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a guest
Apr 8th, 2016
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  1. 19:20:36 [main] INFO StdSchedulerFactory - Using default implementation for ThreadExecutor
  2. 19:20:36 [main] INFO SimpleThreadPool - Job execution threads will use class loader of thread: main
  3. 19:20:36 [main] INFO SchedulerSignalerImpl - Initialized Scheduler Signaller of type: class org.quartz.core.SchedulerSignalerImpl
  4. 19:20:36 [main] INFO QuartzScheduler - Quartz Scheduler v.2.2.2 created.
  5. 19:20:36 [main] INFO RAMJobStore - RAMJobStore initialized.
  6. 19:20:36 [main] INFO QuartzScheduler - Scheduler meta-data: Quartz Scheduler (v2.2.2) 'DefaultQuartzScheduler' with instanceId 'NON_CLUSTERED'
  7. Scheduler class: 'org.quartz.core.QuartzScheduler' - running locally.
  9. Currently in standby mode.
  10. Number of jobs executed: 0
  11. Using thread pool 'org.quartz.simpl.SimpleThreadPool' - with 10 threads.
  12. Using job-store 'org.quartz.simpl.RAMJobStore' - which does not support persistence. and is not clustered.
  14. 19:20:36 [main] INFO StdSchedulerFactory - Quartz scheduler 'DefaultQuartzScheduler' initialized from default resource file in Quartz package: ''
  15. 19:20:36 [main] INFO StdSchedulerFactory - Quartz scheduler version: 2.2.2
  16. 19:20:36 [main] INFO GameServer - =================================================
  17. 19:20:36 [main] INFO GameServer - Revision: ................ 2589
  18. 19:20:36 [main] INFO GameServer - Build date: .............. -1
  19. 19:20:36 [main] INFO GameServer - Compiler version: ........ 1.8.0_66
  20. 19:20:36 [main] INFO GameServer - =================================================
  21. 19:20:36 [main] INFO GameServer - ================== Configuration ================
  22. 19:20:36 [main] INFO AiConfigParser - ai.json
  23. 19:20:36 [main] INFO AllSettingConfigParser - altsettings.json
  24. 19:20:36 [main] INFO EventsConfigParser - events.json
  25. 19:20:36 [main] INFO ExtConfigParser - ext.json
  26. 19:20:36 [main] INFO FormulasConfigParser - formulas.json
  27. 19:20:36 [main] INFO GeodataConfigParser - geodata.json
  28. 19:20:36 [main] INFO L2TopConfigParser - l2top.json
  29. 19:20:36 [main] INFO OlympiadConfigParser - olympiad.json
  30. 19:20:36 [main] INFO OtherConfigParser - other.json
  31. 19:20:36 [main] INFO PtsDataConfigParser - pts_data.json
  32. 19:20:36 [main] INFO PvpConfigParser - pvp.json
  33. 19:20:36 [main] INFO ResidenceConfigParser - residence.json
  34. 19:20:37 [main] INFO ServerConfigParser - server.json
  35. 19:20:37 [main] INFO ServicesConfigParser - services.json
  36. 19:20:37 [main] INFO SpoilConfigParser - spoil.json
  37. 19:20:37 [main] INFO TelnetConfigParser - telnet.json
  38. 19:20:37 [main] INFO JtsProtectionConfigParser - jtsProtection.json
  39. 19:20:37 [main] INFO CBasicConfigParser - communityBasic.json
  40. 19:20:37 [main] INFO CTeleportConfigParser - communityTeleport.json
  41. 19:20:37 [main] INFO CBufferConfigParser - communityBuffer.json
  42. 19:20:37 [main] INFO CClassMasterConfigParser - communityClassMaster.json
  43. 19:20:37 [main] INFO CRatingConfigParser - communityRating.json
  44. 19:20:37 [main] INFO CServiceParser - communityService.json
  45. 19:20:37 [main] INFO AcpConfigParser - acp.json
  46. 19:20:37 [main] INFO AbuseWorldsConfigParser - abusewords.txt loaded 18 abuse words.
  47. 19:20:37 [main] INFO GmAccessConfigParser - GMAccess.xml
  48. 19:20:37 [main] INFO GmAccessConfigParser - moderator.xml
  49. 19:20:37 [main] INFO GmAccessConfigParser - event_manager.xml
  50. 19:20:37 [main] INFO GmAccessConfigParser - full.xml
  51. 19:20:37 [main] INFO GmAccessConfigParser - marshal.xml
  52. 19:20:37 [main] INFO GmAccessConfigParser - sheriff.xml
  53. 19:20:37 [main] INFO GameServer - =============== end Configuration ===============
  54. 19:20:37 [main] INFO ServerOpcodeManager - ServerOpcodeManager: load ServerPackets=215, and Extended(FE)=230
  55. 19:20:37 [main] INFO HikariDataSource - HikariPool-0 - is starting.
  56. 19:20:38 [main] INFO DatabaseFactory - Database connection working.
  57. 19:20:38 [main] INFO DatabaseInstaller - Installing tables in database.
  58. 19:20:38 [main] INFO VersionPrinter - Flyway 3.2.1 by Boxfuse
  59. 19:20:38 [main] INFO DbSupportFactory - Database: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/game_jts?characterEncoding=utf-8 (MySQL 5.5)
  60. 19:20:38 [main] INFO DbValidate - Validated 11 migrations (execution time 00:00.096s)
  61. 19:20:38 [main] INFO DbMigrate - Current version of schema `game_jts`: 1.10
  62. 19:20:38 [main] INFO DbMigrate - Schema `game_jts` is up to date. No migration necessary.
  63. 19:20:38 [main] INFO IdFactory - IdFactory: Clear characters online status.
  64. 19:20:38 [main] INFO IdFactory - IdFactory: Extracted total 0 used id's.
  65. 19:20:38 [main] INFO BitSetIdFactory - IdFactory: 102912 id's available.
  66. 19:20:38 [main] INFO PTSDataLoader - /======== Loading PTS scripts data ========/
  67. 19:20:39 [main] WARN SkillPchLinker - Input length = 1
  68. java.nio.charset.MalformedInputException: Input length = 1
  69. at java.nio.charset.CoderResult.throwException(
  70. at sun.nio.cs.StreamDecoder.implRead(
  71. at
  72. at
  73. at
  74. at
  75. at
  76. at
  77. at
  78. at<init>(
  79. at<clinit>(
  80. at org.jts.dataparser.PTSDataLoader.load(
  81. at org.mmocore.gameserver.GameServer.<init>(
  82. at org.mmocore.gameserver.GameServer.main(
  83. 19:20:40 [main] INFO RecipeHolder - RecipeHolder: loaded 999 recipe(s) count.
  84. 19:20:40 [main] INFO AirshipHolder - AirshipHolder: loaded 35 airship(s) count.
  85. 19:20:40 [main] INFO AnnounceSphereHolder - AnnounceSphereHolder: loaded 12 announce sphere(s) count.
  86. 19:20:41 [main] WARN AbstractDataParser - @s_area_haste2
  87. java.lang.NoSuchFieldException: @s_area_haste2
  88. at
  89. at
  90. at
  91. at
  92. at
  93. at
  94. at org.jts.dataparser.PTSDataLoader.load(
  95. at org.mmocore.gameserver.GameServer.<init>(
  96. at org.mmocore.gameserver.GameServer.main(
  97. 19:20:41 [main] INFO AreaDataHolder - AreaDataHolder: loaded 646 area data(s) count.
