
AJ x Bloomberg [live writing] [clop]

Jul 8th, 2012
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  1. The explanation for this is that I challenged rapetrain to a drunken clopfic duel. Someone said Applejack and Bloomberg! So that's what we wrote.
  3. ---
  6. Have you ever spent much time on a train? It feels like a world between worlds. There's something about a long trip that disconnects you from where you're been and where you're going, but trains are especially magical. A place for intrigue and mystery, and quite possibly...even romance.
  8. Applejack stared up at the cabin roof. Moonlight poured in through the window, its silvery rays catching the contours of the train car. Light glinted off the door leading to the caboose, but she hardly noticed it. Despite an afternoon prepping and loading the precious cargo en route to Appleoosa, she couldn't sleep.
  10. She turned over in her bed, propping herself up on one shoulder. Looking across the car to the bunk opposite the aisle, there lay Bloomberg, the Apple tree and reason for the trip.
  11. Restless, she reached up for her hat, hung on a peg on the vertical strut of her bunk bed. Reaching inside, she produced a small photo of her brother, Big Mac.
  13. She turned it over in her hoof and sighed. She looked over to the tree across the room and back to the photo. Big Mac's typically stoic gaze met her eyes. She breathed deep and sighed. She shouldn't be having these thoughts. She listened to the sound of the train, clickety-clack, clickety-clack as she searched her mind for a reason to justify her urge to cross the room to where Bloomberg lay.
  15. She thought about what her friends would say, but they wouldn't understand. Applejack didn't just love apples. She was *in love* with apples. It's just not the kind of thing you could be honest about. And with such an extended family, there was rarely any privacy...
  17. Her friends had asked her before if anything was ever going on in her love life, but she always covered with her work ethic. It was easy to make excuses when you were busy. Little did they know the real truth of the matter.
  19. She looked back at the picture of Big Mac and furrowed her brow. No, she decided. It wasn't fair at all. She'd heard the sounds of grunting and moaning coming from the barn at night. Sometimes she'd find pink and purple ribbons in the hay bales the next day. She loved her brother, but she was past lying to herself about his loyalty.
  21. He was part of the Apple family she thought, but he was no apple. Every p0ny in town did something bad now and then...when was it going to be her turn? It would be fair right? She looked back at her brother's face. "Eeyup," it seemed to say.
  23. That was it, she resolved. Besides, you never have to lie if nobody finds out...
  24. She pressed herself out of bed, completely self-assured. This was her night, she decided. A night for Applejack. A night to finally have what she desired so much.
  26. Applejack slid into bed next to Bloomberg. She threw her forelegs over him. He was strong and resolute. She pressed her face into his foliage. He was cool and rough.
  28. She liked it that way.
  30. Lying next to the mighty apple tree, Applejack suddenly realized how horny she was. Big Mac more than knew how to please a girl, but Applejack had never been this close to what she desired most. Her mind began to cloud over as her body began to guide her.
  32. She threw a hind leg over Bloomberg's trunk and positioned her body over him. She could barely contain herself, and began to rub her body up and down his rough bark without even thinking. She began to sweat immediately, trembling with excitement.
  34. Applejack thrust herself upward, pressing her face into Bloomberg's leaves. His ripe fruit pressed against her face. She rubbed her lips over a crisp red apple. It looked alien in the moonlight. She closed her eyes and imagined Bloomberg standing erect in the sunlight. She opened her mouth wide and bit into the tangy flesh. The sharp taste overpowered her senses, and she chewed slowly, letting the pulp circulate in her mouth. She tongued it around, over her teeth and tongue, pressing it against the roof of her mouth, sucking out all the juices before swallowing. As the taste left her mouth she became aware of the rest of her body again. She was clinging to the tree for dear life. Her muscles ached. Her coat had begun to mat with hot sweat and sap, bits of bark clinging to it. Between her legs a small river had begun to trickle.
  36. She didn't want to wait another minute. She reached up and tore another apple from Bloomberg's branches. Quickly, she crushed it between her hooves, turning it to applesauce. She shuffled her body down towards his powerful root system, until she felt a strong root press against her vulva. Unlike the rest of him, it was relatively smooth. She wouldn't have cared if he tore her apart, but this way, she could satisfy herself for hours. She reached between her legs and spread the applesauce over her sopping pussy, saving just enough to coat the root pressing against her, promising ecstasy.
  38. She anchored her hind legs and began to glide up and down the firm root, slick with applesauce; her strong, sweaty flank rising into the moonlight and sinking back down to where the root met Bloomberg's trunk. The unyielding wood pressed hard against her swollen clit as she mashed herself into it. She began to moan softly. With just enough awareness left to think about the ponies in the next car, she bit into a thick branch near her mouth, clenching down on it as she continued to schlick against the root. She bit down hard enough to break it off in her mouth. Without thinking, she took it in one hoof and inserted it between her legs, thrusting into her soaking pussy. She was so excited it entered her without difficulty. It was easily as wide as Big Mac and twice as long.
  40. She pressed her forehead against Bloomberg's trunk and moaned without shame. As she worked the root with her rhythmic thrusting, she kept time with the branch between her legs, pressing it against her cervix. Her teats slapped against the trunk with each thrust, the wood rubbed against her nipples, making them harder each time. Every nerve in her body was overcome with pleasure. She moved faster and faster, pressing the limits of her body. Years of farm work paid off as she endured the aching of her muscles in exchange for a pleasure she had never known.
  42. She inched her free forehoof forward and grabbed one more apple from Bloomberg's willing branches. She brought it to her and clutched it against her chest. She was rubbing as hard and as fast against the root as any mare possibly could. When she was certain her legs couldn't endure the burning acid in her muscles any longer, she thrust the branch between her legs as far into herself as she possibly could and pressed her engorged clitoris against the root, lowering herself down one last time to Bloomberg's trunk. The muscular walls of her vagina clenched down as waves of orgasmic pleasure wracked her body. Torrents of cum, pent up from years of sexual dissatisfaction poured out, flowing into Bloomberg's bark, pooling on the now ruined bed sheets below.
  44. If she could have formed a coherent thought, it would have been that she didn't give a fuck about anything in the world except for the sexual high she had just reached, electrifying her every nerve.
  46. "OH SWEET CELESTIA FUCK," she gasped, as the uncontrollable spasms continued, one after another. Her abdomen clenched mercilessly as she came, throwing her shoulders forward, pressing her face into Bloomberg's trunk.
  48. After what seemed like an eternity, her body finally returned control to Applejack. She hadn't the will to move, never mind the ability. Every muscle was sore like it had never been in her entire life. It was just then she realized how parched she was, dehydrated from the ordeal. She brought her hoof out from between her legs and lapped off the cum and applesauce, giving her enough relief to pass out on top of her Yggdrasil.
  50. In the next car, five wide eyed mares sat bolt upright in their beds, looking everywhere but at each other.
  52. Rainbow Dash was the first to speak. "I vote never speak of this again, as long as we all shall live."
  54. "Motion carried," Twilight replied brusquely. "Good night girls," she announced as she turned over on her side, trying desperately not to formulate the mental image to go along with the very real sounds that had made it through the neighboring car.
  56. Nobody slept that night, except for one very, very satisfied orange pony.
  58. The End, I guess.
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