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Public Response To Pumpkin

a guest
May 19th, 2017
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  1. Pumpkin, we're sorry to see you go. While we sympathize with your issue, that isn't proper usage of the "About Me" section. We clamped down on 'leaving' threads due to the massive amounts of toxic threads created last year that had tons of rule breaks and outright falsehoods in them. After further review, your status was restored after a staff member mistook the threads policy as policy regarding status updates as well, and the mistake was and is acknowledged publicly. Yes, we would have deleted that particular content in the About Me section 2 years ago for the exact reason as now: improper usage of that section and bypassing what you know are our current rules. That said, I'm sorry you're going. It was nice knowing you and talking with you like we did sometimes about various subjects. Friendship is important.
  3. As for punishing your closest friends: Friendship is very important, yes, but in life you will find that pleasing/going with the flow of your friends is not always beneficial. In many cases later in life you will see that it is difficult to be in a position of leadership. A good application of this in real life is police work (obviously I would go there, but it's so true). If you are policing and have to take action against someone you know or are friends with, you chose to choose your job and the law over relationships, and it must come first for law and order. While we are nowhere near a police force by any means, the same thing applies. Staff members here at ShadowXCraft MUST be willing to treat their friends with the same fair treatment of any other member for the benefit of the community. If they cannot, or show unfair partiality to their friends, they were not probably cut out for being staff.
  5. I hope you take this as a learning experience for later in life: It's not the policies or SXC as a whole that was wrong for having those policies, you just didn't feel right punishing your friends, which is okay. I just don't think you should be blaming the policies. I think the better question would be whether a staff position was right for you at that time.
  7. I wish you well, I hope to see you come back some day.
  9. -rJay
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