  98. 19:20:41 [main] INFO ArmorEnchantBonusDataHolder - ArmorEnchantBonusDataHolder: loaded 80 armor enchant bonus data(s) count.
  99. 19:20:41 [main] INFO AuctionDataHolder - AuctionDataHolder: loaded 3 auction data(s) count.
  100. 19:20:41 [main] INFO BuilderCmdAliasHolder - BuilderCmdAliasHolder: loaded 324 builder cmd alias(s) count.
  101. 19:20:42 [main] INFO CastleDataHolder - CastleDataHolder: loaded 180 castle data(s) count.
  102. 19:20:42 [main] INFO CategoryDataHolder - CategoryDataHolder: loaded 124 category data(s) count.
  103. 19:20:42 [main] INFO ConvertDataHolder - ConvertDataHolder: loaded 804 convert data(s) count.
  104. 19:20:42 [main] INFO CubicDataHolder - CubicDataHolder: loaded 250 cubic data(s) count.
  105. 19:20:42 [main] INFO CursedWeaponDataHolder - CursedWeaponDataHolder: loaded 2 cursed weapon data(s) count.
  106. 19:20:43 [main] INFO DoorDataHolder - DoorDataHolder: loaded 1503 door data(s) count.
  107. 19:20:43 [main] INFO DyeDataHolder - DyeDataHolder: loaded 180 dye data(s) count.
  108. 19:20:43 [main] INFO EnchantOptionHolder - EnchantOptionHolder: loaded 11 enchant option(s) count.
  109. 19:20:43 [main] INFO ExpDataHolder - ExpDataHolder: loaded 100 exp data(s) count.
  110. 19:20:43 [main] INFO FieldCycleHolder - FieldCycleHolder: loaded 6 field cycle(s) count.
  111. 19:20:44 [main] INFO FishingDataHolder - FishingDataHolder: loaded 369 fishing data(s) count.
  112. 19:20:44 [main] INFO FStringHolder - FStringHolder: loaded 5709 f string(s) count.
  113. 19:20:44 [main] INFO InstantZoneDataHolder - InstantZoneDataHolder: loaded 159 instant zone data(s) count.
  114. 19:20:59 [main] INFO ItemDataHolder - ItemDataHolder: loaded 18318 item data(s) count.
  115. 19:20:59 [main] INFO VariationDataHolder - VariationDataHolder: loaded 1178 variation data(s) count.
  116. 19:21:00 [main] INFO TransformHolder - TransformHolder: loaded 109 transform(s) count.
  117. 19:21:01 [main] INFO PetDataHolder - PetDataHolder: loaded 49 pet data(s) count.
  118. 19:21:02 [main] INFO SettingHolder - SettingHolder: loaded 11 setting(s) count.
  119. 19:21:03 [main] INFO PCParameterHolder - PCParameterHolder: loaded 103 p c parameter(s) count.
  120. 19:21:03 [main] INFO UserBasicActionHolder - UserBasicActionHolder: loaded 187 user basic action(s) count.
  121. 19:21:03 [main] INFO PTSDataLoader - /======== End loading PTS scripts data ========/
  122. 19:21:03 [main] INFO EnchantScrollManager - EnchantScrollManager: Loaded 75 scrolls data...
  123. 19:21:03 [main] INFO AttributeStoneManager - AttributeStoneManager: Loaded 30 stone data...
  124. 19:21:03 [main] INFO LifeStoneManager - LifeStoneManager: Loaded 87 stone data...
  125. 19:21:03 [main] INFO Scripts - Scripts: Loading...
  126. 19:21:11 [main] INFO Scripts - Scripts: Loaded 1309 classes.
  127. 19:21:11 [main] INFO Strings - Loaded 418 translit entries.
  128. 19:21:11 [main] INFO GameTimeManager - Initialized. Current time is 11:45 PM.
  129. 19:21:11 [main] INFO World - L2World: Creating regions: [256][272][32].
  130. 19:21:11 [main] INFO IpConfigHolder - IpConfigHolder: loaded 1 ip config(s) count.
  131. 19:21:11 [main] INFO StringHolder - StringHolder: load strings: 591 for lang: RUSSIAN
  132. 19:21:11 [main] INFO StringHolder - StringHolder: load strings: 582 for lang: ENGLISH
  133. 19:21:11 [main] INFO ColorHolder - ColorHolder: load color line(s): 117 for service: title_color
  134. 19:21:11 [main] INFO ColorHolder - ColorHolder: load color line(s): 118 for service: name_color
  135. 19:21:12 [main] INFO CLeaseTransformHolder - CLeaseTransformHolder: loaded 34 c lease transform(s) count.
  136. 19:21:12 [main] INFO CBuyClanSkillHolder - CBuyClanSkillHolder: loaded 44 c buy clan skill(s) count.
  137. 19:21:13 [main] INFO ItemNameLineHolder - ItemNameLineHolder: load itemname line(s): 19098 for lang: RUSSIAN
  138. 19:21:13 [main] INFO ItemNameLineHolder - ItemNameLineHolder: load itemname line(s): 19190 for lang: ENGLISH
  139. 19:21:13 [main] INFO NpcNameLineHolder - NpcNameLineHolder: load npcname line(s): 10456 for lang: RUSSIAN
  140. 19:21:13 [main] INFO NpcNameLineHolder - NpcNameLineHolder: load npcname line(s): 10460 for lang: ENGLISH
  141. 19:21:13 [main] INFO NpcNameLineHolder - NpcNameLineHolder: load 3594 blacklist names
  142. 19:21:13 [main] INFO TransformDataLineHolder - TransformDataLineHolder: load transformdata line(s): 111 for sex: FEMALE
  143. 19:21:13 [main] INFO TransformDataLineHolder - TransformDataLineHolder: load transformdata line(s): 111 for sex: MALE
  144. 19:21:13 [main] INFO ArmorgrpLineHolder - ArmorgrpLineHolder: loaded 3649 armorgrp line(s) count.
  145. 19:21:13 [main] INFO WeapongrpLineHolder - WeapongrpLineHolder: loaded 4051 weapongrp line(s) count.
  146. 19:21:13 [main] INFO EtcitemgrpLineHolder - EtcitemgrpLineHolder: loaded 11446 etcitemgrp line(s) count.
  147. 19:21:13 [main] INFO QuestDataHolder - QuestDataHolder: loaded 530 quest data(s) count.
  148. 19:21:21 [main] INFO SkillsEngine - SkillsEngine: Loaded 65976 skill templates from XML files. Max id: 90001, max level: 259
  149. 19:21:23 [main] INFO OptionDataHolder - OptionDataHolder: loaded 24985 option data(s) count.
  150. 19:21:27 [main] INFO ItemTemplateHolder - ItemTemplateHolder: loaded 19112 item template(s) count.
  151. 19:21:27 [main] INFO SuperPointHolder - SuperPointHolder: loaded 357 super point(s) count.
  152. 19:21:33 [main] INFO NpcHolder - NpcHolder: loaded 10456 npc(s) count.
  153. 19:21:33 [main] INFO NpcHolder - NpcHolder: loaded 10457 npc(s) count.
  154. 19:21:33 [main] INFO CustomNpcParser - CustomNpcParser: loaded 1 custom npc template(s) count.
  155. 19:21:33 [main] INFO CustomBuyListHolder - CustomBuyListHolder: loaded 199 custom buy list(s) count.
  156. 19:21:33 [main] INFO MapRegionManager - MapRegionManager: loaded 272 map region manager(s) count.
