
Exovaryn Haruke: Injecting an Exorcist

Oct 6th, 2015
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  1. With so much to take to thought, to take upon, it was clear to see that a once solitary entity was growing overwhelmed... Tested... Agitated with the realm of the transmundane further warping at his shortened fuse. As though ill-omen, an malignant miasma of the vile affinity. The antipodal of light's merciful embrace brewed with tangible entanglement upon one's surroundings, rupturing the physical plane with its ethernal influence: From torchlight, to bodily warmth. The room grew chilled, dimmed in his festering agitation.
  3. So many voices... So many complications... So many losses... And hardly any progress. It'd lead to rash and erratic decision making, rather acting out on impulse rather than elaborated thought and patience. Frustration was taking its toll upon the stressed Harukean, as it did on many of the East. It couldn't be detected on his covered face, albeit it'd hardly be necessary for a gander upon his visage.
  5. A strangling aura caked up the scene, translucent but strongly present-- Capable of overwhelming even Kaor tier radiance.
  6. " Exhibebit mihi modo plus tempus. Valebat in arcem cuniculum instituit. Alius mos succurro vos habitatis. " Rhetoric transcended from common Valmasian tongue to something clearly foreign, " Albeit, keep to the common tongue... Communications prove implausible with common Valmasian ilk otherwise."
  8. Then... Came Cornley-- Yet another new recruit. It seemed as though their numbers were growing fruitful as of recent... Unfortunately for this Malpercian, he seemed to lack the points of authority as well.
  10. He did not recognize the tattered cape of The Seers of Darkness: Authentic, Aged and marked with the Oracle's brand as representation for the Tenebrae Imperium in the blood of enemies having crossed him throughout the years.
  11. He did not recognize the yokai helm, melded to a human's skull to properly identify him as not only a Harukean Patriarch of his own collective, but as the Grand Seer of the people here.
  13. What badgered him at thought, was the lack of presented conviction behind this Malpercian's appearance, not to mention the Bulwark attire. Was he simply someone sent over by a Vindicator? No, he admitted it himself... Just an Alterosi having appeared out of curiosity... And addressing both the Grand Seer and a Foreseer without reverence to their entitlements-- Ignorance would prove reasoning to one's prod, just over the edge...
  15. Immense quantities of mana conflicting with other bodies of radiance soon induced static to gattle, dancing off their surfaces to jump around the cobblestone flooring, jolting past magi, cultists and yokai abroad-- Voss was growing irritated, with Cornley being the new center of his silent gaze.
  17. Acerated jabs at one's mentality soon grew to a threshold, resounding strained endeavors of occultic telepathy through the Malpercian's mind, seemingly coherent and clear through sheer surmounting wrath. " Do you truly fail to recognize a Seer of Fate? I am the one thing that stands between you and extinction..." Cultists failed to intercept Cornley in time to instruct him of the dangers of his ignorance, leaving it all in his own hands now.
  19. " Learn to present yourself with respect, Malpercian."
  20. (Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke)
  21. He zoned out for a moment or two, eventually gazing back upon Voss. The offer would have been a tad bit...unsettling, if it weren't for the plans of his own. "So, I'll gain the power I seek, and you'll have a body in the even that you die? Is that what we're getting at?" A shrug, he was a bit indifferent about it. "So, in theory, if I planted my soul into a different body at...some point down the road, you would then have a fresh husk to enter? Just want to get a few of these details out of the way." A few nods.
  23. "Ah...and necromancy. One wishes to bring back my soul in the event that I perish, was implied, rather. Would there be any complications with this, as well? I want to make the agreement. I simply need to know...the full terms of...said agreement." A few glances around the room, to the malpercian, and the boy Voss was talking to.
  25. Another shrug, sipping is tea. These weren't his bears to poke. Not his problem. Not that his duties as a high seer weren't important, but with Voss's not like he -needed- to say much. His mind was too wrapped around the possibility of more power. Growing in strength was his only immediate concern.
  26. (Kale Minerva)
  27. Lucifer would hear the words that came out of Exovaryn's mouth; they wraped around Lucifer, and gave an overwhelming, intoxicating feeling towards them. The pressure on him was unbearable, as he felt queasy hearing these words as he felt as if he was being told something, yet not capable of understanding them. After, the feeling was gone, he decided to sit down on the floor and he would shake his head.
