
To the bed wetting abusive psychopath in office.

Jan 31st, 2017
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  1. I've held my tongue long enough on the previous week, because I honestly thought they were a bunch of jokes you had signed into order, well, at least, you thought you had signed into law.
  2. But, as you can tell, there's a movement going on, a resistance, a thing of absolute beauty that it counters all your anger and hatred, and yeah, this is going to be one of those posts where I'm going to openly call you the stupidest fucking prick imaginable.
  3. Why?
  4. Why not?
  5. You've consistently been a stupid fucking dumb ass through out most of your campaign, you've become the Nightmare Fauxsident we all know you to be, you aren't acting in the interest of the people, you're hiding.
  6. Being a frightened little child.
  7. Calling the media, whom you TRULY need to rely on now to get your head out of your ass, fake news.
  8. The White House has finally awoken to just how dumb you actually sound when giving speeches, and more importantly, your twitter is being done by someone who's not a dumb ass.
  9. Look, I get it, you're scared of this new Reality you find yourself in, in which people actually CAN criticize you, and you don't have a wall of bullshit sucking your tiny dick. We all know you and Putin are fucking behind closed doors, and that your wife isn't going to be joining you, because she never wanted to be in the White House. Because she knew what a high level asshole you really are.
  11. But that doesn't excuse you from behind just the greatest fuck head in the world, now does it?
  12. No, you've openly stated to terrorists around the world, "As President of these United States of America, I am openly a coward, openly letting you know that you have won, as I have, through fear and anger. That is why I have put a ban on immigrants. Also, disguise yourself, because we know what you look like."
  13. I'm trying to get angry at you, and with all the horribleness unfolding, with all that bullshittery that you've encapsulated, with every new stroke of the pen and picture you take, like you're an abused child desperately pleading for attention by showing your abusers some potentially disastrous fridge art, you're just lowering yourself.
  14. Donald, I don't want you to fail, I don't want you to be executed for Treasonous Acts against the American people, and in all honesty? It really isn't up to me.
  15. It's up to the Cathorawap (Congress And The House Of Respresentatives As Well As the American People), because more and more, we're witnessing just how inept you actually are. There have been multiple parties already filing Impeachment papers as they'd rather have Mike Pence for President, and as I have stated earlier?
  17. 1. Washington post:
  19. 2. Salon:
  21. 3. The American Prospect:
  23. 4. Foreign Policy:
  25. Anyone is better than you Donald, anyone.
  26. It's not that we don't want you, it's just... Well?
  27. You're a horrible fucking person, and we'd rather have a homophobic in office in office than a guy that goes to sex parties on a billionaire pedophiles private fuck island.
  28. Because you are the worst kind of person imaginable. From what I've been able to gather, everything that I've talked about in a previous post, from the ways you're cowering in fear, to the way you're attempting to censor information, to the ways in which you're closing off the states, to the ways in which your twittering nipples are going to cost you a 'yuge' price, to even the ways you're screwing over your supporters... All of it's very true, because you are no longer safe from being told off, you're OUR employee, Donald. Whether you want to admit it or not. to that respect, it's hilariously anti-climatic.
  30. You're the failed orgasm of a drunk night of sloppy sex known only as the 2016 election, and you're too stupid to even figure it out on your own, that maybe, this WASN'T the best move for you.
  32. Let's talk a bit about closing immigration ban.
  33. Are you fucking kidding me?
  34. More importantly, are you fucking kidding me about not closing off flights to places you have business ties to?
  35. You can't just pick and choose what places you want to close off the country to and what country you're going to buy a burger from!
  36. What kind of ass hattery is that?
  37. Seriously, let's talk about how dumb you are, right at that moment, because the moment you did that, HOLY SHIT America woke the fuck up and went, "NAH UH, NOT THIS TIME ASSHOLE!" And than you had a pissy fit because someone didn't do what you wanted them to do.
  38. and fired them "For years."
  39. For years.
  40. What the FUCK does that even mean anyways?
  41. For years, what she can't get a job doing anything else 'For years' because you won't let her?
  42. You do know that there are more jobs than JUST being a judge, right?
  43. She could be any number of things, because you're an idiot who only see things as numbers and not actual people.
  44. Donald Drumpf, just what the fuck is going through your head at the moment?
  45. Seriously, you saw what happened at the infauxguration, in response, people woke up and went, "OH HELL NAW!" They came out in droves to protest you.
