
Paulstuck CoLab

May 17th, 2012
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  1. [8:54:47 PM] Paul: alright now i'm REALLY going to bed
  2. [8:54:49 PM | Edited 8:54:51 PM] Paul: good night for real
  3. [8:54:56 PM] B.I.G.G.S. [Disgrace to the GAMZEES]: lol
  4. [8:54:59 PM] B.I.G.G.S. [Disgrace to the GAMZEES]: night
  5. [8:55:42 PM] SeñorPacman - Daniel: I'll never fall for Paul going to bed ever again.
  6. [8:55:51 PM] SeñorPacman - Daniel: You always come back like 15 hours later.
  7. [8:55:56 PM] SeñorPacman - Daniel: Anyways, night.
  8. [8:56:03 PM] B.I.G.G.S. [Disgrace to the GAMZEES]: lol
  9. [9:17:31 PM] Adoxographtits: lol jk im not going to bed
  10. [9:17:41 PM] Paul: also im totally not adox
  11. [9:17:42 PM] Paul: btw
  12. [9:17:54 PM] Kawaii Bishoujo Coleena (◡‿◡✿): i thought your name already meant tits
  13. [9:18:18 PM] Paul: my name only means tits because im jealous that i dont have any
  14. [9:18:21 PM] Paul: because i am paul
  15. [9:18:26 PM] Paul: who is a male bodied titless person
  16. [9:19:04 PM] B.I.G.G.S. [Disgrace to the GAMZEES]:
  17. [9:19:16 PM] B.I.G.G.S. [Disgrace to the GAMZEES]: That one took me a minute...
  18. [9:19:29 PM] Paul: what took you a minute biggs
  19. [9:19:36 PM] Kawaii Bishoujo Coleena (◡‿◡✿): i am a female bodied titful person
  20. [9:19:41 PM] Paul: the fact that i am definitely paul
  21. [9:19:42 PM] Paul: ?
  22. [9:19:50 PM] B.I.G.G.S. [Disgrace to the GAMZEES]: Yes.
  23. [9:19:50 PM] B.I.G.G.S. [Disgrace to the GAMZEES]: That.
  24. [9:19:58 PM] Paul: yes i am paul
  25. [9:20:02 PM] Paul: how may i help you
  26. [9:20:04 PM] B.I.G.G.S. [Disgrace to the GAMZEES]: Of course you are paul
  27. [9:20:21 PM] B.I.G.G.S. [Disgrace to the GAMZEES]: We are all Paul
  28. [9:20:36 PM] Paul: welcome to the church of paul
  29. [9:20:51 PM] Paul: how may i be of paulsistance
  30. [9:20:52 PM] B.I.G.G.S. [Disgrace to the GAMZEES]: Hello im Paul
  31. [9:20:56 PM] Paul: hi paul
  32. [9:20:59 PM] Paul: im also paul
  33. [9:21:03 PM | Edited 9:21:11 PM] Paul: How may I service you?
  34. [9:21:15 PM] Paul: oh man what if paul actually came back to the computer.
  35. [9:21:21 PM] Paul: and he just saw everyone being paul
  36. [9:21:21 PM] Paul: Nice to meet you paul
  37. [9:21:29 PM] Paul: God that would be hilrious
  38. [9:21:33 PM] Paul: this needs to happen
  39. [9:21:49 PM] SeñorPacman - Daniel: wait, what the fuck?
  40. [9:21:52 PM] Paul: I'm Paul and I'm Paul for Pauls.
  41. [9:21:57 PM] SeñorPacman - Daniel: WHY ARE YOU ALL PAUL
  42. [9:22:01 PM] Paul: Hello!
  43. [9:22:05 PM] Paul: Why aren't YOU Paul?
  44. [9:22:05 PM] Paul: Would you liek to Paul Paul and Paul
  45. [9:22:14 PM] Paul: Join us Daniel
  46. [9:22:19 PM] Paul: Join us
  47. [9:22:21 PM] Paul: Become Paul
  48. [9:22:22 PM] Paul: I am Paul now
  49. [9:22:29 PM] Paul: I've seen Paul so many times I'm not even sure Paul is a real name.
  50. [9:22:33 PM] Paul: Welcome Brother Paul
  51. [9:22:38 PM] Paul: I feel like it's actually Pah-Ool.
