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Mini-Mod application

a guest
Apr 11th, 2018
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  1. IGN?
  2. kirito5959
  4. Age?
  5. 13 years old
  7. Asking a staff to review your application means your application will be instantly rejected, do you understand?
  8. Yes,I do understand.
  9. Timezone?
  10. UTC 3+
  11. What is your current staff rank?(if any)
  12. None.
  13. What is the position you will be applying for?
  14. Mini Mod.
  15. Have you ever staffed anything else?(please go into detail here if you have)
  16. I staffed quite a few minecraft servers before starting to play roblox,nothing else really.
  17. Say there is a spammer, they are spamming and no other staff is online. What do you do?
  18. I either mute them,and if it is picture spam i'm going to strike him/her.
  19. Say someone is posting nsfw over and over even after you tell them that it is not allowed, What do you do?
  20. Well i can't really do anything as a MM,but if i had acces to banning people,that'd be an instant ban.
  21. How did you find parkour?
  22. Last year in september,the game became very popular,so me and my friend decided to give it a try,we kind of got addicted to it,and we continued playing,mostly me,my friend doesn't play roblox anymore.
  23. How did you find this discord server?
  24. Well me and my friend were questioning why our points were gone,so we decided to join this server to see what's up with it,we decided to remain in the end,it was actually really worth.
  25. How long have you been playing parkour?
  26. I think it's been 7 months already.
  27. How long have you been in this discord?
  28. I've been here for 7 months.
  29. Why do you want to be staff for this discord server?
  30. There are rules here,and people usually disrespect them,so i want to stop people from disrespecting the rules.
  31. What could you offer for us as a staff?
  32. I can offer activity as well as looking at #role_requests,also punishing the lower ranks for one of their wrong actions(I'll first ask a person with a higher role than me to see if their action is worth to be punished.)
  33. Any additional notes?
  34. Hoping for the best,nothing else really.
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