
Noiz DMMd re:connect Good Ends Transltion

Sep 2nd, 2013
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  1. Noiz Dramatical Murder Re:connect Good End(s):
  3. After Oval Tower collapsed and Platinum Jail’s function was suspended----
  4. I took Noiz, protecting him due to his incredible wounds, to the Kyuujuuminku Hospital and in order to nurse him I visited every day.
  5. At first he couldn’t move at all, and soon the days came where he was doing better and then he was released from the hospital.
  6. Noiz’s body regained the feeling that he had once lost.
  7. It seemed like Noiz’s lack of a sense of pain was hereditary but once he had a full recovery the doctor cocked his head in confusion.
  8. I think that I must have changed something in his brain when I used scrap, causing it to receive a stimulus and return to how it was supposed to be.
  9. Besides, the fact that Noiz had opened his heart to me was completely unrelated.
  10. Anyway, his recovery was incredibly favorable.
  11. ….Just before he was released, I visited him and attempted a lot of things.
  12. Well--, it’s great to be young, isn’t it. Basically.
  13. I hadn’t planned on visiting him so much but Noiz had completely switched on.
  14. But I never knew when or where he would be turned on so I was always nervous and anxious.
  15. And three days before he was released…
  16. A: Mu….!
  17. N: If you’re that loud people in the hallway might notice.
  18. A: …! ….
  19. ….
  20. And when we were eating he would suddenly kiss me and there were times when he mouth fed me.
  21. Those things that a lot of people dislike when dealing with touching or personal space didn’t seem to bother Noiz at all…
  22. I’m not one to talk but for me if they’re my lover I guess I’m okay with anything.
  23. There was also another thing I noticed when I was nursing him.
  24. The ring finger and pinky on Noiz’s left hand is a little bent.
  25. He didn’t take care of a bone fracture when he was a child and it stayed bent like that even after it was healed.
  26. After hearing that and looking closely, it did seem that it was uncomfortable for him to bend and move those fingers.
  27. But he could cover it well so if I’m not paying more attention than usual I won’t notice if it hurts.
  28. Noiz will talk normally like nothing happened but when I think of it my chest hurts.
  29. Because I touched a little bit of his past when I used scrap.
  30. At that time… there was no one who would notice and then take him to the hospital if he had gotten hurt.
  31. When I think of it, I end up holding his left hand tightly.
  32. Noiz looked at me with a questioning “?” face.
  34. After he was released, we fought a Rhyme battle like we had promised.
  35. I defeated him… and Noiz disappeared.
  36. Three months passed and I still couldn’t contact him nor could I get my hand on any news about him.
  37. I searched and searched and searched…
  38. It was okay if I didn’t see him, but at least I wanted to know how he was doing.
  39. But no matter what I did I couldn’t find out anything about Noiz and gradually I ended up along the path of thinking of giving up.
  40. I might not be able to see him anymore. But since it’s him he should be fine no matter where he is.
  41. I started to force myself to think that, trying to acknowledge that possibility.
  42. ….Then one day.
  43. He appeared in front of me again all of a sudden.
  44. N: …Yo.
  45. A: …
  46. N: You’re here just like usual, huh.
  47. N: And you’re showing a strained face as usual.
  48. I was so surprised that I thought my heart had stopped…
  49. And thought that it might have been a dream…
  50. I mean, he was wearing a suit and saying all these lines, and he said he was there to pick me up.
  51. He…
  52. A: !? Uwaa!
  53. N: Don’t struggle. I’ll drop you.
  54. In the store, with Haga-san and the brats watching, he suddenly picked me up.
  55. A: …Youu!
  56. Noiz is planning to leave the shop holding me just like that so I reach down to grab my bag and Ren.
  57. A: Ah, careful!
  58. In order not to drop Ren I force him into the curve of my arms.
  59. A: Are you okay!? Ren!
  60. R: There is no problem.
  61. Not bothering about my struggling and moving, Noiz leaves the store and starts walking.
  62. A: Hey, Noiz!
  63. N: What.
  64. A: What my ass, let me down!
  65. As I say that as I hear to sounds of Haga-san and the brats cheering in the distance.
  66. Aaa…
  67. Everyone ended up seeing me in this unsightly position…
  68. I’ll be ashamed to go to work tomorrow….
  69. Seriously, what the hell is this guy doing walking with me like this in public!
  70. I’ll die if someone else I know sees me like this…!
  71. A: Look here, you just stop…
  72. N: I’m going to your house from here.
  73. A: …ha!?
  74. I stare at Noiz thinking that he’s going to do something dreadful and then say something dreadful.
  75. A: …House?
  76. N: Right.
  77. A: Who’s?
  78. N: Yours.
  79. A: …
  80. Hmm, I see…
  81. Tch.
  82. Nononono!
  83. A: Why are we going to my house!
  84. N: I need to greet your family.
  85. A: Haa!?
  86. I seriously have no idea what he’s saying!!
  87. N: I’m taking you away so I have to do it properly. There’s a right way to do things like this.
  88. A: …
  89. The right way…
  90. Aah, I see.
  91. He’s planning to take me to Germany so he’s the type of guy who would talk to my family about it.
  92. No, to him it’s a natural thing to do because of his stance.
  93. I have the feeling that not a lot of young kids now a days of the type of spirit that would settle things the right way.
  94. But somehow…
  95. Isn’t it strange???
  96. A: …It’s fine, so for now just put me down!
  97. I’ll freak out if I think any more than I am now so I press hard on Noiz’s arm and try to jump down from it.
  98. In this situation where I have lost control I first have to tidy up this messy problem.
  99. My legs finally hit the ground and I let out a breath of air and take that bag with Ren that I’m holding in both hands and put it over my shoulder.
  100. Noiz doesn’t say anything to me after I tried to get away and just looks nonchalant.
  101. N: Do you really dislike me holding you that much?
  102. A: That’s not it and in the first place that’s not even the problem!
  103. N: You don’t dislike it.
  104. A: ! Ah, no… Just now was more of a figure of speech…
  105. N: Hmmm
  106. The corners of Noiz’s mouth turn up in a smile.
  107. Aahh, jeez, shit…!
  108. This guy seriously. He completely hasn’t changed at all!
  109. N: So, what do you wanna do? Go? Don’t go?
  110. N: If you say that you really don’t want to do it, I’ll stop.
  111. A: ~~~~~
  112. That’s right. He wants to go to my house and greet my family…
  113. I had forgotten that in a second and now it’s making me incredibly perplexed.
  114. In the end he would just be meeting Grandma though?
  115. It’s not that he just wants to “take me to Germany,” but he’ll explain why, too, right? Probably.
  116. So that means that I have that kind of relationship with Noiz after all…?
  117. It kind of seems like he’s going to act like a drama and say “please leave your daughter to me”?
  118. ……uwa……
  119. More than being embarrassed it’s like this situation is too much like a fantasy that it’s hard to believe…
  120. And the feeling of knowing that I’m going to leave the island isn’t even welling up cause it’s so sudden.
  121. I’ve always lived here and Midorijima has been my whole world where a lot of people who are important to me live, too.
  122. It takes a lot more courage than one would think to leave this place where a lot of precious memories have piled up.
  123. Really… what should I do.
  124. A: …
  125. I look at Noiz’s face again and he’s giving me a look that’s asking “what do you wanna do?”
  126. This is completely ridiculous but no matter how I look at it his face is completely serious, so it can’t be a joke, right….
  127. That kind of thing is really serious, and I guess that’s why he has to do it right.
  128. Especially if the two of us are to talk to Grandma I have to let her know that this is definitely the path that I want to go down with Noiz.
  129. Leave the island and go with Noiz.
  130. That’s fine, right.
  131. …Yeah.
  132. A: I understand.
  133. N: We’ll go?
  134. A: Yeah.
  135. Noiz looks at me as I nod my head and then starts to walk, finally getting his answer.
  136. But…
  137. Thinking of talking to Grandma about it makes me nervous after all…
  138. I follow after Noiz moving my right arm and leg at the same time awkwardly and Ren pops his head out of the bag.
  139. R: Aoba, are you okay?
  140. A: Yeah. Well, somehow…
  141. I’ve come this far so I can’t go back.
  142. If I do we would be separated.
  143. If Grandma shows signs of disapproval, I’ll just have to talk properly with her to have her understand.
  144. I prepare myself once again and walk with Noiz to my house.
  146. T: ….
  147. T: …Germany?
  148. Grandma, sitting at the dining room table, opens her mouth in shock and repeats Noiz’s words as though she’s never heard anything like it before in her life.
  149. N: Yeah.
  150. Sitting across the table from Grandma, Noiz nods.
  151. Grandma still has her mouth wide open and is staring at Noiz.
  152. In the tension like thin ice, I stiffen beside Noiz.
  153. This is bad.
  154. I’m sweating. And I’m parched.
  155. A large gulping sound comes when I swallow.
  156. I feel like this is the most nervous I’ve ever been in my life…
  157. I glace sidelong at Noiz and he looks the same, as calm as always.
  158. Does this guy even get nervous or flustered…?
  159. T: Germany, that Germany?
  160. After taking on big gulp from the tea cup in front of her, Grandma finally speaks.
  161. N: That’s right.
  162. T: I don’t really mind you going. You don’t have to ask me especially for permission.
  163. N: I don’t mean it as a onetime trip. But forever.
  164. T: …Forever? What is this? As if you want him to permanently live there?
  165. N: Right. Together with me.
  166. T: ….
  167. Grandma looks shocked again and becomes silent.
  168. I keep watching her, feeling shaky.
  169. Once the thing with Platinum Jail ended, and I finally returned to my peaceful days in Kyuujuuminku, this talk…
  170. would have been unreasonable to upset her with it.
  171. T: That’s… Another rather sudden thing there. Do you have a place to live? What about your life style?
  172. N: There’s no need to worry. Right now I’m working over there. There will be no problem for me to support another person.
  173. T: But… why Aoba? What happened for it to come to that?
  174. T: I think I understand but, to be told that so suddenly there’s no way I can nod and say yes right away.
  175. When Grandma says that Noiz closes his mouth and straightens a little bit.
  176. N: There is only one answer.
  177. N: For me… I need Aoba.
  178. T: …
  179. N: I don’t think it’s such a simple matter. I came here after preparing myself. And I prepared myself for this moment.
  180. N: I won’t give unpleasant memories to Aoba. If Aoba wishes, we’ll come back here whenever. I don’t plan to restrain him. Just…
  181. N: I want to be with Aoba. That’s why I want to take Aoba with me.
  182. I have never heard such earnest in Noiz’s voice before…
  183. and my chest fills with warmth.