  46. And those that came to support you?
  47. Those were tiny tiny numbers.
  48. Just like your hands. And your tiny dick. You probably have an ipod nano, which is still bigger.
  50. You issuing the immigration ban is the one of the more loose anused idiocies among your list of stupid things.
  51. And I've gotta say, there is just no way in hell you're lasting more than six months.
  52. You ARE the Jester King, a practical joke played on us by a another countries angry president who's been giving you the dick hard and fast for a number of years, and now you're falling into the way of most angry exes. You're burning bridges, building ones that'll fall apart, and just being a douche about it. You're an abusive President, unfaithfully protecting your employees by ripping the shit out of us, while we, in larger numbers, rip the shit out of you.
  54. In short, your ratings are plummeting, and corporate is seriously thinking of cancelling your show due to poor reviews, and there's no buying your way out of this cancellation. No way to rally up enough support, no way to dance your way to the top. Because each and every move you make, every word you say, everything you attempt to hide will be revealed. In short, you are in no position to be the boss of us, as we will expose you for the giant bag of dicks you truly are. Shocking, isn't it?
  56. Of course it is! you thinking you can just rule the land, you thinking 'Making America Great Again', is terms for internet censorship, trying to put the genie back in the bottle, and private email servers....
  57. Holy shit, you guys ACTUALLY have private email servers, the same ones that you blasted Hillary about?
  58. Well, fuck you sideways with a rusty chainsaw!
  59. Are you worried about people hacking you?
  60. Exposing your secrets?
  61. Making you look less powerful and courageous to your supporters?
  62. They're finally waking up to the smoke and mirrors Donald, and you're all out of tricks, smoke machines or pretty ladies to come to your defence. People are starting to wonder about what you're actually about, and it isn't just those already against you, it's the #trumpers that at one point loved you. And I'm bringing this up again, because you REALLY need to understand this.
  64. You are an abuser.
  65. You are the
  66. violent,
  67. narcissistic,
  68. racist,
  69. incredibly out of focus and passive aggressive boyfriend/girlfriend/cucumber friend that we've met off of the political equivalent of Tinder, and to be honest... We want a #breakup.
  73. California wants to exit the union and I'm really excited about this, because a break up is what we need to figure out what's important to us, and we will have independence from your tyranny. Hell, even Joffrey is a more lovable teddy bear than you, and JESUS CHRIST:
  77. He's more of a god damned monster that was born of a angry fat mans imagination than we really could've reallized. You're worse than Joffry. And that really is stating something.
  81. Look, I get it, you're busy getting fondled by priests, because the Pope is fucking pissed at you.
  82. The people are fucking pissed at you.
  83. President Obama is pissed at you.
  84. And how do you respond?
  85. By ordering a bunch of Russian hookers to piss on a bed.
  86. Seriously?
  87. Are you that angry that you'd piss on a bed through a third party?
  88. Does that mean you still have bed wetting issues that have never really been touched on?
  89. Actually, let's take a look at that. I know there's more important things I could be talking about, but this seems oddly appropriate.
  93. Here's an excerpt from Wikipedia on the whole bed wetting thing:
  95. "A review of medical literature shows doctors consistently stressing that a bedwetting child is not at fault for the situation. Many medical studies state that the psychological impacts of bedwetting are more important than the physical considerations. "It is often the child's and family member's reaction to bedwetting that determines whether it is a problem or not."[9]
  97. Self-esteem[edit]
  98. Whether bedwetting causes low self-esteem remains a subject of debate, but several studies have found that self-esteem improved with management of the condition.[12] Children questioned in one study ranked bedwetting as the third most stressful life event, after parental divorce and parental fighting. Adolescents in the same study ranked bedwetting as tied for second with parental fighting.[12]
  100. Bedwetters face problems ranging from being teased by siblings, being punished by parents, the embarrassment of still having to wear diapers, and being afraid that friends will find out.