  52. [9:22:38 PM] Paul: I know right?
  53. [9:22:50 PM] Paul: Im getting that too
  54. [9:23:06 PM] Paul: How do we know which Paul is which?
  55. [9:23:12 PM] Paul: Who is the TRUE Paul?
  56. [9:23:12 PM] Paul: This chat is PAULssitively PAULsome
  57. [9:23:26 PM] Paul: PAULDACIOUSLY SO!!
  58. [9:23:31 PM] Paul: This would be a fun game
  59. [9:23:42 PM] Paul: WHOS THAT PAUL!?!?!
  60. [9:23:50 PM] Paul: Best gameshow
  61. [9:24:02 PM] Paul: Don't you mean... best PAULshow?
  62. [9:24:18 PM] Pauleena: Pauleena flirts with Paul.
  63. [9:24:20 PM] Paul: Yes... I appologise for the slip up paul
  64. [9:24:32 PM | Removed 9:25:51 PM] Paul: This message has been removed.
  65. [9:24:35 PM] Paul: Gasp! A girl!
  66. [9:24:46 PM] Paul: Being an awkward teenaged Paul, I don't know how to handle this.
  67. [9:24:48 PM] Pauleena: Gasp! A Paul!
  68. [9:24:54 PM] Paul: I have girlfriend!
  69. [9:25:00 PM] Paul: She is really hot and also a cool lady.
  70. [9:25:01 PM] Paul: QUICK ABSCOND
  71. [9:25:44 PM] Paul: I better delete that errent WONK lest she see it
  72. [9:25:57 PM] Paul: Good job Paul.
  73. [9:25:58 PM] Tooch: I don't know what's going on, but Paul...she's a fem-version of you. It doesn't count. It's just weird masturbation.
  74. [9:25:59 PM] Paul: Phew
  75. [9:26:02 PM] Paul: We don't want to ruin our relationship.
  76. [9:26:09 PM] Pauleena: But alas, that WONK has already been captured in my soul.
  77. [9:26:18 PM] Pauleena: It shall never be forgotten.
  78. [9:26:19 PM] Paul: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
  79. [9:26:27 PM] Paul: I dun goofed...
  80. [9:26:40 PM] Paul: /crays
  81. [9:26:52 PM] Paula Deen: Everything tastes better with butter!
  82. [9:26:59 PM] Tooch: I'd like to think that Martin would give me a pass if I was solicited by myself from a parallel universe. I mean, I'M NOT GETTING A SECOND CHANCE AT THIS
  83. [9:27:11 PM] Paula Deen: Threesome with yourself and your boyfriend.
  84. [9:27:23 PM] Tooch: Exactly!
  85. [9:27:25 PM] Paul: Doo iiit
  86. [9:28:15 PM] Paul: But there are so many mes right now.
  87. [9:28:22 PM] Tooch: Man, I'm trying! You'd be surprised how few people are up for that sort of thing...who you'd feel comfortable doing that sort of thing with. WHY ARE ALL THE WEIRDOS ALSO UGLY AND CREEPY.
  88. [9:28:39 PM] Not Paul: There can never be enough yous.
  89. [9:28:45 PM] Not Paul: Especially not me.
  90. [9:28:49 PM] Paul: Everyone should want to be me
  91. [9:28:57 PM | Edited 9:29:06 PM] Tooch: Just don't cause a paradox. Dead Pauls piling up everywhere.
  92. [9:29:19 PM] Not Paul: Should we call that...a PAULadox?
  93. [9:29:33 PM] Tooch: That's unBEARable
  94. [9:29:40 PM] Paul: That was PAULsitively PAULfull
  95. [9:30:10 PM] Paul: Paul paul paul.
  96. [9:30:20 PM] Paul: Paul paul
  97. [9:30:22 PM] Paul: Paul
  98. [9:30:22 PM] Tooch: I hope ALL of them don't die. We'll need some to be PAUL-bearers
  99. [9:30:38 PM] Paulmon: Paul Paul Paul!
  100. [9:30:44 PM] Tooch: RINGO
  101. [9:30:47 PM] Paul: Gosh "Paul" doesnt even look like a real word at this point
  102. [9:30:49 PM] Paul: Paulkemon.