  184. Even though he would always talk to others bluntly like he had no interest in them.
  185. While I wasn’t paying attention he became able to talk grandly like this.
  186. I start to feel a different type of anxiety than before and…
  187. Finally hearing straight up how he feels about me makes me shy and happy.
  188. I understand now that Noiz came here to see me thinking like that and it makes me purely happy.
  189. And he called me by my name, too…
  190. T: …
  191. Grandma stares silently at Noiz as though trying to confirm something.
  192. It’s as if time has stopped and the air, filled thick with tension, makes my skin prickle.
  193. I’m hesitant to even move one finger in this silence, and suddenly Grandma looks towards me.
  194. T: Aoba. What about you.
  195. A: Eh? Me.
  196. T: Yes.
  197. A: I…
  198. I drop my gaze to my feet and grip my sweaty hands that are resting on my knees.
  199. I feel like I’m losing to this flow that I can’t keep up with but I have to answer properly.
  200. Unless I tell Grandma my feelings she won’t accept anything.
  201. I summon the courage to raise my head and look at Grandma.
  202. A: ….Honestly I’m was hesitant over leaving the island.
  203. A: And right now I’m still hesitant. I’ve always lived here, and I have a lot of memories here.
  204. A: I would worry about Grandma, and I wonder if it’s really okay for me to go.
  205. A: But… This guy says that he prepared himself in order to come and get me.
  206. A: He returned to where he was born, faced a lot of issues that needed to be settled, and came here with the intent to settle things.
  207. A: He says that those are all things he did in preparation to come and get me. Hearing that surprised me a lot…
  208. A: And I’m happy that he did that all for me… The fact that he faced it all straight on… what is it
  209. A: ….I end up loving him.
  210. T: …
  211. This isn’t good… My face is getting red. I definitely can’t look at Noiz.
  212. A: And this guy can be dangerous, and I feel like I have to look after him.
  213. I talk fast to try to hide my embarrassment, and I can feel Noiz’s gaze piercing me from the side.
  214. A: That’s why I want to follow after Noiz.
  215. Grandma smiles lightly, furrowing her eyebrows just a little as she looks at me.
  216. Seeing her looking like that makes me feel suddenly anxious.
  217. It’s no good after all.
  218. Did it not get through to her like this…?
  219. She may be wondering why we’re both guys.
  220. But…
  221. if Grandma were to oppose at this point, I…
  222. I clench my fists even tighter on my knees and endure the moments that pass as though I’m sitting on needles until Grandma sighs.
  223. T: Haste makes waste. Young people are always deciding things hastily and all it causes are regrets later.
  224. T: Are you really okay with that?
  225. A: Eh?
  226. Grandma is peering at me as though she can see straight into my heart.
  227. T: I’m telling you to think about it more.
  228. T: I can tell that you’re still hesitant when I hear you speak. You’re still not completely prepared to leave the island.
  229. T: It will surely end up in regret if you make a decision with that grey-ness in your mind.
  230. T: You can’t hesitate in your life. Do you really want to follow this kid? (I think the first line is a Japanese saying, and I don’t know exactly what it means, sorry)
  231. A: Of course.
  232. T: Are you sure you’re not just losing to the flow of things?
  233. A; ! You’re wrong, it’s not that!
  234. T: You’re saying that you really, truly love this kid.
  235. A: …That’s right. I love him. Of course I’m still hesitant about leaving the island. I mean, you’re here and my house is here… but.
  236. A: There is no hesitation in my love for Noiz. That alone is absolute.
  237. I don’t want Grandma to doubt those feelings.
  238. About how much I care for and worry about Noiz.
  239. I was with him the whole time he was hospitalized, and I even faced him at Rhyme.
  240. All for Noiz.
  241. Because I want to fully face Noiz I…
  242. Grandma hangs her head in a loss for words and then she’s sighs slightly as though she’s shocked.
  243. T: Well whatever. If you’re going to be that determined, the rest is up to you.
  244. T: I’m repeating myself but if you’re hesitant you’re going to make a misstep somewhere. Bear that in mind.
  245. A: …
  246. I meet Grandma’s eyes and nod silently.
  247. I understand well that Grandma’s words are said out of worry for me.
  248. There is still a part of me that is hesitant over leaving the island.
  249. But, that’s exactly why I can only say that I want to go with Noiz.
  250. If I separated from Noiz now, I may not ever be able to see him again…
  251. T: ….Hmm
  252. Grandma turns to Noiz and examines him up and down.
  253. T: You, you took of your mountain of piercings.
  254. N: Yes.
  255. T: Why?
  256. N: I had a change in my mental state. And it hindered my job. In the way of outward appearances.
  257. T: Is that so.
  258. Gandma nods and looks at me again.
  259. T: Aoba…
  260. A: …Yes.
  261. When she calls my name I straighten up before I realize it.
  262. T: This is about what you said before but, what did you mean when you said you would worry about me?
  263. A: He?
  264. T: I’m not so weak that you need to worry about me.
  265. A: But…
  266. T: Do you think I’d die without you? Give me a break.
  267. T: And nowadays no matter where you are we can talk right? We can even see each other’s faces.
  268. T: So don’t say we’re leaving each other. It’s not a big deal.
  269. …..Eh?
  270. Does that mean, possibly…
  271. Grandma….
  272. A: Ah, yeah, right… And once I’ve settled down I can always come back.
  273. I lean forward and tell her that forcefully.
  274. A: In three months, or no sooner, two months.
  275. T: That’s too soon, isn’t it. And it will cost money.
  276. N: It’s not really a problem though.
  277. T: …Is that so.
  278. N: And if you want to come with us too, I wouldn’t mind.
  279. Grandma closes her eyes at Noiz’s nonchalant words.
  280. T: I’ll have to hold myself back from that.
  281. N: Then it’s okay to take Aoba with me, right?
  282. T: Yeah. Plus, Aoba’s prone to worrying. I’m fine alone, anyway.
  283. A: Grandma…
  284. Grandma forgave me.
  285. That alone makes my eyes feel hot at the edges and I can feel myself tearing up.
  286. A: B-but Grandma, uhm, we… you may know already but… we’re in love.
  287. I’m sure she found out because I blatantly said I loved him but I want to tell her properly.
  288. I want to entrust this somewhat difficult idea to her.
  289. I mean she did tell me not to lose to the flow of things.
  290. T: ….
  291. Grandma sips from her teacup as she looks at me.
  292. T: Well, I’ll be lonely to not be able to see my great-grandchild’s face.
  293. A: U….
  294. T: …But you know. It’s like a miracle for me that I was able to raise you up until this point.
  295. T: I wish for your happiness more than anything. So, if you want to do it then do it.
  296. T: However, don’t forget what I said before. If you’re hesitant you’ll stumble.
  297. T: But don’t give up even if you stumble.
  298. A: …
  299. I’m trying so hard to hold it back but the more she says the more I want to cry.
  300. Instead of crying, I let out a long breath of air that I’d been holding in.
  301. The world becomes only a little blurry and I reach out one hand to grip Grandma’s which is holding the tea cup.
  302. A: …Grandma, thank you.
  303. T: …Hmph.
  304. A: Grandma.
  305. Noiz calls out to Grandma and then straightens himself in his seat.
  306. And then he bows his head.
  307. N: Thank you.
  308. A: …..
  309. T: ….
  310. I completely forget about the tears that are about to fall as I watch Noiz do something I never expected him to do.
  311. Grandma also looks a little taken aback.
  312. “Thank you”.
  313. To think Noiz would say something like that…
  314. …But it makes me happy.
  315. It makes me so happy that Noiz is expressing his thanks towards Grandma wholeheartedly.
  317. After that for about two days Noiz and I took time to plan out our trip back to his home country.
  318. Right now Noiz is staying in a hotel next to the airport.
  319. The airport was also part of Platinum Jail, but now that Kyuujuuminku has been freed, we can all move around freely in it.
  320. After talking with Noiz, we decided that for now I would try living with him in Germany.
  321. When we talked about a lot of things, Noiz said this.
  322. N: Grandma said this but. About if you’re possible hesitating at all.
  323. A: Yeah…
  324. N: That. I think the same way.
  325. N: If you’re just going along with the flow and are maybe hesitant, I want you to tell me.
  326. N: I don’t want to take you with me if you’re not completely in agreement.
  327. A: ! That…
  328. N: That’s why I want to take you with me first so you can see what kind of place it is.
  329. N: And then you can decide what you want to do.
  330. N: I honestly want you to live there with me but.
  331. A: …
  332. Certainly it’s not that easy to suddenly decide to live over there.
  333. I want to live with him in Germany, too.
  334. But it’s also true that I can’t really come to terms with leaving the island.
  335. So for the time being I’m grateful for the proposal of checking it out.
  336. When I asked if the plane ticket was okay, Noiz said that there aren’t a lot of people leaving Midorijima too much so it’s fine to buy it the day before or day of.
  337. It’s the day before our flight and I pack up all the bags I had packed and carry Ren in order to go to the hotel that Noiz is staying in.
  338. Noiz comes to pick me up from my house and together we head to the hotel that’s next to the airport at Platinum Jail.
  340. The hotel is pretty big and like Platinum Jail it’s a huge white building.
  341. I step into the hotel lobby, half nervous and half interested.
  342. A: ….
  343. My chest flutters a little when I step in.
  344. I think, ah, this really is Platinum Jail… and a lot of things run through my head.
  345. My chest spreads with bittersweet feelings and memories.
  346. I have the feeling that this hotel resembles glitter a little.
  347. It’s a little more splendid than Glitter and Glitter looked more like a house but the lobby has a somewhat classic feel.
  348. The ceiling is really high and there is a fountain in the center of the floor.
  349. I can’t see many guests and there are a lot of empty sofas all over the place.
  350. A: …Brings back memories.
  351. I mutter the words with complex feelings.
  352. But now is different from then. The most different thing is the feeling of the staff.
  353. They changed that staff when Platinum Jail was liberated and now it’s basically run by Kyuujuuminku people.
  354. That’s why I feel a sense of calm in the lobby.
  355. I survey my surroundings and Noiz is already walking towards the elevator.
  356. I follow after him, a little flustered.
  357. A: Ah, hey. The key?
  358. N: It’s the type that uses the coil for certification.
  359. A: Ah, I see.
  360. There are still a lot of people in Kyuujuuminku who use keys to open doors but this is the first place that is incorporating the technology from Platinum Jail.
  361. And the coil is only needed once.
  362. Rather… other than Glitter I have never stayed in a hotel.
  363. I’m secretly having fun imagining what the room will look like.
  364. I’m a little nervous as I follow Noiz into the elevator.
  366. A: Uwa~~
  367. Without thinking I raise my voice after Noiz opens the door with his coil, a thin gold bracelet on his wrist.
  368. It’s large. I feel like 2, or 3 of my rooms could fit in it.
  369. There’s a window in front of me that’s so large that you could mistake it for an aquarium tank and I can see the night skyline extending beyond it.
  370. The dim lighting sets the mood for the room and the carpet is soft under my feet, I can feel my feet sinking into it.
  371. The bed is large enough you could roll around on it and the couch is also pretty big…
  372. A: You really get the feeling of it being a room on the top floor, huih…
  373. R: It’s worthy of exploring.
  374. A: I feel like I would be fine even under the bed.
  375. N: What are you muttering about.
  376. Noiz passes me as I stand in the doorway spacing out and opens a door on the side of the wall.
  377. He’s suddenly going to the bathroom?
  378. I think, but then I look into the room he went into and am taken aback.
  379. A: Eh, this… a closet!?
  380. It has a depth to it that I could never imagine a room would have and there are hangers on a silver rod which Noiz takes and hangs his jacket up on.
