 91.0,...
  200. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/COM_ARM_MAG: [0.15, 3.0, 92.0,...
  201. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/COM_ARM_MIS_REQ: [0.0, 2.0, 93.0, ...
  202. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/COM_ARM_SWISBTN: [0.0, 2.0, 94.0, ...
  203. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/COM_ARM_WO_GPS: [1.0, 2.0, 95.0, ...
  204. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/COM_ASPD_FS_ACT: [0.0, 2.0, 96.0, ...
  205. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/COM_ASPD_FS_DLY: [0.0, 2.0, 97.0, ...
  206. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/COM_ASPD_STALL: [10.0, 3.0, 98.0,...
  207. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/COM_DISARM_LAND: [-1.0, 3.0, 99.0,...
  208. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/COM_DL_LOSS_T: [10.0, 2.0, 100.0...
  209. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/COM_EF_C2T: [5.0, 3.0, 101.0,...
  210. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/COM_EF_THROT: [0.5, 3.0, 102.0,...
  211. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/COM_EF_TIME: [10.0, 3.0, 103.0...
  212. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/COM_FLIGHT_UUID: [122.0, 2.0, 104....
  213. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/COM_FLTMODE1: [2.0, 2.0, 105.0,...
  214. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/COM_FLTMODE2: [-1.0, 2.0, 106.0...
  215. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/COM_FLTMODE3: [-1.0, 2.0, 107.0...
  216. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/COM_FLTMODE4: [0.0, 2.0, 108.0,...
  217. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/COM_FLTMODE5: [-1.0, 2.0, 109.0...
  218. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/COM_FLTMODE6: [7.0, 2.0, 110.0,...
  219. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/COM_HLDL_LOSS_T: [120.0, 2.0, 111....
  220. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/COM_HLDL_REG_T: [0.0, 2.0, 112.0,...
  221. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/COM_HOME_H_T: [5.0, 3.0, 113.0,...
  222. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/COM_HOME_V_T: [10.0, 3.0, 114.0...
  223. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/COM_LOW_BAT_ACT: [2.0, 2.0, 115.0,...
  224. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/COM_OA_BOOT_T: [100.0, 2.0, 116....
  225. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/COM_OBL_ACT: [0.0, 2.0, 117.0,...
  226. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/COM_OBL_RC_ACT: [0.0, 2.0, 118.0,...
  227. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/COM_OBS_AVOID: [0.0, 2.0, 119.0,...
  228. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/COM_OF_LOSS_T: [0.0, 3.0, 120.0,...
  229. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/COM_POSCTL_NAVL: [0.0, 2.0, 121.0,...
  230. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/COM_POS_FS_DELAY: [1.0, 2.0, 122.0,...
  231. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/COM_POS_FS_EPH: [5.0, 3.0, 123.0,...
  232. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/COM_POS_FS_EPV: [10.0, 3.0, 124.0...
  233. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/COM_POS_FS_GAIN: [10.0, 2.0, 125.0...
  234. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/COM_POS_FS_PROB: [30.0, 2.0, 126.0...
  235. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/COM_RC_ARM_HYST: [1000.0, 2.0, 127...
  236. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/COM_RC_IN_MODE: [0.0, 2.0, 128.0,...
  237. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/COM_RC_LOSS_T: [0.5, 3.0, 129.0,...
  238. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/COM_RC_OVERRIDE: [0.0, 2.0, 130.0,...
  239. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/COM_RC_STICK_OV: [12.0, 3.0, 131.0...
  240. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/COM_TAKEOFF_ACT: [0.0, 2.0, 132.0,...
  241. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/COM_TAS_FS_INNOV: [1.0, 3.0, 133.0,...
  242. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/COM_TAS_FS_INTEG: [-1.0, 3.0, 134.0...
  243. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/COM_TAS_FS_T1: [3.0, 2.0, 135.0,...
  244. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/COM_TAS_FS_T2: [100.0, 2.0, 136....
  245. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/COM_VEL_FS_EVH: [1.0, 3.0, 137.0,...
  246. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EKF2_ABIAS_INIT: [0.2, 3.0, 138.0,...
  247. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EKF2_ABL_ACCLIM: [25.0, 3.0, 139.0...
  248. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EKF2_ABL_GYRLIM: [3.0, 3.0, 140.0,...
  249. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EKF2_ABL_LIM: [0.4, 3.0, 141.0,...
  250. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EKF2_ABL_TAU: [0.5, 3.0, 142.0,...
  251. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EKF2_ACC_B_NOISE: [0.003, 3.0, 143....
  252. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EKF2_ACC_NOISE: [0.35, 3.0, 144.0...
  253. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EKF2_AID_MASK: [1.0, 2.0, 145.0,...
  254. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EKF2_ANGERR_INIT: [0.1, 3.0, 146.0,...
  255. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EKF2_ARSP_THR: [0.0, 3.0, 147.0,...
  256. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EKF2_ASPD_MAX: [20.0, 3.0, 148.0...
  257. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EKF2_ASP_DELAY: [100.0, 3.0, 149....
  258. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EKF2_AVEL_DELAY: [5.0, 3.0, 150.0,...
  259. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EKF2_BARO_DELAY: [0.0, 3.0, 151.0,...
  260. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EKF2_BARO_GATE: [5.0, 3.0, 152.0,...
  261. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EKF2_BARO_NOISE: [2.0, 3.0, 153.0,...
  262. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EKF2_BCOEF_X: [25.0, 3.0, 154.0...
  263. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EKF2_BCOEF_Y: [25.0, 3.0, 155.0...
  264. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EKF2_BETA_GATE: [5.0, 3.0, 156.0,...
  265. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EKF2_BETA_NOISE: [0.3, 3.0, 157.0,...
  266. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EKF2_DECL_TYPE: [7.0, 2.0, 158.0,...
  267. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EKF2_DRAG_NOISE: [2.5, 3.0, 159.0,...
  268. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EKF2_EAS_NOISE: [1.4, 3.0, 160.0,...
  269. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EKF2_EVA_NOISE: [0.05, 3.0, 161.0...
  270. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EKF2_EVP_NOISE: [0.05, 3.0, 162.0...
  271. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EKF2_EV_DELAY: [175.0, 3.0, 163....
  272. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EKF2_EV_GATE: [5.0, 3.0, 164.0,...
  273. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EKF2_EV_POS_X: [0.0, 3.0, 165.0,...
  274. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EKF2_EV_POS_Y: [0.0, 3.0, 166.0,...
  275. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EKF2_EV_POS_Z: [0.0, 3.0, 167.0,...
  276. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EKF2_FUSE_BETA: [0.0, 2.0, 168.0,...
  277. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EKF2_GBIAS_INIT: [0.1, 3.0, 169.0,...
  278. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EKF2_GND_EFF_DZ: [0.0, 3.0, 170.0,...
  279. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EKF2_GND_MAX_HGT: [0.5, 3.0, 171.0,...
  280. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EKF2_GPS_CHECK: [245.0, 2.0, 172....
  281. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EKF2_GPS_DELAY: [110.0, 3.0, 173....
  282. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EKF2_GPS_MASK: [0.0, 2.0, 174.0,...
  283. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EKF2_GPS_POS_X: [0.0, 3.0, 175.0,...
  284. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EKF2_GPS_POS_Y: [0.0, 3.0, 176.0,...
  285. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EKF2_GPS_POS_Z: [0.0, 3.0, 177.0,...
  286. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EKF2_GPS_P_GATE: [5.0, 3.0, 178.0,...
  287. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EKF2_GPS_P_NOISE: [0.5, 3.0, 179.0,...
  288. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EKF2_GPS_TAU: [10.0, 3.0, 180.0...
  289. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EKF2_GPS_V_GATE: [5.0, 3.0, 181.0,...
  290. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EKF2_GPS_V_NOISE: [0.5, 3.0, 182.0,...
  291. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EKF2_GYR_B_NOISE: [0.001, 3.0, 183....
  292. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EKF2_GYR_NOISE: [0.015, 3.0, 184....
  293. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EKF2_HDG_GATE: [2.6, 3.0, 185.0,...
  294. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EKF2_HEAD_NOISE: [0.3, 3.0, 186.0,...
  295. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EKF2_HGT_MODE: [0.0, 2.0, 187.0,...
  296. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EKF2_IMU_POS_X: [0.0, 3.0, 188.0,...
  297. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EKF2_IMU_POS_Y: [0.0, 3.0, 189.0,...
  298. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EKF2_IMU_POS_Z: [0.0, 3.0, 190.0,...
  299. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EKF2_MAGBIAS_ID: [396809.0, 2.0, 1...
  300. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EKF2_MAGBIAS_X: [0.025178, 3.0, 1...
  301. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EKF2_MAGBIAS_Y: [-0.008096, 3.0, ...
  302. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EKF2_MAGBIAS_Z: [-0.010302, 3.0, ...
  303. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EKF2_MAGB_K: [0.2, 3.0, 195.0,...
  304. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EKF2_MAGB_VREF: [0.0, 3.0, 196.0,...
  305. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EKF2_MAG_ACCLIM: [0.5, 3.0, 197.0,...
  306. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EKF2_MAG_B_NOISE: [0.0001, 3.0, 198...
  307. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EKF2_MAG_DECL: [2.192781, 3.0, 1...
  308. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EKF2_MAG_DELAY: [0.0, 3.0, 200.0,...
  309. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EKF2_MAG_E_NOISE: [0.001, 3.0, 201....
  310. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EKF2_MAG_GATE: [3.0, 3.0, 202.0,...
  311. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EKF2_MAG_NOISE: [0.05, 3.0, 203.0...
  312. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EKF2_MAG_TYPE: [0.0, 2.0, 204.0,...
  313. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EKF2_MAG_YAWLIM: [0.25, 3.0, 205.0...
  314. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EKF2_MIN_OBS_DT: [20.0, 2.0, 206.0...
  315. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EKF2_MIN_RNG: [0.1, 3.0, 207.0,...
  316. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EKF2_MOVE_TEST: [1.0, 3.0, 208.0,...
  317. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EKF2_NOAID_NOISE: [10.0, 3.0, 209.0...
  318. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EKF2_NOAID_TOUT: [5000000.0, 2.0, ...
  319. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EKF2_OF_DELAY: [5.0, 3.0, 211.0,...
  320. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EKF2_OF_GATE: [3.0, 3.0, 212.0,...
  321. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EKF2_OF_N_MAX: [0.5, 3.0, 213.0,...
  322. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EKF2_OF_N_MIN: [0.15, 3.0, 214.0...
  323. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EKF2_OF_POS_X: [0.0, 3.0, 215.0,...
  324. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EKF2_OF_POS_Y: [0.0, 3.0, 216.0,...
  325. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EKF2_OF_POS_Z: [0.0, 3.0, 217.0,...
  326. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EKF2_OF_QMIN: [1.0, 2.0, 218.0,...
  327. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EKF2_PCOEF_XN: [0.0, 3.0, 219.0,...
  328. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EKF2_PCOEF_XP: [0.0, 3.0, 220.0,...
  329. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EKF2_PCOEF_YN: [0.0, 3.0, 221.0,...
  330. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EKF2_PCOEF_YP: [0.0, 3.0, 222.0,...
  331. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EKF2_PCOEF_Z: [0.0, 3.0, 223.0,...
  332. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EKF2_REQ_EPH: [3.0, 3.0, 224.0,...
  333. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EKF2_REQ_EPV: [5.0, 3.0, 225.0,...
  334. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EKF2_REQ_GDOP: [2.5, 3.0, 226.0,...
  335. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EKF2_REQ_HDRIFT: [0.1, 3.0, 227.0,...
  336. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EKF2_REQ_NSATS: [6.0, 2.0, 228.0,...
  337. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EKF2_REQ_SACC: [0.5, 3.0, 229.0,...
  338. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EKF2_REQ_VDRIFT: [0.2, 3.0, 230.0,...
  339. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EKF2_RNG_AID: [0.0, 2.0, 231.0,...
  340. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EKF2_RNG_A_HMAX: [5.0, 3.0, 232.0,...
  341. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EKF2_RNG_A_IGATE: [1.0, 3.0, 233.0,...
  342. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EKF2_RNG_A_VMAX: [1.0, 3.0, 234.0,...
  343. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EKF2_RNG_DELAY: [5.0, 3.0, 235.0,...
  344. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EKF2_RNG_GATE: [5.0, 3.0, 236.0,...
  345. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EKF2_RNG_NOISE: [0.1, 3.0, 237.0,...
  346. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EKF2_RNG_PITCH: [0.0, 3.0, 238.0,...
  347. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EKF2_RNG_POS_X: [0.0, 3.0, 239.0,...
  348. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EKF2_RNG_POS_Y: [0.0, 3.0, 240.0,...
  349. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EKF2_RNG_POS_Z: [0.0, 3.0, 241.0,...
  350. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EKF2_RNG_SFE: [0.05, 3.0, 242.0...
  351. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EKF2_TAS_GATE: [3.0, 3.0, 243.0,...
  352. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EKF2_TAU_POS: [0.25, 3.0, 244.0...
  353. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EKF2_TAU_VEL: [0.25, 3.0, 245.0...
  354. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EKF2_TERR_GRAD: [0.5, 3.0, 246.0,...
  355. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EKF2_TERR_NOISE: [5.0, 3.0, 247.0,...
  356. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EKF2_WIND_NOISE: [0.1, 3.0, 248.0,...
  357. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EV_TSK_RC_LOSS: [0.0, 2.0, 249.0,...
  358. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/EV_TSK_STAT_DIS: [0.0, 2.0, 250.0,...
  359. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/FD_FAIL_P: [60.0, 2.0, 251.0...
  360. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/FD_FAIL_R: [60.0, 2.0, 252.0...
  361. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/FW_MAN_P_SC: [1.0, 3.0, 253.0,...
  362. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/FW_MAN_R_SC: [1.0, 3.0, 254.0,...
  363. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/FW_MAN_Y_SC: [1.0, 3.0, 255.0,...
  364. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/GF_ACTION: [1.0, 2.0, 256.0,...
  365. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/GF_ALTMODE: [0.0, 2.0, 257.0,...
  366. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/GF_COUNT: [-1.0, 2.0, 258.0...
  367. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/GF_MAX_HOR_DIST: [0.0, 3.0, 259.0,...
  368. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/GF_MAX_VER_DIST: [0.0, 3.0, 260.0,...
  369. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/GF_SOURCE: [0.0, 2.0, 261.0,...
  370. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/GPS_1_CONFIG: [201.0, 2.0, 262....
  371. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/GPS_2_CONFIG: [0.0, 2.0, 263.0,...
  372. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/GPS_DUMP_COMM: [0.0, 2.0, 264.0,...
  373. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/GPS_UBX_DYNMODEL: [7.0, 2.0, 265.0,...
  374. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/GPS_YAW_OFFSET: [0.0, 3.0, 266.0,...
  375. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/IMU_ACCEL_CUTOFF: [30.0, 3.0, 267.0...
  376. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/IMU_GYRO_CUTOFF: [30.0, 3.0, 268.0...
  377. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/ISBD_CONFIG: [0.0, 2.0, 269.0,...
  378. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/LED_RGB1_MAXBRT: [31.0, 2.0, 270.0...
  379. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/LNDMC_ALT_MAX: [-1.0, 3.0, 271.0...
  380. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/LNDMC_FFALL_THR: [2.0, 3.0, 272.0,...
  381. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/LNDMC_FFALL_TTRI: [0.3, 3.0, 273.0,...
  382. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/LNDMC_LOW_T_THR: [0.3, 3.0, 274.0,...
  383. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/LNDMC_ROT_MAX: [20.0, 3.0, 275.0...
  384. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/LNDMC_XY_VEL_MAX: [1.5, 3.0, 276.0,...
  385. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/LNDMC_Z_VEL_MAX: [0.5, 3.0, 277.0,...
  386. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/LND_FLIGHT_T_HI: [1.0, 2.0, 278.0,...
  387. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/LND_FLIGHT_T_LO: [1376738280.0, 2....
  388. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MAV_0_CONFIG: [101.0, 2.0, 280....
  389. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MAV_0_FORWARD: [1.0, 2.0, 281.0,...
  390. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MAV_0_MODE: [0.0, 2.0, 282.0,...
  391. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MAV_0_RATE: [1200.0, 2.0, 283...
  392. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MAV_1_CONFIG: [102.0, 2.0, 284....
  393. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MAV_1_FORWARD: [0.0, 2.0, 285.0,...
  394. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MAV_1_MODE: [2.0, 2.0, 286.0,...
  395. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MAV_1_RATE: [80000.0, 2.0, 28...
  396. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MAV_2_CONFIG: [0.0, 2.0, 288.0,...
  397. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MAV_BROADCAST: [0.0, 2.0, 289.0,...
  398. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MAV_COMP_ID: [1.0, 2.0, 290.0,...
  399. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MAV_FWDEXTSP: [1.0, 2.0, 291.0,...
  400. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MAV_HASH_CHK_EN: [1.0, 2.0, 292.0,...
  401. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MAV_HB_FORW_EN: [1.0, 2.0, 293.0,...
  402. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MAV_ODOM_LP: [0.0, 2.0, 294.0,...
  403. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MAV_PROTO_VER: [0.0, 2.0, 295.0,...
  404. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MAV_RADIO_ID: [0.0, 2.0, 296.0,...
  405. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MAV_SYS_ID: [1.0, 2.0, 297.0,...
  406. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MAV_TYPE: [2.0, 2.0, 298.0,...
  407. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MAV_USEHILGPS: [0.0, 2.0, 299.0,...
  408. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MC_ACRO_EXPO: [0.69, 3.0, 300.0...
  409. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MC_ACRO_EXPO_Y: [0.69, 3.0, 301.0...
  410. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MC_ACRO_P_MAX: [720.0, 3.0, 302....
  411. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MC_ACRO_R_MAX: [720.0, 3.0, 303....
  412. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MC_ACRO_SUPEXPO: [0.7, 3.0, 304.0,...
  413. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MC_ACRO_SUPEXPOY: [0.7, 3.0, 305.0,...
  414. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MC_ACRO_Y_MAX: [540.0, 3.0, 306....
  415. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MC_AIRMODE: [0.0, 2.0, 307.0,...
  416. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MC_BAT_SCALE_EN: [0.0, 2.0, 308.0,...
  417. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MC_DTERM_CUTOFF: [0.0, 3.0, 309.0,...
  418. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MC_PITCHRATE_D: [0.004, 3.0, 310....
  419. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MC_PITCHRATE_FF: [0.0, 3.0, 311.0,...
  420. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MC_PITCHRATE_I: [0.09, 3.0, 312.0...
  421. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MC_PITCHRATE_MAX: [220.0, 3.0, 313....
  422. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MC_PITCHRATE_P: [0.14, 3.0, 314.0...
  423. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MC_PITCH_P: [6.0, 3.0, 315.0,...
  424. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MC_PR_INT_LIM: [0.3, 3.0, 316.0,...
  425. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MC_RATT_TH: [0.8, 3.0, 317.0,...
  426. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MC_ROLLRATE_D: [0.004, 3.0, 318....
  427. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MC_ROLLRATE_FF: [0.0, 3.0, 319.0,...
  428. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MC_ROLLRATE_I: [0.1, 3.0, 320.0,...
  429. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MC_ROLLRATE_MAX: [220.0, 3.0, 321....
  430. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MC_ROLLRATE_P: [0.14, 3.0, 322.0...
  431. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MC_ROLL_P: [6.5, 3.0, 323.0,...
  432. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MC_RR_INT_LIM: [0.3, 3.0, 324.0,...
  433. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MC_TPA_BREAK_D: [1.0, 3.0, 325.0,...
  434. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MC_TPA_BREAK_I: [1.0, 3.0, 326.0,...
  435. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MC_TPA_BREAK_P: [1.0, 3.0, 327.0,...
  436. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MC_TPA_RATE_D: [0.0, 3.0, 328.0,...
  437. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MC_TPA_RATE_I: [0.0, 3.0, 329.0,...
  438. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MC_TPA_RATE_P: [0.0, 3.0, 330.0,...
  439. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MC_YAWRATE_D: [0.0, 3.0, 331.0,...
  440. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MC_YAWRATE_FF: [0.0, 3.0, 332.0,...
  441. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MC_YAWRATE_I: [0.1, 3.0, 333.0,...
  442. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MC_YAWRATE_MAX: [200.0, 3.0, 334....
  443. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MC_YAWRATE_P: [0.2, 3.0, 335.0,...
  444. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MC_YAW_P: [4.0, 3.0, 336.0,...
  445. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MC_YR_INT_LIM: [0.3, 3.0, 337.0,...
  446. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MIS_ALTMODE: [1.0, 2.0, 338.0,...
  447. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MIS_DIST_1WP: [900.0, 3.0, 339....
  448. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MIS_DIST_WPS: [900.0, 3.0, 340....
  449. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MIS_LTRMIN_ALT: [-1.0, 3.0, 341.0...
  450. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MIS_MNT_YAW_CTL: [0.0, 2.0, 342.0,...
  451. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MIS_TAKEOFF_ALT: [6.5, 3.0, 343.0,...
  452. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MIS_TAKEOFF_REQ: [0.0, 2.0, 344.0,...
  453. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MIS_YAW_ERR: [12.0, 3.0, 345.0...
  454. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MIS_YAW_TMT: [-1.0, 3.0, 346.0...
  455. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MNT_MODE_IN: [-1.0, 2.0, 347.0...
  456. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MOT_ORDERING: [0.0, 2.0, 348.0,...
  457. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MOT_SLEW_MAX: [0.0, 3.0, 349.0,...
  458. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MPC_ACC_DOWN_MAX: [10.0, 3.0, 350.0...
  459. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MPC_ACC_HOR: [5.0, 3.0, 351.0,...
  460. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MPC_ACC_HOR_ESTM: [0.5, 3.0, 352.0,...
  461. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MPC_ACC_HOR_MAX: [10.0, 3.0, 353.0...
  462. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MPC_ACC_UP_MAX: [10.0, 3.0, 354.0...
  463. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MPC_ALT_MODE: [0.0, 2.0, 355.0,...
  464. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MPC_AUTO_MODE: [1.0, 2.0, 356.0,...
  465. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MPC_COL_PREV_D: [-1.0, 3.0, 357.0...
  466. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MPC_CRUISE_90: [3.0, 3.0, 358.0,...
  467. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MPC_DEC_HOR_SLOW: [5.0, 3.0, 359.0,...
  468. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MPC_HOLD_DZ: [0.1, 3.0, 360.0,...
  469. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MPC_HOLD_MAX_XY: [0.8, 3.0, 361.0,...
  470. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MPC_HOLD_MAX_Z: [0.6, 3.0, 362.0,...
  471. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MPC_JERK_AUTO: [8.0, 3.0, 363.0,...
  472. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MPC_JERK_MAX: [20.0, 3.0, 364.0...
  473. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MPC_JERK_MIN: [8.0, 3.0, 365.0,...
  474. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MPC_LAND_ALT1: [10.0, 3.0, 366.0...
  475. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MPC_LAND_ALT2: [5.0, 3.0, 367.0,...
  476. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MPC_LAND_SPEED: [0.7, 3.0, 368.0,...
  477. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MPC_MANTHR_MIN: [0.08, 3.0, 369.0...
  478. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MPC_MAN_TILT_MAX: [35.0, 3.0, 370.0...
  479. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MPC_MAN_Y_MAX: [200.0, 3.0, 371....
  480. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MPC_POS_MODE: [1.0, 2.0, 372.0,...
  481. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MPC_SPOOLUP_TIME: [1.0, 3.0, 373.0,...
  482. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MPC_THR_CURVE: [0.0, 2.0, 374.0,...
  483. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MPC_THR_HOVER: [0.5, 3.0, 375.0,...
  484. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MPC_THR_MAX: [1.0, 3.0, 376.0,...
  485. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MPC_THR_MIN: [0.12, 3.0, 377.0...
  486. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MPC_TILTMAX_AIR: [45.0, 3.0, 378.0...
  487. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MPC_TILTMAX_LND: [12.0, 3.0, 379.0...
  488. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MPC_TKO_RAMP_T: [3.0, 3.0, 380.0,...
  489. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MPC_TKO_SPEED: [1.5, 3.0, 381.0,...
  490. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MPC_VELD_LP: [5.0, 3.0, 382.0,...
  491. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MPC_VEL_MANUAL: [10.0, 3.0, 383.0...
  492. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MPC_XY_CRUISE: [5.0, 3.0, 384.0,...
  493. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MPC_XY_MAN_EXPO: [0.0, 3.0, 385.0,...
  494. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MPC_XY_P: [0.95, 3.0, 386.0...
  495. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MPC_XY_TRAJ_P: [0.3, 3.0, 387.0,...
  496. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MPC_XY_VEL_D: [0.01, 3.0, 388.0...
  497. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MPC_XY_VEL_I: [0.02, 3.0, 389.0...
  498. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MPC_XY_VEL_MAX: [12.0, 3.0, 390.0...
  499. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MPC_XY_VEL_P: [0.09, 3.0, 391.0...
  500. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MPC_YAWRAUTO_MAX: [45.0, 3.0, 392.0...
  501. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MPC_YAW_EXPO: [0.0, 3.0, 393.0,...
  502. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MPC_YAW_MODE: [0.0, 2.0, 394.0,...
  503. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MPC_Z_MAN_EXPO: [0.0, 3.0, 395.0,...
  504. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MPC_Z_P: [1.0, 3.0, 396.0,...
  505. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MPC_Z_TRAJ_P: [0.3, 3.0, 397.0,...
  506. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MPC_Z_VEL_D: [0.0, 3.0, 398.0,...
  507. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MPC_Z_VEL_I: [0.02, 3.0, 399.0...
  508. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MPC_Z_VEL_MAX_DN: [1.0, 3.0, 400.0,...
  509. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MPC_Z_VEL_MAX_UP: [3.0, 3.0, 401.0,...
  510. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/MPC_Z_VEL_P: [0.2, 3.0, 402.0,...
  511. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/NAV_ACC_RAD: [2.0, 3.0, 403.0,...
  512. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/NAV_AH_ALT: [600.0, 3.0, 404....
  513. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/NAV_AH_LAT: [-265847810.0, 2....
  514. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/NAV_AH_LON: [1518423250.0, 2....
  515. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/NAV_DLL_ACT: [0.0, 2.0, 407.0,...
  516. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/NAV_DLL_AH_T: [120.0, 3.0, 408....
  517. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/NAV_DLL_CHSK: [0.0, 2.0, 409.0,...
  518. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/NAV_DLL_CH_ALT: [600.0, 3.0, 410....
  519. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/NAV_DLL_CH_LAT: [-266072120.0, 2....
  520. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/NAV_DLL_CH_LON: [1518453890.0, 2....
  521. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/NAV_DLL_CH_T: [120.0, 3.0, 413....
  522. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/NAV_DLL_N: [2.0, 2.0, 414.0,...
  523. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/NAV_FORCE_VT: [1.0, 2.0, 415.0,...
  524. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/NAV_FT_DST: [8.0, 3.0, 416.0,...
  525. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/NAV_FT_FS: [1.0, 2.0, 417.0,...
  526. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/NAV_FT_RS: [0.5, 3.0, 418.0,...
  527. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/NAV_FW_ALTL_RAD: [5.0, 3.0, 419.0,...
  528. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/NAV_FW_ALT_RAD: [10.0, 3.0, 420.0...
  529. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/NAV_GPSF_LT: [0.0, 3.0, 421.0,...
  530. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/NAV_GPSF_P: [0.0, 3.0, 422.0,...
  531. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/NAV_GPSF_R: [15.0, 3.0, 423.0...
  532. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/NAV_GPSF_TR: [0.0, 3.0, 424.0,...
  533. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/NAV_LOITER_RAD: [50.0, 3.0, 425.0...
  534. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/NAV_MC_ALT_RAD: [0.8, 3.0, 426.0,...
  535. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/NAV_MIN_FT_HT: [8.0, 3.0, 427.0,...
  536. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/NAV_RCL_ACT: [2.0, 2.0, 428.0,...
  537. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/NAV_RCL_LT: [120.0, 3.0, 429....
  538. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/NAV_TRAFF_AVOID: [1.0, 2.0, 430.0,...
  539. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/PLD_BTOUT: [5.0, 3.0, 431.0,...
  540. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/PLD_FAPPR_ALT: [0.1, 3.0, 432.0,...
  541. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/PLD_HACC_RAD: [0.2, 3.0, 433.0,...
  542. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/PLD_MAX_SRCH: [3.0, 2.0, 434.0,...
  543. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/PLD_SRCH_ALT: [10.0, 3.0, 435.0...
  544. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/PLD_SRCH_TOUT: [10.0, 3.0, 436.0...
  545. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/PWM_AUX_DIS1: [-1.0, 2.0, 437.0...
  546. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/PWM_AUX_DIS2: [-1.0, 2.0, 438.0...
  547. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/PWM_AUX_DIS3: [-1.0, 2.0, 439.0...
  548. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/PWM_AUX_DIS4: [-1.0, 2.0, 440.0...
  549. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/PWM_AUX_DIS5: [-1.0, 2.0, 441.0...
  550. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/PWM_AUX_DIS6: [-1.0, 2.0, 442.0...
  551. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/PWM_AUX_DIS7: [-1.0, 2.0, 443.0...
  552. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/PWM_AUX_DIS8: [-1.0, 2.0, 444.0...
  553. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/PWM_AUX_DISARMED: [1500.0, 2.0, 445...
  554. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/PWM_AUX_FAIL1: [-1.0, 2.0, 446.0...
  555. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/PWM_AUX_FAIL2: [-1.0, 2.0, 447.0...
  556. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/PWM_AUX_FAIL3: [-1.0, 2.0, 448.0...
  557. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/PWM_AUX_FAIL4: [-1.0, 2.0, 449.0...
  558. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/PWM_AUX_FAIL5: [-1.0, 2.0, 450.0...
  559. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/PWM_AUX_FAIL6: [-1.0, 2.0, 451.0...
  560. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/PWM_AUX_FAIL7: [-1.0, 2.0, 452.0...
  561. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/PWM_AUX_FAIL8: [-1.0, 2.0, 453.0...
  562. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/PWM_AUX_MAX1: [-1.0, 2.0, 455.0...
  563. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/PWM_AUX_MAX2: [-1.0, 2.0, 456.0...
  564. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/PWM_AUX_MAX3: [-1.0, 2.0, 457.0...
  565. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/PWM_AUX_MAX4: [-1.0, 2.0, 458.0...
  566. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/PWM_AUX_MAX5: [-1.0, 2.0, 459.0...
  567. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/PWM_AUX_MAX6: [-1.0, 2.0, 460.0...
  568. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/PWM_AUX_MAX7: [-1.0, 2.0, 461.0...
  569. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/PWM_AUX_MAX8: [-1.0, 2.0, 462.0...
  570. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/PWM_AUX_MAX: [2000.0, 2.0, 454...
  571. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/PWM_AUX_MIN1: [-1.0, 2.0, 464.0...
  572. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/PWM_AUX_MIN2: [-1.0, 2.0, 465.0...
  573. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/PWM_AUX_MIN3: [-1.0, 2.0, 466.0...
  574. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/PWM_AUX_MIN4: [-1.0, 2.0, 467.0...
  575. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/PWM_AUX_MIN5: [-1.0, 2.0, 468.0...
  576. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/PWM_AUX_MIN6: [-1.0, 2.0, 469.0...
  577. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/PWM_AUX_MIN7: [-1.0, 2.0, 470.0...
  578. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/PWM_AUX_MIN8: [-1.0, 2.0, 471.0...
  579. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/PWM_AUX_MIN: [1000.0, 2.0, 463...
  580. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/PWM_AUX_REV1: [0.0, 2.0, 472.0,...
  581. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/PWM_AUX_REV2: [0.0, 2.0, 473.0,...
  582. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/PWM_AUX_REV3: [0.0, 2.0, 474.0,...
  583. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/PWM_AUX_REV4: [0.0, 2.0, 475.0,...
  584. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/PWM_AUX_REV5: [0.0, 2.0, 476.0,...
  585. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/PWM_AUX_REV6: [0.0, 2.0, 477.0,...
  586. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/PWM_AUX_REV7: [0.0, 2.0, 478.0,...
  587. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/PWM_AUX_REV8: [0.0, 2.0, 479.0,...
  588. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/PWM_AUX_TRIM1: [0.0, 3.0, 480.0,...
  589. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/PWM_AUX_TRIM2: [0.0, 3.0, 481.0,...
  590. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/PWM_AUX_TRIM3: [0.0, 3.0, 482.0,...
  591. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/PWM_AUX_TRIM4: [0.0, 3.0, 483.0,...
  592. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/PWM_AUX_TRIM5: [0.0, 3.0, 484.0,...
  593. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/PWM_AUX_TRIM6: [0.0, 3.0, 485.0,...
  594. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/PWM_AUX_TRIM7: [0.0, 3.0, 486.0,...
  595. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/PWM_AUX_TRIM8: [0.0, 3.0, 487.0,...
  596. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/PWM_DISARMED: [900.0, 2.0, 488....
  597. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/PWM_MAIN_DIS1: [-1.0, 2.0, 489.0...
  598. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/PWM_MAIN_DIS2: [-1.0, 2.0, 490.0...
  599. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/PWM_MAIN_DIS3: [-1.0, 2.0, 491.0...
  600. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/PWM_MAIN_DIS4: [-1.0, 2.0, 492.0...
  601. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/PWM_MAIN_DIS5: [-1.0, 2.0, 493.0...
  602. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/PWM_MAIN_DIS6: [-1.0, 2.0, 494.0...
  603. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/PWM_MAIN_DIS7: [-1.0, 2.0, 495.0...
  604. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/PWM_MAIN_DIS8: [-1.0, 2.0, 496.0...
  605. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/PWM_MAIN_FAIL1: [-1.0, 2.0, 497.0...
  606. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/PWM_MAIN_FAIL2: [-1.0, 2.0, 498.0...
  607. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/PWM_MAIN_FAIL3: [-1.0, 2.0, 499.0...
  608. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/PWM_MAIN_FAIL4: [-1.0, 2.0, 500.0...
  609. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/PWM_MAIN_FAIL5: [-1.0, 2.0, 501.0...
  610. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/PWM_MAIN_FAIL6: [-1.0, 2.0, 502.0...
  611. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/PWM_MAIN_FAIL7: [-1.0, 2.0, 503.0...
  612. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/PWM_MAIN_FAIL8: [-1.0, 2.0, 504.0...
  613. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/PWM_MAIN_MAX1: [-1.0, 2.0, 505.0...
  614. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/PWM_MAIN_MAX2: [-1.0, 2.0, 506.0...
  615. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/PWM_MAIN_MAX3: [-1.0, 2.0, 507.0...
  616. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/PWM_MAIN_MAX4: [-1.0, 2.0, 508.0...
  617. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/PWM_MAIN_MAX5: [-1.0, 2.0, 509.0...
  618. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/PWM_MAIN_MAX6: [-1.0, 2.0, 510.0...
  619. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/PWM_MAIN_MAX7: [-1.0, 2.0, 511.0...
  620. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/PWM_MAIN_MAX8: [-1.0, 2.0, 512.0...
  621. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/PWM_MAIN_MIN1: [-1.0, 2.0, 513.0...
  622. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/PWM_MAIN_MIN2: [-1.0, 2.0, 514.0...
  623. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/PWM_MAIN_MIN3: [-1.0, 2.0, 515.0...
  624. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/PWM_MAIN_MIN4: [-1.0, 2.0, 516.0...
  625. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/PWM_MAIN_MIN5: [-1.0, 2.0, 517.0...
  626. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/PWM_MAIN_MIN6: [-1.0, 2.0, 518.0...
  627. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/PWM_MAIN_MIN7: [-1.0, 2.0, 519.0...
  628. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/PWM_MAIN_MIN8: [-1.0, 2.0, 520.0...
  629. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/PWM_MAIN_REV1: [0.0, 2.0, 521.0,...
  630. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/PWM_MAIN_REV2: [0.0, 2.0, 522.0,...
  631. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/PWM_MAIN_REV3: [0.0, 2.0, 523.0,...
  632. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/PWM_MAIN_REV4: [0.0, 2.0, 524.0,...
  633. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/PWM_MAIN_REV5: [0.0, 2.0, 525.0,...
  634. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/PWM_MAIN_REV6: [0.0, 2.0, 526.0,...
  635. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/PWM_MAIN_REV7: [0.0, 2.0, 527.0,...
  636. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/PWM_MAIN_REV8: [0.0, 2.0, 528.0,...
  637. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/PWM_MAIN_TRIM1: [0.0, 3.0, 529.0,...
  638. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/PWM_MAIN_TRIM2: [0.0, 3.0, 530.0,...
  639. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/PWM_MAIN_TRIM3: [0.0, 3.0, 531.0,...
  640. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/PWM_MAIN_TRIM4: [0.0, 3.0, 532.0,...
  641. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/PWM_MAIN_TRIM5: [0.0, 3.0, 533.0,...
  642. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/PWM_MAIN_TRIM6: [0.0, 3.0, 534.0,...
  643. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/PWM_MAIN_TRIM7: [0.0, 3.0, 535.0,...
  644. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/PWM_MAIN_TRIM8: [0.0, 3.0, 536.0,...
  645. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/PWM_MAX: [1950.0, 2.0, 537...
  646. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/PWM_MIN: [1075.0, 2.0, 538...
  647. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/PWM_RATE: [400.0, 2.0, 539....
  648. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/PWM_SBUS_MODE: [0.0, 2.0, 540.0,...
  649. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC10_DZ: [0.0, 3.0, 541.0,...
  650. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC10_MAX: [2000.0, 3.0, 542...
  651. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC10_MIN: [1000.0, 3.0, 543...
  652. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC10_REV: [1.0, 3.0, 544.0,...
  653. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC10_TRIM: [1500.0, 3.0, 545...
  654. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC11_DZ: [0.0, 3.0, 546.0,...
  655. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC11_MAX: [2000.0, 3.0, 547...
  656. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC11_MIN: [1000.0, 3.0, 548...
  657. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC11_REV: [1.0, 3.0, 549.0,...
  658. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC11_TRIM: [1500.0, 3.0, 550...
  659. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC12_DZ: [0.0, 3.0, 551.0,...
  660. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC12_MAX: [2000.0, 3.0, 552...
  661. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC12_MIN: [1000.0, 3.0, 553...
  662. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC12_REV: [1.0, 3.0, 554.0,...
  663. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC12_TRIM: [1500.0, 3.0, 555...
  664. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC13_DZ: [0.0, 3.0, 556.0,...
  665. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC13_MAX: [2000.0, 3.0, 557...
  666. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC13_MIN: [1000.0, 3.0, 558...
  667. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC13_REV: [1.0, 3.0, 559.0,...
  668. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC13_TRIM: [1500.0, 3.0, 560...
  669. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC14_DZ: [0.0, 3.0, 561.0,...
  670. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC14_MAX: [2000.0, 3.0, 562...
  671. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC14_MIN: [1000.0, 3.0, 563...
  672. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC14_REV: [1.0, 3.0, 564.0,...
  673. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC14_TRIM: [1500.0, 3.0, 565...
  674. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC15_DZ: [0.0, 3.0, 566.0,...
  675. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC15_MAX: [2000.0, 3.0, 567...
  676. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC15_MIN: [1000.0, 3.0, 568...
  677. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC15_REV: [1.0, 3.0, 569.0,...
  678. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC15_TRIM: [1500.0, 3.0, 570...
  679. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC16_DZ: [0.0, 3.0, 571.0,...
  680. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC16_MAX: [2000.0, 3.0, 572...
  681. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC16_MIN: [1000.0, 3.0, 573...
  682. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC16_REV: [1.0, 3.0, 574.0,...
  683. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC16_TRIM: [1500.0, 3.0, 575...
  684. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC17_DZ: [0.0, 3.0, 576.0,...
  685. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC17_MAX: [2000.0, 3.0, 577...
  686. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC17_MIN: [1000.0, 3.0, 578...
  687. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC17_REV: [1.0, 3.0, 579.0,...
  688. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC17_TRIM: [1500.0, 3.0, 580...
  689. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC18_DZ: [0.0, 3.0, 581.0,...
  690. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC18_MAX: [2000.0, 3.0, 582...
  691. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC18_MIN: [1000.0, 3.0, 583...
  692. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC18_REV: [1.0, 3.0, 584.0,...
  693. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC18_TRIM: [1500.0, 3.0, 585...
  694. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC1_DZ: [10.0, 3.0, 586.0...
  695. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC1_MAX: [1904.0, 3.0, 587...
  696. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC1_MIN: [1077.0, 3.0, 588...
  697. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC1_REV: [1.0, 3.0, 589.0,...
  698. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC1_TRIM: [1493.0, 3.0, 590...
  699. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC2_DZ: [10.0, 3.0, 591.0...
  700. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC2_MAX: [1914.0, 3.0, 592...
  701. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC2_MIN: [1086.0, 3.0, 593...
  702. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC2_REV: [1.0, 3.0, 594.0,...
  703. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC2_TRIM: [1504.0, 3.0, 595...
  704. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC3_DZ: [10.0, 3.0, 596.0...
  705. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC3_MAX: [1895.0, 3.0, 597...
  706. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC3_MIN: [1072.0, 3.0, 598...
  707. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC3_REV: [1.0, 3.0, 599.0,...
  708. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC3_TRIM: [1072.0, 3.0, 600...
  709. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC4_DZ: [10.0, 3.0, 601.0...
  710. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC4_MAX: [1917.0, 3.0, 602...
  711. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC4_MIN: [1092.0, 3.0, 603...
  712. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC4_REV: [1.0, 3.0, 604.0,...
  713. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC4_TRIM: [1505.0, 3.0, 605...
  714. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC5_DZ: [10.0, 3.0, 606.0...
  715. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC5_MAX: [1889.0, 3.0, 607...
  716. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC5_MIN: [1086.0, 3.0, 608...
  717. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC5_REV: [1.0, 3.0, 609.0,...
  718. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC5_TRIM: [1487.0, 3.0, 610...
  719. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC6_DZ: [10.0, 3.0, 611.0...
  720. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC6_MAX: [2000.0, 3.0, 612...
  721. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC6_MIN: [1000.0, 3.0, 613...
  722. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC6_REV: [1.0, 3.0, 614.0,...
  723. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC6_TRIM: [1500.0, 3.0, 615...
  724. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC7_DZ: [10.0, 3.0, 616.0...
  725. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC7_MAX: [2000.0, 3.0, 617...
  726. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC7_MIN: [1000.0, 3.0, 618...
  727. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC7_REV: [1.0, 3.0, 619.0,...
  728. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC7_TRIM: [1500.0, 3.0, 620...
  729. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC8_DZ: [10.0, 3.0, 621.0...
  730. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC8_MAX: [2000.0, 3.0, 622...
  731. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC8_MIN: [1000.0, 3.0, 623...
  732. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC8_REV: [1.0, 3.0, 624.0,...
  733. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC8_TRIM: [1500.0, 3.0, 625...
  734. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC9_DZ: [0.0, 3.0, 626.0,...
  735. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC9_MAX: [2000.0, 3.0, 627...
  736. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC9_MIN: [1000.0, 3.0, 628...
  737. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC9_REV: [1.0, 3.0, 629.0,...
  738. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC9_TRIM: [1500.0, 3.0, 630...
  739. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC_ACRO_TH: [0.5, 3.0, 631.0,...
  740. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC_ARMSWITCH_TH: [0.25, 3.0, 632.0...
  741. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC_ASSIST_TH: [0.25, 3.0, 633.0...
  742. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC_AUTO_TH: [0.75, 3.0, 634.0...
  743. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC_CHAN_CNT: [9.0, 2.0, 635.0,...
  744. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC_FAILS_THR: [0.0, 2.0, 636.0,...
  745. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC_FLT_CUTOFF: [10.0, 3.0, 637.0...
  746. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC_FLT_SMP_RATE: [50.0, 3.0, 638.0...
  747. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC_GEAR_TH: [0.25, 3.0, 639.0...
  748. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC_KILLSWITCH_TH: [0.25, 3.0, 640.0...
  749. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC_LOITER_TH: [0.5, 3.0, 641.0,...
  750. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC_MAN_TH: [0.5, 3.0, 642.0,...
  751. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC_MAP_ACRO_SW: [0.0, 2.0, 643.0,...
  752. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC_MAP_ARM_SW: [0.0, 2.0, 644.0,...
  753. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC_MAP_AUX1: [0.0, 2.0, 645.0,...
  754. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC_MAP_AUX2: [0.0, 2.0, 646.0,...
  755. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC_MAP_AUX3: [0.0, 2.0, 647.0,...
  756. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC_MAP_AUX4: [0.0, 2.0, 648.0,...
  757. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC_MAP_AUX5: [0.0, 2.0, 649.0,...
  758. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC_MAP_AUX6: [0.0, 2.0, 650.0,...
  759. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC_MAP_FAILSAFE: [0.0, 2.0, 651.0,...
  760. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC_MAP_FLAPS: [0.0, 2.0, 652.0,...
  761. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC_MAP_FLTMODE: [5.0, 2.0, 653.0,...
  762. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC_MAP_GEAR_SW: [0.0, 2.0, 654.0,...
  763. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC_MAP_KILL_SW: [0.0, 2.0, 655.0,...
  764. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC_MAP_LOITER_SW: [0.0, 2.0, 656.0,...
  765. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC_MAP_MAN_SW: [0.0, 2.0, 657.0,...
  766. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC_MAP_MODE_SW: [0.0, 2.0, 658.0,...
  767. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC_MAP_OFFB_SW: [0.0, 2.0, 659.0,...
  768. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC_MAP_PARAM1: [0.0, 2.0, 660.0,...
  769. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC_MAP_PARAM2: [0.0, 2.0, 661.0,...
  770. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC_MAP_PARAM3: [0.0, 2.0, 662.0,...
  771. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC_MAP_PITCH: [2.0, 2.0, 663.0,...
  772. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC_MAP_POSCTL_SW: [0.0, 2.0, 664.0,...
  773. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC_MAP_RATT_SW: [0.0, 2.0, 665.0,...
  774. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC_MAP_RETURN_SW: [0.0, 2.0, 666.0,...
  775. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC_MAP_ROLL: [1.0, 2.0, 667.0,...
  776. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC_MAP_STAB_SW: [0.0, 2.0, 668.0,...
  777. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC_MAP_THROTTLE: [3.0, 2.0, 669.0,...
  778. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC_MAP_TRANS_SW: [0.0, 2.0, 670.0,...
  779. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC_MAP_YAW: [4.0, 2.0, 671.0,...
  780. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC_OFFB_TH: [0.5, 3.0, 672.0,...
  781. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC_POSCTL_TH: [0.5, 3.0, 673.0,...
  782. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC_RATT_TH: [0.5, 3.0, 674.0,...
  783. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC_RETURN_TH: [0.5, 3.0, 675.0,...
  784. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC_RSSI_PWM_CHAN: [0.0, 2.0, 676.0,...
  785. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC_RSSI_PWM_MAX: [1000.0, 2.0, 677...
  786. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC_RSSI_PWM_MIN: [2000.0, 2.0, 678...
  787. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC_STAB_TH: [0.5, 3.0, 679.0,...
  788. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RC_TRANS_TH: [0.25, 3.0, 680.0...
  789. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RTL_DESCEND_ALT: [10.0, 3.0, 681.0...
  790. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RTL_LAND_DELAY: [0.0, 3.0, 682.0,...
  791. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RTL_MIN_DIST: [5.0, 3.0, 683.0,...
  792. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RTL_RETURN_ALT: [30.0, 3.0, 684.0...
  793. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/RTL_TYPE: [0.0, 2.0, 685.0,...
  794. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/SDLOG_DIRS_MAX: [0.0, 2.0, 686.0,...
  795. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/SDLOG_MISSION: [0.0, 2.0, 687.0,...
  796. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/SDLOG_MODE: [0.0, 2.0, 688.0,...
  797. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/SDLOG_PROFILE: [3.0, 2.0, 689.0,...
  798. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/SDLOG_UTC_OFFSET: [0.0, 2.0, 690.0,...
  799. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/SENS_BARO_QNH: [1013.25, 3.0, 69...
  800. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/SENS_BOARD_ROT: [0.0, 2.0, 692.0,...
  801. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/SENS_BOARD_X_OFF: [-0.431311, 3.0, ...
  802. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/SENS_BOARD_Y_OFF: [0.793399, 3.0, 6...
  803. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/SENS_BOARD_Z_OFF: [0.0, 3.0, 695.0,...
  804. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/SENS_CM8JL65_CFG: [0.0, 2.0, 696.0,...
  805. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/SENS_DPRES_OFF: [0.0, 3.0, 697.0,...
  806. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/SENS_EN_BATT: [0.0, 2.0, 698.0,...
  807. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/SENS_EN_LL40LS: [0.0, 2.0, 699.0,...
  808. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/SENS_EN_MB12XX: [0.0, 2.0, 700.0,...
  809. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/SENS_EN_PGA460: [0.0, 2.0, 701.0,...
  810. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/SENS_EN_SF1XX: [0.0, 2.0, 702.0,...
  811. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/SENS_EN_THERMAL: [-1.0, 2.0, 703.0...
  812. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/SENS_EN_TRANGER: [0.0, 2.0, 704.0,...
  813. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/SENS_FLOW_MAXHGT: [3.0, 3.0, 705.0,...
  814. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/SENS_FLOW_MAXR: [2.5, 3.0, 706.0,...
  815. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/SENS_FLOW_MINHGT: [0.7, 3.0, 707.0,...
  816. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/SENS_FLOW_ROT: [6.0, 2.0, 708.0,...
  817. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/SENS_LEDDAR1_CFG: [0.0, 2.0, 709.0,...
  818. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/SENS_SF0X_CFG: [0.0, 2.0, 710.0,...
  819. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/SENS_TFMINI_CFG: [0.0, 2.0, 711.0,...
  820. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/SENS_ULAND_CFG: [0.0, 2.0, 712.0,...
  821. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/SER_GPS1_BAUD: [0.0, 2.0, 713.0,...