  103. [9:30:55 PM] Tooch: Cerebral PAULsey
  104. [9:30:59 PM] Paulmon: Am I spelling Paul right?
  105. [9:31:07 PM] Paul: What are you PAULking about?
  106. [9:31:24 PM] Paul: Your lack of spelling know how is aPAULling.
  107. [9:31:30 PM] Tooch: You can tell by the way I use my PAULk I'm a Paul's Paul. Not time to Paul.
  108. [9:31:46 PM] Nicky the Rat: Stop this Paultry pun-slinging
  109. [9:31:52 PM] Paul: But this is an amazing Paulation!
  110. [9:32:15 PM] Tooch: All this Paul talk is getting me excited. My heart is PAULpitating
  111. [9:32:31 PM] Nicky the Rat: Coleena, that last one made no sense.
  112. [9:32:42 PM] Paul: .... The amount of Pauls in here is PAULplexing...
  113. [9:33:01 PM] Tooch: Let's all be Paul until Katy gets back. THEN SHE'LL HAVE TO FIND THE REAL PAUL.
  114. [9:33:12 PM] Paul: Yessssssssssssssssssssssssss
  115. [9:33:15 PM] Tooch: IT IS A TRUE TEST OF HER LOVE
  116. [9:33:19 PM] Paul: this is the plan
  117. [9:33:26 PM] Paul: I love it.
  118. [9:33:29 PM] Paul: one could even say
  119. [9:33:33 PM] Paul: the PAULan
  120. [9:33:33 PM] Paul: I bet the real Paul is Pauleena.
  121. [9:33:36 PM] Paul: B)
  122. [9:33:56 PM] Paul: She could probably everyone's avatars though.......
  123. [9:34:04 PM] Tooch: I AM NOW PUAL
  124. [9:34:11 PM] Paul: We all need to change our avatars to pauls
  125. [9:34:24 PM] Paul: But Paul, how do you look like Paul if you ARE Paul?
  126. [9:34:25 PM] Paul: perfect plan
  127. [9:34:32 PM] Paul: A Paul lies within the soul, not appearance!
  128. [9:34:47 PM] Paul: All of them are Paul's icon but slightly changed.
  129. [9:35:00 PM] Paul: Like my Paulicon can be Paul with a Paulpadour.
  130. [9:35:00 PM] [Janice] Vamp (╯°Д°)╯︵ /(.□ . \): what the
  131. [9:35:06 PM] Paul: We're Paul.
  132. [9:35:21 PM] Paul: Hello we're paul
  133. [9:35:21 PM] [Janice] Vamp (╯°Д°)╯︵ /(.□ . \): i.. what
  134. [9:35:26 PM] Paul: nice to meet you
  135. [9:35:29 PM] [Janice] Vamp (╯°Д°)╯︵ /(.□ . \): thats it.
  136. [9:35:35 PM] [Janice] Vamp (╯°Д°)╯︵ /(.□ . \): [Janice] Vamp (╯°Д°)╯︵ /(.□ . \) pulls out loaded shotgun.
  137. [9:35:48 PM] Paul: Don't shoot! I'm the real one!
  138. [9:35:49 PM] Paul: Join us Vamp. BE PAUL.
  139. [9:35:52 PM] Paul: NO I AM~!
  141. [9:35:58 PM] Paul: [Janice] Vamp (╯°Д°)╯︵ /(.□ . \) pauls out loaded shotgun.
  142. [9:36:02 PM] Paul: NO IM THE REAL PAUL!
  143. [9:36:14 PM] Nicky the Rat: I'm Spartapaul!
  145. [9:36:19 PM] [Janice] Vamp (╯°Д°)╯︵ /(.□ . \): [Janice] Vamp (╯°Д°)╯︵ /(.□ . \) MASSACRES ALL THE PAULS WITH SHOTGUN.
  146. [9:37:10 PM] Paul: Ow. You blasted the Paul right out of me...
  147. [9:37:12 PM] Pauleena: Pauleena kisses vamp.
  148. [9:37:16 PM] Pauleena: MY HERO.
  149. [9:37:20 PM] Paul: Damn... That hurt my Paul
  150. [9:37:21 PM] Nicky the Rat: Paul does have wacky Greatest-American-Hero hair, doesn't he.