  381. A: What is with this wideness… I thought it was a bathroom.
  382. N: …Bathroom.
  383. Noiz mutters as he snickers at me.
  384. While pouting I’m overwhelmed by the grandeur of the suite.
  385. A: Haa~….
  386. Even if I open my mouth I can’t really breathe.
  387. N: Come on. You too.
  388. I take the hanger that Noiz presents to me and put my jacket on it.
  389. After hanging it back on the silver pole, I leave the closet with Noiz.
  390. Noiz sighs a little like he’s calming down and unbuttons his shirt and loosens his tie.
  391. He is quiet good looking like that and I’m fascinated by him.
  392. This guy is well-bred after all….
  393. He’s completely different from me who was surprised about every little thing.
  394. N: What’s up. With that stupid face.
  395. At Noiz’s words I close my open mouth and stiffen my face.
  396. A: I’m just a normal person. It’s my first time staying in such a large and wonderful room so I’m surprised like a pauper.
  397. N: Not really…
  398. Noiz looks lightly around the room.
  399. N: I don’t think it’s especially big or magnificent though.
  400. A: ……Is that so.
  401. So this is the difference of status…
  402. I bite back my unpleasant feelings and look around the room again noticing a wagon like thing with a white cloth over it near the couch. It really is big.
  403. A: What’s that?
  404. N: Room service. I properly ordered it in advance.
  405. A: Room service….
  406. I have a feeling I’ve heard of that before.
  407. I think it was that in expensive places you can order food like a restaurant to eat in your room.
  408. N: Shall we eat first?
  409. Noiz turns to the wagon at once and takes the cloth off the wagon in one breath.
  410. Under that, things I’ve never seen before are lined up.
  411. I mean, I know that the things on the plate must be food but…
  412. it must be so that it doesn’t get cold. There are two plates lined up, their covers full of clouded steam, and the glasses of drinks also have covers on them.
  413. What thorough service…
  414. N: You won’t eat?
  415. Noiz takes the cover off of one of the plates and starts to eat, sitting on the couch in front of the wagon.
  416. I feel like he really doesn’t get nervous.
  417. A: Even though just a little while ago you only ever ate pizza and pasta~….
  418. Somehow… I’m a little frustrated at how different our status really is.
  419. R: Aoba, it will get cold if you don’t eat soon.
  420. A: Yes yes, I understand~…..
  421. I thought I could hold myself back due to my pauper disposition, but the smells wafting from the plates make me lose to my stomach.
  422. I sit next to Noiz reluctantly and nervously start to eat the food.
  424. A: …Fuu
  425. After eating the luxurious room service food, I entered the shower because Noiz told me it was okay to go first.
  426. Now, Noiz is showerin.
  427. A: Ah--- I’m refreshed.
  428. As I dry my hair with the towel, I sit on the corner of the bed.
  429. I could actually sit in the middle since it’s so large, but since it’s a place I’m not used to I feel better sitting on the edge.
  430. Ren is in his bag on the couch in sleep mode, and I look at his round back.
  431. At any rate…
  432. I think while I stare at the large window taking up most of the wall.
  433. That time really has passed…
  434. A lot of things changed with incredible speed and I kind of feel like I was left aside.
  435. I never thought that the day would come where I could gaze at Kyuujuuminku’s scenery from Platinum Jail…
  436. And Noiz, too.
  437. He was just a passerby at first, and I never thought that we would become acquaintances at all.
  438. A lot of fights went by as we stayed together, but I couldn’t leave him alone.
  439. After Oval Tower collapsed, I lost feeling in my hair and Noiz regained feeling in his body.
  440. Really, a lot of things happened….
  441. I think about things absentmindedly when the sound of the shower that had been in my ears for a while stops.
  442. It seems like Noiz is done showering.
  443. N: …
  444. Noiz returns to the room with dripping hair and a towel wrapped around his waist.
  445. A: …
  446. The second I see him, my heart starts to pound loudly.
  447. I can’t take my eyes off of him even though I’m not really thinking about anything but…
  448. With the two of us staying in a hotel like this a lot of things could…
  449. N: Hot…
  450. Noiz takes a water bottle from the fridge and drinks from it a little, then comes towards me.
  451. N: Wanna drink?
  452. A: Ah, sure.
  453. Feeling kind of shy I take the water bottle that’s held out to me.
  454. The water bottle is cold and perspiration from the bottle runs down the outside.
  455. After putting it to my lips and drinking a little bit of water, Noiz sits next to me.
  456. He’s closer than I think and my heart starts to race again.
  457. For some reason Noiz is looking at me with a little bit of a pout on his face.
  458. N: …
  459. A: W-what?
  460. N: …You
  461. As he says that he suddenly pushes down on both of my shoulders.
  462. A: Uwa, wai…. It will spill!
  463. I raise my hand that’s holding the bottle and somehow avoid anything from spilling….
  464. And am literally pushed down by Noiz.
  465. Noiz’s gaze is on me filled with something that I don’t really understand, and a drop of water from his hair falls onto me.
  466. For some reason it seems like he’s glaring at me and it makes me nervous.
  467. A: W-what is it?
  468. N: You’re wearing clothes.
  469. A: Eh?
  470. N: Why.
  471. A: Eh….
  472. Wearing clothes? Why?
  473. Noiz’s words repeat themselves in my head and I finally understand what they mean.
  474. No, even if he asks me why…
  475. I just put my clothes on…. The air conditioning is kind of cold.
  476. N: I kinda thought this but
  477. N: Are you not that happy to see me?
  478. A: …Ha?
  479. I’m taken aback by the sudden question.
  480. A: ….
  481. A: I don’t really know what you mean but…
  482. And your face is close…
  483. N: It’s been a while since we last saw each other but you don’t look happy at all.
  484. N: You didn’t answer my question when I came to get you either.
  485. Question?
  486. N: Did you have an affair or something?
  487. ………….
  488. ………..?
  489. ??????
  490. A: …How did the talk suddenly jump to that!
  491. I enter the role of the straight guy at the sudden jump in the conversation. (There is the straight guy and the stupid guy in Japanese comedy, the straight guy always is mean to the stupid guy, like shutting him down and hitting him).
  492. No, I just butted in is all.
  493. The conversation just suddenly escalated, cheating….
  494. N: You did?
  495. A: I didn’t!
  496. N: Really?
  497. A: Listen here…
  498. This conversation is really making me mad.
  499. I take a deep breath in order to calm down and look hard at Noiz.
  500. A: I hate cheating and stuff like that. It’s impossible anyway.
  501. N: Hmm. So you haven’t done it with anyone since then?
  502. A: I haven’t.
  503. N: You decided it was only me.
  504. A: U…
  505. Why does he have to answer in that tone of voice in such an embarrassing way…
  506. I mean…
  507. A: …What about you.
  508. N: What. Cheating?
  509. A: …
  510. N: You worried?
  511. Noiz’s lips turn up at the edges.
  512. Kuu….
  513. I’m just saying the same thing back to him but I have the feeling that I’m the one being cornered here….!?
  514. It’s kind of nostalgic, though, like the things that haven’t changed really haven’t…
  515. A: I’m, not really worried.
  516. N: Hee, is that so.
  517. A: …
  518. N: So you’re okay with me hugging and kissing other people
  519. A: …..
  520. …Ahh, jeeze!
  521. I hear the sound of something snapping in my head and I glare at Noiz, letting my temper out.
  522. A: It’s not okay, of course I’d hate it! Of course I’d worry!
  523. A: I thought a lot about not being able to do anything if you changed your interests!
  524. N: Changed interests?
  525. Noiz frowns like he’s confused.
  526. I look away, embarrassed by my sudden outburst.
  527. I let out my true thoughts….
  528. A: No, I mean, you met a lot of people when you returned to your country, right?
  529. N: Not so much that you could call it a lot but. Well, there are the people in my company.
  530. A: You, have lived up until now not really being bothered by others but… you can touch a whole new world by meeting others.
  531. N: …?
  532. A: So I ended up thinking about a lot. Like how you may have experienced new things and broadened your world.
  533. A: If there was a person you met who caught your interest… it wouldn’t be strange.
  534. I was of special importance to Noiz who hadn’t interacted with a lot of people in the past.
  535. But I was the one who first opened Noiz’s world up.
  536. I feel like he’s attached to me, like a baby bird who recognizes the first person they see as their parent.
  537. If he had met someone first and they had entered his heart.
  538. That possibility always floats in the depths of my heart and I try hard not to think about it too much.
  539. That’s why when I couldn’t contact Noiz I thought that he wouldn’t return to me.
  540. Of course I wanted to give up on that idea.
  541. I wanted to trust in Noiz. I looked foolish.
  542. I thought that but, but….
  543. I don’t have the privilege to stop Noiz from expanding his world.
  544. So I ended up thinking that it couldn’t be helped.
  545. N: …
  546. Noiz looks at me and sighs in displeasure with a look on his face asking “is this guy stupid?”
  547. N: So, what?
  548. A: No…
  549. N: What are oyu saying would happen if I’ve experienced new things and expanded my world?
  550. A: …
  551. I don’t really know myself.
  552. I wonder why this anxiety, like fog, won’t disappear.
  553. Am I worried that Noiz has changed.
  554. That I’ve been pushed to the side…
  555. In that time I couldn’t contact him and was constantly worrying, this guy somehow, at some point, starting walking ahead of me.
  556. Then he pulled back and came back to me.
  557. I’m really happy about that but…
  558. Noiz’s change is because a lot has happened in that time.
  559. So this anxiety might be because he now knows a “world other than me”.
  560. As though he’s completely read my words the wrong way, Noiz is still looking at me with furrowed brows, and then he opens his mouth.
  561. N: You know my nature.
  562. N: I only ate pizza and pasta when I was in Kyuujuuminku.
  563. …What does that have to do with anything.
  564. N: It’s not that I didn’t know about other foods, but that I loved those two so much.
  565. A: But you didn’t know about takoyaki or donuts, which everyone knows about…
  566. N: Of course I couldn’t eat everything. But to that extent I would only keep eating what I had interest in.
  567. N: It seems like you’re hung up on something you completely don’t understand, like new worlds and experiences.
  568. N: That doesn’t matter to me.
  569. N: Are you thinking that I might have changed my interest and that I only liked you cause you were all I knew?
  570. A: …
  571. N: It’s not that simple. Are you being stupid?
  572. N: Why do you think I’ve come all the way back here from Germany and help myself back until today?
  573. N: I said so before but I came back so I could get you properly.
  574. N: If it was the past me I would have forced you to come with me. But I knew that if I did that you wouldn’t be happy.
  575. Then Noiz looks at me with a little bit of disgust on his face.
  576. N: If you have time to think about such useless things, praise me more instead.
  577. A: …
  578. I keep my eyes averted from Noiz’s… and am assaulted by sever self-hatred
  579. In the end I just didn’t believe in Noiz.
  580. There is the part that Noiz’s actions are so abrupt that I can never predict them but…
  581. But it’s not a lie that Noiz fought all this way for me.
  582. He’s always serious.
  583. At first I was overwhelmed when I found out how he fought so hard like an idiot for the things he wanted or the things he denied.
