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a guest
Apr 25th, 2017
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  1. local manolisLanguage = {
  2. // Misc:
  3. cancel = "Abbrechen",
  4. confirm = "Annehmen",
  5. yes = "Ja",
  6. set = "Set",
  7. unknown = "Unbekannt",
  8. player_notfound = "Spieler nicht gefunden",
  9. nlr = "Du bist ein Geist, warte einen Moment.",
  10. invalid_args = "Invalid arguments",
  11. save = "Save",
  12. create = "erstellen",
  13. level_high = "Level %s+",
  14. level_standard = "Level %s",
  15. level_xp_get = "Du kriegst %s XP!",
  16. level_player_up = "%s erreicht Level %s!",
  17. wrong_level_job = "Du musst Level %s sein um %s zu werden.",
  18. wrong_level_item = "Du musst Level %s sein um %s zu kaufen.",
  19. cannot_Swagbag_x = "Das kannst du nicht einpacken",
  20. swagbag_full = "Deine Tasche ist voll.",
  21. swagbag_no_items = "Deine Tasche ist leer.",
  23. // Weapons:
  24. rusty_mac10 = "Rostige Mac 10",
  25. mac10 = "Mac 10",
  26. mp5 = "MP-5",
  27. m3 = "M3 Shotgun",
  28. cf05 = "CF-05",
  29. famas = "Famas",
  30. mp9 = "MP-9",
  31. scout = "Scout",
  32. winchester = "Winchester",
  34. // Armor
  35. rebel_jacket = "Rebellen Jacke",
  36. rebel_pants = "Rebellen Hose",
  37. fingerless_gloves = "Fingerlose Handschuhe",
  38. grey_beanie = "Graue Muetze",
  39. riot_armor = "Riot Ruestung",
  40. kevlar_pants = "Schutz Hose",
  41. combat_gloves = "Kampf Handschuhe",
  42. riot_helmet = "Riot Helm",
  43. heavy_armor = "Schwere Ruestung",
  44. heavy_pants = "Erzwungene Hose",
  45. heavy_gloves = "Genauigeit Handschuhe",
  46. heavy_helmet = "Pfadfinder Helm",
  47. elite_armor = "Elite Ruestung",
  48. elite_pants = "Elite Hose",
  49. elite_gloves = "Elite Handschuhe",
  50. elite_helmet = "Elite Helm",
  51. nano_armor = "Nano Ruestung",
  52. nano_pants = "Nano Hose",
  53. nano_gloves = "Nano Handschuhe",
  54. nano_helmet = "Nano Helm",
  56. // Materials
  57. rein_stone = "Verstärkungsstein",
  58. amber = "Amber",
  59. bloodstone = "Blutstein",
  60. obsidian = "Obsidian",
  61. zincite = "Zincite",
  62. calcite = "Calcite",
  63. azurite = "Azurite",
  64. carbon_giga = "Carbon Giga",
  65. crystal = "%s Crystal",
  66. crystal_ = 'Crystal',
  68. // Upgrades:
  69. upgrade_b = "%s Upgrade",
  70. upgrade_weapon = "Waffe",
  71. upgrade_armor = "Ruestung",
  72. blueprint = "%s Vorlage",
  74. // The Don
  75. the_don = "The Don",
  76. free_gift = "Geschenk",
  77. don_level_range = "Level %s-%s",
  78. don_price = "Preis",
  79. accept_don = "Geschenk annehmen",
  80. close_don = "schliessen",
  81. wrong_don_level = "Du hast nicht das richtige Level",
  82. afford_don = "Das kannst du dir nicht leisten",
  83. don_receives = "Du hast dieses Geschenk schon erhalten",
  84. don_inv = "Du hast nicht genügend Platz dafür.",
  85. don_suc = "Du hast ein Geschenk erhalten!",
  86. don_gift_description = "Geschenk Beschreibung:",
  87. don_gift_beginners = "Anfänger Waffen Paket",
  88. don_gift_beginnerpack = "Einsteiger Paket",
  89. don_gift_beginnersarmor = "Einsteiger Ruestung",
  90. don_gift_gang = "Gang Waffen",
  91. don_gift_power = "Power Paket",
  92. don_gift_criminal = "Kriminelles Paket",
  93. don_gift_basic = "Standart",
  94. don_gift_advanced = "Fortgeschritten",
  95. don_gift_a = "%s %s Upgrade Pack",
  96. don_gift_wupgrades = "I\'ve got a one time offer for you. %s weapon upgrade blueprints at %s each. Once crafted, you can use these to add upgrades to your weapons. These are worth millions, don\'t sell them cheaply!",
  97. don_gift_aupgrades = "I\'ve got a one time offer for you. %s armor upgrade blueprints at %s each. Once crafted, you can use these to add upgrades to your armor. These are worth millions, don\'t sell them cheaply!",
  99. // Trading
  100. already_trading = "%s handelt bereits",
  101. already_active_trade = "Du kannst nicht handeln wenn bereits ein Handel läuft",
  102. trade_question = "Möchtest du mit %s handeln?",