  822. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/SER_TEL1_BAUD: [57600.0, 2.0, 71...
  823. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/SER_TEL2_BAUD: [921600.0, 2.0, 7...
  824. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/SYS_AUTOCONFIG: [0.0, 2.0, 716.0,...
  825. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/SYS_AUTOSTART: [4001.0, 2.0, 717...
  826. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/SYS_CAL_ACCEL: [0.0, 2.0, 718.0,...
  827. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/SYS_CAL_BARO: [0.0, 2.0, 719.0,...
  828. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/SYS_CAL_GYRO: [0.0, 2.0, 720.0,...
  829. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/SYS_CAL_TDEL: [24.0, 2.0, 721.0...
  830. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/SYS_CAL_TMAX: [10.0, 2.0, 722.0...
  831. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/SYS_CAL_TMIN: [5.0, 2.0, 723.0,...
  832. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/SYS_COMPANION: [0.0, 2.0, 724.0,...
  833. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/SYS_FMU_TASK: [1.0, 2.0, 725.0,...
  834. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/SYS_FORCE_F7DC: [0.0, 2.0, 726.0,...
  835. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/SYS_HAS_BARO: [1.0, 2.0, 727.0,...
  836. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/SYS_HAS_MAG: [1.0, 2.0, 728.0,...
  837. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/SYS_HITL: [0.0, 2.0, 729.0,...
  838. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/SYS_MC_EST_GROUP: [2.0, 2.0, 730.0,...
  839. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/SYS_PARAM_VER: [1.0, 2.0, 731.0,...
  840. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/SYS_RESTART_TYPE: [0.0, 2.0, 732.0,...
  841. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/SYS_STCK_EN: [1.0, 2.0, 733.0,...
  842. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/SYS_USE_IO: [1.0, 2.0, 734.0,...
  843. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/TC_A_ENABLE: [0.0, 2.0, 735.0,...
  844. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/TC_B_ENABLE: [0.0, 2.0, 736.0,...
  845. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/TC_G_ENABLE: [0.0, 2.0, 737.0,...
  846. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/TEL_FRSKY_CONFIG: [0.0, 2.0, 738.0,...
  847. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/TEL_HOTT_CONFIG: [0.0, 2.0, 739.0,...
  848. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/THR_MDL_FAC: [0.0, 3.0, 740.0,...
  849. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/TRIG_MODE: [0.0, 2.0, 741.0,...
  850. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/TRIM_PITCH: [0.0, 3.0, 742.0,...
  851. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/TRIM_ROLL: [0.0, 3.0, 743.0,...
  852. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/TRIM_YAW: [0.0, 3.0, 744.0,...
  853. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/UAVCAN_ENABLE: [0.0, 2.0, 745.0,...
  854. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/VT_B_DEC_MSS: [2.0, 3.0, 746.0,...
  855. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/VT_B_REV_DEL: [0.0, 3.0, 747.0,...
  856. * /flytos/parameters/autopilot/WEST_EN: [0.0, 2.0, 748.0,...
  857. * /flytos/parameters/flyt/apriltags_family: 16h5
  858. * /flytos/parameters/flyt/global_namespace: flytos
  859. * /flytos/rostful/enable_cache: False
  860. * /flytos/rostful/params: []
  861. * /flytos/rostful/services: ['/.*/param/param...
  862. * /flytos/rostful/topics: ['/.*/mavros/batt...
  863. * /global_namespace: flytos
  864. * /rosdistro: kinetic
  865. * /rosversion: 1.12.13
  867. NODES
  868. /flytos/
  869. core_api_navigation (core_api_nodes/navigation_api)
  870. core_api_param (core_api_nodes/param_api)
  871. core_api_payload (core_api_nodes/payload_api)
  872. core_api_setup (core_api_nodes/setup_api)
  873. flyt_cl (flyt_remote_link/flyt_remote_client)
  874. flyt_ms_node (flyt_ms/flyt_ms_node)
  875. image_capture (vision_apps/image_capture)
  876. mavros (mavros/mavros_node)
  877. navigation_server (navigation_util/navigation_server)
  878. rosapi (rosapi/rosapi_node)
  879. rostful (rostful/devserver)
  880. video_streaming (vision_apps/video_streaming)
  881. web_video_server (web_video_server/web_video_server)
  883. auto-starting new master
  884. process[master]: started with pid [1847]
  885. ROS_MASTER_URI=http://localhost:11311
  886. ]2;/flyt/flytos/flytcore/share/core_api/launch/core_api_autopilot.launch http://localhost:11311
  887. setting /run_id to 8ef5952a-33e2-11ea-9083-b827eb83b79e
  888. process[rosout-1]: started with pid [1860]
  889. started core service [/rosout]
  890. process[flytos/mavros-2]: started with pid [1878]
  891. process[flytos/core_api_param-3]: started with pid [1879]
  892. process[flytos/core_api_setup-4]: started with pid [1880]
  893. process[flytos/core_api_navigation-5]: started with pid [1881]
  894. process[flytos/core_api_payload-6]: started with pid [1882]
  895. process[flytos/navigation_server-7]: started with pid [1909]
  896. process[flytos/rostful-8]: started with pid [1930]
  897. + python -tt -m rostful run -h -p 80 -s tornado '--ros-arg=~connections_list:=/rocon/connection_cache/list' '--ros-arg=~connections_diff:=/rocon/connection_cache/diff' --ros-arg=__name:=rostful --ros-arg=__log:=/root/.ros/log/8ef5952a-33e2-11ea-9083-b827eb83b79e/flytos-rostful-8.log
  898. process[flytos/rosapi-9]: started with pid [1950]
  899. process[flytos/flyt_cl-10]: started with pid [1959]
  900. process[flytos/flyt_ms_node-11]: started with pid [1970]
  901. process[flytos/image_capture-12]: started with pid [1976]
  902. process[flytos/web_video_server-13]: started with pid [1986]
  903. process[flytos/video_streaming-14]: started with pid [1997]
  904. [ INFO] [1578685883.483205023]: Waiting For connections on
  905. [ INFO] [1578685883.684476950]: FCU URL: /dev/ttyAMA0:921600
  906. [ INFO] [1578685883.690629971]: serial0: device: /dev/ttyAMA0 @ 921600 bps
  907. terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_weak_ptr'
  908. what(): bad_weak_ptr
  909. [ INFO] [1578685883.751749033]: [LIC] license file valid, checking for date validity
  910. [flytos/mavros-2] process has died [pid 1878, exit code -6, cmd /flyt/flytos/flytcore/lib/mavros/mavros_node __name:=mavros __log:=/root/.ros/log/8ef5952a-33e2-11ea-9083-b827eb83b79e/flytos-mavros-2.log].
  911. log file: /root/.ros/log/8ef5952a-33e2-11ea-9083-b827eb83b79e/flytos-mavros-2*.log
  912. Azure sdk not found. Try 'sudo pip install azure-storage-blob'
  913. WARNING:root:ZMQ : Protobuf message implementation not found. Using pickle based protocol
  914. registered capabilities (classes):
  915. - rosbridge_library.capabilities.call_service.CallService
  916. - rosbridge_library.capabilities.advertise.Advertise
  917. - rosbridge_library.capabilities.publish.Publish
  918. - rosbridge_library.capabilities.subscribe.Subscribe
  919. - <class 'rosbridge_library.capabilities.defragmentation.Defragment'>
  920. - rosbridge_library.capabilities.advertise_service.AdvertiseService
  921. - rosbridge_library.capabilities.service_response.ServiceResponse
  922. - rosbridge_library.capabilities.unadvertise_service.UnadvertiseService
  923. the rosdep view is empty: call 'sudo rosdep init' and 'rosdep update'
  924. [WARN] [1578685885.392158]: FLYT_CL: shutting down, disabled in config
  925. [INFO] [1578685885.702197]: Commercial License verified, running Raspberry-Pi video streaming node.
  926. [INFO] [1578685885.771037]: hardware id: raspberry-pi3
  927. [flytos/flyt_cl-10] process has finished cleanly
  928. log file: /root/.ros/log/8ef5952a-33e2-11ea-9083-b827eb83b79e/flytos-flyt_cl-10*.log
  929. [INFO] [1578685885.825010]: Streaming module listening
  930. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  931. INFO in __main__ [/flyt/flytos/flytcore/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/rostful/]:
  932. arguments passed : host port 80 config None ros_args (u'~connections_list:=/rocon/connection_cache/list', u'~connections_diff:=/rocon/connection_cache/diff', u'__name:=rostful', u'__log:=/root/.ros/log/8ef5952a-33e2-11ea-9083-b827eb83b79e/flytos-rostful-8.log')
  933. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  934. INFO:rostful:arguments passed : host port 80 config None ros_args (u'~connections_list:=/rocon/connection_cache/list', u'~connections_diff:=/rocon/connection_cache/diff', u'__name:=rostful', u'__log:=/root/.ros/log/8ef5952a-33e2-11ea-9083-b827eb83b79e/flytos-rostful-8.log')
  935. WARNING:root:Setting up pyros ROS node...
  936. WARNING:root:Setting up pyros actual client...
  937. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  938. INFO in server [/flyt/flytos/flytcore/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/rostful/]:
  939. Starting Tornado server on
  940. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  941. the rosdep view is empty: call 'sudo rosdep init' and 'rosdep update'
  942. [flytos/mavros-2] restarting process
  943. process[flytos/mavros-2]: started with pid [2930]
  944. [ INFO] [1578685893.868484915]: [LIC] license file valid, system date validity check done
  945. [ INFO] [1578685894.339367206]: FCU URL: /dev/ttyAMA0:921600
  946. [ INFO] [1578685894.344995956]: serial0: device: /dev/ttyAMA0 @ 921600 bps
  947. [ INFO] [1578685894.346585227]: GCS URL: tcp-l://:5760
  948. [ INFO] [1578685894.348477467]: tcp1: Bind address:
  949. [ INFO] [1578685894.992172050]: Plugin 3dr_radio loaded
  950. [ INFO] [1578685895.003129914]: Plugin 3dr_radio initialized
  951. [ INFO] [1578685895.003953300]: Plugin altitude loaded
  952. [ INFO] [1578685895.011089342]: Plugin altitude initialized
  953. [ INFO] [1578685895.011904446]: Plugin autopilot_app_control loaded
  954. [ INFO] [1578685895.016739706]: Plugin autopilot_app_control initialized
  955. [ INFO] [1578685895.017807779]: Plugin command loaded
  956. [ INFO] [1578685895.050742519]: Plugin command initialized
  957. [ INFO] [1578685895.331531112]: Plugin distance_sensor loaded
  958. [ INFO] [1578685895.519483508]: Plugin distance_sensor initialized
  959. [ INFO] [1578685895.526684237]: Plugin ftp loaded
  960. [ INFO] [1578685895.576793508]: Plugin ftp initialized
  961. [ INFO] [1578685895.577656216]: Plugin geofence blacklisted
  962. [ INFO] [1578685895.579658300]: Plugin global_position loaded
  963. [ INFO] [1578685895.639296164]: Plugin global_position initialized
  964. [ INFO] [1578685895.641646998]: Plugin home_position loaded
  965. [ INFO] [1578685895.652923560]: Plugin home_position initialized
  966. [ INFO] [1578685895.655376060]: Plugin imu_pub loaded
  967. [ INFO] [1578685895.708189758]: Plugin imu_pub initialized
  968. [ INFO] [1578685895.709729289]: Plugin local_position loaded
  969. [ INFO] [1578685895.754251893]: Plugin local_position initialized
  970. [ INFO] [1578685895.756769289]: Plugin log_list loaded
  971. [ INFO] [1578685895.792358560]: Plugin log_list initialized
  972. [ INFO] [1578685895.794697518]: Plugin manual_control loaded
  973. [ INFO] [1578685895.799996164]: Plugin manual_control initialized
  974. [ INFO] [1578685895.800853300]: Plugin mocap_pose_estimate loaded
  975. [ INFO] [1578685895.868125487]: Plugin mocap_pose_estimate initialized
  976. [ INFO] [1578685895.868911893]: Plugin odom loaded
  977. [ INFO] [1578685895.890305591]: Plugin odom initialized
  978. [ INFO] [1578685895.891685487]: Plugin param loaded
  979. [ INFO] [1578685895.926885695]: Plugin param initialized
  980. [ INFO] [1578685895.927800643]: Plugin payload loaded
  981. [ INFO] [1578685895.928624341]: initialize
  982. [ INFO] [1578685895.981710800]: Plugin payload initialized
  983. [ INFO] [1578685895.982419341]: Plugin px4flow loaded
  984. [ INFO] [1578685896.014674289]: Plugin px4flow initialized
  985. [ INFO] [1578685896.016004185]: Plugin rc_io loaded
  986. [ INFO] [1578685896.041215852]: Plugin rc_io initialized
  987. [ INFO] [1578685896.042151268]: Plugin setpoint_position loaded
  988. [ INFO] [1578685896.125660539]: Plugin setpoint_position initialized
  989. [ INFO] [1578685896.126910956]: Plugin setpoint_raw loaded
  990. [ INFO] [1578685896.201672779]: Plugin setpoint_raw initialized
  991. [ INFO] [1578685896.202761477]: Plugin setpoint_velocity loaded
  992. [ INFO] [1578685896.227020174]: Plugin setpoint_velocity initialized
  993. [ INFO] [1578685896.229225799]: Plugin sys_status loaded
  994. [ INFO] [1578685896.297894133]: Plugin sys_status initialized
  995. [ INFO] [1578685896.301027049]: Plugin sys_time loaded
  996. [ INFO] [1578685896.355146945]: Plugin sys_time initialized
  997. [ INFO] [1578685896.357738195]: Plugin vfr_hud loaded
  998. [ INFO] [1578685896.368179341]: Plugin vfr_hud initialized
  999. [ INFO] [1578685896.368795331]: Plugin vibration blacklisted
  1000. [ INFO] [1578685896.370982414]: Plugin vision_pose_estimate loaded
  1001. [ INFO] [1578685896.442844445]: Plugin vision_pose_estimate initialized
  1002. [ INFO] [1578685896.443853508]: Plugin vision_speed_estimate loaded
  1003. [ INFO] [1578685896.465939601]: Plugin vision_speed_estimate initialized
  1004. [ INFO] [1578685896.467141945]: Plugin waypoint loaded
  1005. [ INFO] [1578685896.529694185]: Plugin waypoint initialized
  1006. [ INFO] [1578685896.530131164]: Autostarting mavlink via USB on PX4
  1007. [ INFO] [1578685896.532377935]: Built-in SIMD instructions: None
  1008. [ INFO] [1578685896.532678976]: Built-in MAVLink package version: 2016.11.11
  1009. [ INFO] [1578685896.532905278]: Known MAVLink dialects: common ardupilotmega
  1010. [ INFO] [1578685896.533073247]: MAVROS started. MY ID 255.241, TARGET ID 1.0
  1011. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1012. DEBUG in flask_views [/flyt/flytos/flytcore/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/rostful/]:
  1013. in FrontEnd with rosname: None
  1014. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1015. [FATAL] [1578685916.259272354]: heartbeat timeout called.. check serial connection to autopilot.. restarting mavros
  1016. [flytos/mavros-2] process has died [pid 2930, exit code -9, cmd /flyt/flytos/flytcore/lib/mavros/mavros_node __name:=mavros __log:=/root/.ros/log/8ef5952a-33e2-11ea-9083-b827eb83b79e/flytos-mavros-2.log].
  1017. log file: /root/.ros/log/8ef5952a-33e2-11ea-9083-b827eb83b79e/flytos-mavros-2*.log
  1018. [flytos/mavros-2] restarting process
  1019. process[flytos/mavros-2]: started with pid [4153]
  1020. [ INFO] [1578685926.804571882]: FCU URL: /dev/ttyAMA0:921600
  1021. [ INFO] [1578685926.809615163]: serial0: device: /dev/ttyAMA0 @ 921600 bps
  1022. [ INFO] [1578685926.811127038]: GCS URL: tcp-l://:5760
  1023. [ INFO] [1578685926.812932819]: tcp1: Bind address:
  1024. [WARN] [1578685927.052835]: Could not process inbound connection: [/flytos/rostful] is not a publisher of [/flytos/mavros/imu/mag]. Topics are [['/flytos/flyt/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/mavros/mission/waypoint_achieved', 'std_msgs/UInt8'], ['/flytos/mavros/rc/in', 'mavros_msgs/RCIn'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data_euler', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/rosout', 'rosgraph_msgs/Log'], ['/flytos/mavros/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/mavros/payload_adc', 'mavros_msgs/PayloadADC'], ['/flytos/navigation_server_pos/result', 'navigation_util/NavigationPosActionResult'], ['/flytos/mavros/home_position', 'mavros_msgs/HomePosition'], ['/flytos/mavros/extended_state', 'mavros_msgs/ExtendedState'], ['/flytos/mavros/global_position/global', 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'], ['/flytos/mavros/radio_status', 'mavros_msgs/RadioStatus'], ['/flytos/mavros/local_position/local', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/flytos/mavros/battery', 'sensor_msgs/BatteryState'], ['/flytos/mavros/vfr_hud', 'mavros_msgs/VFR_HUD'], ['/flytos/mavros/global_position/raw/fix', 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data', 'sensor_msgs/Imu']]{'message_definition': ' # Measurement of the Magnetic Field vector at a specific location.\n\n # If the covariance of the measurement is known, it should be filled in\n # (if all you know is the variance of each measurement, e.g. from the datasheet,\n #just put those along the diagonal)\n # A covariance matrix of all zeros will be interpreted as "covariance unknown",\n # and to use the data a covariance will have to be assumed or gotten from some\n # other source\n\n\n Header header # timestamp is the time the\n # field was measured\n # frame_id is the location and orientation\n # of the field measurement\n\n geometry_msgs/Vector3 magnetic_field # x, y, and z components of the\n # field vector in Tesla\n # If your sensor does not output 3 axes,\n # put NaNs in the components not reported.\n\n float64[9] magnetic_field_covariance # Row major about x, y, z axes\n # 0 is interpreted as variance unknown\n================================================================================\nMSG: std_msgs/Header\n# Standard metadata for higher-level stamped data types.\n# This is generally used to communicate timestamped data \n# in a particular coordinate frame.\n# \n# sequence ID: consecutively increasing ID \nuint32 seq\n#Two-integer timestamp that is expressed as:\n# * stamp.sec: seconds (stamp_secs) since epoch (in Python the variable is called \'secs\')\n# * stamp.nsec: nanoseconds since stamp_secs (in Python the variable is called \'nsecs\')\n# time-handling sugar is provided by the client library\ntime stamp\n#Frame this data is associated with\n# 0: no frame\n# 1: global frame\nstring frame_id\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: geometry_msgs/Vector3\n# This represents a vector in free space. \n# It is only meant to represent a direction. Therefore, it does not\n# make sense to apply a translation to it (e.g., when applying a \n# generic rigid transformation to a Vector3, tf2 will only apply the\n# rotation). If you want your data to be translatable too, use the\n# geometry_msgs/Point message instead.\n\nfloat64 x\nfloat64 y\nfloat64 z', 'callerid': '/flytos/rostful', 'tcp_nodelay': '0', 'md5sum': '2f3b0b43eed0c9501de0fa3ff89a45aa', 'topic': '/flytos/mavros/imu/mag', 'type': 'sensor_msgs/MagneticField'}
  1025. [WARN] [1578685927.099901]: Could not process inbound connection: Internal error processing topic [/flytos/mavros/payload_adc]{'message_definition': "std_msgs/Header header\nfloat32[2] adc_voltage\nuint8 adc_updated\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: std_msgs/Header\n# Standard metadata for higher-level stamped data types.\n# This is generally used to communicate timestamped data \n# in a particular coordinate frame.\n# \n# sequence ID: consecutively increasing ID \nuint32 seq\n#Two-integer timestamp that is expressed as:\n# * stamp.sec: seconds (stamp_secs) since epoch (in Python the variable is called 'secs')\n# * stamp.nsec: nanoseconds since stamp_secs (in Python the variable is called 'nsecs')\n# time-handling sugar is provided by the client library\ntime stamp\n#Frame this data is associated with\n# 0: no frame\n# 1: global frame\nstring frame_id\n", 'callerid': '/flytos/rostful', 'tcp_nodelay': '0', 'md5sum': 'd60a08e63bfc8af231e94c19fbd81263', 'topic': '/flytos/mavros/payload_adc', 'type': 'mavros_msgs/PayloadADC'}
  1026. [ INFO] [1578685927.131553392]: Plugin 3dr_radio loaded
  1027. [ INFO] [1578685927.156866569]: Plugin 3dr_radio initialized
  1028. [ INFO] [1578685927.158050840]: Plugin altitude loaded
  1029. [WARN] [1578685927.168666]: Could not process inbound connection: [/flytos/rostful] is not a publisher of [/flytos/mavros/battery]. Topics are [['/flytos/flyt/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/mavros/mission/waypoint_achieved', 'std_msgs/UInt8'], ['/flytos/mavros/rc/in', 'mavros_msgs/RCIn'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data_euler', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/rosout', 'rosgraph_msgs/Log'], ['/flytos/mavros/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/navigation_server_pos/result', 'navigation_util/NavigationPosActionResult'], ['/flytos/mavros/home_position', 'mavros_msgs/HomePosition'], ['/flytos/mavros/extended_state', 'mavros_msgs/ExtendedState'], ['/flytos/mavros/global_position/global', 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'], ['/flytos/mavros/radio_status', 'mavros_msgs/RadioStatus'], ['/flytos/mavros/local_position/local', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/flytos/mavros/vfr_hud', 'mavros_msgs/VFR_HUD'], ['/flytos/mavros/global_position/raw/fix', 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data', 'sensor_msgs/Imu']]{'message_definition': "\n# Constants are chosen to match the enums in the linux kernel\n# defined in include/linux/power_supply.h as of version 3.7\n# The one difference is for style reasons the constants are\n# all uppercase not mixed case.\n\n# Power supply status constants\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_STATUS_UNKNOWN = 0\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_STATUS_CHARGING = 1\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_STATUS_DISCHARGING = 2\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_STATUS_NOT_CHARGING = 3\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_STATUS_FULL = 4\n\n# Power supply health constants\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_UNKNOWN = 0\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_GOOD = 1\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_OVERHEAT = 2\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_DEAD = 3\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_OVERVOLTAGE = 4\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_UNSPEC_FAILURE = 5\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_COLD = 6\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_WATCHDOG_TIMER_EXPIRE = 7\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_SAFETY_TIMER_EXPIRE = 8\n\n# Power supply technology (chemistry) constants\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_TECHNOLOGY_UNKNOWN = 0\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_TECHNOLOGY_NIMH = 1\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_TECHNOLOGY_LION = 2\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_TECHNOLOGY_LIPO = 3\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_TECHNOLOGY_LIFE = 4\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_TECHNOLOGY_NICD = 5\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_TECHNOLOGY_LIMN = 6\n\nHeader header\nfloat32 voltage # Voltage in Volts (Mandatory)\nfloat32 current # Negative when discharging (A) (If unmeasured NaN)\nfloat32 charge # Current charge in Ah (If unmeasured NaN)\nfloat32 capacity # Capacity in Ah (last full capacity) (If unmeasured NaN)\nfloat32 design_capacity # Capacity in Ah (design capacity) (If unmeasured NaN)\nfloat32 percentage # Charge percentage on 0 to 1 range (If unmeasured NaN)\nuint8 power_supply_status # The charging status as reported. Values defined above\nuint8 power_supply_health # The battery health metric. Values defined above\nuint8 power_supply_technology # The battery chemistry. Values defined above\nbool present # True if the battery is present\n\nfloat32[] cell_voltage # An array of individual cell voltages for each cell in the pack\n # If individual voltages unknown but number of cells known set each to NaN\nstring location # The location into which the battery is inserted. (slot number or plug)\nstring serial_number # The best approximation of the battery serial number\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: std_msgs/Header\n# Standard metadata for higher-level stamped data types.\n# This is generally used to communicate timestamped data \n# in a particular coordinate frame.\n# \n# sequence ID: consecutively increasing ID \nuint32 seq\n#Two-integer timestamp that is expressed as:\n# * stamp.sec: seconds (stamp_secs) since epoch (in Python the variable is called 'secs')\n# * stamp.nsec: nanoseconds since stamp_secs (in Python the variable is called 'nsecs')\n# time-handling sugar is provided by the client library\ntime stamp\n#Frame this data is associated with\n# 0: no frame\n# 1: global frame\nstring frame_id\n", 'callerid': '/flytos/rostful', 'tcp_nodelay': '0', 'md5sum': '476f837fa6771f6e16e3bf4ef96f8770', 'topic': '/flytos/mavros/battery', 'type': 'sensor_msgs/BatteryState'}
  1030. [ INFO] [1578685927.190443704]: Plugin altitude initialized
  1031. [ INFO] [1578685927.191283288]: Plugin autopilot_app_control loaded
  1032. [ INFO] [1578685927.209015840]: Plugin autopilot_app_control initialized
  1033. [ INFO] [1578685927.209811256]: Plugin command loaded
  1034. [WARN] [1578685927.237719]: Could not process inbound connection: [/flytos/rostful] is not a publisher of [/flytos/mavros/vfr_hud]. Topics are [['/flytos/flyt/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/mavros/mission/waypoint_achieved', 'std_msgs/UInt8'], ['/flytos/mavros/rc/in', 'mavros_msgs/RCIn'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data_euler', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/rosout', 'rosgraph_msgs/Log'], ['/flytos/mavros/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/navigation_server_pos/result', 'navigation_util/NavigationPosActionResult'], ['/flytos/mavros/home_position', 'mavros_msgs/HomePosition'], ['/flytos/mavros/extended_state', 'mavros_msgs/ExtendedState'], ['/flytos/mavros/global_position/global', 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'], ['/flytos/mavros/radio_status', 'mavros_msgs/RadioStatus'], ['/flytos/mavros/local_position/local', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/flytos/mavros/global_position/raw/fix', 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data', 'sensor_msgs/Imu']]{'message_definition': "# Metrics typically displayed on a HUD for fixed wing aircraft\n#\n# VFR_HUD message\n\nstd_msgs/Header header\nfloat32 airspeed\t# m/s\nfloat32 groundspeed\t# m/s\nint16 heading\t\t# degrees 0..360\nfloat32 throttle\t\t# normalized to 0.0..1.0\nfloat32 altitude\t\t# MSL\nfloat32 climb\t\t# current climb rate m/s\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: std_msgs/Header\n# Standard metadata for higher-level stamped data types.\n# This is generally used to communicate timestamped data \n# in a particular coordinate frame.\n# \n# sequence ID: consecutively increasing ID \nuint32 seq\n#Two-integer timestamp that is expressed as:\n# * stamp.sec: seconds (stamp_secs) since epoch (in Python the variable is called 'secs')\n# * stamp.nsec: nanoseconds since stamp_secs (in Python the variable is called 'nsecs')\n# time-handling sugar is provided by the client library\ntime stamp\n#Frame this data is associated with\n# 0: no frame\n# 1: global frame\nstring frame_id\n", 'callerid': '/flytos/rostful', 'tcp_nodelay': '0', 'md5sum': '1f55e210c3d39fe105d44d8dc963655f', 'topic': '/flytos/mavros/vfr_hud', 'type': 'mavros_msgs/VFR_HUD'}
  1035. [ INFO] [1578685927.283518600]: Plugin command initialized
  1036. [WARN] [1578685927.298885]: Could not process inbound connection: [/flytos/rostful] is not a publisher of [/flytos/mavros/radio_status]. Topics are [['/flytos/flyt/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/mavros/mission/waypoint_achieved', 'std_msgs/UInt8'], ['/flytos/mavros/rc/in', 'mavros_msgs/RCIn'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data_euler', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/rosout', 'rosgraph_msgs/Log'], ['/flytos/mavros/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/navigation_server_pos/result', 'navigation_util/NavigationPosActionResult'], ['/flytos/mavros/home_position', 'mavros_msgs/HomePosition'], ['/flytos/mavros/extended_state', 'mavros_msgs/ExtendedState'], ['/flytos/mavros/global_position/global', 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'], ['/flytos/mavros/local_position/local', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/flytos/mavros/global_position/raw/fix', 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data', 'sensor_msgs/Imu']]{'message_definition': "# RADIO_STATUS message\n\nstd_msgs/Header header\n\n# message data\nuint8 rssi\nuint8 remrssi\nuint8 txbuf\nuint8 noise\nuint8 remnoise\nuint16 rxerrors\nuint16 fixed\n\n# calculated\nfloat32 rssi_dbm\nfloat32 remrssi_dbm\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: std_msgs/Header\n# Standard metadata for higher-level stamped data types.\n# This is generally used to communicate timestamped data \n# in a particular coordinate frame.\n# \n# sequence ID: consecutively increasing ID \nuint32 seq\n#Two-integer timestamp that is expressed as:\n# * stamp.sec: seconds (stamp_secs) since epoch (in Python the variable is called 'secs')\n# * stamp.nsec: nanoseconds since stamp_secs (in Python the variable is called 'nsecs')\n# time-handling sugar is provided by the client library\ntime stamp\n#Frame this data is associated with\n# 0: no frame\n# 1: global frame\nstring frame_id\n", 'callerid': '/flytos/rostful', 'tcp_nodelay': '0', 'md5sum': '04e4a879bb2687140da50a1a821e2190', 'topic': '/flytos/mavros/radio_status', 'type': 'mavros_msgs/RadioStatus'}
  1037. [WARN] [1578685927.337680]: Could not process inbound connection: Internal error processing topic [/flytos/mavros/global_position/raw/fix]{'message_definition': "# Navigation Satellite fix for any Global Navigation Satellite System\n#\n# Specified using the WGS 84 reference ellipsoid\n\n# header.stamp specifies the ROS time for this measurement (the\n# corresponding satellite time may be reported using the\n# sensor_msgs/TimeReference message).\n#\n# header.frame_id is the frame of reference reported by the satellite\n# receiver, usually the location of the antenna. This is a\n# Euclidean frame relative to the vehicle, not a reference\n# ellipsoid.\nHeader header\n\n# satellite fix status information\nNavSatStatus status\n\n# Latitude [degrees]. Positive is north of equator; negative is south.\nfloat64 latitude\n\n# Longitude [degrees]. Positive is east of prime meridian; negative is west.\nfloat64 longitude\n\n# Altitude [m]. Positive is above the WGS 84 ellipsoid\n# (quiet NaN if no altitude is available).\nfloat64 altitude\n\n# Position covariance [m^2] defined relative to a tangential plane\n# through the reported position. The components are East, North, and\n# Up (ENU), in row-major order.\n#\n# Beware: this coordinate system exhibits singularities at the poles.\n\nfloat64[9] position_covariance\n\n# If the covariance of the fix is known, fill it in completely. If the\n# GPS receiver provides the variance of each measurement, put them\n# along the diagonal. If only Dilution of Precision is available,\n# estimate an approximate covariance from that.\n\nuint8 COVARIANCE_TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0\nuint8 COVARIANCE_TYPE_APPROXIMATED = 1\nuint8 COVARIANCE_TYPE_DIAGONAL_KNOWN = 2\nuint8 COVARIANCE_TYPE_KNOWN = 3\n\nuint8 position_covariance_type\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: std_msgs/Header\n# Standard metadata for higher-level stamped data types.\n# This is generally used to communicate timestamped data \n# in a particular coordinate frame.\n# \n# sequence ID: consecutively increasing ID \nuint32 seq\n#Two-integer timestamp that is expressed as:\n# * stamp.sec: seconds (stamp_secs) since epoch (in Python the variable is called 'secs')\n# * stamp.nsec: nanoseconds since stamp_secs (in Python the variable is called 'nsecs')\n# time-handling sugar is provided by the client library\ntime stamp\n#Frame this data is associated with\n# 0: no frame\n# 1: global frame\nstring frame_id\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: sensor_msgs/NavSatStatus\n# Navigation Satellite fix status for any Global Navigation Satellite System\n\n# Whether to output an augmented fix is determined by both the fix\n# type and the last time differential corrections were received. A\n# fix is valid when status >= STATUS_FIX.\n\nint8 STATUS_NO_FIX = -1 # unable to fix position\nint8 STATUS_FIX = 0 # unaugmented fix\nint8 STATUS_SBAS_FIX = 1 # with satellite-based augmentation\nint8 STATUS_GBAS_FIX = 2 # with ground-based augmentation\n\nint8 status\n\n# Bits defining which Global Navigation Satellite System signals were\n# used by the receiver.\n\nuint16 SERVICE_GPS = 1\nuint16 SERVICE_GLONASS = 2\nuint16 SERVICE_COMPASS = 4 # includes BeiDou.\nuint16 SERVICE_GALILEO = 8\n\nuint16 service\n", 'callerid': '/flytos/rostful', 'tcp_nodelay': '0', 'md5sum': '2d3a8cd499b9b4a0249fb98fd05cfa48', 'topic': '/flytos/mavros/global_position/raw/fix', 'type': 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'}
  1038. [ INFO] [1578685927.491301569]: Plugin distance_sensor loaded
  1039. [ INFO] [1578685927.639049017]: Plugin distance_sensor initialized
  1040. [ INFO] [1578685927.641686985]: Plugin ftp loaded
  1041. [ INFO] [1578685927.692111100]: Plugin ftp initialized
  1042. [ INFO] [1578685927.693836412]: Plugin geofence blacklisted
  1043. [ INFO] [1578685927.696027090]: Plugin global_position loaded
  1044. [ INFO] [1578685927.745479485]: Plugin global_position initialized
  1045. [ INFO] [1578685927.747797871]: Plugin home_position loaded
  1046. [ INFO] [1578685927.753813756]: Plugin home_position initialized
  1047. [ INFO] [1578685927.756209121]: Plugin imu_pub loaded
  1048. [ INFO] [1578685927.846173235]: Plugin imu_pub initialized
  1049. [ INFO] [1578685927.847265787]: Plugin local_position loaded
  1050. [ INFO] [1578685927.962986621]: Plugin local_position initialized
  1051. [ INFO] [1578685927.964020058]: Plugin log_list loaded
  1052. [ INFO] [1578685927.990716048]: Plugin log_list initialized
  1053. [ INFO] [1578685927.991658079]: Plugin manual_control loaded
  1054. [ INFO] [1578685927.996041152]: Plugin manual_control initialized
  1055. [ INFO] [1578685927.996935162]: Plugin mocap_pose_estimate loaded
  1056. [ INFO] [1578685928.038849381]: Plugin mocap_pose_estimate initialized
  1057. [ INFO] [1578685928.039669902]: Plugin odom loaded
  1058. [ INFO] [1578685928.072401621]: Plugin odom initialized
  1059. [ INFO] [1578685928.074665423]: Plugin param loaded
  1060. [ INFO] [1578685928.111303548]: Plugin param initialized
  1061. [ INFO] [1578685928.113115839]: Plugin payload loaded
  1062. [ INFO] [1578685928.115046360]: initialize
  1063. [ INFO] [1578685928.191251568]: Plugin payload initialized
  1064. [ INFO] [1578685928.192019693]: Plugin px4flow loaded
  1065. [ INFO] [1578685928.241034850]: Plugin px4flow initialized
  1066. [ INFO] [1578685928.242227558]: Plugin rc_io loaded
  1067. [ INFO] [1578685928.286638912]: Plugin rc_io initialized
  1068. [ INFO] [1578685928.287666985]: Plugin setpoint_position loaded
  1069. [ INFO] [1578685928.377286568]: Plugin setpoint_position initialized
  1070. [ INFO] [1578685928.378282454]: Plugin setpoint_raw loaded
  1071. [ INFO] [1578685928.439657298]: Plugin setpoint_raw initialized
  1072. [ INFO] [1578685928.440648391]: Plugin setpoint_velocity loaded
  1073. [ INFO] [1578685928.459104433]: Plugin setpoint_velocity initialized
  1074. [ INFO] [1578685928.460609745]: Plugin sys_status loaded
  1075. [ INFO] [1578685928.510950839]: Plugin sys_status initialized
  1076. [ INFO] [1578685928.513315423]: Plugin sys_time loaded
  1077. [ INFO] [1578685928.535005110]: Plugin sys_time initialized
  1078. [ INFO] [1578685928.537056100]: Plugin vfr_hud loaded
  1079. [ INFO] [1578685928.545990631]: Plugin vfr_hud initialized
  1080. [ INFO] [1578685928.546704277]: Plugin vibration blacklisted
  1081. [ INFO] [1578685928.548476620]: Plugin vision_pose_estimate loaded
  1082. [ INFO] [1578685928.655362454]: Plugin vision_pose_estimate initialized
  1083. [ INFO] [1578685928.656185318]: Plugin vision_speed_estimate loaded
  1084. [ INFO] [1578685928.680416412]: Plugin vision_speed_estimate initialized
  1085. [ INFO] [1578685928.681440318]: Plugin waypoint loaded
  1086. [ INFO] [1578685928.747091620]: Plugin waypoint initialized
  1087. [ INFO] [1578685928.747442402]: Autostarting mavlink via USB on PX4
  1088. [ INFO] [1578685928.748065475]: Built-in SIMD instructions: None
  1089. [ INFO] [1578685928.749077350]: Built-in MAVLink package version: 2016.11.11
  1090. [ INFO] [1578685928.751604068]: Known MAVLink dialects: common ardupilotmega
  1091. [ INFO] [1578685928.752389016]: MAVROS started. MY ID 255.241, TARGET ID 1.0
  1092. [FATAL] [1578685948.488455050]: heartbeat timeout called.. check serial connection to autopilot.. restarting mavros
  1093. [flytos/mavros-2] process has died [pid 4153, exit code -9, cmd /flyt/flytos/flytcore/lib/mavros/mavros_node __name:=mavros __log:=/root/.ros/log/8ef5952a-33e2-11ea-9083-b827eb83b79e/flytos-mavros-2.log].
  1094. log file: /root/.ros/log/8ef5952a-33e2-11ea-9083-b827eb83b79e/flytos-mavros-2*.log
  1095. [flytos/mavros-2] restarting process
  1096. process[flytos/mavros-2]: started with pid [5153]
  1097. [ INFO] [1578685958.998309942]: FCU URL: /dev/ttyAMA0:921600
  1098. [ INFO] [1578685959.004086765]: serial0: device: /dev/ttyAMA0 @ 921600 bps
  1099. [ INFO] [1578685959.006163484]: GCS URL: tcp-l://:5760
  1100. [ INFO] [1578685959.008217911]: tcp1: Bind address:
  1101. [WARN] [1578685959.045123]: Could not process inbound connection: [/flytos/rostful] is not a publisher of [/flytos/mavros/imu/mag]. Topics are [['/flytos/flyt/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/mavros/mission/waypoint_achieved', 'std_msgs/UInt8'], ['/flytos/mavros/rc/in', 'mavros_msgs/RCIn'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data_euler', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/rosout', 'rosgraph_msgs/Log'], ['/flytos/mavros/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/mavros/payload_adc', 'mavros_msgs/PayloadADC'], ['/flytos/navigation_server_pos/result', 'navigation_util/NavigationPosActionResult'], ['/flytos/mavros/home_position', 'mavros_msgs/HomePosition'], ['/flytos/mavros/extended_state', 'mavros_msgs/ExtendedState'], ['/flytos/mavros/global_position/global', 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'], ['/flytos/mavros/radio_status', 'mavros_msgs/RadioStatus'], ['/flytos/mavros/local_position/local', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/flytos/mavros/battery', 'sensor_msgs/BatteryState'], ['/flytos/mavros/vfr_hud', 'mavros_msgs/VFR_HUD'], ['/flytos/mavros/global_position/raw/fix', 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data', 'sensor_msgs/Imu']]{'message_definition': ' # Measurement of the Magnetic Field vector at a specific location.\n\n # If the covariance of the measurement is known, it should be filled in\n # (if all you know is the variance of each measurement, e.g. from the datasheet,\n #just put those along the diagonal)\n # A covariance matrix of all zeros will be interpreted as "covariance unknown",\n # and to use the data a covariance will have to be assumed or gotten from some\n # other source\n\n\n Header header # timestamp is the time the\n # field was measured\n # frame_id is the location and orientation\n # of the field measurement\n\n geometry_msgs/Vector3 magnetic_field # x, y, and z components of the\n # field vector in Tesla\n # If your sensor does not output 3 axes,\n # put NaNs in the components not reported.\n\n float64[9] magnetic_field_covariance # Row major about x, y, z axes\n # 0 is interpreted as variance unknown\n================================================================================\nMSG: std_msgs/Header\n# Standard metadata for higher-level stamped data types.\n# This is generally used to communicate timestamped data \n# in a particular coordinate frame.\n# \n# sequence ID: consecutively increasing ID \nuint32 seq\n#Two-integer timestamp that is expressed as:\n# * stamp.sec: seconds (stamp_secs) since epoch (in Python the variable is called \'secs\')\n# * stamp.nsec: nanoseconds since stamp_secs (in Python the variable is called \'nsecs\')\n# time-handling sugar is provided by the client library\ntime stamp\n#Frame this data is associated with\n# 0: no frame\n# 1: global frame\nstring frame_id\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: geometry_msgs/Vector3\n# This represents a vector in free space. \n# It is only meant to represent a direction. Therefore, it does not\n# make sense to apply a translation to it (e.g., when applying a \n# generic rigid transformation to a Vector3, tf2 will only apply the\n# rotation). If you want your data to be translatable too, use the\n# geometry_msgs/Point message instead.\n\nfloat64 x\nfloat64 y\nfloat64 z', 'callerid': '/flytos/rostful', 'tcp_nodelay': '0', 'md5sum': '2f3b0b43eed0c9501de0fa3ff89a45aa', 'topic': '/flytos/mavros/imu/mag', 'type': 'sensor_msgs/MagneticField'}
  1102. [WARN] [1578685959.079813]: Could not process inbound connection: [/flytos/rostful] is not a publisher of [/flytos/mavros/payload_adc]. Topics are [['/flytos/flyt/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/mavros/mission/waypoint_achieved', 'std_msgs/UInt8'], ['/flytos/mavros/rc/in', 'mavros_msgs/RCIn'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data_euler', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/rosout', 'rosgraph_msgs/Log'], ['/flytos/mavros/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/navigation_server_pos/result', 'navigation_util/NavigationPosActionResult'], ['/flytos/mavros/home_position', 'mavros_msgs/HomePosition'], ['/flytos/mavros/extended_state', 'mavros_msgs/ExtendedState'], ['/flytos/mavros/global_position/global', 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'], ['/flytos/mavros/radio_status', 'mavros_msgs/RadioStatus'], ['/flytos/mavros/local_position/local', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/flytos/mavros/battery', 'sensor_msgs/BatteryState'], ['/flytos/mavros/vfr_hud', 'mavros_msgs/VFR_HUD'], ['/flytos/mavros/global_position/raw/fix', 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data', 'sensor_msgs/Imu']]{'message_definition': "std_msgs/Header header\nfloat32[2] adc_voltage\nuint8 adc_updated\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: std_msgs/Header\n# Standard metadata for higher-level stamped data types.\n# This is generally used to communicate timestamped data \n# in a particular coordinate frame.\n# \n# sequence ID: consecutively increasing ID \nuint32 seq\n#Two-integer timestamp that is expressed as:\n# * stamp.sec: seconds (stamp_secs) since epoch (in Python the variable is called 'secs')\n# * stamp.nsec: nanoseconds since stamp_secs (in Python the variable is called 'nsecs')\n# time-handling sugar is provided by the client library\ntime stamp\n#Frame this data is associated with\n# 0: no frame\n# 1: global frame\nstring frame_id\n", 'callerid': '/flytos/rostful', 'tcp_nodelay': '0', 'md5sum': 'd60a08e63bfc8af231e94c19fbd81263', 'topic': '/flytos/mavros/payload_adc', 'type': 'mavros_msgs/PayloadADC'}
  1103. [WARN] [1578685959.116261]: Could not process inbound connection: Internal error processing topic [/flytos/mavros/battery]{'message_definition': "\n# Constants are chosen to match the enums in the linux kernel\n# defined in include/linux/power_supply.h as of version 3.7\n# The one difference is for style reasons the constants are\n# all uppercase not mixed case.\n\n# Power supply status constants\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_STATUS_UNKNOWN = 0\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_STATUS_CHARGING = 1\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_STATUS_DISCHARGING = 2\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_STATUS_NOT_CHARGING = 3\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_STATUS_FULL = 4\n\n# Power supply health constants\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_UNKNOWN = 0\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_GOOD = 1\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_OVERHEAT = 2\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_DEAD = 3\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_OVERVOLTAGE = 4\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_UNSPEC_FAILURE = 5\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_COLD = 6\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_WATCHDOG_TIMER_EXPIRE = 7\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_SAFETY_TIMER_EXPIRE = 8\n\n# Power supply technology (chemistry) constants\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_TECHNOLOGY_UNKNOWN = 0\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_TECHNOLOGY_NIMH = 1\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_TECHNOLOGY_LION = 2\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_TECHNOLOGY_LIPO = 3\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_TECHNOLOGY_LIFE = 4\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_TECHNOLOGY_NICD = 5\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_TECHNOLOGY_LIMN = 6\n\nHeader header\nfloat32 voltage # Voltage in Volts (Mandatory)\nfloat32 current # Negative when discharging (A) (If unmeasured NaN)\nfloat32 charge # Current charge in Ah (If unmeasured NaN)\nfloat32 capacity # Capacity in Ah (last full capacity) (If unmeasured NaN)\nfloat32 design_capacity # Capacity in Ah (design capacity) (If unmeasured NaN)\nfloat32 percentage # Charge percentage on 0 to 1 range (If unmeasured NaN)\nuint8 power_supply_status # The charging status as reported. Values defined above\nuint8 power_supply_health # The battery health metric. Values defined above\nuint8 power_supply_technology # The battery chemistry. Values defined above\nbool present # True if the battery is present\n\nfloat32[] cell_voltage # An array of individual cell voltages for each cell in the pack\n # If individual voltages unknown but number of cells known set each to NaN\nstring location # The location into which the battery is inserted. (slot number or plug)\nstring serial_number # The best approximation of the battery serial number\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: std_msgs/Header\n# Standard metadata for higher-level stamped data types.\n# This is generally used to communicate timestamped data \n# in a particular coordinate frame.\n# \n# sequence ID: consecutively increasing ID \nuint32 seq\n#Two-integer timestamp that is expressed as:\n# * stamp.sec: seconds (stamp_secs) since epoch (in Python the variable is called 'secs')\n# * stamp.nsec: nanoseconds since stamp_secs (in Python the variable is called 'nsecs')\n# time-handling sugar is provided by the client library\ntime stamp\n#Frame this data is associated with\n# 0: no frame\n# 1: global frame\nstring frame_id\n", 'callerid': '/flytos/rostful', 'tcp_nodelay': '0', 'md5sum': '476f837fa6771f6e16e3bf4ef96f8770', 'topic': '/flytos/mavros/battery', 'type': 'sensor_msgs/BatteryState'}
  1104. [WARN] [1578685959.162236]: Could not process inbound connection: [/flytos/rostful] is not a publisher of [/flytos/mavros/vfr_hud]. Topics are [['/flytos/flyt/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/mavros/mission/waypoint_achieved', 'std_msgs/UInt8'], ['/flytos/mavros/rc/in', 'mavros_msgs/RCIn'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data_euler', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/rosout', 'rosgraph_msgs/Log'], ['/flytos/mavros/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/navigation_server_pos/result', 'navigation_util/NavigationPosActionResult'], ['/flytos/mavros/home_position', 'mavros_msgs/HomePosition'], ['/flytos/mavros/extended_state', 'mavros_msgs/ExtendedState'], ['/flytos/mavros/global_position/global', 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'], ['/flytos/mavros/radio_status', 'mavros_msgs/RadioStatus'], ['/flytos/mavros/local_position/local', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/flytos/mavros/global_position/raw/fix', 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data', 'sensor_msgs/Imu']]{'message_definition': "# Metrics typically displayed on a HUD for fixed wing aircraft\n#\n# VFR_HUD message\n\nstd_msgs/Header header\nfloat32 airspeed\t# m/s\nfloat32 groundspeed\t# m/s\nint16 heading\t\t# degrees 0..360\nfloat32 throttle\t\t# normalized to 0.0..1.0\nfloat32 altitude\t\t# MSL\nfloat32 climb\t\t# current climb rate m/s\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: std_msgs/Header\n# Standard metadata for higher-level stamped data types.\n# This is generally used to communicate timestamped data \n# in a particular coordinate frame.\n# \n# sequence ID: consecutively increasing ID \nuint32 seq\n#Two-integer timestamp that is expressed as:\n# * stamp.sec: seconds (stamp_secs) since epoch (in Python the variable is called 'secs')\n# * stamp.nsec: nanoseconds since stamp_secs (in Python the variable is called 'nsecs')\n# time-handling sugar is provided by the client library\ntime stamp\n#Frame this data is associated with\n# 0: no frame\n# 1: global frame\nstring frame_id\n", 'callerid': '/flytos/rostful', 'tcp_nodelay': '0', 'md5sum': '1f55e210c3d39fe105d44d8dc963655f', 'topic': '/flytos/mavros/vfr_hud', 'type': 'mavros_msgs/VFR_HUD'}
  1105. [WARN] [1578685959.196403]: Could not process inbound connection: [/flytos/rostful] is not a publisher of [/flytos/mavros/radio_status]. Topics are [['/flytos/flyt/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/mavros/mission/waypoint_achieved', 'std_msgs/UInt8'], ['/flytos/mavros/rc/in', 'mavros_msgs/RCIn'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data_euler', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/rosout', 'rosgraph_msgs/Log'], ['/flytos/mavros/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/navigation_server_pos/result', 'navigation_util/NavigationPosActionResult'], ['/flytos/mavros/home_position', 'mavros_msgs/HomePosition'], ['/flytos/mavros/extended_state', 'mavros_msgs/ExtendedState'], ['/flytos/mavros/global_position/global', 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'], ['/flytos/mavros/local_position/local', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/flytos/mavros/global_position/raw/fix', 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data', 'sensor_msgs/Imu']]{'message_definition': "# RADIO_STATUS message\n\nstd_msgs/Header header\n\n# message data\nuint8 rssi\nuint8 remrssi\nuint8 txbuf\nuint8 noise\nuint8 remnoise\nuint16 rxerrors\nuint16 fixed\n\n# calculated\nfloat32 rssi_dbm\nfloat32 remrssi_dbm\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: std_msgs/Header\n# Standard metadata for higher-level stamped data types.\n# This is generally used to communicate timestamped data \n# in a particular coordinate frame.\n# \n# sequence ID: consecutively increasing ID \nuint32 seq\n#Two-integer timestamp that is expressed as:\n# * stamp.sec: seconds (stamp_secs) since epoch (in Python the variable is called 'secs')\n# * stamp.nsec: nanoseconds since stamp_secs (in Python the variable is called 'nsecs')\n# time-handling sugar is provided by the client library\ntime stamp\n#Frame this data is associated with\n# 0: no frame\n# 1: global frame\nstring frame_id\n", 'callerid': '/flytos/rostful', 'tcp_nodelay': '0', 'md5sum': '04e4a879bb2687140da50a1a821e2190', 'topic': '/flytos/mavros/radio_status', 'type': 'mavros_msgs/RadioStatus'}
  1106. [WARN] [1578685959.230476]: Could not process inbound connection: Internal error processing topic [/flytos/mavros/global_position/raw/fix]{'message_definition': "# Navigation Satellite fix for any Global Navigation Satellite System\n#\n# Specified using the WGS 84 reference ellipsoid\n\n# header.stamp specifies the ROS time for this measurement (the\n# corresponding satellite time may be reported using the\n# sensor_msgs/TimeReference message).\n#\n# header.frame_id is the frame of reference reported by the satellite\n# receiver, usually the location of the antenna. This is a\n# Euclidean frame relative to the vehicle, not a reference\n# ellipsoid.\nHeader header\n\n# satellite fix status information\nNavSatStatus status\n\n# Latitude [degrees]. Positive is north of equator; negative is south.\nfloat64 latitude\n\n# Longitude [degrees]. Positive is east of prime meridian; negative is west.\nfloat64 longitude\n\n# Altitude [m]. Positive is above the WGS 84 ellipsoid\n# (quiet NaN if no altitude is available).\nfloat64 altitude\n\n# Position covariance [m^2] defined relative to a tangential plane\n# through the reported position. The components are East, North, and\n# Up (ENU), in row-major order.\n#\n# Beware: this coordinate system exhibits singularities at the poles.\n\nfloat64[9] position_covariance\n\n# If the covariance of the fix is known, fill it in completely. If the\n# GPS receiver provides the variance of each measurement, put them\n# along the diagonal. If only Dilution of Precision is available,\n# estimate an approximate covariance from that.\n\nuint8 COVARIANCE_TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0\nuint8 COVARIANCE_TYPE_APPROXIMATED = 1\nuint8 COVARIANCE_TYPE_DIAGONAL_KNOWN = 2\nuint8 COVARIANCE_TYPE_KNOWN = 3\n\nuint8 position_covariance_type\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: std_msgs/Header\n# Standard metadata for higher-level stamped data types.\n# This is generally used to communicate timestamped data \n# in a particular coordinate frame.\n# \n# sequence ID: consecutively increasing ID \nuint32 seq\n#Two-integer timestamp that is expressed as:\n# * stamp.sec: seconds (stamp_secs) since epoch (in Python the variable is called 'secs')\n# * stamp.nsec: nanoseconds since stamp_secs (in Python the variable is called 'nsecs')\n# time-handling sugar is provided by the client library\ntime stamp\n#Frame this data is associated with\n# 0: no frame\n# 1: global frame\nstring frame_id\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: sensor_msgs/NavSatStatus\n# Navigation Satellite fix status for any Global Navigation Satellite System\n\n# Whether to output an augmented fix is determined by both the fix\n# type and the last time differential corrections were received. A\n# fix is valid when status >= STATUS_FIX.\n\nint8 STATUS_NO_FIX = -1 # unable to fix position\nint8 STATUS_FIX = 0 # unaugmented fix\nint8 STATUS_SBAS_FIX = 1 # with satellite-based augmentation\nint8 STATUS_GBAS_FIX = 2 # with ground-based augmentation\n\nint8 status\n\n# Bits defining which Global Navigation Satellite System signals were\n# used by the receiver.\n\nuint16 SERVICE_GPS = 1\nuint16 SERVICE_GLONASS = 2\nuint16 SERVICE_COMPASS = 4 # includes BeiDou.\nuint16 SERVICE_GALILEO = 8\n\nuint16 service\n", 'callerid': '/flytos/rostful', 'tcp_nodelay': '0', 'md5sum': '2d3a8cd499b9b4a0249fb98fd05cfa48', 'topic': '/flytos/mavros/global_position/raw/fix', 'type': 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'}
  1107. [ INFO] [1578685959.336112338]: Plugin 3dr_radio loaded
  1108. [ INFO] [1578685959.347504317]: Plugin 3dr_radio initialized
  1109. [ INFO] [1578685959.348274109]: Plugin altitude loaded
  1110. [ INFO] [1578685959.355569369]: Plugin altitude initialized
  1111. [ INFO] [1578685959.356568952]: Plugin autopilot_app_control loaded
  1112. [ INFO] [1578685959.361267182]: Plugin autopilot_app_control initialized
  1113. [ INFO] [1578685959.362269577]: Plugin command loaded
  1114. [ INFO] [1578685959.396770046]: Plugin command initialized
  1115. [ INFO] [1578685959.583551036]: Plugin distance_sensor loaded
  1116. [ INFO] [1578685959.725539421]: Plugin distance_sensor initialized
  1117. [ INFO] [1578685959.727684473]: Plugin ftp loaded
  1118. [ INFO] [1578685959.778214161]: Plugin ftp initialized
  1119. [ INFO] [1578685959.779370984]: Plugin geofence blacklisted
  1120. [ INFO] [1578685959.780993171]: Plugin global_position loaded
  1121. [ INFO] [1578685959.829680463]: Plugin global_position initialized
  1122. [ INFO] [1578685959.830650671]: Plugin home_position loaded
  1123. [ INFO] [1578685959.835177911]: Plugin home_position initialized
  1124. [ INFO] [1578685959.836159890]: Plugin imu_pub loaded
  1125. [ INFO] [1578685959.946296296]: Plugin imu_pub initialized
  1126. [ INFO] [1578685959.947189942]: Plugin local_position loaded
  1127. [ INFO] [1578685960.077357181]: Plugin local_position initialized
  1128. [ INFO] [1578685960.078378744]: Plugin log_list loaded
  1129. [ INFO] [1578685960.120938379]: Plugin log_list initialized
  1130. [ INFO] [1578685960.121904681]: Plugin manual_control loaded
  1131. [ INFO] [1578685960.126559317]: Plugin manual_control initialized
  1132. [ INFO] [1578685960.127375098]: Plugin mocap_pose_estimate loaded
  1133. [ INFO] [1578685960.157150358]: Plugin mocap_pose_estimate initialized
  1134. [ INFO] [1578685960.158016088]: Plugin odom loaded
  1135. [ INFO] [1578685960.180293327]: Plugin odom initialized
  1136. [ INFO] [1578685960.183001192]: Plugin param loaded
  1137. [ INFO] [1578685960.234502754]: Plugin param initialized
  1138. [ INFO] [1578685960.236433848]: Plugin payload loaded
  1139. [ INFO] [1578685960.238288431]: initialize
  1140. [ INFO] [1578685960.302419994]: Plugin payload initialized
  1141. [ INFO] [1578685960.304054473]: Plugin px4flow loaded
  1142. [ INFO] [1578685960.343325515]: Plugin px4flow initialized
  1143. [ INFO] [1578685960.345500567]: Plugin rc_io loaded
  1144. [ INFO] [1578685960.377575410]: Plugin rc_io initialized
  1145. [ INFO] [1578685960.379280983]: Plugin setpoint_position loaded
  1146. [ INFO] [1578685960.472575515]: Plugin setpoint_position initialized
  1147. [ INFO] [1578685960.476081556]: Plugin setpoint_raw loaded
  1148. [ INFO] [1578685960.539505254]: Plugin setpoint_raw initialized
  1149. [ INFO] [1578685960.541417181]: Plugin setpoint_velocity loaded
  1150. [ INFO] [1578685960.560312389]: Plugin setpoint_velocity initialized
  1151. [ INFO] [1578685960.562518014]: Plugin sys_status loaded
  1152. [ INFO] [1578685960.634557806]: Plugin sys_status initialized
  1153. [ INFO] [1578685960.636506712]: Plugin sys_time loaded
  1154. [ INFO] [1578685960.662022389]: Plugin sys_time initialized
  1155. [ INFO] [1578685960.662908119]: Plugin vfr_hud loaded
  1156. [ INFO] [1578685960.671962233]: Plugin vfr_hud initialized
  1157. [ INFO] [1578685960.672762494]: Plugin vibration blacklisted
  1158. [ INFO] [1578685960.674412910]: Plugin vision_pose_estimate loaded
  1159. [ INFO] [1578685960.746583848]: Plugin vision_pose_estimate initialized
  1160. [ INFO] [1578685960.747809473]: Plugin vision_speed_estimate loaded
  1161. [ INFO] [1578685960.771348171]: Plugin vision_speed_estimate initialized
  1162. [ INFO] [1578685960.772349004]: Plugin waypoint loaded
  1163. [ INFO] [1578685960.827475775]: Plugin waypoint initialized
  1164. [ INFO] [1578685960.829216660]: Autostarting mavlink via USB on PX4
  1165. [ INFO] [1578685960.830743014]: Built-in SIMD instructions: None
  1166. [ INFO] [1578685960.831578587]: Built-in MAVLink package version: 2016.11.11
  1167. [ INFO] [1578685960.832483535]: Known MAVLink dialects: common ardupilotmega
  1168. [ INFO] [1578685960.833273483]: MAVROS started. MY ID 255.241, TARGET ID 1.0
  1169. [FATAL] [1578685980.589332486]: heartbeat timeout called.. check serial connection to autopilot.. restarting mavros
  1170. [flytos/mavros-2] process has died [pid 5153, exit code -9, cmd /flyt/flytos/flytcore/lib/mavros/mavros_node __name:=mavros __log:=/root/.ros/log/8ef5952a-33e2-11ea-9083-b827eb83b79e/flytos-mavros-2.log].
