Guest User


a guest
Dec 1st, 2014
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text 1.70 KB | None | 0 0
  1. Status: Resolving address of ***********.com
  2. Status: Connecting to
  3. Warning: The entered address does not resolve to an IPv6 address.
  4. Status: Connected, performing TLS handshake...
  5. Status: TLS handshake successful, verifying certificate...
  6. Reply: 220-You have connected to Zelda
  7. Reply: 220 FileZilla Server version 0.9.41 beta
  8. Command: CLNT on behalf of
  9. Reply: 200 Don't care
  10. Command: USER Javan
  11. Reply: 331 Password required for javan
  12. Command: PASS *********
  13. Reply: 230 Logged on
  14. Command: SYST
  15. Reply: 215 UNIX emulated by FileZilla
  16. Command: FEAT
  17. Reply: 211-Features:
  18. Reply: MDTM
  19. Reply: REST STREAM
  20. Reply: SIZE
  21. Reply: MODE Z
  22. Reply: MLST type*;size*;modify*;
  23. Reply: MLSD
  24. Reply: AUTH SSL
  25. Reply: AUTH TLS
  26. Reply: PROT
  27. Reply: PBSZ
  28. Reply: UTF8
  29. Reply: CLNT
  30. Reply: MFMT
  31. Reply: 211 End
  32. Command: PBSZ 0
  33. Reply: 200 PBSZ=0
  34. Command: PROT P
  35. Reply: 200 Protection level set to P
  36. Command: PWD
  37. Reply: 257 "/" is current directory.
  38. Status: Current path is /
  39. Command: TYPE I
  40. Reply: 200 Type set to I
  41. Command: PASV
  42. Reply: 227 Entering Passive Mode (165,228,195,88,23,112)
  43. Command: MLSD
  44. Status: Data connection established, performing TLS handshake...
  45. Status: TLS handshake successful, verifying certificate...
  46. Status: TLS session of transfer connection has been resumed.
  47. Reply: 150 Connection accepted
  48. Reply: 226 Transfer OK
  49. Listing: type=file;modify=20141127154238;size=4265; index.php
  50. Listing: type=file;modify=20141106034554;size=4295; library.php
  51. Listing: type=dir;modify=20141128050557; alpha
  52. Listing: type=dir;modify=20141127142014; beta
  53. Listing: type=dir;modify=20141116140624; status
  54. Listing: type=dir;modify=20141116144438; xampp_master
  55. Status: Success
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