  103. trade_reject = "%s hat dein Handel abgelehnt",
  104. trade_request = "Du hast ein Handel von %s erhalten",
  105. trade_money_positive = "Geld kann nicht negativ sein.",
  106. trade_change_lock = "Du kannst nichts aendern wenn der Trade gesperrt ist.",
  107. trade_cannot_afford = "Das kannst du dir nicht leisten.",
  108. trade_item_not_exist = "Dieser Gegenstand existiert nicht.",
  109. cannot_trade_until_locked = "Du kannst nicht traden solange dein Partner nicht sperrt.",
  110. trade_fail = "Der Handel konnte nicht abgeschlossen werden.",
  111. trade_success = "Handel erfolgreich abgeschlossen.",
  112. trade_money = "du bekommst %s",
  113. trade_fail_inventory = "Der Trade wurde abgebrochen, zu wenig Platz im Inventar",
  114. trade_cannot_unlock = "Du kannst den Trade nicht entsperren sobald jemand den Trade bestätigt hat.",
  115. trade_cancel = "Der Handel wurde abgebrochen",
  116. trade_cancel_question = "Bist du sicher du willst den Handel abbrechen?",
  117. trade_set_money = "Gelden handeln",
  118. trade_set_money_t = "Wieviel Geld soll gehandelt werden?",
  119. trade_trade = "Handeln",
  120. trade_lock = "Sperren",
  121. trade_title = "Handel mit %s",
  123. // Garage
  124. error_spawning_garage = "An error occured while spawning your vehicle",
  125. car_already_spawned = "You have already spawned a car",
  126. spawned_car = "%s successfully spawned",
  127. remove_car = "Vehicle removed",
  128. car_buy_success = "You successfully purchased a %s blueprint!",
  129. car_buy_afford = "You cannot afford this vehicle blueprint",
  130. car_buy_othererror = "You cannot purchase this vehicle",
  132. // Building
  133. no_power = "Keine Energie",
  134. powered = "Strom laeuft",
  135. building_capture_cannot = "Dieses Gebauede kannst du nicht einnehmen.",
  136. building_capture_nodoors = "Dieses Gebauede hat keine Türen.",
  137. building_capture_setup = "This building has not been setup",
  138. building_capture_own = "Du kannst das Gebauede als Besitzer nicht einnehmen.",
  139. building_contest = "Building Contested!",
  140. building_lost = "Du besitzt nicht mehr : %s",
  141. building_captured = "Du nimmst ein : %s",
  142. building_mustownupgrade = "Du musst das Gebaude besitzen um es aufzuwerten.",
  143. building_topupgrade = "Das kannst du nicht mehr aufwerten.",
  144. building_upgradeapplied = "Aufwertung erfolgreich : %s!",
  145. building_cannotaffordupgrade = "Diese Aufwertung kannst du dir nicht leisten.",
  146. building_created = "Building successfully created",
  147. building_removed = "Building successfully removed",
  148. building_powerremoved = "Power sockets sucessfully removed",
  149. building_captureremoved = "Capture point sucessfully removed",
  150. builidng_rent_set = "Rent set",
  151. building_alreadyhascapture = "This building already has a capture point. Remove it before placing a new one",
  152. building_capturesaved = "Capture point sucessfully saved",
  153. building_savesocket = "Power socket sucessfully saved",
  154. building_notfound = "Building not found!",
  155. building_set = "Building sucessfully set",
  156. building_rent = "You were charged %s for the rent on the %s building",
  157. building_buy = "You have rented the %s building for %s",
  158. building_doorbuy = "You have bought this door for %s",
  159. building_set_building = "Set Building",
  160. building_edit_door = "Edit Door",
  161. part_building = "Part of which building?",
  162. building_entrance_exit = "Is this door an entrance to the building?",
  163. building_max_upgrade = "Upgrade maxed",
  164. rent_amount = "%s rent",
  165. capture_create = "Create capture point",
  166. capture_which = "Which building is this for?",
  167. building_alreadyhascapture = "This building already has a cash spawn. Remove it before setting a new one",
  168. cashstack_create = "Create cash spawn",
  169. cashstack_save = "Cash spawn saved",
  170. cashstack_remove = "Cash spawn removed",