  1171. log file: /root/.ros/log/8ef5952a-33e2-11ea-9083-b827eb83b79e/flytos-mavros-2*.log
  1172. [flytos/mavros-2] restarting process
  1173. process[flytos/mavros-2]: started with pid [6107]
  1174. [ INFO] [1578685991.061106492]: FCU URL: /dev/ttyAMA0:921600
  1175. [ INFO] [1578685991.066500086]: serial0: device: /dev/ttyAMA0 @ 921600 bps
  1176. [ INFO] [1578685991.068145763]: GCS URL: tcp-l://:5760
  1177. [ INFO] [1578685991.071524670]: tcp1: Bind address:
  1178. [WARN] [1578685991.183994]: Could not process inbound connection: Internal error processing topic [/flytos/mavros/imu/mag]{'message_definition': ' # Measurement of the Magnetic Field vector at a specific location.\n\n # If the covariance of the measurement is known, it should be filled in\n # (if all you know is the variance of each measurement, e.g. from the datasheet,\n #just put those along the diagonal)\n # A covariance matrix of all zeros will be interpreted as "covariance unknown",\n # and to use the data a covariance will have to be assumed or gotten from some\n # other source\n\n\n Header header # timestamp is the time the\n # field was measured\n # frame_id is the location and orientation\n # of the field measurement\n\n geometry_msgs/Vector3 magnetic_field # x, y, and z components of the\n # field vector in Tesla\n # If your sensor does not output 3 axes,\n # put NaNs in the components not reported.\n\n float64[9] magnetic_field_covariance # Row major about x, y, z axes\n # 0 is interpreted as variance unknown\n================================================================================\nMSG: std_msgs/Header\n# Standard metadata for higher-level stamped data types.\n# This is generally used to communicate timestamped data \n# in a particular coordinate frame.\n# \n# sequence ID: consecutively increasing ID \nuint32 seq\n#Two-integer timestamp that is expressed as:\n# * stamp.sec: seconds (stamp_secs) since epoch (in Python the variable is called \'secs\')\n# * stamp.nsec: nanoseconds since stamp_secs (in Python the variable is called \'nsecs\')\n# time-handling sugar is provided by the client library\ntime stamp\n#Frame this data is associated with\n# 0: no frame\n# 1: global frame\nstring frame_id\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: geometry_msgs/Vector3\n# This represents a vector in free space. \n# It is only meant to represent a direction. Therefore, it does not\n# make sense to apply a translation to it (e.g., when applying a \n# generic rigid transformation to a Vector3, tf2 will only apply the\n# rotation). If you want your data to be translatable too, use the\n# geometry_msgs/Point message instead.\n\nfloat64 x\nfloat64 y\nfloat64 z', 'callerid': '/flytos/rostful', 'tcp_nodelay': '0', 'md5sum': '2f3b0b43eed0c9501de0fa3ff89a45aa', 'topic': '/flytos/mavros/imu/mag', 'type': 'sensor_msgs/MagneticField'}
  1179. [WARN] [1578685991.228466]: Could not process inbound connection: Internal error processing topic [/flytos/mavros/payload_adc]{'message_definition': "std_msgs/Header header\nfloat32[2] adc_voltage\nuint8 adc_updated\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: std_msgs/Header\n# Standard metadata for higher-level stamped data types.\n# This is generally used to communicate timestamped data \n# in a particular coordinate frame.\n# \n# sequence ID: consecutively increasing ID \nuint32 seq\n#Two-integer timestamp that is expressed as:\n# * stamp.sec: seconds (stamp_secs) since epoch (in Python the variable is called 'secs')\n# * stamp.nsec: nanoseconds since stamp_secs (in Python the variable is called 'nsecs')\n# time-handling sugar is provided by the client library\ntime stamp\n#Frame this data is associated with\n# 0: no frame\n# 1: global frame\nstring frame_id\n", 'callerid': '/flytos/rostful', 'tcp_nodelay': '0', 'md5sum': 'd60a08e63bfc8af231e94c19fbd81263', 'topic': '/flytos/mavros/payload_adc', 'type': 'mavros_msgs/PayloadADC'}
  1180. [WARN] [1578685991.267927]: Could not process inbound connection: [/flytos/rostful] is not a publisher of [/flytos/mavros/battery]. Topics are [['/flytos/flyt/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/mavros/mission/waypoint_achieved', 'std_msgs/UInt8'], ['/flytos/mavros/rc/in', 'mavros_msgs/RCIn'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data_euler', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/rosout', 'rosgraph_msgs/Log'], ['/flytos/mavros/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/navigation_server_pos/result', 'navigation_util/NavigationPosActionResult'], ['/flytos/mavros/home_position', 'mavros_msgs/HomePosition'], ['/flytos/mavros/extended_state', 'mavros_msgs/ExtendedState'], ['/flytos/mavros/global_position/global', 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'], ['/flytos/mavros/radio_status', 'mavros_msgs/RadioStatus'], ['/flytos/mavros/local_position/local', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/flytos/mavros/vfr_hud', 'mavros_msgs/VFR_HUD'], ['/flytos/mavros/global_position/raw/fix', 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data', 'sensor_msgs/Imu']]{'message_definition': "\n# Constants are chosen to match the enums in the linux kernel\n# defined in include/linux/power_supply.h as of version 3.7\n# The one difference is for style reasons the constants are\n# all uppercase not mixed case.\n\n# Power supply status constants\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_STATUS_UNKNOWN = 0\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_STATUS_CHARGING = 1\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_STATUS_DISCHARGING = 2\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_STATUS_NOT_CHARGING = 3\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_STATUS_FULL = 4\n\n# Power supply health constants\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_UNKNOWN = 0\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_GOOD = 1\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_OVERHEAT = 2\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_DEAD = 3\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_OVERVOLTAGE = 4\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_UNSPEC_FAILURE = 5\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_COLD = 6\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_WATCHDOG_TIMER_EXPIRE = 7\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_SAFETY_TIMER_EXPIRE = 8\n\n# Power supply technology (chemistry) constants\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_TECHNOLOGY_UNKNOWN = 0\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_TECHNOLOGY_NIMH = 1\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_TECHNOLOGY_LION = 2\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_TECHNOLOGY_LIPO = 3\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_TECHNOLOGY_LIFE = 4\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_TECHNOLOGY_NICD = 5\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_TECHNOLOGY_LIMN = 6\n\nHeader header\nfloat32 voltage # Voltage in Volts (Mandatory)\nfloat32 current # Negative when discharging (A) (If unmeasured NaN)\nfloat32 charge # Current charge in Ah (If unmeasured NaN)\nfloat32 capacity # Capacity in Ah (last full capacity) (If unmeasured NaN)\nfloat32 design_capacity # Capacity in Ah (design capacity) (If unmeasured NaN)\nfloat32 percentage # Charge percentage on 0 to 1 range (If unmeasured NaN)\nuint8 power_supply_status # The charging status as reported. Values defined above\nuint8 power_supply_health # The battery health metric. Values defined above\nuint8 power_supply_technology # The battery chemistry. Values defined above\nbool present # True if the battery is present\n\nfloat32[] cell_voltage # An array of individual cell voltages for each cell in the pack\n # If individual voltages unknown but number of cells known set each to NaN\nstring location # The location into which the battery is inserted. (slot number or plug)\nstring serial_number # The best approximation of the battery serial number\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: std_msgs/Header\n# Standard metadata for higher-level stamped data types.\n# This is generally used to communicate timestamped data \n# in a particular coordinate frame.\n# \n# sequence ID: consecutively increasing ID \nuint32 seq\n#Two-integer timestamp that is expressed as:\n# * stamp.sec: seconds (stamp_secs) since epoch (in Python the variable is called 'secs')\n# * stamp.nsec: nanoseconds since stamp_secs (in Python the variable is called 'nsecs')\n# time-handling sugar is provided by the client library\ntime stamp\n#Frame this data is associated with\n# 0: no frame\n# 1: global frame\nstring frame_id\n", 'callerid': '/flytos/rostful', 'tcp_nodelay': '0', 'md5sum': '476f837fa6771f6e16e3bf4ef96f8770', 'topic': '/flytos/mavros/battery', 'type': 'sensor_msgs/BatteryState'}
  1181. [WARN] [1578685991.318133]: Could not process inbound connection: Internal error processing topic [/flytos/mavros/vfr_hud]{'message_definition': "# Metrics typically displayed on a HUD for fixed wing aircraft\n#\n# VFR_HUD message\n\nstd_msgs/Header header\nfloat32 airspeed\t# m/s\nfloat32 groundspeed\t# m/s\nint16 heading\t\t# degrees 0..360\nfloat32 throttle\t\t# normalized to 0.0..1.0\nfloat32 altitude\t\t# MSL\nfloat32 climb\t\t# current climb rate m/s\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: std_msgs/Header\n# Standard metadata for higher-level stamped data types.\n# This is generally used to communicate timestamped data \n# in a particular coordinate frame.\n# \n# sequence ID: consecutively increasing ID \nuint32 seq\n#Two-integer timestamp that is expressed as:\n# * stamp.sec: seconds (stamp_secs) since epoch (in Python the variable is called 'secs')\n# * stamp.nsec: nanoseconds since stamp_secs (in Python the variable is called 'nsecs')\n# time-handling sugar is provided by the client library\ntime stamp\n#Frame this data is associated with\n# 0: no frame\n# 1: global frame\nstring frame_id\n", 'callerid': '/flytos/rostful', 'tcp_nodelay': '0', 'md5sum': '1f55e210c3d39fe105d44d8dc963655f', 'topic': '/flytos/mavros/vfr_hud', 'type': 'mavros_msgs/VFR_HUD'}
  1182. [WARN] [1578685991.358240]: Could not process inbound connection: Internal error processing topic [/flytos/mavros/radio_status]{'message_definition': "# RADIO_STATUS message\n\nstd_msgs/Header header\n\n# message data\nuint8 rssi\nuint8 remrssi\nuint8 txbuf\nuint8 noise\nuint8 remnoise\nuint16 rxerrors\nuint16 fixed\n\n# calculated\nfloat32 rssi_dbm\nfloat32 remrssi_dbm\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: std_msgs/Header\n# Standard metadata for higher-level stamped data types.\n# This is generally used to communicate timestamped data \n# in a particular coordinate frame.\n# \n# sequence ID: consecutively increasing ID \nuint32 seq\n#Two-integer timestamp that is expressed as:\n# * stamp.sec: seconds (stamp_secs) since epoch (in Python the variable is called 'secs')\n# * stamp.nsec: nanoseconds since stamp_secs (in Python the variable is called 'nsecs')\n# time-handling sugar is provided by the client library\ntime stamp\n#Frame this data is associated with\n# 0: no frame\n# 1: global frame\nstring frame_id\n", 'callerid': '/flytos/rostful', 'tcp_nodelay': '0', 'md5sum': '04e4a879bb2687140da50a1a821e2190', 'topic': '/flytos/mavros/radio_status', 'type': 'mavros_msgs/RadioStatus'}
  1183. [ INFO] [1578685991.369260399]: Plugin 3dr_radio loaded
  1184. [ INFO] [1578685991.382487065]: Plugin 3dr_radio initialized
  1185. [ INFO] [1578685991.383177690]: Plugin altitude loaded
  1186. [ INFO] [1578685991.406410555]: Plugin altitude initialized
  1187. [ INFO] [1578685991.407196753]: Plugin autopilot_app_control loaded
  1188. [ INFO] [1578685991.416587221]: Plugin autopilot_app_control initialized
  1189. [ INFO] [1578685991.417453524]: Plugin command loaded
  1190. [WARN] [1578685991.420603]: Could not process inbound connection: Internal error processing topic [/flytos/mavros/global_position/raw/fix]{'message_definition': "# Navigation Satellite fix for any Global Navigation Satellite System\n#\n# Specified using the WGS 84 reference ellipsoid\n\n# header.stamp specifies the ROS time for this measurement (the\n# corresponding satellite time may be reported using the\n# sensor_msgs/TimeReference message).\n#\n# header.frame_id is the frame of reference reported by the satellite\n# receiver, usually the location of the antenna. This is a\n# Euclidean frame relative to the vehicle, not a reference\n# ellipsoid.\nHeader header\n\n# satellite fix status information\nNavSatStatus status\n\n# Latitude [degrees]. Positive is north of equator; negative is south.\nfloat64 latitude\n\n# Longitude [degrees]. Positive is east of prime meridian; negative is west.\nfloat64 longitude\n\n# Altitude [m]. Positive is above the WGS 84 ellipsoid\n# (quiet NaN if no altitude is available).\nfloat64 altitude\n\n# Position covariance [m^2] defined relative to a tangential plane\n# through the reported position. The components are East, North, and\n# Up (ENU), in row-major order.\n#\n# Beware: this coordinate system exhibits singularities at the poles.\n\nfloat64[9] position_covariance\n\n# If the covariance of the fix is known, fill it in completely. If the\n# GPS receiver provides the variance of each measurement, put them\n# along the diagonal. If only Dilution of Precision is available,\n# estimate an approximate covariance from that.\n\nuint8 COVARIANCE_TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0\nuint8 COVARIANCE_TYPE_APPROXIMATED = 1\nuint8 COVARIANCE_TYPE_DIAGONAL_KNOWN = 2\nuint8 COVARIANCE_TYPE_KNOWN = 3\n\nuint8 position_covariance_type\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: std_msgs/Header\n# Standard metadata for higher-level stamped data types.\n# This is generally used to communicate timestamped data \n# in a particular coordinate frame.\n# \n# sequence ID: consecutively increasing ID \nuint32 seq\n#Two-integer timestamp that is expressed as:\n# * stamp.sec: seconds (stamp_secs) since epoch (in Python the variable is called 'secs')\n# * stamp.nsec: nanoseconds since stamp_secs (in Python the variable is called 'nsecs')\n# time-handling sugar is provided by the client library\ntime stamp\n#Frame this data is associated with\n# 0: no frame\n# 1: global frame\nstring frame_id\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: sensor_msgs/NavSatStatus\n# Navigation Satellite fix status for any Global Navigation Satellite System\n\n# Whether to output an augmented fix is determined by both the fix\n# type and the last time differential corrections were received. A\n# fix is valid when status >= STATUS_FIX.\n\nint8 STATUS_NO_FIX = -1 # unable to fix position\nint8 STATUS_FIX = 0 # unaugmented fix\nint8 STATUS_SBAS_FIX = 1 # with satellite-based augmentation\nint8 STATUS_GBAS_FIX = 2 # with ground-based augmentation\n\nint8 status\n\n# Bits defining which Global Navigation Satellite System signals were\n# used by the receiver.\n\nuint16 SERVICE_GPS = 1\nuint16 SERVICE_GLONASS = 2\nuint16 SERVICE_COMPASS = 4 # includes BeiDou.\nuint16 SERVICE_GALILEO = 8\n\nuint16 service\n", 'callerid': '/flytos/rostful', 'tcp_nodelay': '0', 'md5sum': '2d3a8cd499b9b4a0249fb98fd05cfa48', 'topic': '/flytos/mavros/global_position/raw/fix', 'type': 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'}
  1191. [ INFO] [1578685991.465047274]: Plugin command initialized
  1192. [ INFO] [1578685991.644778107]: Plugin distance_sensor loaded
  1193. [ INFO] [1578685991.786514669]: Plugin distance_sensor initialized
  1194. [ INFO] [1578685991.787750867]: Plugin ftp loaded
  1195. [ INFO] [1578685991.837437638]: Plugin ftp initialized
  1196. [ INFO] [1578685991.837755294]: Plugin geofence blacklisted
  1197. [ INFO] [1578685991.838624565]: Plugin global_position loaded
  1198. [ INFO] [1578685991.886465711]: Plugin global_position initialized
  1199. [ INFO] [1578685991.887550346]: Plugin home_position loaded
  1200. [ INFO] [1578685991.892706544]: Plugin home_position initialized
  1201. [ INFO] [1578685991.893839096]: Plugin imu_pub loaded
  1202. [ INFO] [1578685991.985200294]: Plugin imu_pub initialized
  1203. [ INFO] [1578685991.986116127]: Plugin local_position loaded
  1204. [ INFO] [1578685992.034469252]: Plugin local_position initialized
  1205. [ INFO] [1578685992.035477482]: Plugin log_list loaded
  1206. [ INFO] [1578685992.141738107]: Plugin log_list initialized
  1207. [ INFO] [1578685992.142607273]: Plugin manual_control loaded
  1208. [ INFO] [1578685992.147699461]: Plugin manual_control initialized
  1209. [ INFO] [1578685992.148435086]: Plugin mocap_pose_estimate loaded
  1210. [ INFO] [1578685992.183663263]: Plugin mocap_pose_estimate initialized
  1211. [ INFO] [1578685992.184692898]: Plugin odom loaded
  1212. [ INFO] [1578685992.207226232]: Plugin odom initialized
  1213. [ INFO] [1578685992.208754982]: Plugin param loaded
  1214. [ INFO] [1578685992.257301023]: Plugin param initialized
  1215. [ INFO] [1578685992.258377638]: Plugin payload loaded
  1216. [ INFO] [1578685992.260733367]: initialize
  1217. [ INFO] [1578685992.339668211]: Plugin payload initialized
  1218. [ INFO] [1578685992.342181284]: Plugin px4flow loaded
  1219. [ INFO] [1578685992.380099825]: Plugin px4flow initialized
  1220. [ INFO] [1578685992.382216440]: Plugin rc_io loaded
  1221. [ INFO] [1578685992.408585606]: Plugin rc_io initialized
  1222. [ INFO] [1578685992.410423367]: Plugin setpoint_position loaded
  1223. [ INFO] [1578685992.498239409]: Plugin setpoint_position initialized
  1224. [ INFO] [1578685992.499745242]: Plugin setpoint_raw loaded
  1225. [ INFO] [1578685992.566109252]: Plugin setpoint_raw initialized
  1226. [ INFO] [1578685992.567618940]: Plugin setpoint_velocity loaded
  1227. [ INFO] [1578685992.585364825]: Plugin setpoint_velocity initialized
  1228. [ INFO] [1578685992.587357794]: Plugin sys_status loaded
  1229. [ INFO] [1578685992.636306804]: Plugin sys_status initialized
  1230. [ INFO] [1578685992.637900554]: Plugin sys_time loaded
  1231. [ INFO] [1578685992.658754461]: Plugin sys_time initialized
  1232. [ INFO] [1578685992.660306231]: Plugin vfr_hud loaded
  1233. [ INFO] [1578685992.682956700]: Plugin vfr_hud initialized
  1234. [ INFO] [1578685992.683680346]: Plugin vibration blacklisted
  1235. [ INFO] [1578685992.685189981]: Plugin vision_pose_estimate loaded
  1236. [ INFO] [1578685992.771536752]: Plugin vision_pose_estimate initialized
  1237. [ INFO] [1578685992.772452429]: Plugin vision_speed_estimate loaded
  1238. [ INFO] [1578685992.795524721]: Plugin vision_speed_estimate initialized
  1239. [ INFO] [1578685992.796772533]: Plugin waypoint loaded
  1240. [ INFO] [1578685992.847276283]: Plugin waypoint initialized
  1241. [ INFO] [1578685992.847540190]: Autostarting mavlink via USB on PX4
  1242. [ INFO] [1578685992.848707533]: Built-in SIMD instructions: None
  1243. [ INFO] [1578685992.848973679]: Built-in MAVLink package version: 2016.11.11
  1244. [ INFO] [1578685992.849221648]: Known MAVLink dialects: common ardupilotmega
  1245. [ INFO] [1578685992.849420294]: MAVROS started. MY ID 255.241, TARGET ID 1.0
  1246. [FATAL] [1578686012.611863151]: heartbeat timeout called.. check serial connection to autopilot.. restarting mavros
  1247. [flytos/mavros-2] process has died [pid 6107, exit code -9, cmd /flyt/flytos/flytcore/lib/mavros/mavros_node __name:=mavros __log:=/root/.ros/log/8ef5952a-33e2-11ea-9083-b827eb83b79e/flytos-mavros-2.log].
  1248. log file: /root/.ros/log/8ef5952a-33e2-11ea-9083-b827eb83b79e/flytos-mavros-2*.log
  1249. [flytos/mavros-2] restarting process
  1250. process[flytos/mavros-2]: started with pid [7026]
  1251. [ INFO] [1578686023.179661949]: FCU URL: /dev/ttyAMA0:921600
  1252. [ INFO] [1578686023.186179866]: serial0: device: /dev/ttyAMA0 @ 921600 bps
  1253. [ INFO] [1578686023.188975803]: GCS URL: tcp-l://:5760
  1254. [ INFO] [1578686023.191810126]: tcp1: Bind address:
  1255. [WARN] [1578686023.332735]: Could not process inbound connection: [/flytos/rostful] is not a publisher of [/flytos/mavros/imu/mag]. Topics are [['/flytos/flyt/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/mavros/mission/waypoint_achieved', 'std_msgs/UInt8'], ['/flytos/mavros/rc/in', 'mavros_msgs/RCIn'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data_euler', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/rosout', 'rosgraph_msgs/Log'], ['/flytos/mavros/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/mavros/payload_adc', 'mavros_msgs/PayloadADC'], ['/flytos/navigation_server_pos/result', 'navigation_util/NavigationPosActionResult'], ['/flytos/mavros/home_position', 'mavros_msgs/HomePosition'], ['/flytos/mavros/extended_state', 'mavros_msgs/ExtendedState'], ['/flytos/mavros/global_position/global', 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'], ['/flytos/mavros/radio_status', 'mavros_msgs/RadioStatus'], ['/flytos/mavros/local_position/local', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/flytos/mavros/battery', 'sensor_msgs/BatteryState'], ['/flytos/mavros/vfr_hud', 'mavros_msgs/VFR_HUD'], ['/flytos/mavros/global_position/raw/fix', 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data', 'sensor_msgs/Imu']]{'message_definition': ' # Measurement of the Magnetic Field vector at a specific location.\n\n # If the covariance of the measurement is known, it should be filled in\n # (if all you know is the variance of each measurement, e.g. from the datasheet,\n #just put those along the diagonal)\n # A covariance matrix of all zeros will be interpreted as "covariance unknown",\n # and to use the data a covariance will have to be assumed or gotten from some\n # other source\n\n\n Header header # timestamp is the time the\n # field was measured\n # frame_id is the location and orientation\n # of the field measurement\n\n geometry_msgs/Vector3 magnetic_field # x, y, and z components of the\n # field vector in Tesla\n # If your sensor does not output 3 axes,\n # put NaNs in the components not reported.\n\n float64[9] magnetic_field_covariance # Row major about x, y, z axes\n # 0 is interpreted as variance unknown\n================================================================================\nMSG: std_msgs/Header\n# Standard metadata for higher-level stamped data types.\n# This is generally used to communicate timestamped data \n# in a particular coordinate frame.\n# \n# sequence ID: consecutively increasing ID \nuint32 seq\n#Two-integer timestamp that is expressed as:\n# * stamp.sec: seconds (stamp_secs) since epoch (in Python the variable is called \'secs\')\n# * stamp.nsec: nanoseconds since stamp_secs (in Python the variable is called \'nsecs\')\n# time-handling sugar is provided by the client library\ntime stamp\n#Frame this data is associated with\n# 0: no frame\n# 1: global frame\nstring frame_id\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: geometry_msgs/Vector3\n# This represents a vector in free space. \n# It is only meant to represent a direction. Therefore, it does not\n# make sense to apply a translation to it (e.g., when applying a \n# generic rigid transformation to a Vector3, tf2 will only apply the\n# rotation). If you want your data to be translatable too, use the\n# geometry_msgs/Point message instead.\n\nfloat64 x\nfloat64 y\nfloat64 z', 'callerid': '/flytos/rostful', 'tcp_nodelay': '0', 'md5sum': '2f3b0b43eed0c9501de0fa3ff89a45aa', 'topic': '/flytos/mavros/imu/mag', 'type': 'sensor_msgs/MagneticField'}
  1256. [WARN] [1578686023.378204]: Could not process inbound connection: [/flytos/rostful] is not a publisher of [/flytos/mavros/payload_adc]. Topics are [['/flytos/flyt/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/mavros/mission/waypoint_achieved', 'std_msgs/UInt8'], ['/flytos/mavros/rc/in', 'mavros_msgs/RCIn'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data_euler', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/rosout', 'rosgraph_msgs/Log'], ['/flytos/mavros/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/navigation_server_pos/result', 'navigation_util/NavigationPosActionResult'], ['/flytos/mavros/home_position', 'mavros_msgs/HomePosition'], ['/flytos/mavros/extended_state', 'mavros_msgs/ExtendedState'], ['/flytos/mavros/global_position/global', 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'], ['/flytos/mavros/radio_status', 'mavros_msgs/RadioStatus'], ['/flytos/mavros/local_position/local', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/flytos/mavros/battery', 'sensor_msgs/BatteryState'], ['/flytos/mavros/vfr_hud', 'mavros_msgs/VFR_HUD'], ['/flytos/mavros/global_position/raw/fix', 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data', 'sensor_msgs/Imu']]{'message_definition': "std_msgs/Header header\nfloat32[2] adc_voltage\nuint8 adc_updated\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: std_msgs/Header\n# Standard metadata for higher-level stamped data types.\n# This is generally used to communicate timestamped data \n# in a particular coordinate frame.\n# \n# sequence ID: consecutively increasing ID \nuint32 seq\n#Two-integer timestamp that is expressed as:\n# * stamp.sec: seconds (stamp_secs) since epoch (in Python the variable is called 'secs')\n# * stamp.nsec: nanoseconds since stamp_secs (in Python the variable is called 'nsecs')\n# time-handling sugar is provided by the client library\ntime stamp\n#Frame this data is associated with\n# 0: no frame\n# 1: global frame\nstring frame_id\n", 'callerid': '/flytos/rostful', 'tcp_nodelay': '0', 'md5sum': 'd60a08e63bfc8af231e94c19fbd81263', 'topic': '/flytos/mavros/payload_adc', 'type': 'mavros_msgs/PayloadADC'}
  1257. [WARN] [1578686023.416637]: Could not process inbound connection: [/flytos/rostful] is not a publisher of [/flytos/mavros/battery]. Topics are [['/flytos/flyt/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/mavros/mission/waypoint_achieved', 'std_msgs/UInt8'], ['/flytos/mavros/rc/in', 'mavros_msgs/RCIn'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data_euler', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/rosout', 'rosgraph_msgs/Log'], ['/flytos/mavros/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/navigation_server_pos/result', 'navigation_util/NavigationPosActionResult'], ['/flytos/mavros/home_position', 'mavros_msgs/HomePosition'], ['/flytos/mavros/extended_state', 'mavros_msgs/ExtendedState'], ['/flytos/mavros/global_position/global', 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'], ['/flytos/mavros/radio_status', 'mavros_msgs/RadioStatus'], ['/flytos/mavros/local_position/local', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/flytos/mavros/vfr_hud', 'mavros_msgs/VFR_HUD'], ['/flytos/mavros/global_position/raw/fix', 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data', 'sensor_msgs/Imu']]{'message_definition': "\n# Constants are chosen to match the enums in the linux kernel\n# defined in include/linux/power_supply.h as of version 3.7\n# The one difference is for style reasons the constants are\n# all uppercase not mixed case.\n\n# Power supply status constants\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_STATUS_UNKNOWN = 0\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_STATUS_CHARGING = 1\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_STATUS_DISCHARGING = 2\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_STATUS_NOT_CHARGING = 3\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_STATUS_FULL = 4\n\n# Power supply health constants\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_UNKNOWN = 0\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_GOOD = 1\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_OVERHEAT = 2\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_DEAD = 3\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_OVERVOLTAGE = 4\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_UNSPEC_FAILURE = 5\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_COLD = 6\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_WATCHDOG_TIMER_EXPIRE = 7\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_SAFETY_TIMER_EXPIRE = 8\n\n# Power supply technology (chemistry) constants\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_TECHNOLOGY_UNKNOWN = 0\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_TECHNOLOGY_NIMH = 1\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_TECHNOLOGY_LION = 2\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_TECHNOLOGY_LIPO = 3\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_TECHNOLOGY_LIFE = 4\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_TECHNOLOGY_NICD = 5\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_TECHNOLOGY_LIMN = 6\n\nHeader header\nfloat32 voltage # Voltage in Volts (Mandatory)\nfloat32 current # Negative when discharging (A) (If unmeasured NaN)\nfloat32 charge # Current charge in Ah (If unmeasured NaN)\nfloat32 capacity # Capacity in Ah (last full capacity) (If unmeasured NaN)\nfloat32 design_capacity # Capacity in Ah (design capacity) (If unmeasured NaN)\nfloat32 percentage # Charge percentage on 0 to 1 range (If unmeasured NaN)\nuint8 power_supply_status # The charging status as reported. Values defined above\nuint8 power_supply_health # The battery health metric. Values defined above\nuint8 power_supply_technology # The battery chemistry. Values defined above\nbool present # True if the battery is present\n\nfloat32[] cell_voltage # An array of individual cell voltages for each cell in the pack\n # If individual voltages unknown but number of cells known set each to NaN\nstring location # The location into which the battery is inserted. (slot number or plug)\nstring serial_number # The best approximation of the battery serial number\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: std_msgs/Header\n# Standard metadata for higher-level stamped data types.\n# This is generally used to communicate timestamped data \n# in a particular coordinate frame.\n# \n# sequence ID: consecutively increasing ID \nuint32 seq\n#Two-integer timestamp that is expressed as:\n# * stamp.sec: seconds (stamp_secs) since epoch (in Python the variable is called 'secs')\n# * stamp.nsec: nanoseconds since stamp_secs (in Python the variable is called 'nsecs')\n# time-handling sugar is provided by the client library\ntime stamp\n#Frame this data is associated with\n# 0: no frame\n# 1: global frame\nstring frame_id\n", 'callerid': '/flytos/rostful', 'tcp_nodelay': '0', 'md5sum': '476f837fa6771f6e16e3bf4ef96f8770', 'topic': '/flytos/mavros/battery', 'type': 'sensor_msgs/BatteryState'}
  1258. [WARN] [1578686023.462441]: Could not process inbound connection: [/flytos/rostful] is not a publisher of [/flytos/mavros/vfr_hud]. Topics are [['/flytos/flyt/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/mavros/mission/waypoint_achieved', 'std_msgs/UInt8'], ['/flytos/mavros/rc/in', 'mavros_msgs/RCIn'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data_euler', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/rosout', 'rosgraph_msgs/Log'], ['/flytos/mavros/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/navigation_server_pos/result', 'navigation_util/NavigationPosActionResult'], ['/flytos/mavros/home_position', 'mavros_msgs/HomePosition'], ['/flytos/mavros/extended_state', 'mavros_msgs/ExtendedState'], ['/flytos/mavros/global_position/global', 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'], ['/flytos/mavros/radio_status', 'mavros_msgs/RadioStatus'], ['/flytos/mavros/local_position/local', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/flytos/mavros/global_position/raw/fix', 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data', 'sensor_msgs/Imu']]{'message_definition': "# Metrics typically displayed on a HUD for fixed wing aircraft\n#\n# VFR_HUD message\n\nstd_msgs/Header header\nfloat32 airspeed\t# m/s\nfloat32 groundspeed\t# m/s\nint16 heading\t\t# degrees 0..360\nfloat32 throttle\t\t# normalized to 0.0..1.0\nfloat32 altitude\t\t# MSL\nfloat32 climb\t\t# current climb rate m/s\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: std_msgs/Header\n# Standard metadata for higher-level stamped data types.\n# This is generally used to communicate timestamped data \n# in a particular coordinate frame.\n# \n# sequence ID: consecutively increasing ID \nuint32 seq\n#Two-integer timestamp that is expressed as:\n# * stamp.sec: seconds (stamp_secs) since epoch (in Python the variable is called 'secs')\n# * stamp.nsec: nanoseconds since stamp_secs (in Python the variable is called 'nsecs')\n# time-handling sugar is provided by the client library\ntime stamp\n#Frame this data is associated with\n# 0: no frame\n# 1: global frame\nstring frame_id\n", 'callerid': '/flytos/rostful', 'tcp_nodelay': '0', 'md5sum': '1f55e210c3d39fe105d44d8dc963655f', 'topic': '/flytos/mavros/vfr_hud', 'type': 'mavros_msgs/VFR_HUD'}
  1259. [WARN] [1578686023.500424]: Could not process inbound connection: [/flytos/rostful] is not a publisher of [/flytos/mavros/radio_status]. Topics are [['/flytos/flyt/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/mavros/mission/waypoint_achieved', 'std_msgs/UInt8'], ['/flytos/mavros/rc/in', 'mavros_msgs/RCIn'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data_euler', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/rosout', 'rosgraph_msgs/Log'], ['/flytos/mavros/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/navigation_server_pos/result', 'navigation_util/NavigationPosActionResult'], ['/flytos/mavros/home_position', 'mavros_msgs/HomePosition'], ['/flytos/mavros/extended_state', 'mavros_msgs/ExtendedState'], ['/flytos/mavros/global_position/global', 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'], ['/flytos/mavros/local_position/local', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/flytos/mavros/global_position/raw/fix', 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data', 'sensor_msgs/Imu']]{'message_definition': "# RADIO_STATUS message\n\nstd_msgs/Header header\n\n# message data\nuint8 rssi\nuint8 remrssi\nuint8 txbuf\nuint8 noise\nuint8 remnoise\nuint16 rxerrors\nuint16 fixed\n\n# calculated\nfloat32 rssi_dbm\nfloat32 remrssi_dbm\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: std_msgs/Header\n# Standard metadata for higher-level stamped data types.\n# This is generally used to communicate timestamped data \n# in a particular coordinate frame.\n# \n# sequence ID: consecutively increasing ID \nuint32 seq\n#Two-integer timestamp that is expressed as:\n# * stamp.sec: seconds (stamp_secs) since epoch (in Python the variable is called 'secs')\n# * stamp.nsec: nanoseconds since stamp_secs (in Python the variable is called 'nsecs')\n# time-handling sugar is provided by the client library\ntime stamp\n#Frame this data is associated with\n# 0: no frame\n# 1: global frame\nstring frame_id\n", 'callerid': '/flytos/rostful', 'tcp_nodelay': '0', 'md5sum': '04e4a879bb2687140da50a1a821e2190', 'topic': '/flytos/mavros/radio_status', 'type': 'mavros_msgs/RadioStatus'}
  1260. [ INFO] [1578686023.501142990]: Plugin 3dr_radio loaded
  1261. [ INFO] [1578686023.518164865]: Plugin 3dr_radio initialized
  1262. [ INFO] [1578686023.518912313]: Plugin altitude loaded
  1263. [ INFO] [1578686023.529369449]: Plugin altitude initialized
  1264. [ INFO] [1578686023.530205543]: Plugin autopilot_app_control loaded
  1265. [ INFO] [1578686023.537333407]: Plugin autopilot_app_control initialized
  1266. [ INFO] [1578686023.538196115]: Plugin command loaded
  1267. [WARN] [1578686023.552315]: Could not process inbound connection: [/flytos/rostful] is not a publisher of [/flytos/mavros/global_position/raw/fix]. Topics are [['/flytos/flyt/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/mavros/mission/waypoint_achieved', 'std_msgs/UInt8'], ['/flytos/mavros/rc/in', 'mavros_msgs/RCIn'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data_euler', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/rosout', 'rosgraph_msgs/Log'], ['/flytos/mavros/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/navigation_server_pos/result', 'navigation_util/NavigationPosActionResult'], ['/flytos/mavros/home_position', 'mavros_msgs/HomePosition'], ['/flytos/mavros/extended_state', 'mavros_msgs/ExtendedState'], ['/flytos/mavros/global_position/global', 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'], ['/flytos/mavros/local_position/local', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data', 'sensor_msgs/Imu']]{'message_definition': "# Navigation Satellite fix for any Global Navigation Satellite System\n#\n# Specified using the WGS 84 reference ellipsoid\n\n# header.stamp specifies the ROS time for this measurement (the\n# corresponding satellite time may be reported using the\n# sensor_msgs/TimeReference message).\n#\n# header.frame_id is the frame of reference reported by the satellite\n# receiver, usually the location of the antenna. This is a\n# Euclidean frame relative to the vehicle, not a reference\n# ellipsoid.\nHeader header\n\n# satellite fix status information\nNavSatStatus status\n\n# Latitude [degrees]. Positive is north of equator; negative is south.\nfloat64 latitude\n\n# Longitude [degrees]. Positive is east of prime meridian; negative is west.\nfloat64 longitude\n\n# Altitude [m]. Positive is above the WGS 84 ellipsoid\n# (quiet NaN if no altitude is available).\nfloat64 altitude\n\n# Position covariance [m^2] defined relative to a tangential plane\n# through the reported position. The components are East, North, and\n# Up (ENU), in row-major order.\n#\n# Beware: this coordinate system exhibits singularities at the poles.\n\nfloat64[9] position_covariance\n\n# If the covariance of the fix is known, fill it in completely. If the\n# GPS receiver provides the variance of each measurement, put them\n# along the diagonal. If only Dilution of Precision is available,\n# estimate an approximate covariance from that.\n\nuint8 COVARIANCE_TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0\nuint8 COVARIANCE_TYPE_APPROXIMATED = 1\nuint8 COVARIANCE_TYPE_DIAGONAL_KNOWN = 2\nuint8 COVARIANCE_TYPE_KNOWN = 3\n\nuint8 position_covariance_type\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: std_msgs/Header\n# Standard metadata for higher-level stamped data types.\n# This is generally used to communicate timestamped data \n# in a particular coordinate frame.\n# \n# sequence ID: consecutively increasing ID \nuint32 seq\n#Two-integer timestamp that is expressed as:\n# * stamp.sec: seconds (stamp_secs) since epoch (in Python the variable is called 'secs')\n# * stamp.nsec: nanoseconds since stamp_secs (in Python the variable is called 'nsecs')\n# time-handling sugar is provided by the client library\ntime stamp\n#Frame this data is associated with\n# 0: no frame\n# 1: global frame\nstring frame_id\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: sensor_msgs/NavSatStatus\n# Navigation Satellite fix status for any Global Navigation Satellite System\n\n# Whether to output an augmented fix is determined by both the fix\n# type and the last time differential corrections were received. A\n# fix is valid when status >= STATUS_FIX.\n\nint8 STATUS_NO_FIX = -1 # unable to fix position\nint8 STATUS_FIX = 0 # unaugmented fix\nint8 STATUS_SBAS_FIX = 1 # with satellite-based augmentation\nint8 STATUS_GBAS_FIX = 2 # with ground-based augmentation\n\nint8 status\n\n# Bits defining which Global Navigation Satellite System signals were\n# used by the receiver.\n\nuint16 SERVICE_GPS = 1\nuint16 SERVICE_GLONASS = 2\nuint16 SERVICE_COMPASS = 4 # includes BeiDou.\nuint16 SERVICE_GALILEO = 8\n\nuint16 service\n", 'callerid': '/flytos/rostful', 'tcp_nodelay': '0', 'md5sum': '2d3a8cd499b9b4a0249fb98fd05cfa48', 'topic': '/flytos/mavros/global_position/raw/fix', 'type': 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'}
  1268. [ INFO] [1578686023.602252730]: Plugin command initialized
  1269. [ INFO] [1578686023.782020074]: Plugin distance_sensor loaded
  1270. [ INFO] [1578686023.920114553]: Plugin distance_sensor initialized
  1271. [ INFO] [1578686023.921296115]: Plugin ftp loaded
  1272. [ INFO] [1578686023.970787782]: Plugin ftp initialized
  1273. [ INFO] [1578686023.971015751]: Plugin geofence blacklisted
  1274. [ INFO] [1578686023.971884449]: Plugin global_position loaded
  1275. [ INFO] [1578686024.019619553]: Plugin global_position initialized
  1276. [ INFO] [1578686024.020658199]: Plugin home_position loaded
  1277. [ INFO] [1578686024.025241792]: Plugin home_position initialized
  1278. [ INFO] [1578686024.026246688]: Plugin imu_pub loaded
  1279. [ INFO] [1578686024.097334917]: Plugin imu_pub initialized
  1280. [ INFO] [1578686024.098385178]: Plugin local_position loaded
  1281. [ INFO] [1578686024.226562521]: Plugin local_position initialized
  1282. [ INFO] [1578686024.228042730]: Plugin log_list loaded
  1283. [ INFO] [1578686024.262935386]: Plugin log_list initialized
  1284. [ INFO] [1578686024.264366584]: Plugin manual_control loaded
  1285. [ INFO] [1578686024.269345594]: Plugin manual_control initialized
  1286. [ INFO] [1578686024.270660021]: Plugin mocap_pose_estimate loaded
  1287. [ INFO] [1578686024.314387678]: Plugin mocap_pose_estimate initialized
  1288. [ INFO] [1578686024.316005594]: Plugin odom loaded
  1289. [ INFO] [1578686024.343256844]: Plugin odom initialized
  1290. [ INFO] [1578686024.345472157]: Plugin param loaded
  1291. [ INFO] [1578686024.386652730]: Plugin param initialized
  1292. [ INFO] [1578686024.388079969]: Plugin payload loaded
  1293. [ INFO] [1578686024.389891063]: initialize
  1294. [ INFO] [1578686024.454141740]: Plugin payload initialized
  1295. [ INFO] [1578686024.454935334]: Plugin px4flow loaded
  1296. [ INFO] [1578686024.495833980]: Plugin px4flow initialized
  1297. [ INFO] [1578686024.497768928]: Plugin rc_io loaded
  1298. [ INFO] [1578686024.544918823]: Plugin rc_io initialized
  1299. [ INFO] [1578686024.554603563]: Plugin setpoint_position loaded
  1300. [ INFO] [1578686024.682267938]: Plugin setpoint_position initialized
  1301. [ INFO] [1578686024.683540959]: Plugin setpoint_raw loaded
  1302. [ INFO] [1578686024.770456480]: Plugin setpoint_raw initialized
  1303. [ INFO] [1578686024.771507573]: Plugin setpoint_velocity loaded
  1304. [ INFO] [1578686024.790382105]: Plugin setpoint_velocity initialized
  1305. [ INFO] [1578686024.792032157]: Plugin sys_status loaded
  1306. [ INFO] [1578686024.841068667]: Plugin sys_status initialized
  1307. [ INFO] [1578686024.842828042]: Plugin sys_time loaded
  1308. [ INFO] [1578686024.893386480]: Plugin sys_time initialized
  1309. [ INFO] [1578686024.894682730]: Plugin vfr_hud loaded
  1310. [ INFO] [1578686024.908437261]: Plugin vfr_hud initialized
  1311. [ INFO] [1578686024.908647209]: Plugin vibration blacklisted
  1312. [ INFO] [1578686024.910696636]: Plugin vision_pose_estimate loaded
  1313. [ INFO] [1578686024.985305282]: Plugin vision_pose_estimate initialized
  1314. [ INFO] [1578686024.986574657]: Plugin vision_speed_estimate loaded
  1315. [ INFO] [1578686025.009576636]: Plugin vision_speed_estimate initialized
  1316. [ INFO] [1578686025.010957313]: Plugin waypoint loaded
  1317. [ INFO] [1578686025.066855073]: Plugin waypoint initialized
  1318. [ INFO] [1578686025.068495073]: Autostarting mavlink via USB on PX4
  1319. [ INFO] [1578686025.070851375]: Built-in SIMD instructions: None
  1320. [ INFO] [1578686025.071023719]: Built-in MAVLink package version: 2016.11.11
  1321. [ INFO] [1578686025.073745698]: Known MAVLink dialects: common ardupilotmega
  1322. [ INFO] [1578686025.075199917]: MAVROS started. MY ID 255.241, TARGET ID 1.0
  1323. [FATAL] [1578686044.816904805]: heartbeat timeout called.. check serial connection to autopilot.. restarting mavros
  1324. [flytos/mavros-2] process has died [pid 7026, exit code -9, cmd /flyt/flytos/flytcore/lib/mavros/mavros_node __name:=mavros __log:=/root/.ros/log/8ef5952a-33e2-11ea-9083-b827eb83b79e/flytos-mavros-2.log].
