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Dec 12th, 2019
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  1. Rhea's footsteps can be heard fleeting to the grass as she walks through the forest on this cold winter night. After the arguments and series of ordeals that occurred recently, she pondered to herself if going with Neklous was truly the right idea. She walks along a grass path, her face melancholy
  2. "...."
  3. Rhea continues to walk the forest until she comes across a beach over a short mountain. She walks down onto the soft sand below, gazing at the dark blue waters that wash ashore. She sits on the sand for a moment before looking at her doll Hubert.
  4. "...This is what you wanted wasn't it?" she would say as the doll with tremble slightly in her hands
  5. "You wanted me to do this. To suffer and be under your control as you feed on my fears and insecurities. Well, no more. I'm not afraid of you."
  6. Rhea puts her doll inside her bag as the corner of a dark cave catches her eye.
  7. "No more." she would say as she gets up from the sand and walks up toward the dark cave.
  8. "I'm not letting others control me anymore. I take my own path from now on. That includes you."
  9. Rhea walks into the cave, its pitch black. She uses a ball of mana to light her way inside until she finds a spot to sit down and meditate. She takes Hubert out of her baf
  10. "....Everyone probably hates me now huh? I may have been...a bit too rash. But, my argument still stands. I want to go and forge my own path and obtain my own power. Im going to learn how to control you and understand your power Hubert. Heh...haahahaha...I cannot wait to open you up and discover all your little mysteries..."
  11. Rhea chuckles. She sits her doll down next to her. She now seems intrigued to learn about its power. The doll has ceased to talk to her over a short while as she has learned how to be more mature and control her emotions fully. It was now Rhea who wanted to be in control of the dark powers that lay deep within the doll. She cant help but be fascinated with the possibilities of what powers lay dormant inside.
  12. Rhea closes her eyes and begins to meditate. The only light from the cave would be an aura of mana that surrounded her
  13. "...."
  14. Rhea exhales as the darkness of the cave envelopes her. Her eyes open wide to her standing in a scene. A product of her trying to control her Illusion magic it seems It's her family gathered around a table for her 16th birthday. Rhea stands in the corner of the house looking at herself sitting at a table. Her entire family is present. All except Iorandis.
  15. "..."
  16. Rhea watches in remembrance as her family presents her a cake. She smiles as she witnesses so joyful and happy to see how much her family loves and cherishes her. Perhaps she was wrong to leave? She thought. She looks to the corner of the room to see Alythia and Yvel argue about something as the rest of the family celebrates her birthday. It's about her doll. Why would they not let her keep it? Why did they seem so frightened and frustrated? Rhea seemed to block out their arguing at the time, only for it to now appear as she reminisced.
  17. "..."
  18. Rhea reminsices on many happy memories as she meditates. She would use her illusion magic to bring her back to those happy times so she can relive them once more. She smiles as she remembers playing on the beach with her siblings, pranking them, and taking night walks with Neklous and Relna.
  19. "...Hmhm.."
  20. Rhea's happy memories would be interrupted by a pitch blackness, her time reminiscing would be shut off as she now would see herself in complete darkness once again. She sees a figure off in the distance. It was her father
  21. "...Mgh…"
  22. The figure would walk closer toward Rhea as she backed away. She tries to pull out her dagger only to witness it gone from her holster. Was she losing control again? Or was this something else. The figure spoke
  23. 'Rhea! My darling girl! Arent you gonna come over here and give me a hug? Don't you wanna tell daddy how good you did toda-...huh? Whats that? You couldn't even land a single blow on your cousin today? know what that means don't you?'
  24. The figure emerges from the shadows in front of Rhea. She tries to back away as her heart beats rapidly and fear envelopes her. The face of her father is twisted and distorted into an unimaginable mess. A large, snake like tongue emerges from the mouth of the creature and licks her as she trembles.
  25. 'Whats wrong? Don't you wanna impress me? Don't you want to impress...all of us?'
  26. Rhea is now seemingly confronted by a large group of what seems to be her family. Her deepest subconscious fears emerge once again as large versions of her doll Hubert would emerge from the shadows with knives in hand. Rhea was afraid. She did not know what to do
  27. "Mgh...n-no...s-stop.."