  151. [9:37:24 PM] Paul: Right in the Paul....
  152. [9:37:37 PM] [Janice] Vamp (╯°Д°)╯︵ /(.□ . \): ouo
  153. [9:37:40 PM] Paul: [9:37 PM] Pauleena:
  155. <<< Paul kisses totes showin' this to Katy.
  156. [9:37:49 PM] Nicky the Rat: Right in the cock and pauls
  157. [9:37:57 PM] Paul: OH NO OUR RELATIONSHIP!
  158. [9:37:59 PM] Paul: D:
  159. [9:37:59 PM] Paul: Paul no!
  160. [9:38:08 PM] Paul: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
  161. [9:39:19 PM] Tooch: OH! I only just got home from seeing a shitty bar band my friend Steve's brother is in. HOMESTUCK UPDATED WITH SOME *REAL* MUSIC FOR ME APPARENTLY. *clicks*
  162. [9:39:44 PM] Paul: I can't wait for Paul and Katy to wake up.
  163. [9:39:47 PM] Nicky the Rat: Oh, it did?
  164. [9:39:55 PM] Paul: Its gonna be totes rad
  165. [9:39:59 PM] Paul: This is so impaulsible, they're gonna flip.
  166. [9:40:09 PM] Pauleena: It's so...imPAULsi- fuck
  167. [9:40:16 PM] Paul: Paulsitively so
  168. [9:40:21 PM] Nicky the Rat: Also, in case you guys missed it, they came out with a new Indigo Archer and Purple Tyrant.
  169. [9:40:23 PM] Paul: nice try NOT PAUL
  170. [9:40:30 PM] Paul: Yeah, NOT PAUL.
  171. [9:40:33 PM] Paul: You're not PAUL.
  172. [9:40:34 PM] Paul: only Pauls can pull off the paul puns
  173. [9:40:39 PM] Nicky the Rat: By Rachel MacWhirter and UWBW (of Fighting Spirit) fame, respectively.
  174. [9:40:56 PM] Paul: Or as we PAULs call them PAULNS!
  175. [9:40:58 PM] Paul: B)
  176. [9:41:46 PM] Paul: If there are three Pauls though, how will we tell each other apart?
  177. [9:41:53 PM] Paul: Do we get secret Paul codenames?
  178. [9:42:10 PM] Pauleena: You can be Paul A.
  179. [9:42:14 PM] Pauleena: And Paul can be Paul B.
  180. [9:42:18 PM] Pauleena: And then the other Paul can be Paul C.
  181. [9:42:23 PM] Pauleena: Everything is perfect.
  182. [9:42:23 PM] Paul: Sweet.
  183. [9:42:28 PM] Paul: I'm top dog around here.
  184. [9:42:33 PM] Paul: Paul A in the hizhouse.
  185. [9:42:34 PM] Paul: But how do we know which paul your paulking about?
  186. [9:42:36 PM] [Janice] Vamp (╯°Д°)╯︵ /(.□ . \): [Janice] Vamp (╯°Д°)╯︵ /(.□ . \) shoots all the pauls.
  187. [9:42:51 PM] Paul: You cannot kill us Vamp
  188. [9:42:54 PM] Paul: you can only...
  189. [9:42:56 PM] Paul: join
  190. [9:42:57 PM] Paul: us
  191. [9:43:00 PM] Paul: yes
  192. [9:43:03 PM] Paul: join
  193. [9:43:04 PM] Paul: us
  194. [9:43:09 PM] Paul: Paul B reporting in
  195. [9:43:11 PM] Paul: B)
  196. [9:43:16 PM] Paul: also
  197. [9:43:20 PM] Pauleena: We Pauls are imPAULpable.
  199. [9:43:31 PM] Paul: Prepare for troupaul.
  200. [9:43:44 PM] Pauleena: And make it PAULpul.
  201. [9:44:06 PM] Paul: Prepaul to be assimilated
  202. [9:44:18 PM] Pauleena: Pauleena drags vamp into the crowd....
  203. [9:44:22 PM] Pauleena: Pauleena slowly................
  204. [9:44:24 PM] Paul: To paultect the world from devastation.
  205. [9:44:38 PM] Paul: To unite all Paulple in our nation.
  206. [9:44:41 PM] Paul: Paul chants the pauling chant
  207. [9:44:58 PM] Paul: To denounce the evils of not pauls and love.
