
Zidane NT Quotes

Jul 17th, 2018
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  1. (take slight damage: slapped)
  2. (take slight damage: stepped on lego)
  3. (take slight damage: hit funny-bone)
  4. Ow.
  5. (take slight damage: pricked by pin)
  6. (take slight damage: given a charlie horse)
  7. (take slight damage: touch hot stove)
  8. (take slight damage: pinched)
  9. (take a lot of damage: punched in the gut)
  10. (take a lot of damage: kicked in the shin)
  11. (take a lot of damage: hit in a delicate area)
  12. (take a lot of damage: smashed in the nose)
  13. (take a lot of damage: air knocked out of you)
  14. (take a lot of damage: jabbed in the throat)
  15. Dirty rat!
  16. (take a lot of damage: blood spewing from mouth)
  17. (get smashed into wall)
  18. (get tripped and hit floor)
  19. (get pile-driven into ground)
  20. (get pushed into a boulder)
  21. (crash into a metal pipe)
  22. (death throes)
  23. H-how could I have let my guard down?
  24. You haven't seen the last of me!
  25. Oh, you've gone and done it now!
  26. Better run while you still can!
  27. Wouldn't wanna disappoint the ladies.
  28. (sidestep effort)
  29. (jump effort)
  30. (hop up a step effort)
  31. (darting forward effort)
  32. (struggling to jump to the side)
  33. Whoah.
  34. (slight grunt of exertion)
  35. (dodging an attack)
  36. (lunge effort)
  37. (small step backwards)
  38. Hm.
  39. Bring it!
  40. (bracing for incoming enemy)
  41. (assuming a fighting stance)
  42. All right.
  43. (Unleash minor attack 1)
  44. (Unleash minor attack 2)
  45. (Unleash minor attack 3)
  46. (Unleash minor attack 4)
  47. (Unleash minor attack 5)
  48. How 'bout this!?
  49. (Unleash minor attack 7)
  50. (Unleash minor attack 8)
  51. (Unleash minor attack 9)
  52. (Unleash minor attack 10)
  53. (Unleash massive attack 1)
  54. (Unleash massive attack 2)
  55. (Unleash massive attack 3)
  56. (Unleash massive attack 4)
  57. (Unleash massive attack 5)
  58. (Unleash massive attack 6)
  59. (Unleash massive attack 7)
  60. (Unleash massive attack 8)
  61. (Unleash massive attack 9)
  62. (Unleash massive attack 10)
  63. Time's up!
  64. Hey, hey, hey!
  65. Kiss the dirt!
  66. Buh-bye!
  67. Got you good!
  68. Be grateful!
  69. Have a nice trip!
  70. Now's my chance!
  71. Hah hah!
  72. Nuh-uh-uh!
  73. Yyyes!
  74. Blindsided!
  75. Aaand go!
  76. You're on fire!
  77. Hope you like it hot!
  78. Burn to a crisp!
  79. Stop right there!
  80. Sparks'll fly!
  81. This'll sting!
  82. See me shine!
  83. Don't flinch!
  84. Nothing better!
  85. Opportunity knocks!
  86. Today's my day!
  87. What luck!
  88. Bite the dust!
  89. Try to top this!
  90. What a way to end it.
  91. Tuck tail and run!
  92. Chew on this!
  93. Face your fears!
  94. This ends here.
  95. Here's my whole being!
  96. Never should've crossed me!
  97. Yoink!
  98. Sucker!
  99. Mine now!
  100. Don't mind if I do!
  101. Can't help myself!
  102. Easy mark!
  103. Let's rumble!
  104. No-holds-barred!
  105. Let the games begin!
  106. Stay sharp!
  107. I know, I know!
  108. (lightly flinging something into air)
  109. (throwing a baseball)
  110. (holding something above your head elatedly)