  584. That made me more and more interested in Noiz, and I couldn’t leave him along.
  585. So that he came back for me…
  586. I don’t think that what he’s saying to me could be a lie.
  587. It’s me who was focusing too much on silly things.
  588. I reach out a hand to Noiz’s face, smiling bitterly, disgusted with myself.
  589. A: …Sorry. It was something I should have told you right away, but I didn’t.
  590. A: Welcome back, Noiz.
  591. N: …
  592. A: And you’ve done well to get to this point. You’re awesome.
  593. Noiz’s brow furrows a little at my teasing tone.
  594. N: I don’t need that.
  595. A: Even though you just told me to praise you.
  596. This isn’t his angry face, but his shy one.
  597. I somehow know that much.
  598. N: …rather.
  599. Noiz’s face comes a little closer to mine.
  600. N: I didn’t hear the answer to my question.
  601. A: Question? About what?
  602. N: The one about whether you missed me or not. (So this could be “wanted to see” but I think it sounds better as “missed” because in Japanese it’s the same word)
  603. A: If I thought that I missed you…?
  604. He asked that…?
  605. N: Right. Did you ever think that you missed me?
  606. A: … …Ahh—
  607. I finally remember.
  608. Speaking of which I do feel like I heard that.
  609. My memory is a bit weak though cause I was so surprised.
  610. So I didn’t answer that…
  611. N: I still haven’t heard your answer.
  612. N: Did you miss me?
  613. A: …
  614. Noiz stares at me as he waits for my answer.
  615. Feeling my face heat up, I look away and talk a little fast as I reply.
  616. A: …I missed you.
  617. A: I really, always missed you.
  618. The words fall honestly from my lips.
  619. N: ….
  620. Noiz lays on tops of my and places his head on my shoulder.
  621. Noiz’s still wet hair tickles my cheek.
  622. N: …I missed you too.
  623. I hear his words, different from his usual uninterested tone, mixed with a sigh next to my ear.
  624. N: I haven’t done anyone other than you, either.
  625. …This way of talking is just like Noiz.
  626. N: You’re good. Just you.
  627. Noiz’s body is gradually warming mine up and he wraps his arms around me.
  628. A: Noiz…
  629. Noiz’s heat and smell that I haven’t been near in a while.
  630. Just that makes my chest tighten.
  631. N: I’ve always wanted to hold you like this.
  632. Noiz raises his head and looks at me.
  633. His face comes closer and I close my eyes reflexively.
  634. A: …n
  635. His lips touch mine softly, then part just as fast.
  636. When I open my eyes Noiz is grinning widely.
  637. N: I always wanted to kiss you.
  638. A: ….
  639. …. My head is so hot it feels like it’s boiling inside.
  640. N: The feeling in my body has finally returned but I still haven’t satisfied you.
  641. A: …What are you saying, you perverted brat.
  642. But did the fact that “the feeling in my body returned” not count in the hospital?
  643. Or was it just because of the situation…?
  644. I get nervous thinking about this nervous question when Noiz kisses me again.
  645. A: …. …..fu
  646. N: …
  647. Noiz’s warm, wet tongue pokes at the opening to my lips over and over.
  648. A: Haa…
  649. Just that makes electricity run through me and I let Noiz’s tongue into my mouth.
  650. While we kiss deeply, Noiz takes my hand and leads it to his back.
  651. While embracing him, I get lost in the sweetness I haven’t felt for a while.
  652. A: …u… puha… uun mu
  653. N: Ha……
  654. Both of Noiz’a hands trail down my sides to my hips over my clothes.
  655. When they reach my hips, they slip under the edge of my shirt.
  656. A: Fu…
  657. My breath melts from my lips when Noiz’s bare hands touch my skin.
  658. N: …
  659. Noiz parts from our deep kiss slowly and after licking my top lip drops his head to my neck.
  660. He sucks at the skin on my neck as he kisses it and he gradually rolls my shirt up to my chest.
  661. That movement is vexingly slow but makes my heart pound.
  662. N: …Your hair is still wet.
  663. Noiz licks my neck, my hair falling around my shoulders and brushing his face.
  664. A: …ah…
  665. His hands on my body reach for my chest and they grab both of my nipples.
  666. A: Ah ha…
  667. Stimuus runs through me and my body shudders.
  668. While twisting my nipples between his fingers, Noiz kisses me like he’s getting a treat.
  669. N: …shirt, take it off.
  670. Noiz lifts my shirt up, urging me to take it off.
  671. I follow along with his movement and raise my arms like I’m cheering as he pulls my shirt over my head.
  672. N: This too.
  673. A: …
  674. He pats my abdomen and, a little flustered, I lift myself up so that I can undo my belt and take off my pants.
  675. N: …
  676. Noiz collect my clothes and throws them to the side of the bed and then looks at my naked body once more.
  677. I become embarrassed by the way his gaze forces me to a corner.
  678. A: …What is it.
  679. N: I thought this before but you’re rather small and thin.
  680. A: …
  681. What the heck.
  682. It’s like he’s taking a stab at my pride….
  683. A: I’m not small, this is normal, normal. You were just raised better.
  684. I try to take a stab back at him but Noiz just looks towards the ceiling like he’s thinking about something.
  685. N: …
  686. N: …You don’t like it?
  687. A: Don’t compare it against your data!
  688. N: …
  689. Noiz smiles faintly and, while letting go of the towel around his waist, climbs onto the bed.
  690. To match his movements, I scoot to the center of the bed.
  691. When I see Noiz’s lower body I notice that his cock has started to grow hard.
  692. Of course I’m the same… but…
  693. hm?
  694. A: …That piercing?
  695. Without thinking, I point towards Noiz’s half hard cock, staring.
  696. He’d taken off the piercings in his face but the one’s on his belly button and down below are still sparkling.
  697. N: I didn’t take these off.
  698. A: Eh, why…
  699. N: I wanted to ask you before I did.
  700. A: Why me?
  701. N: If you like them I’ll leave them, but if you don’t I think I’ll take them out.
  702. A: I don’t really like or dislike them!
  703. N: Is that so?
  704. Noiz raises his voice and his eyebrow in question and embraces me.
  705. N: Come closer.
  706. He says, making us so close that our knees are touching.
  707. A: If I get any closer I’ll end up sitting on your knees…
  708. N: It’s fine.
  709. A: ….
  710. He pulls me forward and I reluctantly get on Noiz’s knees. More like I straddle him.
  711. This is… making us really close to each other.
  712. A: …
  713. Noiz’s face is close…
  714. I mean… our cocks are almost touching…
  715. N: ….
  716. When I look away out of embarrassment, Noiz grabs both of our cocks in his hand.
  717. And he starts stroking them.
  718. A: Wai… ah…
  719. N: N…
  720. Both our cocks were already a little hard so when they come in contact, heat spreads and they become harder.
  721. As he moves his hand, a sweet sense of pleasure and excitement coils in my abdomen.
  722. But Noiz’s piercings rubbing against me is bad.
  723. O-on the underside…
  724. A: Ah Haa… Noiz…
  725. N: Fu….
  726. A pleasant feeling advances upon me and I can feel my cock getting fully hard.
  727. Because Noiz likes it when it hurts a little he starts to speed up his pace gradually, squeezing harder.
  728. He rubs it so that it’s on the brink of being painful, but not quite.
  729. He’s making them collide together, and his piercings are hitting.
  730. A: Fu ah… ha…
  731. N: …Hey
  732. Noiz smiles faintly, muttering the word hotly as he peers at me.
  733. N: Does it feel good?
  734. A: That…
  735. N: If it doesn’t, I’ll stop.
  736. A: …
  737. Far from a direct answer, I have to suck in the saliva that feels like it’s going to drip out of my mouth.
  738. How much consent do I have to give…
  739. The hand I reach out to try to stop him only ends up wrapping around his without any meaning.
  740. His piercings grind against me and the pleasure builds in me little by little.
  741. A: U ua…
  742. N: …
  743. Noiz smiles at my reactions and suddenly stops moving his hand.
  744. A: …
  745. He then separates from me and gets off the bed, leaving me wondering what’s going on.
  746. Suddenly abandoned, I follow Noiz with my eyes, lingering in the heat he left in me.
  747. I wonder what it is, did he go to get something?
  748. Noiz comes back from the closet right away and stands next to the bed.
  749. N: Come this way.
  750. A: …?
  751. N: Quickly.
  752. I wonder what he has in mind? I can’t catch hold of his intentions at all.
  753. Puzzled, I move to the edge of the bed where Noiz is.
  754. Noiz leans over me and suddenly grabs one of my legs.
  755. A: …!?
  756. I’m suddenly flipped to the side and overturned.
  757. He lifts the leg he’s holding over his shoulder and slides himself in between my thighs.
  758. A: Eh… Eh!?
  759. A: Oi, Noiz, wait, what are you… …!
  760. N: …..n
  761. I try to close my legs, but I’m too late.
  762. Noiz wraps a hand around my cock and… covers it with his mouth.
  763. A: ….!
  764. My breath hitches at the wet warmth.
  765. To think that Noiz is…!?
  766. I can’t believe it…!
  767. A: Really, wai t… ah! Fu… Noiz!
  768. I try to at least get away by moving backwards but Noiz has my leg that’s on his shoulder held in a death grip.
  769. N: ….. ….
  770. Noiz starts to move his head and strokes me with his lips.
  771. I get the feeling he’s not used to something like this at all but of course pleasure starts to well up in me, especially at the sight of him.
  772. Noiz is looking at me as he moves and distinct pleasure, stronger than before, shoots through me.
  773. A: Haa ha…. Ah…
  774. N: Fu…. …
  775. Noiz moves his tongue little by little, licking the tip gently.
  776. It’s gradually…. Starting to feel better.
  777. But I’m still really bewildered.
  778. A: Wait, Noiz… really…
  779. In stilted breaths, I reach out my hand to Noiz’s head.
  780. Noiz stops moving and lifts his head.
  781. N: It doesn’t feel good?
  782. N: Or would you maybe feel it more if I bit you?
  783. He laughs as he says that and my face reddens.
  784. Even if I know it’s a joke, I lose my composure and I can’t move.
  785. A: That’s not it, why so suddenly…
  786. Noiz’s actions are always abrupt but this surprised me more than usual.
  787. When did he switch to this?
  788. N: Because looking at you before made me think it looked delicious
  789. A: !?
  790. Delicious…!?
  791. N: And you’ve done this to me before. I just wanted to try mimicking it.
  792. No, certainly I’ve done it before but…
  793. A: You’re not hesitant or reluctant…?
  794. N: It’s you so not really. And I basically want to return the favor.
  795. A: Favor?
  796. N: You took care of me while I was hospitalized, so I thought I would do a lot today. It’s okay if you don’t do anything.
