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a guest
Sep 4th, 2015
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  1. Wild Dogs joined the room.
  2. Peple77: gg
  3. ProjectLazarus left the room.
  4. iFusionxv: its ok kog
  5. iFusionxv: salt in normals is not the answer
  6. DrClothesHanger left the room.
  7. iFusionxv: you will be fine
  8. Peple77 left the room.
  9. VorpalValedict: cry more
  10. VorpalValedict: faggot
  11. Wild Dogs: LOL
  12. iFusionxv: ...
  13. VorpalValedict: enjoy your shit eloy
  14. VorpalValedict: yea
  15. VorpalValedict: thats right bitch
  16. iFusionxv: im not the one crying
  17. VorpalValedict: no
  18. iFusionxv: lmao
  19. VorpalValedict: seriously
  20. Oceanbourne left the room.
  21. iFusionxv: LOL I LOVE IT
  22. VorpalValedict: i think youre a nigger
  23. VorpalValedict: pce
  24. VorpalValedict left the room.
  25. iFusionxv: ...
  26. iFusionxv: whoooooo!
  27. Wild Dogs: he sounds like
  28. iFusionxv: LOL
  29. Wild Dogs: a friend of mine
  30. Wild Dogs: that has been banned
  31. Wild Dogs: 3 times
  32. iFusionxv: he had some dick up his ass
  33. iFusionxv: u should have
  34. iFusionxv: seen
  35. iFusionxv: our chat
  36. iFusionxv: LOL
  37. iFusionxv: flaming all game
  38. Yang Ah Chee left the room.
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