  111. Woo hoo!
  112. Have this!
  113. Heh heh!
  114. Gotta press on!
  115. You can count on me!
  116. Well, well, well!
  117. That's the stuff!
  118. Watch and learn!
  119. This one's for you!
  120. Together we'll succeed. A friend in need...
  121. Never hurts to ask for help.
  122. Show 'em who's boss!
  123. (short cry of summoning big monster 1)
  124. (short cry of summoning big monster 2)
  125. Fight for us!
  126. Come on, we can take these goons down!
  127. We gotta be thick as thieves to win!
  128. This is your last chance—just walk away.
  129. We'll take both this fight ^00~ITALICS~and^00~ITALICS_END~ your pride!
  130. Gotta strut my stuff!
  131. They won't even see me coming!
  132. I won't let you lay a finger on my teammates!
  133. We'll run circles around you slowpokes!
  134. Don't even think about fleeing, guys.
  135. Heh, I haven't had that much fun in a while.
  136. Awww, over so soon?
  137. Looks like I'm doing all the right things.
  138. Take the credit you deserve, everyone!
  139. Talk about a rock and a hard place...
  140. Mark my words...we ^00~ITALICS~will^00~ITALICS_END~ win next time!
  141. I know...I should've done better.
  142. Lookin' good!
  143. It'd be great if we could meet again!
  144. Nice one!
  145. How dumb of me!
  146. You got it, boss!
  147. Not up my alley.
  148. %ls's mine!
  149. Someone get %ls!
  150. I'm comin' for ya, %ls!
  151. Help me out here!
  152. Goin' for the core!
  153. Time to raise this fiend!
  154. Gotta attack ^00~ITALICS~now^00~ITALICS_END~!
  155. Time to scram!
  156. I've got your back!
  157. Help a guy out here!
  158. Keep your eyes peeled!
  159. Put their backs to the wall!
  160. Don't leave me behind!
  161. Ready to kick some butt!
  162. I mucked that up.
  163. That's not what I meant!
  164. Fight's almost over!
  165. I'm likin' our chances!
  166. Things're lookin' grim.
  167. I need a new strategy!
  168. I have friends who will help me.
  169. How 'bout you and me team up?
  170. If we win, you and me'll go out on a date!
  171. You don't need a reason to help people.
  172. I'm here because you asked me to be.
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  243. I won't let anything happen
  244. to your beautiful faces!
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  247. KOEI TECMO Games
  249. Team Ninja
  251. Get off me, you scumbag!
  252. This is an age-old ritual between male friends!
  253. All right, then. I'll protect both of you!
  254. I was just looking for more ways to impress you!
  255. If you're willing to make an effort... you'll shine, too, someday!
  256. That is reason enough for us to live!
  257. You're a part of the team. That's all that matters.
  258. Playin' hard to get, eh?
  259. Ooh, soft...
  260. I had to live. I wanted to come home to you.
  261. I'm comin' for ya!
  262. You don't need a reason to help people.
  263. Everyone pick a mark!
  264. Give %ls a run for their money!
  265. Not yet, guys!
  266. Time for the tough to get going!
  267. I'll liven things up!
  268. Give 'em all you got!
  269. I'm all tuckered out for now.
  270. I could go for another!
  271. You can be the leading role anytime!
  272. Gather 'round!
  273. Spread out!
  274. Bust open the core!
  275. For you? Anytime.
  276. Playing a different role.
  277. Sitting this one out.
  278. What a knock-down, drag-out fight!
  279. We're like three peas in a pod.
  280. Don't be such a worrywort, Firion.
  281. Don't give up on this before it even starts, Vaan!
  282. Can't let you do all the work.
  283. Whatever made you save me, thanks.
  284. Keep your wits about you, got it?
  285. You'll pay for all this carnage!
  286. May cooler heads prevail!
  287. Hard to keep my cool around you.
  288. We're gonna beat them, you'll see!
  289. Your waves can't rock our boat!
  290. Psh, you call that a sword?
  291. May our pleas for help reach you!
  292. Gotta find a stable that holds you!
  293. Give that one a run for their money!
  294. Gotta find a stable that holds you!
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