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Jun 24th, 2017
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  1. -- Database Cleanup By Hex00010-- This Script Deletes  Unesecary  Information Stored Inside the Database-- Some Information Will be Deleted So this Script needs to run lets say every one week possibly on a  Tuesday just like Blizzard do a Cron Job To make it  run every week-- It will remove information like  Saved Instance Id's, Old instance Id's, Guild Logs, Shit like that  that really if you think about it isnt that important-- And before you ask me YES i know there is already a Databasecleaner Script in .cpp But it also deletes  Importanat Information that we still need to be saved-- Why Are We Dropping Corpse?-- When a Player Dies it saves its Information To the Database lets say you have over 500 players online  imagine how many times the database is having to-- Update its self constantly and putting in information into the Database. THE DATABASE NEEDS TO BREATHE so lets let itDROP TABLE IF EXISTS `Corpse`;-- Why are we Dropping  Gm Tickets?-- Lets say there are  500 players online each day over 100+ tickets  that have already been answered and its just staying inside the Database-- There IS NO POINT TO THAT  its fucking stupid it needs to delete its self DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `gm_tickets`;-- Why are we Dropping Guild Bank Logs & Guild Logs-- Its a private server no one gives a fuck about the Logs  its pointless Information   Delete this if you do not want to drop itDROP TABLE IF EXISTS `guild_banklogs`;DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `guild_logs`;-- Why are We Dropping  Instance Id's?-- This is the reason why this script needs to run once per week because people save  There Instance Id's But-- There are Millions of Instance Id's all the time  and they need to be Cleaned Out to  better  performance the  DatabaseDROP TABLE IF EXISTS `instanceids`;DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `instances`;-- Why are We Dropping  MailBox?-- Pointless  shit  yes it delets its self every what  30 days i believe? but imagine 30 days of messages  from over  500+ players just sayingDROP TABLE IF EXISTS `mailbox`;
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