

Jan 4th, 2014
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  1. GiaSloan has joined the chat
  2. GiaSloan: (Shall I post an entrance?)
  3. MojoRydr: [Sure.]
  4. GiaSloan: (Ok thank you)
  5. MojoRydr: [You look like Jessica Rabbit, Only diffrent colors.]
  6. GiaSloan: -The yellow cab rolls down the street taking into account it's not the best of neighborhoods and slowly roles up to the curb looking back at Gia, a buxom blonde in her early 30's but with the appearance of one in her mid twenties. She sat feeling sliggtly nervous looking out the window in the night then back at the cabby with her greenish blue hues.- "Pardon, but my club is at least 5 blocks up the road?" -The cabby shok his head at her- (Cabby): "Im sorry sweetheart, I don't go further than this, just not safe. If you like I can take you back up town" -Gia arched a thin tawny brow and sighed pulling a $50.00 bill from her 24K gold cuff where she stashed a few large bills and some powder.- She handed it to the driver then exited the cab stepping out in her lavender satin cocktail dress, white sheer stockings and sheer gloves. Her features were cherub like and were perfectly framed by her golden tresses that fell to the small of her back. She stood at a petite 5'5" curvy but toned. She shut the door as the cabby nodded and pulled away looking around her taking in her surroundings then noticing a man standing oustide his vehicle-
  7. GiaSloan: (Umm thank you? lol)
  8. GiaSloan: -She continues looking around finding it paculiar that this man was just waiting there and walks up to him cautiously stopping 5 feet away- Excuse me?
  9. MojoRydr: [Posting.]
  10. GiaSloan: (tyt)
  11. MojoRydr: Johnny was done with his beer as the burb came out of his guts low as it could be mixed with a growl of his own breathing, throwing the bottle away to the other side of the road to watch land directly into the trash can. “Oh ya, Three Points for the Mother fuckers teams.” The chuckle came a bit low as he tucked his hand into his jacket pockets; He was wearing the jacket on his bare flesh for the six packs to be noticed easily and clear. Even it was night time he kept the glasses upon the face hiding his brown eyes for a reason, was it a big deal or not? But he had to hide them. He was watching the late clouds surfing the sky with nothing but sloth to be its theme. “Man some shit better takes place or I will just shooting people for fun.” He shifted his mind under his jacket to feel his 1911 colts clinging more to his chest –Guns specifications will be stated if needed.- As he does his fingertips traced upon the classical Italian switch blade with nothing but eager to use it, merely as a lustful Romeo will do to his passionate Juliet; if one to see such fingers craving that blade he would simply wonder what such fingers can do to a body aiming to please, or destroy it……. Utter . He lowered his head peaking it with ease to dart his eyes upon the cap who parked at the start of the street, Lucky guy knew his limits….But she seemed not to be of knowledge; As he saw her getting out of the car he could not ignore the feeling that was so classy to be in such place, yet she is which meant she is nothing ‘Fucking around spoiled blonde.’ Or another Hooker. His eyes were beaming to hers the looks of skilled expert in the hard life style, thankful behind his shades or she would have to deal with the predator eyes of his. When she spoke he kept his cold face that was fit to the poker tables where the mental titans will play their master pieces just for the respect. “You are excused, You can leave…..the way you came.” Uttered the words with nothing but cruelness and total assholry of his side, as his voice came steady and claim, scared by dead habit of smoking and sarcastic tone that consumed his words as a fade ghost would do to a virgin body it would hunt.
  12. MojoRydr: [I added a spot front of me for you stand, Just incase you feel like getting in the mode of RP....A little bit more.]
  13. GiaSloan: (posting)
  14. GiaSloan: -She flinched back as he tossed his beer and cleared her throat as he muttered something to the effect of "Go back the way you came". His voice was raspy and he seemed slightly intoxicated if anything. She truly didn't want to approach this man but then again the view from there down the road seemed bleak. It waslittered with hobos and transients and she left her iphone 4s at her apartment before she left for the club. She was pretty much stranded and this man could either be her salvation or her terminator. She continued to keep her distance of 5 feet and looked him over from shoes to torso studying his posture and body language. He seemed heavily guarded and slightly intoxicated. She spoke out in a soft voice with a slight Italian accent- "Buone sera, umm you wouldn't happen to know wher ethe nearest pay phone or police station would be from here?"