  171. socket_create = "Create power socket",
  172. upgrade_building = "Upgrade Building",
  173. upgrade_power = "Upgrade Power",
  174. upgrade_power_for = "Upgrade power for %s",
  175. upgrade_lockpick = "Upgrade Lockpick",
  176. upgrade_lockpick_for = "Upgrade lockpick for %s",
  178. // Power tool
  179. power_tool_nodoors = "You cannot use this socket as the building has no doors",
  180. power_tool_no_building_owner = "Nobody's paying the rent!",
  181. power_tool_toofar = "This appliance is too far away from the socket",
  182. power_tool_full = "This socket cannot handle any more appliances. Try upgrading the building",
  183. power_tool_already = "This appliance already has power",
  184. power_tool_success = "Appliance successfully powered!",
  185. power_tool_invalid = "You cannot power this",
  187. // Party
  188. leave_party = "Leave Party",
  189. start_trade = "Start Trade",
  190. kick = "Kick",
  191. party = "Party",
  192. you_not_in_partyyou_not_in_party = "You are not in a party",
  193. now_leader_of_party = "You are now the leader of your party",
  194. you_left_party = "You have left the party",
  195. has_left_party = "%s has left your party",
  196. cannot_kick_self = "You cannot kick yourself",
  197. only_leader_kick = "Only the party leader can kick players from the party",
  198. you_have_been_kicked_party = "You have been kicked from the party by %s",
  199. has_been_kicked_party = "%s has been kicked from your party by %s",
  200. cannot_party_invite_self = "You cannot invite yourself to your party",
  201. already_in_party = "%s is already in a party",
  202. only_party_leader_invite = "Only the party leader can invite players to the party",
  203. player_already_has_party_invite = "This player already has a party invite",
  204. invited_x_to_party = "You invited %s to your party",
  205. party_invite_question = "Do you wish to join %s\'s party?",
  206. party_invite_accepted = "%s accepted your party invite",
  207. party_invite_join = "You joined %s\'s party",
  208. party_invite_decline = "%s ignored or rejected your party invite",
  211. // Inventory
  212. inventory = "Inventory",
  213. inventory_page = "Page %s",
  214. sell_confirm_inventory = "Are you sure you wish to sell your %s for %s?",
  215. sell_do = "Sell item",
  216. sell_cancel = "Cancel",
  217. sell_sell = "Sell",
  218. equip_inventory = "Equip Item",
  219. use_inventory = "Use Item",
  220. sell_inventory = "Sell Item",
  221. drop_inventory = "Drop Item",
  222. drop_trade_fail = "You cannot drop items while trading",
  223. drop_armor = "You cannot drop armors",
  224. inventory_sold = "You sold your %s for %s",
  225. cannot_reinforce = "You cannot reinforce this item anymore",
  226. reinforce_success = "Reinforcement successful!",
  227. cannot_reinforce2 = "You cannot reinforce this item",
  228. cannot_upgrade = "You cannot upgrade this item anymore",
  229. upgrade_wrong_item = "You cannot use this upgrade on this item",
  230. upgrade_success = "Item sucessfully upgraded!",
  231. item_cannot_upgrade = "This item cannot be upgraded",
  232. inventory_world_add = "Added %s to your inventory",
  233. inventory_dropped= "You dropped your %s",
  234. confirm_upg = "Confirm upgrade of this item?",
  235. upg_do = "Upgrade Item",
  236. upg_upg = "Upgrade",
  237. reinforce_confirm = "Confirm reinforcement of this item?",
  238. reinforce_reinforce = "Reinforce",
  239. split = "Split Stack",
  240. split_am = "Split amount?",
  241. split_split = "Split",
  242. crafted_by = "Crafted by %s",
  243. value_x = "Value: %s",
  244. upgrade_str = "Enhancs %ss with new abilities",
  245. s_weapon = "%s Weapon",
  246. craft_mat = "Crafting Material",
  247. shipment = "Shipment",
  249. // Equipment
  250. equipment = 'Equipment',
  251. slot_not_free = "This slot is not free!",
  252. wrong_slot = "You cannot equip this item in this slot",
  253. slot_unequip = "This slot is not free. Unequip your current item first!",
