
BWR - Changelog 06/12/24

Dec 6th, 2024 (edited)
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  1. Buffalo Steak Sandvich
  2.   Fixed holding M1 without activating taunt partially activating some of the steak's features
  3.   Fixed so "Finished Off" kills to get healing and duration bonus
  4. Syringe Guns
  5.   Fixed crit-boosting effects applying to already fired projectiles
  6.   Fixed damage falloff calculation causing lower damage than normal
  7. Hitman's Heatmaker
  8.   Fixed incorrect ammo count being loaded in clip at lower amounts
  9. Darwin's Danger Shield
  10.   Fixed issue with mini-crit bleeding causing it to reapply constantly
  11. Spy-Cicle
  12.   Fixed issue with mini-crit bleeding causing it to reapply constantly
  13. Some fixes to the consistentcy of weapons. Notably Syringes should be more consistent in damage output, as should bleed reduction on items like DDS and Spy-Cicle. The Steak's fix also applies to the Dalokohs Bar.
  15. Back Scatter
  16. - Removed faster firing speed
  17. Seen as essentially tipping the weapon into being a bit too oppressive, as it made Scout a bit too more effective in his most effective range.
  19. The Winger
  20. - Increased clip size penalty to -50% (was -40%)
  21. Plus 2 was just a bit too strong, so hopefully an even 6 in the clip will be enough to close out the kills you need.
  23. Sun-on-a-Stick
  24. + HEAT Reworked: On-Kill, gain HEAT
  25. + Activate HEAT with Special Attack for 4 seconds, next hit will ignite enemies briefly (4 seconds)
  26. ~ Weapons produce burning effect while HEAT is active
  27. - Any kills on ignited foes will automatically trigger HEAT
  28. The prior iteration of HEAT was a bit too clunky to manage and often not worth it. This version will persistently be intertwined with your gameplay, providing bonus fire damage at most times for the Scout if they can consistently get kills. This should heopfully give the Scout more opportunity to use the melee to close out kills. Additionally will force the Scout into considering the fights they take more to avoid the bonus damage.
  30. The Equalizer
  31. + Increased reduction in push force from damage to -50% (was -20%)
  32. + RUSH: Gain a speed boost for 2 seconds when drawn under 50% HP
  33. ~ Weapons produce smoking effect while RUSH is ready
  34. - RUSH can be used once until healed over 50% HP
  35. - Removed damage resistance from ranged sources
  36. The damage resistance wasn't too useful for closing gaps on enemies to get with your melee. Without buffing it further to where it could be annoying to fight off, the new feature of RUSH should help give soldier enough of a push to rushdown enemies with his melee, in addition to more resistance. It being limited to one-time after being dropped after 50% should make it require more consideration to pull out, and the short duration will limit it's usefulness in helping you escape.
  38. The Phlogistinator
  39. ~ Fixed being able to deal damage in humiliation
  40. + No longer consumes MMMPH for deletion
  41. - Alt-Fire consumes 5 extra ammo for each projectile deleted
  42. Being unable to delete projectiles without building MMPMPH was a bit too harsh of a downside, and encouraged a more passive playstyle. Costing more ammo shouldn't be too punishing for single projectiles in matchups against soldiers and demos, and ought to just be more punishing against larger amounts of spam or deleting large stickytraps.
  44. Hot Hand
  45. + Removed damage penalty
  46. - 2nd hit from first swing doesn't minicrit
  47. A decent buff to the damage of the weapon was seen as something needed, due to the effort of needing to land consecutive hits. To make the 1-2 hitting nature of it less jarring, the damage amounts of each hit were made consistent.
  49. Short Circuit
  50. - Reverted metal cost for alt-fire to 65 (was 50)
  51. The ability to use it for mobility and defense of your structures was seen as not costly enough, so the amount was reverted.
  53. Quick-Fix
  54. + Removed fall damage vulnerability
  55. + Ubercharge drains 66% slower on injured patients
  56. - Removed mirrored blast jump toggle
  57. - Added -25% ubercharge duration
  58. The toggle was sen as more of a trouble for users than a boon, and the fall damage was seen as an odd downside to mix with it. In addition the medigun was seen as just too weak regardless at what it should be doing best at. To remedy these, it was given an additional bonus that extends uber duration when applied to injured teammates, further encouraging you spread it among your team to maximize its uptime. As a more appropriate downside, the base duration time was reduced to make it less potent in smaller skirmishes, particularly in competitive.
  60. The Vaccinator
  61. - Ubercharge resistances reduced to -40% (was -50%)
  62. The Uber resistance was just a tad too high, hopefully this reduction should make it less oppressive to break through for how fast the bubbles build.
  64. Vita-Saw
  65. + Reduced cost for guaranteed crit to 3 organs (was 4)
  66. - Added deploy animation delay when activating crits on the weapon
  67. - Weapon must be fully deployed to activate crits
  68. The increase in cost wasn't an appropriate change since the last version. This was reverted for some appropriate changes, hopefully making the crit swing more telegraphed and less of a surprise for players fighting the Medic.
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