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Nov 23rd, 2017
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  1. Hello there! Welcome to the muted channel. Unfortunately, you have commited an offense enough to warrant a mute. Though, muted people are still people, so I am going to explain to you what you most likely did wrong, and how you can fix it, so you won't be back here again!
  3. So, first off, spamming. Spamming is something that we see very often, and it is probably the thing we mute for the most. We all understand how fun it can be to spam, but this server is just not the place for it. Make sure to control your spamming needs with some friends in a DM.
  5. Another thing that we commonly mute for is general rudeness. There is no need to be rude, especially not to staff members. This does indeed count for DMs, so just be nice! If you don't agree with how someone thinks, bring it up in a nice, calm manner.
  7. Very commonly we mute for excessive cursing. Sometimes we like to push limits, and I do myself. However, you need to control those urges. Sometimes, there is just no need to swear, and it is important that you know these limits. Just try not to swear so much and you will be fine!
  9. Another thing that we mute for is posting something in a channel it is not meant to be in, now if you post a picture of your jewelry in everyone, that clearly isn't in the right channel. Or if you post Yo Mama jokes in everyone. All of these can be mutable if you do them constantly, so make sure you just put things in the right channel. It is alright to slip up once, but make sure you do not do it constantly.
  11. Other then that, those are our four most common mute reasons. As staff members, we are not here to punish you, rather to make sure peoples times here are as enjoyable as possible. Please feel free to DM one of us if you have questions on your mute, or if you really think your mute is wrong, or want a second chance, feel free to write an appeal with the link below. Have a nice day. smiley
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