  797. A: …. …ha?
  798. A weird sigh escapes from my lips.
  799. I lose my strength in a weird way.
  800. I’m used to being surprised or hurt by Noiz’s sudden actions, but I really can’t understand this at all.
  801. I can’t tell if he’s bashful or ambitious or outspoken….
  802. But this guy must be a new breed of human after all…
  803. While I’m spacing out, Noiz grabs my hips and pulls me.
  804. A: Uwa…!
  805. Both my legs are now on Noiz’s shoulders so he’s much closer to my ass.
  806. …..It can’t be.
  807. A: !.... Noiz!
  808. N: Just be quiet….
  809. A: !!
  810. …I really can’t understand.
  811. It’s not a problem of feeling it or not.
  812. Noiz lifts my hips and then spreads my cheeks and… starts licking that place.
  813. A warm wet feeling covers my entrance.
  814. A: Hu ah…! Ah…
  815. My body shivers in convulsions.
  816. It kind of feels like a warm, wet object entering me but… More than anything the stimulus of Noiz licking me paralyzes my whole body.
  817. A: U u….
  818. N: ….
  819. I feel like my head is going to explode in embarrassment…
  820. I forget to resist as I endure my embarrassment and I just grip the sheets in my hands.
  821. It’s not bad but I’m too surprised to feel pleasure at first.
  822. Noiz moves his soft tongue as though to disperse my tension.
  823. Sometimes he’ll replace his tongue with a finger and lick my erection or balls instead.
  824. I was so tense at first, but due to his loving actions I start to loosen up and my breathing quickens.
  825. I think Noiz starts to notice my reactions and the tension recedes.
  826. As the wet sounds echoe, I can feel myself getting harder.
  827. A: Fu ah…. Ah… Noiz…
  828. After kissing the joints in my thighs he lifts his head, looking at me as if to confirm something, and takes out a small tube from somewhere.
  829. A transparent gel comes out of the tube and he spreads it on his fingertips.
  830. A: …What is that…
  831. N: I said it right, today I’ll do a lot to you.
  832. N: It’s basically in consideration for you, so you don’t get hurt.
  833. Is this what he went in the closet to get before…?
  834. He looks at me, gauging my reactions as he spreads the gel on my opening.
  835. A: !
  836. I suck in my breath at the cold, startling feeling.
  837. A: Noiz…!
  838. That place, loosened by Noiz’s tongue, swallows his fingers.
  839. A: Ku…
  840. Because the gel melted a little due to my body heat, his fingers move smoothly inside of me.
  841. I’m getting harder again and my breaths shudder from my lips.
  842. N: …
  843. As Noiz moves his finger, he licks a clear liquid dripping from my cock.
  844. He licks from the tip to the roots and sucks up the liquid that’s fallen there, too.
  845. Hearing that sound makes me so embarrassed I could die.
  846. A: Haa ha ah… fu…
  847. With my opening softened, he licks and fingers me at the same time, making it so that even I can feel it getting hotter there.
  848. I feel like I’m melting and because I’m spacing out I feel a little uncomfortable.
  849. I mean… I’m a little scared of this straightforward Noiz.
  850. Not that Noiz is scary, on the contrary I’m so happy that it makes me feel that way.
  851. Noiz just said that but I start to feel a little anxious again.
  852. Is it really okay for me to be Noiz’s partner?
  853. I’m so happy that Noiz would go this far for me but… at the same time I’m a little frightened.
  854. I did my best to help him open his heart when it was still closed and he had never thought about anything else.
  855. But it’s not like that now.
  856. Now the world for just the two of us has disappeared.
  857. Noiz did say that there’s no problem but I’m sure there will be a lot of problems erupting around us.
  858. Just how Noiz had to greet Grandma, the day where I have to greet his family might come.
  859. When I think of that, the question of is this really okay or not is born.
  860. It’s really like Noiz has been reborn and he is now a young man with great promise. Others probably won’t be able to leave him alone.
  861. …Do I intend to crush Noiz’s future?
  862. A: ….
  863. Thinking that far, I suddenly start to understand Grandma’s words.
  864. “If you’re hesitant you’ll stumble.”
  865. My anxiety wasn’t just over leaving the island.
  866. My anxiety was me “not wanting to leave the island” mixed with anxiety about Noiz.
  867. Because I didn’t want to regret choosing the wrong path, I didn’t want leave.
  868. I’m struggling with that cowardice.
  869. I love Noiz and I want to be with him.
  870. But it’s because I love him… that I’m cautious and scared.
  871. It’s because I’m feeling those contradictory feelings.
  872. It’s not Noiz’s problem. Noiz hasn’t done anything wrong.
  873. This is a problem within myself.
  874. N: …What is it?
  875. Noticing a change in my reactions, Noiz stops moving.
  877. CHOICE:
  878. 1) Try talking to Noiz
  879. 2) Leave it be
  881. 1) Try talking to Noiz
  882. I can’t concentrate with my feelings like this.
  883. Preparing myself for him to get mad, I gather all my strength to ask him directly.
  884. A: …Uhm
  885. Noiz inclines his head. The wetness of his thin lips is alluring.
  886. A: It may be weird for me to say this in this situation but…
  887. A: I’m really happy that you’re doing these things for me. Super happy, I mean what is it, I’m too happy….
  888. A: And I wonder if it’s really okay.
  889. N: If what is?
  890. A: …
  891. When Noiz speaks his breath brushes against me and tickles a little.
  892. But I notice that his eyes have become sharper and I become a little flustered.
  893. N: What is this.
  894. A: That is… It’s not that I’m doubting you but
  895. A: This… I feel like it’s a waste for you to do this to me…
  896. A: Like is it really okay
  897. N: ….
  898. The air surrounding Noiz gets a little colder.
  899. I was prepared for him to get angry but…
  900. Noiz separates from me, standing, and hides his irritation with a sigh.
  901. N: …You’ve been saying this since before and it’s making me mad. Do you still not understand even after I said that?
  902. A: …
  903. N: What’s a waste? Did you not listen to a word I said?
  904. N: You’re still thinking of that useless shit even though I’m here with you.
  905. A:! That’s not it.
  906. N: Then what is it.
  907. This I probably our difference in opinion.
  908. Noiz has a low value of himself… basically he has no interest.
  909. That’s why Noiz probably doesn’t understand my anxiety.
  910. It’s not that I don’t believe in Noiz but…
  911. Right now I don’t have the confidence to be able to accept Noiz who has grown so much.
  912. Time passed when we didn’t see each other, and he showed up in front of me different than before…
  913. My feelings towards him haven’t changed but I still end up hesitating.
  914. It’s kinda like the feeling of a small puppy you were protecting suddenly becoming big and self-sufficient.
  915. N: … I wanted to be kind to you but I give up after all.
  916. Getting tired of me not answering, Noiz spits out the words with a rough sigh.
  917. Hearing that, a shiver runs up my spine.
  918. Noiz turns on his heel to the closet again and returns with something else.
  919. ….
  920. ….A belt and handkerchief?
  921. Goosebumps prickle over my paled skin.
  922. A: Noiz…
  923. I call out his name, anxious, but get no answer.
  924. Noiz silently leaps onto the bed, and when I try to escape he grabs my shoulders.
  925. A: !
  926. Noiz collects my arms and lifts them, sending pain through me.
  927. A: I-it hurts, it really hurts…!
  928. N: Shut up.
  929. Noiz holds my arms firmly and starts to tightly wrap the belt around my wrists.
  930. He ties it with all his strength, making my joints hurt.
  931. A: H urts…!
  932. He pushes me down and I fall, face up, onto the bed.
  933. Noiz straddles me and ties the large handkerchief around my eyes.
  934. A: …!
  935. My vision is suddenly cut off and I can’t see anything.
  936. I can feel him tightly tying the handkerchief behind my head.
  937. A: Noiz, hey…!
  938. My anxiety becomes stronger since I can’t see anything and I struggle hard against my restraints.
  939. N: This is punishment. You seem like you’ll understand better from a beating than from words.
  940. A: You’re wr…
  941. N: I’m not.
  942. Noiz interrupts my words.
  943. I can’t see anything so I have no idea what Noiz is going to do.
  944. I try to feel around for Noiz’s presence as cold sweat drips down my back.
  945. Something touches my defenseless skin.
  946. This is… his hand?
  947. Next, a kind of wet, watery feeling is on my chest…
  948. A: …
  949. This time something strokes me from the bottom of my side upwards, making me shake in surprise.
  950. A shuddering chill runs through me.
  951. I can’t see so… I can’t guess.
  952. If I can’t see it with my eyes I can’t help but be scared.
  953. Even though I know that it’s Noiz…
  954. A: Noiz….
  955. N: …
  956. Noiz doesn’t say anything as if to erase his presence, and will suddenly kiss, lick, or press his mouth to me.
  957. When he sucks on my nipple, my reaction is over exaggerated.
  958. But rather being aroused from it, it’s because it’s so surprising that it makes me anxious.
  959. My cock is being stroked by his hand, getting used to the situation, and something starts to enter me.
  960. It’s probably his finger.
  961. It’s the same thing he did as before, but I’m scared.
  962. A: Ku…
  963. I try to push him away with my tied up hands, but he avoids them.
  964. I can hear the sound of the leather belt scraping on my skin.
  965. N: What. So you feel it when I touch you like this after all.
  966. A: … …
  967. N: Here too, and this is standing.
  968. Noiz plays with my nipple and my cock which is he still stroking.
  969. A: It’s fine, so undo this….
  970. N: I don’t want to.
  971. Suddenly, my chest is covered in wetness.
  972. A: Ah haa…
  973. A sweet sigh falls from my lips before I realize it as he rolls my nipple around with his tongue.
  974. This situation is scary. I want it to end soon.
  975. But…
  976. maybe because I’m more focused on what’s happening I can feel everything more sharply…
  977. And I feel like I’m feeling… too much.
  978. Even though it’s scary…
  979. A: …
  980. My leg is tugged on suddenly and something wet wraps around my toes.
  981. …Noiz is licking them.
  982. As he licks on my big toe he slides his finger into me and I swallow him whole…
  983. A: Stop…!
  984. When I act out, Noiz takes his mouth from my foot and instead starts moving his finger violently inside of me.
  985. A: Faa… ha
  986. His fingers scratch against the walls and my body throbs with more heat than before.
  987. It’s this kind of situation but I’m still feeling it.
  988. But… I don’t like it after all. I want him to take the belt and the handkerchief off soon.
  989. No matter how much my body reacts this is…
  990. A: Aah… …?
  991. All at once, the feeling of someone touches me vanishes.
  992. I can’t sense Noiz’s presence, and I feel like I’ve been abandoned.
  993. I get more and more anxious, and I move my free legs, trying to get up.
  994. …suddenly, I feel something went down below.
  995. A: Eh…?
  996. Drop by drop, slowly, it drips from my tip.
  997. Eh… …eh?
  998. This…
  999. Can’t be…
  1000. N: …You’re wet. It looks like you’re leaking something.
  1001. A: !
  1002. N: Are you that scared? Or is it good? Which?
  1003. A: ….!!
  1004. I suddenly understand what’s going on by Noiz’s words and I’m assaulted by intense embarrassment.
  1005. I didn’t even realize my body was doing that so why…!?
  1006. As I think that lukewarm liquid leaks from the tip of my cock.
  1007. This…
  1008. In front of Noiz…
  1009. I bite down on my lips hard, shaking from embarrassment so strong I feel like I could die.
  1010. N: Isn’t it bad for you to leak? Even though you’re my older “big brother”
  1011. A: ….
  1012. I try to curl up so that Noiz, at least, can’t see but my legs are suddenly pulled open.
  1013. He grabs my hips from the front and lifts one leg up.
  1014. I can’t think straight from wetting myself and my thoughts are in a mess as I feel something hot touch my exposed entrance.
