
List of Drugs I've Had/Done

Mar 7th, 2016
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  1. List of Drugs I've Had/Done
  3. [Stimulants]: (My favorite class of drugs!)
  5. Adderall - My all-time favorite drug! I was given 30mg by a friend, first time I tried it I split it into 4 and took a piece before studying for my Trig math class. I fell in love. It made me feel like an improved version of myself. It kicked in within 20 minutes, and a source of clean energy flowed within my body. I was motivated, happy and the math I was studying started making more sense. Later on I started buying from friends of friends and used the drug socially. It cleared up my mind and I knew exactly what to say when talking to people! It works as an antidepressant for me and also an anxiolytic drug. I love the euphoria it gives me. It works as an anxiolytic because I only have anxiety from not knowing what to say, but with Adderall, words come so easily! It makes the mundane a lot more enjoyable and makes work become a breeze. I've tried to get it prescribed but doctors were reluctant and only wanted to give me anti-anxiety meds because they assumed my ADD problems stemmed from anxiety. All I can say about that is, stay away from SSRIs! If I do get a prescription in the future I would wanna look more closely into diet, nutrition, and general health since these drugs can wear you down! I'd try to limit my use as much as I can to avoid tolerance and withdrawals. Only the weak wouldn't have enough willpower to prevent them from getting addicted to a drug!
  7. Vyvanse - Bought from a friend of friend, very nice! A lot like Adderall but more clean and with less side effects. I tried splitting a 50mg and taking 25mg but it did nothing for me. Just taking the 50mg pill did the trick! Also snorting these do nothing so don't waste it! This is my second favorite drug next to Adderall. I love these a lot because not only are they similar to Adderall, but those blue and white pills look like candy, they're really visually appealing.
  9. Benzedrex - First time I heard about these OTC inhalers was on the internet. It interested me because I saw that it was similar to Adderall and it was very easy to get. I went out to Target to grab one of these just to try. I soaked it in Sierra Mist for 2 days, but only because I didn't want to take it just yet. I only needed to soak it for about an hour according to the web. I drank 1/3 of the contents and it was quite overwhelming. It was very similar to Adderall although it was such a dirty feel. It tingled a lot and give me dry mouth, I think if I ever tried meth this would be like a dumbed down version of it. I enjoyed it but the side effects and the comedown isn't really worth trying again.
  11. Modafinil/Armodafinil - I was looking for drugs similar to Adderall and something that would pick me up for school/work and found these. The internet really hypes up this drug like comparing it to NZT-48 like in the movie Limitless. It's not that great honestly, in my opinion Adderall is closer to NZT-48. But this drug is great for using it everyday since I don't get any side effects from it or any rough comedowns besides a small small headache if I use to much of it. What I like about it is that it is very long lasting too. The energy you get from Modafinil really lifts your motivation and mood. I got these things on a website that shipped straight from India. It was shady but I got the real deal.
  13. [Downers]: (2nd to least favorite but some are still enjoyable)
  15. Alcohol - Love this! I actually had quite the problem with alcohol for about half a year. I've cut down though so I drink once in a while now. It removes my inhibitions, makes me social, and makes things I usually do for fun, a lot more fun!
  17. Marijuana - My first drug ever, even before alcohol. Tried eating a whole gram when I was 16 and I was so high, I had a panic attack and couldn't even move from the floor. 2nd time I tried it I had really good times with friends. I smoked here and there and so on. Maybe like once every month. I can't smoke anymore because it makes my depersonalization worse, and overall just makes me tired, lethargic, and unmotivated. On a side note, fuck annoying stoners :^)
  19. Valium & Morphine - Hospital for dislocated shoulder, made me go to la la land. Would I ever try it again? Unlikely but maybe since it's hard to find.
  21. Ativan - A lot like xanax, I only took this once and I blacked out from it. It was kinda like alcohol but it had a really clean feeling.
  23. Oxycodone - Gives me a warm feeling in my body and also closed eye visuals if I take enough of it. I can't stay up with this drug since it makes me really drowsy.
  25. Xanax - It's ok, it's really hyped up by people but maybe it's just me. It does help with anxiety but also makes me really sleepy.
  27. Nicotine - Very very subtle, removes anxiety and makes me comfortable. I can't see how people can get addicted to this, it's such a shitty drug. Coming from my experience and perspective it's just comical to be addicted to smoking.
  29. Diphenhydramine - Gay balls
  31. Codeine - Gave me a huge stomach ache and I felt terrible all day. Over hyped garbage, makes me think people just wanna do drugs just to do drugs. Doesn't matter if it makes them feel bad, they just wanna be in a different state of mind.
  33. [Smart Drugs]: (These are mild. I wouldn't really count these since they are very mild and can easily be ordered online without a prescription. Other drugs you can get high off of if you take a high dose. These only give you a headache if you take a lot so there's a certain threshold for effectiveness.)
  35. Aniracetam - Slightly removes anxiety, let's me focus better on work but it's not really good as a social drug. It's makes me think in my head a lot. Doesn't do anything if I take it the day after I use it.
  37. Piracetam - Allows me to focus and clears my mind up a little bit. But like Aniracetam if I use it the day after, it doesn't do anything.
  39. Noopept - Gives me brain fog, works for some people but not for me.
  41. Vinpocetine - Does jack shit!
  43. Phenibut - Very very subtle, kinda like alcohol and xanax but very very mild.
  45. [Psychedelics/dissociatives]: (Least favorite but quite the experience)
  47. DXM - Would never do again! Tried it first by taking a small amount, 180mg. Didn't really do anything. Took 440mg and I was on a trip! It was kinda fun but also kinda scary and freaky. The whole experience was a bit frightening and bizarre. I experience the infamous robo-walk. My limbs were really stiff and I felt like my soul was in front of my body. I had tons of closed eye visuals and I would see floating figures when I spaced out. The trip was kinda uncomfortable and it gave me dry mouth. I couldn't stop drinking water but it was probably because I was freaking out too much. My speech was slurred and I was stuttering a lot. I couldn't pronounce the L sound. When I tried I would choke up or stutter and if this is what brain damage was like, I experienced it. I was so happy to be back to my normal self once the trip was over. I thought I was a goner but luckily my speech was back to normal. I literally thought I was gonna die because I was so impaired. Stay away!
  49. Shrooms - Made me nauseous at first and then patterns started slowing forming in my vision. The trip was really comical actually. Made me think life was just a big meme. A lot of people have epiphanies and realizations from psychedelics but I never had one. Stupid drug. It was overwhelming and I didn't want to go outside. People have said listening to music was cool but it was so chaotic I just wanted to sit in silence. It's a retarded drug but I wouldn't mind tripping again.
  51. [Drugs I maybe would like to try]: (I feel like I've already done enough)
  53. DMT - Curious about it
  54. Coke - Maybe
  55. LSD - Maybe
  56. Meth - Eh
  58. [Drugs to stay away from]:
  60. Crack
  61. DXM
  62. PCP
  63. Ketamine
  64. Ecstasy/MDMA
  65. SSRIs
  66. Heroin - Hell no! I'm staying away from shit like this and other hard drugs
  67. Inhalants - You're stupid if you do these
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