  15. MojoRydr: [Void....the Bottle was thrown before she come.. Repost, and if you may read carefully.]
  16. GiaSloan: (Void the sentence Im not rewriting it)
  17. GiaSloan: (And if we are going to be knit picky about T1 rules then your whole post was void with all the grammatical errors hun. This is a simple fun RP)
  18. MojoRydr: [By the agreement of the Poster the following part is voided. 'She flinched back as he tossed his beer and cleared her throat as he muttered something to the effect of "Go back the way you came" ']
  19. GiaSloan: (fair enough)
  20. MojoRydr: [State them if you can, My mistakes I mean. Posting.]
  21. GiaSloan: (Ok)
  22. MojoRydr: “The way came from, three blocks. There a gas station and usually patrol car. I am sure the cop would be…” His eyes scanned her up and down with slight of a smirk. “…More than happy to help.” He was not in the mode to start a chat with another, even a lady themed woman as much as her. The way she spoke did utter kill the guess she was a hooker, yet did not deny the other fact; it just confirmed the fact that she was spoiled blonde.
  23. GiaSloan: (*Johnny was done with his beer as the burb came out of his guts low as it could be mixed with a growl of his own breathing,: You mean "burp" not "burb") (throwing the bottle away to the other side of the road to watch land directly into the trash can.: to watch *it land....) (“Oh ya, Three Points for the Mother fuckers teams.” : *three doesn't need to be capitalized nor does mother fuckers teams even though I'm not sure what that means. "three points" would have been correct English.) I can go on past that but after 3 grammitcal errors in standard T1 rules your whole post is void...thus let's be a tad forgiving in this RP ok?)
  24. MojoRydr: [[[THe three points capitlazed for the tone he said it with...but agreed. Noted and thank you. ~winks.~ I Just learned something from your tag line.]
  25. GiaSloan: (-Grins- I promise I'm not being a bitch. I enjoy Roleplay with those that aren't lazy to write and you are definitely not lazy. I'm also taking into account tat English is not your first language and yet you still RP in English which is impressive and admirable ;))
  26. GiaSloan: that*
  27. GiaSloan: (posting)
  28. MojoRydr: [Tea-Why-Tea]
  29. GiaSloan: -She tilted her head watching him clearly look her over sensing a bit of lust in his smirk causing her to back up slightly another foot. She could feel her cheeks flush red and immediately crossed her arms over her chest which deepened her cleavage as she tried to conceal that part of her body but failing given generous size of her bust. She looked up the road in the direction he described then quickly back at him.- "I appreciate your assistance, I didn't expect the cab driver to just drop me off and ditch me in the middle of nowhere. If you don't mind me asking what part of town is this?"
  30. MojoRydr: [Try not to laugh reading the last part.] He could not gain more ego about his looks, his true pride was about his unpleasant appearance; true creep and proud of himself, could it get worse? He was watching her as she stepped away from where he stationed made him know about her true feelings towards him, and like a cat cornering a small mouse he simply pushed himself of the car to stand straight front of her towering with 0.6 of feet difference should be found between them. Extending his chest as his arms crossed front of his chest causing it bulk "You are in my part of city." If that was a gun shoot not words, it was aimed to be strict and nothing but a cause of a perfect death, Would he gain a photo as ‘The Grim Reaper.Inc’ employ of the month for that shot?
  31. GiaSloan: -As he stood towering over her she could feel her eyes begin to well slightly and a lump form in her throat. She just kept thinking "Why the FUCK did I leave my phone at home?" She knew if she moved back he would sense her fear and it would just set him off more. She bit her bottom lip and looked down at her fingers then back up at him with pleading eyes- "I...I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend. I'm obviously a little lost being I'm not from the area. -She began to stutter at her words then looked back up at him as she fiddled with her gold cuff bracelet nervously- My name is Gia...Gia Sloan, what is your name?