  1015. A: …Ua ah…!!
  1016. Suddenly Noiz’s hotness is entering me.
  1017. I can’t see so I couldn’t really tell the timing of his entrance.
  1018. A: AAah ha…!
  1019. Maybe it’s because I can’t see what’s going on, but Noiz is incredibly hot inside of me I twist my body trying to get away.
  1020. But Noiz’s hands, holding my hips tightly, won’t let me.
  1021. N: …
  1022. I can hear his light sigh mixed with moving fabric.
  1023. Noiz enters me little by little and then stops moving.
  1024. A: … …
  1025. My heart is beating incredibly fast and the tension in my body won’t loosen.
  1026. Only anxiety is filling me.
  1027. I feel like prey to a beast who can only wait to be eaten.
  1028. I don’t know what Noiz looks like as he looks at me. I want to know. I’m scared.
  1029. N:….
  1030. A: …
  1031. Noiz moves slowly.
  1032. I can smell soap mixed with sweat in the air.
  1033. A: Haa ah…
  1034. Because I can’t see I focus completely on the movement inside of me.
  1035. I can feel his movements strongly and vividly.
  1036. He pounds deeply inside of me as if he’s trying to break the walls and his tip and the piercing are rubbing in the wrong spot, irritating it.
  1037. Because of that stimulus hitting me repeatedly, my ass is getting hotter.
  1038. Even if my heart is frightened, because my body knows who it is, it’s gradually opening up to it.
  1039. A: Fu Haa ah… u…
  1040. N: …
  1041. Noiz slaps against my thigh, pounding into me.
  1042. At first the sound of the sheets moving underneath us was loud, but the sound of skin hitting skin is gradually getting louder and louder.
  1043. The piercing on Noiz’s belly button is stroking against the underside of my cock.
  1044. Liquid is pouring from the tip of my cock and I can feel even the heat of it dripping down.
  1045. My body has become well attuned to that.
  1046. A: Ku… Au ah… …!?
  1047. As I gasp, finally adjusting to Noiz’s movements, I feel a different type of liquid drip from me again.
  1048. Could it be, again…?
  1049. A: Noiz, let go…
  1050. Shyness and impatience wells up in place of pleasure and I reflexively close my legs.
  1051. I’m embarrassed, and more than anything dirty.
  1052. Noiz will get dirty if he touches me like this…!
  1053. N: …
  1054. But, Noiz doesn’t let go of me and continues quietly.
  1055. And instead…
  1056. He grabs my soiled, wet cock strongly.
  1057. A: !
  1058. My body leaps in an exaggerated manner and at the same time I pale.
  1059. A: Noiz, stop… it’s dirty!
  1060. I try to kick Noiz, trying to escape.
  1061. Truthfully, I’m really close to crying.
  1062. This shameful sight… is the worst…
  1063. A: ….. ku…
  1064. The sound that comes from my throat startles even me.
  1065. The corners of my eyes and my nose prickle with heat and I can feel something wet start to drip… And then I start to sob convulsively.
  1066. N: …
  1067. Nois stops moving and I can tell that he’s examining me.
  1068. My head is filled with sadness and bitterness.
  1069. My throat feels like it’s stuck with warmth and sobs mix with my voice.
  1070. It’s frustrating. So frustrating I can’t bar it.
  1071. I feel like I’m really going to cry…
  1072. A: Why, what are you doing this…! It’s been so long since I’ve seen you, I…
  1073. A: I’m really happy but, I was surprised that you changed so much, and it made me anxious…
  1074. A: But I always wanted to see you! I searched so hard for you, and I was incredibly sad when I couldn’t find you…
  1075. A: And then you returned like it was no problem, and had even made up your mind…
  1076. A: Of course I would be surprised! It was like the person I had known had become someone else, and…
  1077. A: I had thought that you didn’t want to see me anymore…
  1078. A: I don’t like this… We finally get to see each other… I hate it… why… u….
  1079. I don’t want to cry but tears I can’t hold back spill from my eyes.
  1080. I’m so uncool, talking in this nasally voice and I have no idea what I’m saying anymore, my words are ending messily.
  1081. All that’s left at the end is a strange sound leaking from my throat.
  1082. As I sob uncouthly, I feel Noiz get closer to me.
  1083. N: …You finally said it.
  1084. A: …?
  1085. N: You’re desperate, real thoughts.
  1086. Noiz whispers those words more gently than normal.
  1087. N: And you’re not dirty here.
  1088. Something touches my head and I can hear a rustling sound…
  1089. And I can finally see.
  1090. A: ….
  1091. Noiz’s face is right in front of me.
  1092. I just saw him, but I feel like I missed him dearly…. And feeling relieved, I almost cry again.
  1093. N: It would have been better to say it sooner.
  1094. N: I, more than you think, wish to give you anything you want.
  1095. N: I mean, there are a lot of things I don’t know, and you’re the one who said I should find out about them.
  1096. A: Ah…
  1097. A: I have just one thing to tell you. This world… probably isn’t as bad as you think it is.
  1098. N: In the first place I never cared what the world was like. I have no interest.
  1099. A: That’s just because you don’t know it. There are a lot of things you don’t know.
  1100. N: Do I need to know them?
  1101. A: Isn’t it better to know about them than to not? To match up with what you’re saying.
  1102. N: So basically you’re telling me you’ll teach me?
  1103. N: Because you said that, I did it. Because that’s what you gave me.
  1104. N: Above that, I came to get you.
  1105. A: …
  1106. …That’s right.
  1107. I wanted to open Noiz’s heart and said those things like an adult.
  1108. Then Noiz actually did as I said.
  1109. Even so, I pushed away his feelings and got nervous about him knowing of a world other than me.
  1110. I got scared that he would want to separate from me.
  1111. Even though I said those things first.
  1112. N: You underestimate me too much.
  1113. A: … Sorry.
  1114. A: … Sorry for saying something weird.
  1115. Those words fall from my lips instead of the tears that are welled up at the corners of my eyes.
  1116. N: It’s fine, as long as you understand.
  1117. A: And… sorry for getting you dirty…
  1118. I’m mortified that I wet myself, spiraling into self-hatred.
  1119. N: Ahh. Like I said you didn’t.
  1120. A: No, but
  1121. N: But you basically felt like you did. The human mind is a strange thing.
  1122. A: …?
  1123. I can’t register his words and I look at him with a questioning gaze.
  1124. N: What you thought was you wetting yourself was just water.
  1125. Noiz nods his head to point above me.
  1126. I look towards where he’s indicating and see the water bottle that I’d placed on the headboard.
  1127. A: …..?
  1128. N: I spilled water into my hand and then dropped it onto you little by little.
  1129. N: I had heard of the optical illusion being possible if there is no sight so I wanted to try it. I guess it’s true
  1130. A: …
  1131. A: ……Haa!?
  1132. Basically…
  1133. This, from the beginning, was Noiz’s intention when he covered my eyes and told me that it looks like I’m wetting myself as he spilled the water on me?
  1134. That made me think that I actually wet myself and…
  1135. But it felt really real. So much so that I really thought I wet myself….
  1136. ….
  1137. …..
  1138. A: ……You~~~~!
  1139. I forget my self-hated and regret and glare at Noiz.
  1140. N: I said it was a punishment.
  1141. Noiz says it with a straight face.
  1142. A: How unhappy did you plan to make me…!
  1143. N: I overdid it a little. I never thought that you would cry.
  1144. A: ~~~~~~
  1145. N: Though you’re cute when you cry.
  1146. A: Like I said, you…!
  1147. N: But, anyhow, I wouldn’t really mind if it hadn’t been water.
  1148. A: What?
  1149. I ask, completely mad that he’s been messing with me, and Noiz suddenly grips my cock gently.
  1150. A: …
  1151. N: I’m saying that if you really had wet yourself I wouldn’t really have minded.
  1152. N: You’re not dirty anywhere.
  1153. I’m about to reply to him but when I look at his face, it’s so serious that I swallow my words.
  1154. That gaze is holding me, completely different from his usual uninterested coldness.
  1155. N: I won’t think that anything that comes from you is dirty or disgusting. I mean,
  1156. N: Really, don’t belittle me.
  1157. N: I’m in love with you, and you’re in love with me. Am I wrong?
  1158. N: You don’t really love me?
  1159. A: There’s no way I couldn’t…
  1160. N: Answer properly.
  1161. A: …
  1162. A: …… I love you.
  1163. N: Then what else do you need? Even though I want to do a lot of things with you, and I want to be with you.
  1164. N: What else do we need other than our feelings?
  1165. A: …
  1166. When he says it like that, with those words, it really makes me feel like an idiot.
  1167. I feel guilty more than anything that I made him say those kinds of things.
  1168. A: … Sorry.
  1169. When I apologize from the bottom of my heart Noiz shakes his head a little.
  1170. N: Well, I’m not really satisfied.
  1171. A: About what?
  1172. N: I wonder if you think of me seriously.
  1173. A: …Of course I do…
  1174. N: That part of you…
  1175. He says that and then covers my lips with his.
  1176. A: Fu… mu… ….
  1177. As he curls his tongue with mine he starts moving inside of me again.
  1178. He strokes me with a little less vigor than before and my half-hard cocks slowly starts to warm up again.
  1179. A: Ha… n… ah u…
  1180. N: …
  1181. Noiz pulls away from my lips and starts moving inside of me.
  1182. Because he took of the blindfold, I can see him clearly.
  1183. Noiz’s eyes are lidded as he moves inside of me, and sometimes he closes them.
  1184. He looks like he feels good and I want to touch him…
  1185. And that’s when I remember my arms are still bound together.
  1186. A: Noiz… ha… this, take it off…
  1187. When I hold up my arms, Noiz laughs shortly.
  1188. N: Nope.
  1189. A: Why…
  1190. N: If I take it all off it won’t be a punishment anymore.
  1191. He thrusts hard inside of me as he says it.
  1192. A: Ah! Uah, haa… u
  1193. N: …here…?
  1194. As if he still remembers from the last time we did it, Noiz feels around inside of me for where it feels best.
  1195. A: Haa… Ku ah ah…!
  1196. He suddenly hits the spot and a flash of pleasure shoots through me and I press my head into the sheets, arching as I raise my voice.
  1197. N: Can you feel it…?
  1198. A: U… n… Ah aah…..
  1199. As he continues to thrust into me pleasure makes it hard for me to breath and instead of answering with words, I nod.
  1200. He pounds into that spot so many times that I lose the ability to think… And the feeling of my arms being bound is so frustrating that it feels good.
