
Sapphire blade 3

May 12th, 2020
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  1. [18:49] Elred Yindove whispers: Where did Lady Asta go?
  2. [18:49] Regulus orn Grimmore whispers to Elred Yindove: To meditate, I believe.
  3. [18:50] Elred Yindove whispers: Where? I want to know why there is an occultist in our city clmaining she knows about this.
  4. [18:50] Regulus orn Grimmore whispers to Elred Yindove: What is their name?
  5. [18:50] Elred Yindove whispers: Tieru.
  6. [18:50] Regulus orn Grimmore whispers to Elred Yindove: I can confirm she is aware and permitting it.
  7. [18:51] Kalina Octavius whispers: Occultists are welcome here, aren't they?
  8. [18:51] Elred clearly wasn't happy if his facial expression weren't enough he also turn to punch the wall behind him before making his leave
  9. (Elred Yindove)
  10. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  12. [18:51] Regulus orn Grimmore whispers: Permitted so long as they maintain control of themselves. All part of the balance.
  13. [18:52] Regulus orn Grimmore whispers: I'd...not spread that information, however.
  14. [18:52] Elred Yindove whispers: When occultist continue to attack out Grey-Cloaks I have an issue.
  15. [18:53] Elred Yindove whispers: For your information he used the magic in public
  16. [18:54] Elred Yindove whispers: While fighting me in the dojo with enough people to see with their own eyes.
  17. [18:54] Regulus orn Grimmore whispers: Elred, you are free to speak of it with Asta when she comes out of her meditations.
  18. [18:54] Elred Yindove says, "Then I will."
  20. [23:29] Elred Yindove says, "Lady Asta."
  21. [23:30] Asta folds her arms, reclines her back against the wall, and only gives an idle shrug.
  22. (Asta Hargrave)
  23. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  25. [23:30] Asta Hargrave says, "Perhaps. It wouldn't be my place to say if she would. Hello, Elred."
  26. [23:30] Asteli says, "Hello again my dear friend Elred."
  27. [23:30] Elred Yindove whispers: Why are we allowing Occultist to roam here?
  28. [23:30] Asteli seemed quite comfortable to be this close to two of her kin.
  29. (Asteli)
  30. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  32. [23:31] Asteli scoots in to hear.
  33. (Asteli)
  34. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  36. [23:31] Asta Hargrave whispers: For now? Yes.
  37. [23:31] Elred Yindove whispers: Why?
  38. [23:31] Asta Hargrave whispers: It is not our place to make Myllenoris a domain of exclusive Holiness or Darkness.
  39. [23:32] Asta Hargrave whispers: Do you see what I wear?
  40. [23:32] Asta motions down at her robes.
  41. (Asta Hargrave)
  42. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  44. [23:32] Elred Yindove whispers: Yet people that carry that Occult magic killed one of our Grey-Cloaks.
  45. [23:32] Elred Yindove whispers: Occult magic could be linked to witchcraft and you're fine with this?
  46. [23:33] Asta Hargrave whispers: It is not always so. Darkness comes in many flavors. But I ask you again. Do you see what I wear? What do you see?
  47. [23:34] Elred Yindove whispers: You're wearing a crown and a set of robes.
  48. [23:35] Elred Yindove whispers: This doesn't excuse the fact that there is an occultist openly showing others this magic
  49. [23:35] She continued to listen to this conversation, as she observes and watches Asta's reactions to a situation. It might have been luck of chance but, this will give her some good insight. As a Teraphim she is supposed to protect the Vale but, now she is witnessing what the current High Lady's response is to occultism.
  51. Honestly, she wasn't sure if she was pleased or displeased, the topic has always been sketchy among their kind.
  52. (Asteli)
  53. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  55. [23:35] Asta Hargrave whispers: Too general. Too shallow. I am wearing silk woven from the same fabric you wear. Silver. But I am also wearing silk woven of another fabric. A darker material. There is white, and there is black.
  56. [23:35] Asta Hargrave whispers: There is light, and there is dark.
  57. [23:35] Asta Hargrave whispers: If one overtakes the other, that is to become unbalanced.
  58. [23:35] Amalia Hargrave whispers something.
  59. [23:35] Asta Hargrave whispers: It is my duty as High Lord of Myllenoris to uphold Aschea's balance.
  60. [23:35] Saya waves to amy!
  61. (Saya Solstice)
  62. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  64. [23:35] Asta Hargrave whispers: Dark. Light. Black. White. These are things that belong in the world. In Myllenoris.
  65. [23:36] Flotsam whispers something.
  66. [23:36] Amalia waves at Saya.
  67. (Amalia Hargrave)
  68. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  70. [23:36] Asteli blinks a few times as she thinks how interesting this was.
  71. (Asteli)
  72. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  73. [23:36] Elred Yindove whispers: Right, after an occultist killed one of our own I don't trust anything that foul and you might try to keep the balance with whatever that thing is, but the moment it ever steps out of line I'm cutting it's bloody head off.
  74. [23:36] Amalia Hargrave whispers something.
  75. [23:37] Asta Hargrave whispers: The one that killed our Greycloak with occult magics will be slain.
  76. [23:37] Flotsam whispers something.
  77. [23:37] Asta Hargrave whispers: Just as he would be, if he killed our Greycloak with holy magic.
  78. [23:37] Elred Yindove whispers: No, if anyone comes around and are allowed to roam with that magic cause any trouble they die.
  79. [23:38] Elred Yindove whispers: Balance or not I'm not taking any chances I'll leave that to you.