  1325. log file: /root/.ros/log/8ef5952a-33e2-11ea-9083-b827eb83b79e/flytos-mavros-2*.log
  1326. [ERROR] [1578686051.656237]: [pyros.rosinterface.service] : service exception unable to connect to service: [Errno 111] Connection refused
  1327. the rosdep view is empty: call 'sudo rosdep init' and 'rosdep update'
  1328. [flytos/mavros-2] restarting process
  1329. process[flytos/mavros-2]: started with pid [8004]
  1330. [ INFO] [1578686055.336559957]: FCU URL: /dev/ttyAMA0:921600
  1331. [ INFO] [1578686055.341543082]: serial0: device: /dev/ttyAMA0 @ 921600 bps
  1332. [ INFO] [1578686055.343181103]: GCS URL: tcp-l://:5760
  1333. [ INFO] [1578686055.345246364]: tcp1: Bind address:
  1334. [WARN] [1578686055.408030]: Could not process inbound connection: Internal error processing topic [/flytos/mavros/imu/mag]{'message_definition': ' # Measurement of the Magnetic Field vector at a specific location.\n\n # If the covariance of the measurement is known, it should be filled in\n # (if all you know is the variance of each measurement, e.g. from the datasheet,\n #just put those along the diagonal)\n # A covariance matrix of all zeros will be interpreted as "covariance unknown",\n # and to use the data a covariance will have to be assumed or gotten from some\n # other source\n\n\n Header header # timestamp is the time the\n # field was measured\n # frame_id is the location and orientation\n # of the field measurement\n\n geometry_msgs/Vector3 magnetic_field # x, y, and z components of the\n # field vector in Tesla\n # If your sensor does not output 3 axes,\n # put NaNs in the components not reported.\n\n float64[9] magnetic_field_covariance # Row major about x, y, z axes\n # 0 is interpreted as variance unknown\n================================================================================\nMSG: std_msgs/Header\n# Standard metadata for higher-level stamped data types.\n# This is generally used to communicate timestamped data \n# in a particular coordinate frame.\n# \n# sequence ID: consecutively increasing ID \nuint32 seq\n#Two-integer timestamp that is expressed as:\n# * stamp.sec: seconds (stamp_secs) since epoch (in Python the variable is called \'secs\')\n# * stamp.nsec: nanoseconds since stamp_secs (in Python the variable is called \'nsecs\')\n# time-handling sugar is provided by the client library\ntime stamp\n#Frame this data is associated with\n# 0: no frame\n# 1: global frame\nstring frame_id\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: geometry_msgs/Vector3\n# This represents a vector in free space. \n# It is only meant to represent a direction. Therefore, it does not\n# make sense to apply a translation to it (e.g., when applying a \n# generic rigid transformation to a Vector3, tf2 will only apply the\n# rotation). If you want your data to be translatable too, use the\n# geometry_msgs/Point message instead.\n\nfloat64 x\nfloat64 y\nfloat64 z', 'callerid': '/flytos/rostful', 'tcp_nodelay': '0', 'md5sum': '2f3b0b43eed0c9501de0fa3ff89a45aa', 'topic': '/flytos/mavros/imu/mag', 'type': 'sensor_msgs/MagneticField'}
  1335. [WARN] [1578686055.454895]: Could not process inbound connection: [/flytos/rostful] is not a publisher of [/flytos/mavros/payload_adc]. Topics are [['/flytos/flyt/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/mavros/mission/waypoint_achieved', 'std_msgs/UInt8'], ['/flytos/mavros/rc/in', 'mavros_msgs/RCIn'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data_euler', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/rosout', 'rosgraph_msgs/Log'], ['/flytos/mavros/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/navigation_server_pos/result', 'navigation_util/NavigationPosActionResult'], ['/flytos/mavros/home_position', 'mavros_msgs/HomePosition'], ['/flytos/mavros/extended_state', 'mavros_msgs/ExtendedState'], ['/flytos/mavros/global_position/global', 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'], ['/flytos/mavros/radio_status', 'mavros_msgs/RadioStatus'], ['/flytos/mavros/local_position/local', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/flytos/mavros/battery', 'sensor_msgs/BatteryState'], ['/flytos/mavros/vfr_hud', 'mavros_msgs/VFR_HUD'], ['/flytos/mavros/global_position/raw/fix', 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data', 'sensor_msgs/Imu']]{'message_definition': "std_msgs/Header header\nfloat32[2] adc_voltage\nuint8 adc_updated\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: std_msgs/Header\n# Standard metadata for higher-level stamped data types.\n# This is generally used to communicate timestamped data \n# in a particular coordinate frame.\n# \n# sequence ID: consecutively increasing ID \nuint32 seq\n#Two-integer timestamp that is expressed as:\n# * stamp.sec: seconds (stamp_secs) since epoch (in Python the variable is called 'secs')\n# * stamp.nsec: nanoseconds since stamp_secs (in Python the variable is called 'nsecs')\n# time-handling sugar is provided by the client library\ntime stamp\n#Frame this data is associated with\n# 0: no frame\n# 1: global frame\nstring frame_id\n", 'callerid': '/flytos/rostful', 'tcp_nodelay': '0', 'md5sum': 'd60a08e63bfc8af231e94c19fbd81263', 'topic': '/flytos/mavros/payload_adc', 'type': 'mavros_msgs/PayloadADC'}
  1336. [WARN] [1578686055.494142]: Could not process inbound connection: [/flytos/rostful] is not a publisher of [/flytos/mavros/battery]. Topics are [['/flytos/flyt/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/mavros/mission/waypoint_achieved', 'std_msgs/UInt8'], ['/flytos/mavros/rc/in', 'mavros_msgs/RCIn'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data_euler', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/rosout', 'rosgraph_msgs/Log'], ['/flytos/mavros/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/navigation_server_pos/result', 'navigation_util/NavigationPosActionResult'], ['/flytos/mavros/home_position', 'mavros_msgs/HomePosition'], ['/flytos/mavros/extended_state', 'mavros_msgs/ExtendedState'], ['/flytos/mavros/global_position/global', 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'], ['/flytos/mavros/radio_status', 'mavros_msgs/RadioStatus'], ['/flytos/mavros/local_position/local', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/flytos/mavros/vfr_hud', 'mavros_msgs/VFR_HUD'], ['/flytos/mavros/global_position/raw/fix', 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data', 'sensor_msgs/Imu']]{'message_definition': "\n# Constants are chosen to match the enums in the linux kernel\n# defined in include/linux/power_supply.h as of version 3.7\n# The one difference is for style reasons the constants are\n# all uppercase not mixed case.\n\n# Power supply status constants\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_STATUS_UNKNOWN = 0\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_STATUS_CHARGING = 1\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_STATUS_DISCHARGING = 2\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_STATUS_NOT_CHARGING = 3\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_STATUS_FULL = 4\n\n# Power supply health constants\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_UNKNOWN = 0\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_GOOD = 1\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_OVERHEAT = 2\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_DEAD = 3\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_OVERVOLTAGE = 4\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_UNSPEC_FAILURE = 5\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_COLD = 6\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_WATCHDOG_TIMER_EXPIRE = 7\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_SAFETY_TIMER_EXPIRE = 8\n\n# Power supply technology (chemistry) constants\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_TECHNOLOGY_UNKNOWN = 0\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_TECHNOLOGY_NIMH = 1\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_TECHNOLOGY_LION = 2\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_TECHNOLOGY_LIPO = 3\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_TECHNOLOGY_LIFE = 4\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_TECHNOLOGY_NICD = 5\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_TECHNOLOGY_LIMN = 6\n\nHeader header\nfloat32 voltage # Voltage in Volts (Mandatory)\nfloat32 current # Negative when discharging (A) (If unmeasured NaN)\nfloat32 charge # Current charge in Ah (If unmeasured NaN)\nfloat32 capacity # Capacity in Ah (last full capacity) (If unmeasured NaN)\nfloat32 design_capacity # Capacity in Ah (design capacity) (If unmeasured NaN)\nfloat32 percentage # Charge percentage on 0 to 1 range (If unmeasured NaN)\nuint8 power_supply_status # The charging status as reported. Values defined above\nuint8 power_supply_health # The battery health metric. Values defined above\nuint8 power_supply_technology # The battery chemistry. Values defined above\nbool present # True if the battery is present\n\nfloat32[] cell_voltage # An array of individual cell voltages for each cell in the pack\n # If individual voltages unknown but number of cells known set each to NaN\nstring location # The location into which the battery is inserted. (slot number or plug)\nstring serial_number # The best approximation of the battery serial number\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: std_msgs/Header\n# Standard metadata for higher-level stamped data types.\n# This is generally used to communicate timestamped data \n# in a particular coordinate frame.\n# \n# sequence ID: consecutively increasing ID \nuint32 seq\n#Two-integer timestamp that is expressed as:\n# * stamp.sec: seconds (stamp_secs) since epoch (in Python the variable is called 'secs')\n# * stamp.nsec: nanoseconds since stamp_secs (in Python the variable is called 'nsecs')\n# time-handling sugar is provided by the client library\ntime stamp\n#Frame this data is associated with\n# 0: no frame\n# 1: global frame\nstring frame_id\n", 'callerid': '/flytos/rostful', 'tcp_nodelay': '0', 'md5sum': '476f837fa6771f6e16e3bf4ef96f8770', 'topic': '/flytos/mavros/battery', 'type': 'sensor_msgs/BatteryState'}
  1337. [WARN] [1578686055.535804]: Could not process inbound connection: [/flytos/rostful] is not a publisher of [/flytos/mavros/vfr_hud]. Topics are [['/flytos/flyt/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/mavros/mission/waypoint_achieved', 'std_msgs/UInt8'], ['/flytos/mavros/rc/in', 'mavros_msgs/RCIn'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data_euler', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/rosout', 'rosgraph_msgs/Log'], ['/flytos/mavros/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/navigation_server_pos/result', 'navigation_util/NavigationPosActionResult'], ['/flytos/mavros/home_position', 'mavros_msgs/HomePosition'], ['/flytos/mavros/extended_state', 'mavros_msgs/ExtendedState'], ['/flytos/mavros/global_position/global', 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'], ['/flytos/mavros/radio_status', 'mavros_msgs/RadioStatus'], ['/flytos/mavros/local_position/local', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/flytos/mavros/global_position/raw/fix', 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data', 'sensor_msgs/Imu']]{'message_definition': "# Metrics typically displayed on a HUD for fixed wing aircraft\n#\n# VFR_HUD message\n\nstd_msgs/Header header\nfloat32 airspeed\t# m/s\nfloat32 groundspeed\t# m/s\nint16 heading\t\t# degrees 0..360\nfloat32 throttle\t\t# normalized to 0.0..1.0\nfloat32 altitude\t\t# MSL\nfloat32 climb\t\t# current climb rate m/s\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: std_msgs/Header\n# Standard metadata for higher-level stamped data types.\n# This is generally used to communicate timestamped data \n# in a particular coordinate frame.\n# \n# sequence ID: consecutively increasing ID \nuint32 seq\n#Two-integer timestamp that is expressed as:\n# * stamp.sec: seconds (stamp_secs) since epoch (in Python the variable is called 'secs')\n# * stamp.nsec: nanoseconds since stamp_secs (in Python the variable is called 'nsecs')\n# time-handling sugar is provided by the client library\ntime stamp\n#Frame this data is associated with\n# 0: no frame\n# 1: global frame\nstring frame_id\n", 'callerid': '/flytos/rostful', 'tcp_nodelay': '0', 'md5sum': '1f55e210c3d39fe105d44d8dc963655f', 'topic': '/flytos/mavros/vfr_hud', 'type': 'mavros_msgs/VFR_HUD'}
  1338. [WARN] [1578686055.566327]: Could not process inbound connection: Internal error processing topic [/flytos/mavros/radio_status]{'message_definition': "# RADIO_STATUS message\n\nstd_msgs/Header header\n\n# message data\nuint8 rssi\nuint8 remrssi\nuint8 txbuf\nuint8 noise\nuint8 remnoise\nuint16 rxerrors\nuint16 fixed\n\n# calculated\nfloat32 rssi_dbm\nfloat32 remrssi_dbm\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: std_msgs/Header\n# Standard metadata for higher-level stamped data types.\n# This is generally used to communicate timestamped data \n# in a particular coordinate frame.\n# \n# sequence ID: consecutively increasing ID \nuint32 seq\n#Two-integer timestamp that is expressed as:\n# * stamp.sec: seconds (stamp_secs) since epoch (in Python the variable is called 'secs')\n# * stamp.nsec: nanoseconds since stamp_secs (in Python the variable is called 'nsecs')\n# time-handling sugar is provided by the client library\ntime stamp\n#Frame this data is associated with\n# 0: no frame\n# 1: global frame\nstring frame_id\n", 'callerid': '/flytos/rostful', 'tcp_nodelay': '0', 'md5sum': '04e4a879bb2687140da50a1a821e2190', 'topic': '/flytos/mavros/radio_status', 'type': 'mavros_msgs/RadioStatus'}
  1339. [WARN] [1578686055.608133]: Could not process inbound connection: [/flytos/rostful] is not a publisher of [/flytos/mavros/global_position/raw/fix]. Topics are [['/flytos/flyt/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/mavros/mission/waypoint_achieved', 'std_msgs/UInt8'], ['/flytos/mavros/rc/in', 'mavros_msgs/RCIn'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data_euler', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/rosout', 'rosgraph_msgs/Log'], ['/flytos/mavros/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/navigation_server_pos/result', 'navigation_util/NavigationPosActionResult'], ['/flytos/mavros/home_position', 'mavros_msgs/HomePosition'], ['/flytos/mavros/extended_state', 'mavros_msgs/ExtendedState'], ['/flytos/mavros/global_position/global', 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'], ['/flytos/mavros/local_position/local', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data', 'sensor_msgs/Imu']]{'message_definition': "# Navigation Satellite fix for any Global Navigation Satellite System\n#\n# Specified using the WGS 84 reference ellipsoid\n\n# header.stamp specifies the ROS time for this measurement (the\n# corresponding satellite time may be reported using the\n# sensor_msgs/TimeReference message).\n#\n# header.frame_id is the frame of reference reported by the satellite\n# receiver, usually the location of the antenna. This is a\n# Euclidean frame relative to the vehicle, not a reference\n# ellipsoid.\nHeader header\n\n# satellite fix status information\nNavSatStatus status\n\n# Latitude [degrees]. Positive is north of equator; negative is south.\nfloat64 latitude\n\n# Longitude [degrees]. Positive is east of prime meridian; negative is west.\nfloat64 longitude\n\n# Altitude [m]. Positive is above the WGS 84 ellipsoid\n# (quiet NaN if no altitude is available).\nfloat64 altitude\n\n# Position covariance [m^2] defined relative to a tangential plane\n# through the reported position. The components are East, North, and\n# Up (ENU), in row-major order.\n#\n# Beware: this coordinate system exhibits singularities at the poles.\n\nfloat64[9] position_covariance\n\n# If the covariance of the fix is known, fill it in completely. If the\n# GPS receiver provides the variance of each measurement, put them\n# along the diagonal. If only Dilution of Precision is available,\n# estimate an approximate covariance from that.\n\nuint8 COVARIANCE_TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0\nuint8 COVARIANCE_TYPE_APPROXIMATED = 1\nuint8 COVARIANCE_TYPE_DIAGONAL_KNOWN = 2\nuint8 COVARIANCE_TYPE_KNOWN = 3\n\nuint8 position_covariance_type\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: std_msgs/Header\n# Standard metadata for higher-level stamped data types.\n# This is generally used to communicate timestamped data \n# in a particular coordinate frame.\n# \n# sequence ID: consecutively increasing ID \nuint32 seq\n#Two-integer timestamp that is expressed as:\n# * stamp.sec: seconds (stamp_secs) since epoch (in Python the variable is called 'secs')\n# * stamp.nsec: nanoseconds since stamp_secs (in Python the variable is called 'nsecs')\n# time-handling sugar is provided by the client library\ntime stamp\n#Frame this data is associated with\n# 0: no frame\n# 1: global frame\nstring frame_id\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: sensor_msgs/NavSatStatus\n# Navigation Satellite fix status for any Global Navigation Satellite System\n\n# Whether to output an augmented fix is determined by both the fix\n# type and the last time differential corrections were received. A\n# fix is valid when status >= STATUS_FIX.\n\nint8 STATUS_NO_FIX = -1 # unable to fix position\nint8 STATUS_FIX = 0 # unaugmented fix\nint8 STATUS_SBAS_FIX = 1 # with satellite-based augmentation\nint8 STATUS_GBAS_FIX = 2 # with ground-based augmentation\n\nint8 status\n\n# Bits defining which Global Navigation Satellite System signals were\n# used by the receiver.\n\nuint16 SERVICE_GPS = 1\nuint16 SERVICE_GLONASS = 2\nuint16 SERVICE_COMPASS = 4 # includes BeiDou.\nuint16 SERVICE_GALILEO = 8\n\nuint16 service\n", 'callerid': '/flytos/rostful', 'tcp_nodelay': '0', 'md5sum': '2d3a8cd499b9b4a0249fb98fd05cfa48', 'topic': '/flytos/mavros/global_position/raw/fix', 'type': 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'}
  1340. [ INFO] [1578686055.670042509]: Plugin 3dr_radio loaded
  1341. [ INFO] [1578686055.681343082]: Plugin 3dr_radio initialized
  1342. [ INFO] [1578686055.682565843]: Plugin altitude loaded
  1343. [ INFO] [1578686055.689851884]: Plugin altitude initialized
  1344. [ INFO] [1578686055.691182874]: Plugin autopilot_app_control loaded
  1345. [ INFO] [1578686055.696265478]: Plugin autopilot_app_control initialized
  1346. [ INFO] [1578686055.697552457]: Plugin command loaded
  1347. [ INFO] [1578686055.731343864]: Plugin command initialized
  1348. [ INFO] [1578686055.910752614]: Plugin distance_sensor loaded
  1349. [ INFO] [1578686056.051739280]: Plugin distance_sensor initialized
  1350. [ INFO] [1578686056.054025218]: Plugin ftp loaded
  1351. [ INFO] [1578686056.104819176]: Plugin ftp initialized
  1352. [ INFO] [1578686056.105834645]: Plugin geofence blacklisted
  1353. [ INFO] [1578686056.108111155]: Plugin global_position loaded
  1354. [ INFO] [1578686056.178940634]: Plugin global_position initialized
  1355. [ INFO] [1578686056.180190009]: Plugin home_position loaded
  1356. [ INFO] [1578686056.202242353]: Plugin home_position initialized
  1357. [ INFO] [1578686056.203435009]: Plugin imu_pub loaded
  1358. [ INFO] [1578686056.309693603]: Plugin imu_pub initialized
  1359. [ INFO] [1578686056.310569540]: Plugin local_position loaded
  1360. [ INFO] [1578686056.420038395]: Plugin local_position initialized
  1361. [ INFO] [1578686056.422232822]: Plugin log_list loaded
  1362. [ INFO] [1578686056.453448967]: Plugin log_list initialized
  1363. [ INFO] [1578686056.455046207]: Plugin manual_control loaded
  1364. [ INFO] [1578686056.474702613]: Plugin manual_control initialized
  1365. [ INFO] [1578686056.476008030]: Plugin mocap_pose_estimate loaded
  1366. [ INFO] [1578686056.520702613]: Plugin mocap_pose_estimate initialized
  1367. [ INFO] [1578686056.521998551]: Plugin odom loaded
  1368. [ INFO] [1578686056.552564228]: Plugin odom initialized
  1369. [ INFO] [1578686056.554570895]: Plugin param loaded
  1370. [ INFO] [1578686056.595272770]: Plugin param initialized
  1371. [ INFO] [1578686056.596639645]: Plugin payload loaded
  1372. [ INFO] [1578686056.597951207]: initialize
  1373. [ INFO] [1578686056.673577874]: Plugin payload initialized
  1374. [ INFO] [1578686056.674486467]: Plugin px4flow loaded
  1375. [ INFO] [1578686056.724113655]: Plugin px4flow initialized
  1376. [ INFO] [1578686056.727437457]: Plugin rc_io loaded
  1377. [ INFO] [1578686056.754114801]: Plugin rc_io initialized
  1378. [ INFO] [1578686056.755968967]: Plugin setpoint_position loaded
  1379. [ INFO] [1578686056.846860478]: Plugin setpoint_position initialized
  1380. [ INFO] [1578686056.848449436]: Plugin setpoint_raw loaded
  1381. [ INFO] [1578686056.911570842]: Plugin setpoint_raw initialized
  1382. [ INFO] [1578686056.912936936]: Plugin setpoint_velocity loaded
  1383. [ INFO] [1578686056.930679384]: Plugin setpoint_velocity initialized
  1384. [ INFO] [1578686056.932475321]: Plugin sys_status loaded
  1385. [ INFO] [1578686056.981245061]: Plugin sys_status initialized
  1386. [ INFO] [1578686056.982639436]: Plugin sys_time loaded
  1387. [ INFO] [1578686057.027807926]: Plugin sys_time initialized
  1388. [ INFO] [1578686057.029116051]: Plugin vfr_hud loaded
  1389. [ INFO] [1578686057.038028551]: Plugin vfr_hud initialized
  1390. [ INFO] [1578686057.038321207]: Plugin vibration blacklisted
  1391. [ INFO] [1578686057.039328238]: Plugin vision_pose_estimate loaded
  1392. [ INFO] [1578686057.111467873]: Plugin vision_pose_estimate initialized
  1393. [ INFO] [1578686057.112371519]: Plugin vision_speed_estimate loaded
  1394. [ INFO] [1578686057.135798811]: Plugin vision_speed_estimate initialized
  1395. [ INFO] [1578686057.136939436]: Plugin waypoint loaded
  1396. [ INFO] [1578686057.189178134]: Plugin waypoint initialized
  1397. [ INFO] [1578686057.189556728]: Autostarting mavlink via USB on PX4
  1398. [ INFO] [1578686057.190343030]: Built-in SIMD instructions: None
  1399. [ INFO] [1578686057.190584696]: Built-in MAVLink package version: 2016.11.11
  1400. [ INFO] [1578686057.191100061]: Known MAVLink dialects: common ardupilotmega
  1401. [ INFO] [1578686057.191482613]: MAVROS started. MY ID 255.241, TARGET ID 1.0
  1402. [FATAL] [1578686076.956893960]: heartbeat timeout called.. check serial connection to autopilot.. restarting mavros
  1403. [flytos/mavros-2] process has died [pid 8004, exit code -9, cmd /flyt/flytos/flytcore/lib/mavros/mavros_node __name:=mavros __log:=/root/.ros/log/8ef5952a-33e2-11ea-9083-b827eb83b79e/flytos-mavros-2.log].
  1404. log file: /root/.ros/log/8ef5952a-33e2-11ea-9083-b827eb83b79e/flytos-mavros-2*.log
  1405. [flytos/mavros-2] restarting process
  1406. process[flytos/mavros-2]: started with pid [8980]
  1407. [ INFO] [1578686087.546097445]: FCU URL: /dev/ttyAMA0:921600
  1408. [ INFO] [1578686087.554130414]: serial0: device: /dev/ttyAMA0 @ 921600 bps
  1409. [ INFO] [1578686087.556029997]: GCS URL: tcp-l://:5760
  1410. [ INFO] [1578686087.558162237]: tcp1: Bind address:
  1411. [WARN] [1578686087.574580]: Could not process inbound connection: Internal error processing topic [/flytos/mavros/imu/mag]{'message_definition': ' # Measurement of the Magnetic Field vector at a specific location.\n\n # If the covariance of the measurement is known, it should be filled in\n # (if all you know is the variance of each measurement, e.g. from the datasheet,\n #just put those along the diagonal)\n # A covariance matrix of all zeros will be interpreted as "covariance unknown",\n # and to use the data a covariance will have to be assumed or gotten from some\n # other source\n\n\n Header header # timestamp is the time the\n # field was measured\n # frame_id is the location and orientation\n # of the field measurement\n\n geometry_msgs/Vector3 magnetic_field # x, y, and z components of the\n # field vector in Tesla\n # If your sensor does not output 3 axes,\n # put NaNs in the components not reported.\n\n float64[9] magnetic_field_covariance # Row major about x, y, z axes\n # 0 is interpreted as variance unknown\n================================================================================\nMSG: std_msgs/Header\n# Standard metadata for higher-level stamped data types.\n# This is generally used to communicate timestamped data \n# in a particular coordinate frame.\n# \n# sequence ID: consecutively increasing ID \nuint32 seq\n#Two-integer timestamp that is expressed as:\n# * stamp.sec: seconds (stamp_secs) since epoch (in Python the variable is called \'secs\')\n# * stamp.nsec: nanoseconds since stamp_secs (in Python the variable is called \'nsecs\')\n# time-handling sugar is provided by the client library\ntime stamp\n#Frame this data is associated with\n# 0: no frame\n# 1: global frame\nstring frame_id\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: geometry_msgs/Vector3\n# This represents a vector in free space. \n# It is only meant to represent a direction. Therefore, it does not\n# make sense to apply a translation to it (e.g., when applying a \n# generic rigid transformation to a Vector3, tf2 will only apply the\n# rotation). If you want your data to be translatable too, use the\n# geometry_msgs/Point message instead.\n\nfloat64 x\nfloat64 y\nfloat64 z', 'callerid': '/flytos/rostful', 'tcp_nodelay': '0', 'md5sum': '2f3b0b43eed0c9501de0fa3ff89a45aa', 'topic': '/flytos/mavros/imu/mag', 'type': 'sensor_msgs/MagneticField'}
  1412. [WARN] [1578686087.624507]: Could not process inbound connection: [/flytos/rostful] is not a publisher of [/flytos/mavros/payload_adc]. Topics are [['/flytos/flyt/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/mavros/mission/waypoint_achieved', 'std_msgs/UInt8'], ['/flytos/mavros/rc/in', 'mavros_msgs/RCIn'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data_euler', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/rosout', 'rosgraph_msgs/Log'], ['/flytos/mavros/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/navigation_server_pos/result', 'navigation_util/NavigationPosActionResult'], ['/flytos/mavros/home_position', 'mavros_msgs/HomePosition'], ['/flytos/mavros/extended_state', 'mavros_msgs/ExtendedState'], ['/flytos/mavros/global_position/global', 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'], ['/flytos/mavros/radio_status', 'mavros_msgs/RadioStatus'], ['/flytos/mavros/local_position/local', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/flytos/mavros/battery', 'sensor_msgs/BatteryState'], ['/flytos/mavros/vfr_hud', 'mavros_msgs/VFR_HUD'], ['/flytos/mavros/global_position/raw/fix', 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data', 'sensor_msgs/Imu']]{'message_definition': "std_msgs/Header header\nfloat32[2] adc_voltage\nuint8 adc_updated\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: std_msgs/Header\n# Standard metadata for higher-level stamped data types.\n# This is generally used to communicate timestamped data \n# in a particular coordinate frame.\n# \n# sequence ID: consecutively increasing ID \nuint32 seq\n#Two-integer timestamp that is expressed as:\n# * stamp.sec: seconds (stamp_secs) since epoch (in Python the variable is called 'secs')\n# * stamp.nsec: nanoseconds since stamp_secs (in Python the variable is called 'nsecs')\n# time-handling sugar is provided by the client library\ntime stamp\n#Frame this data is associated with\n# 0: no frame\n# 1: global frame\nstring frame_id\n", 'callerid': '/flytos/rostful', 'tcp_nodelay': '0', 'md5sum': 'd60a08e63bfc8af231e94c19fbd81263', 'topic': '/flytos/mavros/payload_adc', 'type': 'mavros_msgs/PayloadADC'}
  1413. [WARN] [1578686087.679381]: Could not process inbound connection: [/flytos/rostful] is not a publisher of [/flytos/mavros/battery]. Topics are [['/flytos/flyt/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/mavros/mission/waypoint_achieved', 'std_msgs/UInt8'], ['/flytos/mavros/rc/in', 'mavros_msgs/RCIn'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data_euler', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/rosout', 'rosgraph_msgs/Log'], ['/flytos/mavros/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/navigation_server_pos/result', 'navigation_util/NavigationPosActionResult'], ['/flytos/mavros/home_position', 'mavros_msgs/HomePosition'], ['/flytos/mavros/extended_state', 'mavros_msgs/ExtendedState'], ['/flytos/mavros/global_position/global', 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'], ['/flytos/mavros/radio_status', 'mavros_msgs/RadioStatus'], ['/flytos/mavros/local_position/local', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/flytos/mavros/vfr_hud', 'mavros_msgs/VFR_HUD'], ['/flytos/mavros/global_position/raw/fix', 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data', 'sensor_msgs/Imu']]{'message_definition': "\n# Constants are chosen to match the enums in the linux kernel\n# defined in include/linux/power_supply.h as of version 3.7\n# The one difference is for style reasons the constants are\n# all uppercase not mixed case.\n\n# Power supply status constants\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_STATUS_UNKNOWN = 0\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_STATUS_CHARGING = 1\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_STATUS_DISCHARGING = 2\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_STATUS_NOT_CHARGING = 3\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_STATUS_FULL = 4\n\n# Power supply health constants\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_UNKNOWN = 0\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_GOOD = 1\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_OVERHEAT = 2\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_DEAD = 3\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_OVERVOLTAGE = 4\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_UNSPEC_FAILURE = 5\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_COLD = 6\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_WATCHDOG_TIMER_EXPIRE = 7\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_SAFETY_TIMER_EXPIRE = 8\n\n# Power supply technology (chemistry) constants\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_TECHNOLOGY_UNKNOWN = 0\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_TECHNOLOGY_NIMH = 1\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_TECHNOLOGY_LION = 2\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_TECHNOLOGY_LIPO = 3\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_TECHNOLOGY_LIFE = 4\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_TECHNOLOGY_NICD = 5\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_TECHNOLOGY_LIMN = 6\n\nHeader header\nfloat32 voltage # Voltage in Volts (Mandatory)\nfloat32 current # Negative when discharging (A) (If unmeasured NaN)\nfloat32 charge # Current charge in Ah (If unmeasured NaN)\nfloat32 capacity # Capacity in Ah (last full capacity) (If unmeasured NaN)\nfloat32 design_capacity # Capacity in Ah (design capacity) (If unmeasured NaN)\nfloat32 percentage # Charge percentage on 0 to 1 range (If unmeasured NaN)\nuint8 power_supply_status # The charging status as reported. Values defined above\nuint8 power_supply_health # The battery health metric. Values defined above\nuint8 power_supply_technology # The battery chemistry. Values defined above\nbool present # True if the battery is present\n\nfloat32[] cell_voltage # An array of individual cell voltages for each cell in the pack\n # If individual voltages unknown but number of cells known set each to NaN\nstring location # The location into which the battery is inserted. (slot number or plug)\nstring serial_number # The best approximation of the battery serial number\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: std_msgs/Header\n# Standard metadata for higher-level stamped data types.\n# This is generally used to communicate timestamped data \n# in a particular coordinate frame.\n# \n# sequence ID: consecutively increasing ID \nuint32 seq\n#Two-integer timestamp that is expressed as:\n# * stamp.sec: seconds (stamp_secs) since epoch (in Python the variable is called 'secs')\n# * stamp.nsec: nanoseconds since stamp_secs (in Python the variable is called 'nsecs')\n# time-handling sugar is provided by the client library\ntime stamp\n#Frame this data is associated with\n# 0: no frame\n# 1: global frame\nstring frame_id\n", 'callerid': '/flytos/rostful', 'tcp_nodelay': '0', 'md5sum': '476f837fa6771f6e16e3bf4ef96f8770', 'topic': '/flytos/mavros/battery', 'type': 'sensor_msgs/BatteryState'}
  1414. [WARN] [1578686087.703647]: Could not process inbound connection: [/flytos/rostful] is not a publisher of [/flytos/mavros/vfr_hud]. Topics are [['/flytos/flyt/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/mavros/mission/waypoint_achieved', 'std_msgs/UInt8'], ['/flytos/mavros/rc/in', 'mavros_msgs/RCIn'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data_euler', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/rosout', 'rosgraph_msgs/Log'], ['/flytos/mavros/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/navigation_server_pos/result', 'navigation_util/NavigationPosActionResult'], ['/flytos/mavros/home_position', 'mavros_msgs/HomePosition'], ['/flytos/mavros/extended_state', 'mavros_msgs/ExtendedState'], ['/flytos/mavros/global_position/global', 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'], ['/flytos/mavros/radio_status', 'mavros_msgs/RadioStatus'], ['/flytos/mavros/local_position/local', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/flytos/mavros/global_position/raw/fix', 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data', 'sensor_msgs/Imu']]{'message_definition': "# Metrics typically displayed on a HUD for fixed wing aircraft\n#\n# VFR_HUD message\n\nstd_msgs/Header header\nfloat32 airspeed\t# m/s\nfloat32 groundspeed\t# m/s\nint16 heading\t\t# degrees 0..360\nfloat32 throttle\t\t# normalized to 0.0..1.0\nfloat32 altitude\t\t# MSL\nfloat32 climb\t\t# current climb rate m/s\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: std_msgs/Header\n# Standard metadata for higher-level stamped data types.\n# This is generally used to communicate timestamped data \n# in a particular coordinate frame.\n# \n# sequence ID: consecutively increasing ID \nuint32 seq\n#Two-integer timestamp that is expressed as:\n# * stamp.sec: seconds (stamp_secs) since epoch (in Python the variable is called 'secs')\n# * stamp.nsec: nanoseconds since stamp_secs (in Python the variable is called 'nsecs')\n# time-handling sugar is provided by the client library\ntime stamp\n#Frame this data is associated with\n# 0: no frame\n# 1: global frame\nstring frame_id\n", 'callerid': '/flytos/rostful', 'tcp_nodelay': '0', 'md5sum': '1f55e210c3d39fe105d44d8dc963655f', 'topic': '/flytos/mavros/vfr_hud', 'type': 'mavros_msgs/VFR_HUD'}
  1415. [WARN] [1578686087.749607]: Could not process inbound connection: [/flytos/rostful] is not a publisher of [/flytos/mavros/radio_status]. Topics are [['/flytos/flyt/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/mavros/mission/waypoint_achieved', 'std_msgs/UInt8'], ['/flytos/mavros/rc/in', 'mavros_msgs/RCIn'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data_euler', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/rosout', 'rosgraph_msgs/Log'], ['/flytos/mavros/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/navigation_server_pos/result', 'navigation_util/NavigationPosActionResult'], ['/flytos/mavros/home_position', 'mavros_msgs/HomePosition'], ['/flytos/mavros/extended_state', 'mavros_msgs/ExtendedState'], ['/flytos/mavros/global_position/global', 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'], ['/flytos/mavros/local_position/local', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/flytos/mavros/global_position/raw/fix', 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data', 'sensor_msgs/Imu']]{'message_definition': "# RADIO_STATUS message\n\nstd_msgs/Header header\n\n# message data\nuint8 rssi\nuint8 remrssi\nuint8 txbuf\nuint8 noise\nuint8 remnoise\nuint16 rxerrors\nuint16 fixed\n\n# calculated\nfloat32 rssi_dbm\nfloat32 remrssi_dbm\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: std_msgs/Header\n# Standard metadata for higher-level stamped data types.\n# This is generally used to communicate timestamped data \n# in a particular coordinate frame.\n# \n# sequence ID: consecutively increasing ID \nuint32 seq\n#Two-integer timestamp that is expressed as:\n# * stamp.sec: seconds (stamp_secs) since epoch (in Python the variable is called 'secs')\n# * stamp.nsec: nanoseconds since stamp_secs (in Python the variable is called 'nsecs')\n# time-handling sugar is provided by the client library\ntime stamp\n#Frame this data is associated with\n# 0: no frame\n# 1: global frame\nstring frame_id\n", 'callerid': '/flytos/rostful', 'tcp_nodelay': '0', 'md5sum': '04e4a879bb2687140da50a1a821e2190', 'topic': '/flytos/mavros/radio_status', 'type': 'mavros_msgs/RadioStatus'}
  1416. [WARN] [1578686087.794476]: Could not process inbound connection: [/flytos/rostful] is not a publisher of [/flytos/mavros/global_position/raw/fix]. Topics are [['/flytos/flyt/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/mavros/mission/waypoint_achieved', 'std_msgs/UInt8'], ['/flytos/mavros/rc/in', 'mavros_msgs/RCIn'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data_euler', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/rosout', 'rosgraph_msgs/Log'], ['/flytos/mavros/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/navigation_server_pos/result', 'navigation_util/NavigationPosActionResult'], ['/flytos/mavros/home_position', 'mavros_msgs/HomePosition'], ['/flytos/mavros/extended_state', 'mavros_msgs/ExtendedState'], ['/flytos/mavros/global_position/global', 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'], ['/flytos/mavros/local_position/local', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data', 'sensor_msgs/Imu']]{'message_definition': "# Navigation Satellite fix for any Global Navigation Satellite System\n#\n# Specified using the WGS 84 reference ellipsoid\n\n# header.stamp specifies the ROS time for this measurement (the\n# corresponding satellite time may be reported using the\n# sensor_msgs/TimeReference message).\n#\n# header.frame_id is the frame of reference reported by the satellite\n# receiver, usually the location of the antenna. This is a\n# Euclidean frame relative to the vehicle, not a reference\n# ellipsoid.\nHeader header\n\n# satellite fix status information\nNavSatStatus status\n\n# Latitude [degrees]. Positive is north of equator; negative is south.\nfloat64 latitude\n\n# Longitude [degrees]. Positive is east of prime meridian; negative is west.\nfloat64 longitude\n\n# Altitude [m]. Positive is above the WGS 84 ellipsoid\n# (quiet NaN if no altitude is available).\nfloat64 altitude\n\n# Position covariance [m^2] defined relative to a tangential plane\n# through the reported position. The components are East, North, and\n# Up (ENU), in row-major order.\n#\n# Beware: this coordinate system exhibits singularities at the poles.\n\nfloat64[9] position_covariance\n\n# If the covariance of the fix is known, fill it in completely. If the\n# GPS receiver provides the variance of each measurement, put them\n# along the diagonal. If only Dilution of Precision is available,\n# estimate an approximate covariance from that.\n\nuint8 COVARIANCE_TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0\nuint8 COVARIANCE_TYPE_APPROXIMATED = 1\nuint8 COVARIANCE_TYPE_DIAGONAL_KNOWN = 2\nuint8 COVARIANCE_TYPE_KNOWN = 3\n\nuint8 position_covariance_type\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: std_msgs/Header\n# Standard metadata for higher-level stamped data types.\n# This is generally used to communicate timestamped data \n# in a particular coordinate frame.\n# \n# sequence ID: consecutively increasing ID \nuint32 seq\n#Two-integer timestamp that is expressed as:\n# * stamp.sec: seconds (stamp_secs) since epoch (in Python the variable is called 'secs')\n# * stamp.nsec: nanoseconds since stamp_secs (in Python the variable is called 'nsecs')\n# time-handling sugar is provided by the client library\ntime stamp\n#Frame this data is associated with\n# 0: no frame\n# 1: global frame\nstring frame_id\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: sensor_msgs/NavSatStatus\n# Navigation Satellite fix status for any Global Navigation Satellite System\n\n# Whether to output an augmented fix is determined by both the fix\n# type and the last time differential corrections were received. A\n# fix is valid when status >= STATUS_FIX.\n\nint8 STATUS_NO_FIX = -1 # unable to fix position\nint8 STATUS_FIX = 0 # unaugmented fix\nint8 STATUS_SBAS_FIX = 1 # with satellite-based augmentation\nint8 STATUS_GBAS_FIX = 2 # with ground-based augmentation\n\nint8 status\n\n# Bits defining which Global Navigation Satellite System signals were\n# used by the receiver.\n\nuint16 SERVICE_GPS = 1\nuint16 SERVICE_GLONASS = 2\nuint16 SERVICE_COMPASS = 4 # includes BeiDou.\nuint16 SERVICE_GALILEO = 8\n\nuint16 service\n", 'callerid': '/flytos/rostful', 'tcp_nodelay': '0', 'md5sum': '2d3a8cd499b9b4a0249fb98fd05cfa48', 'topic': '/flytos/mavros/global_position/raw/fix', 'type': 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'}
  1417. [ INFO] [1578686087.879031091]: Plugin 3dr_radio loaded
  1418. [ INFO] [1578686087.889879320]: Plugin 3dr_radio initialized
  1419. [ INFO] [1578686087.890634945]: Plugin altitude loaded
  1420. [ INFO] [1578686087.897554685]: Plugin altitude initialized
  1421. [ INFO] [1578686087.898368018]: Plugin autopilot_app_control loaded
  1422. [ INFO] [1578686087.903000258]: Plugin autopilot_app_control initialized
  1423. [ INFO] [1578686087.903874372]: Plugin command loaded
  1424. [ INFO] [1578686087.937990987]: Plugin command initialized
  1425. [ INFO] [1578686088.118532862]: Plugin distance_sensor loaded
  1426. [ INFO] [1578686088.256380153]: Plugin distance_sensor initialized
  1427. [ INFO] [1578686088.257551924]: Plugin ftp loaded
  1428. [ INFO] [1578686088.307709059]: Plugin ftp initialized
  1429. [ INFO] [1578686088.308578174]: Plugin geofence blacklisted
  1430. [ INFO] [1578686088.311117914]: Plugin global_position loaded
  1431. [ INFO] [1578686088.360413070]: Plugin global_position initialized
  1432. [ INFO] [1578686088.362468174]: Plugin home_position loaded
  1433. [ INFO] [1578686088.368159216]: Plugin home_position initialized
  1434. [ INFO] [1578686088.370193643]: Plugin imu_pub loaded
  1435. [ INFO] [1578686088.474718955]: Plugin imu_pub initialized
  1436. [ INFO] [1578686088.476564164]: Plugin local_position loaded
  1437. [ INFO] [1578686088.544557341]: Plugin local_position initialized
  1438. [ INFO] [1578686088.545624684]: Plugin log_list loaded
  1439. [ INFO] [1578686088.641497966]: Plugin log_list initialized
  1440. [ INFO] [1578686088.643387653]: Plugin manual_control loaded
  1441. [ INFO] [1578686088.654852653]: Plugin manual_control initialized
  1442. [ INFO] [1578686088.655630466]: Plugin mocap_pose_estimate loaded
  1443. [ INFO] [1578686088.693406924]: Plugin mocap_pose_estimate initialized
  1444. [ INFO] [1578686088.694928278]: Plugin odom loaded
  1445. [ INFO] [1578686088.723066716]: Plugin odom initialized
  1446. [ INFO] [1578686088.725192653]: Plugin param loaded
  1447. [ INFO] [1578686088.773172132]: Plugin param initialized
  1448. [ INFO] [1578686088.774679997]: Plugin payload loaded
  1449. [ INFO] [1578686088.776099632]: initialize
  1450. [ INFO] [1578686088.830929632]: Plugin payload initialized
  1451. [ INFO] [1578686088.832383799]: Plugin px4flow loaded
  1452. [ INFO] [1578686088.873966455]: Plugin px4flow initialized
  1453. [ INFO] [1578686088.876759059]: Plugin rc_io loaded
  1454. [ INFO] [1578686088.904391663]: Plugin rc_io initialized
  1455. [ INFO] [1578686088.906865466]: Plugin setpoint_position loaded
  1456. [ INFO] [1578686088.992559320]: Plugin setpoint_position initialized
  1457. [ INFO] [1578686088.993566351]: Plugin setpoint_raw loaded
  1458. [ INFO] [1578686089.060629684]: Plugin setpoint_raw initialized
  1459. [ INFO] [1578686089.061693851]: Plugin setpoint_velocity loaded
  1460. [ INFO] [1578686089.082720205]: Plugin setpoint_velocity initialized
  1461. [ INFO] [1578686089.084314424]: Plugin sys_status loaded
  1462. [ INFO] [1578686089.133046768]: Plugin sys_status initialized
  1463. [ INFO] [1578686089.134078070]: Plugin sys_time loaded
  1464. [ INFO] [1578686089.155902340]: Plugin sys_time initialized
  1465. [ INFO] [1578686089.156736559]: Plugin vfr_hud loaded
  1466. [ INFO] [1578686089.165754320]: Plugin vfr_hud initialized
  1467. [ INFO] [1578686089.165923434]: Plugin vibration blacklisted
  1468. [ INFO] [1578686089.166663799]: Plugin vision_pose_estimate loaded
  1469. [ INFO] [1578686089.271348903]: Plugin vision_pose_estimate initialized
  1470. [ INFO] [1578686089.272073330]: Plugin vision_speed_estimate loaded
  1471. [ INFO] [1578686089.295704788]: Plugin vision_speed_estimate initialized
  1472. [ INFO] [1578686089.296703538]: Plugin waypoint loaded
  1473. [ INFO] [1578686089.357931403]: Plugin waypoint initialized
  1474. [ INFO] [1578686089.359758955]: Autostarting mavlink via USB on PX4
  1475. [ INFO] [1578686089.362079840]: Built-in SIMD instructions: None
  1476. [ INFO] [1578686089.363884007]: Built-in MAVLink package version: 2016.11.11
  1477. [ INFO] [1578686089.365607497]: Known MAVLink dialects: common ardupilotmega
  1478. [ INFO] [1578686089.367286403]: MAVROS started. MY ID 255.241, TARGET ID 1.0
  1479. [FATAL] [1578686109.109361708]: heartbeat timeout called.. check serial connection to autopilot.. restarting mavros
  1480. [flytos/mavros-2] process has died [pid 8980, exit code -9, cmd /flyt/flytos/flytcore/lib/mavros/mavros_node __name:=mavros __log:=/root/.ros/log/8ef5952a-33e2-11ea-9083-b827eb83b79e/flytos-mavros-2.log].