  254. item_already_equipped = "This item is already equipped. Un-equip it first!",
  255. wrong_level_equip = "You need to be level %s to equip this",
  257. // Printers
  258. printer_cannot_take = "You cannot take from this printer",
  259. printer_must_be_level = "You must be level %s to take from this printer",
  260. printer_cp = "Law enforcement cannot take from money printers",
  261. printer_collect = "You got %s and %sXP from this printer",
  262. printer_friend = "You got %s from your friends printer",
  263. printer_steal = "You got %s from this stolen money printer and %s bonus XP",
  264. printer_yours = "This money printer has become yours",
  265. printer_stolen = "Your money printer was stolen. You may now spawn another",
  267. // Forges
  268. picked_up_forge_mats = "You picked up %s crafting materials",
  269. material_forge = "Material Forge",
  270. material_storing = "Storing %s material",
  271. material_s = "s",
  273. // Crafting
  274. blacksmith = 'Blacksmith',
  275. refiner = 'Refiner',
  276. craft_item = 'Craft Item',
  277. refine_item = 'Refine Item',
  278. blueprint = '%s Blueprint',
  279. crystal = '%s Crystal',
  280. unknown_material = 'Unknown Material',
  281. refining = 'Refining...',
  282. refine_fail_items = 'Refine failed!',
  283. refine_fail_upg = 'Refine failed! You must insert 3 upgrades of the same type and level',
  284. dupe_item = 'Duplicate item detected!',
  285. refine_level = 'Refine failed! You can only refine to level 5!',
  286. refine_success = 'Refining complete!',
  287. craft_fail = 'Craft failed!',
  288. craft_fail_bp = 'Craft failed! No blueprint provided!',
  289. craft_fail_item = 'Craft failed! Not enough %s provided',
  290. craft_success = 'Craft successful!',
  291. epic = 'Epic',
  292. elite = 'Elite',
  293. unique = 'Unique',
  294. rare = 'Rare',
  295. uncommon = 'Uncommon',
  296. standard = 'Standard',
  297. weapon_upgrade = "Weapon Upgrade",
  298. armor_upgrade = "Armor Upgrade",
  300. // Terrorism
  301. terror_defuser = "Bomb Defuser",
  302. terror_instructions = "Hold left click to defuse the bomb",
  303. terror_defusing = "Defusing",
  304. terror_defused_ply = '%s has defused the bomb',
  305. terror_defused_local = 'You got %sXP from defusing the bomb',
  306. terror_active = 'The bomb has been activated. Evacuate!',
  307. terror_getreward = 'You got %s and %sXP for blowing up the town!',
  308. terror_bomb = "The Bomb",
  309. terror_enriched = '%s%% enriched',
  310. terror_enricher = 'Uranium Enricher',
  311. terror_core = 'Uranium Core',
  312. terror_changejob = 'You cannot change to this job after the bomb has been activated',
  314. // Evidence
  315. police_inspect = 'Only police can inspect evidence',
  317. // Achievements
  318. newbie_name = "Newbie",
  319. newbie_desc = "Reach level 10",
  320. refiner_name = "Refiner",
  321. refiner_desc = "Refine 3 upgrades into 1 higher level upgrade",
  322. craft2_name = "Beginner Craftsman",
  323. craft2_desc = "Craft an item",
  324. crafter_name = "Craftsman",
  325. crafter_desc = "Craft 1,000 items",
  326. stealer_name = "Debt Collector",
  327. stealer_desc = "Steal from someone elses money printer 500 times",
  328. massmurder_name = "Mass Murderer",
  329. massmurder_desc = "Kill 5,000 people",
  330. mechanic_name = "Mechanic",
  331. mechanic_desc = "Craft a vehicle",
  332. perfectionist_name = "Perfectionist",
  333. perfectionist_desc = "Use 100 reinforcement crystals",
  334. millionaire_name = "Millionaire",
  335. millionaire_desc = "Collect $1,000,000 from money printers",
  336. multimillionaire_name = "Multi Millionaire",
  337. multimillionaire_desc = "Collect $10,000,000 from money printers",
  338. backdoors_name = "Backdoors?",
  339. backdoors_desc = "Meet %s in game",
  341. // F1 menu
  342. server_menu = "Server Menu",
  343. rules = "Regeln",
  344. guide = "Anleitung",
  345. forums = "Forums",
  346. changelog = "Changelog",
  348. // Action menu
