

Feb 25th, 2024 (edited)
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  1. --- Tables, Functions & Variables ---
  2. Brew = {
  3.     ["Services"] = {
  4.         ["Players"] = game:GetService("Players"),
  5.         ["SoundService"] = game:GetService("SoundService"),
  6.         ["ReplicatedStorage"] = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"),
  7.         ["HttpService"] = game:GetService("HttpService"),
  8.         ["UserInputService"] = game:GetService("UserInputService"),
  9.         ['MarketplaceService'] = game:GetService("MarketplaceService")
  10.     },
  12.     ["Reach"] = {
  13.         ["Enabled"] = false,
  14.         ["Magnitude"] =, 0.8, 4),
  15.         ["Method"] = "Spoof",
  16.         ["SelectionBox"] = false,
  17.         ["SelectionBoxMethod"] = "Box",
  18.         ["SelectionBoxColor"] = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)
  19.     },
  21.     ["Character"] = {
  22.         ["cWalkspeed"] = 16,
  23.         ["cJumppower"] = 50,
  24.         ["Spin"] = false
  25.     },
  27.     ["Features"] = {
  28.         ["StaffDetection"] = true,
  29.         ["Autoclick"] = false
  30.     },
  32.     ["Libraries"] = {
  33.         ["Notifications"] = loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))()
  34.     }
  35. }
  37. Player = Brew.Services.Players.LocalPlayer
  39. function Brew:WaitForChildOfClass(parents, className, timeout)
  40.     local startTime = tick()
  41.     timeout = timeout or 9e9
  42.     while tick() - startTime < timeout do
  43.         for _, parent in pairs(parents) do
  44.             for _, child in pairs(parent:GetChildren()) do
  45.                 if child:IsA(className) then
  46.                     return child
  47.                 end
  48.             end
  49.         end
  50.         wait(0.01)
  51.     end
  52.     return nil
  53. end
  55. function Brew:Spoof(Instance, Property, Value)
  56.     local b
  57.     b = hookmetamethod(game, "__index", function(A, B)
  58.         if not checkcaller() then
  59.             if A == Instance then
  60.                 local filter = string.gsub(tostring(B), "\0", "")
  61.                 if filter == Property then
  62.                     return Value
  63.                 end
  64.             end
  65.         end
  66.         return b(A, B)
  67.     end)
  68. end
  70. function Brew:disableConnection(Connection)
  71.     for i, v in pairs(getconnections(Connection)) do
  72.         v:Disable()
  73.     end
  74. end
  76. function Brew:Async(func)
  77.     task.spawn(function()
  78.         func()
  79.     end)
  80. end
  82. function Brew:Notify(title, description, duration)
  83.     duration = duration or 3
  84.     Brew.Libraries.Notifications.Notify({Title=title, Description=description, Duration=tonumber(duration)})
  85. end
  87. function Brew:DetermineOS()
  88.     if Brew.Services["UserInputService"].TouchEnabled and not Brew.Services["UserInputService"].KeyboardEnabled and not Brew.Services["UserInputService"].MouseEnabled then
  89.         return "Mobile"
  90.     elseif not Brew.Services["UserInputService"].TouchEnabled and Brew.Services["UserInputService"].KeyboardEnabled and Brew.Services["UserInputService"].MouseEnabled then
  91.         return "PC"
  92.     end
  93. end
  95. function Brew:getSword()
  96.     return Brew:WaitForChildOfClass({Player.Character, Player.Backpack}, "Tool")
  97. end
  99. function Brew:getHitbox()
  100.     for i, v in pairs(Brew:getSword():GetDescendants()) do
  101.         if v:FindFirstChildOfClass("TouchTransmitter") then
  102.             v.Massless = true
  103.             return v
  104.         end
  105.     end
  106. end
  108. function Brew.Reach:undoReach()
  109.     Brew.Reach.Enabled = false
  110.     Brew:getSword()
  111.     Brew:disableConnection(Brew:getHitbox():GetPropertyChangedSignal("Size"))
  112.     Brew:Spoof(Brew:getHitbox(), "Size",, 0.8, 4))
  113.     Brew:getHitbox().Size =, 0.8, 4)
  114. end
  116. function Brew.Reach:undoVisual()
  117.     Brew.Reach.SelectionBox = false
  118.     if Brew:getHitbox():FindFirstChildOfClass("SelectionBox") then
  119.         Brew:getHitbox():FindFirstChildOfClass("SelectionBox"):Destroy()
  120.     end
  121. end
  123. function Brew.Reach:doReach()
  124.     if Brew.Reach.Method == "Spoof" then
  125.         Brew.Reach.Enabled = true
  126.         Brew:getSword()
  127.         Brew:disableConnection(Brew:getHitbox():GetPropertyChangedSignal("Size"))
  128.         Brew:Spoof(Brew:getHitbox(), "Size",, 0.8, 4))
  129.         Brew:getHitbox().Size = Brew.Reach.Magnitude
  131.         while Brew.Reach.Enabled and Brew.Reach.Method == "Spoof" do
  132.             Brew:getHitbox().Size = Brew.Reach.Magnitude
