

Feb 14th, 2017
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  1. entity-activation-range {
  2. # If enabled, newly discovered entities will be added to this config with a default value.
  3. auto-populate=true
  4. # Default activation ranges used for all entities unless overidden.
  5. defaults {
  6. ambient=8
  7. aquatic=8
  8. creature=8
  9. misc=16
  10. monster=16
  11. }
  12. # Per-mod overrides. Refer to the minecraft default mod for example.
  13. mods {
  14. minecraft {
  15. defaults {
  16. creature=16
  17. misc=8
  18. monster=16
  19. }
  20. # Set to false if you want mod to ignore entity activation rules and always tick.
  21. enabled=true
  22. entities {
  23. areaeffectcloud=8
  24. armorstand=16
  25. arrow=16
  26. blaze=16
  27. boat=16
  28. cavespider=16
  29. chicken=16
  30. entityhorse=16
  31. eyeofendersignal=16
  32. fishinghook=16
  33. guardian=16
  34. item=16
  35. itemframe=16
  36. leashknot=16
  37. minecartchest=16
  38. minecarthopper=16
  39. minecartrideable=16
  40. painting=16
  41. pig=16
  42. pigzombie=16
  43. shulker=16
  44. shulkerbullet=16
  45. silverfish=16
  46. skeleton=16
  47. snowman=16
  48. spectralarrow=16
  49. villager=16
  50. villagergolem=16
  51. witch=16
  52. xporb=16
  53. zombie=16
  54. }
  55. }
  56. pixelmon {
  57. defaults {
  58. creature=16
  59. misc=8
  60. }
  61. # Set to false if you want mod to ignore entity activation rules and always tick.
  62. enabled=true
  63. entities {
  64. chattingnpc=16
  65. entitychairmount=8
  66. hook=16
  67. nursejoy=16
  68. pixelmon=16
  69. pixelmonpainting=16
  70. relearner=16
  71. shopkeeper=16
  72. statue=16
  73. trader=16
  74. trainer=16
  75. tutor=16
  76. }
  77. }
  78. }
  79. }
  80. entity-collisions {
  81. # If enabled, newly discovered entities/blocks will be added to this config with a default value.
  82. auto-populate=false
  83. # Default max collisions used for all entities/blocks unless overidden.
  84. defaults {
  85. blocks=8
  86. entities=4
  87. }
  88. # Max amount of entities any given entity or block can collide with. This improves performance when there are more than 8 entities on top of eachother such as a 1x1 spawn pen. Set to 0 to disable.
  89. max-entities-within-aabb=8
  90. # Per-mod overrides. Refer to the minecraft default mod for example.
  91. mods {
  92. minecraft {
  93. blocks {
  94. "detector_rail"=1
  95. "heavy_weighted_pressure_plate"=150
  96. "light_weighted_pressure_plate"=15
  97. "mob_spawner"=-1
  98. "stone_pressure_plate"=1
  99. "wooden_button"=1
  100. "wooden_pressure_plate"=1
  101. }
  102. # Default max collisions used for all entities/blocks unless overidden.
  103. defaults {}
  104. # Set to false if you want mod to ignore entity collision rules.
  105. enabled=true
  106. entities {
  107. thrownpotion=-1
  108. }
  109. }
  110. }
  111. }
  112. exploits {
  113. prevent-creative-itemstack-name-exploit=true
  114. prevent-sign-command-exploit=true
  115. }
  116. general {
  117. # The directory for Sponge plugin configurations, relative to the
  118. # execution root or specified as an absolute path.
  119. # Note that the default: "${CANONICAL_GAME_DIR}/config"
  120. # is going to use the "plugins" directory in the root game directory.
  121. # If you wish for plugin configs to reside within a child of the configuration
  122. # directory, change the value to, for example, "${CANONICAL_CONFIG_DIR}/sponge/plugins".
  123. # Note: It is not recommended to set this to "${CANONICAL_CONFIG_DIR}/sponge", as there is
  124. # a possibility that plugin configurations can conflict the Sponge core configurations.
  125. config-dir="${CANONICAL_GAME_DIR}/config"
  126. # Disable warning messages to server admins
  127. disable-warnings=false
  128. # Additional directory to search for plugins, relative to the execution root or specified as an absolute path. Note that the default: "${CANONICAL_MODS_DIR}/plugins" is going to search for a plugins folder in the mods directory. If you wish for the plugins folder to reside in the root game directory, change the value to "${CANONICAL_GAME_DIR}/plugins".
  129. plugins-dir="${CANONICAL_MODS_DIR}/plugins"
  130. }
  131. ip-sets {}
  132. logging {
  133. # Log when blocks are broken
  134. block-break=false
  135. # Log when blocks are modified
  136. block-modify=false
  137. # Log when blocks are placed
  138. block-place=false
  139. # Log when blocks are populated in a chunk
  140. block-populate=false
  141. # Log when blocks are placed by players and tracked
  142. block-tracking=false
  143. # Log when chunks are queued to be unloaded by the chunk garbage collector.
