
server config

Apr 12th, 2020
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  1. [Game]
  2. Seed=UCfSmVVDPA
  3. Difficulty=0
  4. HardcoreEnabled=false
  5. InfiniteResources=false
  6. CollisionDamage=1
  7. SafePlayerInput=false
  8. PlayerToPlayerDamage=true
  9. LogoutInvincibility=true
  10. LogoutInvincibilityDelay=30
  11. DevMode=false
  12. ExplicitCallables=true
  13. BigWreckageDespawnTime=999999
  14. SmallWreckageDespawnTime=900
  15. MaximumFightersPerSectorAndPlayer=-1
  16. MaximumBlocksPerCraft=-1
  17. MaximumVolumePerShip=-1
  18. MaximumVolumePerStation=-1
  19. MaximumPlayerShips=-1
  20. MaximumPlayerStations=-1
  21. MaximumBlocksPerTurret=250
  22. PlayerInventorySlots=1000
  23. AllianceInventorySlots=1000
  24. Version=1.0
  25. sameStartSector=false
  26. startUpScript=data/scripts/server/server.lua
  27. startSectorScript=startsector
  28. [System]
  29. saveInterval=600
  30. sectorUpdateTimeLimit=300
  31. emptySectorUpdateInterval=0.5
  32. workerThreads=16
  33. generatorThreads=8
  34. scriptBackgroundThreads=4
  35. aliveSectorsPerPlayer=10
  36. weakUpdate=true
  37. profiling=false
  38. sendCrashReports=true
  39. hangDetection=true
  40. backups=true
  41. backupsPath=
  42. simulateHighLoadServer=false
  43. sendSectorDelay=2
  44. placeInShipOnDeathDelay=7
  45. [Networking]
  46. port=27003
  47. broadcastInterval=5
  48. isPublic=true
  49. isListed=false
  50. isAuthenticated=true
  51. sendStatsToAdmins=true
  52. useSteam=true
  53. rconIp=XXXX
  54. rconPassword=XXX
  55. rconPort=27015
  56. [Administration]
  57. maxPlayers=10
  58. name=C.A.B.U.M (modded) server
  59. description= Curious about the Acronym? ask here!
  60. password=
  61. pausable=false
  62. accessListMode=Blacklist
  63. steamIdOverride=0
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