

Jul 27th, 2016
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  1. I’m Donald J. Trump and I'm Your Next President of the United States. by the-realDonaldTrump in The_Donald
  2. [–]yiannopoulos_m 1520 points 42 minutes ago
  3. Just before Hillary Clinton's failed campaign in 2008, she pushed for a reinstatement of the 55mph Federal Speed Limit, which had been repealed through a provision in a 1995 Highway Bill from the newly-elected Republican Majority Congress, despite protests from then-President Bill Clinton.
  4. During her speech to the National Press Club in Washington DC, Hillary (who has, by her own admission, not driven a car herself since 1996) said "The 55-mile speed limit really does lower gas usage. And wherever it can be required, and the people will accept it, we ought to do it."
  5. Will you protect the freedom of states to determine their own proper speed limits? Bringing back the Federal Speed Limit would be a disaster for travellers and commuters, but even more so for truckers and the people who rely on them, many of whom are small business owners just barely getting by.
  6. permalinksavecontextfull comments (15566)reportgive gold
  9. I’m Donald J. Trump and I'm Your Next President of the United States. by the-realDonaldTrump in The_Donald
  10. [–]yiannopoulos_m 2968 points 43 minutes ago
  11. America has a proud tradition of stealing the most brilliant and talented people from countries around the world for ourselves. Albert Einstein, Wernher von Braun, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Melania Trump... the list goes on and on. In recent years, however, H-1B visa abuse has become rampant.
  12. A program meant bring truly exceptional talent to America has been twisted by globalist politicians and corporations, allowing low-cost, short term labor to steal jobs from everyday Americans and take everything they learn back to their home countries. Will you curb H-1B abuse and make sure visas are going to people who want to become American, stay American, and make America great?
  13. permalinksavecontextfull comments (15566)reportgive gold
  16. I’m Donald J. Trump and I'm Your Next President of the United States. by the-realDonaldTrump in The_Donald
  17. [–]yiannopoulos_m 4356 points 44 minutes ago
  18. Net Neutrality is a controversial issue with internet users, particularly here on Reddit. Some believe it is an innovation-crippling step towards allowing the government to control and regulate our dearly-beloved internet, but many see it as necessary for protecting consumers from monopolistic corporate practices, especially those of Internet Service Providers who charge more and more, provide less and less, and refuse to seriously invest in new technology infrastructure that other developed nations like Japan and South Korea take for granted.
  19. Even as more and more businesses rely on high speed internet for everyone, America is falling behind in a field that America invented in the first place.
  20. You have said little on this issue, aside from a tweet several years ago that suggested you were against Net Neutrality.What is your position on current Net Neutrality rules? Will President Trump make America's internet great again? Can we solve these issues without giving even more power to government officials?
  21. permalinksavecontextfull comments (15566)reportgive gold
  24. I’m Donald J. Trump and I'm Your Next President of the United States. by the-realDonaldTrump in The_Donald
  25. [–]yiannopoulos_m 2331 points 45 minutes ago
  26. The Democratic primary fight saw huge discrepancies between exit polling and the actual results, well beyond what is statistically probable. These discrepancies occurred almost entirely in states with electronic voting and minimal paper trails. Some believe that Bernie had the nomination stolen from him with electronic voter fraud, how will you make sure the establishment don't work with Crooked Hillary to cheat us all out of a Trump presidency?
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