  29. Contemplating on various things, he decided that he needs to keep up wtih his dillegence in his Rune Writing studying, and he would then proceed to create Runes that will aid him in Levitation just like Exovaryn; since the idea of dominating from the skies pleased him; just the thought gave him the adrenaline and encouragement to begin the task at hand. Lucifer would then finish off by saying, " So Lord Exovaryn, when it comes to Fusion Artistry and our language, be my mentor and teach me. Other things, I'll come to you for if I don't understand." smirking he would then look around.
  31. Noticing Aete, he would then walk towards him as he would then say, " I wish to finish my studies and then, I want you to help me with my research and task. In other words, I've taken a liking to levitation and I wish to explore with you how to perform such actions, if that is okay with you ? "
  32. (Lucifer)
  33. Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke: <*Half-nod towards Lucifer albeit fails to digress sights from Cornley*>
  34. Approaching, hands behind his back, his tome hovering in his wake, Aete approaches Voss, Kale, his new apprentice Lucifer, and two others he was not entirely familiar with but that didn't matter. He rolls his neck lightly, listening as Lucifer speaks to him as if he was obligated to teach... it was a bit annoying but the child was a thirster of power, better that than women to be frank, otherwise he'd find his manhood in a certain harukean belly. Horrid thoughts of penecticide out of his mind, Aete smiles at that young lad, nodding some, "Personally I cannot teach you the art of flying for I simply sprout wings when I desire to do so. In addition, Voss is a master of the art of Gravity and flight, I recommend continuing to speak to him on the subject." His eyes glancing up at Voss, seeing his intent upon the purple haired lad then returning to Lucifer.
  36. Continuing to speak from here, Aete reiterates some things, "Just know I'm not your father or the liken there of. I am very much a teacher, but I will not halt your learning of a thing just because I disagree, you need not ask me for permission to learn." He explains his right hand coming forth, smiling still as his hand rests on the shorter young man's head, ruffling his hood, smirking so very lightly, "I suspect you accomplished the task I gave you, yes? We will then work on actually writing Runes here in the near future. Right now I need to work on finding someone willing to sacrifice their leg so I can be at full power again." He said so, so casually.
  37. (Aete D.)
  38. Lucifer: I've done as you wished, I've studied to the best of my capabilities. In addition, I've been talking to Exovaryn about it, It was truly interesting
  39. He was inevitiably broken from his trance to turn a gaze over to Aete whom spoke of the necessity of a leg. "You do not need to take one willing, simply one lacking necessity and conviction aside from such devoted task." He stated outright in repliance. "With war likely pending, I'm certain that we will come across several magi warriors in our conflict... If we can spare at least one to return to this citadel, I can ensure the restoration of a -new- appendage." He stated outright, losing his agitation towards the Malpercian.
  41. He had calmed somebit, but only thanks to distractions about. " I'm not sure of what true implication should carry out... My goal is to see if the symbiote can successfully bond with another. Considering such has been accomplished prior, I intend to take a step further... Naturally, the mortis symbiote, when in the presence of my flesh attempts to regenerate it... And when in the presence of alien matter it consumes it to proliferate my own person. Vanus keeps it powered and sustained, which requires a nearby mana source-- In conjuction, it should be a malleable presence that consumes at a target... Slowly..."
  43. The mention of such sounded much more malignant than beneficial upfront, but he wasn't going to let it stay there, otherwise, he'd get no willing volunteers aside from the suicidal. " Fret not, the process is far too slow to overwhelm one such as yourself. Especially when your element naturally whittles its presence weak. Should I ever pass, consider it a souvignier... A portion of my own power that may be available to those chosen. This gift is sadly unavailable for those of my own ilk, for their own brands of Mortis would inevitibly flush out my own, assimulating it and casting out its effect, but for you? You and fellow human ilk will be capable of raising to a magnitude of power unlike any you've managed to ascend to throughout your lifetime." He claimed...
  45. "It only takes an injection.... With some symptoms lived through, I'm sure the side-effects will prove well-worth it."
  46. (Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke)
  47. Aete D.: Good.
  48. Aete D.: When next we meet, I'll see about getting more hands on in training
  49. "An injection, you say? This sounds more like it should have only have physical effects, possible side effects on the mide as well. I'm willing to sacrifice my flesh, and sanity, however. In due time, I may be able to create...other bodies. The girl, Luella.
  51. She's progressing. I've given her the notes needed to learn how to use her magics to create flesh. Nature, blood, and water. She needs...more work on controlling flora, but...small steps...eventually she'll have the power to create flesh, blood, and bone- on a small scale. Perhaps able to restore a limb, like the creator of Tuboxen. Ah. But combined with my magic?