  157. 19:21:33 [main] INFO MapRegionManager - MapRegionManager: loaded 272 map region manager(s) count.
  158. 19:21:33 [main] INFO StaticObjectHolder - StaticObjectHolder: loaded 50 static object(s) count.
  159. 19:21:34 [main] INFO DoorHolder - DoorHolder: loaded 1163 door(s) count.
  160. 19:21:34 [main] INFO ZoneHolder - ZoneHolder: loaded 2417 zone(s) count.
  161. 19:21:36 [main] INFO SpawnHolder - SpawnHolder: loaded 35793 spawn(s) count.
  162. 19:21:36 [main] INFO InstantZoneHolder - InstantZoneHolder: loaded 142 instant zone(s) count.
  163. 19:21:37 [main] INFO AirshipDockHolder - AirshipDockHolder: loaded 4 airship dock(s) count.
  164. 19:21:37 [main] INFO SkillAcquireHolder - SkillAcquireHolder: load 56995 normal learns for 103 classes.
  165. 19:21:37 [main] INFO SkillAcquireHolder - SkillAcquireHolder: load 76 transfer learns for 3 classes.
  166. 19:21:37 [main] INFO SkillAcquireHolder - SkillAcquireHolder: load 120 transformation learns for 6 races.
  167. 19:21:37 [main] INFO SkillAcquireHolder - SkillAcquireHolder: load 117 fishing learns.
  168. 19:21:37 [main] INFO SkillAcquireHolder - SkillAcquireHolder: load 109 fishing non dwarf learns.
  169. 19:21:37 [main] INFO SkillAcquireHolder - SkillAcquireHolder: load 76 certification learns.
  170. 19:21:37 [main] INFO SkillAcquireHolder - SkillAcquireHolder: load 3 collection learns.
  171. 19:21:37 [main] INFO SkillAcquireHolder - SkillAcquireHolder: load 44 pledge learns.
  172. 19:21:37 [main] INFO SkillAcquireHolder - SkillAcquireHolder: load 18 sub unit learns.
  173. 19:21:38 [main] INFO ResidenceHolder - ResidenceHolder: total size: 83
  174. 19:21:38 [main] INFO ResidenceHolder - ResidenceHolder: - load 9 dominion(s).
  175. 19:21:38 [main] INFO ResidenceHolder - ResidenceHolder: - load 44 clanhall(s).
  176. 19:21:38 [main] INFO ResidenceHolder - ResidenceHolder: - load 9 castle(s).
  177. 19:21:38 [main] INFO ResidenceHolder - ResidenceHolder: - load 21 fortress(s).
  178. 19:21:38 [main] INFO RaidBossSpawnManager - RaidBossSpawnManager: Loaded 0 Statuses
  179. 19:21:39 [main] INFO EventHolder - EventHolder: loaded 140 event(s) count.
  180. 19:21:40 [main] INFO MultiSellHolder - MultiSellHolder: loaded 247 multi sell(s) count.
  181. 19:21:40 [main] INFO MultiSellHolder - MultiSellHolder: loaded 252 multi sell(s) count.
  182. 19:21:40 [main] INFO CustomMultiSellParser - CustomMultiSellParser: loaded 5 custom multi sell(s) count.
  183. 19:21:40 [main] INFO SoulCrystalHolder - SoulCrystalHolder: loaded 54 soul crystal(s) count.
  184. 19:21:40 [main] INFO ArmorSetsHolder - ArmorSetsHolder: loaded 204 armor sets(s) count.
  185. 19:21:40 [main] INFO FishDataHolder - FishDataHolder: load 278 fish(es).
  186. 19:21:40 [main] INFO FishDataHolder - FishDataHolder: load 30 lure(s).
  187. 19:21:40 [main] INFO FishDataHolder - FishDataHolder: load 4 distribution(s).
  188. 19:21:40 [main] INFO ProductItemHolder - ProductItemHolder: load 50 product(Premium Shop) items.
  189. 19:21:40 [main] INFO RecommendationHolder - RecommendationHolder: loaded 85 recommendation(s) count.
  190. 19:21:40 [main] INFO PetitionGroupHolder - PetitionGroupHolder: loaded 1 petition group(s) count.
  191. 19:21:40 [main] INFO AnnouncementsHolder - AnnouncementsHolder: loaded 0 announcements(s) count.
  192. 19:21:40 [main] INFO CTeleportHolder - CTeleportHolder: loaded 296 c teleport(s) count.
  193. 19:21:40 [main] INFO CBufferHolder - CBufferHolder: loaded 2 c buffer(s) count.
  194. апр 08, 2016 7:21:40 PM org.infinispan.factories.GlobalComponentRegistry start
  195. INFO: ISPN000128: Infinispan version: Infinispan 'Guinness' 7.0.3.Final
  196. 19:21:44 [main] INFO HtmCache - HtmCache: lazy cache mode.
  197. 19:21:44 [main] INFO CrestCache - CrestCache: Loaded 0 crests
  198. 19:21:44 [main] INFO SkillTreeTable - SkillTreeTable: Loaded 526 enchanted skills.
  199. 19:21:44 [main] INFO VariationManager - group : 27 type : 2
  200. 19:21:44 [main] INFO PetSkillsTable - PetSkillsTable: Loaded 2215 skills.
  201. 19:21:46 [main] INFO SpawnManager - SpawnManager: spawned 4000 npc for group: NONE
  202. 19:21:46 [main] INFO SpawnManager - SpawnManager: spawned 4500 npc for group: NONE
  203. 19:21:47 [main] INFO SpawnManager - SpawnManager: spawned 7500 npc for group: NONE
  204. 19:21:47 [main] INFO SpawnManager - SpawnManager: spawned 8000 npc for group: NONE
  205. 19:21:47 [main] INFO SpawnManager - SpawnManager: spawned 8500 npc for group: NONE
  206. 19:21:47 [main] INFO SpawnManager - SpawnManager: spawned 9000 npc for group: NONE
  207. 19:21:47 [main] INFO SpawnManager - SpawnManager: spawned 9500 npc for group: NONE
  208. 19:21:48 [main] INFO SpawnManager - SpawnManager: spawned 10000 npc for group: NONE
  209. 19:21:48 [main] INFO SpawnManager - SpawnManager: spawned 11500 npc for group: NONE
  210. 19:21:48 [main] INFO SpawnManager - SpawnManager: spawned 13000 npc for group: NONE
  211. 19:21:48 [main] INFO SpawnManager - SpawnManager: spawned 13500 npc for group: NONE
  212. 19:21:48 [main] INFO SpawnManager - SpawnManager: spawned 14000 npc for group: NONE
  213. 19:21:48 [main] INFO SpawnManager - SpawnManager: spawned 14500 npc for group: NONE
  214. 19:21:48 [main] INFO SpawnManager - SpawnManager: spawned 15000 npc for group: NONE
  215. 19:21:48 [main] INFO SpawnManager - SpawnManager: spawned 15500 npc for group: NONE
  216. 19:21:49 [main] INFO SpawnManager - SpawnManager: spawned 16000 npc for group: NONE
  217. 19:21:49 [main] INFO SpawnManager - SpawnManager: spawned 17500 npc for group: NONE
  218. 19:21:49 [main] INFO SpawnManager - SpawnManager: spawned 18000 npc for group: NONE
  219. 19:21:49 [main] INFO SpawnManager - SpawnManager: spawned 19000 npc for group: NONE
  220. 19:21:49 [main] INFO SpawnManager - SpawnManager: spawned 20000 npc for group: NONE
  221. 19:21:50 [main] INFO SpawnManager - SpawnManager: spawned 21500 npc for group: NONE
  222. 19:21:50 [main] INFO SpawnManager - SpawnManager: spawned 22000 npc for group: NONE
  223. 19:21:50 [main] INFO SpawnManager - SpawnManager: spawned 22500 npc for group: NONE
  224. 19:21:50 [main] INFO SpawnManager - SpawnManager: spawned 23500 npc for group: NONE
  225. 19:21:50 [main] INFO SpawnManager - SpawnManager: spawned 24000 npc for group: NONE
  226. 19:21:50 [main] INFO SpawnManager - SpawnManager: spawned 25000 npc for group: NONE
  227. 19:21:50 [main] INFO SpawnManager - SpawnManager: spawned 27000 npc for group: NONE
  228. 19:21:51 [main] INFO SpawnManager - SpawnManager: spawned 27500 npc for group: NONE
  229. 19:21:51 [main] INFO SpawnManager - SpawnManager: spawned 31500 npc for group: NONE
  230. 19:21:52 [main] INFO SpawnManager - SpawnManager: spawned 34000 npc for group: NONE
  231. 19:21:52 [main] INFO SpawnManager - SpawnManager: spawned 35000 npc for group: NONE
  232. 19:21:52 [main] INFO SpawnManager - SpawnManager: spawned 35500 npc for group: NONE
  233. 19:21:52 [main] INFO SpawnManager - SpawnManager: spawned 37500 npc for group: NONE
  234. 19:21:52 [main] INFO SpawnManager - SpawnManager: spawned 37658 npc; spawns: 16564; group: NONE
  235. 19:21:52 [main] INFO SpawnMakerManager - Maker loader is disabled. Continue...