  133.             Brew:Async(function()
  134.                 for i, v in pairs(Brew.Services.Players:GetChildren()) do
  135.                     local Character = v.Character
  136.                     if Character.HumanoidRootPart and Character.Name ~= Player.Name then
  137.                         if (Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position - Brew:getHitbox().Position).Magnitude <= Brew.Reach.Magnitude.X then
  138.                             Brew:Async(function()
  139.                                 for index, limb in pairs(Character:GetChildren()) do
  140.                                     if limb:IsA("BasePart") then
  141.                                         Brew:Async(function()
  142.                                             for x = 0, 15 do
  143.                                                 firetouchinterest(limb, Brew:getHitbox(), 0)
  144.                                                 wait()
  145.                                                 firetouchinterest(limb, Brew:getHitbox(), 1)
  146.                                             end
  147.                                         end)
  148.                                     end
  149.                                 end
  150.                             end)
  151.                         end
  152.                     end
  153.                 end
  154.             end)
  155.             wait()
  156.         end
  157.     else
  158.         Brew:Notify("Brew", "That method is not supported yet.", 3)
  159.     end
  160. end
  162. function Brew.Reach:doVisual()
  163.     Brew.Reach.SelectionBox = true
  164.     if Brew.Reach.SelectionBoxMethod == "Box" then
  165.         local Box ="SelectionBox", Brew:getHitbox())
  166.         Box.Adornee = Brew:getHitbox()
  167.         Box.LineThickness = 0.01
  168.         Box.Color3 = Brew.Reach.SelectionBoxColor
  169.         Brew:Async(function()
  170.             Box.Color3 = Brew.Reach.SelectionBoxColor
  171.         end)
  172.     else
  173.         Brew:Notify("Brew", "Not supported.", 3)
  174.     end
  175. end
  177. function Brew.Character:doSpin()
  178.     Brew.Character.Spin = true
  179.     if not Player.Character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart"):FindFirstChildOfClass("BodyAngularVelocity") then
  180.         local Velocity ="BodyAngularVelocity", Player.Character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart"))
  181.         Velocity.AngularVelocity =, 15, 0)
  182.         Velocity.MaxTorque =, 9e9, 0)
  183.         Velocity.P = 1250
  184.     end
  185. end
  187. function Brew.Character.undoSpin()
  188.     Brew.Character.Spin = false
  189.     if Player.Character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart"):FindFirstChildOfClass("BodyAngularVelocity") then
  190.         Player.Character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart"):FindFirstChildOfClass("BodyAngularVelocity"):Destroy()
  191.     end
  192. end
  194. --- Fix Settings ---
  195. Player.Character.Humanoid.Died:Connect(function()
  196.     if DamageAmplify then
  197.         DamageAmplify:Disconnect()
  198.     end
  199. end)
  201. Player.CharacterAdded:Connect(function()
  202.     Brew:getSword()
  203.     wait(.25)
  204.     Brew:getHitbox().Massless = true
  205.     Brew:Async(function()
  206.         if Brew.Reach.Enabled then
  207.             Brew.Reach:doReach()
  208.         end
  209.     end)
  210.     Brew:Async(function()
  211.         if Brew.Reach.SelectionBox then
  212.             Brew.Reach:doVisual()
  213.         end
  214.     end)
  215.     Brew:Async(function()
  216.         if Brew.Character.Spin then
  217.             Brew.Character:doSpin()
  218.         end
  219.     end)
  220.     Brew:Async(function()
  221.         Brew:Spoof(Player.Character.Humanoid, "WalkSpeed", 16)
  222.         Player.Character:WaitForChild("Humanoid").WalkSpeed = Brew.Character.cWalkspeed
  223.     end)
  224. end)
  226. local Library = loadstring(game:HttpGet(''))()
  227.     local Flags = Library.Flags
  228.     local Window = Library:Window({
  229.         Text = "Brew | v3.04"
  230.     })
  232.     local ModTab = Window:Tab({
  233.         Text = "Mods"
  234.     })
  235.     local CharacterTab = Window:Tab({
  236.         Text = "Character"
  237.     })
  238.     local AdvancedTab = Window:Tab({
  239.         Text = "Advanced"
  240.     })
  241.     local ReachSection = ModTab:Section({
  242.         Text = "Reach"
  243.     })
  244.     local VisualSection = ModTab:Section({
  245.         Text = "Visuals"
  246.     })
  247.     local CharacterSection = CharacterTab:Section({
  248.         Text = "Character"
  249.     })