  53. I theorize I could create bones, with enough practice. Eventually working towards making husks. If this symbiote bond's with me, then surely it could bond with a fresh body. I'm willing to bet that with the proper samples collected from your being....that we could make entire bodies out of your flesh, and blood." One of the many theories now discussed, he would only nod.
  55. "Of course, it would have no soul. Merely replicating you in physical form. I'm more than willing to test this at a later date, once more....preperations have been made. It will be some time before she's ready...." Another nod. "I am fine with this, Voss. Inject away."
  58. (Kale Minerva)
  59. Aete D.: A brief side note - Lord Exovaryn...
  60. Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke: <*Eyes digres for Aete*>
  61. Aete D.: Might you consider controlling John first? The Acrux?
  62. Aete D.: At which point one could arguably use him as a conduit for your own soul when it passed from your physical form...
  63. Aete D.: to guide it to your next one?
  64. Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke: ... Control?... No, I intend to consume him when the time alows.
  65. Aete D.: Point being, obtaining his power, Sir.
  66. Aete D.: I think that would be best for an attempt to use a soul transference to secure your endlessness.
  67. Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke: Yes... Perhaps best to consume him first...
  68. Cornley Malpercius: Endlessness?
  69. Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke: However, he is necessary for the wars as of late.
  70. Aete D.: True.
  71. Kale Minerva: <*MY BODY IS READY*>
  72. Aete D.: Just a thought, should you desire to actually ascend beyond death, control the artificial star.
  73. Kale Minerva: Speaking of souls. Aete. I need your help with something-...
  74. Kale Minerva: Actually I have a long list of work that I need your help with.
  75. Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke: <An artificial star worth of souls... The mana I'd obtain from such absorption would be of an entirely different scale. >
  76. Aete D.: I can imagine, Sir Kale.
  77. Aete D.: <*chuckles softly*>
  78. The Malpercius raised his eyebrows, it seemed like the man named Lord Exovaryn was angry, because he didn't show himself with proper respect. It was his fault, he didn't know these people, they were all new to him even though the Malpercian entered their base. His hand moved to scratch his head, the man talked through telepathy. It didn't raise any emotion in him, his eyebrows lowered themselves again, his head tilted. "Ah. Sorry." he said as he put his head normal again, he turned around and looked at the water for a while. Again the Malpercian was lost in thoughts, or he wasn't.
  80. Cornley blinked, he turned around, then he stood up. They were talking about a new body, then he heard endlessness. Immortality, another scowl. The man aimed for immortality, while he was just a man. Only divine beings had such a thing as immortality so trying to gain it was useless, atleast to him. Cornley shrugged and then he looked at the other remaining two, Lucifer walked away. A man with light blonde hair and a ponytail stood in his stead, his hand was on his chin. Then he removed it and looked at Aete then at Kale and lastly Exovaryn. "Do you need help?" he asked. Atleast if he was somewhat -trying- to help, then they wouldn't see him as someone who weighed them down. His mutated claw went through his hair as he scratched a itchy spot on his head, then he put his hand back under the cloak and looked at all three of them, awaiting a respone.
  81. (Cornley Malpercius)
  82. What need was there for medicines? For medications? For means of soothing the pain? Exovaryn didn't exactly care nor did Kale seem to be particularly bothered by the notion presented-- If only he had a clue as to what it'd entail. "Simply... Stand... Still..." He instructed, right arm soon gattled with a familiar vermillion static, dematerializing of his physical stature: Artificial armor and flesh alike to transmogrify the matter into an onyx imitation of the Malpercian's renowned Sacrifice.
  84. " You may feel a pinch." A dramatic understatement, but one mean't to disarm one's potentially unnerving gander upon crystalized talons of mana siphoning Mortis elongated from his digits. He brought rise to his arm, reeling it back to point the acuminate claws for Kale's chest, seemingly aiming for his heart beneath whatever apparel may've rested before it.
  86. Without much word to follow up with, and without intent to slow nor stop for interuptions from any party within the room, he drove his arm forth, spilling the spray of sanguine upon the cobblestone flooring at his feet and across his stoic visage-- As heartless in the beginning of his endeavor as he'd be carrying it out. One's heart was thoroughly penetrated in five places, internal bleeding further lubricated the alien hand that locked itself beyond cardiac tissue, slicing through meat to grapple the bone beyond it: The spinal cord!
  88. It was perhaps, one of the most impromptu surgery incisions in the history of Valmasia without intent to kill, albeit it'd certainly contradict this notion to those whom spectated the enactment live... Or rather, experienced it.