  236. 19:21:52 [main] INFO BoatHolder - BoatHolder: loaded 6 boat(s) count.
  237. 19:21:52 [main] INFO BoatHolder - BoatHolder: Spawning: RunePrimeval_Vehicle
  238. 19:21:52 [main] INFO BoatHolder - BoatHolder: Spawning: RuneGludin_Vehicle
  239. 19:21:52 [main] INFO BoatHolder - BoatHolder: Spawning: InnadrilTour_Vehicle
  240. 19:21:52 [main] INFO BoatHolder - BoatHolder: Spawning: GludinTalkingIsland_Vehicle
  241. 19:21:52 [main] INFO BoatHolder - BoatHolder: Spawning: GiranTalkingIsland_Vehicle
  242. 19:21:52 [main] INFO BoatHolder - BoatHolder: Spawning: AdenGracia_Airship
  243. 19:21:52 [main] INFO StaticObjectHolder - StaticObjectHolder: spawned: 50 static object(s).
  244. 19:21:54 [main] WARN Scripts - Class: _102_SeaofSporesFeveris not checked for current chronicle: HIGH_FIVE
  245. 19:21:54 [main] WARN Scripts - Class: _647_InfluxOfMachinesis not checked for current chronicle: HIGH_FIVE
  246. 19:21:55 [main] INFO AntharasManager - AntharasManager: State of Antharas is NOTSPAWN.
  247. 19:21:55 [main] INFO AntharasManager - AntharasManager: Next spawn date of Antharas is 03:00 01.01.1970.
  248. 19:21:55 [main] INFO BaiumManager - BaiumManager: State of Baium is NOTSPAWN.
  249. 19:21:55 [main] INFO BaiumManager - BaiumManager: Next spawn date: 03:00 01.01.1970
  250. 19:21:55 [main] INFO BaylorManager - BaylorManager : State of Baylor is NOTSPAWN.
  251. 19:21:55 [main] INFO BaylorManager - BaylorManager : Next spawn date of Baylor is 03:00 01.01.1970.
  252. 19:21:55 [main] INFO BaylorManager - BaylorManager : Init BaylorManager.
  253. 19:21:55 [main] INFO BelethManager - Beleth Manager: Loaded successfuly
  254. 19:21:55 [main] INFO FourSepulchersSpawn - FourSepulchersManager: loaded 20 Mysterious-Box spawns.
  255. 19:21:55 [main] INFO FourSepulchersSpawn - FourSepulchersManager: loaded 715 physical monsters spawns.
  256. 19:21:55 [main] INFO FourSepulchersSpawn - FourSepulchersManager: loaded 716 magical monsters spawns.
  257. 19:21:55 [main] INFO FourSepulchersSpawn - FourSepulchersManager: loaded 92 Church of duke monsters spawns.
  258. 19:21:55 [main] INFO FourSepulchersSpawn - FourSepulchersManager: loaded 68 Emperor's grave NPC spawns.
  259. 19:21:55 [main] INFO FourSepulchersSpawn - FourSepulchersManager: Spawned Conquerors' Sepulcher Manager
  260. 19:21:55 [main] INFO FourSepulchersSpawn - FourSepulchersManager: Spawned Emperors' Sepulcher Manager
  261. 19:21:55 [main] INFO FourSepulchersSpawn - FourSepulchersManager: Spawned Great Sages' Sepulcher Manager
  262. 19:21:55 [main] INFO FourSepulchersSpawn - FourSepulchersManager: Spawned Judges' Sepulcher Manager
  263. 19:21:55 [main] INFO FourSepulchersManager - FourSepulchersManager: Beginning in Attack time
  264. 19:21:55 [main] INFO SailrenManager - Sailren Manager: Loaded successfuly
  265. 19:21:55 [main] INFO ValakasManager - ValakasManager: State of Valakas is NOTSPAWN.
  266. 19:21:55 [main] INFO ValakasManager - ValakasManager: Next spawn date of Valakas is 03:00 01.01.1970.
  267. 19:21:55 [main] INFO GiveMeCoins - Loaded Event: Give me Coins [state: deactivated]
  268. 19:21:55 [main] INFO LastHero - Loaded Event: Last Hero [state: deactivated]
  269. 19:21:55 [main] INFO Leprechaun - Loaded Event: Leprechaun [state: deactivated]
  270. 19:21:55 [main] INFO LettersCollection - Loaded Event: Letter Collections [state: deactivated]
  271. 19:21:55 [main] INFO ChinaNewbieHelp - Loaded Event: China Newbie Help [state: deactivated]
  272. 19:21:55 [main] INFO EvasInferno - Loaded Event: Evas Inferno [state: deactivated]
  273. 19:21:55 [main] INFO FreyaCelebration - Loaded Event: Freya Celebration [state: deactivated]
  274. 19:21:55 [main] INFO GiftOfVitality - Loaded Event: Gift Of Vitality [state: deactivated]
  275. 19:21:55 [ScheduledThreadPool-6] INFO RunnableImpl - Fri Apr 08 19:21:55 MSK 2016 Atk announce scheduled to 25.0 minute of this hour.