  1481. log file: /root/.ros/log/8ef5952a-33e2-11ea-9083-b827eb83b79e/flytos-mavros-2*.log
  1482. [flytos/mavros-2] restarting process
  1483. process[flytos/mavros-2]: started with pid [9919]
  1484. [WARN] [1578686119.604456]: Could not process inbound connection: Internal error processing topic [/flytos/mavros/imu/mag]{'message_definition': ' # Measurement of the Magnetic Field vector at a specific location.\n\n # If the covariance of the measurement is known, it should be filled in\n # (if all you know is the variance of each measurement, e.g. from the datasheet,\n #just put those along the diagonal)\n # A covariance matrix of all zeros will be interpreted as "covariance unknown",\n # and to use the data a covariance will have to be assumed or gotten from some\n # other source\n\n\n Header header # timestamp is the time the\n # field was measured\n # frame_id is the location and orientation\n # of the field measurement\n\n geometry_msgs/Vector3 magnetic_field # x, y, and z components of the\n # field vector in Tesla\n # If your sensor does not output 3 axes,\n # put NaNs in the components not reported.\n\n float64[9] magnetic_field_covariance # Row major about x, y, z axes\n # 0 is interpreted as variance unknown\n================================================================================\nMSG: std_msgs/Header\n# Standard metadata for higher-level stamped data types.\n# This is generally used to communicate timestamped data \n# in a particular coordinate frame.\n# \n# sequence ID: consecutively increasing ID \nuint32 seq\n#Two-integer timestamp that is expressed as:\n# * stamp.sec: seconds (stamp_secs) since epoch (in Python the variable is called \'secs\')\n# * stamp.nsec: nanoseconds since stamp_secs (in Python the variable is called \'nsecs\')\n# time-handling sugar is provided by the client library\ntime stamp\n#Frame this data is associated with\n# 0: no frame\n# 1: global frame\nstring frame_id\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: geometry_msgs/Vector3\n# This represents a vector in free space. \n# It is only meant to represent a direction. Therefore, it does not\n# make sense to apply a translation to it (e.g., when applying a \n# generic rigid transformation to a Vector3, tf2 will only apply the\n# rotation). If you want your data to be translatable too, use the\n# geometry_msgs/Point message instead.\n\nfloat64 x\nfloat64 y\nfloat64 z', 'callerid': '/flytos/rostful', 'tcp_nodelay': '0', 'md5sum': '2f3b0b43eed0c9501de0fa3ff89a45aa', 'topic': '/flytos/mavros/imu/mag', 'type': 'sensor_msgs/MagneticField'}
  1485. [ INFO] [1578686119.622562068]: FCU URL: /dev/ttyAMA0:921600
  1486. [ INFO] [1578686119.629043735]: serial0: device: /dev/ttyAMA0 @ 921600 bps
  1487. [ INFO] [1578686119.631731808]: GCS URL: tcp-l://:5760
  1488. [ INFO] [1578686119.634762641]: tcp1: Bind address:
  1489. [WARN] [1578686119.660676]: Could not process inbound connection: [/flytos/rostful] is not a publisher of [/flytos/mavros/payload_adc]. Topics are [['/flytos/flyt/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/mavros/mission/waypoint_achieved', 'std_msgs/UInt8'], ['/flytos/mavros/rc/in', 'mavros_msgs/RCIn'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data_euler', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/rosout', 'rosgraph_msgs/Log'], ['/flytos/mavros/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/navigation_server_pos/result', 'navigation_util/NavigationPosActionResult'], ['/flytos/mavros/home_position', 'mavros_msgs/HomePosition'], ['/flytos/mavros/extended_state', 'mavros_msgs/ExtendedState'], ['/flytos/mavros/global_position/global', 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'], ['/flytos/mavros/radio_status', 'mavros_msgs/RadioStatus'], ['/flytos/mavros/local_position/local', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/flytos/mavros/battery', 'sensor_msgs/BatteryState'], ['/flytos/mavros/vfr_hud', 'mavros_msgs/VFR_HUD'], ['/flytos/mavros/global_position/raw/fix', 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data', 'sensor_msgs/Imu']]{'message_definition': "std_msgs/Header header\nfloat32[2] adc_voltage\nuint8 adc_updated\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: std_msgs/Header\n# Standard metadata for higher-level stamped data types.\n# This is generally used to communicate timestamped data \n# in a particular coordinate frame.\n# \n# sequence ID: consecutively increasing ID \nuint32 seq\n#Two-integer timestamp that is expressed as:\n# * stamp.sec: seconds (stamp_secs) since epoch (in Python the variable is called 'secs')\n# * stamp.nsec: nanoseconds since stamp_secs (in Python the variable is called 'nsecs')\n# time-handling sugar is provided by the client library\ntime stamp\n#Frame this data is associated with\n# 0: no frame\n# 1: global frame\nstring frame_id\n", 'callerid': '/flytos/rostful', 'tcp_nodelay': '0', 'md5sum': 'd60a08e63bfc8af231e94c19fbd81263', 'topic': '/flytos/mavros/payload_adc', 'type': 'mavros_msgs/PayloadADC'}
  1490. [WARN] [1578686119.704229]: Could not process inbound connection: [/flytos/rostful] is not a publisher of [/flytos/mavros/battery]. Topics are [['/flytos/flyt/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/mavros/mission/waypoint_achieved', 'std_msgs/UInt8'], ['/flytos/mavros/rc/in', 'mavros_msgs/RCIn'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data_euler', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/rosout', 'rosgraph_msgs/Log'], ['/flytos/mavros/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/navigation_server_pos/result', 'navigation_util/NavigationPosActionResult'], ['/flytos/mavros/home_position', 'mavros_msgs/HomePosition'], ['/flytos/mavros/extended_state', 'mavros_msgs/ExtendedState'], ['/flytos/mavros/global_position/global', 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'], ['/flytos/mavros/radio_status', 'mavros_msgs/RadioStatus'], ['/flytos/mavros/local_position/local', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/flytos/mavros/vfr_hud', 'mavros_msgs/VFR_HUD'], ['/flytos/mavros/global_position/raw/fix', 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data', 'sensor_msgs/Imu']]{'message_definition': "\n# Constants are chosen to match the enums in the linux kernel\n# defined in include/linux/power_supply.h as of version 3.7\n# The one difference is for style reasons the constants are\n# all uppercase not mixed case.\n\n# Power supply status constants\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_STATUS_UNKNOWN = 0\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_STATUS_CHARGING = 1\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_STATUS_DISCHARGING = 2\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_STATUS_NOT_CHARGING = 3\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_STATUS_FULL = 4\n\n# Power supply health constants\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_UNKNOWN = 0\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_GOOD = 1\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_OVERHEAT = 2\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_DEAD = 3\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_OVERVOLTAGE = 4\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_UNSPEC_FAILURE = 5\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_COLD = 6\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_WATCHDOG_TIMER_EXPIRE = 7\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_SAFETY_TIMER_EXPIRE = 8\n\n# Power supply technology (chemistry) constants\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_TECHNOLOGY_UNKNOWN = 0\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_TECHNOLOGY_NIMH = 1\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_TECHNOLOGY_LION = 2\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_TECHNOLOGY_LIPO = 3\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_TECHNOLOGY_LIFE = 4\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_TECHNOLOGY_NICD = 5\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_TECHNOLOGY_LIMN = 6\n\nHeader header\nfloat32 voltage # Voltage in Volts (Mandatory)\nfloat32 current # Negative when discharging (A) (If unmeasured NaN)\nfloat32 charge # Current charge in Ah (If unmeasured NaN)\nfloat32 capacity # Capacity in Ah (last full capacity) (If unmeasured NaN)\nfloat32 design_capacity # Capacity in Ah (design capacity) (If unmeasured NaN)\nfloat32 percentage # Charge percentage on 0 to 1 range (If unmeasured NaN)\nuint8 power_supply_status # The charging status as reported. Values defined above\nuint8 power_supply_health # The battery health metric. Values defined above\nuint8 power_supply_technology # The battery chemistry. Values defined above\nbool present # True if the battery is present\n\nfloat32[] cell_voltage # An array of individual cell voltages for each cell in the pack\n # If individual voltages unknown but number of cells known set each to NaN\nstring location # The location into which the battery is inserted. (slot number or plug)\nstring serial_number # The best approximation of the battery serial number\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: std_msgs/Header\n# Standard metadata for higher-level stamped data types.\n# This is generally used to communicate timestamped data \n# in a particular coordinate frame.\n# \n# sequence ID: consecutively increasing ID \nuint32 seq\n#Two-integer timestamp that is expressed as:\n# * stamp.sec: seconds (stamp_secs) since epoch (in Python the variable is called 'secs')\n# * stamp.nsec: nanoseconds since stamp_secs (in Python the variable is called 'nsecs')\n# time-handling sugar is provided by the client library\ntime stamp\n#Frame this data is associated with\n# 0: no frame\n# 1: global frame\nstring frame_id\n", 'callerid': '/flytos/rostful', 'tcp_nodelay': '0', 'md5sum': '476f837fa6771f6e16e3bf4ef96f8770', 'topic': '/flytos/mavros/battery', 'type': 'sensor_msgs/BatteryState'}
  1491. [WARN] [1578686119.756536]: Could not process inbound connection: [/flytos/rostful] is not a publisher of [/flytos/mavros/vfr_hud]. Topics are [['/flytos/flyt/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/mavros/mission/waypoint_achieved', 'std_msgs/UInt8'], ['/flytos/mavros/rc/in', 'mavros_msgs/RCIn'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data_euler', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/rosout', 'rosgraph_msgs/Log'], ['/flytos/mavros/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/navigation_server_pos/result', 'navigation_util/NavigationPosActionResult'], ['/flytos/mavros/home_position', 'mavros_msgs/HomePosition'], ['/flytos/mavros/extended_state', 'mavros_msgs/ExtendedState'], ['/flytos/mavros/global_position/global', 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'], ['/flytos/mavros/radio_status', 'mavros_msgs/RadioStatus'], ['/flytos/mavros/local_position/local', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/flytos/mavros/global_position/raw/fix', 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data', 'sensor_msgs/Imu']]{'message_definition': "# Metrics typically displayed on a HUD for fixed wing aircraft\n#\n# VFR_HUD message\n\nstd_msgs/Header header\nfloat32 airspeed\t# m/s\nfloat32 groundspeed\t# m/s\nint16 heading\t\t# degrees 0..360\nfloat32 throttle\t\t# normalized to 0.0..1.0\nfloat32 altitude\t\t# MSL\nfloat32 climb\t\t# current climb rate m/s\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: std_msgs/Header\n# Standard metadata for higher-level stamped data types.\n# This is generally used to communicate timestamped data \n# in a particular coordinate frame.\n# \n# sequence ID: consecutively increasing ID \nuint32 seq\n#Two-integer timestamp that is expressed as:\n# * stamp.sec: seconds (stamp_secs) since epoch (in Python the variable is called 'secs')\n# * stamp.nsec: nanoseconds since stamp_secs (in Python the variable is called 'nsecs')\n# time-handling sugar is provided by the client library\ntime stamp\n#Frame this data is associated with\n# 0: no frame\n# 1: global frame\nstring frame_id\n", 'callerid': '/flytos/rostful', 'tcp_nodelay': '0', 'md5sum': '1f55e210c3d39fe105d44d8dc963655f', 'topic': '/flytos/mavros/vfr_hud', 'type': 'mavros_msgs/VFR_HUD'}
  1492. [WARN] [1578686119.785522]: Could not process inbound connection: [/flytos/rostful] is not a publisher of [/flytos/mavros/radio_status]. Topics are [['/flytos/flyt/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/mavros/mission/waypoint_achieved', 'std_msgs/UInt8'], ['/flytos/mavros/rc/in', 'mavros_msgs/RCIn'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data_euler', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/rosout', 'rosgraph_msgs/Log'], ['/flytos/mavros/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/navigation_server_pos/result', 'navigation_util/NavigationPosActionResult'], ['/flytos/mavros/home_position', 'mavros_msgs/HomePosition'], ['/flytos/mavros/extended_state', 'mavros_msgs/ExtendedState'], ['/flytos/mavros/global_position/global', 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'], ['/flytos/mavros/local_position/local', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/flytos/mavros/global_position/raw/fix', 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data', 'sensor_msgs/Imu']]{'message_definition': "# RADIO_STATUS message\n\nstd_msgs/Header header\n\n# message data\nuint8 rssi\nuint8 remrssi\nuint8 txbuf\nuint8 noise\nuint8 remnoise\nuint16 rxerrors\nuint16 fixed\n\n# calculated\nfloat32 rssi_dbm\nfloat32 remrssi_dbm\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: std_msgs/Header\n# Standard metadata for higher-level stamped data types.\n# This is generally used to communicate timestamped data \n# in a particular coordinate frame.\n# \n# sequence ID: consecutively increasing ID \nuint32 seq\n#Two-integer timestamp that is expressed as:\n# * stamp.sec: seconds (stamp_secs) since epoch (in Python the variable is called 'secs')\n# * stamp.nsec: nanoseconds since stamp_secs (in Python the variable is called 'nsecs')\n# time-handling sugar is provided by the client library\ntime stamp\n#Frame this data is associated with\n# 0: no frame\n# 1: global frame\nstring frame_id\n", 'callerid': '/flytos/rostful', 'tcp_nodelay': '0', 'md5sum': '04e4a879bb2687140da50a1a821e2190', 'topic': '/flytos/mavros/radio_status', 'type': 'mavros_msgs/RadioStatus'}
  1493. [WARN] [1578686119.821875]: Could not process inbound connection: [/flytos/rostful] is not a publisher of [/flytos/mavros/global_position/raw/fix]. Topics are [['/flytos/flyt/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/mavros/mission/waypoint_achieved', 'std_msgs/UInt8'], ['/flytos/mavros/rc/in', 'mavros_msgs/RCIn'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data_euler', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/rosout', 'rosgraph_msgs/Log'], ['/flytos/mavros/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/navigation_server_pos/result', 'navigation_util/NavigationPosActionResult'], ['/flytos/mavros/home_position', 'mavros_msgs/HomePosition'], ['/flytos/mavros/extended_state', 'mavros_msgs/ExtendedState'], ['/flytos/mavros/global_position/global', 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'], ['/flytos/mavros/local_position/local', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data', 'sensor_msgs/Imu']]{'message_definition': "# Navigation Satellite fix for any Global Navigation Satellite System\n#\n# Specified using the WGS 84 reference ellipsoid\n\n# header.stamp specifies the ROS time for this measurement (the\n# corresponding satellite time may be reported using the\n# sensor_msgs/TimeReference message).\n#\n# header.frame_id is the frame of reference reported by the satellite\n# receiver, usually the location of the antenna. This is a\n# Euclidean frame relative to the vehicle, not a reference\n# ellipsoid.\nHeader header\n\n# satellite fix status information\nNavSatStatus status\n\n# Latitude [degrees]. Positive is north of equator; negative is south.\nfloat64 latitude\n\n# Longitude [degrees]. Positive is east of prime meridian; negative is west.\nfloat64 longitude\n\n# Altitude [m]. Positive is above the WGS 84 ellipsoid\n# (quiet NaN if no altitude is available).\nfloat64 altitude\n\n# Position covariance [m^2] defined relative to a tangential plane\n# through the reported position. The components are East, North, and\n# Up (ENU), in row-major order.\n#\n# Beware: this coordinate system exhibits singularities at the poles.\n\nfloat64[9] position_covariance\n\n# If the covariance of the fix is known, fill it in completely. If the\n# GPS receiver provides the variance of each measurement, put them\n# along the diagonal. If only Dilution of Precision is available,\n# estimate an approximate covariance from that.\n\nuint8 COVARIANCE_TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0\nuint8 COVARIANCE_TYPE_APPROXIMATED = 1\nuint8 COVARIANCE_TYPE_DIAGONAL_KNOWN = 2\nuint8 COVARIANCE_TYPE_KNOWN = 3\n\nuint8 position_covariance_type\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: std_msgs/Header\n# Standard metadata for higher-level stamped data types.\n# This is generally used to communicate timestamped data \n# in a particular coordinate frame.\n# \n# sequence ID: consecutively increasing ID \nuint32 seq\n#Two-integer timestamp that is expressed as:\n# * stamp.sec: seconds (stamp_secs) since epoch (in Python the variable is called 'secs')\n# * stamp.nsec: nanoseconds since stamp_secs (in Python the variable is called 'nsecs')\n# time-handling sugar is provided by the client library\ntime stamp\n#Frame this data is associated with\n# 0: no frame\n# 1: global frame\nstring frame_id\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: sensor_msgs/NavSatStatus\n# Navigation Satellite fix status for any Global Navigation Satellite System\n\n# Whether to output an augmented fix is determined by both the fix\n# type and the last time differential corrections were received. A\n# fix is valid when status >= STATUS_FIX.\n\nint8 STATUS_NO_FIX = -1 # unable to fix position\nint8 STATUS_FIX = 0 # unaugmented fix\nint8 STATUS_SBAS_FIX = 1 # with satellite-based augmentation\nint8 STATUS_GBAS_FIX = 2 # with ground-based augmentation\n\nint8 status\n\n# Bits defining which Global Navigation Satellite System signals were\n# used by the receiver.\n\nuint16 SERVICE_GPS = 1\nuint16 SERVICE_GLONASS = 2\nuint16 SERVICE_COMPASS = 4 # includes BeiDou.\nuint16 SERVICE_GALILEO = 8\n\nuint16 service\n", 'callerid': '/flytos/rostful', 'tcp_nodelay': '0', 'md5sum': '2d3a8cd499b9b4a0249fb98fd05cfa48', 'topic': '/flytos/mavros/global_position/raw/fix', 'type': 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'}
  1494. [ INFO] [1578686119.949343683]: Plugin 3dr_radio loaded
  1495. [ INFO] [1578686119.961263735]: Plugin 3dr_radio initialized
  1496. [ INFO] [1578686119.962806652]: Plugin altitude loaded
  1497. [ INFO] [1578686119.970400922]: Plugin altitude initialized
  1498. [ INFO] [1578686119.971979204]: Plugin autopilot_app_control loaded
  1499. [ INFO] [1578686119.977568631]: Plugin autopilot_app_control initialized
  1500. [ INFO] [1578686119.979200870]: Plugin command loaded
  1501. [ INFO] [1578686120.014072589]: Plugin command initialized
  1502. [ INFO] [1578686120.196639516]: Plugin distance_sensor loaded
  1503. [ INFO] [1578686120.336325662]: Plugin distance_sensor initialized
  1504. [ INFO] [1578686120.338223995]: Plugin ftp loaded
  1505. [ INFO] [1578686120.389139256]: Plugin ftp initialized
  1506. [ INFO] [1578686120.389782068]: Plugin geofence blacklisted
  1507. [ INFO] [1578686120.391667589]: Plugin global_position loaded
  1508. [ INFO] [1578686120.439935349]: Plugin global_position initialized
  1509. [ INFO] [1578686120.441733787]: Plugin home_position loaded
  1510. [ INFO] [1578686120.466184620]: Plugin home_position initialized
  1511. [ INFO] [1578686120.467982797]: Plugin imu_pub loaded
  1512. [ INFO] [1578686120.577183526]: Plugin imu_pub initialized
  1513. [ INFO] [1578686120.578104412]: Plugin local_position loaded
  1514. [ INFO] [1578686120.620051756]: Plugin local_position initialized
  1515. [ INFO] [1578686120.621654933]: Plugin log_list loaded
  1516. [ INFO] [1578686120.715438839]: Plugin log_list initialized
  1517. [ INFO] [1578686120.716364776]: Plugin manual_control loaded
  1518. [ INFO] [1578686120.725270662]: Plugin manual_control initialized
  1519. [ INFO] [1578686120.726139568]: Plugin mocap_pose_estimate loaded
  1520. [ INFO] [1578686120.755104516]: Plugin mocap_pose_estimate initialized
  1521. [ INFO] [1578686120.755932745]: Plugin odom loaded
  1522. [ INFO] [1578686120.778149203]: Plugin odom initialized
  1523. [ INFO] [1578686120.779614412]: Plugin param loaded
  1524. [ INFO] [1578686120.834813787]: Plugin param initialized
  1525. [ INFO] [1578686120.835752016]: Plugin payload loaded
  1526. [ INFO] [1578686120.836641235]: initialize
  1527. [ INFO] [1578686120.899319672]: Plugin payload initialized
  1528. [ INFO] [1578686120.900419568]: Plugin px4flow loaded
  1529. [ INFO] [1578686120.945386495]: Plugin px4flow initialized
  1530. [ INFO] [1578686120.947691912]: Plugin rc_io loaded
  1531. [ INFO] [1578686120.974217224]: Plugin rc_io initialized
  1532. [ INFO] [1578686120.976323266]: Plugin setpoint_position loaded
  1533. [ INFO] [1578686121.069830974]: Plugin setpoint_position initialized
  1534. [ INFO] [1578686121.071877485]: Plugin setpoint_raw loaded
  1535. [ INFO] [1578686121.134405818]: Plugin setpoint_raw initialized
  1536. [ INFO] [1578686121.136565089]: Plugin setpoint_velocity loaded
  1537. [ INFO] [1578686121.155231912]: Plugin setpoint_velocity initialized
  1538. [ INFO] [1578686121.157865401]: Plugin sys_status loaded
  1539. [ INFO] [1578686121.206004620]: Plugin sys_status initialized
  1540. [ INFO] [1578686121.208241755]: Plugin sys_time loaded
  1541. [ INFO] [1578686121.248138109]: Plugin sys_time initialized
  1542. [ INFO] [1578686121.252130662]: Plugin vfr_hud loaded
  1543. [ INFO] [1578686121.264874984]: Plugin vfr_hud initialized
  1544. [ INFO] [1578686121.266356599]: Plugin vibration blacklisted
  1545. [ INFO] [1578686121.267549151]: Plugin vision_pose_estimate loaded
  1546. [ INFO] [1578686121.347246703]: Plugin vision_pose_estimate initialized
  1547. [ INFO] [1578686121.348538266]: Plugin vision_speed_estimate loaded
  1548. [ INFO] [1578686121.372731859]: Plugin vision_speed_estimate initialized
  1549. [ INFO] [1578686121.374285505]: Plugin waypoint loaded
  1550. [ INFO] [1578686121.425143682]: Plugin waypoint initialized
  1551. [ INFO] [1578686121.426766703]: Autostarting mavlink via USB on PX4
  1552. [ INFO] [1578686121.428618682]: Built-in SIMD instructions: None
  1553. [ INFO] [1578686121.428858214]: Built-in MAVLink package version: 2016.11.11
  1554. [ INFO] [1578686121.431445401]: Known MAVLink dialects: common ardupilotmega
  1555. [ INFO] [1578686121.432807328]: MAVROS started. MY ID 255.241, TARGET ID 1.0
  1556. [FATAL] [1578686141.182661748]: heartbeat timeout called.. check serial connection to autopilot.. restarting mavros
  1557. [flytos/mavros-2] process has died [pid 9919, exit code -9, cmd /flyt/flytos/flytcore/lib/mavros/mavros_node __name:=mavros __log:=/root/.ros/log/8ef5952a-33e2-11ea-9083-b827eb83b79e/flytos-mavros-2.log].
  1558. log file: /root/.ros/log/8ef5952a-33e2-11ea-9083-b827eb83b79e/flytos-mavros-2*.log
  1559. [flytos/mavros-2] restarting process
  1560. process[flytos/mavros-2]: started with pid [10876]
  1561. [WARN] [1578686151.617140]: Could not process inbound connection: [/flytos/rostful] is not a publisher of [/flytos/mavros/imu/mag]. Topics are [['/flytos/flyt/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/mavros/mission/waypoint_achieved', 'std_msgs/UInt8'], ['/flytos/mavros/rc/in', 'mavros_msgs/RCIn'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data_euler', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/rosout', 'rosgraph_msgs/Log'], ['/flytos/mavros/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/mavros/payload_adc', 'mavros_msgs/PayloadADC'], ['/flytos/navigation_server_pos/result', 'navigation_util/NavigationPosActionResult'], ['/flytos/mavros/home_position', 'mavros_msgs/HomePosition'], ['/flytos/mavros/extended_state', 'mavros_msgs/ExtendedState'], ['/flytos/mavros/global_position/global', 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'], ['/flytos/mavros/radio_status', 'mavros_msgs/RadioStatus'], ['/flytos/mavros/local_position/local', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/flytos/mavros/battery', 'sensor_msgs/BatteryState'], ['/flytos/mavros/vfr_hud', 'mavros_msgs/VFR_HUD'], ['/flytos/mavros/global_position/raw/fix', 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data', 'sensor_msgs/Imu']]{'message_definition': ' # Measurement of the Magnetic Field vector at a specific location.\n\n # If the covariance of the measurement is known, it should be filled in\n # (if all you know is the variance of each measurement, e.g. from the datasheet,\n #just put those along the diagonal)\n # A covariance matrix of all zeros will be interpreted as "covariance unknown",\n # and to use the data a covariance will have to be assumed or gotten from some\n # other source\n\n\n Header header # timestamp is the time the\n # field was measured\n # frame_id is the location and orientation\n # of the field measurement\n\n geometry_msgs/Vector3 magnetic_field # x, y, and z components of the\n # field vector in Tesla\n # If your sensor does not output 3 axes,\n # put NaNs in the components not reported.\n\n float64[9] magnetic_field_covariance # Row major about x, y, z axes\n # 0 is interpreted as variance unknown\n================================================================================\nMSG: std_msgs/Header\n# Standard metadata for higher-level stamped data types.\n# This is generally used to communicate timestamped data \n# in a particular coordinate frame.\n# \n# sequence ID: consecutively increasing ID \nuint32 seq\n#Two-integer timestamp that is expressed as:\n# * stamp.sec: seconds (stamp_secs) since epoch (in Python the variable is called \'secs\')\n# * stamp.nsec: nanoseconds since stamp_secs (in Python the variable is called \'nsecs\')\n# time-handling sugar is provided by the client library\ntime stamp\n#Frame this data is associated with\n# 0: no frame\n# 1: global frame\nstring frame_id\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: geometry_msgs/Vector3\n# This represents a vector in free space. \n# It is only meant to represent a direction. Therefore, it does not\n# make sense to apply a translation to it (e.g., when applying a \n# generic rigid transformation to a Vector3, tf2 will only apply the\n# rotation). If you want your data to be translatable too, use the\n# geometry_msgs/Point message instead.\n\nfloat64 x\nfloat64 y\nfloat64 z', 'callerid': '/flytos/rostful', 'tcp_nodelay': '0', 'md5sum': '2f3b0b43eed0c9501de0fa3ff89a45aa', 'topic': '/flytos/mavros/imu/mag', 'type': 'sensor_msgs/MagneticField'}
  1562. [WARN] [1578686151.656365]: Could not process inbound connection: Internal error processing topic [/flytos/mavros/payload_adc]{'message_definition': "std_msgs/Header header\nfloat32[2] adc_voltage\nuint8 adc_updated\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: std_msgs/Header\n# Standard metadata for higher-level stamped data types.\n# This is generally used to communicate timestamped data \n# in a particular coordinate frame.\n# \n# sequence ID: consecutively increasing ID \nuint32 seq\n#Two-integer timestamp that is expressed as:\n# * stamp.sec: seconds (stamp_secs) since epoch (in Python the variable is called 'secs')\n# * stamp.nsec: nanoseconds since stamp_secs (in Python the variable is called 'nsecs')\n# time-handling sugar is provided by the client library\ntime stamp\n#Frame this data is associated with\n# 0: no frame\n# 1: global frame\nstring frame_id\n", 'callerid': '/flytos/rostful', 'tcp_nodelay': '0', 'md5sum': 'd60a08e63bfc8af231e94c19fbd81263', 'topic': '/flytos/mavros/payload_adc', 'type': 'mavros_msgs/PayloadADC'}
  1563. [WARN] [1578686151.716182]: Could not process inbound connection: [/flytos/rostful] is not a publisher of [/flytos/mavros/battery]. Topics are [['/flytos/flyt/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/mavros/mission/waypoint_achieved', 'std_msgs/UInt8'], ['/flytos/mavros/rc/in', 'mavros_msgs/RCIn'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data_euler', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/rosout', 'rosgraph_msgs/Log'], ['/flytos/mavros/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/navigation_server_pos/result', 'navigation_util/NavigationPosActionResult'], ['/flytos/mavros/home_position', 'mavros_msgs/HomePosition'], ['/flytos/mavros/extended_state', 'mavros_msgs/ExtendedState'], ['/flytos/mavros/global_position/global', 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'], ['/flytos/mavros/radio_status', 'mavros_msgs/RadioStatus'], ['/flytos/mavros/local_position/local', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/flytos/mavros/vfr_hud', 'mavros_msgs/VFR_HUD'], ['/flytos/mavros/global_position/raw/fix', 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data', 'sensor_msgs/Imu']]{'message_definition': "\n# Constants are chosen to match the enums in the linux kernel\n# defined in include/linux/power_supply.h as of version 3.7\n# The one difference is for style reasons the constants are\n# all uppercase not mixed case.\n\n# Power supply status constants\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_STATUS_UNKNOWN = 0\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_STATUS_CHARGING = 1\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_STATUS_DISCHARGING = 2\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_STATUS_NOT_CHARGING = 3\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_STATUS_FULL = 4\n\n# Power supply health constants\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_UNKNOWN = 0\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_GOOD = 1\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_OVERHEAT = 2\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_DEAD = 3\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_OVERVOLTAGE = 4\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_UNSPEC_FAILURE = 5\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_COLD = 6\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_WATCHDOG_TIMER_EXPIRE = 7\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_SAFETY_TIMER_EXPIRE = 8\n\n# Power supply technology (chemistry) constants\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_TECHNOLOGY_UNKNOWN = 0\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_TECHNOLOGY_NIMH = 1\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_TECHNOLOGY_LION = 2\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_TECHNOLOGY_LIPO = 3\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_TECHNOLOGY_LIFE = 4\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_TECHNOLOGY_NICD = 5\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_TECHNOLOGY_LIMN = 6\n\nHeader header\nfloat32 voltage # Voltage in Volts (Mandatory)\nfloat32 current # Negative when discharging (A) (If unmeasured NaN)\nfloat32 charge # Current charge in Ah (If unmeasured NaN)\nfloat32 capacity # Capacity in Ah (last full capacity) (If unmeasured NaN)\nfloat32 design_capacity # Capacity in Ah (design capacity) (If unmeasured NaN)\nfloat32 percentage # Charge percentage on 0 to 1 range (If unmeasured NaN)\nuint8 power_supply_status # The charging status as reported. Values defined above\nuint8 power_supply_health # The battery health metric. Values defined above\nuint8 power_supply_technology # The battery chemistry. Values defined above\nbool present # True if the battery is present\n\nfloat32[] cell_voltage # An array of individual cell voltages for each cell in the pack\n # If individual voltages unknown but number of cells known set each to NaN\nstring location # The location into which the battery is inserted. (slot number or plug)\nstring serial_number # The best approximation of the battery serial number\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: std_msgs/Header\n# Standard metadata for higher-level stamped data types.\n# This is generally used to communicate timestamped data \n# in a particular coordinate frame.\n# \n# sequence ID: consecutively increasing ID \nuint32 seq\n#Two-integer timestamp that is expressed as:\n# * stamp.sec: seconds (stamp_secs) since epoch (in Python the variable is called 'secs')\n# * stamp.nsec: nanoseconds since stamp_secs (in Python the variable is called 'nsecs')\n# time-handling sugar is provided by the client library\ntime stamp\n#Frame this data is associated with\n# 0: no frame\n# 1: global frame\nstring frame_id\n", 'callerid': '/flytos/rostful', 'tcp_nodelay': '0', 'md5sum': '476f837fa6771f6e16e3bf4ef96f8770', 'topic': '/flytos/mavros/battery', 'type': 'sensor_msgs/BatteryState'}
  1564. [ INFO] [1578686151.721228619]: FCU URL: /dev/ttyAMA0:921600
  1565. [ INFO] [1578686151.727332629]: serial0: device: /dev/ttyAMA0 @ 921600 bps
  1566. [ INFO] [1578686151.729312369]: GCS URL: tcp-l://:5760
  1567. [ INFO] [1578686151.731944296]: tcp1: Bind address:
  1568. [WARN] [1578686151.763408]: Could not process inbound connection: [/flytos/rostful] is not a publisher of [/flytos/mavros/vfr_hud]. Topics are [['/flytos/flyt/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/mavros/mission/waypoint_achieved', 'std_msgs/UInt8'], ['/flytos/mavros/rc/in', 'mavros_msgs/RCIn'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data_euler', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/rosout', 'rosgraph_msgs/Log'], ['/flytos/mavros/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/navigation_server_pos/result', 'navigation_util/NavigationPosActionResult'], ['/flytos/mavros/home_position', 'mavros_msgs/HomePosition'], ['/flytos/mavros/extended_state', 'mavros_msgs/ExtendedState'], ['/flytos/mavros/global_position/global', 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'], ['/flytos/mavros/radio_status', 'mavros_msgs/RadioStatus'], ['/flytos/mavros/local_position/local', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/flytos/mavros/global_position/raw/fix', 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data', 'sensor_msgs/Imu']]{'message_definition': "# Metrics typically displayed on a HUD for fixed wing aircraft\n#\n# VFR_HUD message\n\nstd_msgs/Header header\nfloat32 airspeed\t# m/s\nfloat32 groundspeed\t# m/s\nint16 heading\t\t# degrees 0..360\nfloat32 throttle\t\t# normalized to 0.0..1.0\nfloat32 altitude\t\t# MSL\nfloat32 climb\t\t# current climb rate m/s\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: std_msgs/Header\n# Standard metadata for higher-level stamped data types.\n# This is generally used to communicate timestamped data \n# in a particular coordinate frame.\n# \n# sequence ID: consecutively increasing ID \nuint32 seq\n#Two-integer timestamp that is expressed as:\n# * stamp.sec: seconds (stamp_secs) since epoch (in Python the variable is called 'secs')\n# * stamp.nsec: nanoseconds since stamp_secs (in Python the variable is called 'nsecs')\n# time-handling sugar is provided by the client library\ntime stamp\n#Frame this data is associated with\n# 0: no frame\n# 1: global frame\nstring frame_id\n", 'callerid': '/flytos/rostful', 'tcp_nodelay': '0', 'md5sum': '1f55e210c3d39fe105d44d8dc963655f', 'topic': '/flytos/mavros/vfr_hud', 'type': 'mavros_msgs/VFR_HUD'}
  1569. [WARN] [1578686151.800786]: Could not process inbound connection: Internal error processing topic [/flytos/mavros/radio_status]{'message_definition': "# RADIO_STATUS message\n\nstd_msgs/Header header\n\n# message data\nuint8 rssi\nuint8 remrssi\nuint8 txbuf\nuint8 noise\nuint8 remnoise\nuint16 rxerrors\nuint16 fixed\n\n# calculated\nfloat32 rssi_dbm\nfloat32 remrssi_dbm\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: std_msgs/Header\n# Standard metadata for higher-level stamped data types.\n# This is generally used to communicate timestamped data \n# in a particular coordinate frame.\n# \n# sequence ID: consecutively increasing ID \nuint32 seq\n#Two-integer timestamp that is expressed as:\n# * stamp.sec: seconds (stamp_secs) since epoch (in Python the variable is called 'secs')\n# * stamp.nsec: nanoseconds since stamp_secs (in Python the variable is called 'nsecs')\n# time-handling sugar is provided by the client library\ntime stamp\n#Frame this data is associated with\n# 0: no frame\n# 1: global frame\nstring frame_id\n", 'callerid': '/flytos/rostful', 'tcp_nodelay': '0', 'md5sum': '04e4a879bb2687140da50a1a821e2190', 'topic': '/flytos/mavros/radio_status', 'type': 'mavros_msgs/RadioStatus'}
  1570. [WARN] [1578686151.857525]: Could not process inbound connection: Internal error processing topic [/flytos/mavros/global_position/raw/fix]{'message_definition': "# Navigation Satellite fix for any Global Navigation Satellite System\n#\n# Specified using the WGS 84 reference ellipsoid\n\n# header.stamp specifies the ROS time for this measurement (the\n# corresponding satellite time may be reported using the\n# sensor_msgs/TimeReference message).\n#\n# header.frame_id is the frame of reference reported by the satellite\n# receiver, usually the location of the antenna. This is a\n# Euclidean frame relative to the vehicle, not a reference\n# ellipsoid.\nHeader header\n\n# satellite fix status information\nNavSatStatus status\n\n# Latitude [degrees]. Positive is north of equator; negative is south.\nfloat64 latitude\n\n# Longitude [degrees]. Positive is east of prime meridian; negative is west.\nfloat64 longitude\n\n# Altitude [m]. Positive is above the WGS 84 ellipsoid\n# (quiet NaN if no altitude is available).\nfloat64 altitude\n\n# Position covariance [m^2] defined relative to a tangential plane\n# through the reported position. The components are East, North, and\n# Up (ENU), in row-major order.\n#\n# Beware: this coordinate system exhibits singularities at the poles.\n\nfloat64[9] position_covariance\n\n# If the covariance of the fix is known, fill it in completely. If the\n# GPS receiver provides the variance of each measurement, put them\n# along the diagonal. If only Dilution of Precision is available,\n# estimate an approximate covariance from that.\n\nuint8 COVARIANCE_TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0\nuint8 COVARIANCE_TYPE_APPROXIMATED = 1\nuint8 COVARIANCE_TYPE_DIAGONAL_KNOWN = 2\nuint8 COVARIANCE_TYPE_KNOWN = 3\n\nuint8 position_covariance_type\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: std_msgs/Header\n# Standard metadata for higher-level stamped data types.\n# This is generally used to communicate timestamped data \n# in a particular coordinate frame.\n# \n# sequence ID: consecutively increasing ID \nuint32 seq\n#Two-integer timestamp that is expressed as:\n# * stamp.sec: seconds (stamp_secs) since epoch (in Python the variable is called 'secs')\n# * stamp.nsec: nanoseconds since stamp_secs (in Python the variable is called 'nsecs')\n# time-handling sugar is provided by the client library\ntime stamp\n#Frame this data is associated with\n# 0: no frame\n# 1: global frame\nstring frame_id\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: sensor_msgs/NavSatStatus\n# Navigation Satellite fix status for any Global Navigation Satellite System\n\n# Whether to output an augmented fix is determined by both the fix\n# type and the last time differential corrections were received. A\n# fix is valid when status >= STATUS_FIX.\n\nint8 STATUS_NO_FIX = -1 # unable to fix position\nint8 STATUS_FIX = 0 # unaugmented fix\nint8 STATUS_SBAS_FIX = 1 # with satellite-based augmentation\nint8 STATUS_GBAS_FIX = 2 # with ground-based augmentation\n\nint8 status\n\n# Bits defining which Global Navigation Satellite System signals were\n# used by the receiver.\n\nuint16 SERVICE_GPS = 1\nuint16 SERVICE_GLONASS = 2\nuint16 SERVICE_COMPASS = 4 # includes BeiDou.\nuint16 SERVICE_GALILEO = 8\n\nuint16 service\n", 'callerid': '/flytos/rostful', 'tcp_nodelay': '0', 'md5sum': '2d3a8cd499b9b4a0249fb98fd05cfa48', 'topic': '/flytos/mavros/global_position/raw/fix', 'type': 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'}
  1571. [ INFO] [1578686152.003426639]: Plugin 3dr_radio loaded
  1572. [ INFO] [1578686152.015059400]: Plugin 3dr_radio initialized
  1573. [ INFO] [1578686152.015967733]: Plugin altitude loaded
  1574. [ INFO] [1578686152.023212108]: Plugin altitude initialized
  1575. [ INFO] [1578686152.024218931]: Plugin autopilot_app_control loaded
  1576. [ INFO] [1578686152.029195546]: Plugin autopilot_app_control initialized
  1577. [ INFO] [1578686152.030100754]: Plugin command loaded
  1578. [ INFO] [1578686152.063810285]: Plugin command initialized
  1579. [ INFO] [1578686152.245414921]: Plugin distance_sensor loaded
  1580. [ INFO] [1578686152.403557368]: Plugin distance_sensor initialized
  1581. [ INFO] [1578686152.405090129]: Plugin ftp loaded
  1582. [ INFO] [1578686152.492029348]: Plugin ftp initialized
  1583. [ INFO] [1578686152.492249868]: Plugin geofence blacklisted
  1584. [ INFO] [1578686152.493335077]: Plugin global_position loaded
  1585. [ INFO] [1578686152.557410754]: Plugin global_position initialized
  1586. [ INFO] [1578686152.558765233]: Plugin home_position loaded
  1587. [ INFO] [1578686152.566926379]: Plugin home_position initialized
  1588. [ INFO] [1578686152.568201587]: Plugin imu_pub loaded
  1589. [ INFO] [1578686152.628423879]: Plugin imu_pub initialized
  1590. [ INFO] [1578686152.629562212]: Plugin local_position loaded
  1591. [ INFO] [1578686152.768083722]: Plugin local_position initialized
  1592. [ INFO] [1578686152.769275702]: Plugin log_list loaded
  1593. [ INFO] [1578686152.807086379]: Plugin log_list initialized
  1594. [ INFO] [1578686152.808200389]: Plugin manual_control loaded
  1595. [ INFO] [1578686152.812568618]: Plugin manual_control initialized
  1596. [ INFO] [1578686152.813545285]: Plugin mocap_pose_estimate loaded
  1597. [ INFO] [1578686152.842617212]: Plugin mocap_pose_estimate initialized
  1598. [ INFO] [1578686152.844911327]: Plugin odom loaded
  1599. [ INFO] [1578686152.866362316]: Plugin odom initialized
  1600. [ INFO] [1578686152.867778254]: Plugin param loaded
  1601. [ INFO] [1578686152.913220858]: Plugin param initialized
  1602. [ INFO] [1578686152.914508254]: Plugin payload loaded
  1603. [ INFO] [1578686152.915544295]: initialize
  1604. [ INFO] [1578686152.956514035]: Plugin payload initialized
  1605. [ INFO] [1578686152.957411014]: Plugin px4flow loaded
  1606. [ INFO] [1578686152.990213774]: Plugin px4flow initialized
  1607. [ INFO] [1578686152.991555337]: Plugin rc_io loaded
  1608. [ INFO] [1578686153.032157212]: Plugin rc_io initialized
  1609. [ INFO] [1578686153.033221379]: Plugin setpoint_position loaded
  1610. [ INFO] [1578686153.110804712]: Plugin setpoint_position initialized
  1611. [ INFO] [1578686153.111882160]: Plugin setpoint_raw loaded
  1612. [ INFO] [1578686153.175225754]: Plugin setpoint_raw initialized
  1613. [ INFO] [1578686153.176389712]: Plugin setpoint_velocity loaded
  1614. [ INFO] [1578686153.194314816]: Plugin setpoint_velocity initialized
  1615. [ INFO] [1578686153.196016951]: Plugin sys_status loaded
  1616. [ INFO] [1578686153.245264191]: Plugin sys_status initialized
  1617. [ INFO] [1578686153.246349816]: Plugin sys_time loaded
  1618. [ INFO] [1578686153.266636483]: Plugin sys_time initialized
  1619. [ INFO] [1578686153.267693670]: Plugin vfr_hud loaded
  1620. [ INFO] [1578686153.275888253]: Plugin vfr_hud initialized
  1621. [ INFO] [1578686153.276310076]: Plugin vibration blacklisted
  1622. [ INFO] [1578686153.277217576]: Plugin vision_pose_estimate loaded
  1623. [ INFO] [1578686153.376644295]: Plugin vision_pose_estimate initialized
  1624. [ INFO] [1578686153.378123253]: Plugin vision_speed_estimate loaded
  1625. [ INFO] [1578686153.402057837]: Plugin vision_speed_estimate initialized
  1626. [ INFO] [1578686153.403154660]: Plugin waypoint loaded
  1627. [ INFO] [1578686153.469543983]: Plugin waypoint initialized
  1628. [ INFO] [1578686153.470014087]: Autostarting mavlink via USB on PX4
  1629. [ INFO] [1578686153.470774503]: Built-in SIMD instructions: None
  1630. [ INFO] [1578686153.471034191]: Built-in MAVLink package version: 2016.11.11
  1631. [ INFO] [1578686153.471251639]: Known MAVLink dialects: common ardupilotmega
  1632. [ INFO] [1578686153.471430753]: MAVROS started. MY ID 255.241, TARGET ID 1.0
  1633. [FATAL] [1578686173.221828558]: heartbeat timeout called.. check serial connection to autopilot.. restarting mavros
  1634. [flytos/mavros-2] process has died [pid 10876, exit code -9, cmd /flyt/flytos/flytcore/lib/mavros/mavros_node __name:=mavros __log:=/root/.ros/log/8ef5952a-33e2-11ea-9083-b827eb83b79e/flytos-mavros-2.log].