  349. action_menu = "Hauptmenu",
  350. character = "Charakter",
  351. jobs = "Berufe",
  352. shop = "Shop",
  353. garage = "Garage",
  354. gangs = "Gangs",
  355. achievements = "Errungenschaften",
  356. admin = "Admin",
  358. // Admin tab
  359. territories = "Territories",
  360. new_territory = "New Territory",
  361. name_territory = "Name of territory:",
  362. territory_remove = "Remove Territory",
  363. territory_remove_confirm = "Are you sure you wish to remove the %s territory?",
  364. territory_map = "Map: %s",
  365. territory_locations = "View Locations",
  366. territory_locations_view = "View territory locations",
  367. territory_position = "Position: %s, %s, %s",
  368. territory_location_remove = "Remove",
  369. territory_location_new = "New Location",
  370. territory_location_confirm = "Create a new capture point for the %s territory at your current location?",
  371. positions = "Spawns",
  372. positions_set = "Are you sure you wish to set the spawn of %s to your location?",
  373. buildings = "Buildings",
  374. buildings_new = "Add New Building",
  375. buildings_new2 = "New Building",
  376. buildings_name = "Name of building:",
  377. buildings_rent = "Rent: %s",
  378. buildings_remove = "Remove Building",
  379. buildings_remove_confirm = "Are you sure you wish to remove %s?",
  380. buildings_clearitems = "Clear Items",
  381. buildings_clearitems_confirm = "Do you wish to clear the capture point, the cash spawn or the sockets?",
  382. buildings_clear = "Clear",
  383. capture_points = "Capture Points",
  384. power_sockets = "Power Sockets",
  385. cash_spawn = "Cash Spawn",
  386. buildings_set_rent = "Set Rent",
  387. buildings_set_rent_confirm = "How much is the rent?",
  389. // Character
  390. total_kills = 'Total Kills',
  391. total_deaths = 'Total Deaths',
  392. joins = "Joins",
  393. levelx = "Level",
  394. actions = "Actions",
  395. server_info = "Server Info",
  396. action_select = "Select an action",
  397. party_invite = "Invite player to party",
  398. party_invite_confirm = "Who do you wish to invite?",
  399. party_inv = "Invite",
  400. drop_money = "Drop Money",
  401. drop_money_confirm = "How much do you wish to drop?",
  402. give_money = "Give Money",
  403. give_money_confirm = "How much do you wish to give?",
  404. sell_buildings = "Sell all buildings",
  405. sell_buildings_confirm = "Are you sure you wish to sell all of your buildings?",
  407. // Shop
  408. items = "Items",
  409. shipments = "Shipments",
  410. ammo = "Munition",
  411. car_blueprints = "Auto Vorlagen",
  412. purchase_car_confirm = "Are you sure you wish to purchase this %s blueprint?",
  413. purchase = "Kaufen",
  414. create_vote = "Wahl erstellen",
  415. change = "wechseln",
  416. job_unknown = "Unknown job",
  418. // Garage
  419. car_remove = "Are you sure you wish to remove your car?",
  420. car_removed = "Remove",
  421. de_spawn = "De-spawn",
  422. car_spawn = "Spawn",
  424. // Gang
  425. gang_currentlevel = "Current Level",
  426. gang_purchase = "Purchase",
  427. gang_next = "Next Level",
  428. gang_upgrade_level = "(Level %s/%s)",
  429. gang_maxed = "Maxed out",
  430. gang_purchase_upgrade = "Are you sure you wish to purchase %s Level %s for %s?",
  431. gang_level_p = "Level %s - %s %s",
  432. gang_level_points = "Points",
  433. gang_level_point = "Point",
  434. refresh_view = 'Refresh View',
  435. donate_to_gang = 'Donate to gang',
  436. donate_to_gang_confirm = 'How much do you wish to donate?',
  437. donate = "Donate",
  438. gang_invite = "Invite Member",
  439. gang_invite_confirm = "Who do you wish to invite?",
  440. gang_leave = "Leave Gang",
  441. gang_leave_confirm = "Are you sure you wish to leave your gang?",
  442. gang_general = "General",
  443. gang_members = "Members",
  444. gang_add_rival = "Add Rival Gang",
  445. gang_rival_add = "Add Rival",
  446. gang_become_rivals = "Are you sure you wish to become rivals with %s?",
  447. gang_no = "No gangs found!",
