

Oct 17th, 2019
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  1. ⦁ 1. Spiders follow one of your characters. They don't approach more than about 10ft, but build webs nearby when the character stops to rest.
  2. ⦁ 2. Cracks in the earth open up and unusually colored spiders emerge. They don't seem toxic or aggressive to humans, but are clearly not normal spiders.
  3. ⦁ 3. A strange book/scroll is making the rounds among occult scholars. It appears to be some sort of detailed treatise on spiders. As the reader peruses the text, a cocoon of webbing slowly forms around them without them noticing. No one is sure what happens if you finish reading the text.
  4. ⦁ 4. An unusual disease is causing people to vomit up swarms of poisonous spiders. The victims are immune to the bites of the swarms they produce, but not to other swarms. Other than this extremely unusual symptom, they seem quite healthy.
  5. ⦁ 5. A prized possession of one of the characters grows eight legs and fangs and takes on a spider-like appearance. It builds a web in the corner while they sleep one night. If anyone attempts to pick up or move it, it will hiss and attack.
  6. ⦁ 6. A powerful local figure has apparently turned into a human sized spider. This person seems to take no notice, and is growing extremely irate at constant comments to that effect; spindly legs clinging desperately to their chair and clacking away with sharp mandibles at the party the figure orders them to investigate the source of the vicious and clearly spurious spider rumors.
  7. ⦁ 7. Party awakens to find themselves in an air vehicle trapped inside a giant web easily several miles across. Several other vehicles can be seen as well as heavily webbed over cocoons but no sign of what made the webs. Yet.
  8. ⦁ 8. Party defeats a group of low level foes when they notice the head of one of their fallen adversaries grow spider legs and attempt to crawl away in the confusion.
  9. ⦁ 9. Orb weaver spiders in a local town being to display dire warnings and prophesy in their webbing that is rapidly coming true.
  10. ⦁ 10. A shop opens in town selling amazingly well crafted silk fabric and clothes. Despite the sweet appearance and demeanor of the shop keep, the show has a high turnover rate for part-time help. They always seem to need to hire new people.
  11. ⦁ 11. A man sentenced to be put to death for poisoning his wife sneaks a letter out to the party somehow. The mad ravings inside beseech them to prove it wasn't him that killed his wife, it was the 7 armed man.
  12. ⦁ 12. A missing children's case takes on a horrific turn when the party witness a massive spider emerge from a shallow puddle of water, grab a playing child, and disappear from sight. Only a ripple of mud and a scrap of cloth remain in the puddle.
  13. ⦁ 13. A strange carnival appears in town, putting on all the standard shows and entertainments except for the fact that, other than the gaunt but apparently human ringleader in a vibrant crimson silk coat and tophat, in place of animals like tigers and elephants, and in fact in place of other entertainers, the entire carnival is composed of spiders of various shapes and sizes.
  14. ⦁ 14. Whispered tales tell of a strange bar in the seediest part of town where bartenders will milk the venom of a disturbing menagerie of spiders into glasses for a select patronage that find the intoxicating effects of the sometimes lethal poisons an addiction too strong to resist.
  15. ⦁ 15. Every time a character tries to open a door, cabinet, cupboard, bag, window, or other closed portal, he get's caught up in a web. The web is proportional thicker and heavier based on how large the portal is.
  16. ⦁ 16. The party wakes up after particularly vivid dreams of spider versions of their characters going on an adventure to find themselves trapped in those spider bodies... but they are still in the normal human world.
  17. ⦁ 17. A race of intelligent multi-dimension spiders make contact with the party to act as inbetweens for them and the human race: in exchange for being given the secrets to dimensional travel humanity will provide them with "food".
  18. ⦁ 18. The latest vanity craze of pet "talking spiders" kept by the famous and well to do of a town known for such things comes under fire when a string of such owners begin turning up dead. The party finds themselves being hired by both the local law enforcement to investigate these crimes to shut the practice down AND by the shop owner to sold the pets who swears he is being set up by someone. One of these talking spiders is the only clue the party has; it repeats a certain name over and over again.
  19. ⦁ 19. A man comes to town, ranting and raving about the end of times and the coming of an eternal silken night. The townsfolk take him for a madman until they wake up one morning to find the entire town wrapped in a dense webbing cocoon.
  20. ⦁ 20. One night, after a total lunar eclipse, the moon emerges with it's craters re-arranged to appear to be eight spider-like eyes, which open and stare at the world below.
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