  32. MojoRydr: [Hey, still at my words...State my mistakes, if there is any.]
  33. GiaSloan: (ok)
  34. MojoRydr: Even in hell there is sympathy! If it was not her worry looks and stuttering voice with slight of hesitation could be heard over miles it was the fact he liked how she looks; a true feast for the eye and he was not going to destroy. “You are in the worst place to be, the abounded side of ‘Upper East Side’ just outside of Manhattan.” He raised the lower lip, as he slipped his right hand out of his jacket offering her a handshake “Gat, Johnny Gat. “
  35. GiaSloan: (It's a good post. Only corrections are grammatical. "Even in hell there is sympathy! If it was not her worry expression and stuttering voice with slight hesitation that could be heard over miles; it was also the fact he liked how she looked. She was a true feast for the eyes and he was not going to destroy it. “You are in the worst place to be, the abandoned side of ‘Upper East Side’ just outside of Manhattan.” He raised a lower lip, as he slipped his right hand out of his jacket offering her a handshake “Gat, Johnny Gat. “ *Those are the corrections) (posting)
  36. GiaSloan: (worried expression* sorry)
  37. GiaSloan: -She was surprised at his demeanor but she still remained on guard being cautious as she took his hand in her small palm and shook gently taking in his words. She released her grip from him and let her hands fall at her sides offering a gentle smile before she spoke gain- "It's a pleasure to meet you and thank you for the bit of information. I usually don't find myself in situations like this, beckoning for the help of strangers. -She chuckled slightly then bit her plump bottom lip.- Do you live around here?
  38. MojoRydr: Her soft skin was felt only by his finger tips for the fact all of his hand was wrapped with black strips of cloth, it was to be found under the boxer’s glove to support the wrist while it punches. “I run it in here…What does it mean? I guess you can guess.” Said as he let her hand let her hand go with nothing but grace and shard of petty. “I’m sure most of the time the help is not even needed yet given to a woman…..” Paused a second as he seemed to be in quest for the right words “As divine as you.”
  39. GiaSloan: -She chuckled at the insinuation that most men want to help women or offer assistance as a reflex. She grinned and then blushed at his compliment- "Well men assist when I encounter gentleman...yes, but not all are gentleman. Even those in fine silk suits can be just be piles of shit pretending to be men." -She chuckled at her own joke-
  40. MojoRydr: reach The smirk hovered the lips as a sad spirit of the past; the bitter smile was over his face, it was the only resulted of her joke. It was nothing but a wonder who took made his mind spin, where is the world going to? His hand was to reach inside the car to pick up his phone -Nokia 1110- not saying a thing as he dialed a number from his own memory. he placed a the phone over his ear accepting silence from her as he looked to the street, but just seeing nothing. All of a sudden he his lips parted as the words were said “Mario, send me a cap by my street….You got less than five minutes.” His words were strict order and promising with nothing but deadly oaths. He threw the phone again over the driver’s seat as he looked to her smiling. “I am sorry for you, if you had to suffer such kind of a mankind into your life.”
  41. GiaSloan: -She grinned waving a soft hand as if to dismiss his apology due to it not being needed- "Please...it's ok, it's all part of being a woman. We just need to be a bit wiser and more careful nowadays. By the way...thank you for the cab. I don't think even if I had a phone on me I could convince any cab driver to come out here this time of night, so your gesture is much appreciated. -She leaned in gently grabbing his arm as a way to balance herself as she arched herself on her tip toes to offer a small soft kiss on his right cheek-
  42. MojoRydr: He leaned a side as the face remained cold when he shifted his face away. “Please do not.” Said as he clenched his jaw a side feeling totally awkward, He was the kind of a man who believed in such privacy for such things even the smallest once, as it should be with one that the life is shared with. He noticed as the yellow cab took a turn and parking around the corner “Your ride is waiting for you….Let him know the address and he will take you there, charge free.”
  43. Guest_xxelcute has joined the chat
  44. MojoRydr: {Pause it.}
  45. GiaSloan: -She back up from him slowly feeling as though she offended him and nodded- "I...I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend. Thank you, for your help." -She turned and made her way to the cab bending over slightly before she got in to take a look at the driver and telling him the address to the club. She looked back at Johnny and smiled then waved in thanks opening the door to the cab getting in-
  46. GiaSloan: (mk)
  47. MojoRydr: [XXelCute, What I can do for you ?]
  48. MojoRydr: [Speak or see the peak.]
  49. Guest_xxelcute has left the chat
  50. MojoRydr: "It's alright." He watched her leaving yet he did not turn the wave, but he nodded to her. He can't ask for anything more today, as a change he felt different, new, he felt......Fresh.
  51. MojoRydr: [BRB]
  52. GiaSloan: (tyt) -She accepted te nod at the very least seeing as he could have easily led her down a dark alley way and had his way based off the way things began. She retained her smile then sat back in her seat tapping the cabby on the shoulder to go. The Cab driver didn't look back just took off in the right direction of Specter South.-
  53. MojoRydr: [I guess this is it. It was pleasure meeting you. Feel free to stay, chat if you find any amusement in that.]
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