  80. [23:38] Asteli whispers: Hmm, question as I am still new to all this.
  81. [23:38] Asta Hargrave whispers: It is your duty as Valeborn to punish those who go against Aschea's will, and threaten the safety of our people.
  82. [23:38] Elred Yindove whispers: If it comes crashing down I'll let you bare it while I'll kill the problem.
  83. [23:39] Asteli whispers: If you plan to remove an occultist from existance, then why allow the occultist in here? I've only heard of one rumored occultist, not many. Wouldn't it be better to just not allow them in?
  84. [23:39] Asteli spoke in confusion, she was still young but, still trying to understand everything.
  85. (Asteli)
  86. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  88. [23:40] Elred Yindove whispers: And it's my right to do so.
  89. [23:40] Asta Hargrave whispers: It is not against the law to practice occult magic in Myllenoris. It shall not be, for so long as I am High Lord of Myllenoris. This is not Aschea's will.
  90. [23:40] Asta Hargrave whispers: Troublemakers, enemies of Myllenoris, are a different thing.
  91. [23:41] Asta Hargrave whispers: Occultists may be influenced by the magic they wield and become troublemakers.
  92. [23:41] Asta Hargrave whispers: This, I recognize.
  93. [23:41] Asteli whispers: Ah, I see. Thank you for informing me, although I guess that explains why one of our brothers wield occult magic itself?
  94. [23:41] Asta nods at Asteli.
  95. (Asta Hargrave)
  96. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  98. [23:42] Elred Yindove whispers: I don't trust it you can call it personally or not, but I won't rest knowing one is roaming.
  99. [23:43] Elred Yindove whispers: I don't think one will remain clam.
  100. [23:43] Asta Hargrave whispers: What do you intend to do?
  101. [23:43] Elred Yindove whispers: Though I'll handle it as I see fit if the time ever comes.
  102. [23:44] Elred Yindove whispers: I won't kill it -yet- because nothing has been done as much as I don't like it. I suggest you make your people aware of this.
  103. [23:44] Elred Yindove whispers: They continue to question why an occultist is allowed to roam.
  104. [23:44] Asta Hargrave whispers: My people?
  105. [23:45] Elred Yindove whispers: This is what happens when you use occult magic in public.
  106. [23:45] Elred Yindove whispers: Are you not their High Lady?
  107. [23:45] Asta Hargrave whispers: No, Elred. OUR people.
  108. [23:45] Asteli seemed confused at Elred's words a bit.
  109. (Asteli)
  110. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  112. [23:46] Asta Hargrave whispers: What I meant by my words was to question your own choice of words. They are not 'my' people, they are 'our' people.
  113. [23:46] Elred Yindove whispers: When people asked why an Occultist is within the walls; I can't answer, why? I wasn't aware till now.
  114. [23:46] Asta waves her hand dismissively and drapes one leg over the other casually. She didn't seem concerned about this at all.
  115. (Asta Hargrave)
  116. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  118. [23:46] Elred Yindove whispers: You keep me informed and I won't have these issues nor will I be shocked to see it.
  119. [23:47] Asta Hargrave whispers: I thought you'd have been able to interpret the current dogma of Aschea's Faith and from it extrapolate the fact that occultists are not barred.
  120. [23:47] Elred Yindove whispers: First one to openly use the magic within the city that isn't killing our people.
  121. [23:49] Asteli whispers: Elred, why do you seem so upset my dear friend? It's not like the High Lady wants them here just as much as you don't.
  123. [23:49] Elred Yindove whispers: I'm personally not a fan of the magic now.
  124. [23:49] Asta Hargrave whispers: Neither am I. Most Teraphim do not like it.
  125. [23:50] Asta Hargrave whispers: But it must be allowed to exist. Allowed, not encouraged.
  126. [23:50] Elred Yindove whispers: Yet a Teraphim has the magic.
  127. [23:50] Asta Hargrave whispers: Yes. He's taken it upon himself to uphold a different spectrum that is needed for balance.
  128. [23:50] Asta Hargrave whispers: I applaud his personal sacrifice, but I do not encourage the practice.
  129. [23:51] Asteli whispers: It puzzles me as to why he wishes that path but, I don't think most would follow suit.
  130. [23:51] Elred Yindove whispers: I don't see that person being allowed to become a Mistseer, are you still considering it?
  131. [23:52] Asta Hargrave whispers: I was going to not decide on anything until I got opinions from you and Aerilon.
  132. [23:52] Asta Hargrave whispers: I have Finley's opinion on the matter.
  133. [23:53] Elred Yindove whispers: Well, you have mine opinion I'm not a fan.
  134. [23:54] Elred Yindove whispers: It can be allowed to roam within the city, but people have terrible experiences with it, so having that magic be a face among our people wouldn't be wise.
  135. [23:54] Elred Yindove whispers: Then we'll be assumed to have witches even though it's agaisnt what we beleive in.
  136. [23:54] Asteli whispers: Well, I'll take my leave. I only came here to witness how the High Lady of our Vale is like. After hearing so many rumors, I got interested. An honor to see how strong your faith in our goddess is High Lady, take care my dear family of kin.
  137. [23:54] Asta pauses to read the letter she was handed, but nods at Elred.
  138. (Asta Hargrave)
  139. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  141. [23:55] Asta Hargrave whispers: Of course, Asteli. Thank you for your kind words.
  142. [23:55] Asteli whispers: Thank you for protecting the Vale, and to you as well Elred. Take care.
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