  276. 19:21:55 [main] INFO JackGame - Loaded Event: Jack Game [state: deactivated]
  277. 19:21:55 [main] INFO MasterOfEnchanting - Loaded Event: Master Of Enchanting [state: deactivated]
  278. 19:21:55 [main] INFO RaisingRudolph - Loaded Event: Raising Rudolph [state: deactivated]
  279. 19:21:55 [main] INFO TrickOrTransmutation - Loaded Event: Trick Or Transmutation [state: deactivated]
  280. 19:21:55 [main] INFO RaidBossFarm - Loaded Event: Raid Boss Farm [state: deactivated]
  281. 19:21:55 [main] INFO TestServer - Loaded Event: Test Server [state: deactivated]
  282. 19:21:55 [main] INFO TestServerHelper - Loaded Event: Test Server Helper [state: deactivated]
  283. 19:21:55 [main] INFO UpdateAnnouncer - Loaded Event: Update Announcer [state: deactivated]
  284. 19:21:55 [main] INFO Reflections - Reflections took 152 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 3 keys and 113 values
  285. 19:21:56 [main] INFO Reflections - Reflections took 55 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 1 keys and 15 values
  286. 19:21:56 [main] INFO Reflections - Reflections took 45 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 4 keys and 17 values
  287. 19:21:56 [main] INFO TestsManager - ############### START TEST MODULE ###############
  288. 19:21:56 [main] WARN TestsManager - QuestID=693: not allowed. Check thim!
  289. 19:21:56 [main] WARN TestsManager - -------------------------------------------------------
  290. 19:21:56 [main] WARN TestsManager - QuestID=640: not allowed. Check thim!
  291. 19:21:56 [main] WARN TestsManager - -------------------------------------------------------
  292. 19:21:56 [main] WARN TestsManager - QuestID=639: not allowed. Check thim!
  293. 19:21:56 [main] WARN TestsManager - -------------------------------------------------------
  294. 19:21:56 [main] WARN TestsManager - QuestID=505: not allowed. Check thim!
  295. 19:21:56 [main] WARN TestsManager - -------------------------------------------------------
  296. 19:21:56 [main] WARN TestsManager - QuestID=457: not allowed. Check thim!
  297. 19:21:56 [main] WARN TestsManager - -------------------------------------------------------
  298. 19:21:56 [main] WARN TestsManager - QuestID=375: not allowed. Check thim!
  299. 19:21:56 [main] WARN TestsManager - -------------------------------------------------------
  300. 19:21:56 [main] WARN TestsManager - QuestID=374: not allowed. Check thim!
  301. 19:21:56 [main] WARN TestsManager - -------------------------------------------------------
  302. 19:21:56 [main] WARN TestsManager - QuestID=353: not allowed. Check thim!
  303. 19:21:56 [main] WARN TestsManager - -------------------------------------------------------
  304. 19:21:56 [main] INFO TestsManager - ############### END TEST MODULE #################
  305. 19:21:56 [main] INFO DimensionalRiftManager - DimensionalRiftManager: Loaded 13 room types with 112 rooms.
  306. 19:21:56 [main] INFO DimensionalRiftManager - DimensionalRiftManager: Loaded 300 dimensional rift spawns, 0 errors.
  307. 19:21:56 [main] INFO LotteryManager - Starting ticket sell for lottery #1.
  308. 19:21:56 [main] INFO SevenSigns - SevenSigns: Currently in the Competition (Quest Event) period!
  309. 19:21:56 [main] INFO SevenSigns - SevenSigns: The Seal of Avarice remains unclaimed.
  310. 19:21:56 [main] INFO SevenSigns - SevenSigns: The Seal of Gnosis remains unclaimed.
  311. 19:21:56 [main] INFO SevenSigns - SevenSigns: The Seal of Strife remains unclaimed.
  312. 19:21:56 [main] INFO SevenSigns - SevenSigns: The Competition this week, if the trend continue, will end with a tie.
  313. 19:21:56 [main] INFO SevenSigns - SevenSigns: Next period begins in 2 days, 22 hours and 38 mins.
  314. 19:21:57 [main] INFO Olympiad - Olympiad System: Loading Olympiad System....
  315. 19:21:57 [main] INFO Olympiad - Olympiad System: Currently in Olympiad Period
  316. 19:21:57 [main] INFO Olympiad - Olympiad System: Period Ends....
  317. 19:21:57 [main] INFO Olympiad - Olympiad System: In 22 days, 4 hours and 38 mins.
  318. 19:21:57 [main] INFO Olympiad - Olympiad System: Next Weekly Change is in....
  319. 19:21:57 [main] INFO Olympiad - Olympiad System: In 7 days, 0 hours and 0 mins.
  320. 19:21:57 [main] INFO Olympiad - Olympiad System: Loaded 0 Noblesses
  321. 19:21:57 [main] INFO Olympiad - Olympiad System: Competition Period Starts in 0 days, 0 hours and 0 mins.
  322. 19:21:57 [main] INFO Olympiad - Olympiad System: Event starts/started: Fri Apr 08 18:00:57 MSK 2016
  323. 19:21:57 [main] INFO Hero - Hero System: Loaded 0 Heroes.
  324. 19:21:57 [main] INFO Hero - Hero System: Loaded 0 all time Heroes.
  325. 19:21:57 [ScheduledThreadPool-4] INFO CompStartTask - Olympiad System: Olympiad Game Started
  326. 19:21:57 [main] INFO PetitionManager - Initializing PetitionManager
  327. 19:21:57 [main] INFO CursedWeaponsManager - CursedWeaponsManager: Loaded 2 cursed weapon(s).
  328. 19:21:57 [main] INFO CoupleManager - Initializing CoupleManager
  329. 19:21:57 [main] INFO CoupleManager - Loaded: 0 couples(s)
  330. 19:21:57 [main] INFO GameServer - CoupleManager initialized
  331. 19:21:57 [main] INFO AdminCommandHandler - AdminCommandHandler: loaded 642 admin command handler(s) count.
  332. 19:21:57 [main] INFO UserCommandHandler - UserCommandHandler: loaded 22 user command handler(s) count.
  333. 19:21:57 [main] INFO VoicedCommandHandler - VoicedCommandHandler: loaded 24 voiced command handler(s) count.
  334. 19:21:57 [main] INFO NpcDialogAppenderHolder - NpcDialogAppenderHolder: loaded 24 npc dialog appender(s) count.
  335. 19:21:57 [main] INFO BbsHandlerHolder - BbsHandlerHolder: loaded 63 bbs handler(s) count.
  336. 19:21:57 [main] INFO BypassHolder - BypassHolder: loaded 181 bypass(s) count.
  337. 19:21:57 [main] INFO OnShiftActionHolder - OnShiftActionHolder: loaded 6 on shift action(s) count.
  338. 19:21:57 [main] INFO QuartzScheduler - Scheduler DefaultQuartzScheduler_$_NON_CLUSTERED started.
  339. 19:21:57 [main] INFO DeleteExpiredMailTask - Task DeleteExpiredMailTask was init.
  340. 19:21:57 [main] INFO DeleteExpiredVarsTask - Task DeleteExpiredVarsTask was init.
  341. 19:21:57 [main] INFO OlympiadSaveTask - Task OlympiadSaveTask was init.
  342. 19:21:57 [DefaultQuartzScheduler_Worker-3] INFO OlympiadSaveTask - OlympiadSaveTask: data save started.
  343. 19:21:57 [DefaultQuartzScheduler_Worker-3] INFO OlympiadSaveTask - OlympiadSaveTask: data save ended in time: 10 ms.
  344. 19:21:57 [main] INFO ProductItemCleanUpTask - Task ProductItemCleanUpTask was init.
  345. 19:21:57 [main] INFO RecNevitResetTask - Task RecNevitResetTask was init.
  346. 19:21:57 [main] INFO ResetReportPoint - Task ResetReportPoint was init.
  347. 19:21:57 [main] INFO SoIStageUpdater - Task SoIStageUpdater was init.