  448. gang_rivals = "Rivals",
  449. gang_shop = "Shop",
  450. gang_upgrades = "Upgrades",
  451. gang_name = "Gang Name",
  452. create_new_gang = "Create a new gang",
  453. gang_pass = "Password",
  454. gang_pass_tip = "Used to recover your gang",
  455. color = "Color",
  456. background = "Background",
  457. logo = "Logo",
  458. create_gang = "Create Gang",
  459. gang_create_confirm = "Are you sure you wish to create %s? This costs %s.",
  460. gang_join_confirm = "Are you sure you wish to join %s?",
  461. gang_join = "Join Gang",
  462. gang_j = "Join",
  463. gang_decline_confirm = "Are you sure you wish to decline this invite?",
  464. gang_decline = "Decline invite",
  465. gang_invites = "Gang Invites",
  466. recover_gang = "Recover Gang",
  467. recover_gang2 = "Recover gang",
  468. leader = "Leader",
  469. coleader = "Co-leader",
  470. captain = "Captain",
  471. soldier = "Soldier",
  472. recruit = "Recruit",
  473. set_to = "Set to %s",
  474. gang_already = "You are already in a gang",
  475. gang_joined = "You have joined %s!",
  476. gang_full = "This gang is full!",
  477. gang_rejected = "Gang invite rejected",
  478. gang_attempt_spam = "You can only attempt to recover a gang once every 10 seconds",
  479. gang_recover_already = "You cannot recover a gang when you are already in one",
  480. gang_recover_suc = "Gang sucessfully recovered!",
  481. gang_recover_fail = "Gang recovery failed. Incorrect password",
  482. gang_create_fail_al = "You cannot create a gang when you are already in one",
  483. gang_create_exists = "This gang already exists",
  484. gang_create_success = "Gang successfully created!",
  485. gang_create_fail_afford = "You cannot afford this",
  486. gang_create_fail_args = "Gang names must be 4-20 characters long and can only contain a-z, A-Z, spaces and hyphens",
  487. gang_rival_notfound = "Gang not found",
  488. gang_rival_owngang = "You cannot become rivals with your own gang",
  489. gang_rival_rival_fails = "Only leader and co-leaders can rival gangs",
  490. gang_rival_attempt_fail = "%s are too low level to be your rival",
  491. gang_rival_already = "You are already rivals with %s",
  492. gang_rival_time = "You cannot rival that gang for %s more hours",
  493. gang_rival_start = "A gang rivalry has been started against %s",
  494. gang_rival_start2 = "A gang rivalry has been started against you by %s",
  495. you_not_gang = "You are not in a gang",
  496. gang_not_found_item = "Item not found",
  497. gang_wrong_level = "Your gang is not the right level to buy this",
  498. gang_cannot_afford = "Your gang cannot afford this",
  499. gang_cannot_rank = "You do not have permission to purchase this",
  500. gang_kick_rank = "You must be leader or co-leader to kick gang members",
  501. gang_kick_self = "You cannot kick yourself",
  502. gang_kick_higher_rank = "You cannot kick members who are a higher rank than you",
  503. gang_kicked = "You have been kicked from your gang by %s",
  504. gang_kicked_by = "%s has kicked %s from the gang",
  505. gang_kick = "Kick from gang",
  506. gang_kick_confirm = "Are you sure you wish to kick %s from your gang?",
  507. gang_kick_kick = "Kick",
  508. gang_promote_leader = "You must be leader or co-leader to promote gang members",
  509. gang_promote_self = "You cannot promote or demote yourself",
  510. gang_promote_lower = "You can only promote to ranks lower than yourself",
  511. gang_promote_already = "This user is already this rank",
  512. gang_promote_higher = "You cannot promote members that are a higher rank than yourself",
  513. gang_promote_notify = "%s has promoted %s to a %s",
  514. gang_upgrade_buy_rank = "Only leaders and co-leaders can buy upgrades",
  515. gang_upgrade_max = "This upgrade is already at the max level",
  516. gang_upgrade_afford = "Your gang cannot afford this upgrade",
  517. gang_upgrade_do = "Your gang has upgraded %s to level %s!",
  518. gang_donate_negative = "You cannot remove money from your gangs bank",
