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a guest
Feb 22nd, 2017
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  1. Hah! You suck #playername.
  2. Better luck next time, #playername.
  3. Wow, you only got up to #deflects deflects against me, that's pretty sad #playername.
  4. gitgud #playername!
  5. Learn to play dodgeball, #playername.
  6. Imagine how much of a better world this would be if you could beat me, #playername.
  7. Your ass is grass and I ordered the weed wacker, #playername.
  8. Hey, #playername, what's cookin good lookin?
  9. Get rekt kid.
  10. Well played, #playername.
  11. At least you tried, #playername.
  12. E for Effort, #playername.
  13. You can do better than that, #playername.
  14. Why is everyone else doing better than you, #playername?
  15. There's just no hope for #playername.
  16. This is at least your 3rd try against me, #playername, when are you going to beat me?
  17. No need to even try, I'll always win against you, #playername.
  18. Only #deflects deflects? Surely you can do better than that, #playername.
  19. RIP #playername. You were hardly of any worth to your team.
  20. Just uninstall the game, #playername, #deflects deflects is hardly anything against me.
  21. Good game, #playername, you did good.
  22. That wasn't lag, #playername, you're just bad.
  23. Maybe that was lag, sorry #playername.
  24. You need more practice, #playername.
  25. That was a huge fail, #playername.
  26. Get up to my level, #playername, #deflects deflects is nothing.
  27. There's no way you can beat me, just give up, #playername.
  28. Good job, #playername, better luck next time.
  29. Wow, maybe you should just quit, #playername.
  30. Your ass is a blast to my past, #playername.
  31. That made me so moist, #playername.
  32. Come on, #playername, I wasn't even trying.
  33. You are the reason why they put an instruction label on a shampoo bottle, #playername.
  34. You fight like a dairy farmer, #playername!
  35. You suck more than a suck machine set on 'suck a lot', #playername.
  36. #playername, you're like school on a weekend. No Class.
  37. If I had a dollar for every brain you don't have, I'd have ONE dollar, #playername.
  38. That was a valiant effort, #playername, but it seems to have failed miserably.
  39. Let me just get you a menu, because you're about to get served, #playername.
  40. If I had your skill level as my ass, I'd be ashamed to take a shit, #playername.
  41. The loser store called, and they're all out of #playername.
  42. You couldn't hit the barn side of a broad, #playername!
  43. #playername, you are so bad at dodgeball that your mother just called me to apologize.
  44. I can't even with you right now, #playername.
  45. Really? That's it? My dinner put up a better fight than you, #playername.
  46. Wow, only #deflects deflects, huh? You're giving snails a run for their money, #playername.
  47. You have to press M2 when it get near you, #playername.
  48. Sorry I was afk.
  49. Your reaction time is slower than my Grandma's when she's asleep, #playername.
  50. Served.
  51. Hey, you still did better than Charleston, #playername. At least you have that.
  52. What a loser.
  53. You're such a child, #playername.
  54. Aww look, #playername thought they could beat me! Adorable.
  55. Wow, that was actually kind of sad, #playername.
  56. Alright, that was fine, I guess, #playername.
  57. So THIS is why you don't have friends in real life, #playername.
  58. Yeah, I don't think so, #playername.
  59. No, "I wasn't trying" isn't an excuse, #playername.
  60. Oh, look at the sweaty tryhard over there.
  61. I make it look easy.
  62. Raw skill doesn't mean anything against me.
  63. I don't want to hear it, #playername.
  64. Hey, #playername, put your helmet back on, you don't want to hurt yourself.
  65. You're trippin, #playername.
  66. HAH! That was stupid.
  67. I bet you watch MLP in your free time, #playername.
  68. Freakin' weeaboo.
  69. Freakin' furries.
  70. Go back to Capture the Flag, #playername.
  71. I've seen better from headless chickens, #playername.
  72. Damn, you're really bad, #playername.
  73. The hell was that, #playername?
  74. I know you can do better, #playername.
  75. Come on, get the timing down, you can beat me, #playername!
  76. Maybe try a different lerp, #playername?
  77. Zero hoots, son.
  78. At least you did better than your sex life, #playername. If it existed.
  79. That was just terrible.
  80. I've seen better from a... thing... you're bad.
  81. Stealing is bad!
  82. Yeah, you deserved that, #playername.
  83. That wasn't even an attempt, #playername.
  84. Face, meet pavement. Pavement, face.
  85. Aint nothing like a slice of humble pie, eh, #playername?
  86. Maybe if you actually tried playing a little more you'd be better, #playername. Nah just kidding you'll always suck.
  87. Zzz
  88. Can someone message someone good to get on? I'm getting bored.
  89. I'm gonna quit if someone better doesn't get on.
  90. Haha you spike worse than Sune, #playername.
  91. Well, #playername, at least you tried, I guess.
  92. Pff ahahahaha
  93. I would insult you in some way, #playername, but you're just not worth the effort.
  94. Take that, #playername, now go graduate 3rd grade.
  95. The "Beating the Bot" DLC will cost you $20, so pay up, #playername.
  96. Oof. Maybe try orbiting it or not being bad, #playername.
  97. Where is your god now, #playername?
  98. I'm better than you, nana nana boo boo stick your head in doo doo.
  99. :\
  100. So this is why you don't have any friends on steam, #playername.
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