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Mar 21st, 2012
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  1. [17:39] <Mokbortolan_> Steel3: I heard you were a girl!
  2. [17:39] <Steel3> Wat.
  3. [17:39] <Steel3> no, lichen and molybdenum are the girls
  4. [17:39] == nchaimov [] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
  5. [17:39] <Mokbortolan_> no no no
  6. [17:40] <Mokbortolan_> I meant, "were" a girl
  7. [17:40] <Mariu> I got CPUs of steel
  8. [17:40] <AdrianG> kanzure: can u control those bacteria via radio?
  9. [17:41] <Steel3> wat.
  10. [17:41] <Steel3> someone said I'm transgender?
  11. [17:41] <Mokbortolan_> :p
  12. [17:41] <Steel3> lmaoing.
  13. [17:41] <Mokbortolan_> j/k, who told you I was of the feminine persuasion?
  14. [17:43] <Steel3> I didn't say anything about you being feminine
  15. [17:43] <Steel3> ?
  16. [17:43] <Steel3> I said molybdenum not mokbortalon
  17. [17:44] <kanzure> uhuh
  18. [17:44] <kanzure> still sounds just as unlikely
  19. [17:45] == Juul [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
  20. [17:45] <Steel3> what's the point of being skeptical about this?
  21. [17:46] <Steel3> I mean, shit, I have moly on facebook. But why not address someone with their preferred pronoun?
  22. [17:46] <kanzure> i have nothing against pronouns
  23. [17:47] <kanzure> it's just unlikely
  24. [17:47] <Mokbortolan_> yeah
  25. [17:47] <kanzure> Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, and such
  26. [17:47] <Mokbortolan_> everybody knows there are no girls on the internet
  27. [17:47] <kanzure> yep
  28. [17:47] <Mokbortolan_> only pictures of them
  29. [17:47] <Steel3> but this isn't really an extraordinary claim to give someone shit over
  30. [17:47] <kanzure> i'm not giving youshit o.o
  31. [17:47] <Mokbortolan_> I am, but it's all in good fun
  32. [17:47] <Steel3> not me, I'm a dude
  33. [17:47] <Steel3> whatever, I can take it
  34. [17:48] <Steel3> however, the culture of proof or gtfo (with regards to something is irritatingly pointless as gender) isn't the most welcoming
  35. [17:48] == SDr [SDr@unaffiliated/sdr] has joined ##hplusroadmap
  36. [17:49] <kanzure> i never said gtfo for this reason
  37. [17:49] <Steel3> apologies, hyperbole.
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