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Jul 14th, 2019
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  114. simpleCart({
  115. // array representing the format and columns of the cart,
  116. // see the cart columns documentation
  117. cartColumns: [
  118. { attr: "name", label: "Produkt"},
  119. { view: "currency", attr: "price", label: "Cena"},
  120. { view: "decrement", label: false, text: '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-minus"></span>'},
  121. { attr: "quantity", label: "Ilość"},
  122. { view: "increment", label: false, text: '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus"></span>'},
  123. { view: "currency", attr: "total", label: "Razem" },
  124. { view: "remove", text: '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove"></span>', label: false}
  125. ],
  127. // "div" or "table" - builds the cart as a
  128. // table or collection of divs
  129. cartStyle: "table",
  131. // how simpleCart should checkout, see the
  132. // checkout reference for more info
  133. checkout: {
  134. type: "PayPal" ,
  135. email: ""
  136. },
  138. // set the currency, see the currency
  139. // reference for more info
  140. currency: "PLN",
  142. // collection of arbitrary data you may want to store
  143. // with the cart, such as customer info
  144. data: {},
  146. // set the cart langauge
  147. // (may be used for checkout)
  148. language: "polish-pl",
  150. // array of item fields that will not be
  151. // sent to checkout
  152. excludeFromCheckout: [],
  154. // custom function to add shipping cost
  155. shippingCustom: null,
  157. // flat rate shipping option
  158. shippingFlatRate: 15,
  160. // added shipping based on this value
  161. // multiplied by the cart quantity
  162. shippingQuantityRate: 0,
  164. // added shipping based on this value
  165. // multiplied by the cart subtotal
  166. shippingTotalRate: 0,
  168. // tax rate applied to cart subtotal
  169. taxRate: 0,
  171. // true if tax should be applied to shipping
  172. taxShipping: false,
  174. // event callbacks
  175. beforeAdd : null,
  176. afterAdd : null,
  177. load : null,
  178. beforeSave : null,
  179. afterSave : null,
  180. update : null,
  181. ready : null,
  182. checkoutSuccess : null,
  183. checkoutFail : null,
  184. beforeCheckout : null,
  185. beforeRemove : null
  186. });
  188. // basic callback example
  189. simpleCart.bind( "afterAdd" , function(){
  190. $( ".koszyk" ).fadeOut(500).fadeIn(500);
  191. });
  193. simpleCart.bind( 'update' , function(){
  194. if (simpleCart.quantity() == 0)
  195. {
  196. $( ".hideIfEmpty" ).hide();
  197. $( ".showIfEmpty" ).show();
  198. }
  199. else
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  201. $( ".hideIfEmpty" ).show();
  202. $( ".showIfEmpty" ).hide();
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  321. <div class="simpleCart_shelfItem">
  322. <div class="row">
  323. <div class="col-xs-12" >
  324. <h2 class="item_name">Anioł - a101s1</h2>
  325. <a href="#gallery-1" onMouseOver="'pointer'" class="btn-gallery">
  326. <i class="icon-search"></i>
  327. <img class="res" src="img/a101s1.jpg" alt="">
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  334. <h2 class="item_price">29.95 zł</h2>
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  354. <span>
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  356. <div class="simpleCart_shelfItem">
  357. <div class="row">
  358. <div class="col-xs-12">
  359. <h2 class="item_name" >Anioł - a101o1</h2>
  360. <a onMouseOver="'pointer'" class="btn-gallery">
  361. <i class="icon-search"></i>
  362. <img class="res" src="img/a101o1.jpg" alt="">
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  366. <!-- /row -->
  367. <div class="row">
  368. <div class="col-xs-12" >
  369. <h2 class="item_price">29.95 zł</h2>
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  391. <div class="simpleCart_shelfItem">
  392. <div class="row">
  393. <div class="col-xs-12">
  394. <h2 class="item_name" >Komunia - k103g1</h2>
  395. <a onMouseOver="'pointer'" class="btn-gallery">
  396. <i class="icon-search"></i>
  397. <img class="res"src="img/k103g1.jpg" alt="">
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  430. <a href="">Image 1</a>
  431. <a href="">Image 2</a>
  432. <a href="">Image 3</a>
  433. <a href="">Image 4</a>
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