  102. Psychologists report that the amount of psychological harm depends on whether the bedwetting harms self-esteem or development of social skills. Key factors are:[13]
  104. How much the bed wetting limits social activities like sleep-overs and camp outs
  105. The degree of the social ostracism by peers
  106. Anger, punishment, and rejection by caregivers
  107. The number of failed treatment attempts
  108. How long the child has been wetting
  109. Behavioral impact[edit]
  110. Studies show that bed wetting children are more likely to have behavioral problems. For children who have developmental problems, the behavioral problems and the bed wetting are frequently part of/caused by the developmental issues. For bed wetting children without other developmental issues, these behavioral issues can result from self-esteem issues and stress caused by the wetting.[13]
  112. As mentioned below, current studies show that it is very rare for a child to intentionally wet the bed as a method of acting out.
  114. Punishment for bed wetting[edit]
  115. Medical literature states, and studies show, that punishing or shaming a child for bed wetting will frequently make the situation worse. Doctors describe a downward cycle where a child punished for bed wetting feels shame and a loss of self-confidence. This can cause increased bed wetting incidents, leading to more punishment and shaming.[14]
  117. In the United States, about 25% of enuretic children are punished for wetting the bed.[15] In Hong Kong, 57% of enuretic children are punished for wetting.[16] Parents with only a grade-school level education punish bed wetting children at twice the rate of high-school- and college-educated parents.[15]
  119. Families[edit]
  120. Parents and family members are frequently stressed by a child's bed wetting. Soiled linens and clothing cause additional laundry. Wetting episodes can cause lost sleep if the child wakes and/or cries, waking the parents. A European study estimated that a family with a child who wets nightly will pay about $1,000 a year for additional laundry, extra sheets, disposable absorbent garments such as diapers, and mattress replacement.[12]
  122. Despite these stressful effects, doctors emphasize that parents should react patiently and supportively.[17]
  124. Sociopathy[edit]
  126. Bed wetting does not indicate a greater possibility of being a sociopath, as long as caregivers do not cause trauma by shaming or punishing a bed wetting child. Bed wetting was part of the Macdonald triad, a set of three behavioral characteristics described by John Macdonald in 1963.[18] The other two characteristics were fire starting and animal abuse. Macdonald suggested that there was an association between a person displaying all three characteristics, then later displaying sociopathic criminal behavior.
  128. MacDonald (1963) observed in his most sadistic patients a triad of childhood cruelty to animals, firesetting and enuresis or frequent bed-wetting. Such maladaptive childhood behaviors often result from poorly developed coping mechanisms. This triad, although not intended to predict criminal behavior, provides the warning signs of a child under considerable stress. Children under substantial stress, particularly in their home environment, frequently engage in maladaptive behaviors, such as these, in order to alleviate the stress produced by their surroundings. This is not to say that all children who are under stress and engage in maladaptive behaviors go on to become serial killers, but such behaviors are often observed in the childhoods of established serial killers (Hickey, 2002).[19][20]
  130. Up to 60% of multiple-murderers, according to some estimates, wet their beds post-adolescence.[21]
  132. The MacDonald Triad should be considered a warning sign to parents and authority figures to seek help for a child exhibiting such behaviors.[19][20] Research has found, however, that enuresis is not associated with sociopathic behavior.[19][20] Enuresis is an "unconscious, involuntary, and nonviolent act and therefore linking it to violent crime is more problematic than doing so with animal cruelty or fire setting".[22] Bedwetting can be connected to emotional or physical trauma. Trauma can trigger a return to bed wetting (secondary enuresis) in both children and adults. In addition, caregivers cause some level of emotional trauma when they punish or shame a bed wetting child. This leads to a difficult distinction: it is not the bed wetting that increases the chance of criminal behavior, but the trauma. For example, parental cruelty can result in "homicidal proneness".[23]"
  134. Well, Jesus Christ. That last part? Sociopthy? That fits you like a bill on a duck, Also, so does this:
  137. Jesus Christ, you read all of that? I don't know why I'm on this topic, maybe because you're wetting the bed of American Greatness? Because you're a sociopathic child, seeking attention from a long dead father, who's disgraceful history is slamming you right in the part that actually matters? Your public image, your reputation, your golden throne isn't made of precious metals and diamonds, Donald, oh no.
  139. It's made of frozen urine. The cushion is just a giant water balloon filled with Putin's sperm.
  143. #micdrop
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