  348. 19:21:57 [main] INFO GameServer - =[Events]=========================================
  349. 19:21:58 [main] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent - ClanHallAuctionEvent: Crystal Hall time - 15:00 04.04.2016
  350. 19:21:58 [main] INFO FantasyIsleParadEvent - FantasyIsleParadEvent: Fantasy Isle parad day time - 19:21 08.04.2017
  351. 19:21:58 [main] INFO FantasyIsleParadEvent - FantasyIsleParadEvent: Fantasy Isle parad night time - 19:21 08.04.2017
  352. 19:21:58 [main] INFO MonasteryFurnaceEvent - MonasteryFurnaceEvent: Monastery Silence Room 8 time - 19:21 08.04.2016
  353. 19:21:58 [main] INFO MonasteryFurnaceEvent - MonasteryFurnaceEvent: Monastery Silence Room 7 time - 19:21 08.04.2016
  354. 19:21:58 [main] INFO MonasteryFurnaceEvent - MonasteryFurnaceEvent: Monastery Silence Room 6 time - 19:21 08.04.2016
  355. 19:21:58 [main] INFO MonasteryFurnaceEvent - MonasteryFurnaceEvent: Monastery Silence Room 5 time - 19:21 08.04.2016
  356. 19:21:58 [main] INFO MonasteryFurnaceEvent - MonasteryFurnaceEvent: Monastery Silence Room 4 time - 19:21 08.04.2016
  357. 19:21:58 [main] INFO MonasteryFurnaceEvent - MonasteryFurnaceEvent: Monastery Silence Room 3 time - 19:21 08.04.2016
  358. 19:21:58 [main] INFO MonasteryFurnaceEvent - MonasteryFurnaceEvent: Monastery Silence Room 2 time - 19:21 08.04.2016
  359. 19:21:58 [main] INFO MonasteryFurnaceEvent - MonasteryFurnaceEvent: Monastery Silence Room 1 time - 19:21 08.04.2016
  360. 19:21:58 [main] INFO FortressSiegeEvent - FortressSiegeEvent: Monastic Fortress time - 03:00 01.01.1970
  361. 19:21:58 [main] INFO FortressSiegeEvent - FortressSiegeEvent: Demon Fortress time - 03:00 01.01.1970
  362. 19:21:58 [main] INFO FortressSiegeEvent - FortressSiegeEvent: Aaru Fortress time - 03:00 01.01.1970
  363. 19:21:58 [main] INFO FortressSiegeEvent - FortressSiegeEvent: Hunter's Fortress time - 03:00 01.01.1970
  364. 19:21:58 [main] INFO FortressSiegeEvent - FortressSiegeEvent: Western Fortress time - 03:00 01.01.1970
  365. 19:21:58 [main] INFO FortressSiegeEvent - FortressSiegeEvent: Antharas Fortress time - 03:00 01.01.1970
  366. 19:21:58 [main] INFO FortressSiegeEvent - FortressSiegeEvent: Dragonspine Fortress time - 03:00 01.01.1970
  367. 19:21:58 [main] INFO FortressSiegeEvent - FortressSiegeEvent: Tanor Fortress time - 03:00 01.01.1970
  368. 19:21:58 [main] INFO FortressSiegeEvent - FortressSiegeEvent: Cloud Mountain Fortress time - 03:00 01.01.1970
  369. 19:21:58 [main] INFO FortressSiegeEvent - FortressSiegeEvent: Floran Fortress time - 03:00 01.01.1970
  370. 19:21:58 [main] INFO FortressSiegeEvent - FortressSiegeEvent: Archaic Fortress time - 03:00 01.01.1970
  371. 19:21:58 [main] INFO FortressSiegeEvent - FortressSiegeEvent: Swamp Fortress time - 03:00 01.01.1970
  372. 19:21:58 [main] INFO FortressSiegeEvent - FortressSiegeEvent: Borderland Fortress time - 03:00 01.01.1970
  373. 19:21:58 [main] INFO FortressSiegeEvent - FortressSiegeEvent: White Sands Fortress time - 03:00 01.01.1970
  374. 19:21:58 [main] INFO FortressSiegeEvent - FortressSiegeEvent: Bayou Fortress time - 03:00 01.01.1970
  375. 19:21:58 [main] INFO FortressSiegeEvent - FortressSiegeEvent: Narsell Fortress time - 03:00 01.01.1970
  376. 19:21:58 [main] INFO FortressSiegeEvent - FortressSiegeEvent: Ivory Fortress time - 03:00 01.01.1970
  377. 19:21:58 [main] INFO FortressSiegeEvent - FortressSiegeEvent: Valley Fortress time - 03:00 01.01.1970
  378. 19:21:58 [main] INFO FortressSiegeEvent - FortressSiegeEvent: Hive Fortress time - 03:00 01.01.1970
  379. 19:21:58 [main] INFO FortressSiegeEvent - FortressSiegeEvent: Southern Fortress time - 03:00 01.01.1970
  380. 19:21:58 [main] INFO FortressSiegeEvent - FortressSiegeEvent: Shanty Fortress time - 03:00 01.01.1970
  381. 19:21:58 [main] INFO DominionSiegeEvent - DominionSiegeEvent: Schuttgart Dominion time - 03:00 01.01.1970
  382. 19:21:58 [main] INFO DominionSiegeEvent - DominionSiegeEvent: Rune Dominion time - 03:00 01.01.1970
  383. 19:21:58 [main] INFO DominionSiegeEvent - DominionSiegeEvent: Goddard Dominion time - 03:00 01.01.1970
  384. 19:21:58 [main] INFO DominionSiegeEvent - DominionSiegeEvent: Innadril Dominion time - 03:00 01.01.1970
  385. 19:21:58 [main] INFO DominionSiegeEvent - DominionSiegeEvent: Aden Dominion time - 03:00 01.01.1970
  386. 19:21:58 [main] INFO DominionSiegeEvent - DominionSiegeEvent: Oren Dominion time - 03:00 01.01.1970
  387. 19:21:58 [main] INFO DominionSiegeEvent - DominionSiegeEvent: Giran Dominion time - 03:00 01.01.1970
  388. 19:21:58 [main] INFO DominionSiegeEvent - DominionSiegeEvent: Dion Dominion time - 03:00 01.01.1970
  389. 19:21:58 [main] INFO DominionSiegeEvent - DominionSiegeEvent: Gludio Dominion time - 03:00 01.01.1970
  390. 19:21:58 [main] INFO ClanHallSiegeEvent - ClanHallSiegeEvent: Fortress of Dead time - 18:00 20.04.2016
  391. 19:21:58 [main] INFO ClanHallTeamBattleEvent - ClanHallTeamBattleEvent: Wild Beast Reserve time - 21:00 08.04.2016
  392. 19:21:58 [main] INFO ClanHallMiniGameEvent - ClanHallMiniGameEvent: Rainbow Springs time - 22:00 08.04.2016
  393. 19:21:58 [main] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent - ClanHallAuctionEvent: Titan Hall time - 15:00 04.04.2016
  394. 19:21:58 [main] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent - ClanHallAuctionEvent: Molten Ore Hall time - 15:00 04.04.2016
  395. 19:21:58 [main] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent - ClanHallAuctionEvent: Heavy Metal Hall time - 15:00 04.04.2016
  396. 19:21:58 [main] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent - ClanHallAuctionEvent: Eisen Hall time - 15:00 04.04.2016
  397. 19:21:58 [main] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent - ClanHallAuctionEvent: Traban Chamber time - 15:00 04.04.2016
  398. 19:21:58 [main] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent - ClanHallAuctionEvent: Luna Chamber time - 15:00 04.04.2016
  399. 19:21:58 [main] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent - ClanHallAuctionEvent: Roien Chamber time - 15:00 04.04.2016
  400. 19:21:58 [main] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent - ClanHallAuctionEvent: Yiana Chamber time - 15:00 04.04.2016
  401. 19:21:58 [main] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent - ClanHallAuctionEvent: Aria Chamber time - 15:00 04.04.2016