  208. [9:45:06 PM] Paul: To extend our reach to the Pauls above.
  209. [9:45:09 PM] Paul: PAUL!
  210. [9:45:12 PM] Pauleena: PAULEENA!
  211. [9:45:19 PM] Paul: PAUL!
  212. [9:45:26 PM] Paul: THATS RIGHT!
  213. [9:45:33 PM] Nicky the Rat: I'm sure you guys already talked about it, but that was a hell of an update.
  214. [9:45:35 PM] Paul: Team Paul blasts off at the speed of light!
  215. [9:45:47 PM] Paul: Hell yeah it was
  216. [9:45:48 PM] Nicky the Rat: My favorite flash of Act 6
  217. [9:45:50 PM] Paul: Surrender now or prepaul to fight!
  218. [9:45:54 PM] Paul: I was really feeling that flash
  219. [9:46:06 PM] Paul: so extremely chill and awesome
  220. [9:46:11 PM] Paul: I still haven't seen it.
  221. [9:46:15 PM] Paul: Internet kind of sucks here.
  222. [9:46:26 PM] Pauleena: ~=*PaulQuest: 2012*=~
  223. [9:46:37 PM] Paul: Yes
  224. [9:46:43 PM] Paul: We are all Paul
  225. [9:46:45 PM] Paul: Class: Paul
  226. [9:46:55 PM] Paul: Weapon: Iron Pauls
  227. [9:47:19 PM] Paul: Secondary Weapons: Trombones
  228. [9:47:30 PM] Paul: Accessory: ePAULettes
  229. [9:47:33 PM] Paul: What will we do?
  230. [9:47:52 PM] Paul: >Paul: Paul.
  231. [9:47:54 PM] Paul: Strongest Atribute: PAULtritude
  232. [9:48:06 PM] Paul: >Paul: Paul again.
  233. [9:48:21 PM] Paul: Sorry but Paul has already used all of his moves for this turn
  234. [9:48:25 PM] Paul: Your turn Paul
  235. [9:48:39 PM] Paul: >Paul: Paulnder the universe.
  236. [9:49:05 PM] Paul: You cannot Paulnder the universe for you are only one Paul
  237. [9:49:14 PM] Paul: Perhaps if you gathered MORE pauls
  238. [9:49:18 PM] Paul: You would have a chance
  239. [9:49:21 PM] Paul: maybe
  240. [9:49:25 PM] Paul: PAULsibly...
  241. [9:49:52 PM] Paul: >Paul: Recruit more Pauls.
  242. [9:50:24 PM] Paul: Calling all Pauls
  243. [9:50:53 PM] Paul: Paulling all Pauls.
  244. [9:50:55 PM] Paul: Come in Paul.
  245. [9:50:58 PM] Paul: Paul do you read me?
  246. [9:51:27 PM] Paul: I can't!
  247. [9:51:28 PM] Paul: I read you Paul and clear
  248. [9:51:35 PM] Paul: The connection is simply too pauled up!
  249. [9:51:50 PM] Paul: Pauleena, you're not a REAL Paul.
  250. [9:51:53 PM | Edited 9:52:13 PM] Paul: You're a Pauladox Paul.
  251. [9:51:54 PM] Paul: Im Paull up in your tubes
  252. [9:51:58 PM] Paul: Paulin your internets
  253. [9:52:04 PM] Paul: I'm the REAL Paul. (◡‿◡✿)
  254. [9:52:20 PM] Paul: maybe in YOUR pauliverse.
  255. [9:52:29 PM] Paul: I AM the Pauliverse.
  256. [9:52:30 PM] Paul: Will the real paul PAULease stand up?
  257. [9:52:35 PM] Paul: /
  258. [9:52:37 PM] Paul: Paul stands
  259. [9:52:46 PM] Paul: NOPE
  260. [9:52:54 PM] Paul: I like how Paul is like a smurf.
  261. [9:52:58 PM] Paul: for I am the real Paul
  262. [9:53:03 PM] Pauleena: Pauleena stands.
  263. [9:53:09 PM] Pauleena: *I* am the real paul.
  264. [9:53:16 PM] Paul: I will duel you.