  519. gang_donate_afford = "You cannot afford this",
  520. gang_donate_success = "Sucessfully donated %s to your gang",
  521. gang_shop_buy = "You bought a %s for %s",
  522. gang_mercy_fail = "You are not rivals with this gang",
  523. gang_mercy_loss = "You have lost %s points for loosing the rivalry with %s",
  524. gang_mercy_succ = "You have gained %s points for defeating %s",
  525. gang_territory_create = "Territory successfully created!",
  526. gang_territory_locationsave = "Territory location successfully saved at your current location",
  527. gang_territory_remove = "Territory successfully removed!",
  528. gang_capture_remove = "Capture point successfully removed!",
  529. gang_truce_rank = "Only leaders and co-leaders can request truces",
  530. gang_not_found = "Gang not found",
  531. gang_truce_y = "You have truced with %s",
  532. gang_truce_request = "You have requested a truce with %s",
  533. gang_truce_request2 = "%s has requrested a truce with you",
  534. gang_truce_cancel = "%s has cancelled their truce request with you",
  535. gang_truce_cancel2 = "You have cancelled your truce request with %s",
  536. gang_truce_confirm = "Are you sure you wish to request a truce with %s?",
  537. gang_truce_request_s = "Truce Request",
  538. gang_truce_cancel_confirm = "Are you sure you want to cancel your truce request with %s?",
  539. gang_truce_cancel_s = "Cancel truce request",
  540. gang_truce_1 = "Accept truce",
  541. gang_truce_2 = "Cancel truce",
  542. gang_truce_3 = "Request truce",
  543. gang_mercy_ask = "Begging for mercy will cost your gang %s points. Confirm?",
  544. gang_mercy_ask_s = "Beg for mercy",
  545. gang_truce_fail = "You are not rivals with this gang",
  546. gang_mercy_fail = "Only leaders and co-leaders can beg for mercy",
  547. gang_left = "You have left %s",
  548. gang_no_gang = "You are not a member of a gang",
  549. gang_other_left = "%s has left your gang",
  550. gang_invite_fail = "%s is already in a gang",
  551. gang_invite_nogang = "You are not in a gang",
  552. gang_invite_already ="%s already has an invite to your gang",
  553. gang_invite_suc = "%s has been invited to your gang",
  554. gang_invite_suc2 = "You have been invited to %s by %s",
  555. gang_invite_rank = "Only leaders and co-leaders can invite players to gangs",
  556. gang_territory_xp = "Your gang got %s XP extra for controlling the %s territory",
  557. gang_heart = "Gang Heart",
  558. gang_heart_desc = "Increase the max health of all your gangmembers",
  559. gangarmor = "Gang Shield",
  560. gangarmor_desc = "Increase the max armor of all your gangmembers",
  561. gangregen = "Health Regeneration",
  562. gangregen_desc = "Gives regenerating help to all of your gangmembers",
  563. gangxp = "XP Boost",
  564. gangxp_desc = "Boosts the amount of XP recived by your gangmembers",
  565. gangspeed = "Speed Boost",
  566. gangspeed_desc = "Boosts the speed of your gangmembers",
  567. gangprintermoney = "Fat Stacks",
  568. gangprintermoney_desc = "Boost the amount of money your gang receives from money printers",
  569. memberexpansion = "Member Expansion",
  570. memberexpansion_desc = "Increase the amount of members your gang can recruit",
  571. rivalboost = "Rival Boost",
  572. rivalboost_desc = "Increase the amount of money your gang receives from killing rivals",
  573. ganglucky = "Lucky",
  574. ganglucky_desc = "Increase your gangmembers crafting luck",
  575. gangghost = "Ghost",
  576. gangghost_desc = " Reduce the ghost time of your gangmembers",
  577. ganghealth = "Gang Health",
  579. // VGUI Misc
  580. vgui_unknown = "Unknown item",
  581. vgui_permission = "%s permission",
  582. vgui_level = "(Level %s+)",
  583. vgui_level_item = "(Level %s+ item)",
  584. vgui_level2 = "Level %s+",
  585. vgui_level3 = "Level %s",
  586. vgui_error = "Error",
  587. }
  589. DarkRP.addLanguage("de", manolisLanguage)
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