  402. 19:21:58 [main] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent - ClanHallAuctionEvent: Astaire Chamber time - 15:00 04.04.2016
  403. 19:21:58 [main] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent - ClanHallAuctionEvent: Mont Chamber time - 15:00 04.04.2016
  404. 19:21:58 [main] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent - ClanHallAuctionEvent: Sapphire Hall time - 15:00 04.04.2016
  405. 19:21:58 [main] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent - ClanHallAuctionEvent: Emerald Hall time - 15:00 04.04.2016
  406. 19:21:58 [main] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent - ClanHallAuctionEvent: Onyx Hall time - 15:00 04.04.2016
  407. 19:21:58 [main] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent - ClanHallAuctionEvent: Moonstone Hall time - 15:00 04.04.2016
  408. 19:21:58 [main] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent - ClanHallAuctionEvent: Silver Manor time - 15:00 04.04.2016
  409. 19:21:58 [main] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent - ClanHallAuctionEvent: The Bronze Chamber time - 15:00 04.04.2016
  410. 19:21:58 [main] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent - ClanHallAuctionEvent: The Mithril Chamber time - 15:00 04.04.2016
  411. 19:21:58 [main] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent - ClanHallAuctionEvent: The Silver Chamber time - 15:00 04.04.2016
  412. 19:21:58 [main] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent - ClanHallAuctionEvent: The Golden Chamber time - 15:00 04.04.2016
  413. 19:21:59 [main] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent - ClanHallAuctionEvent: The Bronze Chamber time - 15:00 04.04.2016
  414. 19:21:59 [main] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent - ClanHallAuctionEvent: Gold Manor time - 15:00 04.04.2016
  415. 19:21:59 [main] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent - ClanHallAuctionEvent: Silver Manor time - 15:00 04.04.2016
  416. 19:21:59 [main] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent - ClanHallAuctionEvent: The Mithril Chamber time - 15:00 04.04.2016
  417. 19:21:59 [main] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent - ClanHallAuctionEvent: The Silver Chamber time - 15:00 04.04.2016
  418. 19:21:59 [main] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent - ClanHallAuctionEvent: The Golden Chamber time - 15:00 04.04.2016
  419. 19:21:59 [main] INFO ClanHallTeamBattleEvent - ClanHallTeamBattleEvent: Bandit Stronghold time - 22:00 08.04.2016
  420. 19:21:59 [main] INFO ClanHallSiegeEvent - ClanHallSiegeEvent: Devastated Castle time - 18:00 19.04.2016
  421. 19:21:59 [main] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent - ClanHallAuctionEvent: The Viridian Barracks time - 15:00 04.04.2016
  422. 19:21:59 [main] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent - ClanHallAuctionEvent: The Scarlet Barracks time - 15:00 04.04.2016
  423. 19:21:59 [main] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent - ClanHallAuctionEvent: The Atramental Barracks time - 15:00 04.04.2016
  424. 19:21:59 [main] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent - ClanHallAuctionEvent: Emerald Hall time - 15:00 04.04.2016
  425. 19:21:59 [main] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent - ClanHallAuctionEvent: Moonstone Hall time - 15:00 04.04.2016
  426. 19:21:59 [main] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent - ClanHallAuctionEvent: Sapphire Hall time - 15:00 04.04.2016
  427. 19:21:59 [main] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent - ClanHallAuctionEvent: Onyx Hall time - 15:00 04.04.2016
  428. 19:21:59 [main] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent - ClanHallAuctionEvent: Ruby Hall time - 15:00 04.04.2016
  429. 19:21:59 [main] INFO CaptureTeamFlagEvent - CaptureTeamFlagEvent: Capture Team Flag 1-85 Level time - 19:41 08.04.2016
  430. 19:21:59 [main] INFO CastleSiegeEvent - CastleSiegeEvent: Schuttgart Castle time - 16:00 17.04.2016
  431. 19:21:59 [main] INFO CastleSiegeEvent - CastleSiegeEvent: Rune Castle time - 16:00 17.04.2016
  432. 19:21:59 [main] INFO CastleSiegeEvent - CastleSiegeEvent: Goddard Castle time - 20:00 17.04.2016
  433. 19:21:59 [main] INFO CastleSiegeEvent - CastleSiegeEvent: Innadril Castle time - 16:00 17.04.2016
  434. 19:21:59 [main] INFO CastleSiegeEvent - CastleSiegeEvent: Aden Castle time - 16:00 17.04.2016
  435. 19:21:59 [main] INFO CastleSiegeEvent - CastleSiegeEvent: Oren Castle time - 20:00 17.04.2016
  436. 19:21:59 [main] INFO CastleSiegeEvent - CastleSiegeEvent: Giran Castle time - 16:00 17.04.2016
  437. 19:21:59 [main] INFO CastleSiegeEvent - CastleSiegeEvent: Dion Castle time - 20:00 17.04.2016
  438. 19:21:59 [main] INFO CastleSiegeEvent - CastleSiegeEvent: Gludio Castle time - 16:00 17.04.2016
  439. 19:21:59 [main] INFO ClanHallNpcSiegeEvent - ClanHallNpcSiegeEvent: Fortress Of Resistance time - 18:00 18.04.2016
  440. 19:21:59 [main] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent - ClanHallAuctionEvent: Moonstone Hall time - 15:00 04.04.2016
  441. 19:21:59 [main] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent - ClanHallAuctionEvent: Onyx Hall time - 15:00 04.04.2016
  442. 19:21:59 [main] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent - ClanHallAuctionEvent: Topaz Hall time - 15:00 04.04.2016
  443. 19:21:59 [main] INFO TeamVsTeamEvent - TeamVsTeamEvent: Team Vs Team 1-85 Level time - 19:41 08.04.2016
  444. 19:21:59 [main] INFO MonasteryOfSilenceMiniGameFireEvent - MonasteryOfSilenceMiniGameFireEvent: Monastery of Silence MiniGame Fire time - undefined
  445. 19:21:59 [main] INFO MonasteryOfSilenceMiniGameEvent - MonasteryOfSilenceMiniGameEvent: Monastery of Silence MiniGame time - undefined
  446. 19:21:59 [main] INFO MonasteryOfSilenceMiniGameFireEvent - MonasteryOfSilenceMiniGameFireEvent: Monastery of Silence MiniGame Fire time - undefined
  447. 19:21:59 [main] INFO MonasteryOfSilenceMiniGameEvent - MonasteryOfSilenceMiniGameEvent: Monastery of Silence MiniGame time - undefined
  448. 19:21:59 [main] INFO SevenSignsEvent - SevenSignsEvent: Necropolis Disciple time - undefined
  449. 19:21:59 [main] INFO SevenSignsEvent - SevenSignsEvent: Catacomb Witch time - undefined