  1635. log file: /root/.ros/log/8ef5952a-33e2-11ea-9083-b827eb83b79e/flytos-mavros-2*.log
  1636. [flytos/mavros-2] restarting process
  1637. process[flytos/mavros-2]: started with pid [11796]
  1638. [ INFO] [1578686183.705170638]: FCU URL: /dev/ttyAMA0:921600
  1639. [ INFO] [1578686183.710021627]: serial0: device: /dev/ttyAMA0 @ 921600 bps
  1640. [ INFO] [1578686183.711487513]: GCS URL: tcp-l://:5760
  1641. [ INFO] [1578686183.713207513]: tcp1: Bind address:
  1642. [ INFO] [1578686183.946847877]: Plugin 3dr_radio loaded
  1643. [ INFO] [1578686183.958883606]: Plugin 3dr_radio initialized
  1644. [ INFO] [1578686183.960306575]: Plugin altitude loaded
  1645. [ INFO] [1578686183.968269492]: Plugin altitude initialized
  1646. [ INFO] [1578686183.969601158]: Plugin autopilot_app_control loaded
  1647. [ INFO] [1578686183.975311783]: Plugin autopilot_app_control initialized
  1648. [ INFO] [1578686183.976741940]: Plugin command loaded
  1649. [ INFO] [1578686184.018148606]: Plugin command initialized
  1650. [ INFO] [1578686184.205256158]: Plugin distance_sensor loaded
  1651. [ INFO] [1578686184.377124960]: Plugin distance_sensor initialized
  1652. [ INFO] [1578686184.379291158]: Plugin ftp loaded
  1653. [WARN] [1578686184.388261]: Could not process inbound connection: Internal error processing topic [/flytos/mavros/imu/mag]{'message_definition': ' # Measurement of the Magnetic Field vector at a specific location.\n\n # If the covariance of the measurement is known, it should be filled in\n # (if all you know is the variance of each measurement, e.g. from the datasheet,\n #just put those along the diagonal)\n # A covariance matrix of all zeros will be interpreted as "covariance unknown",\n # and to use the data a covariance will have to be assumed or gotten from some\n # other source\n\n\n Header header # timestamp is the time the\n # field was measured\n # frame_id is the location and orientation\n # of the field measurement\n\n geometry_msgs/Vector3 magnetic_field # x, y, and z components of the\n # field vector in Tesla\n # If your sensor does not output 3 axes,\n # put NaNs in the components not reported.\n\n float64[9] magnetic_field_covariance # Row major about x, y, z axes\n # 0 is interpreted as variance unknown\n================================================================================\nMSG: std_msgs/Header\n# Standard metadata for higher-level stamped data types.\n# This is generally used to communicate timestamped data \n# in a particular coordinate frame.\n# \n# sequence ID: consecutively increasing ID \nuint32 seq\n#Two-integer timestamp that is expressed as:\n# * stamp.sec: seconds (stamp_secs) since epoch (in Python the variable is called \'secs\')\n# * stamp.nsec: nanoseconds since stamp_secs (in Python the variable is called \'nsecs\')\n# time-handling sugar is provided by the client library\ntime stamp\n#Frame this data is associated with\n# 0: no frame\n# 1: global frame\nstring frame_id\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: geometry_msgs/Vector3\n# This represents a vector in free space. \n# It is only meant to represent a direction. Therefore, it does not\n# make sense to apply a translation to it (e.g., when applying a \n# generic rigid transformation to a Vector3, tf2 will only apply the\n# rotation). If you want your data to be translatable too, use the\n# geometry_msgs/Point message instead.\n\nfloat64 x\nfloat64 y\nfloat64 z', 'callerid': '/flytos/rostful', 'tcp_nodelay': '0', 'md5sum': '2f3b0b43eed0c9501de0fa3ff89a45aa', 'topic': '/flytos/mavros/imu/mag', 'type': 'sensor_msgs/MagneticField'}
  1654. [WARN] [1578686184.429795]: Could not process inbound connection: [/flytos/rostful] is not a publisher of [/flytos/mavros/payload_adc]. Topics are [['/flytos/flyt/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/mavros/mission/waypoint_achieved', 'std_msgs/UInt8'], ['/flytos/mavros/rc/in', 'mavros_msgs/RCIn'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data_euler', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/rosout', 'rosgraph_msgs/Log'], ['/flytos/mavros/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/navigation_server_pos/result', 'navigation_util/NavigationPosActionResult'], ['/flytos/mavros/home_position', 'mavros_msgs/HomePosition'], ['/flytos/mavros/extended_state', 'mavros_msgs/ExtendedState'], ['/flytos/mavros/global_position/global', 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'], ['/flytos/mavros/radio_status', 'mavros_msgs/RadioStatus'], ['/flytos/mavros/local_position/local', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/flytos/mavros/battery', 'sensor_msgs/BatteryState'], ['/flytos/mavros/vfr_hud', 'mavros_msgs/VFR_HUD'], ['/flytos/mavros/global_position/raw/fix', 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data', 'sensor_msgs/Imu']]{'message_definition': "std_msgs/Header header\nfloat32[2] adc_voltage\nuint8 adc_updated\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: std_msgs/Header\n# Standard metadata for higher-level stamped data types.\n# This is generally used to communicate timestamped data \n# in a particular coordinate frame.\n# \n# sequence ID: consecutively increasing ID \nuint32 seq\n#Two-integer timestamp that is expressed as:\n# * stamp.sec: seconds (stamp_secs) since epoch (in Python the variable is called 'secs')\n# * stamp.nsec: nanoseconds since stamp_secs (in Python the variable is called 'nsecs')\n# time-handling sugar is provided by the client library\ntime stamp\n#Frame this data is associated with\n# 0: no frame\n# 1: global frame\nstring frame_id\n", 'callerid': '/flytos/rostful', 'tcp_nodelay': '0', 'md5sum': 'd60a08e63bfc8af231e94c19fbd81263', 'topic': '/flytos/mavros/payload_adc', 'type': 'mavros_msgs/PayloadADC'}
  1655. [ INFO] [1578686184.458445794]: Plugin ftp initialized
  1656. [ INFO] [1578686184.459360064]: Plugin geofence blacklisted
  1657. [ INFO] [1578686184.461270325]: Plugin global_position loaded
  1658. [WARN] [1578686184.475722]: Could not process inbound connection: [/flytos/rostful] is not a publisher of [/flytos/mavros/battery]. Topics are [['/flytos/flyt/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/mavros/mission/waypoint_achieved', 'std_msgs/UInt8'], ['/flytos/mavros/rc/in', 'mavros_msgs/RCIn'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data_euler', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/rosout', 'rosgraph_msgs/Log'], ['/flytos/mavros/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/navigation_server_pos/result', 'navigation_util/NavigationPosActionResult'], ['/flytos/mavros/home_position', 'mavros_msgs/HomePosition'], ['/flytos/mavros/extended_state', 'mavros_msgs/ExtendedState'], ['/flytos/mavros/global_position/global', 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'], ['/flytos/mavros/radio_status', 'mavros_msgs/RadioStatus'], ['/flytos/mavros/local_position/local', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/flytos/mavros/vfr_hud', 'mavros_msgs/VFR_HUD'], ['/flytos/mavros/global_position/raw/fix', 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data', 'sensor_msgs/Imu']]{'message_definition': "\n# Constants are chosen to match the enums in the linux kernel\n# defined in include/linux/power_supply.h as of version 3.7\n# The one difference is for style reasons the constants are\n# all uppercase not mixed case.\n\n# Power supply status constants\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_STATUS_UNKNOWN = 0\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_STATUS_CHARGING = 1\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_STATUS_DISCHARGING = 2\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_STATUS_NOT_CHARGING = 3\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_STATUS_FULL = 4\n\n# Power supply health constants\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_UNKNOWN = 0\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_GOOD = 1\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_OVERHEAT = 2\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_DEAD = 3\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_OVERVOLTAGE = 4\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_UNSPEC_FAILURE = 5\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_COLD = 6\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_WATCHDOG_TIMER_EXPIRE = 7\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_SAFETY_TIMER_EXPIRE = 8\n\n# Power supply technology (chemistry) constants\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_TECHNOLOGY_UNKNOWN = 0\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_TECHNOLOGY_NIMH = 1\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_TECHNOLOGY_LION = 2\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_TECHNOLOGY_LIPO = 3\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_TECHNOLOGY_LIFE = 4\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_TECHNOLOGY_NICD = 5\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_TECHNOLOGY_LIMN = 6\n\nHeader header\nfloat32 voltage # Voltage in Volts (Mandatory)\nfloat32 current # Negative when discharging (A) (If unmeasured NaN)\nfloat32 charge # Current charge in Ah (If unmeasured NaN)\nfloat32 capacity # Capacity in Ah (last full capacity) (If unmeasured NaN)\nfloat32 design_capacity # Capacity in Ah (design capacity) (If unmeasured NaN)\nfloat32 percentage # Charge percentage on 0 to 1 range (If unmeasured NaN)\nuint8 power_supply_status # The charging status as reported. Values defined above\nuint8 power_supply_health # The battery health metric. Values defined above\nuint8 power_supply_technology # The battery chemistry. Values defined above\nbool present # True if the battery is present\n\nfloat32[] cell_voltage # An array of individual cell voltages for each cell in the pack\n # If individual voltages unknown but number of cells known set each to NaN\nstring location # The location into which the battery is inserted. (slot number or plug)\nstring serial_number # The best approximation of the battery serial number\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: std_msgs/Header\n# Standard metadata for higher-level stamped data types.\n# This is generally used to communicate timestamped data \n# in a particular coordinate frame.\n# \n# sequence ID: consecutively increasing ID \nuint32 seq\n#Two-integer timestamp that is expressed as:\n# * stamp.sec: seconds (stamp_secs) since epoch (in Python the variable is called 'secs')\n# * stamp.nsec: nanoseconds since stamp_secs (in Python the variable is called 'nsecs')\n# time-handling sugar is provided by the client library\ntime stamp\n#Frame this data is associated with\n# 0: no frame\n# 1: global frame\nstring frame_id\n", 'callerid': '/flytos/rostful', 'tcp_nodelay': '0', 'md5sum': '476f837fa6771f6e16e3bf4ef96f8770', 'topic': '/flytos/mavros/battery', 'type': 'sensor_msgs/BatteryState'}
  1659. [WARN] [1578686184.523352]: Could not process inbound connection: Internal error processing topic [/flytos/mavros/vfr_hud]{'message_definition': "# Metrics typically displayed on a HUD for fixed wing aircraft\n#\n# VFR_HUD message\n\nstd_msgs/Header header\nfloat32 airspeed\t# m/s\nfloat32 groundspeed\t# m/s\nint16 heading\t\t# degrees 0..360\nfloat32 throttle\t\t# normalized to 0.0..1.0\nfloat32 altitude\t\t# MSL\nfloat32 climb\t\t# current climb rate m/s\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: std_msgs/Header\n# Standard metadata for higher-level stamped data types.\n# This is generally used to communicate timestamped data \n# in a particular coordinate frame.\n# \n# sequence ID: consecutively increasing ID \nuint32 seq\n#Two-integer timestamp that is expressed as:\n# * stamp.sec: seconds (stamp_secs) since epoch (in Python the variable is called 'secs')\n# * stamp.nsec: nanoseconds since stamp_secs (in Python the variable is called 'nsecs')\n# time-handling sugar is provided by the client library\ntime stamp\n#Frame this data is associated with\n# 0: no frame\n# 1: global frame\nstring frame_id\n", 'callerid': '/flytos/rostful', 'tcp_nodelay': '0', 'md5sum': '1f55e210c3d39fe105d44d8dc963655f', 'topic': '/flytos/mavros/vfr_hud', 'type': 'mavros_msgs/VFR_HUD'}
  1660. [ INFO] [1578686184.557500689]: Plugin global_position initialized
  1661. [ INFO] [1578686184.559336471]: Plugin home_position loaded
  1662. [WARN] [1578686184.564756]: Could not process inbound connection: Internal error processing topic [/flytos/mavros/global_position/raw/fix]{'message_definition': "# Navigation Satellite fix for any Global Navigation Satellite System\n#\n# Specified using the WGS 84 reference ellipsoid\n\n# header.stamp specifies the ROS time for this measurement (the\n# corresponding satellite time may be reported using the\n# sensor_msgs/TimeReference message).\n#\n# header.frame_id is the frame of reference reported by the satellite\n# receiver, usually the location of the antenna. This is a\n# Euclidean frame relative to the vehicle, not a reference\n# ellipsoid.\nHeader header\n\n# satellite fix status information\nNavSatStatus status\n\n# Latitude [degrees]. Positive is north of equator; negative is south.\nfloat64 latitude\n\n# Longitude [degrees]. Positive is east of prime meridian; negative is west.\nfloat64 longitude\n\n# Altitude [m]. Positive is above the WGS 84 ellipsoid\n# (quiet NaN if no altitude is available).\nfloat64 altitude\n\n# Position covariance [m^2] defined relative to a tangential plane\n# through the reported position. The components are East, North, and\n# Up (ENU), in row-major order.\n#\n# Beware: this coordinate system exhibits singularities at the poles.\n\nfloat64[9] position_covariance\n\n# If the covariance of the fix is known, fill it in completely. If the\n# GPS receiver provides the variance of each measurement, put them\n# along the diagonal. If only Dilution of Precision is available,\n# estimate an approximate covariance from that.\n\nuint8 COVARIANCE_TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0\nuint8 COVARIANCE_TYPE_APPROXIMATED = 1\nuint8 COVARIANCE_TYPE_DIAGONAL_KNOWN = 2\nuint8 COVARIANCE_TYPE_KNOWN = 3\n\nuint8 position_covariance_type\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: std_msgs/Header\n# Standard metadata for higher-level stamped data types.\n# This is generally used to communicate timestamped data \n# in a particular coordinate frame.\n# \n# sequence ID: consecutively increasing ID \nuint32 seq\n#Two-integer timestamp that is expressed as:\n# * stamp.sec: seconds (stamp_secs) since epoch (in Python the variable is called 'secs')\n# * stamp.nsec: nanoseconds since stamp_secs (in Python the variable is called 'nsecs')\n# time-handling sugar is provided by the client library\ntime stamp\n#Frame this data is associated with\n# 0: no frame\n# 1: global frame\nstring frame_id\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: sensor_msgs/NavSatStatus\n# Navigation Satellite fix status for any Global Navigation Satellite System\n\n# Whether to output an augmented fix is determined by both the fix\n# type and the last time differential corrections were received. A\n# fix is valid when status >= STATUS_FIX.\n\nint8 STATUS_NO_FIX = -1 # unable to fix position\nint8 STATUS_FIX = 0 # unaugmented fix\nint8 STATUS_SBAS_FIX = 1 # with satellite-based augmentation\nint8 STATUS_GBAS_FIX = 2 # with ground-based augmentation\n\nint8 status\n\n# Bits defining which Global Navigation Satellite System signals were\n# used by the receiver.\n\nuint16 SERVICE_GPS = 1\nuint16 SERVICE_GLONASS = 2\nuint16 SERVICE_COMPASS = 4 # includes BeiDou.\nuint16 SERVICE_GALILEO = 8\n\nuint16 service\n", 'callerid': '/flytos/rostful', 'tcp_nodelay': '0', 'md5sum': '2d3a8cd499b9b4a0249fb98fd05cfa48', 'topic': '/flytos/mavros/global_position/raw/fix', 'type': 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'}
  1663. [ INFO] [1578686184.571614492]: Plugin home_position initialized
  1664. [ INFO] [1578686184.573169335]: Plugin imu_pub loaded
  1665. [ INFO] [1578686184.730469804]: Plugin imu_pub initialized
  1666. [ INFO] [1578686184.731522929]: Plugin local_position loaded
  1667. [ INFO] [1578686184.787103137]: Plugin local_position initialized
  1668. [ INFO] [1578686184.788248189]: Plugin log_list loaded
  1669. [ INFO] [1578686184.836414752]: Plugin log_list initialized
  1670. [ INFO] [1578686184.837338866]: Plugin manual_control loaded
  1671. [ INFO] [1578686184.843440429]: Plugin manual_control initialized
  1672. [ INFO] [1578686184.844378241]: Plugin mocap_pose_estimate loaded
  1673. [ INFO] [1578686184.882428866]: Plugin mocap_pose_estimate initialized
  1674. [ INFO] [1578686184.883347981]: Plugin odom loaded
  1675. [ INFO] [1578686184.914915377]: Plugin odom initialized
  1676. [ INFO] [1578686184.916444648]: Plugin param loaded
  1677. [ INFO] [1578686184.957917043]: Plugin param initialized
  1678. [ INFO] [1578686184.959954960]: Plugin payload loaded
  1679. [ INFO] [1578686184.960903971]: initialize
  1680. [ INFO] [1578686185.007684075]: Plugin payload initialized
  1681. [ INFO] [1578686185.008542564]: Plugin px4flow loaded
  1682. [ INFO] [1578686185.042522721]: Plugin px4flow initialized
  1683. [ INFO] [1578686185.043965273]: Plugin rc_io loaded
  1684. [ INFO] [1578686185.075450221]: Plugin rc_io initialized
  1685. [ INFO] [1578686185.076785950]: Plugin setpoint_position loaded
  1686. [ INFO] [1578686185.176395845]: Plugin setpoint_position initialized
  1687. [ INFO] [1578686185.177524335]: Plugin setpoint_raw loaded
  1688. [ INFO] [1578686185.318612460]: Plugin setpoint_raw initialized
  1689. [ INFO] [1578686185.319687147]: Plugin setpoint_velocity loaded
  1690. [ INFO] [1578686185.340680689]: Plugin setpoint_velocity initialized
  1691. [ INFO] [1578686185.342223970]: Plugin sys_status loaded
  1692. [ INFO] [1578686185.416564491]: Plugin sys_status initialized
  1693. [ INFO] [1578686185.418582564]: Plugin sys_time loaded
  1694. [ INFO] [1578686185.459895533]: Plugin sys_time initialized
  1695. [ INFO] [1578686185.460809283]: Plugin vfr_hud loaded
  1696. [ INFO] [1578686185.470333814]: Plugin vfr_hud initialized
  1697. [ INFO] [1578686185.470549127]: Plugin vibration blacklisted
  1698. [ INFO] [1578686185.471805741]: Plugin vision_pose_estimate loaded
  1699. [ INFO] [1578686185.582178085]: Plugin vision_pose_estimate initialized
  1700. [ INFO] [1578686185.584269179]: Plugin vision_speed_estimate loaded
  1701. [ INFO] [1578686185.614258241]: Plugin vision_speed_estimate initialized
  1702. [ INFO] [1578686185.616340949]: Plugin waypoint loaded
  1703. [ INFO] [1578686185.712302147]: Plugin waypoint initialized
  1704. [ INFO] [1578686185.713092252]: Autostarting mavlink via USB on PX4
  1705. [ INFO] [1578686185.714231418]: Built-in SIMD instructions: None
  1706. [ INFO] [1578686185.714435064]: Built-in MAVLink package version: 2016.11.11
  1707. [ INFO] [1578686185.714963241]: Known MAVLink dialects: common ardupilotmega
  1708. [ INFO] [1578686185.715116627]: MAVROS started. MY ID 255.241, TARGET ID 1.0
  1709. [FATAL] [1578686205.385841150]: heartbeat timeout called.. check serial connection to autopilot.. restarting mavros
  1710. [flytos/mavros-2] process has died [pid 11796, exit code -9, cmd /flyt/flytos/flytcore/lib/mavros/mavros_node __name:=mavros __log:=/root/.ros/log/8ef5952a-33e2-11ea-9083-b827eb83b79e/flytos-mavros-2.log].
  1711. log file: /root/.ros/log/8ef5952a-33e2-11ea-9083-b827eb83b79e/flytos-mavros-2*.log
  1712. [flytos/mavros-2] restarting process
  1713. process[flytos/mavros-2]: started with pid [12749]
  1714. [ INFO] [1578686215.910728073]: FCU URL: /dev/ttyAMA0:921600
  1715. [ INFO] [1578686215.915813438]: serial0: device: /dev/ttyAMA0 @ 921600 bps
  1716. [ INFO] [1578686215.917322917]: GCS URL: tcp-l://:5760
  1717. [ INFO] [1578686215.919122605]: tcp1: Bind address:
  1718. [ INFO] [1578686216.213645886]: Plugin 3dr_radio loaded
  1719. [ INFO] [1578686216.229156511]: Plugin 3dr_radio initialized
  1720. [ INFO] [1578686216.229829427]: Plugin altitude loaded
  1721. [ INFO] [1578686216.238078334]: Plugin altitude initialized
  1722. [ INFO] [1578686216.238803073]: Plugin autopilot_app_control loaded
  1723. [ INFO] [1578686216.244180000]: Plugin autopilot_app_control initialized
  1724. [ INFO] [1578686216.245248386]: Plugin command loaded
  1725. [ INFO] [1578686216.291579636]: Plugin command initialized
  1726. [WARN] [1578686216.347215]: Could not process inbound connection: [/flytos/rostful] is not a publisher of [/flytos/mavros/imu/mag]. Topics are [['/flytos/flyt/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/mavros/mission/waypoint_achieved', 'std_msgs/UInt8'], ['/flytos/mavros/rc/in', 'mavros_msgs/RCIn'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data_euler', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/rosout', 'rosgraph_msgs/Log'], ['/flytos/mavros/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/mavros/payload_adc', 'mavros_msgs/PayloadADC'], ['/flytos/navigation_server_pos/result', 'navigation_util/NavigationPosActionResult'], ['/flytos/mavros/home_position', 'mavros_msgs/HomePosition'], ['/flytos/mavros/extended_state', 'mavros_msgs/ExtendedState'], ['/flytos/mavros/global_position/global', 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'], ['/flytos/mavros/radio_status', 'mavros_msgs/RadioStatus'], ['/flytos/mavros/local_position/local', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/flytos/mavros/battery', 'sensor_msgs/BatteryState'], ['/flytos/mavros/vfr_hud', 'mavros_msgs/VFR_HUD'], ['/flytos/mavros/global_position/raw/fix', 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data', 'sensor_msgs/Imu']]{'message_definition': ' # Measurement of the Magnetic Field vector at a specific location.\n\n # If the covariance of the measurement is known, it should be filled in\n # (if all you know is the variance of each measurement, e.g. from the datasheet,\n #just put those along the diagonal)\n # A covariance matrix of all zeros will be interpreted as "covariance unknown",\n # and to use the data a covariance will have to be assumed or gotten from some\n # other source\n\n\n Header header # timestamp is the time the\n # field was measured\n # frame_id is the location and orientation\n # of the field measurement\n\n geometry_msgs/Vector3 magnetic_field # x, y, and z components of the\n # field vector in Tesla\n # If your sensor does not output 3 axes,\n # put NaNs in the components not reported.\n\n float64[9] magnetic_field_covariance # Row major about x, y, z axes\n # 0 is interpreted as variance unknown\n================================================================================\nMSG: std_msgs/Header\n# Standard metadata for higher-level stamped data types.\n# This is generally used to communicate timestamped data \n# in a particular coordinate frame.\n# \n# sequence ID: consecutively increasing ID \nuint32 seq\n#Two-integer timestamp that is expressed as:\n# * stamp.sec: seconds (stamp_secs) since epoch (in Python the variable is called \'secs\')\n# * stamp.nsec: nanoseconds since stamp_secs (in Python the variable is called \'nsecs\')\n# time-handling sugar is provided by the client library\ntime stamp\n#Frame this data is associated with\n# 0: no frame\n# 1: global frame\nstring frame_id\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: geometry_msgs/Vector3\n# This represents a vector in free space. \n# It is only meant to represent a direction. Therefore, it does not\n# make sense to apply a translation to it (e.g., when applying a \n# generic rigid transformation to a Vector3, tf2 will only apply the\n# rotation). If you want your data to be translatable too, use the\n# geometry_msgs/Point message instead.\n\nfloat64 x\nfloat64 y\nfloat64 z', 'callerid': '/flytos/rostful', 'tcp_nodelay': '0', 'md5sum': '2f3b0b43eed0c9501de0fa3ff89a45aa', 'topic': '/flytos/mavros/imu/mag', 'type': 'sensor_msgs/MagneticField'}
  1727. [WARN] [1578686216.388448]: Could not process inbound connection: [/flytos/rostful] is not a publisher of [/flytos/mavros/payload_adc]. Topics are [['/flytos/flyt/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/mavros/mission/waypoint_achieved', 'std_msgs/UInt8'], ['/flytos/mavros/rc/in', 'mavros_msgs/RCIn'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data_euler', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/rosout', 'rosgraph_msgs/Log'], ['/flytos/mavros/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/navigation_server_pos/result', 'navigation_util/NavigationPosActionResult'], ['/flytos/mavros/home_position', 'mavros_msgs/HomePosition'], ['/flytos/mavros/extended_state', 'mavros_msgs/ExtendedState'], ['/flytos/mavros/global_position/global', 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'], ['/flytos/mavros/radio_status', 'mavros_msgs/RadioStatus'], ['/flytos/mavros/local_position/local', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/flytos/mavros/battery', 'sensor_msgs/BatteryState'], ['/flytos/mavros/vfr_hud', 'mavros_msgs/VFR_HUD'], ['/flytos/mavros/global_position/raw/fix', 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data', 'sensor_msgs/Imu']]{'message_definition': "std_msgs/Header header\nfloat32[2] adc_voltage\nuint8 adc_updated\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: std_msgs/Header\n# Standard metadata for higher-level stamped data types.\n# This is generally used to communicate timestamped data \n# in a particular coordinate frame.\n# \n# sequence ID: consecutively increasing ID \nuint32 seq\n#Two-integer timestamp that is expressed as:\n# * stamp.sec: seconds (stamp_secs) since epoch (in Python the variable is called 'secs')\n# * stamp.nsec: nanoseconds since stamp_secs (in Python the variable is called 'nsecs')\n# time-handling sugar is provided by the client library\ntime stamp\n#Frame this data is associated with\n# 0: no frame\n# 1: global frame\nstring frame_id\n", 'callerid': '/flytos/rostful', 'tcp_nodelay': '0', 'md5sum': 'd60a08e63bfc8af231e94c19fbd81263', 'topic': '/flytos/mavros/payload_adc', 'type': 'mavros_msgs/PayloadADC'}
  1728. [WARN] [1578686216.436828]: Could not process inbound connection: [/flytos/rostful] is not a publisher of [/flytos/mavros/battery]. Topics are [['/flytos/flyt/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/mavros/mission/waypoint_achieved', 'std_msgs/UInt8'], ['/flytos/mavros/rc/in', 'mavros_msgs/RCIn'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data_euler', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/rosout', 'rosgraph_msgs/Log'], ['/flytos/mavros/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/navigation_server_pos/result', 'navigation_util/NavigationPosActionResult'], ['/flytos/mavros/home_position', 'mavros_msgs/HomePosition'], ['/flytos/mavros/extended_state', 'mavros_msgs/ExtendedState'], ['/flytos/mavros/global_position/global', 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'], ['/flytos/mavros/radio_status', 'mavros_msgs/RadioStatus'], ['/flytos/mavros/local_position/local', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/flytos/mavros/vfr_hud', 'mavros_msgs/VFR_HUD'], ['/flytos/mavros/global_position/raw/fix', 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data', 'sensor_msgs/Imu']]{'message_definition': "\n# Constants are chosen to match the enums in the linux kernel\n# defined in include/linux/power_supply.h as of version 3.7\n# The one difference is for style reasons the constants are\n# all uppercase not mixed case.\n\n# Power supply status constants\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_STATUS_UNKNOWN = 0\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_STATUS_CHARGING = 1\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_STATUS_DISCHARGING = 2\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_STATUS_NOT_CHARGING = 3\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_STATUS_FULL = 4\n\n# Power supply health constants\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_UNKNOWN = 0\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_GOOD = 1\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_OVERHEAT = 2\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_DEAD = 3\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_OVERVOLTAGE = 4\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_UNSPEC_FAILURE = 5\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_COLD = 6\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_WATCHDOG_TIMER_EXPIRE = 7\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_SAFETY_TIMER_EXPIRE = 8\n\n# Power supply technology (chemistry) constants\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_TECHNOLOGY_UNKNOWN = 0\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_TECHNOLOGY_NIMH = 1\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_TECHNOLOGY_LION = 2\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_TECHNOLOGY_LIPO = 3\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_TECHNOLOGY_LIFE = 4\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_TECHNOLOGY_NICD = 5\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_TECHNOLOGY_LIMN = 6\n\nHeader header\nfloat32 voltage # Voltage in Volts (Mandatory)\nfloat32 current # Negative when discharging (A) (If unmeasured NaN)\nfloat32 charge # Current charge in Ah (If unmeasured NaN)\nfloat32 capacity # Capacity in Ah (last full capacity) (If unmeasured NaN)\nfloat32 design_capacity # Capacity in Ah (design capacity) (If unmeasured NaN)\nfloat32 percentage # Charge percentage on 0 to 1 range (If unmeasured NaN)\nuint8 power_supply_status # The charging status as reported. Values defined above\nuint8 power_supply_health # The battery health metric. Values defined above\nuint8 power_supply_technology # The battery chemistry. Values defined above\nbool present # True if the battery is present\n\nfloat32[] cell_voltage # An array of individual cell voltages for each cell in the pack\n # If individual voltages unknown but number of cells known set each to NaN\nstring location # The location into which the battery is inserted. (slot number or plug)\nstring serial_number # The best approximation of the battery serial number\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: std_msgs/Header\n# Standard metadata for higher-level stamped data types.\n# This is generally used to communicate timestamped data \n# in a particular coordinate frame.\n# \n# sequence ID: consecutively increasing ID \nuint32 seq\n#Two-integer timestamp that is expressed as:\n# * stamp.sec: seconds (stamp_secs) since epoch (in Python the variable is called 'secs')\n# * stamp.nsec: nanoseconds since stamp_secs (in Python the variable is called 'nsecs')\n# time-handling sugar is provided by the client library\ntime stamp\n#Frame this data is associated with\n# 0: no frame\n# 1: global frame\nstring frame_id\n", 'callerid': '/flytos/rostful', 'tcp_nodelay': '0', 'md5sum': '476f837fa6771f6e16e3bf4ef96f8770', 'topic': '/flytos/mavros/battery', 'type': 'sensor_msgs/BatteryState'}
  1729. [WARN] [1578686216.467475]: Could not process inbound connection: [/flytos/rostful] is not a publisher of [/flytos/mavros/vfr_hud]. Topics are [['/flytos/flyt/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/mavros/mission/waypoint_achieved', 'std_msgs/UInt8'], ['/flytos/mavros/rc/in', 'mavros_msgs/RCIn'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data_euler', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/rosout', 'rosgraph_msgs/Log'], ['/flytos/mavros/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/navigation_server_pos/result', 'navigation_util/NavigationPosActionResult'], ['/flytos/mavros/home_position', 'mavros_msgs/HomePosition'], ['/flytos/mavros/extended_state', 'mavros_msgs/ExtendedState'], ['/flytos/mavros/global_position/global', 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'], ['/flytos/mavros/radio_status', 'mavros_msgs/RadioStatus'], ['/flytos/mavros/local_position/local', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/flytos/mavros/global_position/raw/fix', 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data', 'sensor_msgs/Imu']]{'message_definition': "# Metrics typically displayed on a HUD for fixed wing aircraft\n#\n# VFR_HUD message\n\nstd_msgs/Header header\nfloat32 airspeed\t# m/s\nfloat32 groundspeed\t# m/s\nint16 heading\t\t# degrees 0..360\nfloat32 throttle\t\t# normalized to 0.0..1.0\nfloat32 altitude\t\t# MSL\nfloat32 climb\t\t# current climb rate m/s\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: std_msgs/Header\n# Standard metadata for higher-level stamped data types.\n# This is generally used to communicate timestamped data \n# in a particular coordinate frame.\n# \n# sequence ID: consecutively increasing ID \nuint32 seq\n#Two-integer timestamp that is expressed as:\n# * stamp.sec: seconds (stamp_secs) since epoch (in Python the variable is called 'secs')\n# * stamp.nsec: nanoseconds since stamp_secs (in Python the variable is called 'nsecs')\n# time-handling sugar is provided by the client library\ntime stamp\n#Frame this data is associated with\n# 0: no frame\n# 1: global frame\nstring frame_id\n", 'callerid': '/flytos/rostful', 'tcp_nodelay': '0', 'md5sum': '1f55e210c3d39fe105d44d8dc963655f', 'topic': '/flytos/mavros/vfr_hud', 'type': 'mavros_msgs/VFR_HUD'}
  1730. [WARN] [1578686216.521227]: Could not process inbound connection: [/flytos/rostful] is not a publisher of [/flytos/mavros/radio_status]. Topics are [['/flytos/flyt/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/mavros/mission/waypoint_achieved', 'std_msgs/UInt8'], ['/flytos/mavros/rc/in', 'mavros_msgs/RCIn'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data_euler', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/rosout', 'rosgraph_msgs/Log'], ['/flytos/mavros/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/navigation_server_pos/result', 'navigation_util/NavigationPosActionResult'], ['/flytos/mavros/home_position', 'mavros_msgs/HomePosition'], ['/flytos/mavros/extended_state', 'mavros_msgs/ExtendedState'], ['/flytos/mavros/global_position/global', 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'], ['/flytos/mavros/local_position/local', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/flytos/mavros/global_position/raw/fix', 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data', 'sensor_msgs/Imu']]{'message_definition': "# RADIO_STATUS message\n\nstd_msgs/Header header\n\n# message data\nuint8 rssi\nuint8 remrssi\nuint8 txbuf\nuint8 noise\nuint8 remnoise\nuint16 rxerrors\nuint16 fixed\n\n# calculated\nfloat32 rssi_dbm\nfloat32 remrssi_dbm\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: std_msgs/Header\n# Standard metadata for higher-level stamped data types.\n# This is generally used to communicate timestamped data \n# in a particular coordinate frame.\n# \n# sequence ID: consecutively increasing ID \nuint32 seq\n#Two-integer timestamp that is expressed as:\n# * stamp.sec: seconds (stamp_secs) since epoch (in Python the variable is called 'secs')\n# * stamp.nsec: nanoseconds since stamp_secs (in Python the variable is called 'nsecs')\n# time-handling sugar is provided by the client library\ntime stamp\n#Frame this data is associated with\n# 0: no frame\n# 1: global frame\nstring frame_id\n", 'callerid': '/flytos/rostful', 'tcp_nodelay': '0', 'md5sum': '04e4a879bb2687140da50a1a821e2190', 'topic': '/flytos/mavros/radio_status', 'type': 'mavros_msgs/RadioStatus'}
  1731. [ INFO] [1578686216.533529011]: Plugin distance_sensor loaded
  1732. [WARN] [1578686216.562671]: Could not process inbound connection: [/flytos/rostful] is not a publisher of [/flytos/mavros/global_position/raw/fix]. Topics are [['/flytos/flyt/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/mavros/mission/waypoint_achieved', 'std_msgs/UInt8'], ['/flytos/mavros/rc/in', 'mavros_msgs/RCIn'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data_euler', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/rosout', 'rosgraph_msgs/Log'], ['/flytos/mavros/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/navigation_server_pos/result', 'navigation_util/NavigationPosActionResult'], ['/flytos/mavros/home_position', 'mavros_msgs/HomePosition'], ['/flytos/mavros/extended_state', 'mavros_msgs/ExtendedState'], ['/flytos/mavros/global_position/global', 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'], ['/flytos/mavros/local_position/local', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data', 'sensor_msgs/Imu']]{'message_definition': "# Navigation Satellite fix for any Global Navigation Satellite System\n#\n# Specified using the WGS 84 reference ellipsoid\n\n# header.stamp specifies the ROS time for this measurement (the\n# corresponding satellite time may be reported using the\n# sensor_msgs/TimeReference message).\n#\n# header.frame_id is the frame of reference reported by the satellite\n# receiver, usually the location of the antenna. This is a\n# Euclidean frame relative to the vehicle, not a reference\n# ellipsoid.\nHeader header\n\n# satellite fix status information\nNavSatStatus status\n\n# Latitude [degrees]. Positive is north of equator; negative is south.\nfloat64 latitude\n\n# Longitude [degrees]. Positive is east of prime meridian; negative is west.\nfloat64 longitude\n\n# Altitude [m]. Positive is above the WGS 84 ellipsoid\n# (quiet NaN if no altitude is available).\nfloat64 altitude\n\n# Position covariance [m^2] defined relative to a tangential plane\n# through the reported position. The components are East, North, and\n# Up (ENU), in row-major order.\n#\n# Beware: this coordinate system exhibits singularities at the poles.\n\nfloat64[9] position_covariance\n\n# If the covariance of the fix is known, fill it in completely. If the\n# GPS receiver provides the variance of each measurement, put them\n# along the diagonal. If only Dilution of Precision is available,\n# estimate an approximate covariance from that.\n\nuint8 COVARIANCE_TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0\nuint8 COVARIANCE_TYPE_APPROXIMATED = 1\nuint8 COVARIANCE_TYPE_DIAGONAL_KNOWN = 2\nuint8 COVARIANCE_TYPE_KNOWN = 3\n\nuint8 position_covariance_type\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: std_msgs/Header\n# Standard metadata for higher-level stamped data types.\n# This is generally used to communicate timestamped data \n# in a particular coordinate frame.\n# \n# sequence ID: consecutively increasing ID \nuint32 seq\n#Two-integer timestamp that is expressed as:\n# * stamp.sec: seconds (stamp_secs) since epoch (in Python the variable is called 'secs')\n# * stamp.nsec: nanoseconds since stamp_secs (in Python the variable is called 'nsecs')\n# time-handling sugar is provided by the client library\ntime stamp\n#Frame this data is associated with\n# 0: no frame\n# 1: global frame\nstring frame_id\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: sensor_msgs/NavSatStatus\n# Navigation Satellite fix status for any Global Navigation Satellite System\n\n# Whether to output an augmented fix is determined by both the fix\n# type and the last time differential corrections were received. A\n# fix is valid when status >= STATUS_FIX.\n\nint8 STATUS_NO_FIX = -1 # unable to fix position\nint8 STATUS_FIX = 0 # unaugmented fix\nint8 STATUS_SBAS_FIX = 1 # with satellite-based augmentation\nint8 STATUS_GBAS_FIX = 2 # with ground-based augmentation\n\nint8 status\n\n# Bits defining which Global Navigation Satellite System signals were\n# used by the receiver.\n\nuint16 SERVICE_GPS = 1\nuint16 SERVICE_GLONASS = 2\nuint16 SERVICE_COMPASS = 4 # includes BeiDou.\nuint16 SERVICE_GALILEO = 8\n\nuint16 service\n", 'callerid': '/flytos/rostful', 'tcp_nodelay': '0', 'md5sum': '2d3a8cd499b9b4a0249fb98fd05cfa48', 'topic': '/flytos/mavros/global_position/raw/fix', 'type': 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'}
  1733. [ INFO] [1578686216.702734427]: Plugin distance_sensor initialized
  1734. [ INFO] [1578686216.703957031]: Plugin ftp loaded
  1735. [ INFO] [1578686216.753413958]: Plugin ftp initialized
  1736. [ INFO] [1578686216.753617031]: Plugin geofence blacklisted
  1737. [ INFO] [1578686216.754549792]: Plugin global_position loaded
  1738. [ INFO] [1578686216.820443802]: Plugin global_position initialized
  1739. [ INFO] [1578686216.821293490]: Plugin home_position loaded
  1740. [ INFO] [1578686216.828658073]: Plugin home_position initialized
  1741. [ INFO] [1578686216.829582344]: Plugin imu_pub loaded
  1742. [ INFO] [1578686216.891581563]: Plugin imu_pub initialized
  1743. [ INFO] [1578686216.894219740]: Plugin local_position loaded
  1744. [ INFO] [1578686216.987782031]: Plugin local_position initialized
  1745. [ INFO] [1578686216.989119271]: Plugin log_list loaded
  1746. [ INFO] [1578686217.018120208]: Plugin log_list initialized
  1747. [ INFO] [1578686217.020444167]: Plugin manual_control loaded
  1748. [ INFO] [1578686217.025907396]: Plugin manual_control initialized
  1749. [ INFO] [1578686217.028062760]: Plugin mocap_pose_estimate loaded
  1750. [ INFO] [1578686217.060562187]: Plugin mocap_pose_estimate initialized
  1751. [ INFO] [1578686217.064979375]: Plugin odom loaded
  1752. [ INFO] [1578686217.087250729]: Plugin odom initialized
  1753. [ INFO] [1578686217.088608906]: Plugin param loaded
  1754. [ INFO] [1578686217.119257812]: Plugin param initialized
  1755. [ INFO] [1578686217.120121510]: Plugin payload loaded
  1756. [ INFO] [1578686217.120931979]: initialize
  1757. [ INFO] [1578686217.177850365]: Plugin payload initialized
  1758. [ INFO] [1578686217.180367969]: Plugin px4flow loaded
  1759. [ INFO] [1578686217.234564479]: Plugin px4flow initialized
  1760. [ INFO] [1578686217.235695989]: Plugin rc_io loaded
  1761. [ INFO] [1578686217.263243125]: Plugin rc_io initialized
  1762. [ INFO] [1578686217.264249114]: Plugin setpoint_position loaded
  1763. [ INFO] [1578686217.383660364]: Plugin setpoint_position initialized
  1764. [ INFO] [1578686217.384915521]: Plugin setpoint_raw loaded
  1765. [ INFO] [1578686217.457664062]: Plugin setpoint_raw initialized
  1766. [ INFO] [1578686217.459436979]: Plugin setpoint_velocity loaded
  1767. [ INFO] [1578686217.494936406]: Plugin setpoint_velocity initialized
  1768. [ INFO] [1578686217.496494010]: Plugin sys_status loaded
  1769. [ INFO] [1578686217.570300937]: Plugin sys_status initialized
  1770. [ INFO] [1578686217.571323698]: Plugin sys_time loaded
  1771. [ INFO] [1578686217.635180208]: Plugin sys_time initialized
  1772. [ INFO] [1578686217.636008177]: Plugin vfr_hud loaded
  1773. [ INFO] [1578686217.646123541]: Plugin vfr_hud initialized
  1774. [ INFO] [1578686217.646964375]: Plugin vibration blacklisted
  1775. [ INFO] [1578686217.648222968]: Plugin vision_pose_estimate loaded
  1776. [ INFO] [1578686217.760058958]: Plugin vision_pose_estimate initialized
  1777. [ INFO] [1578686217.761342708]: Plugin vision_speed_estimate loaded
  1778. [ INFO] [1578686217.786415468]: Plugin vision_speed_estimate initialized
  1779. [ INFO] [1578686217.788031458]: Plugin waypoint loaded
  1780. [ INFO] [1578686217.846230521]: Plugin waypoint initialized
  1781. [ INFO] [1578686217.847009687]: Autostarting mavlink via USB on PX4
  1782. [ INFO] [1578686217.848159948]: Built-in SIMD instructions: None
  1783. [ INFO] [1578686217.848975156]: Built-in MAVLink package version: 2016.11.11
  1784. [ INFO] [1578686217.849753333]: Known MAVLink dialects: common ardupilotmega
  1785. [ INFO] [1578686217.850432916]: MAVROS started. MY ID 255.241, TARGET ID 1.0
  1786. [FATAL] [1578686237.534067232]: heartbeat timeout called.. check serial connection to autopilot.. restarting mavros
  1787. [flytos/mavros-2] process has died [pid 12749, exit code -9, cmd /flyt/flytos/flytcore/lib/mavros/mavros_node __name:=mavros __log:=/root/.ros/log/8ef5952a-33e2-11ea-9083-b827eb83b79e/flytos-mavros-2.log].