  1201. And Noiz’s piercings are hitting the right spot, making the lower half of my body feel like it’s melting.
  1202. My cock is completely hard again and Noiz’s hand is completely soaked as he strokes it.
  1203. N: Ha… ….
  1204. A: Ah ah… fu ah…!
  1205. N: ….It feels good… inside of you…
  1206. Noiz mutters it in a sigh.
  1207. He’s thrusting into me so thoroughly I feel like I’m going to cum already.
  1208. My body and consciousness feel like they’re going to burst and it hurts.
  1209. A: U u… ah… Noiz… already…
  1210. N: …. ….
  1211. Noiz holds onto my knee and moves harder and faster inside of me.
  1212. Large waves of pleasure assault me relentlessly and I scratch at the sheets with my bound hands, trying to find something to hold on to.
  1213. Noiz strokes me, urging on my release.
  1214. I feel the pleasure that’s built up inside of me explode all at once…
  1215. A: Faa ku… Ha AAaah…!!
  1216. My hips jolt and liquid bursts from my cock.
  1217. N: ….
  1218. As if to match me Noiz speeds up and holds onto my leg harder.
  1219. His movements slow to a jerking stop and I hear him pant as though his breath is being restrained.
  1220. N: Ku… ah…
  1221. Noiz shivers and throbs inside of me.
  1222. And I know he’s cum too.
  1223. A: Ha… haa….
  1224. N: Fu… …
  1225. I pant in the aftereffects and try to hug Noiz, realizing again that my arms are still restrained.
  1226. A: Noiz… this…
  1227. I present my arms to him a little too suddenly after he came, but his time he unfastens the belt without saying anything.
  1228. My arms a little red where they were restrained and seeing that Noiz frowns.
  1229. B: …Sorry. I really overdid it.
  1230. He apologizes as he strokes the red parts of my arms gently.
  1231. A: It’s fine.
  1232. I shake my head while smiling and, finally released, hug Noiz with all my strength.
  1233. I embrace him while feeling sorry for being annoying and saying thank you for everything.
  1234. And because I love him.
  1235. Loading all those feelings together, I hug him.
  1236. N: …
  1237. Noiz strokes my hair and hugs me back slowly.
  1238. I think as I’m wrapped up in his familiar arms and scent.
  1239. I realize one thing.
  1240. That after all I really want Noiz to learn a new world. I don’t want him to be holed up in a small world.
  1241. But to have Noiz just jump into it makes me nervous after all.
  1242. That’s why… I want to see the same world as Noiz.
  1243. I won’t be nervous if I do, and from now on we can overcome all the problems we’ll encounter.
  1244. Together.
  1245. I’m older, so I want Noiz to rely on me as much as possible, and I want to protect him but…
  1246. If I start hesitating I think it’s okay for me to lean on Noiz a little bit.
  1247. Noiz will certainly accept me with a clam face and say this.
  1248. “It’s not a big deal.”
  1249. I hold him, thinking this with all my heart and thanking him from the bottom of it.
  1251. 2) Leave it be
  1252. I really shouldn’t put these anxious thoughts into words.
  1253. A: …
  1254. N: …?
  1255. Noiz stops moving and looks at me, trying to figure out what’s going on.
  1256. N: What?
  1257. A: Nothing.
  1258. I shake my head, smiling a little.
  1259. If I think about it it’s luxury anxiety.
  1260. Noiz just explained to me how hard he worked for me.
  1261. Noiz said that for me, so what am I even getting anxious about?
  1262. Of course there will be some kind of a gap after not having seen each other for such a long time.
  1263. But it’s fine to not rush and to close that distance slowly.
  1264. Noiz is right in front of me right now, and we both know that we want each other.
  1265. That’s why there’s no reason for me to be confused.
  1266. Noiz worked hard believing in me and has come this far.
  1267. And more than anything, he told me that directly; I’m lucky.
  1268. I wonder when my heart had become this weak.
  1269. N: Is something on your mind?
  1270. Noiz lifts his head and takes his finger out from inside of me.
  1271. I hold my breath as he does and then I lean forward to touch his face.
  1272. A: Just thinking that I really missed you.
  1273. N: ….
  1274. Noiz looks at me with a surprising expression and then laughs a little.
  1275. N: You’re so honest even like this.
  1276. A: …It can’t be helped, I just wanted to say it.
  1277. N: It’s fine.
  1278. Noiz stands while smiling and turns on his heel.
  1279. He looks out the large window at the expanding blue night where the crowded buildings sparkle like starts.
  1280. N: It’s a pretty night scenery, isn’t it.
  1281. A: ? Ahh, yeah.
  1282. I nod, wondering what he’s thinking all of a sudden, and then Noiz turns towards me.
  1283. And then, while I’m wondering what’s going on, he slides his arms around my waist.
  1284. A: Eh?
  1285. What….
  1286. Before I can even think.
  1287. A: !
  1288. Noiz lifts me up like that and carries me over the window.
  1289. Not understanding a thing, I just cling to his head.
  1290. A: Noiz, oi, what are you doing…?
  1291. N: It’s fine.
  1292. Noiz drops me in front of the large window and grips my shoulders, turning me to I face the window.
  1293. A: …!
  1294. We’re on a pretty high floor but…
  1295. Can’t people from outside see us perfectly if the curtain is open like this…?
  1296. And I’m naked right now…
  1297. A: !
  1298. I try to pull away from the window but I’m pushed against it again.
  1299. A: Noiz…!
  1300. I’m right between him and the window and he’s leaning his bodyweight on to me.
  1301. Thanks to that, my arms are squished between my chest, my hands pressed flat against the window.
  1302. The coldness of the glass gives me goosebumps.
  1303. A: Hey…. …!?
  1304. I try to push back against Noiz so I can turn to face him, but I suddenly feel sweet pleasure on my chest.
  1305. Noiz has wrapped his arms around me and is kneading my nipples in his fingers.
  1306. A: …Hey, what are…!
  1307. N: Look at the scenery.
  1308. A: !
  1309. He whispers into my ear and I hunch mu shoulders.
  1310. … He can’t.
  1311. Is he thinking of doing it like this…!?
  1312. A: … …ha…
  1313. Noiz licks my earlobe and moves his fingers against my chest.
  1314. There isn’t much of a gap between me and the glass so he can barely move his fingers.
  1315. Because of that he’s barely moving but… the feeling is mixing with the stimulus of him licking my ear, making me gasp hotly.
  1316. But more than that, the window…!
  1317. I’m so embarrassed I feel like I’m on fire and all I want to do is separate from the window.
  1318. They could possibly…
  1319. see us from the next building over…
  1320. Someone could be looking this way….
  1321. Of course the chances of that are probably really slim but I can’t help the anxiety that fills my head.
  1322. Even so…
  1323. N: …
  1324. Noiz sucks on my hears and the nape of my neck as he strokes my chest and stomach gently with both hands.
  1325. A: …ah….
  1326. I try to silence myself so instead only gasps leave my lips.
  1327. I’m embarrassed that I’m steaming up the glass so I turn my head to the side.
  1328. N: Embarrassed? You’re ears are red.
  1329. Noiz whispers with his lips pressed to my ear.
  1330. A: Really, I said to stop…!
  1331. I forcibly push against the window and try to turn to look back at Noiz.
  1332. ….But.
  1333. A: …!
  1334. He grabs my shoulders and I’m forced against the window again.
  1335. N: Stop what? Even though you’re like this here.
  1336. A: Ah…!
  1337. Because my chest is pressed flush to the glass of the window, my hard nipples are being squished against it.
  1338. I’m tormented with a stimulus that’s kind of like being itchy due to the coldness.
  1339. N: Here too is more amazing than before. Do you really want me to stop?
  1340. A: Hi ah…
  1341. Noiz reaches between my legs and grabs my hard, standing cock.
  1342. It’s completely wet with pre-cum, so much so that Noiz’s hand gets sticky from touching t.
  1343. He plays with the tip with a finger, and a strong sense of pleasure runs straight to my hips.
  1344. A: Ah, sto- ah…!
  1345. He presses on me harder from behind and my tip ends up rubbing against the glass.
  1346. A: I… ha ah…
  1347. He’s pressing against me so hard, like he wants to squash my cock, so I press against the glass with both hands.
  1348. When I look down I can see the pre-cum dripping along my cock as well as the glass.
  1349. This….
  1350. Is so embarrassing I could die, so why….
  1351. My body and heart are completely turned upside down and I could cry because I don’t know what’s going on.
  1352. N: Ahhh, the glass is all sticky. What will you do about this? Making it so dirty.
  1353. A: …
  1354. Noiz reaches out a hand and swipes up the liquid with a fingertip then puts it in front of my face so I can see.
  1355. I look away without thinking and then he moves that finger down to my ass.
  1356. A: Ah…
  1357. Because he had prepared me before, my ass swallows his finger easily.
  1358. A: Fu ah… haa….
  1359. At first his finger feels strange inside of me, but now it’s starting to gradually feel good.
  1360. He increases it to two fingers and moves a lot, making sure that he can spread the opening wide.
  1361. A: U… ku…
  1362. I moan deeply at the feeling of the two fingers splitting me and widening me.
  1363. N: ….Look at the special scenery.
  1364. Noiz takes his fingers out from inside of me and tugs on my hips.
  1365. Because of that I end up bent over, and I fix my position with both hands pressed to the glass.
  1366. A: Noiz… !?... U Aah…!
  1367. Without waiting long, Noiz pushes into me.
  1368. His hard thickness spreads me wide.
  1369. A: Aah ah… ha…!
  1370. I lose my focus and end up clinging to the window, somehow holding myself up with my hands.
  1371. N: …
  1372. Noiz enters me little by little and stops with a sigh.
  1373. And then he pulls out what he just put in.
  1374. A: Ha….
  1375. He pulls out to the tip and then pushes in again…
  1376. His piercings drag across the inside of me as he pulls out only to suddenly go back in.
  1377. A: … …
  1378. That stilting movement makes me shudder as I gasp.
  1379. He goes in and out deeply many times and a throbbing starts deep in my hips.
  1380. …But.
  1381. I’m somehow unsatisfied.
  1382. With this slowness…
  1383. My opening that has become used to Noiz wants something stronger, something hotter.
  1384. N: It’s really dripping, are you okay?
  1385. A: …!
  1386. Noiz takes my cock in his hand, pressed against the glass from his movements.
  1387. It’s so wet there that even I’m surprised and it’s dripping so much that droplets are falling to the floor.
  1388. A: Ah…!
  1389. Noiz suddenly thrusts into me harder and a sweet wave of pleasure rushes over me.
  1390. I feel like I lose consciousness for a second at that feeling, but Noiz suddenly goes back to his slow pace.
  1391. A: … ….
  1392. I clench my teeth, trying to bear the dissatisfaction of not having enough.
  1393. I’m embarrassed because of where we are, and I can’t focus…
  1394. And it’s been a while since we met so inside of me…
  1395. …Is pleading for more.