  250.     local AdvancedSection = AdvancedTab:Section({
  251.         Text = "Advanced"
  252.     })
  254.     ReachToggle = ReachSection:Toggle({
  255.         Text = "Enabled",
  256.         Tooltip = "Whether reach is enabled or not.",
  257.         Callback = function(v)
  258.             if v == true or v == "true" then
  259.                 Brew:Async(function()
  260.                     Brew.Reach:doReach()
  261.                 end)
  262.                 Brew:Notify('Brew', "Reach Enabled")
  263.             else
  264.                 Brew.Reach:undoReach()
  265.                 Brew:Notify('Brew', "Reach Disabled")
  266.             end
  267.         end
  268.     })
  270.     ReachMethodDropdown = ReachSection:Dropdown({
  271.         Text = "Dropdown",
  272.         List = {"Spoof", "Root"},
  273.         Flag = "Choosen",
  274.         Tooltip = "What type of reach method you use.",
  275.         Callback = function(v)
  276.             Brew.Reach.Method = v
  277.             Brew:Notify("Brew", "Set method to "..v, 2)
  278.         end
  279.     })
  281.     ReachSection:Slider({
  282.         Text = "Reach Magnitude",
  283.         Default = 8,
  284.         Minimum = 0,
  285.         Maximum = 25,
  286.         Flag = "SliderFlag",
  287.         Tooltip = "Legit: 6-8, Blatant: 25",
  288.         Callback = function(v)
  289.             Brew.Reach.Magnitude =, tonumber(v), tonumber(v))
  290.         end
  291.     })
  293.     VisualSection:Toggle({
  294.         Text = "Enabled",
  295.         Tooltip = "Whether visuals is enabled or not.",
  296.         Callback = function(v)
  297.             if v == true or v == "true" then
  298.                 Brew:Async(function()
  299.                     Brew.Reach:doVisual()
  300.                 end)
  301.                 Brew:Notify('Brew', "Visual Enabled")
  302.             else
  303.                 Brew.Reach:undoVisual()
  304.                 Brew:Notify('Brew', "Visual Disabled")
  305.             end
  306.         end
  307.     })
  309.     VisualSection:Dropdown({
  310.         Text = "Dropdown",
  311.         List = {"Box", "Sphere"},
  312.         Flag = "Choosen",
  313.         Tooltip = "What type of shape you use.",
  314.         Callback = function(v)
  315.             Brew.Reach.Method = v
  316.             Brew:Notify("Brew", "Set shape to "..v, 2)
  317.         end
  318.     })
  320.     CharacterSection:Toggle({
  321.         Text = "Spin",
  322.         Tooltip = "Whether spin is enabled or not.",
  323.         Callback = function(v)
  324.             if v == true or v == "true" then
  325.                 Brew.Character.doSpin()
  326.                 Brew:Notify('Brew', "Spin Enabled")
  327.             else
  328.                 Brew.Character.undoSpin()
  329.                 Brew:Notify('Brew', "Spin Disabled")
  330.             end
  331.         end
  332.     })
  334.     CharacterSection:Slider({
  335.         Text = "Speed",
  336.         Default = 16,
  337.         Minimum = 16,
  338.         Maximum = 23,
  339.         Flag = "SliderFlag",
  340.         Tooltip = "Edit your walkspeed.",
  341.         Callback = function(v)
  342.             Brew:Spoof(Player.Character.Humanoid, "WalkSpeed", 16)
  343.             Brew.Character.cWalkspeed = tonumber(v)
  344.             Player.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = tonumber(v)
  345.         end
  346.     })
  348.     AdvancedSection:Toggle({
  349.         Text = "Autoclick",
  350.         Tooltip = "Automatically activates your sword.",
  351.         Callback = function(v)
  352.             if v == true or v == "true" then
  353.                 Brew.Features.Autoclick = true
  354.                 Brew:Notify('Brew', "Autoclick Enabled")
  355.                 while Brew.Features.Autoclick and Brew:getSword().Parent == Player.Character do
  356.                     if Player.Character:FindFirstChild(Brew:getSword().Name) then
  357.                         Brew:getSword():Activate()
  358.                     end
  359.                     wait()
  360.                 end
  361.             else
  362.                 Brew.Features.Autoclick = false
  363.                 Brew:Notify('Brew', "Autoclick Disabled")
  364.             end
  365.         end
  366.     })
  368. --- Prevent Anticheat(s) ---
  369. Brew:disableConnection(game:GetService("ScriptContext").Error)
  371. if not identifyexecutor() == "Fluxus" then
  372.     Brew:Notify("Brew", "You are using an un-supported executor.\nUse Fluxus."..identifyexecutor(), 3)
  373. end
  375. Brew:Notify("Brew", '['..Brew:DetermineOS()..'] Brew has loaded.', 3)
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