  1788. log file: /root/.ros/log/8ef5952a-33e2-11ea-9083-b827eb83b79e/flytos-mavros-2*.log
  1789. [flytos/mavros-2] restarting process
  1790. process[flytos/mavros-2]: started with pid [13766]
  1791. [ INFO] [1578686248.044377853]: FCU URL: /dev/ttyAMA0:921600
  1792. [ INFO] [1578686248.058367592]: serial0: device: /dev/ttyAMA0 @ 921600 bps
  1793. [ INFO] [1578686248.061148894]: GCS URL: tcp-l://:5760
  1794. [ INFO] [1578686248.064589676]: tcp1: Bind address:
  1795. [WARN] [1578686248.365508]: Could not process inbound connection: [/flytos/rostful] is not a publisher of [/flytos/mavros/imu/mag]. Topics are [['/flytos/flyt/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/mavros/mission/waypoint_achieved', 'std_msgs/UInt8'], ['/flytos/mavros/rc/in', 'mavros_msgs/RCIn'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data_euler', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/rosout', 'rosgraph_msgs/Log'], ['/flytos/mavros/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/mavros/payload_adc', 'mavros_msgs/PayloadADC'], ['/flytos/navigation_server_pos/result', 'navigation_util/NavigationPosActionResult'], ['/flytos/mavros/home_position', 'mavros_msgs/HomePosition'], ['/flytos/mavros/extended_state', 'mavros_msgs/ExtendedState'], ['/flytos/mavros/global_position/global', 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'], ['/flytos/mavros/radio_status', 'mavros_msgs/RadioStatus'], ['/flytos/mavros/local_position/local', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/flytos/mavros/battery', 'sensor_msgs/BatteryState'], ['/flytos/mavros/vfr_hud', 'mavros_msgs/VFR_HUD'], ['/flytos/mavros/global_position/raw/fix', 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data', 'sensor_msgs/Imu']]{'message_definition': ' # Measurement of the Magnetic Field vector at a specific location.\n\n # If the covariance of the measurement is known, it should be filled in\n # (if all you know is the variance of each measurement, e.g. from the datasheet,\n #just put those along the diagonal)\n # A covariance matrix of all zeros will be interpreted as "covariance unknown",\n # and to use the data a covariance will have to be assumed or gotten from some\n # other source\n\n\n Header header # timestamp is the time the\n # field was measured\n # frame_id is the location and orientation\n # of the field measurement\n\n geometry_msgs/Vector3 magnetic_field # x, y, and z components of the\n # field vector in Tesla\n # If your sensor does not output 3 axes,\n # put NaNs in the components not reported.\n\n float64[9] magnetic_field_covariance # Row major about x, y, z axes\n # 0 is interpreted as variance unknown\n================================================================================\nMSG: std_msgs/Header\n# Standard metadata for higher-level stamped data types.\n# This is generally used to communicate timestamped data \n# in a particular coordinate frame.\n# \n# sequence ID: consecutively increasing ID \nuint32 seq\n#Two-integer timestamp that is expressed as:\n# * stamp.sec: seconds (stamp_secs) since epoch (in Python the variable is called \'secs\')\n# * stamp.nsec: nanoseconds since stamp_secs (in Python the variable is called \'nsecs\')\n# time-handling sugar is provided by the client library\ntime stamp\n#Frame this data is associated with\n# 0: no frame\n# 1: global frame\nstring frame_id\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: geometry_msgs/Vector3\n# This represents a vector in free space. \n# It is only meant to represent a direction. Therefore, it does not\n# make sense to apply a translation to it (e.g., when applying a \n# generic rigid transformation to a Vector3, tf2 will only apply the\n# rotation). If you want your data to be translatable too, use the\n# geometry_msgs/Point message instead.\n\nfloat64 x\nfloat64 y\nfloat64 z', 'callerid': '/flytos/rostful', 'tcp_nodelay': '0', 'md5sum': '2f3b0b43eed0c9501de0fa3ff89a45aa', 'topic': '/flytos/mavros/imu/mag', 'type': 'sensor_msgs/MagneticField'}
  1796. [WARN] [1578686248.402881]: Could not process inbound connection: Internal error processing topic [/flytos/mavros/payload_adc]{'message_definition': "std_msgs/Header header\nfloat32[2] adc_voltage\nuint8 adc_updated\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: std_msgs/Header\n# Standard metadata for higher-level stamped data types.\n# This is generally used to communicate timestamped data \n# in a particular coordinate frame.\n# \n# sequence ID: consecutively increasing ID \nuint32 seq\n#Two-integer timestamp that is expressed as:\n# * stamp.sec: seconds (stamp_secs) since epoch (in Python the variable is called 'secs')\n# * stamp.nsec: nanoseconds since stamp_secs (in Python the variable is called 'nsecs')\n# time-handling sugar is provided by the client library\ntime stamp\n#Frame this data is associated with\n# 0: no frame\n# 1: global frame\nstring frame_id\n", 'callerid': '/flytos/rostful', 'tcp_nodelay': '0', 'md5sum': 'd60a08e63bfc8af231e94c19fbd81263', 'topic': '/flytos/mavros/payload_adc', 'type': 'mavros_msgs/PayloadADC'}
  1797. [ INFO] [1578686248.404055040]: Plugin 3dr_radio loaded
  1798. [ INFO] [1578686248.425178426]: Plugin 3dr_radio initialized
  1799. [ INFO] [1578686248.426558894]: Plugin altitude loaded
  1800. [ INFO] [1578686248.448036811]: Plugin altitude initialized
  1801. [ INFO] [1578686248.449183165]: Plugin autopilot_app_control loaded
  1802. [WARN] [1578686248.453866]: Could not process inbound connection: [/flytos/rostful] is not a publisher of [/flytos/mavros/battery]. Topics are [['/flytos/flyt/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/mavros/mission/waypoint_achieved', 'std_msgs/UInt8'], ['/flytos/mavros/rc/in', 'mavros_msgs/RCIn'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data_euler', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/rosout', 'rosgraph_msgs/Log'], ['/flytos/mavros/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/navigation_server_pos/result', 'navigation_util/NavigationPosActionResult'], ['/flytos/mavros/home_position', 'mavros_msgs/HomePosition'], ['/flytos/mavros/extended_state', 'mavros_msgs/ExtendedState'], ['/flytos/mavros/global_position/global', 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'], ['/flytos/mavros/radio_status', 'mavros_msgs/RadioStatus'], ['/flytos/mavros/local_position/local', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/flytos/mavros/vfr_hud', 'mavros_msgs/VFR_HUD'], ['/flytos/mavros/global_position/raw/fix', 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data', 'sensor_msgs/Imu']]{'message_definition': "\n# Constants are chosen to match the enums in the linux kernel\n# defined in include/linux/power_supply.h as of version 3.7\n# The one difference is for style reasons the constants are\n# all uppercase not mixed case.\n\n# Power supply status constants\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_STATUS_UNKNOWN = 0\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_STATUS_CHARGING = 1\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_STATUS_DISCHARGING = 2\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_STATUS_NOT_CHARGING = 3\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_STATUS_FULL = 4\n\n# Power supply health constants\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_UNKNOWN = 0\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_GOOD = 1\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_OVERHEAT = 2\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_DEAD = 3\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_OVERVOLTAGE = 4\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_UNSPEC_FAILURE = 5\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_COLD = 6\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_WATCHDOG_TIMER_EXPIRE = 7\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_SAFETY_TIMER_EXPIRE = 8\n\n# Power supply technology (chemistry) constants\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_TECHNOLOGY_UNKNOWN = 0\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_TECHNOLOGY_NIMH = 1\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_TECHNOLOGY_LION = 2\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_TECHNOLOGY_LIPO = 3\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_TECHNOLOGY_LIFE = 4\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_TECHNOLOGY_NICD = 5\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_TECHNOLOGY_LIMN = 6\n\nHeader header\nfloat32 voltage # Voltage in Volts (Mandatory)\nfloat32 current # Negative when discharging (A) (If unmeasured NaN)\nfloat32 charge # Current charge in Ah (If unmeasured NaN)\nfloat32 capacity # Capacity in Ah (last full capacity) (If unmeasured NaN)\nfloat32 design_capacity # Capacity in Ah (design capacity) (If unmeasured NaN)\nfloat32 percentage # Charge percentage on 0 to 1 range (If unmeasured NaN)\nuint8 power_supply_status # The charging status as reported. Values defined above\nuint8 power_supply_health # The battery health metric. Values defined above\nuint8 power_supply_technology # The battery chemistry. Values defined above\nbool present # True if the battery is present\n\nfloat32[] cell_voltage # An array of individual cell voltages for each cell in the pack\n # If individual voltages unknown but number of cells known set each to NaN\nstring location # The location into which the battery is inserted. (slot number or plug)\nstring serial_number # The best approximation of the battery serial number\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: std_msgs/Header\n# Standard metadata for higher-level stamped data types.\n# This is generally used to communicate timestamped data \n# in a particular coordinate frame.\n# \n# sequence ID: consecutively increasing ID \nuint32 seq\n#Two-integer timestamp that is expressed as:\n# * stamp.sec: seconds (stamp_secs) since epoch (in Python the variable is called 'secs')\n# * stamp.nsec: nanoseconds since stamp_secs (in Python the variable is called 'nsecs')\n# time-handling sugar is provided by the client library\ntime stamp\n#Frame this data is associated with\n# 0: no frame\n# 1: global frame\nstring frame_id\n", 'callerid': '/flytos/rostful', 'tcp_nodelay': '0', 'md5sum': '476f837fa6771f6e16e3bf4ef96f8770', 'topic': '/flytos/mavros/battery', 'type': 'sensor_msgs/BatteryState'}
  1803. [ INFO] [1578686248.466359936]: Plugin autopilot_app_control initialized
  1804. [ INFO] [1578686248.467395978]: Plugin command loaded
  1805. [WARN] [1578686248.500707]: Could not process inbound connection: [/flytos/rostful] is not a publisher of [/flytos/mavros/vfr_hud]. Topics are [['/flytos/flyt/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/mavros/mission/waypoint_achieved', 'std_msgs/UInt8'], ['/flytos/mavros/rc/in', 'mavros_msgs/RCIn'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data_euler', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/rosout', 'rosgraph_msgs/Log'], ['/flytos/mavros/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/navigation_server_pos/result', 'navigation_util/NavigationPosActionResult'], ['/flytos/mavros/home_position', 'mavros_msgs/HomePosition'], ['/flytos/mavros/extended_state', 'mavros_msgs/ExtendedState'], ['/flytos/mavros/global_position/global', 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'], ['/flytos/mavros/radio_status', 'mavros_msgs/RadioStatus'], ['/flytos/mavros/local_position/local', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/flytos/mavros/global_position/raw/fix', 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data', 'sensor_msgs/Imu']]{'message_definition': "# Metrics typically displayed on a HUD for fixed wing aircraft\n#\n# VFR_HUD message\n\nstd_msgs/Header header\nfloat32 airspeed\t# m/s\nfloat32 groundspeed\t# m/s\nint16 heading\t\t# degrees 0..360\nfloat32 throttle\t\t# normalized to 0.0..1.0\nfloat32 altitude\t\t# MSL\nfloat32 climb\t\t# current climb rate m/s\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: std_msgs/Header\n# Standard metadata for higher-level stamped data types.\n# This is generally used to communicate timestamped data \n# in a particular coordinate frame.\n# \n# sequence ID: consecutively increasing ID \nuint32 seq\n#Two-integer timestamp that is expressed as:\n# * stamp.sec: seconds (stamp_secs) since epoch (in Python the variable is called 'secs')\n# * stamp.nsec: nanoseconds since stamp_secs (in Python the variable is called 'nsecs')\n# time-handling sugar is provided by the client library\ntime stamp\n#Frame this data is associated with\n# 0: no frame\n# 1: global frame\nstring frame_id\n", 'callerid': '/flytos/rostful', 'tcp_nodelay': '0', 'md5sum': '1f55e210c3d39fe105d44d8dc963655f', 'topic': '/flytos/mavros/vfr_hud', 'type': 'mavros_msgs/VFR_HUD'}
  1806. [ INFO] [1578686248.536835873]: Plugin command initialized
  1807. [WARN] [1578686248.544736]: Could not process inbound connection: [/flytos/rostful] is not a publisher of [/flytos/mavros/radio_status]. Topics are [['/flytos/flyt/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/mavros/mission/waypoint_achieved', 'std_msgs/UInt8'], ['/flytos/mavros/rc/in', 'mavros_msgs/RCIn'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data_euler', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/rosout', 'rosgraph_msgs/Log'], ['/flytos/mavros/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/navigation_server_pos/result', 'navigation_util/NavigationPosActionResult'], ['/flytos/mavros/home_position', 'mavros_msgs/HomePosition'], ['/flytos/mavros/extended_state', 'mavros_msgs/ExtendedState'], ['/flytos/mavros/global_position/global', 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'], ['/flytos/mavros/local_position/local', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/flytos/mavros/global_position/raw/fix', 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data', 'sensor_msgs/Imu']]{'message_definition': "# RADIO_STATUS message\n\nstd_msgs/Header header\n\n# message data\nuint8 rssi\nuint8 remrssi\nuint8 txbuf\nuint8 noise\nuint8 remnoise\nuint16 rxerrors\nuint16 fixed\n\n# calculated\nfloat32 rssi_dbm\nfloat32 remrssi_dbm\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: std_msgs/Header\n# Standard metadata for higher-level stamped data types.\n# This is generally used to communicate timestamped data \n# in a particular coordinate frame.\n# \n# sequence ID: consecutively increasing ID \nuint32 seq\n#Two-integer timestamp that is expressed as:\n# * stamp.sec: seconds (stamp_secs) since epoch (in Python the variable is called 'secs')\n# * stamp.nsec: nanoseconds since stamp_secs (in Python the variable is called 'nsecs')\n# time-handling sugar is provided by the client library\ntime stamp\n#Frame this data is associated with\n# 0: no frame\n# 1: global frame\nstring frame_id\n", 'callerid': '/flytos/rostful', 'tcp_nodelay': '0', 'md5sum': '04e4a879bb2687140da50a1a821e2190', 'topic': '/flytos/mavros/radio_status', 'type': 'mavros_msgs/RadioStatus'}
  1808. [WARN] [1578686248.587738]: Could not process inbound connection: [/flytos/rostful] is not a publisher of [/flytos/mavros/global_position/raw/fix]. Topics are [['/flytos/flyt/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/mavros/mission/waypoint_achieved', 'std_msgs/UInt8'], ['/flytos/mavros/rc/in', 'mavros_msgs/RCIn'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data_euler', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/rosout', 'rosgraph_msgs/Log'], ['/flytos/mavros/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/navigation_server_pos/result', 'navigation_util/NavigationPosActionResult'], ['/flytos/mavros/home_position', 'mavros_msgs/HomePosition'], ['/flytos/mavros/extended_state', 'mavros_msgs/ExtendedState'], ['/flytos/mavros/global_position/global', 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'], ['/flytos/mavros/local_position/local', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data', 'sensor_msgs/Imu']]{'message_definition': "# Navigation Satellite fix for any Global Navigation Satellite System\n#\n# Specified using the WGS 84 reference ellipsoid\n\n# header.stamp specifies the ROS time for this measurement (the\n# corresponding satellite time may be reported using the\n# sensor_msgs/TimeReference message).\n#\n# header.frame_id is the frame of reference reported by the satellite\n# receiver, usually the location of the antenna. This is a\n# Euclidean frame relative to the vehicle, not a reference\n# ellipsoid.\nHeader header\n\n# satellite fix status information\nNavSatStatus status\n\n# Latitude [degrees]. Positive is north of equator; negative is south.\nfloat64 latitude\n\n# Longitude [degrees]. Positive is east of prime meridian; negative is west.\nfloat64 longitude\n\n# Altitude [m]. Positive is above the WGS 84 ellipsoid\n# (quiet NaN if no altitude is available).\nfloat64 altitude\n\n# Position covariance [m^2] defined relative to a tangential plane\n# through the reported position. The components are East, North, and\n# Up (ENU), in row-major order.\n#\n# Beware: this coordinate system exhibits singularities at the poles.\n\nfloat64[9] position_covariance\n\n# If the covariance of the fix is known, fill it in completely. If the\n# GPS receiver provides the variance of each measurement, put them\n# along the diagonal. If only Dilution of Precision is available,\n# estimate an approximate covariance from that.\n\nuint8 COVARIANCE_TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0\nuint8 COVARIANCE_TYPE_APPROXIMATED = 1\nuint8 COVARIANCE_TYPE_DIAGONAL_KNOWN = 2\nuint8 COVARIANCE_TYPE_KNOWN = 3\n\nuint8 position_covariance_type\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: std_msgs/Header\n# Standard metadata for higher-level stamped data types.\n# This is generally used to communicate timestamped data \n# in a particular coordinate frame.\n# \n# sequence ID: consecutively increasing ID \nuint32 seq\n#Two-integer timestamp that is expressed as:\n# * stamp.sec: seconds (stamp_secs) since epoch (in Python the variable is called 'secs')\n# * stamp.nsec: nanoseconds since stamp_secs (in Python the variable is called 'nsecs')\n# time-handling sugar is provided by the client library\ntime stamp\n#Frame this data is associated with\n# 0: no frame\n# 1: global frame\nstring frame_id\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: sensor_msgs/NavSatStatus\n# Navigation Satellite fix status for any Global Navigation Satellite System\n\n# Whether to output an augmented fix is determined by both the fix\n# type and the last time differential corrections were received. A\n# fix is valid when status >= STATUS_FIX.\n\nint8 STATUS_NO_FIX = -1 # unable to fix position\nint8 STATUS_FIX = 0 # unaugmented fix\nint8 STATUS_SBAS_FIX = 1 # with satellite-based augmentation\nint8 STATUS_GBAS_FIX = 2 # with ground-based augmentation\n\nint8 status\n\n# Bits defining which Global Navigation Satellite System signals were\n# used by the receiver.\n\nuint16 SERVICE_GPS = 1\nuint16 SERVICE_GLONASS = 2\nuint16 SERVICE_COMPASS = 4 # includes BeiDou.\nuint16 SERVICE_GALILEO = 8\n\nuint16 service\n", 'callerid': '/flytos/rostful', 'tcp_nodelay': '0', 'md5sum': '2d3a8cd499b9b4a0249fb98fd05cfa48', 'topic': '/flytos/mavros/global_position/raw/fix', 'type': 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'}
  1809. [ INFO] [1578686248.746075665]: Plugin distance_sensor loaded
  1810. [ INFO] [1578686248.886997957]: Plugin distance_sensor initialized
  1811. [ INFO] [1578686248.888907592]: Plugin ftp loaded
  1812. [ INFO] [1578686248.938246498]: Plugin ftp initialized
  1813. [ INFO] [1578686248.939616290]: Plugin geofence blacklisted
  1814. [ INFO] [1578686248.941590300]: Plugin global_position loaded
  1815. [ INFO] [1578686248.991651967]: Plugin global_position initialized
  1816. [ INFO] [1578686248.993968425]: Plugin home_position loaded
  1817. [ INFO] [1578686249.000561967]: Plugin home_position initialized
  1818. [ INFO] [1578686249.002897852]: Plugin imu_pub loaded
  1819. [ INFO] [1578686249.078329623]: Plugin imu_pub initialized
  1820. [ INFO] [1578686249.080396863]: Plugin local_position loaded
  1821. [ INFO] [1578686249.138268634]: Plugin local_position initialized
  1822. [ INFO] [1578686249.140824623]: Plugin log_list loaded
  1823. [ INFO] [1578686249.218151498]: Plugin log_list initialized
  1824. [ INFO] [1578686249.219424206]: Plugin manual_control loaded
  1825. [ INFO] [1578686249.225600873]: Plugin manual_control initialized
  1826. [ INFO] [1578686249.227662592]: Plugin mocap_pose_estimate loaded
  1827. [ INFO] [1578686249.262610925]: Plugin mocap_pose_estimate initialized
  1828. [ INFO] [1578686249.265539467]: Plugin odom loaded
  1829. [ INFO] [1578686249.287915092]: Plugin odom initialized
  1830. [ INFO] [1578686249.290508894]: Plugin param loaded
  1831. [ INFO] [1578686249.327821706]: Plugin param initialized
  1832. [ INFO] [1578686249.330789102]: Plugin payload loaded
  1833. [ INFO] [1578686249.332863581]: initialize
  1834. [ INFO] [1578686249.401790196]: Plugin payload initialized
  1835. [ INFO] [1578686249.410730144]: Plugin px4flow loaded
  1836. [ INFO] [1578686249.464682331]: Plugin px4flow initialized
  1837. [ INFO] [1578686249.467087488]: Plugin rc_io loaded
  1838. [ INFO] [1578686249.517001394]: Plugin rc_io initialized
  1839. [ INFO] [1578686249.520108269]: Plugin setpoint_position loaded
  1840. [ INFO] [1578686249.650881290]: Plugin setpoint_position initialized
  1841. [ INFO] [1578686249.652235508]: Plugin setpoint_raw loaded
  1842. [ INFO] [1578686249.721754467]: Plugin setpoint_raw initialized
  1843. [ INFO] [1578686249.724082123]: Plugin setpoint_velocity loaded
  1844. [ INFO] [1578686249.742489310]: Plugin setpoint_velocity initialized
  1845. [ INFO] [1578686249.745143425]: Plugin sys_status loaded
  1846. [ INFO] [1578686249.813312435]: Plugin sys_status initialized
  1847. [ INFO] [1578686249.815350300]: Plugin sys_time loaded
  1848. [ INFO] [1578686249.840468060]: Plugin sys_time initialized
  1849. [ INFO] [1578686249.841765092]: Plugin vfr_hud loaded
  1850. [ INFO] [1578686249.853310300]: Plugin vfr_hud initialized
  1851. [ INFO] [1578686249.854447227]: Plugin vibration blacklisted
  1852. [ INFO] [1578686249.856719883]: Plugin vision_pose_estimate loaded
  1853. [ INFO] [1578686249.933295612]: Plugin vision_pose_estimate initialized
  1854. [ INFO] [1578686249.934639310]: Plugin vision_speed_estimate loaded
  1855. [ INFO] [1578686249.958074935]: Plugin vision_speed_estimate initialized
  1856. [ INFO] [1578686249.959593477]: Plugin waypoint loaded
  1857. [ INFO] [1578686250.024363894]: Plugin waypoint initialized
  1858. [ INFO] [1578686250.024623894]: Autostarting mavlink via USB on PX4
  1859. [ INFO] [1578686250.025244519]: Built-in SIMD instructions: None
  1860. [ INFO] [1578686250.025385873]: Built-in MAVLink package version: 2016.11.11
  1861. [ INFO] [1578686250.025500144]: Known MAVLink dialects: common ardupilotmega
  1862. [ INFO] [1578686250.025578321]: MAVROS started. MY ID 255.241, TARGET ID 1.0
  1863. [FATAL] [1578686269.770897844]: heartbeat timeout called.. check serial connection to autopilot.. restarting mavros
  1864. [flytos/mavros-2] process has died [pid 13766, exit code -9, cmd /flyt/flytos/flytcore/lib/mavros/mavros_node __name:=mavros __log:=/root/.ros/log/8ef5952a-33e2-11ea-9083-b827eb83b79e/flytos-mavros-2.log].
  1865. log file: /root/.ros/log/8ef5952a-33e2-11ea-9083-b827eb83b79e/flytos-mavros-2*.log
  1866. [flytos/mavros-2] restarting process
  1867. process[flytos/mavros-2]: started with pid [14698]
  1868. [ INFO] [1578686280.317584611]: FCU URL: /dev/ttyAMA0:921600
  1869. [ INFO] [1578686280.322484611]: serial0: device: /dev/ttyAMA0 @ 921600 bps
  1870. [ INFO] [1578686280.324120132]: GCS URL: tcp-l://:5760
  1871. [ INFO] [1578686280.325913674]: tcp1: Bind address:
  1872. [WARN] [1578686280.478672]: Could not process inbound connection: [/flytos/rostful] is not a publisher of [/flytos/mavros/imu/mag]. Topics are [['/flytos/flyt/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/mavros/mission/waypoint_achieved', 'std_msgs/UInt8'], ['/flytos/mavros/rc/in', 'mavros_msgs/RCIn'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data_euler', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/rosout', 'rosgraph_msgs/Log'], ['/flytos/mavros/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/mavros/payload_adc', 'mavros_msgs/PayloadADC'], ['/flytos/navigation_server_pos/result', 'navigation_util/NavigationPosActionResult'], ['/flytos/mavros/home_position', 'mavros_msgs/HomePosition'], ['/flytos/mavros/extended_state', 'mavros_msgs/ExtendedState'], ['/flytos/mavros/global_position/global', 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'], ['/flytos/mavros/radio_status', 'mavros_msgs/RadioStatus'], ['/flytos/mavros/local_position/local', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/flytos/mavros/battery', 'sensor_msgs/BatteryState'], ['/flytos/mavros/vfr_hud', 'mavros_msgs/VFR_HUD'], ['/flytos/mavros/global_position/raw/fix', 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data', 'sensor_msgs/Imu']]{'message_definition': ' # Measurement of the Magnetic Field vector at a specific location.\n\n # If the covariance of the measurement is known, it should be filled in\n # (if all you know is the variance of each measurement, e.g. from the datasheet,\n #just put those along the diagonal)\n # A covariance matrix of all zeros will be interpreted as "covariance unknown",\n # and to use the data a covariance will have to be assumed or gotten from some\n # other source\n\n\n Header header # timestamp is the time the\n # field was measured\n # frame_id is the location and orientation\n # of the field measurement\n\n geometry_msgs/Vector3 magnetic_field # x, y, and z components of the\n # field vector in Tesla\n # If your sensor does not output 3 axes,\n # put NaNs in the components not reported.\n\n float64[9] magnetic_field_covariance # Row major about x, y, z axes\n # 0 is interpreted as variance unknown\n================================================================================\nMSG: std_msgs/Header\n# Standard metadata for higher-level stamped data types.\n# This is generally used to communicate timestamped data \n# in a particular coordinate frame.\n# \n# sequence ID: consecutively increasing ID \nuint32 seq\n#Two-integer timestamp that is expressed as:\n# * stamp.sec: seconds (stamp_secs) since epoch (in Python the variable is called \'secs\')\n# * stamp.nsec: nanoseconds since stamp_secs (in Python the variable is called \'nsecs\')\n# time-handling sugar is provided by the client library\ntime stamp\n#Frame this data is associated with\n# 0: no frame\n# 1: global frame\nstring frame_id\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: geometry_msgs/Vector3\n# This represents a vector in free space. \n# It is only meant to represent a direction. Therefore, it does not\n# make sense to apply a translation to it (e.g., when applying a \n# generic rigid transformation to a Vector3, tf2 will only apply the\n# rotation). If you want your data to be translatable too, use the\n# geometry_msgs/Point message instead.\n\nfloat64 x\nfloat64 y\nfloat64 z', 'callerid': '/flytos/rostful', 'tcp_nodelay': '0', 'md5sum': '2f3b0b43eed0c9501de0fa3ff89a45aa', 'topic': '/flytos/mavros/imu/mag', 'type': 'sensor_msgs/MagneticField'}
  1873. [WARN] [1578686280.518602]: Could not process inbound connection: Internal error processing topic [/flytos/mavros/payload_adc]{'message_definition': "std_msgs/Header header\nfloat32[2] adc_voltage\nuint8 adc_updated\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: std_msgs/Header\n# Standard metadata for higher-level stamped data types.\n# This is generally used to communicate timestamped data \n# in a particular coordinate frame.\n# \n# sequence ID: consecutively increasing ID \nuint32 seq\n#Two-integer timestamp that is expressed as:\n# * stamp.sec: seconds (stamp_secs) since epoch (in Python the variable is called 'secs')\n# * stamp.nsec: nanoseconds since stamp_secs (in Python the variable is called 'nsecs')\n# time-handling sugar is provided by the client library\ntime stamp\n#Frame this data is associated with\n# 0: no frame\n# 1: global frame\nstring frame_id\n", 'callerid': '/flytos/rostful', 'tcp_nodelay': '0', 'md5sum': 'd60a08e63bfc8af231e94c19fbd81263', 'topic': '/flytos/mavros/payload_adc', 'type': 'mavros_msgs/PayloadADC'}
  1874. [WARN] [1578686280.558500]: Could not process inbound connection: Internal error processing topic [/flytos/mavros/battery]{'message_definition': "\n# Constants are chosen to match the enums in the linux kernel\n# defined in include/linux/power_supply.h as of version 3.7\n# The one difference is for style reasons the constants are\n# all uppercase not mixed case.\n\n# Power supply status constants\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_STATUS_UNKNOWN = 0\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_STATUS_CHARGING = 1\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_STATUS_DISCHARGING = 2\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_STATUS_NOT_CHARGING = 3\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_STATUS_FULL = 4\n\n# Power supply health constants\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_UNKNOWN = 0\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_GOOD = 1\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_OVERHEAT = 2\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_DEAD = 3\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_OVERVOLTAGE = 4\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_UNSPEC_FAILURE = 5\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_COLD = 6\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_WATCHDOG_TIMER_EXPIRE = 7\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_SAFETY_TIMER_EXPIRE = 8\n\n# Power supply technology (chemistry) constants\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_TECHNOLOGY_UNKNOWN = 0\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_TECHNOLOGY_NIMH = 1\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_TECHNOLOGY_LION = 2\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_TECHNOLOGY_LIPO = 3\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_TECHNOLOGY_LIFE = 4\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_TECHNOLOGY_NICD = 5\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_TECHNOLOGY_LIMN = 6\n\nHeader header\nfloat32 voltage # Voltage in Volts (Mandatory)\nfloat32 current # Negative when discharging (A) (If unmeasured NaN)\nfloat32 charge # Current charge in Ah (If unmeasured NaN)\nfloat32 capacity # Capacity in Ah (last full capacity) (If unmeasured NaN)\nfloat32 design_capacity # Capacity in Ah (design capacity) (If unmeasured NaN)\nfloat32 percentage # Charge percentage on 0 to 1 range (If unmeasured NaN)\nuint8 power_supply_status # The charging status as reported. Values defined above\nuint8 power_supply_health # The battery health metric. Values defined above\nuint8 power_supply_technology # The battery chemistry. Values defined above\nbool present # True if the battery is present\n\nfloat32[] cell_voltage # An array of individual cell voltages for each cell in the pack\n # If individual voltages unknown but number of cells known set each to NaN\nstring location # The location into which the battery is inserted. (slot number or plug)\nstring serial_number # The best approximation of the battery serial number\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: std_msgs/Header\n# Standard metadata for higher-level stamped data types.\n# This is generally used to communicate timestamped data \n# in a particular coordinate frame.\n# \n# sequence ID: consecutively increasing ID \nuint32 seq\n#Two-integer timestamp that is expressed as:\n# * stamp.sec: seconds (stamp_secs) since epoch (in Python the variable is called 'secs')\n# * stamp.nsec: nanoseconds since stamp_secs (in Python the variable is called 'nsecs')\n# time-handling sugar is provided by the client library\ntime stamp\n#Frame this data is associated with\n# 0: no frame\n# 1: global frame\nstring frame_id\n", 'callerid': '/flytos/rostful', 'tcp_nodelay': '0', 'md5sum': '476f837fa6771f6e16e3bf4ef96f8770', 'topic': '/flytos/mavros/battery', 'type': 'sensor_msgs/BatteryState'}
  1875. [WARN] [1578686280.600443]: Could not process inbound connection: [/flytos/rostful] is not a publisher of [/flytos/mavros/vfr_hud]. Topics are [['/flytos/flyt/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/mavros/mission/waypoint_achieved', 'std_msgs/UInt8'], ['/flytos/mavros/rc/in', 'mavros_msgs/RCIn'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data_euler', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/rosout', 'rosgraph_msgs/Log'], ['/flytos/mavros/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/navigation_server_pos/result', 'navigation_util/NavigationPosActionResult'], ['/flytos/mavros/home_position', 'mavros_msgs/HomePosition'], ['/flytos/mavros/extended_state', 'mavros_msgs/ExtendedState'], ['/flytos/mavros/global_position/global', 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'], ['/flytos/mavros/radio_status', 'mavros_msgs/RadioStatus'], ['/flytos/mavros/local_position/local', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/flytos/mavros/global_position/raw/fix', 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data', 'sensor_msgs/Imu']]{'message_definition': "# Metrics typically displayed on a HUD for fixed wing aircraft\n#\n# VFR_HUD message\n\nstd_msgs/Header header\nfloat32 airspeed\t# m/s\nfloat32 groundspeed\t# m/s\nint16 heading\t\t# degrees 0..360\nfloat32 throttle\t\t# normalized to 0.0..1.0\nfloat32 altitude\t\t# MSL\nfloat32 climb\t\t# current climb rate m/s\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: std_msgs/Header\n# Standard metadata for higher-level stamped data types.\n# This is generally used to communicate timestamped data \n# in a particular coordinate frame.\n# \n# sequence ID: consecutively increasing ID \nuint32 seq\n#Two-integer timestamp that is expressed as:\n# * stamp.sec: seconds (stamp_secs) since epoch (in Python the variable is called 'secs')\n# * stamp.nsec: nanoseconds since stamp_secs (in Python the variable is called 'nsecs')\n# time-handling sugar is provided by the client library\ntime stamp\n#Frame this data is associated with\n# 0: no frame\n# 1: global frame\nstring frame_id\n", 'callerid': '/flytos/rostful', 'tcp_nodelay': '0', 'md5sum': '1f55e210c3d39fe105d44d8dc963655f', 'topic': '/flytos/mavros/vfr_hud', 'type': 'mavros_msgs/VFR_HUD'}
  1876. [ INFO] [1578686280.610413049]: Plugin 3dr_radio loaded
  1877. [ INFO] [1578686280.627428413]: Plugin 3dr_radio initialized
  1878. [ INFO] [1578686280.628225549]: Plugin altitude loaded
  1879. [ INFO] [1578686280.643123569]: Plugin altitude initialized
  1880. [ INFO] [1578686280.643992163]: Plugin autopilot_app_control loaded
  1881. [ INFO] [1578686280.649613413]: Plugin autopilot_app_control initialized
  1882. [ INFO] [1578686280.650538778]: Plugin command loaded
  1883. [WARN] [1578686280.657603]: Could not process inbound connection: Internal error processing topic [/flytos/mavros/radio_status]{'message_definition': "# RADIO_STATUS message\n\nstd_msgs/Header header\n\n# message data\nuint8 rssi\nuint8 remrssi\nuint8 txbuf\nuint8 noise\nuint8 remnoise\nuint16 rxerrors\nuint16 fixed\n\n# calculated\nfloat32 rssi_dbm\nfloat32 remrssi_dbm\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: std_msgs/Header\n# Standard metadata for higher-level stamped data types.\n# This is generally used to communicate timestamped data \n# in a particular coordinate frame.\n# \n# sequence ID: consecutively increasing ID \nuint32 seq\n#Two-integer timestamp that is expressed as:\n# * stamp.sec: seconds (stamp_secs) since epoch (in Python the variable is called 'secs')\n# * stamp.nsec: nanoseconds since stamp_secs (in Python the variable is called 'nsecs')\n# time-handling sugar is provided by the client library\ntime stamp\n#Frame this data is associated with\n# 0: no frame\n# 1: global frame\nstring frame_id\n", 'callerid': '/flytos/rostful', 'tcp_nodelay': '0', 'md5sum': '04e4a879bb2687140da50a1a821e2190', 'topic': '/flytos/mavros/radio_status', 'type': 'mavros_msgs/RadioStatus'}
  1884. [WARN] [1578686280.704346]: Could not process inbound connection: Internal error processing topic [/flytos/mavros/global_position/raw/fix]{'message_definition': "# Navigation Satellite fix for any Global Navigation Satellite System\n#\n# Specified using the WGS 84 reference ellipsoid\n\n# header.stamp specifies the ROS time for this measurement (the\n# corresponding satellite time may be reported using the\n# sensor_msgs/TimeReference message).\n#\n# header.frame_id is the frame of reference reported by the satellite\n# receiver, usually the location of the antenna. This is a\n# Euclidean frame relative to the vehicle, not a reference\n# ellipsoid.\nHeader header\n\n# satellite fix status information\nNavSatStatus status\n\n# Latitude [degrees]. Positive is north of equator; negative is south.\nfloat64 latitude\n\n# Longitude [degrees]. Positive is east of prime meridian; negative is west.\nfloat64 longitude\n\n# Altitude [m]. Positive is above the WGS 84 ellipsoid\n# (quiet NaN if no altitude is available).\nfloat64 altitude\n\n# Position covariance [m^2] defined relative to a tangential plane\n# through the reported position. The components are East, North, and\n# Up (ENU), in row-major order.\n#\n# Beware: this coordinate system exhibits singularities at the poles.\n\nfloat64[9] position_covariance\n\n# If the covariance of the fix is known, fill it in completely. If the\n# GPS receiver provides the variance of each measurement, put them\n# along the diagonal. If only Dilution of Precision is available,\n# estimate an approximate covariance from that.\n\nuint8 COVARIANCE_TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0\nuint8 COVARIANCE_TYPE_APPROXIMATED = 1\nuint8 COVARIANCE_TYPE_DIAGONAL_KNOWN = 2\nuint8 COVARIANCE_TYPE_KNOWN = 3\n\nuint8 position_covariance_type\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: std_msgs/Header\n# Standard metadata for higher-level stamped data types.\n# This is generally used to communicate timestamped data \n# in a particular coordinate frame.\n# \n# sequence ID: consecutively increasing ID \nuint32 seq\n#Two-integer timestamp that is expressed as:\n# * stamp.sec: seconds (stamp_secs) since epoch (in Python the variable is called 'secs')\n# * stamp.nsec: nanoseconds since stamp_secs (in Python the variable is called 'nsecs')\n# time-handling sugar is provided by the client library\ntime stamp\n#Frame this data is associated with\n# 0: no frame\n# 1: global frame\nstring frame_id\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: sensor_msgs/NavSatStatus\n# Navigation Satellite fix status for any Global Navigation Satellite System\n\n# Whether to output an augmented fix is determined by both the fix\n# type and the last time differential corrections were received. A\n# fix is valid when status >= STATUS_FIX.\n\nint8 STATUS_NO_FIX = -1 # unable to fix position\nint8 STATUS_FIX = 0 # unaugmented fix\nint8 STATUS_SBAS_FIX = 1 # with satellite-based augmentation\nint8 STATUS_GBAS_FIX = 2 # with ground-based augmentation\n\nint8 status\n\n# Bits defining which Global Navigation Satellite System signals were\n# used by the receiver.\n\nuint16 SERVICE_GPS = 1\nuint16 SERVICE_GLONASS = 2\nuint16 SERVICE_COMPASS = 4 # includes BeiDou.\nuint16 SERVICE_GALILEO = 8\n\nuint16 service\n", 'callerid': '/flytos/rostful', 'tcp_nodelay': '0', 'md5sum': '2d3a8cd499b9b4a0249fb98fd05cfa48', 'topic': '/flytos/mavros/global_position/raw/fix', 'type': 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'}
  1885. [ INFO] [1578686280.717120653]: Plugin command initialized
  1886. [ INFO] [1578686280.907647684]: Plugin distance_sensor loaded
  1887. [ INFO] [1578686281.046387215]: Plugin distance_sensor initialized
  1888. [ INFO] [1578686281.047653413]: Plugin ftp loaded
  1889. [ INFO] [1578686281.096651486]: Plugin ftp initialized
  1890. [ INFO] [1578686281.097356590]: Plugin geofence blacklisted
  1891. [ INFO] [1578686281.098692580]: Plugin global_position loaded
  1892. [ INFO] [1578686281.155084976]: Plugin global_position initialized
  1893. [ INFO] [1578686281.156582840]: Plugin home_position loaded
  1894. [ INFO] [1578686281.163912267]: Plugin home_position initialized
  1895. [ INFO] [1578686281.165479090]: Plugin imu_pub loaded
  1896. [ INFO] [1578686281.270731486]: Plugin imu_pub initialized
  1897. [ INFO] [1578686281.271939090]: Plugin local_position loaded
  1898. [ INFO] [1578686281.325700809]: Plugin local_position initialized
  1899. [ INFO] [1578686281.326884246]: Plugin log_list loaded
  1900. [ INFO] [1578686281.409366955]: Plugin log_list initialized
  1901. [ INFO] [1578686281.410549038]: Plugin manual_control loaded
  1902. [ INFO] [1578686281.425187215]: Plugin manual_control initialized
  1903. [ INFO] [1578686281.426070965]: Plugin mocap_pose_estimate loaded
  1904. [ INFO] [1578686281.458236382]: Plugin mocap_pose_estimate initialized
  1905. [ INFO] [1578686281.460111694]: Plugin odom loaded
  1906. [ INFO] [1578686281.482432684]: Plugin odom initialized
  1907. [ INFO] [1578686281.485619507]: Plugin param loaded
  1908. [ INFO] [1578686281.550661590]: Plugin param initialized
  1909. [ INFO] [1578686281.551615705]: Plugin payload loaded
  1910. [ INFO] [1578686281.553279715]: initialize
  1911. [ INFO] [1578686281.624543465]: Plugin payload initialized
  1912. [ INFO] [1578686281.625356746]: Plugin px4flow loaded
  1913. [ INFO] [1578686281.674053413]: Plugin px4flow initialized
  1914. [ INFO] [1578686281.675267527]: Plugin rc_io loaded
  1915. [ INFO] [1578686281.703323204]: Plugin rc_io initialized
  1916. [ INFO] [1578686281.704455288]: Plugin setpoint_position loaded
  1917. [ INFO] [1578686281.795708465]: Plugin setpoint_position initialized
  1918. [ INFO] [1578686281.796802632]: Plugin setpoint_raw loaded
  1919. [ INFO] [1578686281.862014194]: Plugin setpoint_raw initialized
  1920. [ INFO] [1578686281.863841381]: Plugin setpoint_velocity loaded
  1921. [ INFO] [1578686281.882022371]: Plugin setpoint_velocity initialized
  1922. [ INFO] [1578686281.884319246]: Plugin sys_status loaded
  1923. [ INFO] [1578686281.949498465]: Plugin sys_status initialized
  1924. [ INFO] [1578686281.953106642]: Plugin sys_time loaded
  1925. [ INFO] [1578686281.993257371]: Plugin sys_time initialized
  1926. [ INFO] [1578686281.994283361]: Plugin vfr_hud loaded
  1927. [ INFO] [1578686282.002455131]: Plugin vfr_hud initialized
  1928. [ INFO] [1578686282.003333152]: Plugin vibration blacklisted
  1929. [ INFO] [1578686282.004723569]: Plugin vision_pose_estimate loaded
  1930. [ INFO] [1578686282.116730027]: Plugin vision_pose_estimate initialized
  1931. [ INFO] [1578686282.117564558]: Plugin vision_speed_estimate loaded
  1932. [ INFO] [1578686282.164272371]: Plugin vision_speed_estimate initialized
  1933. [ INFO] [1578686282.165414454]: Plugin waypoint loaded
  1934. [ INFO] [1578686282.250230704]: Plugin waypoint initialized
  1935. [ INFO] [1578686282.251688933]: Autostarting mavlink via USB on PX4
  1936. [ INFO] [1578686282.253416225]: Built-in SIMD instructions: None
  1937. [ INFO] [1578686282.254828465]: Built-in MAVLink package version: 2016.11.11
  1938. [ INFO] [1578686282.256069663]: Known MAVLink dialects: common ardupilotmega
  1939. [ INFO] [1578686282.257199142]: MAVROS started. MY ID 255.241, TARGET ID 1.0
  1940. [FATAL] [1578686301.909794082]: heartbeat timeout called.. check serial connection to autopilot.. restarting mavros
  1941. [flytos/mavros-2] process has died [pid 14698, exit code -9, cmd /flyt/flytos/flytcore/lib/mavros/mavros_node __name:=mavros __log:=/root/.ros/log/8ef5952a-33e2-11ea-9083-b827eb83b79e/flytos-mavros-2.log].
  1942. log file: /root/.ros/log/8ef5952a-33e2-11ea-9083-b827eb83b79e/flytos-mavros-2*.log
  1943. [flytos/mavros-2] restarting process
  1944. process[flytos/mavros-2]: started with pid [15792]
  1945. [ INFO] [1578686312.466564547]: FCU URL: /dev/ttyAMA0:921600
  1946. [ INFO] [1578686312.472275536]: serial0: device: /dev/ttyAMA0 @ 921600 bps
  1947. [ INFO] [1578686312.474402411]: GCS URL: tcp-l://:5760
  1948. [ INFO] [1578686312.476667932]: tcp1: Bind address:
  1949. [WARN] [1578686312.557430]: Could not process inbound connection: [/flytos/rostful] is not a publisher of [/flytos/mavros/imu/mag]. Topics are [['/flytos/flyt/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/mavros/mission/waypoint_achieved', 'std_msgs/UInt8'], ['/flytos/mavros/rc/in', 'mavros_msgs/RCIn'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data_euler', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/rosout', 'rosgraph_msgs/Log'], ['/flytos/mavros/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/mavros/payload_adc', 'mavros_msgs/PayloadADC'], ['/flytos/navigation_server_pos/result', 'navigation_util/NavigationPosActionResult'], ['/flytos/mavros/home_position', 'mavros_msgs/HomePosition'], ['/flytos/mavros/extended_state', 'mavros_msgs/ExtendedState'], ['/flytos/mavros/global_position/global', 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'], ['/flytos/mavros/radio_status', 'mavros_msgs/RadioStatus'], ['/flytos/mavros/local_position/local', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/flytos/mavros/battery', 'sensor_msgs/BatteryState'], ['/flytos/mavros/vfr_hud', 'mavros_msgs/VFR_HUD'], ['/flytos/mavros/global_position/raw/fix', 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data', 'sensor_msgs/Imu']]{'message_definition': ' # Measurement of the Magnetic Field vector at a specific location.\n\n # If the covariance of the measurement is known, it should be filled in\n # (if all you know is the variance of each measurement, e.g. from the datasheet,\n #just put those along the diagonal)\n # A covariance matrix of all zeros will be interpreted as "covariance unknown",\n # and to use the data a covariance will have to be assumed or gotten from some\n # other source\n\n\n Header header # timestamp is the time the\n # field was measured\n # frame_id is the location and orientation\n # of the field measurement\n\n geometry_msgs/Vector3 magnetic_field # x, y, and z components of the\n # field vector in Tesla\n # If your sensor does not output 3 axes,\n # put NaNs in the components not reported.\n\n float64[9] magnetic_field_covariance # Row major about x, y, z axes\n # 0 is interpreted as variance unknown\n================================================================================\nMSG: std_msgs/Header\n# Standard metadata for higher-level stamped data types.\n# This is generally used to communicate timestamped data \n# in a particular coordinate frame.\n# \n# sequence ID: consecutively increasing ID \nuint32 seq\n#Two-integer timestamp that is expressed as:\n# * stamp.sec: seconds (stamp_secs) since epoch (in Python the variable is called \'secs\')\n# * stamp.nsec: nanoseconds since stamp_secs (in Python the variable is called \'nsecs\')\n# time-handling sugar is provided by the client library\ntime stamp\n#Frame this data is associated with\n# 0: no frame\n# 1: global frame\nstring frame_id\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: geometry_msgs/Vector3\n# This represents a vector in free space. \n# It is only meant to represent a direction. Therefore, it does not\n# make sense to apply a translation to it (e.g., when applying a \n# generic rigid transformation to a Vector3, tf2 will only apply the\n# rotation). If you want your data to be translatable too, use the\n# geometry_msgs/Point message instead.\n\nfloat64 x\nfloat64 y\nfloat64 z', 'callerid': '/flytos/rostful', 'tcp_nodelay': '0', 'md5sum': '2f3b0b43eed0c9501de0fa3ff89a45aa', 'topic': '/flytos/mavros/imu/mag', 'type': 'sensor_msgs/MagneticField'}
  1950. [WARN] [1578686312.589963]: Could not process inbound connection: Internal error processing topic [/flytos/mavros/payload_adc]{'message_definition': "std_msgs/Header header\nfloat32[2] adc_voltage\nuint8 adc_updated\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: std_msgs/Header\n# Standard metadata for higher-level stamped data types.\n# This is generally used to communicate timestamped data \n# in a particular coordinate frame.\n# \n# sequence ID: consecutively increasing ID \nuint32 seq\n#Two-integer timestamp that is expressed as:\n# * stamp.sec: seconds (stamp_secs) since epoch (in Python the variable is called 'secs')\n# * stamp.nsec: nanoseconds since stamp_secs (in Python the variable is called 'nsecs')\n# time-handling sugar is provided by the client library\ntime stamp\n#Frame this data is associated with\n# 0: no frame\n# 1: global frame\nstring frame_id\n", 'callerid': '/flytos/rostful', 'tcp_nodelay': '0', 'md5sum': 'd60a08e63bfc8af231e94c19fbd81263', 'topic': '/flytos/mavros/payload_adc', 'type': 'mavros_msgs/PayloadADC'}
  1951. [WARN] [1578686312.628328]: Could not process inbound connection: [/flytos/rostful] is not a publisher of [/flytos/mavros/battery]. Topics are [['/flytos/flyt/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/mavros/mission/waypoint_achieved', 'std_msgs/UInt8'], ['/flytos/mavros/rc/in', 'mavros_msgs/RCIn'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data_euler', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/rosout', 'rosgraph_msgs/Log'], ['/flytos/mavros/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/navigation_server_pos/result', 'navigation_util/NavigationPosActionResult'], ['/flytos/mavros/home_position', 'mavros_msgs/HomePosition'], ['/flytos/mavros/extended_state', 'mavros_msgs/ExtendedState'], ['/flytos/mavros/global_position/global', 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'], ['/flytos/mavros/radio_status', 'mavros_msgs/RadioStatus'], ['/flytos/mavros/local_position/local', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/flytos/mavros/vfr_hud', 'mavros_msgs/VFR_HUD'], ['/flytos/mavros/global_position/raw/fix', 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data', 'sensor_msgs/Imu']]{'message_definition': "\n# Constants are chosen to match the enums in the linux kernel\n# defined in include/linux/power_supply.h as of version 3.7\n# The one difference is for style reasons the constants are\n# all uppercase not mixed case.\n\n# Power supply status constants\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_STATUS_UNKNOWN = 0\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_STATUS_CHARGING = 1\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_STATUS_DISCHARGING = 2\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_STATUS_NOT_CHARGING = 3\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_STATUS_FULL = 4\n\n# Power supply health constants\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_UNKNOWN = 0\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_GOOD = 1\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_OVERHEAT = 2\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_DEAD = 3\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_OVERVOLTAGE = 4\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_UNSPEC_FAILURE = 5\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_COLD = 6\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_WATCHDOG_TIMER_EXPIRE = 7\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_SAFETY_TIMER_EXPIRE = 8\n\n# Power supply technology (chemistry) constants\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_TECHNOLOGY_UNKNOWN = 0\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_TECHNOLOGY_NIMH = 1\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_TECHNOLOGY_LION = 2\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_TECHNOLOGY_LIPO = 3\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_TECHNOLOGY_LIFE = 4\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_TECHNOLOGY_NICD = 5\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_TECHNOLOGY_LIMN = 6\n\nHeader header\nfloat32 voltage # Voltage in Volts (Mandatory)\nfloat32 current # Negative when discharging (A) (If unmeasured NaN)\nfloat32 charge # Current charge in Ah (If unmeasured NaN)\nfloat32 capacity # Capacity in Ah (last full capacity) (If unmeasured NaN)\nfloat32 design_capacity # Capacity in Ah (design capacity) (If unmeasured NaN)\nfloat32 percentage # Charge percentage on 0 to 1 range (If unmeasured NaN)\nuint8 power_supply_status # The charging status as reported. Values defined above\nuint8 power_supply_health # The battery health metric. Values defined above\nuint8 power_supply_technology # The battery chemistry. Values defined above\nbool present # True if the battery is present\n\nfloat32[] cell_voltage # An array of individual cell voltages for each cell in the pack\n # If individual voltages unknown but number of cells known set each to NaN\nstring location # The location into which the battery is inserted. (slot number or plug)\nstring serial_number # The best approximation of the battery serial number\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: std_msgs/Header\n# Standard metadata for higher-level stamped data types.\n# This is generally used to communicate timestamped data \n# in a particular coordinate frame.\n# \n# sequence ID: consecutively increasing ID \nuint32 seq\n#Two-integer timestamp that is expressed as:\n# * stamp.sec: seconds (stamp_secs) since epoch (in Python the variable is called 'secs')\n# * stamp.nsec: nanoseconds since stamp_secs (in Python the variable is called 'nsecs')\n# time-handling sugar is provided by the client library\ntime stamp\n#Frame this data is associated with\n# 0: no frame\n# 1: global frame\nstring frame_id\n", 'callerid': '/flytos/rostful', 'tcp_nodelay': '0', 'md5sum': '476f837fa6771f6e16e3bf4ef96f8770', 'topic': '/flytos/mavros/battery', 'type': 'sensor_msgs/BatteryState'}
  1952. [WARN] [1578686312.677552]: Could not process inbound connection: [/flytos/rostful] is not a publisher of [/flytos/mavros/vfr_hud]. Topics are [['/flytos/flyt/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/mavros/mission/waypoint_achieved', 'std_msgs/UInt8'], ['/flytos/mavros/rc/in', 'mavros_msgs/RCIn'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data_euler', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/rosout', 'rosgraph_msgs/Log'], ['/flytos/mavros/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/navigation_server_pos/result', 'navigation_util/NavigationPosActionResult'], ['/flytos/mavros/home_position', 'mavros_msgs/HomePosition'], ['/flytos/mavros/extended_state', 'mavros_msgs/ExtendedState'], ['/flytos/mavros/global_position/global', 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'], ['/flytos/mavros/radio_status', 'mavros_msgs/RadioStatus'], ['/flytos/mavros/local_position/local', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/flytos/mavros/global_position/raw/fix', 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data', 'sensor_msgs/Imu']]{'message_definition': "# Metrics typically displayed on a HUD for fixed wing aircraft\n#\n# VFR_HUD message\n\nstd_msgs/Header header\nfloat32 airspeed\t# m/s\nfloat32 groundspeed\t# m/s\nint16 heading\t\t# degrees 0..360\nfloat32 throttle\t\t# normalized to 0.0..1.0\nfloat32 altitude\t\t# MSL\nfloat32 climb\t\t# current climb rate m/s\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: std_msgs/Header\n# Standard metadata for higher-level stamped data types.\n# This is generally used to communicate timestamped data \n# in a particular coordinate frame.\n# \n# sequence ID: consecutively increasing ID \nuint32 seq\n#Two-integer timestamp that is expressed as:\n# * stamp.sec: seconds (stamp_secs) since epoch (in Python the variable is called 'secs')\n# * stamp.nsec: nanoseconds since stamp_secs (in Python the variable is called 'nsecs')\n# time-handling sugar is provided by the client library\ntime stamp\n#Frame this data is associated with\n# 0: no frame\n# 1: global frame\nstring frame_id\n", 'callerid': '/flytos/rostful', 'tcp_nodelay': '0', 'md5sum': '1f55e210c3d39fe105d44d8dc963655f', 'topic': '/flytos/mavros/vfr_hud', 'type': 'mavros_msgs/VFR_HUD'}
  1953. [WARN] [1578686312.708118]: Could not process inbound connection: [/flytos/rostful] is not a publisher of [/flytos/mavros/radio_status]. Topics are [['/flytos/flyt/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/mavros/mission/waypoint_achieved', 'std_msgs/UInt8'], ['/flytos/mavros/rc/in', 'mavros_msgs/RCIn'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data_euler', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/rosout', 'rosgraph_msgs/Log'], ['/flytos/mavros/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/navigation_server_pos/result', 'navigation_util/NavigationPosActionResult'], ['/flytos/mavros/home_position', 'mavros_msgs/HomePosition'], ['/flytos/mavros/extended_state', 'mavros_msgs/ExtendedState'], ['/flytos/mavros/global_position/global', 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'], ['/flytos/mavros/local_position/local', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/flytos/mavros/global_position/raw/fix', 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data', 'sensor_msgs/Imu']]{'message_definition': "# RADIO_STATUS message\n\nstd_msgs/Header header\n\n# message data\nuint8 rssi\nuint8 remrssi\nuint8 txbuf\nuint8 noise\nuint8 remnoise\nuint16 rxerrors\nuint16 fixed\n\n# calculated\nfloat32 rssi_dbm\nfloat32 remrssi_dbm\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: std_msgs/Header\n# Standard metadata for higher-level stamped data types.\n# This is generally used to communicate timestamped data \n# in a particular coordinate frame.\n# \n# sequence ID: consecutively increasing ID \nuint32 seq\n#Two-integer timestamp that is expressed as:\n# * stamp.sec: seconds (stamp_secs) since epoch (in Python the variable is called 'secs')\n# * stamp.nsec: nanoseconds since stamp_secs (in Python the variable is called 'nsecs')\n# time-handling sugar is provided by the client library\ntime stamp\n#Frame this data is associated with\n# 0: no frame\n# 1: global frame\nstring frame_id\n", 'callerid': '/flytos/rostful', 'tcp_nodelay': '0', 'md5sum': '04e4a879bb2687140da50a1a821e2190', 'topic': '/flytos/mavros/radio_status', 'type': 'mavros_msgs/RadioStatus'}
  1954. [WARN] [1578686312.753885]: Could not process inbound connection: [/flytos/rostful] is not a publisher of [/flytos/mavros/global_position/raw/fix]. Topics are [['/flytos/flyt/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/mavros/mission/waypoint_achieved', 'std_msgs/UInt8'], ['/flytos/mavros/rc/in', 'mavros_msgs/RCIn'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data_euler', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/rosout', 'rosgraph_msgs/Log'], ['/flytos/mavros/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/navigation_server_pos/result', 'navigation_util/NavigationPosActionResult'], ['/flytos/mavros/home_position', 'mavros_msgs/HomePosition'], ['/flytos/mavros/extended_state', 'mavros_msgs/ExtendedState'], ['/flytos/mavros/global_position/global', 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'], ['/flytos/mavros/local_position/local', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data', 'sensor_msgs/Imu']]{'message_definition': "# Navigation Satellite fix for any Global Navigation Satellite System\n#\n# Specified using the WGS 84 reference ellipsoid\n\n# header.stamp specifies the ROS time for this measurement (the\n# corresponding satellite time may be reported using the\n# sensor_msgs/TimeReference message).\n#\n# header.frame_id is the frame of reference reported by the satellite\n# receiver, usually the location of the antenna. This is a\n# Euclidean frame relative to the vehicle, not a reference\n# ellipsoid.\nHeader header\n\n# satellite fix status information\nNavSatStatus status\n\n# Latitude [degrees]. Positive is north of equator; negative is south.\nfloat64 latitude\n\n# Longitude [degrees]. Positive is east of prime meridian; negative is west.\nfloat64 longitude\n\n# Altitude [m]. Positive is above the WGS 84 ellipsoid\n# (quiet NaN if no altitude is available).\nfloat64 altitude\n\n# Position covariance [m^2] defined relative to a tangential plane\n# through the reported position. The components are East, North, and\n# Up (ENU), in row-major order.\n#\n# Beware: this coordinate system exhibits singularities at the poles.\n\nfloat64[9] position_covariance\n\n# If the covariance of the fix is known, fill it in completely. If the\n# GPS receiver provides the variance of each measurement, put them\n# along the diagonal. If only Dilution of Precision is available,\n# estimate an approximate covariance from that.\n\nuint8 COVARIANCE_TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0\nuint8 COVARIANCE_TYPE_APPROXIMATED = 1\nuint8 COVARIANCE_TYPE_DIAGONAL_KNOWN = 2\nuint8 COVARIANCE_TYPE_KNOWN = 3\n\nuint8 position_covariance_type\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: std_msgs/Header\n# Standard metadata for higher-level stamped data types.\n# This is generally used to communicate timestamped data \n# in a particular coordinate frame.\n# \n# sequence ID: consecutively increasing ID \nuint32 seq\n#Two-integer timestamp that is expressed as:\n# * stamp.sec: seconds (stamp_secs) since epoch (in Python the variable is called 'secs')\n# * stamp.nsec: nanoseconds since stamp_secs (in Python the variable is called 'nsecs')\n# time-handling sugar is provided by the client library\ntime stamp\n#Frame this data is associated with\n# 0: no frame\n# 1: global frame\nstring frame_id\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: sensor_msgs/NavSatStatus\n# Navigation Satellite fix status for any Global Navigation Satellite System\n\n# Whether to output an augmented fix is determined by both the fix\n# type and the last time differential corrections were received. A\n# fix is valid when status >= STATUS_FIX.\n\nint8 STATUS_NO_FIX = -1 # unable to fix position\nint8 STATUS_FIX = 0 # unaugmented fix\nint8 STATUS_SBAS_FIX = 1 # with satellite-based augmentation\nint8 STATUS_GBAS_FIX = 2 # with ground-based augmentation\n\nint8 status\n\n# Bits defining which Global Navigation Satellite System signals were\n# used by the receiver.\n\nuint16 SERVICE_GPS = 1\nuint16 SERVICE_GLONASS = 2\nuint16 SERVICE_COMPASS = 4 # includes BeiDou.\nuint16 SERVICE_GALILEO = 8\n\nuint16 service\n", 'callerid': '/flytos/rostful', 'tcp_nodelay': '0', 'md5sum': '2d3a8cd499b9b4a0249fb98fd05cfa48', 'topic': '/flytos/mavros/global_position/raw/fix', 'type': 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'}
  1955. [ INFO] [1578686312.808167203]: Plugin 3dr_radio loaded
  1956. [ INFO] [1578686312.819437516]: Plugin 3dr_radio initialized
  1957. [ INFO] [1578686312.820705484]: Plugin altitude loaded
  1958. [ INFO] [1578686312.828053713]: Plugin altitude initialized
  1959. [ INFO] [1578686312.829370224]: Plugin autopilot_app_control loaded
  1960. [ INFO] [1578686312.834534182]: Plugin autopilot_app_control initialized
  1961. [ INFO] [1578686312.835887724]: Plugin command loaded
  1962. [ INFO] [1578686312.868892880]: Plugin command initialized
  1963. [ INFO] [1578686313.049859703]: Plugin distance_sensor loaded
  1964. [ INFO] [1578686313.187742203]: Plugin distance_sensor initialized
  1965. [ INFO] [1578686313.189410797]: Plugin ftp loaded
  1966. [ INFO] [1578686313.238496109]: Plugin ftp initialized
  1967. [ INFO] [1578686313.239047411]: Plugin geofence blacklisted
  1968. [ INFO] [1578686313.240900745]: Plugin global_position loaded
  1969. [ INFO] [1578686313.294213922]: Plugin global_position initialized
  1970. [ INFO] [1578686313.295478505]: Plugin home_position loaded
  1971. [ INFO] [1578686313.301541942]: Plugin home_position initialized
  1972. [ INFO] [1578686313.302497411]: Plugin imu_pub loaded
  1973. [ INFO] [1578686313.420202672]: Plugin imu_pub initialized
  1974. [ INFO] [1578686313.423275484]: Plugin local_position loaded
  1975. [ INFO] [1578686313.493206526]: Plugin local_position initialized
  1976. [ INFO] [1578686313.494350380]: Plugin log_list loaded
  1977. [ INFO] [1578686313.592873349]: Plugin log_list initialized
  1978. [ INFO] [1578686313.595393817]: Plugin manual_control loaded
  1979. [ INFO] [1578686313.604153921]: Plugin manual_control initialized
  1980. [ INFO] [1578686313.606066890]: Plugin mocap_pose_estimate loaded
  1981. [ INFO] [1578686313.640038140]: Plugin mocap_pose_estimate initialized
  1982. [ INFO] [1578686313.642222880]: Plugin odom loaded
  1983. [ INFO] [1578686313.671577307]: Plugin odom initialized
  1984. [ INFO] [1578686313.674277984]: Plugin param loaded
  1985. [ INFO] [1578686313.720587984]: Plugin param initialized
  1986. [ INFO] [1578686313.723193505]: Plugin payload loaded
  1987. [ INFO] [1578686313.726177151]: initialize
  1988. [ INFO] [1578686313.804834755]: Plugin payload initialized
  1989. [ INFO] [1578686313.805798765]: Plugin px4flow loaded
  1990. [ INFO] [1578686313.839415901]: Plugin px4flow initialized
  1991. [ INFO] [1578686313.840579078]: Plugin rc_io loaded
  1992. [ INFO] [1578686313.867301942]: Plugin rc_io initialized
  1993. [ INFO] [1578686313.868408661]: Plugin setpoint_position loaded
  1994. [ INFO] [1578686313.958992828]: Plugin setpoint_position initialized
  1995. [ INFO] [1578686313.959907255]: Plugin setpoint_raw loaded
  1996. [ INFO] [1578686314.026121109]: Plugin setpoint_raw initialized
  1997. [ INFO] [1578686314.027105848]: Plugin setpoint_velocity loaded
  1998. [ INFO] [1578686314.044356682]: Plugin setpoint_velocity initialized
  1999. [ INFO] [1578686314.045870223]: Plugin sys_status loaded
  2000. [ INFO] [1578686314.112688400]: Plugin sys_status initialized
  2001. [ INFO] [1578686314.113584859]: Plugin sys_time loaded
  2002. [ INFO] [1578686314.142813088]: Plugin sys_time initialized
  2003. [ INFO] [1578686314.143629703]: Plugin vfr_hud loaded
  2004. [ INFO] [1578686314.152531109]: Plugin vfr_hud initialized
  2005. [ INFO] [1578686314.152706682]: Plugin vibration blacklisted
  2006. [ INFO] [1578686314.153402932]: Plugin vision_pose_estimate loaded
  2007. [ INFO] [1578686314.225022619]: Plugin vision_pose_estimate initialized
  2008. [ INFO] [1578686314.225807880]: Plugin vision_speed_estimate loaded
  2009. [ INFO] [1578686314.248034442]: Plugin vision_speed_estimate initialized
  2010. [ INFO] [1578686314.248985536]: Plugin waypoint loaded
  2011. [ INFO] [1578686314.301689494]: Plugin waypoint initialized
  2012. [ INFO] [1578686314.301992307]: Autostarting mavlink via USB on PX4
  2013. [ INFO] [1578686314.302517307]: Built-in SIMD instructions: None
  2014. [ INFO] [1578686314.302624338]: Built-in MAVLink package version: 2016.11.11
  2015. [ INFO] [1578686314.302716994]: Known MAVLink dialects: common ardupilotmega
  2016. [ INFO] [1578686314.302801005]: MAVROS started. MY ID 255.241, TARGET ID 1.0
  2017. [FATAL] [1578686334.069360216]: heartbeat timeout called.. check serial connection to autopilot.. restarting mavros
  2018. [flytos/mavros-2] process has died [pid 15792, exit code -9, cmd /flyt/flytos/flytcore/lib/mavros/mavros_node __name:=mavros __log:=/root/.ros/log/8ef5952a-33e2-11ea-9083-b827eb83b79e/flytos-mavros-2.log].