  1396. What should I do….
  1397. A: …Noiz….
  1398. N: What?
  1399. A: … …
  1400. A: … …More…
  1401. N: More what?
  1402. A: ….
  1403. I can’t say anything more after that so I stay quiet and Noiz thrusts strongly into me once.
  1404. A: …!
  1405. N: I won’t understand if you don’t say it clearly.
  1406. A: …. ….
  1407. N: Nn?
  1408. I grasp lightly at the window, feeling like I’m going to burn away from shyness.
  1409. I can’t say it after all. I don’t want to say it. I’ll swallow my words.
  1410. But I can’t do anything about the fire burning inside of me… And I can’t hold back.
  1411. I part my trembling lips, trying to get more out of the situation.
  1412. A: …. ……-ve
  1413. N: What?
  1414. A: ….Move… more
  1415. A: ….I want…. You to move
  1416. N: ….Hee
  1417. I hear his voice, light with a smile, and I become overcome with dizzying embarrassment.
  1418. But Noiz finally responds.
  1419. A: Ah Haa…. Ah…!
  1420. It’s completely different from the slowness before; he’s thrusting into me hard.
  1421. I fall into a trance of ecstasy as my legs start to go numb for finally getting the stimulus that I wanted.
  1422. N: Fu…
  1423. A: Ah Aah…. Noiz…
  1424. I’m jolted over and over and sweet, deep gasps well up in my throat.
  1425. Noiz grabs my hips as he thrusts into me and presses his lips to my ear.
  1426. N: You like it like this?
  1427. A: …
  1428. N: You’re definitely feeling it. You’re tight.
  1429. A: No… Ah…!
  1430. N: Loosen up a little.
  1431. A laugh rumbles from deep in his throat.
  1432. I can’t help but deny him even though my heart knows what’s right.
  1433. But… why does it feel so good?
  1434. It’s embarrassing, so why…
  1435. N: Someone might see you… looking so erotic.
  1436. A: !
  1437. Noiz’s words pull me back to reality, but he thrusts into me as though to make me forget and I don’t know what’s going on anymore.
  1438. A: Haa ha… Ah Uah…!
  1439. N: Was it here
  1440. Noiz remembers where it makes me feel best and then thrusts into me, aiming to hit just that spot.
  1441. Someone might see me but I’m raising my voice out of such strong embarrassment…
  1442. But I’m feeling it so hard that I can’t even care anymore.
  1443. A: Aah ah…! Ku haa…
  1444. My cock is dripping a lot and I feel like I’m going to cum soon.
  1445. A: Ah, Noiz… already…!
  1446. As I say that, Noiz reaches down to grab my cock at the root.
  1447. A: !?
  1448. I try to hold myself back painfully and look back a Noiz over my shoulder.
  1449. Noiz licks his upper lip and smiles thinly and hotly.
  1450. N: I want to cum together, so wait.
  1451. N: And I wanna see your face… the face when you cum.
  1452. A: …
  1453. Honestly I want to cum so bad that it hurts.
  1454. But, if he says it like that… It can’t be helped.
  1455. A: U…. kuu… ah…
  1456. I bear the pain as Noiz pounds me hard.
  1457. I’m already on the verge of coming so liquid is pouring from my cock. I can’t help that it comes out.
  1458. But… I can’t cum yet.
  1459. I want to cum soon.
  1460. Hurry…!
  1461. N: …Ah…. I’m gonna cum…
  1462. Noiz moans shortly and strengthens his movements.
  1463. A: Ah ahh ah…
  1464. N: … …!
  1465. Finally Noiz takes his hand from the root of my cock and thrusts hard into me, like he’s trying to break me.
  1466. The feeling of being about to cum assaults me again and goosebumps prickle across my skin at the pleasure.
  1467. A: Ha ahh u ah… Aaah…!!
  1468. Tears drip unconsciously from my eyes and my whole body shudders as I cum.
  1469. The cum shoots from my cock to land on the glass window.
  1470. N: …. Fu….!
  1471. Almost at the same time, Noiz comes while watching me from the side and licking my tears.
  1472. As I shake I can feel Noiz throbbing inside of me as wetness fills me.
  1473. His warm cum coats the inside of me.
  1474. A: …. …haa haa ha…
  1475. N: …ha… …there.
  1476. My knees buckle and I lose the strength to stand, and as I crumple to the floor Noiz catches me.
  1477. N: You okay?
  1478. A: …sorry…
  1479. Noiz holds me and walks me slowly over to the bed.
  1480. A: ….haa
  1481. I fall face up onto the bed and breathe slowly.
  1482. I’m wearier than I’ve ever felt before and I can’t keep my eyes open.
  1483. Truthfully, it’s the first time that I’ve cum so strongly, too.
  1484. Just remembering it makes me shudder strongly…
  1485. I stare blankly up at the ceiling as I calm down and Noiz takes the water bottle from before and lays down next to me.
  1486. N: Drink?
  1487. Looking at that innocent face of his suddenly makes anger boil up inside of me.
  1488. A: Drink? Like hell! What the hell were you thinking…!
  1489. N: About what?
  1490. A: Th-that, in front of the window…
  1491. N: But you felt good right. And it looked like you felt it stronger.
  1492. N: And you came crying with an erotic face. Is that called ero-cute?
  1493. A: ~~~~~
  1494. N: Ouch.
  1495. I can’t find the words to say so I hit Noiz’s head and I roll over to face the other way.
  1496. Honestly I’m so embarrassed that I just want to disappear.
  1497. I roll up into a ball and feel Noiz hugging me from behind.
  1498. N: But because I got feeling back I can finally hold you again.
  1499. A: That’s why, that…
  1500. I interrupt him, protesting but suddenly he buries his face into my shoulder.
  1501. N: It felt really good.
  1502. N: There’s the feeling in my body, but mentally, too.
  1503. A: ….
  1504. Mentally…
  1505. I feel kind of the same way.
  1506. I was really embarrassed but I’m incredibly happy that I was able to be embraced by Noiz again.
  1507. I turn around to face Noiz and hug him again from the front.
  1508. I open my mouth to speak again, even though I’m still really embarrassed.
  1509. A: Me too… it felt good for me too…. And I’m happy. That you came back for me.
  1510. A: Thank you.
  1511. N: ….
  1512. Noiz’s arms tighten around me a little.
  1513. My heart warms and spreads and I take a deep breath, taking in Noiz’s scent.
  1515. END:
  1516. After that we don’t sleep, but we pass time listlessly as we lay on the bed.
  1517. When I stroke Noiz’s cheek, so close to me, he looks at me with a puzzled look, furrowing his brows.
  1518. N: What?
  1519. A: No, I’m just thinking that you really took your piercings out.
  1520. N: Aah
  1521. A: You took out your tongue one too?
  1522. N: …look
  1523. He sticks out his tongue and sure enough the silver stud is gone.
  1524. Which reminds me that when we kissed I didn’t feel anything clicking against my teeth like I used to.
  1525. N: The only ones I have in right now are my belly button and down below. Oh yeah, what should I do?
  1526. A: About what?
  1527. N: The piercings. Should I take them out?
  1528. Ahh. He told me before to tell him to take them out if I didn’t like them…
  1529. N: If you tell me to take them out, I will. What do you want me to do?
  1530. A: Even if you ask me…
  1531. As I say it my face heats up because I remember the feeling of his piercings rubbing me in certain places.
  1532. Noiz smiles thinly as though he’s guessed what I’m thinking about.
  1533. N: It’s better if I don’t? For you.
  1534. A: St…!
  1535. A: …I don’t mean it like that, you just don’t need to take them off now. It’s not like you have a reason to remove them now.
  1536. N: I see. Then I’ll leave it like this.
  1537. Noiz changes his position so that he’s lying face-up and crosses his arms under his head.
  1538. N: You’re all-mate, have you changed it from that dog?
  1539. A: Ren? Ahh, no I haven’t.
  1540. N: You have strange tastes, as usual.
  1541. A: Leave it. Have you changed yours? I haven’t seen it.
  1542. N: Nah. He’s in the closet right now. Strictly speaking he’s in my bag.
  1543. Which means he’s using the rabbit blocks even now.
  1544. Rabbits…
  1545. I thought it was strange before but, when he was challenging passerby he hid himself in a bunny mask.
  1546. A: Do you by any chance like rabbits?
  1547. N: Ha?
  1548. I get straight to the point and ask him and he looks at me as though I’ve said something regrettable.
  1549. A: I mean when you were challenging passerby you disguised yourself as a rabbit.
  1550. N: …Ahh, that wasn’t really a disguise. I just wanted to gather data.
  1551. A: Hee. But your all-mate is a rabbit.
  1552. N: …
  1553. Noize suddenly looks silently up at the ceiling and I get happy thinking I’ve hit the mark.
  1554. It’s close to finally getting even with him after he’s bullied me so much.
  1555. A: So you do love rabbits.
  1556. N: I’m not really aware of it.
  1557. Noiz mutters as he thinks.
  1558. A: Really?
  1559. N: Yeah.
  1560. A: Then it’s something unconscious. You must like rabbits even though you don’t realize it, surely.
  1561. N: I wonder.
  1562. A: Should I buy you a stuffed animal or something next time?
  1563. I say it on a roll and Noiz lifts himself up to bring his face close to mine.
  1564. Those lips are grinning broadly, giving me a bad feeling.
  1565. N: Either or, but I think I would rather see you in an outfit like that.
  1566. A: …he?
  1567. N: If that’s the case then I don’t really mind liking rabbits.
  1568. A: What would you do if you saw me dressed as a rabbit?
  1569. N: I would treat you like one
  1570. A: Like… a rabbit?
  1571. That would basically be…
  1572. like a collar or a pen…
  1573. Carrots, and cabbage….
  1574. ….
  1575. N: What did you imagine?
  1576. Noiz lips are raising high and higher devilishly, and I turn my gaze away, feeling threatened.
  1577. It’s no good. I lost. Animals lose when they look away.
  1578. A: No, I wasn’t really imagining anything… I don’t need anything like that…
  1579. N: Well, we have all the time in the world, right?
  1580. N: I said it before right? We can try a lot.
  1581. N: Bite again. Me.
  1582. Saying that he sucks on my lips lightly and smiles.
  1583. A: ….!!!
  1584. A: This….
  1585. A: Perverted brat…!!
  1586. N: Whatever.
  1587. Noiz laughs happily as he looks at me, my face getting red with anger.
  1588. Seeing that smile makes me feel a little relieved.
  1589. I was surprised and anxious about Noiz’s change but…
  1590. This is the Noiz I know after all.
  1591. He’s always indifferent, he loves teasing people, arrogant, and his speech and conduct is exorbitant…
  1592. But he’s really straight forward, and sometimes as cute as his age.
  1593. As I talk with Noiz like this I start to relax and feel like things are “okay”.
  1594. Surely someday things like this will cover up the anxiety from the days we were apart.
  1595. Noiz can grab people up in his pace easily, so even though I’m older I always end up embarrassing myself.
  1596. That makes me a little dissatisfied but…
  1597. If possible I want to wrap him up more.
  1598. I want to accept this straight forward guy, this guy who pushes forward no matter what happens.
  1599. And I want to take this guy, who’s always been holed up in a dark room, out into the light.
  1600. So that he can enjoy the brightness of this world and advance forward.
  1601. So that the times when he smiles and laughs can increase.
  1602. I always want to look over him.
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