

Apr 7th, 2012
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  1. >You don't really love or hate most fluffy ponies.
  2. >They're sort of cute, you guess, but their sheer stupidity makes them annoying.
  3. >However, the amputated ones freak you the fuck out.
  4. >Your neighbor has one, a red earth fluffy with a green mane and tail.
  5. >He calls her Holly, in reference to her holiday coloration.
  6. >She had legs at first, but after she nearly drowned she got amputated at the vet.
  7. >When they're in their backyard to play, you can't help but watch.
  8. >She flops around, yelling “Howwy pwayin! Wai' fo' Howwy, daddy!”
  9. >She wiggles and writhes and slides on the grass with a huge smile on her face.
  10. >When she starts to 'run', her shuddering, squirming body resembles a strawberry approaching climax.
  11. >One day, Holly is outside by herself while her owner is inside looking for a toy.
  12. >How do you know she's alone? You heard her screaming.
  13. >You walk out onto your back porch and look into their yard.
  14. >A dirty yellow earth fluffy stray is mounted on top of her, fucking with all his might.
  15. >”Hewp! Hewp! Dese huggies feel funny!” she shrieks.
  16. >By the time you can even react, the male fluffy has reached orgasm and fallen off of her, dead.
  17. >She wiggles around, looking like a fuzzy red calzone. “New fwiend?” she asks the yellow corpse.
  18. >Her owner returns a few seconds later, and quickly pieces together what's happened.
  19. >He picks up the babbling ball and runs back inside.
  21. >You think nothing of it until he calls you over a few days later, while you're outside mowing the grass.
  22. >”Listen, I know this is short notice, but could you watch Holly for a few hours?”
  23. >Oh, great.
  24. “Uh...well...”
  25. >”Please, man, my mom's been in a car accident and I have to see how she's doing.”
  26. >Reluctantly, you agree. He reassures you that Holly won't be due until tomorrow.
  27. >He explains that she's also been fed and 'pooped' already, and she shouldn't have to go for a while.
  28. >You take the fuzzy spheroid inside as he drives off. She bleats about you being her new friend and how she can't wait to play with you.
  29. >He didn't give you a chance to tell him that there's a slight problem: you're already babysitting a fluffy.
  30. >A fluffy with all their limbs attached.
  31. >The terracotta-colored unicorn was asleep on the couch, but she wakes up as soon as she hears you return.
  32. >”New fwiend?” she asks. You set Holly down, and the unicorn immediately hugs her. “Why fwuffy big?”
  33. >”Howwy be mumma fwuffy soon!” she proclaims happily.
  34. >The two fluffies hug and play without incident for half an hour.
  35. >This makes you feel all right about going into the kitchen and making lunch for you and the unicorn.
  36. >But when the unicorn plays with her blocks, the trouble begins.
  37. >”Bwocks! Wan' pway bwocks!” Holly yells.
  38. >The noise attracts your attention, so you go to check on your fluffy charges.
  39. >”Come pway bwocks!” the unicorn invites her.
  40. >Holly wriggles and crawls over after a few excruciating moments.
  41. >Her body bends backwards as, instinctively, she reaches out for the blocks with forelegs she does not have.
  42. >She looks utterly confused. The unicorn continues playing without her.
  43. >”Bwocks!” Holly screams again, this time rolling onto her back.
  44. >Now, the unicorn can see that she's legless.
  45. >”Wha? Why you no haf weggies?”
  46. >Holly stops trying to grabs the blocks and stares at the unicorn. “Wha? Weggies?”
  47. >The unicorn wiggles her legs in response. “Weggies! Why you no haf?”
  48. >Holly curls up, staring down at her swollen tummy.
  49. >You can see the fluff on her shoulders move as her body realizes there's something missing.
  50. >She squeals unhappily as the memory reset her owner did after the amputation collapses.
  51. >You run over as she shakes and bounces on the carpet, screaming at the top of her lungs. “HOWWY WAN' WEGGIES! HOWWY WAN' WUN!”
  52. >She rolls over onto her stomach before you can stop her, bouncing and writhing as much as her swollen body will allow.
  53. >”WAN' WEGGIES! WAN' WEGGIES!” she continues to scream.
  54. >The unicorn is scared to death, hiding in a corner and screaming apologies.
  55. >You grab Holly gently, reminding her that the stress will hurt her foals.
  56. >”NU CAWE! WAN' WEGGIES! GIF WEGGIES TO HOWWY!” she shrieks.
  57. >Her body contorts and flexes with all the fluffy might she can muster.
  58. >She suddenly makes an odd threat. “GIF WEGGIES OR HOWWY MAKE POOPIES ON YOU!”
  59. >The fuck?
  60. >waaaaaaaaitasecond.jpeg
  61. >You her squeaking from her rear end as she begins to go into labor.
  62. >A wet, blue earth fluffy foal soon plops out onto your carpet.
  63. >Terrified, you let go of her.
  65. “I can't!”
  67. >A green earth fluffy foal plops out next, landing beside its sibling.
  68. >Holly is shrinking, and the smaller size allows her to wiggle like an earthworm.
  69. >She continues to scream for her legs, shaking so violently that the white foal she births next flies out and lands at the base of the wall.
  70. >You are completely dumbfounded by this point, and can't make yourself intervene.
  71. >One more purple foal emerges, and Holly is back to her regular size.
  72. >Desperate to restore order, you grab her again and turn her to show her her children.
  73. “Look! Look at your babies!”
  74. >Three of the foals are weakly hugging each other, shivering and squeaking loudly.
  75. >The white one near the wall is trying to hug it, licking the paint as it searches for a nipple.
  76. >Holly stares in amazement at her spawn.
  77. >You can feel her body relax.
  78. >phew.odt
  79. >And then she wiggles out of your grip, inching her way towards the group of three foals.
  80. >You smile, but it becomes apparent fast that there is malice in her fluffy heart.
  82. >You punt her away into a corner and scoop up all the foals, placing them on the couch.
  83. >All they can do is huddle together and squeak loudly in terror as their mother screams at them.
  84. >Since you don't have any fluffy-related equipment, you can't reset Holly yourself.
  85. >Hell, even if you did, you don't know how.
  86. >You have no choice but to call your neighbor and pray his phone is on.
  87. >While you do, you look over the scene.
  88. >Scared fluffy unicorn in the corner which is now shitting herself.
  89. >Screaming, bloody earth fluffy shrieking at her kids because she thinks they took her legs.
  90. >Slimy, squeaky foals sliding around and leaving god knows what kind of fluids on your leather couch.
  91. >No wonder people abuse these fucking things.
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