  450. 19:21:59 [main] INFO SevenSignsEvent - SevenSignsEvent: Catacomb Forbidden Path time - undefined
  451. 19:21:59 [main] INFO SevenSignsEvent - SevenSignsEvent: Catacomb Apostate time - undefined
  452. 19:21:59 [main] INFO SevenSignsEvent - SevenSignsEvent: Necropolis Martyrdom time - undefined
  453. 19:21:59 [main] INFO SevenSignsEvent - SevenSignsEvent: Necropolis Worship time - undefined
  454. 19:21:59 [main] INFO SevenSignsEvent - SevenSignsEvent: Necropolis Saint time - undefined
  455. 19:21:59 [main] INFO SevenSignsEvent - SevenSignsEvent: Necropolis Pilgrim time - undefined
  456. 19:21:59 [main] INFO SevenSignsEvent - SevenSignsEvent: Catacomb Heretic time - undefined
  457. 19:21:59 [main] INFO SevenSignsEvent - SevenSignsEvent: Catacomb Branded time - undefined
  458. 19:21:59 [main] INFO SevenSignsEvent - SevenSignsEvent: Catacomb Dark Omens time - undefined
  459. 19:21:59 [main] INFO SevenSignsEvent - SevenSignsEvent: Necropolis Patriot time - undefined
  460. 19:21:59 [main] INFO SevenSignsEvent - SevenSignsEvent: Necropolis Devotion time - undefined
  461. 19:21:59 [main] INFO SevenSignsEvent - SevenSignsEvent: Necropolis Sactifice time - undefined
  462. 19:21:59 [main] INFO SevenSignsEvent - SevenSignsEvent: Seven Signs time - undefined
  463. 19:21:59 [main] INFO AerialCleftEvent - AerialCleftEvent: Aerial Cleft time - 19:21 08.04.2017
  464. 19:21:59 [main] INFO KrateisCubeEvent - KrateisCubeEvent: Krateis Cube 80-85 Level time - 19:30 08.04.2016
  465. 19:21:59 [main] INFO KrateisCubeEvent - KrateisCubeEvent: Krateis Cube 76-79 Level time - 19:30 08.04.2016
  466. 19:21:59 [main] INFO KrateisCubeEvent - KrateisCubeEvent: Krateis Cube 70-75 Level time - 19:30 08.04.2016
  467. 19:21:59 [main] INFO UndergroundColiseumEvent - UndergroundColiseumEvent: Underground Coliseum 1-85 Level time - 19:21 08.04.2016
  468. 19:21:59 [main] INFO UndergroundColiseumEvent - UndergroundColiseumEvent: Underground Coliseum 70-79 Level time - 19:21 08.04.2016
  469. 19:21:59 [main] INFO UndergroundColiseumEvent - UndergroundColiseumEvent: Underground Coliseum 60-69 Level time - 19:21 08.04.2016
  470. 19:21:59 [main] INFO UndergroundColiseumEvent - UndergroundColiseumEvent: Underground Coliseum 50-59 Level time - 19:21 08.04.2016
  471. 19:21:59 [main] INFO UndergroundColiseumEvent - UndergroundColiseumEvent: Underground Coliseum 40-49 Level time - 19:21 08.04.2016
  472. 19:21:59 [main] INFO GameServer - ==================================================
  473. 19:21:59 [main] INFO CastleManorManager - Manor System: Initializing...
  474. 19:21:59 [main] INFO GameServer - IdFactory: Free ObjectID's remaining: 2147435876
  475. 19:21:59 [main] INFO RunnableImpl - Fishing Championship Manager : start new event period.
  476. 19:21:59 [main] INFO HellboundManager - HellboundManager: Loaded 640 spawn entries.
  477. 19:21:59 [main] INFO HellboundManager - HellboundManager: Spawned 2 mobs and NPCs according to the current Hellbound stage
  478. 19:21:59 [main] INFO HellboundManager - Hellbound Manager: Loaded
  479. 19:21:59 [main] INFO NaiaTowerManager - Naia Tower Manager: Loaded 12 rooms
  480. 19:21:59 [main] INFO NaiaCoreManager - Naia Core Manager: Loaded
  481. 19:21:59 [main] INFO SoDManager - Seed of Destruction Manager: Loaded
  482. 19:21:59 [main] INFO SoIManager - Seed of Infinity Manager: Loaded. Current stage is: 1
  483. 19:21:59 [main] INFO ItemAuctionManager - Initializing ItemAuctionManager
  484. 19:22:00 [main] INFO ItemAuctionInstance - ItemAuction: Loaded 78 item(s) and registered 0 auction(s) for instance 32320.
  485. 19:22:00 [main] INFO ItemAuctionInstance - ItemAuction: Schedule next auction 1 on 17:00 14.04.2016 for instance 32320
  486. 19:22:00 [main] INFO ItemAuctionInstance - ItemAuction: Loaded 78 item(s) and registered 0 auction(s) for instance 32321.
  487. 19:22:00 [main] INFO ItemAuctionInstance - ItemAuction: Schedule next auction 2 on 17:00 10.04.2016 for instance 32321
  488. 19:22:00 [main] INFO ItemAuctionInstance - ItemAuction: Loaded 78 item(s) and registered 0 auction(s) for instance 32322.
  489. 19:22:00 [main] INFO ItemAuctionInstance - ItemAuction: Schedule next auction 3 on 17:00 12.04.2016 for instance 32322
  490. 19:22:00 [main] INFO BotReportManager - Bot Report Manager: Loaded 0 unreaded reports
  491. 19:22:00 [main] INFO Shutdown - Scheduled server restart in 9h 38m.
  492. 19:22:00 [main] INFO GameServer - Restoring offline traders...
  493. 19:22:00 [main] INFO GameServer - Restored 0 offline traders.
  494. 19:22:00 [main] INFO GameServer - GameServer started.
  495. 19:22:00 [main] INFO GameServer - Telnet server is currently disabled.
  496. 19:22:00 [Thread-18] INFO AuthServerCommunication - Connecting to authserver on
  497. 19:22:00 [Thread-18] ERROR AuthServerCommunication - AuthServer I/O error: В соединении отказано
  498. 19:22:00 [main] INFO XmlRpcServer - Listening on
  499. 19:22:00 [main] INFO GameServer - =================================================
  500. 19:22:00 [main] INFO GameServer - AllowedMemory: ........... 3728384 KB
  501. 19:22:00 [main] INFO GameServer - Allocated: .......... 3061760 KB (82.1203%)
  502. 19:22:00 [main] INFO GameServer - Non-Allocated: ...... 666624 KB (17.8797%)
  503. 19:22:00 [main] INFO GameServer - AllocatedMemory: ......... 3061760 KB
  504. 19:22:00 [main] INFO GameServer - Used: ............... 1053214 KB (28.2486%)
  505. 19:22:00 [main] INFO GameServer - Unused (cached): .... 2008545 KB (53.8717%)
  506. 19:22:00 [main] INFO GameServer - UseableMemory: ........... 2675169 KB (71.7514%)
  507. 19:22:00 [main] INFO GameServer - =================================================
  508. 19:22:05 [Thread-18] INFO AuthServerCommunication - Connecting to authserver on
  509. 19:22:05 [Thread-18] ERROR AuthServerCommunication - AuthServer I/O error: В соединении отказано
  510. 19:22:10 [Thread-18] INFO AuthServerCommunication - Connecting to authserver on
  511. 19:22:10 [Thread-18] ERROR AuthServerCommunication - AuthServer I/O error: В соединении отказано
  512. 19:22:15 [Thread-18] INFO AuthServerCommunication - Connecting to authserver on
  513. 19:22:15 [Thread-18] ERROR AuthServerCommunication - AuthServer I/O error: В соединении отказано
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