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Jun 23rd, 2017
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  1. Your journey begins not at the beginning no, but at the bitter end of a battle long fought between the forces of the ruinous powers and the mighty Imperial Guard. Here upon the planet of Atris VII the battle lines have been drawn and all about the planet the atmosphere is ablaze as rebels battle the Imperial navy into a blood stalemate. Your arrival was heralded by a single small frigate entering into the planet's atmosphere from warp space, there you had gathered together equal in your fright as you began your first battle in the Emperor's service. Back then there had been hundreds upon hundreds of others like you, men and women of various backgrounds pulled from the Calixus sector and beyond and each trained in the arts of death dealing.
  3. Before you were escorted by team to the landers you met the man who had gathered you for the first time, he was middle aged though the series of needle pricks, scars and long grey lines within his hair told you that such appearances may be deceiving. Upon an ancient and battered podium he had expressed his fondest welcomes to you all and informed you the nature of your duty, you had been selected as agents of the throne to quell the unrest in the sector. Further more he had gone on to elaborate upon the nature of the battle in which you would arrive into, little room for secrecy in a world encased in brutal conflict what missions you were assigned were of vital significance and should you fail you were most assured there would be no rescue.
  5. With that you had been loaded into a standard lander alongside several groups of acolytes and began your decent. It was during your landing that things began a turn for the worst, as the lander entered in behind the Imperial line a stray rocket careened into the furthest engine and sent the lander into a wild series of spins and bucks that saw no less than ten acoyltes die from their spines being snapped or crushed beneath the weight of objects strewn across the craft. When the vehicle crashed down it was your squad that was first upon their feet, making their way through the craft and aiding those you could in what ways you could. Inching your way up the lander's now lowered ramp you saw yourself far in enemy territory and an entire division of the enemy forces now barreling towards you.
  7. Using the lander's thick shell as cover you defended your position from assault after assault for nigh on three days all the while you were desperately calling for reinforcements. It was perhaps Alpha who could be credited with maintaining the abysmal bulwark the most in those long nights, every enemy wave was greeted with the distinct snap of a long las and the cry of disorder as officer after officer was dispatched with cold effeciency. During this time It was on the dawn of the third day that you saw a sight that filled you with doubt and despair, across the horizon you could see the sight of an enemy armored column moving to engage you. Though you had been able to hold off the worst of the enemy's heavy weapons you had neither the man power nor the weaponry to engage the raw amount of Leman Russ's that moved towards you. As they lined together for a single, bittersweet salute to your courage you heard the distinct whistle of artillery and before your eyes the world set alight as Earthshaker round after Earthshaker round pounded the lightly defended top of the tanks mercilessly.
  9. As the smoke cleared the entire tempo of the battle shifted and the Imperial line bucked and surged forward, backed by no less than three mighty titans that strode through the lines towards the enemy. Battle raged for the next five hours, some of the most fiersome battling you had ever seen and yet still there seem to be no relenting for an enemy artillery emplacement kept the might god machines from nearing for fear of destruction. Receiving your first communication from your Inquistor who you learned was named Desmond Farechild you were tasked with the destruction of the emplacement.
  11. Leaving the remaining acolytes to deal with the enemy horde you slipped out of the lander as night fell and made your way across the crater marked battlefield and into the enemy camp. There you conducted several dozen assassinations of those whom you believed important personel, always bleeding into the shadows before reprisal until at last you came to the emplacement. Little more than a solid slab of ferrocrete and plasteel upon which were mounted enormously powerful eradicator nova cannons you managed to hide within the confines of a cart bringing in a new reactor core to fuel the massive guns.
  13. Within you dispatched dozens of traitors as they sought to stim your efforts, through the dead of night you slowly crawled your way through horrid room after horrific room as you discovered that the bastion also served as not simply a military emplacement but a gathering for chaos sorcerors to dabble in their dark arts. At last you came upon the reactor, defended as it was by a fallen Magos of inhuman proportions and you set upon him. Perhaps showing the greatest fury at the sight of the heretic was Prokhorov, his unceasing assault upon the Magos finally overwhelming the man and with a mighty roar the Tech-Priest had hurrled the fiend into the reactor, incenerating him instantly.
  15. With the leader of bastion now slain the task fell to Prokhorov and Rhia to set the reactor to overcharge, annihilating the installation in a glorious rain of plasma but there would be several long minutes before such an overload could occur and so it was that Alpha and Trick journied to each of the three cannons and one by one dispatched their crew. With the vast majority of the behemoths silenced Alpha took it upon herself to pilot one and like the fury of the Emperor she destroyed tank after tank, igniting fuel dumps in the enemy camp to cause ever increasing carnage.
  17. As Trick watched on in awe she felt something claw at her mind, her trained psyker senses felt the cry of a thousand voices wash over them and felt something respond. Out from the shadows stepped a beast not of this world, holding in its hand a blade forged from the hatred of a god the bloodletter howled in joy. Armed only with a sharpened blade and a las pistol she dueled the horror from beyond, though its strength and resilience infernal and though backed by its gods will she prevailed. As her onslaught of raw psychic power smashed against the beast time and time again it's connection to the realm began to fail and darting beneath it's sluggish blow she drove her blade deep into it's chest before pulling the trigger on her pistol and incinerating it's head.
  19. Prokhorov and Rhia proved to have gained the ire of many of the camp's soldiers who even now moved to combat them, wave after wave attempted to stop the tech-priest from his holy ministartions and yet Rhia held the line. Wielding a beaten stubber the Adept bravely fought against a horde of foes and still he held the line, each sweep of his weapon seeing another four men falling to the ground in bloody clumps. With a chirp over the comm-bead Prokhorov made it clear that the reactor was now ready for destruction and for the first time since the Imperial army moved to assault you broke radio silence and beckoned for aid.
  21. You had given yourself enough time to be rescued but little else, fearing that the enemy may undo your efforts should they manage to get to the reactor. Swearing great oaths of loyalty you all banded together for your last desperate stand as you prayed the Emperor to bring deliverance. It was the voice of your Inquisitor which announced your rescue, peeling away from the enemy you all covered one another and never let one go without the gleam of a metal barrel watching over them. At last you reached the crest of the now ruined bastion and ascended into a Vendetta gunship.
  23. As the plane took off you watched for the first time the destruction you had caused, all about the instalation were flipped and smoldering remains from Alpha's use of the cannon. Beyond that you could see hundreds of soldiers now attempting in vein to flee the on rushing Imperial army and were colliding with the mass now attempting to escape inceneration from the angered machine spirit. With a roar so loud you went deaf the reactor went critical and a tidal wave of plasma rushed out onto the battle field. With a cheer you applauded your efforts and were taken to army group high command for debriefing.
  25. After that first mission you have enacted no less than fifty different sorties in the span of a scant few months, doing the impossible against all odds in hopes of ending this war. With each action you have found the rebels more and more desperate, the challenges greater and the threat of the warp ever increasing. Each of you has in turn shown yourself to be beyond the normal caliber of an Imperial citizen and are praised by the men around you for the battles you have aided in winning. Many do not know the terrible sights you have seen, the terrible fate of those who willingly serve the gods of chaos has been played out time and time again and you are left wishing beyond hope that you might have your chance to end this war, to finally bring an end to the nightmare.
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