
Personality Cafe

Aug 18th, 2014
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  1. While I haven't exactly been around for long enough to properly gauge what mods are worth removing as the only one who I can say that I've interacted with is Ike, it's still fairly obvious that Apollo clearly needs to be removed as a mod. I'm not only basing this off the mentality which he's stated that he has, but also from actions which he's preformed. Being the BDO News Editor might've been a good enough reason to let him moderate as each article is bound to be discussed on the forum, but that only works when he's actually active. You simply can't leave for 3 months and then return to flaunt around, especially when alot of your posts involve moving the discussion to PMs. Really it's not hard to see why actions like that don't recieve complaints as the justification would be that avoiding derailing threads is a high priority, but that only works when the poster in question can still be taken seriously without that discussion.
  3. To make a short summary of points as to why he should be removed;
  5. Contributes very little as a community member anymore
  6. Does not try to engage in the discussion but simply grace it with his presence
  7. His position is not enough to justify his right to moderate a community
  8. Incorrect mindset for a community with the rules presented
  9. Maintains no positive value as very few want him to stay while multiple posters want him remove
  12. Now I'm all for a proper discussion as to for what reasons he could possibly stay a mod, so the only correct action that I felt would be to create a thread to make the issue public, as user feedback would be necessary to display some of the points made. It would be nice to be proven wrong in this issue, but as it stands I'm having alot of trouble seeing as how that would happen, since there's not alot of groundwork for him to stay.
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