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Jun 11th, 2012
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  895. <h2>Humble Indie Bundle V: we&#8217;re giving away a bundle of 5 games!</h2>
  896. <div class="meta">
  897. <span class='meta-author'>By <a href="" title="Posts by Nanda" rel="author">Nanda</a> | June 8th 2012 at 12:00 PM CEST </span>
  898. </div>
  899. <div class="single-post">
  900. <p>Several times a year, Humble Bundle, Inc. promotes indie games on their website, letting customers <a title="Humble Indie Bundle: pay what you want to pay" href="" target="_blank">pay what they want for a bundle of indie games</a>. But that&#8217;s not all: by buying a Humble Indie Bundle, you support the <a href="" target="_blank">Child&#8217;s Play</a> charity. Child&#8217;s Play uses the <strong>generosity of gamers to help children in hospitals around the world</strong>. The Humble Indie Bundle V has sold over 380,000 copies and ends on June 15th.</p>
  901. <p>
  902. <iframe style="margin: 0px auto;" src="" width="410" height="150">
  903. </iframe>
  904. </p>
  905. <p>This time, the Humble Indie Bundle consists of four games:</p>
  906. <ul>
  907. <li>
  908. <a href="" target="_blank">Amnesia: The Dark Descent</a>
  909. </li>
  910. <li>
  911. <a href="" target="_blank">Psychonauts</a>
  912. </li>
  913. <li>
  914. <a href="" target="_blank">LIMBO</a>
  915. </li>
  916. <li>
  917. <a href="" target="_blank">Superbrothers: Sword &amp; Sworcery EP</a>
  918. </li>
  919. </ul>
  920. <p>As always, if you pay the average amount, you can unlock an extra game. This time, it&#8217;s Bastion, a beautiful <a href="" target="_blank">hand-painted 2D action RPG</a>.</p>
  921. <p>
  922. <iframe width="500" height="281" src=";feature=oembed" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
  923. </iframe>
  924. </p>
  925. <h3>Enter and win FIVE games!</h3>
  926. <p>Because we love the Humble Indie Bundle and <a title="Child's Play charity" href="" target="_blank">the charity it supports</a>, we decided to give this one away to one lucky gamer.<strong> If you win, you will receive all of the games listed above, <em>including Bastion</em>!</strong>
  927. </p>
  928. <p>
  929. <a id="rc-dfe4090" class="rafl" href="">a Rafflecopter giveaway</a>
  930. <br/>
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  1001. <div class="author-name">By <a href="" title="Posts by Nanda" rel="author">Nanda</a>
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  1003. <div class="author-url">
  1004. <a href="" target="_blank" title="Nanda's website"></a>
  1005. </div> Nanda is the owner of As soon as she learned to write, she started to create her own stories. But her fascination with stories didn't stop there. She loves a good story and what's better than watching a fictional world come to life right in front of you? Movies, video games, booksβ€”she loves them all. And she wants to share her thoughts about them with you. </div>
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  1010. <h3>What do <u>you</u> think?</h3>
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  1013. <i>Note: We do not tolerate disrespectful and inappropriate behaviour on our website. We reserve the right to remove any comments that we consider offensive or disrespectful without notice. Repeated inappropriate behaviour may result in a permanent ban from our website.</i>
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  1043. <p>I&#8217;m guessing Baldik.  Hope I get this!</p>
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  1058. <p>Thanks for entering the contest and good luck!</p>
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