  144. chunk-gc-queue-unload=false
  145. # Log when chunks are loaded
  146. chunk-load=false
  147. # Log when chunks are unloaded
  148. chunk-unload=false
  149. # Whether to log entity collision/count checks
  150. entity-collision-checks=false
  151. # Log when living entities are destroyed
  152. entity-death=false
  153. # Log when living entities are despawned
  154. entity-despawn=false
  155. # Log when living entities are spawned
  156. entity-spawn=false
  157. # Whether to log entity removals due to speed
  158. entity-speed-removal=false
  159. # Log when server receives exploited packet with itemstack name exceeding string limit.
  160. exploit-itemstack-name-overflow=false
  161. # Log when player attempts to respawn invisible to surrounding players.
  162. exploit-respawn-invisibility=false
  163. # Log when server receives exploited packet to update a sign containing commands from player with no permission.
  164. exploit-sign-command-updates=false
  165. # Add stack traces to dev logging
  166. log-stacktraces=false
  167. # Log when a world auto-saves its chunk data. Note: This may be spammy depending on the auto-save-interval configured for world.
  168. world-auto-save=false
  169. }
  170. modules {
  171. block-capturing-control=true
  172. bungeecord=false
  173. entity-activation-range=true
  174. entity-collisions=true
  175. exploits=true
  176. game-fixes=false
  177. optimizations=true
  178. # Use real (wall) time instead of ticks as much as possible
  179. realtime=false
  180. # Controls block range and tick rate of tileentities.
  181. # Use with caution as this can break intended functionality.
  182. tileentity-activation=true
  183. timings=true
  184. tracking=true
  185. }
  186. optimizations {
  187. # Caches tameable entities owners to avoid constant lookups against data watchers. If mods cause issue, disable.
  188. cache-tameable-owners=true
  189. # Caches chunks internally for faster returns when querying at various positions
  190. chunk-map-caching=true
  191. # If enabled, block item drops are pre-processed to avoid having to spawn extra entities that will be merged post spawning. Usually, Sponge is smart enough to determine when to attempt an item pre-merge and when not to, however, in certain cases, some mods rely on items not being pre-merged and actually spawned, in which case, the items will flow right through without being merged.
  192. drops-pre-merge=true
  193. # This prevents chunks being loaded for getting light values at specific block positions. May have side effects.
  194. ignore-unloaded-chunks-on-get-light=true
  195. # Inlines a simple check for whether a BlockPosition is valid in a world. By patching the check, the JVM can optimize the method further while reducing the number of operations performed for such a simple check. This may however break mods that alter world heights and can thus be disabled in those cases.
  196. inline-block-position-checks=true
  197. # Handles structures that are saved to disk. Certain structures can take up large amounts
  198. # of disk space for very large maps and the data for these structures is only needed while the world
  199. # around them is generating. Disabling saving of these structures can save disk space and time during
  200. # saves if your world is already fully generated.
  201. structure-saving {
  202. # If enabled, newly discovered structures will be added to this config with a default value.
  203. auto-populate=true
  204. enabled=true
  205. # Per-mod overrides. Refer to the minecraft default mod for example.
  206. mods {
  207. minecraft {
  208. enabled=true
  209. structures {
  210. endcity=true
  211. fortress=true
  212. mineshaft=false
  213. monument=false
  214. stronghold=true
  215. temple=false
  216. village=true
  217. }
  218. }
  219. pixelmon {
  220. enabled=true
  221. structures {
  222. temple=true
  223. }
  224. }
  225. }
  226. }
  227. }
  228. # Configuration options related to the Sql service, including connection aliases etc
  229. sql {
  230. # Aliases for SQL connections, in the format jdbc:protocol://[username[:password]@]host/database
  231. aliases {}
  232. }
  233. tileentity-activation {
  234. # If enabled, newly discovered tileentities will be added to this config with default settings.
  235. auto-populate=true
  236. # Default activation block range used for all tileentities unless overidden.
  237. default-block-range=36
  238. # Default tick rate used for all tileentities unless overidden.
  239. default-tick-rate=1
  240. # Per-mod overrides. Refer to the minecraft default mod for example.
  241. mods {
  242. minecraft {
  243. block-range {
  244. Airportal=24
  245. Banner=24
  246. Beacon=24
  247. Cauldron=24
  248. Chest=24
  249. Comparator=24
  250. Control=24
  251. DLDetector=24
  252. Dropper=24
  253. EnchantTable=24
  254. EndGateway=24
  255. EnderChest=24
  256. FlowerPot=24
  257. Furnace=24
  258. Hopper=24
  259. MobSpawner=24
  260. Music=24
  261. Piston=24
  262. RecordPlayer=24
  263. Sign=24
  264. Skull=24
  265. Trap=24
  266. }
  267. # Set to false if you want mod to ignore tileentity activation rules and always tick.