  28. The figures would surround Rhea as their large, snake like tongues would protrude from their gaping mouths. Hands would launch up from the ground and grab her legs as she struggled. The figures would walk closer and closer as tears would run
  29. (Rhea Endore)
  31. [04:15] Down her cheeks. Her subconscious fears and insecurities were now coming to life right in front of her. Ready to completely devour her
  32. "Breath.."
  33. Rhea exhales. She finds the strength to break free of the grasp of the creatures and launches toward her father
  34. "Im not letting you..CONTROL ME!"
  35. Rhea shoves her fist right through the chest of the creature. It would disappear instantly. She found herself face to face with the dark shadows of her family. Hands would protrude from the ground constantly trying to grab her legs as they came closer.
  36. "Im not afraid. I control this...NOT YOU!"
  37. A dagger instantly materializes in her hand. She cuts down the army of snake and charges a ball of mana into her hand, slamming it into the ground, creating a blast of light that would blind everything in its path.
  38. "..."
  39. Rhea finds herself in a room now full of white blinding light. She opens her eyes and tries to keep them open as she focuses on the figure in front of her. It seemed to be her doll Hubert
  40. 'Don't you love me Rhea? Don't you wanna be with me FOREVER!?'
  41. Rhea walks up to her doll, her tracks would stop as it would grow in size and suddenly become a towering monster.
  42. 'Did you really think you can control me THAT easily? Ahahahaha...AHAHAHAH!'
  43. Rhea's brow furrows. She stands there looking up at the monster. She takes her dagger out of her holster
  44. "Yes. I do."
  45. Rhea grabs her dagger tight and points it directly at the heart of her doll. She chucks it directly at it's heart. The blade would pierce its seemingly plush exterior as blood and dark matter would pour out and paint the walls red and black
  47. Rhea would stand there with a blank look on her face. Blood and dark matter would paint her own face a dirty and disgusting mass of colors
  48. "I never lovedyou. And I don't need you to help me channel anything anymore. Youre my toy now. And youre working for me now. Whether you like it or not."
  49. The doll's piercing screams would flood her ears as the doll's massive stature would slowly go back to normal. The once blindingly white room would now be painted entirely with red, black, and purple. She walks up to her 'dying' doll on the floor as it bleeds out. She crouches down as the doll seems to now be trembling
  50. 'Ahhahaha...hahah..yes...yes! Show me your power!' it would blurt out. It would seemingly cough blood onto Rhea's face as she grabbed it and squeezed it. Rhea focuses on her mana and seemingly combines it with the dolls. A large wave of mana would protrude from both of them as they shared their power and combined it. The doll would writhe and shriek in pain
  51. "..."
  52. The ritual ends and Rhea lets go of the doll. She stands up and looks down on it gasping for air.'' it would blurt out in its dying breaths
  53. Rhea smirks she raises her foot and steps on the doll with all her might, launching a spurt of blood and black matter towards her thigh
  54. "...No, youre going to help me."
  55. Rhea turns around and uses her knowledge of Illusion to form her surroundings back to a replica of her room. She has learned how to control her emotions and her mana fully without the use of the doll. Her insecurities and fears now conquered, she smiles as she seems to have reigned victorious. Ready to tread her own path.
  56. "...Heh.."
  57. Rhea closes her eyes and suddenly opens them to a dark cave. She gasps and reels back, almost tumbling to the ground.
  58. "...*pant...*pant..*pant..."
  59. Rhea gets up and notices..something seemed off. Her doll Hubert was gone. Almost erased from existence. She feels something inside her. She touches her chest as she feels an intense energy radiating through her. Her aura was now larger and brighter and she had an easier time controlling her magic. She also felt a presence inside her. Almost as if she held something captive inside her body...
  60. "Heh...weird.." she would say as she picks up her bag and walks out of the cave. On her way out, she notices her doll Hubert laying against the exit of the cave. No longer having a mysterious aura tied to it. In fact, it...looked pretty cute now. Rhea picks it up. She notices the doll was less ragged and more clean. Almost as if it was brand new. She smiles as she puts the doll in her bag and walks out of the cave. Dissapearing into the night
  61. (Rhea Endore)
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