  2019. log file: /root/.ros/log/8ef5952a-33e2-11ea-9083-b827eb83b79e/flytos-mavros-2*.log
  2020. [flytos/mavros-2] restarting process
  2021. process[flytos/mavros-2]: started with pid [16749]
  2022. [ INFO] [1578686344.651474587]: FCU URL: /dev/ttyAMA0:921600
  2023. [ INFO] [1578686344.656625680]: serial0: device: /dev/ttyAMA0 @ 921600 bps
  2024. [ INFO] [1578686344.658145837]: GCS URL: tcp-l://:5760
  2025. [ INFO] [1578686344.659879795]: tcp1: Bind address:
  2026. [WARN] [1578686344.722250]: Could not process inbound connection: Internal error processing topic [/flytos/mavros/imu/mag]{'message_definition': ' # Measurement of the Magnetic Field vector at a specific location.\n\n # If the covariance of the measurement is known, it should be filled in\n # (if all you know is the variance of each measurement, e.g. from the datasheet,\n #just put those along the diagonal)\n # A covariance matrix of all zeros will be interpreted as "covariance unknown",\n # and to use the data a covariance will have to be assumed or gotten from some\n # other source\n\n\n Header header # timestamp is the time the\n # field was measured\n # frame_id is the location and orientation\n # of the field measurement\n\n geometry_msgs/Vector3 magnetic_field # x, y, and z components of the\n # field vector in Tesla\n # If your sensor does not output 3 axes,\n # put NaNs in the components not reported.\n\n float64[9] magnetic_field_covariance # Row major about x, y, z axes\n # 0 is interpreted as variance unknown\n================================================================================\nMSG: std_msgs/Header\n# Standard metadata for higher-level stamped data types.\n# This is generally used to communicate timestamped data \n# in a particular coordinate frame.\n# \n# sequence ID: consecutively increasing ID \nuint32 seq\n#Two-integer timestamp that is expressed as:\n# * stamp.sec: seconds (stamp_secs) since epoch (in Python the variable is called \'secs\')\n# * stamp.nsec: nanoseconds since stamp_secs (in Python the variable is called \'nsecs\')\n# time-handling sugar is provided by the client library\ntime stamp\n#Frame this data is associated with\n# 0: no frame\n# 1: global frame\nstring frame_id\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: geometry_msgs/Vector3\n# This represents a vector in free space. \n# It is only meant to represent a direction. Therefore, it does not\n# make sense to apply a translation to it (e.g., when applying a \n# generic rigid transformation to a Vector3, tf2 will only apply the\n# rotation). If you want your data to be translatable too, use the\n# geometry_msgs/Point message instead.\n\nfloat64 x\nfloat64 y\nfloat64 z', 'callerid': '/flytos/rostful', 'tcp_nodelay': '0', 'md5sum': '2f3b0b43eed0c9501de0fa3ff89a45aa', 'topic': '/flytos/mavros/imu/mag', 'type': 'sensor_msgs/MagneticField'}
  2027. [WARN] [1578686344.760444]: Could not process inbound connection: Internal error processing topic [/flytos/mavros/payload_adc]{'message_definition': "std_msgs/Header header\nfloat32[2] adc_voltage\nuint8 adc_updated\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: std_msgs/Header\n# Standard metadata for higher-level stamped data types.\n# This is generally used to communicate timestamped data \n# in a particular coordinate frame.\n# \n# sequence ID: consecutively increasing ID \nuint32 seq\n#Two-integer timestamp that is expressed as:\n# * stamp.sec: seconds (stamp_secs) since epoch (in Python the variable is called 'secs')\n# * stamp.nsec: nanoseconds since stamp_secs (in Python the variable is called 'nsecs')\n# time-handling sugar is provided by the client library\ntime stamp\n#Frame this data is associated with\n# 0: no frame\n# 1: global frame\nstring frame_id\n", 'callerid': '/flytos/rostful', 'tcp_nodelay': '0', 'md5sum': 'd60a08e63bfc8af231e94c19fbd81263', 'topic': '/flytos/mavros/payload_adc', 'type': 'mavros_msgs/PayloadADC'}
  2028. [WARN] [1578686344.798248]: Could not process inbound connection: [/flytos/rostful] is not a publisher of [/flytos/mavros/battery]. Topics are [['/flytos/flyt/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/mavros/mission/waypoint_achieved', 'std_msgs/UInt8'], ['/flytos/mavros/rc/in', 'mavros_msgs/RCIn'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data_euler', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/rosout', 'rosgraph_msgs/Log'], ['/flytos/mavros/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/navigation_server_pos/result', 'navigation_util/NavigationPosActionResult'], ['/flytos/mavros/home_position', 'mavros_msgs/HomePosition'], ['/flytos/mavros/extended_state', 'mavros_msgs/ExtendedState'], ['/flytos/mavros/global_position/global', 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'], ['/flytos/mavros/radio_status', 'mavros_msgs/RadioStatus'], ['/flytos/mavros/local_position/local', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/flytos/mavros/vfr_hud', 'mavros_msgs/VFR_HUD'], ['/flytos/mavros/global_position/raw/fix', 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data', 'sensor_msgs/Imu']]{'message_definition': "\n# Constants are chosen to match the enums in the linux kernel\n# defined in include/linux/power_supply.h as of version 3.7\n# The one difference is for style reasons the constants are\n# all uppercase not mixed case.\n\n# Power supply status constants\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_STATUS_UNKNOWN = 0\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_STATUS_CHARGING = 1\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_STATUS_DISCHARGING = 2\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_STATUS_NOT_CHARGING = 3\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_STATUS_FULL = 4\n\n# Power supply health constants\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_UNKNOWN = 0\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_GOOD = 1\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_OVERHEAT = 2\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_DEAD = 3\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_OVERVOLTAGE = 4\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_UNSPEC_FAILURE = 5\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_COLD = 6\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_WATCHDOG_TIMER_EXPIRE = 7\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_SAFETY_TIMER_EXPIRE = 8\n\n# Power supply technology (chemistry) constants\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_TECHNOLOGY_UNKNOWN = 0\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_TECHNOLOGY_NIMH = 1\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_TECHNOLOGY_LION = 2\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_TECHNOLOGY_LIPO = 3\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_TECHNOLOGY_LIFE = 4\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_TECHNOLOGY_NICD = 5\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_TECHNOLOGY_LIMN = 6\n\nHeader header\nfloat32 voltage # Voltage in Volts (Mandatory)\nfloat32 current # Negative when discharging (A) (If unmeasured NaN)\nfloat32 charge # Current charge in Ah (If unmeasured NaN)\nfloat32 capacity # Capacity in Ah (last full capacity) (If unmeasured NaN)\nfloat32 design_capacity # Capacity in Ah (design capacity) (If unmeasured NaN)\nfloat32 percentage # Charge percentage on 0 to 1 range (If unmeasured NaN)\nuint8 power_supply_status # The charging status as reported. Values defined above\nuint8 power_supply_health # The battery health metric. Values defined above\nuint8 power_supply_technology # The battery chemistry. Values defined above\nbool present # True if the battery is present\n\nfloat32[] cell_voltage # An array of individual cell voltages for each cell in the pack\n # If individual voltages unknown but number of cells known set each to NaN\nstring location # The location into which the battery is inserted. (slot number or plug)\nstring serial_number # The best approximation of the battery serial number\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: std_msgs/Header\n# Standard metadata for higher-level stamped data types.\n# This is generally used to communicate timestamped data \n# in a particular coordinate frame.\n# \n# sequence ID: consecutively increasing ID \nuint32 seq\n#Two-integer timestamp that is expressed as:\n# * stamp.sec: seconds (stamp_secs) since epoch (in Python the variable is called 'secs')\n# * stamp.nsec: nanoseconds since stamp_secs (in Python the variable is called 'nsecs')\n# time-handling sugar is provided by the client library\ntime stamp\n#Frame this data is associated with\n# 0: no frame\n# 1: global frame\nstring frame_id\n", 'callerid': '/flytos/rostful', 'tcp_nodelay': '0', 'md5sum': '476f837fa6771f6e16e3bf4ef96f8770', 'topic': '/flytos/mavros/battery', 'type': 'sensor_msgs/BatteryState'}
  2029. [WARN] [1578686344.842318]: Could not process inbound connection: Internal error processing topic [/flytos/mavros/vfr_hud]{'message_definition': "# Metrics typically displayed on a HUD for fixed wing aircraft\n#\n# VFR_HUD message\n\nstd_msgs/Header header\nfloat32 airspeed\t# m/s\nfloat32 groundspeed\t# m/s\nint16 heading\t\t# degrees 0..360\nfloat32 throttle\t\t# normalized to 0.0..1.0\nfloat32 altitude\t\t# MSL\nfloat32 climb\t\t# current climb rate m/s\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: std_msgs/Header\n# Standard metadata for higher-level stamped data types.\n# This is generally used to communicate timestamped data \n# in a particular coordinate frame.\n# \n# sequence ID: consecutively increasing ID \nuint32 seq\n#Two-integer timestamp that is expressed as:\n# * stamp.sec: seconds (stamp_secs) since epoch (in Python the variable is called 'secs')\n# * stamp.nsec: nanoseconds since stamp_secs (in Python the variable is called 'nsecs')\n# time-handling sugar is provided by the client library\ntime stamp\n#Frame this data is associated with\n# 0: no frame\n# 1: global frame\nstring frame_id\n", 'callerid': '/flytos/rostful', 'tcp_nodelay': '0', 'md5sum': '1f55e210c3d39fe105d44d8dc963655f', 'topic': '/flytos/mavros/vfr_hud', 'type': 'mavros_msgs/VFR_HUD'}
  2030. [WARN] [1578686344.882203]: Could not process inbound connection: [/flytos/rostful] is not a publisher of [/flytos/mavros/radio_status]. Topics are [['/flytos/flyt/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/mavros/mission/waypoint_achieved', 'std_msgs/UInt8'], ['/flytos/mavros/rc/in', 'mavros_msgs/RCIn'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data_euler', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/rosout', 'rosgraph_msgs/Log'], ['/flytos/mavros/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/navigation_server_pos/result', 'navigation_util/NavigationPosActionResult'], ['/flytos/mavros/home_position', 'mavros_msgs/HomePosition'], ['/flytos/mavros/extended_state', 'mavros_msgs/ExtendedState'], ['/flytos/mavros/global_position/global', 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'], ['/flytos/mavros/local_position/local', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/flytos/mavros/global_position/raw/fix', 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data', 'sensor_msgs/Imu']]{'message_definition': "# RADIO_STATUS message\n\nstd_msgs/Header header\n\n# message data\nuint8 rssi\nuint8 remrssi\nuint8 txbuf\nuint8 noise\nuint8 remnoise\nuint16 rxerrors\nuint16 fixed\n\n# calculated\nfloat32 rssi_dbm\nfloat32 remrssi_dbm\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: std_msgs/Header\n# Standard metadata for higher-level stamped data types.\n# This is generally used to communicate timestamped data \n# in a particular coordinate frame.\n# \n# sequence ID: consecutively increasing ID \nuint32 seq\n#Two-integer timestamp that is expressed as:\n# * stamp.sec: seconds (stamp_secs) since epoch (in Python the variable is called 'secs')\n# * stamp.nsec: nanoseconds since stamp_secs (in Python the variable is called 'nsecs')\n# time-handling sugar is provided by the client library\ntime stamp\n#Frame this data is associated with\n# 0: no frame\n# 1: global frame\nstring frame_id\n", 'callerid': '/flytos/rostful', 'tcp_nodelay': '0', 'md5sum': '04e4a879bb2687140da50a1a821e2190', 'topic': '/flytos/mavros/radio_status', 'type': 'mavros_msgs/RadioStatus'}
  2031. [WARN] [1578686344.924575]: Could not process inbound connection: [/flytos/rostful] is not a publisher of [/flytos/mavros/global_position/raw/fix]. Topics are [['/flytos/flyt/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/mavros/mission/waypoint_achieved', 'std_msgs/UInt8'], ['/flytos/mavros/rc/in', 'mavros_msgs/RCIn'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data_euler', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/rosout', 'rosgraph_msgs/Log'], ['/flytos/mavros/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/navigation_server_pos/result', 'navigation_util/NavigationPosActionResult'], ['/flytos/mavros/home_position', 'mavros_msgs/HomePosition'], ['/flytos/mavros/extended_state', 'mavros_msgs/ExtendedState'], ['/flytos/mavros/global_position/global', 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'], ['/flytos/mavros/local_position/local', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data', 'sensor_msgs/Imu']]{'message_definition': "# Navigation Satellite fix for any Global Navigation Satellite System\n#\n# Specified using the WGS 84 reference ellipsoid\n\n# header.stamp specifies the ROS time for this measurement (the\n# corresponding satellite time may be reported using the\n# sensor_msgs/TimeReference message).\n#\n# header.frame_id is the frame of reference reported by the satellite\n# receiver, usually the location of the antenna. This is a\n# Euclidean frame relative to the vehicle, not a reference\n# ellipsoid.\nHeader header\n\n# satellite fix status information\nNavSatStatus status\n\n# Latitude [degrees]. Positive is north of equator; negative is south.\nfloat64 latitude\n\n# Longitude [degrees]. Positive is east of prime meridian; negative is west.\nfloat64 longitude\n\n# Altitude [m]. Positive is above the WGS 84 ellipsoid\n# (quiet NaN if no altitude is available).\nfloat64 altitude\n\n# Position covariance [m^2] defined relative to a tangential plane\n# through the reported position. The components are East, North, and\n# Up (ENU), in row-major order.\n#\n# Beware: this coordinate system exhibits singularities at the poles.\n\nfloat64[9] position_covariance\n\n# If the covariance of the fix is known, fill it in completely. If the\n# GPS receiver provides the variance of each measurement, put them\n# along the diagonal. If only Dilution of Precision is available,\n# estimate an approximate covariance from that.\n\nuint8 COVARIANCE_TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0\nuint8 COVARIANCE_TYPE_APPROXIMATED = 1\nuint8 COVARIANCE_TYPE_DIAGONAL_KNOWN = 2\nuint8 COVARIANCE_TYPE_KNOWN = 3\n\nuint8 position_covariance_type\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: std_msgs/Header\n# Standard metadata for higher-level stamped data types.\n# This is generally used to communicate timestamped data \n# in a particular coordinate frame.\n# \n# sequence ID: consecutively increasing ID \nuint32 seq\n#Two-integer timestamp that is expressed as:\n# * stamp.sec: seconds (stamp_secs) since epoch (in Python the variable is called 'secs')\n# * stamp.nsec: nanoseconds since stamp_secs (in Python the variable is called 'nsecs')\n# time-handling sugar is provided by the client library\ntime stamp\n#Frame this data is associated with\n# 0: no frame\n# 1: global frame\nstring frame_id\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: sensor_msgs/NavSatStatus\n# Navigation Satellite fix status for any Global Navigation Satellite System\n\n# Whether to output an augmented fix is determined by both the fix\n# type and the last time differential corrections were received. A\n# fix is valid when status >= STATUS_FIX.\n\nint8 STATUS_NO_FIX = -1 # unable to fix position\nint8 STATUS_FIX = 0 # unaugmented fix\nint8 STATUS_SBAS_FIX = 1 # with satellite-based augmentation\nint8 STATUS_GBAS_FIX = 2 # with ground-based augmentation\n\nint8 status\n\n# Bits defining which Global Navigation Satellite System signals were\n# used by the receiver.\n\nuint16 SERVICE_GPS = 1\nuint16 SERVICE_GLONASS = 2\nuint16 SERVICE_COMPASS = 4 # includes BeiDou.\nuint16 SERVICE_GALILEO = 8\n\nuint16 service\n", 'callerid': '/flytos/rostful', 'tcp_nodelay': '0', 'md5sum': '2d3a8cd499b9b4a0249fb98fd05cfa48', 'topic': '/flytos/mavros/global_position/raw/fix', 'type': 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'}
  2032. [ INFO] [1578686344.979673128]: Plugin 3dr_radio loaded
  2033. [ INFO] [1578686344.990998284]: Plugin 3dr_radio initialized
  2034. [ INFO] [1578686344.991872659]: Plugin altitude loaded
  2035. [ INFO] [1578686344.999036878]: Plugin altitude initialized
  2036. [ INFO] [1578686345.000175993]: Plugin autopilot_app_control loaded
  2037. [ INFO] [1578686345.005030941]: Plugin autopilot_app_control initialized
  2038. [ INFO] [1578686345.006097451]: Plugin command loaded
  2039. [ INFO] [1578686345.039948441]: Plugin command initialized
  2040. [ INFO] [1578686345.220859014]: Plugin distance_sensor loaded
  2041. [ INFO] [1578686345.361282191]: Plugin distance_sensor initialized
  2042. [ INFO] [1578686345.363198545]: Plugin ftp loaded
  2043. [ INFO] [1578686345.412678284]: Plugin ftp initialized
  2044. [ INFO] [1578686345.413809691]: Plugin geofence blacklisted
  2045. [ INFO] [1578686345.415517868]: Plugin global_position loaded
  2046. [ INFO] [1578686345.464242816]: Plugin global_position initialized
  2047. [ INFO] [1578686345.466036097]: Plugin home_position loaded
  2048. [ INFO] [1578686345.473801409]: Plugin home_position initialized
  2049. [ INFO] [1578686345.475839222]: Plugin imu_pub loaded
  2050. [ INFO] [1578686345.586748753]: Plugin imu_pub initialized
  2051. [ INFO] [1578686345.587750680]: Plugin local_position loaded
  2052. [ INFO] [1578686345.628079847]: Plugin local_position initialized
  2053. [ INFO] [1578686345.629732347]: Plugin log_list loaded
  2054. [ INFO] [1578686345.696413388]: Plugin log_list initialized
  2055. [ INFO] [1578686345.697965524]: Plugin manual_control loaded
  2056. [ INFO] [1578686345.702994743]: Plugin manual_control initialized
  2057. [ INFO] [1578686345.703824899]: Plugin mocap_pose_estimate loaded
  2058. [ INFO] [1578686345.742057659]: Plugin mocap_pose_estimate initialized
  2059. [ INFO] [1578686345.742837503]: Plugin odom loaded
  2060. [ INFO] [1578686345.775303388]: Plugin odom initialized
  2061. [ INFO] [1578686345.777405263]: Plugin param loaded
  2062. [ INFO] [1578686345.814092920]: Plugin param initialized
  2063. [ INFO] [1578686345.814907190]: Plugin payload loaded
  2064. [ INFO] [1578686345.816288128]: initialize
  2065. [ INFO] [1578686345.897373961]: Plugin payload initialized
  2066. [ INFO] [1578686345.898542086]: Plugin px4flow loaded
  2067. [ INFO] [1578686345.956931253]: Plugin px4flow initialized
  2068. [ INFO] [1578686345.958440055]: Plugin rc_io loaded
  2069. [ INFO] [1578686346.014736722]: Plugin rc_io initialized
  2070. [ INFO] [1578686346.017026565]: Plugin setpoint_position loaded
  2071. [ INFO] [1578686346.102406305]: Plugin setpoint_position initialized
  2072. [ INFO] [1578686346.104421669]: Plugin setpoint_raw loaded
  2073. [ INFO] [1578686346.169546461]: Plugin setpoint_raw initialized
  2074. [ INFO] [1578686346.171458701]: Plugin setpoint_velocity loaded
  2075. [ INFO] [1578686346.192071513]: Plugin setpoint_velocity initialized
  2076. [ INFO] [1578686346.194676826]: Plugin sys_status loaded
  2077. [ INFO] [1578686346.243762815]: Plugin sys_status initialized
  2078. [ INFO] [1578686346.245801097]: Plugin sys_time loaded
  2079. [ INFO] [1578686346.275840107]: Plugin sys_time initialized
  2080. [ INFO] [1578686346.276690419]: Plugin vfr_hud loaded
  2081. [ INFO] [1578686346.302200107]: Plugin vfr_hud initialized
  2082. [ INFO] [1578686346.302364326]: Plugin vibration blacklisted
  2083. [ INFO] [1578686346.304630315]: Plugin vision_pose_estimate loaded
  2084. [ INFO] [1578686346.381215732]: Plugin vision_pose_estimate initialized
  2085. [ INFO] [1578686346.382000211]: Plugin vision_speed_estimate loaded
  2086. [ INFO] [1578686346.409271409]: Plugin vision_speed_estimate initialized
  2087. [ INFO] [1578686346.410281774]: Plugin waypoint loaded
  2088. [ INFO] [1578686346.464050524]: Plugin waypoint initialized
  2089. [ INFO] [1578686346.464313701]: Autostarting mavlink via USB on PX4
  2090. [ INFO] [1578686346.466640315]: Built-in SIMD instructions: None
  2091. [ INFO] [1578686346.466827242]: Built-in MAVLink package version: 2016.11.11
  2092. [ INFO] [1578686346.466969846]: Known MAVLink dialects: common ardupilotmega
  2093. [ INFO] [1578686346.467084326]: MAVROS started. MY ID 255.241, TARGET ID 1.0
  2094. [FATAL] [1578686366.219746506]: heartbeat timeout called.. check serial connection to autopilot.. restarting mavros
  2095. [flytos/mavros-2] process has died [pid 16749, exit code -9, cmd /flyt/flytos/flytcore/lib/mavros/mavros_node __name:=mavros __log:=/root/.ros/log/8ef5952a-33e2-11ea-9083-b827eb83b79e/flytos-mavros-2.log].
  2096. log file: /root/.ros/log/8ef5952a-33e2-11ea-9083-b827eb83b79e/flytos-mavros-2*.log
  2097. [flytos/mavros-2] restarting process
  2098. process[flytos/mavros-2]: started with pid [17744]
  2099. [ INFO] [1578686376.702076970]: FCU URL: /dev/ttyAMA0:921600
  2100. [ INFO] [1578686376.707664262]: serial0: device: /dev/ttyAMA0 @ 921600 bps
  2101. [ INFO] [1578686376.709576502]: GCS URL: tcp-l://:5760
  2102. [ INFO] [1578686376.712193845]: tcp1: Bind address:
  2103. [WARN] [1578686376.781333]: Could not process inbound connection: Internal error processing topic [/flytos/mavros/imu/mag]{'message_definition': ' # Measurement of the Magnetic Field vector at a specific location.\n\n # If the covariance of the measurement is known, it should be filled in\n # (if all you know is the variance of each measurement, e.g. from the datasheet,\n #just put those along the diagonal)\n # A covariance matrix of all zeros will be interpreted as "covariance unknown",\n # and to use the data a covariance will have to be assumed or gotten from some\n # other source\n\n\n Header header # timestamp is the time the\n # field was measured\n # frame_id is the location and orientation\n # of the field measurement\n\n geometry_msgs/Vector3 magnetic_field # x, y, and z components of the\n # field vector in Tesla\n # If your sensor does not output 3 axes,\n # put NaNs in the components not reported.\n\n float64[9] magnetic_field_covariance # Row major about x, y, z axes\n # 0 is interpreted as variance unknown\n================================================================================\nMSG: std_msgs/Header\n# Standard metadata for higher-level stamped data types.\n# This is generally used to communicate timestamped data \n# in a particular coordinate frame.\n# \n# sequence ID: consecutively increasing ID \nuint32 seq\n#Two-integer timestamp that is expressed as:\n# * stamp.sec: seconds (stamp_secs) since epoch (in Python the variable is called \'secs\')\n# * stamp.nsec: nanoseconds since stamp_secs (in Python the variable is called \'nsecs\')\n# time-handling sugar is provided by the client library\ntime stamp\n#Frame this data is associated with\n# 0: no frame\n# 1: global frame\nstring frame_id\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: geometry_msgs/Vector3\n# This represents a vector in free space. \n# It is only meant to represent a direction. Therefore, it does not\n# make sense to apply a translation to it (e.g., when applying a \n# generic rigid transformation to a Vector3, tf2 will only apply the\n# rotation). If you want your data to be translatable too, use the\n# geometry_msgs/Point message instead.\n\nfloat64 x\nfloat64 y\nfloat64 z', 'callerid': '/flytos/rostful', 'tcp_nodelay': '0', 'md5sum': '2f3b0b43eed0c9501de0fa3ff89a45aa', 'topic': '/flytos/mavros/imu/mag', 'type': 'sensor_msgs/MagneticField'}
  2104. [WARN] [1578686376.828236]: Could not process inbound connection: [/flytos/rostful] is not a publisher of [/flytos/mavros/payload_adc]. Topics are [['/flytos/flyt/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/mavros/mission/waypoint_achieved', 'std_msgs/UInt8'], ['/flytos/mavros/rc/in', 'mavros_msgs/RCIn'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data_euler', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/rosout', 'rosgraph_msgs/Log'], ['/flytos/mavros/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/navigation_server_pos/result', 'navigation_util/NavigationPosActionResult'], ['/flytos/mavros/home_position', 'mavros_msgs/HomePosition'], ['/flytos/mavros/extended_state', 'mavros_msgs/ExtendedState'], ['/flytos/mavros/global_position/global', 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'], ['/flytos/mavros/radio_status', 'mavros_msgs/RadioStatus'], ['/flytos/mavros/local_position/local', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/flytos/mavros/battery', 'sensor_msgs/BatteryState'], ['/flytos/mavros/vfr_hud', 'mavros_msgs/VFR_HUD'], ['/flytos/mavros/global_position/raw/fix', 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data', 'sensor_msgs/Imu']]{'message_definition': "std_msgs/Header header\nfloat32[2] adc_voltage\nuint8 adc_updated\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: std_msgs/Header\n# Standard metadata for higher-level stamped data types.\n# This is generally used to communicate timestamped data \n# in a particular coordinate frame.\n# \n# sequence ID: consecutively increasing ID \nuint32 seq\n#Two-integer timestamp that is expressed as:\n# * stamp.sec: seconds (stamp_secs) since epoch (in Python the variable is called 'secs')\n# * stamp.nsec: nanoseconds since stamp_secs (in Python the variable is called 'nsecs')\n# time-handling sugar is provided by the client library\ntime stamp\n#Frame this data is associated with\n# 0: no frame\n# 1: global frame\nstring frame_id\n", 'callerid': '/flytos/rostful', 'tcp_nodelay': '0', 'md5sum': 'd60a08e63bfc8af231e94c19fbd81263', 'topic': '/flytos/mavros/payload_adc', 'type': 'mavros_msgs/PayloadADC'}
  2105. [WARN] [1578686376.861077]: Could not process inbound connection: [/flytos/rostful] is not a publisher of [/flytos/mavros/battery]. Topics are [['/flytos/flyt/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/mavros/mission/waypoint_achieved', 'std_msgs/UInt8'], ['/flytos/mavros/rc/in', 'mavros_msgs/RCIn'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data_euler', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/rosout', 'rosgraph_msgs/Log'], ['/flytos/mavros/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/navigation_server_pos/result', 'navigation_util/NavigationPosActionResult'], ['/flytos/mavros/home_position', 'mavros_msgs/HomePosition'], ['/flytos/mavros/extended_state', 'mavros_msgs/ExtendedState'], ['/flytos/mavros/global_position/global', 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'], ['/flytos/mavros/radio_status', 'mavros_msgs/RadioStatus'], ['/flytos/mavros/local_position/local', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/flytos/mavros/vfr_hud', 'mavros_msgs/VFR_HUD'], ['/flytos/mavros/global_position/raw/fix', 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data', 'sensor_msgs/Imu']]{'message_definition': "\n# Constants are chosen to match the enums in the linux kernel\n# defined in include/linux/power_supply.h as of version 3.7\n# The one difference is for style reasons the constants are\n# all uppercase not mixed case.\n\n# Power supply status constants\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_STATUS_UNKNOWN = 0\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_STATUS_CHARGING = 1\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_STATUS_DISCHARGING = 2\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_STATUS_NOT_CHARGING = 3\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_STATUS_FULL = 4\n\n# Power supply health constants\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_UNKNOWN = 0\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_GOOD = 1\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_OVERHEAT = 2\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_DEAD = 3\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_OVERVOLTAGE = 4\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_UNSPEC_FAILURE = 5\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_COLD = 6\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_WATCHDOG_TIMER_EXPIRE = 7\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_SAFETY_TIMER_EXPIRE = 8\n\n# Power supply technology (chemistry) constants\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_TECHNOLOGY_UNKNOWN = 0\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_TECHNOLOGY_NIMH = 1\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_TECHNOLOGY_LION = 2\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_TECHNOLOGY_LIPO = 3\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_TECHNOLOGY_LIFE = 4\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_TECHNOLOGY_NICD = 5\nuint8 POWER_SUPPLY_TECHNOLOGY_LIMN = 6\n\nHeader header\nfloat32 voltage # Voltage in Volts (Mandatory)\nfloat32 current # Negative when discharging (A) (If unmeasured NaN)\nfloat32 charge # Current charge in Ah (If unmeasured NaN)\nfloat32 capacity # Capacity in Ah (last full capacity) (If unmeasured NaN)\nfloat32 design_capacity # Capacity in Ah (design capacity) (If unmeasured NaN)\nfloat32 percentage # Charge percentage on 0 to 1 range (If unmeasured NaN)\nuint8 power_supply_status # The charging status as reported. Values defined above\nuint8 power_supply_health # The battery health metric. Values defined above\nuint8 power_supply_technology # The battery chemistry. Values defined above\nbool present # True if the battery is present\n\nfloat32[] cell_voltage # An array of individual cell voltages for each cell in the pack\n # If individual voltages unknown but number of cells known set each to NaN\nstring location # The location into which the battery is inserted. (slot number or plug)\nstring serial_number # The best approximation of the battery serial number\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: std_msgs/Header\n# Standard metadata for higher-level stamped data types.\n# This is generally used to communicate timestamped data \n# in a particular coordinate frame.\n# \n# sequence ID: consecutively increasing ID \nuint32 seq\n#Two-integer timestamp that is expressed as:\n# * stamp.sec: seconds (stamp_secs) since epoch (in Python the variable is called 'secs')\n# * stamp.nsec: nanoseconds since stamp_secs (in Python the variable is called 'nsecs')\n# time-handling sugar is provided by the client library\ntime stamp\n#Frame this data is associated with\n# 0: no frame\n# 1: global frame\nstring frame_id\n", 'callerid': '/flytos/rostful', 'tcp_nodelay': '0', 'md5sum': '476f837fa6771f6e16e3bf4ef96f8770', 'topic': '/flytos/mavros/battery', 'type': 'sensor_msgs/BatteryState'}
  2106. [WARN] [1578686376.902635]: Could not process inbound connection: [/flytos/rostful] is not a publisher of [/flytos/mavros/vfr_hud]. Topics are [['/flytos/flyt/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/mavros/mission/waypoint_achieved', 'std_msgs/UInt8'], ['/flytos/mavros/rc/in', 'mavros_msgs/RCIn'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data_euler', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/rosout', 'rosgraph_msgs/Log'], ['/flytos/mavros/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/navigation_server_pos/result', 'navigation_util/NavigationPosActionResult'], ['/flytos/mavros/home_position', 'mavros_msgs/HomePosition'], ['/flytos/mavros/extended_state', 'mavros_msgs/ExtendedState'], ['/flytos/mavros/global_position/global', 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'], ['/flytos/mavros/radio_status', 'mavros_msgs/RadioStatus'], ['/flytos/mavros/local_position/local', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/flytos/mavros/global_position/raw/fix', 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data', 'sensor_msgs/Imu']]{'message_definition': "# Metrics typically displayed on a HUD for fixed wing aircraft\n#\n# VFR_HUD message\n\nstd_msgs/Header header\nfloat32 airspeed\t# m/s\nfloat32 groundspeed\t# m/s\nint16 heading\t\t# degrees 0..360\nfloat32 throttle\t\t# normalized to 0.0..1.0\nfloat32 altitude\t\t# MSL\nfloat32 climb\t\t# current climb rate m/s\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: std_msgs/Header\n# Standard metadata for higher-level stamped data types.\n# This is generally used to communicate timestamped data \n# in a particular coordinate frame.\n# \n# sequence ID: consecutively increasing ID \nuint32 seq\n#Two-integer timestamp that is expressed as:\n# * stamp.sec: seconds (stamp_secs) since epoch (in Python the variable is called 'secs')\n# * stamp.nsec: nanoseconds since stamp_secs (in Python the variable is called 'nsecs')\n# time-handling sugar is provided by the client library\ntime stamp\n#Frame this data is associated with\n# 0: no frame\n# 1: global frame\nstring frame_id\n", 'callerid': '/flytos/rostful', 'tcp_nodelay': '0', 'md5sum': '1f55e210c3d39fe105d44d8dc963655f', 'topic': '/flytos/mavros/vfr_hud', 'type': 'mavros_msgs/VFR_HUD'}
  2107. [WARN] [1578686376.944265]: Could not process inbound connection: [/flytos/rostful] is not a publisher of [/flytos/mavros/radio_status]. Topics are [['/flytos/flyt/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/mavros/mission/waypoint_achieved', 'std_msgs/UInt8'], ['/flytos/mavros/rc/in', 'mavros_msgs/RCIn'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data_euler', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/rosout', 'rosgraph_msgs/Log'], ['/flytos/mavros/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/navigation_server_pos/result', 'navigation_util/NavigationPosActionResult'], ['/flytos/mavros/home_position', 'mavros_msgs/HomePosition'], ['/flytos/mavros/extended_state', 'mavros_msgs/ExtendedState'], ['/flytos/mavros/global_position/global', 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'], ['/flytos/mavros/local_position/local', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/flytos/mavros/global_position/raw/fix', 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data', 'sensor_msgs/Imu']]{'message_definition': "# RADIO_STATUS message\n\nstd_msgs/Header header\n\n# message data\nuint8 rssi\nuint8 remrssi\nuint8 txbuf\nuint8 noise\nuint8 remnoise\nuint16 rxerrors\nuint16 fixed\n\n# calculated\nfloat32 rssi_dbm\nfloat32 remrssi_dbm\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: std_msgs/Header\n# Standard metadata for higher-level stamped data types.\n# This is generally used to communicate timestamped data \n# in a particular coordinate frame.\n# \n# sequence ID: consecutively increasing ID \nuint32 seq\n#Two-integer timestamp that is expressed as:\n# * stamp.sec: seconds (stamp_secs) since epoch (in Python the variable is called 'secs')\n# * stamp.nsec: nanoseconds since stamp_secs (in Python the variable is called 'nsecs')\n# time-handling sugar is provided by the client library\ntime stamp\n#Frame this data is associated with\n# 0: no frame\n# 1: global frame\nstring frame_id\n", 'callerid': '/flytos/rostful', 'tcp_nodelay': '0', 'md5sum': '04e4a879bb2687140da50a1a821e2190', 'topic': '/flytos/mavros/radio_status', 'type': 'mavros_msgs/RadioStatus'}
  2108. [WARN] [1578686376.976820]: Could not process inbound connection: [/flytos/rostful] is not a publisher of [/flytos/mavros/global_position/raw/fix]. Topics are [['/flytos/flyt/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/mavros/mission/waypoint_achieved', 'std_msgs/UInt8'], ['/flytos/mavros/rc/in', 'mavros_msgs/RCIn'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data_euler', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/rosout', 'rosgraph_msgs/Log'], ['/flytos/mavros/state', 'mavros_msgs/State'], ['/flytos/navigation_server_pos/result', 'navigation_util/NavigationPosActionResult'], ['/flytos/mavros/home_position', 'mavros_msgs/HomePosition'], ['/flytos/mavros/extended_state', 'mavros_msgs/ExtendedState'], ['/flytos/mavros/global_position/global', 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'], ['/flytos/mavros/local_position/local', 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'], ['/flytos/mavros/imu/data', 'sensor_msgs/Imu']]{'message_definition': "# Navigation Satellite fix for any Global Navigation Satellite System\n#\n# Specified using the WGS 84 reference ellipsoid\n\n# header.stamp specifies the ROS time for this measurement (the\n# corresponding satellite time may be reported using the\n# sensor_msgs/TimeReference message).\n#\n# header.frame_id is the frame of reference reported by the satellite\n# receiver, usually the location of the antenna. This is a\n# Euclidean frame relative to the vehicle, not a reference\n# ellipsoid.\nHeader header\n\n# satellite fix status information\nNavSatStatus status\n\n# Latitude [degrees]. Positive is north of equator; negative is south.\nfloat64 latitude\n\n# Longitude [degrees]. Positive is east of prime meridian; negative is west.\nfloat64 longitude\n\n# Altitude [m]. Positive is above the WGS 84 ellipsoid\n# (quiet NaN if no altitude is available).\nfloat64 altitude\n\n# Position covariance [m^2] defined relative to a tangential plane\n# through the reported position. The components are East, North, and\n# Up (ENU), in row-major order.\n#\n# Beware: this coordinate system exhibits singularities at the poles.\n\nfloat64[9] position_covariance\n\n# If the covariance of the fix is known, fill it in completely. If the\n# GPS receiver provides the variance of each measurement, put them\n# along the diagonal. If only Dilution of Precision is available,\n# estimate an approximate covariance from that.\n\nuint8 COVARIANCE_TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0\nuint8 COVARIANCE_TYPE_APPROXIMATED = 1\nuint8 COVARIANCE_TYPE_DIAGONAL_KNOWN = 2\nuint8 COVARIANCE_TYPE_KNOWN = 3\n\nuint8 position_covariance_type\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: std_msgs/Header\n# Standard metadata for higher-level stamped data types.\n# This is generally used to communicate timestamped data \n# in a particular coordinate frame.\n# \n# sequence ID: consecutively increasing ID \nuint32 seq\n#Two-integer timestamp that is expressed as:\n# * stamp.sec: seconds (stamp_secs) since epoch (in Python the variable is called 'secs')\n# * stamp.nsec: nanoseconds since stamp_secs (in Python the variable is called 'nsecs')\n# time-handling sugar is provided by the client library\ntime stamp\n#Frame this data is associated with\n# 0: no frame\n# 1: global frame\nstring frame_id\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: sensor_msgs/NavSatStatus\n# Navigation Satellite fix status for any Global Navigation Satellite System\n\n# Whether to output an augmented fix is determined by both the fix\n# type and the last time differential corrections were received. A\n# fix is valid when status >= STATUS_FIX.\n\nint8 STATUS_NO_FIX = -1 # unable to fix position\nint8 STATUS_FIX = 0 # unaugmented fix\nint8 STATUS_SBAS_FIX = 1 # with satellite-based augmentation\nint8 STATUS_GBAS_FIX = 2 # with ground-based augmentation\n\nint8 status\n\n# Bits defining which Global Navigation Satellite System signals were\n# used by the receiver.\n\nuint16 SERVICE_GPS = 1\nuint16 SERVICE_GLONASS = 2\nuint16 SERVICE_COMPASS = 4 # includes BeiDou.\nuint16 SERVICE_GALILEO = 8\n\nuint16 service\n", 'callerid': '/flytos/rostful', 'tcp_nodelay': '0', 'md5sum': '2d3a8cd499b9b4a0249fb98fd05cfa48', 'topic': '/flytos/mavros/global_position/raw/fix', 'type': 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'}
  2109. [ INFO] [1578686377.021105668]: Plugin 3dr_radio loaded
  2110. [ INFO] [1578686377.033153689]: Plugin 3dr_radio initialized
  2111. [ INFO] [1578686377.034559783]: Plugin altitude loaded
  2112. [ INFO] [1578686377.041808533]: Plugin altitude initialized
  2113. [ INFO] [1578686377.043178689]: Plugin autopilot_app_control loaded
  2114. [ INFO] [1578686377.048434887]: Plugin autopilot_app_control initialized
  2115. [ INFO] [1578686377.049885408]: Plugin command loaded
  2116. [ INFO] [1578686377.083095095]: Plugin command initialized
  2117. [ INFO] [1578686377.266755772]: Plugin distance_sensor loaded
  2118. [ INFO] [1578686377.404037960]: Plugin distance_sensor initialized
  2119. [ INFO] [1578686377.405723585]: Plugin ftp loaded
  2120. [ INFO] [1578686377.454822230]: Plugin ftp initialized
  2121. [ INFO] [1578686377.456023220]: Plugin geofence blacklisted
  2122. [ INFO] [1578686377.457711918]: Plugin global_position loaded
  2123. [ INFO] [1578686377.509339314]: Plugin global_position initialized
  2124. [ INFO] [1578686377.511595303]: Plugin home_position loaded
  2125. [ INFO] [1578686377.533906241]: Plugin home_position initialized
  2126. [ INFO] [1578686377.536290303]: Plugin imu_pub loaded
  2127. [ INFO] [1578686377.591308637]: Plugin imu_pub initialized
  2128. [ INFO] [1578686377.592380147]: Plugin local_position loaded
  2129. [ INFO] [1578686377.665565668]: Plugin local_position initialized
  2130. [ INFO] [1578686377.667880460]: Plugin log_list loaded
  2131. [ INFO] [1578686377.778977178]: Plugin log_list initialized
  2132. [ INFO] [1578686377.780138012]: Plugin manual_control loaded
  2133. [ INFO] [1578686377.787350459]: Plugin manual_control initialized
  2134. [ INFO] [1578686377.789326084]: Plugin mocap_pose_estimate loaded
  2135. [ INFO] [1578686377.823004782]: Plugin mocap_pose_estimate initialized
  2136. [ INFO] [1578686377.826023689]: Plugin odom loaded
  2137. [ INFO] [1578686377.848404470]: Plugin odom initialized
  2138. [ INFO] [1578686377.853332855]: Plugin param loaded
  2139. [ INFO] [1578686377.895199105]: Plugin param initialized
  2140. [ INFO] [1578686377.896156918]: Plugin payload loaded
  2141. [ INFO] [1578686377.897052178]: initialize
  2142. [ INFO] [1578686377.977427178]: Plugin payload initialized
  2143. [ INFO] [1578686377.978924053]: Plugin px4flow loaded
  2144. [ INFO] [1578686378.039005772]: Plugin px4flow initialized
  2145. [ INFO] [1578686378.042034209]: Plugin rc_io loaded
  2146. [ INFO] [1578686378.086851761]: Plugin rc_io initialized
  2147. [ INFO] [1578686378.088175355]: Plugin setpoint_position loaded
  2148. [ INFO] [1578686378.177138220]: Plugin setpoint_position initialized
  2149. [ INFO] [1578686378.178080876]: Plugin setpoint_raw loaded
  2150. [ INFO] [1578686378.244412491]: Plugin setpoint_raw initialized
  2151. [ INFO] [1578686378.245405928]: Plugin setpoint_velocity loaded
  2152. [ INFO] [1578686378.263931813]: Plugin setpoint_velocity initialized
  2153. [ INFO] [1578686378.265897491]: Plugin sys_status loaded
  2154. [ INFO] [1578686378.333286293]: Plugin sys_status initialized
  2155. [ INFO] [1578686378.334476188]: Plugin sys_time loaded
  2156. [ INFO] [1578686378.356216397]: Plugin sys_time initialized
  2157. [ INFO] [1578686378.357048480]: Plugin vfr_hud loaded
  2158. [ INFO] [1578686378.368112803]: Plugin vfr_hud initialized
  2159. [ INFO] [1578686378.368289678]: Plugin vibration blacklisted
  2160. [ INFO] [1578686378.369141397]: Plugin vision_pose_estimate loaded
  2161. [ INFO] [1578686378.450459990]: Plugin vision_pose_estimate initialized
  2162. [ INFO] [1578686378.451419938]: Plugin vision_speed_estimate loaded
  2163. [ INFO] [1578686378.472872074]: Plugin vision_speed_estimate initialized
  2164. [ INFO] [1578686378.474039365]: Plugin waypoint loaded
  2165. [ INFO] [1578686378.538841188]: Plugin waypoint initialized
  2166. [ INFO] [1578686378.539113584]: Autostarting mavlink via USB on PX4
  2167. [ INFO] [1578686378.539820772]: Built-in SIMD instructions: None
  2168. [ INFO] [1578686378.540009938]: Built-in MAVLink package version: 2016.11.11
  2169. [ INFO] [1578686378.540124938]: Known MAVLink dialects: common ardupilotmega
  2170. [ INFO] [1578686378.540204886]: MAVROS started. MY ID 255.241, TARGET ID 1.0
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