  265. [9:53:20 PM] Paul: to the death
  266. [9:53:32 PM] Paul: I accept your duel!
  267. [9:53:56 PM] Pauleena: Paul, NO!
  268. [9:53:57 PM] Pauleena: Don't do it!
  269. [9:54:02 PM] Pauleena: :c
  270. [9:54:04 PM] Paul: Don't hold us back Paulina.
  271. [9:54:05 PM] Paul: As the real Paul I fight for my Honor!
  272. [9:54:09 PM] Paul: This is our Paulstiny.
  273. [9:54:09 PM] Paul: I MUST do it!
  274. [9:54:15 PM] Pauleena: Well....
  275. [9:54:22 PM] Pauleena: Pauleena kisses paul.
  276. [9:54:23 PM] Pauleena: NOW GO.
  277. [9:54:25 PM] Pauleena: FIGHT WITH SPIRIT.
  278. [9:54:27 PM] Pauleena: AND BRAVERY.
  280. [9:54:34 PM] Paul: Paul charges
  282. [9:54:53 PM | Edited 9:55:01 PM] Paul: Paul bum rushs
  283. [9:55:04 PM] Paul: Paul rushes Pauls bum
  284. [9:55:26 PM] Paul: Paul Rushes Bum Paul
  285. [9:55:42 PM] Paul: Paul Paul rushes bum
  286. [9:56:19 PM] Bum Paul: Bum Paul rushes.
  287. [9:56:21 PM] Paul: Paul Paul finally goes ahead and rushes Paul
  288. [9:56:32 PM] Bum Paul: Bum Paul gets imPAULed.
  289. [9:56:33 PM] Paul: Paul falls to the ground
  290. [9:56:46 PM] Paul: ALAS...
  291. [9:56:50 PM] Paul: I have but one regret.
  292. [9:56:52 PM] Paul: I did not.....
  293. [9:56:55 PM] Paul: Paul.
  294. [9:56:57 PM] Paul: Enough........
  295. [9:57:13 PM] Paul: Paul kneels over the body of Paul
  296. [9:57:16 PM] Paul: Paul... No!
  297. [9:57:23 PM] Paul: Hold on Paul!
  298. [9:57:23 PM] Paul: Paul... remember me.
  299. [9:57:24 PM] Nicky the Rat: My only regret is that I had... Paulitis!
  300. [9:57:27 PM] Paul: As a true Paul.
  301. [9:57:31 PM] Pauleena: (Paultits)
  302. [9:57:48 PM | Edited 9:57:56 PM] Paul: Paul Tears up and Pauls his eyes out
  303. [9:57:54 PM] Paul: Paul takes their final paul breath
  304. [9:58:03 PM] Paul: Paul...?
  306. [9:58:46 PM] Paul: Good bye, Paul.....
  307. [9:58:57 PM] Paul: Paul floats into a nearby house and starts wrecking shit up
  308. [9:58:59 PM] Pauleena: Pauleena weeps.
  309. [9:59:02 PM] Pauleena: PAUL, NO.
  310. [9:59:07 PM] Paul: I'll never forget you paul...
  311. [9:59:15 PM] Paultrogeist: AND SCENE!
  312. [9:59:33 PM] Paul: *Phew* Man that was a great take
  313. [9:59:50 PM] Paultrogeist: Yeah, good job Paul. I could really FEEL you grieving for Paul there.
  314. [9:59:55 PM] Nicky the Rat: Ah, what fleeting art we make on this canvas.
  315. [9:59:59 PM] Pauleena: (When Paul gets back, we need to make him voiceact all of this.)
  316. [10:00:05 PM] Pauleena: ( to himself the whole time.)
  317. [10:00:12 PM] Paul: (Oh we tottally do)
  318. [10:00:12 PM] Paultrogeist: Except Nicky.
  319. [10:00:13 PM] Nicky the Rat: Art that nobody will bother to read, ever, under any circumstances.
  320. [10:00:27 PM] Paultrogeist: And Pauleena would be Paul but with a poorly put on lady voice.
  321. [10:00:38 PM | Edited 10:00:51 PM] Paul: I am saving this masterpiece for PAULstarity
  322. [10:01:05 PM] Paultrogeist: I too am saving it.
  323. [10:01:16 PM] Nicky the Rat: You clowns did this for an entire hour.
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