  268. enabled=true
  269. tick-rate {
  270. Airportal=1
  271. Banner=1
  272. Beacon=1
  273. Cauldron=1
  274. Chest=1
  275. Comparator=1
  276. Control=1
  277. DLDetector=1
  278. Dropper=1
  279. EnchantTable=1
  280. EndGateway=1
  281. EnderChest=1
  282. FlowerPot=1
  283. Furnace=1
  284. Hopper=1
  285. MobSpawner=1
  286. Music=1
  287. Piston=1
  288. RecordPlayer=1
  289. Sign=1
  290. Skull=1
  291. Trap=1
  292. }
  293. }
  294. pixelmon {
  295. block-range {
  296. Anvil=24
  297. "Apricorn Tree"=24
  298. "Bird Shrine"=24
  299. BlueClockEntity=24
  300. BlueRugEntity=24
  301. BlueUmbrellaEntity=24
  302. BlueVendingMachineEntity=24
  303. BlueWaterFloatEntity=24
  304. BolderEntity=24
  305. BoxEntity=24
  306. ChairEntity=24
  307. "Cloning Machine"=24
  308. ClothedTableEntity=24
  309. "Decorative Tileent"=24
  310. EndTableEntity=24
  311. "Evolution Rock"=24
  312. "Fossil Cleaner"=24
  313. "Fossil Machine"=24
  314. FossilDisplayEntity=24
  315. FridgeEntity=24
  316. GreenFoldingChairEntity=24
  317. GreenRugEntity=24
  318. GreenUmbrellaEntity=24
  319. GreenVendingMachineEntity=24
  320. GreenWaterFloatEntity=24
  321. GymSignEntity=24
  322. Healer=24
  323. MechanicalAnvilTE=24
  324. OrangeVendingMachineEntity=24
  325. OrangeWaterFloatEntity=24
  326. PicketFenceNormalEntity=24
  327. PinkClockEntity=24
  328. PinkVendingMachineEntity=24
  329. PinkWaterFloatEntity=24
  330. "Pixelmon Spawner"=24
  331. PokegiftEntity=24
  332. "Pokemon PC"=24
  333. PurpleWaterFloatEntity=24
  334. "Ranch Block"=24
  335. RedCushionChairEntity=24
  336. RedRugEntity=24
  337. RedUmbrellaEntity=24
  338. RedVendingMachineEntity=24
  339. RedWaterFloatEntity=24
  340. TVEntity=24
  341. "Trade Machine"=24
  342. TrashcanEntity=24
  343. TreeEntity=24
  344. "Warp Plate"=24
  345. YellowCushionChairEntity=24
  346. YellowRugEntity=24
  347. YellowUmbrellaEntity=24
  348. YellowVendingMachineEntity=24
  349. YellowWaterFloatEntity=24
  350. entityPokeChest=24
  351. }
  352. # Set to false if you want mod to ignore tileentity activation rules and always tick.
  353. enabled=true
  354. tick-rate {
  355. Anvil=1
  356. "Apricorn Tree"=1
  357. "Bird Shrine"=1
  358. BlueClockEntity=1
  359. BlueRugEntity=1
  360. BlueUmbrellaEntity=1
  361. BlueVendingMachineEntity=1
  362. BlueWaterFloatEntity=1
  363. BolderEntity=1
  364. BoxEntity=1
  365. ChairEntity=1
  366. "Cloning Machine"=1
  367. ClothedTableEntity=1
  368. "Decorative Tileent"=1
  369. EndTableEntity=1
  370. "Evolution Rock"=1
  371. "Fossil Cleaner"=1
  372. "Fossil Machine"=1
  373. FossilDisplayEntity=1
  374. FridgeEntity=1
  375. GreenFoldingChairEntity=1
  376. GreenRugEntity=1
  377. GreenUmbrellaEntity=1
  378. GreenVendingMachineEntity=1
  379. GreenWaterFloatEntity=1
  380. GymSignEntity=1
  381. Healer=1
  382. MechanicalAnvilTE=1
  383. OrangeVendingMachineEntity=1
  384. OrangeWaterFloatEntity=1
  385. PicketFenceNormalEntity=1
  386. PinkClockEntity=1
  387. PinkVendingMachineEntity=1
  388. PinkWaterFloatEntity=1
  389. "Pixelmon Spawner"=1
  390. PokegiftEntity=1
  391. "Pokemon PC"=1
  392. PurpleWaterFloatEntity=1
  393. "Ranch Block"=1
  394. RedCushionChairEntity=1
  395. RedRugEntity=1
  396. RedUmbrellaEntity=1
  397. RedVendingMachineEntity=1
  398. RedWaterFloatEntity=1
  399. TVEntity=1
  400. "Trade Machine"=1
  401. TrashcanEntity=1
  402. TreeEntity=1
  403. "Warp Plate"=1
  404. YellowCushionChairEntity=1
  405. YellowRugEntity=1
  406. YellowUmbrellaEntity=1
  407. YellowVendingMachineEntity=1
  408. YellowWaterFloatEntity=1
  409. entityPokeChest=1
  410. }
  411. }
  412. }
  413. }
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