  89. The ends of talons bored at the segments of cartilege betwixt the spinal columns, locking into the flesh and soon... Idling...
  91. Whatever guttural moans or gurgles Kale may've forcibly uttered in his attempts to breath or speak went absolutely ignored. Did Exovaryn simply not care? It was likely... However, with intentions already spoken, it was likely that he was confident on the end result, proving callous to one's perception of it entirely.
  92. " I have felt the pains of evisceration time and time again, and yet I still breath. I'm certain if you can survive this, then you'll fare fine." He continued with indifferent tone, soon wince with a brief tug. Was he stuck? Teeth were grit and body grew strained in its pry away from ther conjoined bodies. Kale, bleeding out althroughout.
  94. A grunt, and finally the pop of bone from his shoudlerblade! Skin, muscular tissue and bone followed, leaving him with naught but a stub where his arm used to be! One couldn't bear gander upon his pained visage but the heavy breathing echoing through his skull helm implied the pain nonetheless. It was not an act he enjoyed, but one he presumed to be for the greater good of his own permeance. Lyperion Utovex ceased the bleeding from his right arm's stub, sealing it off with extra generated skin.
  96. Kale, on the otherhand, was left with a literal appendage piercing his abdomen and physically bound to his spinal column, leaving him interally complicated and damned for a slow painful demise... Until...
  97. The symbiotic mass further transfixed itself, transcending to nigh liquified stature to ooze into the opening of his flesh, repairing what damage was left on the way in with skin that altered in pigmentation. Internal damage no longer persisted, omitted with the passing seconds, as the concoction of Vanus, Mortis and even Exovaryn's flesh traversed up the Exorcists' spinal cord for the brain... Where it'd eventually nestle and start it's growth and proliferation off of his body.
  99. Kale, was seemingly back to normal at a glance from someone else... Exovaryn however, needed a hand... Literally. " That... Should do it..." He stated, quite clearly winded from the endeavor, eyes turning for the northern staircase. "I'll have to consume more of the Aegis prisoners to regenerate this arm. Otherwise, I'll be fine, you may feel a few quirks taking their occurance before you are able to tap into the power this symbiote provides. "
  101. A severe burn was likely to have been felt by Kale, concentrated within the pit of his right shoulder, by his neck: A Mortem Rune, scribed from the inside by the injected symbiote-- Sealed, should the Exorcist have not tried to purge his own system of the substance.
  102. (Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke)
  103. At the beginning phases, the Minerva rooted himself. As the morphed and mutated arm entered his chest, he knew he was in for who Atmos of a ride. Vines sprouted, keeping him still, forcing him to stay in place, during the entire procedure. Each word that Voss spoke was drowned out with his screaming. The agony was unlike anything he'd felt before. Clawed upon, bitten, flesh ripped apart, all things felt before in this life. Having his heart ripped apart, feeling a substance grab as his spinal cord? It was almost too much for the old man to bear.
  105. Glaring down at the arm burrowed into his chest, the vines released, and he fell to the floor with a crowning breath. He began to churn on the back of his indisposed and throbbing body. Nauseated, he began to choke on his own vomit emitted from her distended and desiccated throat. Weak and obscured his body began to convulse and twitch. The arm continued to work its way in, eventually forced, merging with his flesh and blood.
  107. His abdomen began to flourish as his ribs now unhinged and shifted. A burning pain throbbed in his right shoulder, and surrounding areas. "Fuck mothering cunt!" A few wasted breathes on fowl language, yet hoped to bring some form of release, although, his attempts were in vein. Both hands gripped at his chest. His body wanted to reject this 'gift', yet he would not allow for such to happen. This pain, this nightmare thrashing around inside of him, he would allow this to all be for nothing.
  109. Overwhelmed he was growing debilitated and weak. Staying attentive became burdensome. Saying that it was a struggle to stay conscious as his body contracted would be an understatement. He muttered on forced breathes, "A fucking pinch!" The entire area, the citadel itself began to shake, quaking, vibrating intensity. Stones fell from the walls, crumbling as a fist slammed into flooring underneath. Each digit digging into the cobblestone and puddles of blood, while his face only held that of a grimace.
  111. It felt as if something was already tugging as his mind, and as if his circuits were being pulled upon. Drained, siphoned, by whatever the Harukean had managed to accomplished. The arm had managed to merge with his being, becoming a part of his physical structure. The process was far more excruciating than he had managed to conceptualize. The exorcist only wished that such measures, such a harrowing moment, would be rewarded.
  113. "I believe I'll be....crawling back to my office in a few is needed..."
  114. (Kale Minerva)
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