

Nov 23rd, 2011
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  1. Victors-MacBook-Air:wxPython victorng$ python --osx_cocoa --mac_framework --mac_arch=x86_64
  2. old_options = set(['--mac_arch=x86_64', '--osx_cocoa', '--mac_framework', '--build_dir=../bld'])
  3. sys.argv = ['--osx_cocoa', '--mac_framework', '--mac_arch=x86_64']
  4. wxWidgets directory is: /Users/victorng/dev/wxPython-src-
  5. wxWidgets build options: ['--wxpython', '--jobs=4', '--prefix=/usr/local', '--mac_arch=x86_64', '--unicode', '--osx_cocoa', '--mac_framework', '--mac_framework_prefix=/Library/Frameworks', '--install', '--builddir=/Users/victorng/dev/wxPython-src-']
  6. Configure options: ['--enable-unicode', '--with-osx_cocoa', '--enable-macosx_arch=x86_64', '--with-opengl', '--enable-sound', '--enable-graphics_ctx', '--enable-mediactrl', '--enable-display', '--enable-geometry', '--enable-debug_flag', '--enable-optimise', '--disable-debugreport', '--enable-uiactionsim', '--enable-monolithic', '--with-macosx-sdk=/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.5.sdk', '--prefix=/Library/Frameworks/wxOSXCocoa.framework/Versions/2.9.2']
  7. /Users/victorng/dev/wxPython-src- --enable-unicode --with-osx_cocoa --enable-macosx_arch=x86_64 --with-opengl --enable-sound --enable-graphics_ctx --enable-mediactrl --enable-display --enable-geometry --enable-debug_flag --enable-optimise --disable-debugreport --enable-uiactionsim --enable-monolithic --with-macosx-sdk=/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.5.sdk --prefix=/Library/Frameworks/wxOSXCocoa.framework/Versions/2.9.2
  8. checking build system type... x86_64-apple-darwin11.2.0
  9. checking host system type... x86_64-apple-darwin11.2.0
  10. checking for --disable-gui... no
  11. checking for --enable-monolithic... yes
  12. checking for --enable-plugins... no
  13. checking for --without-subdirs... no
  14. checking for --enable-official_build... no
  15. checking for --disable-all-features... no
  16. checking for --enable-universal... no
  17. checking for --enable-nanox... no
  18. checking for --enable-gpe... no
  19. checking for toolkit... osx_cocoa
  20. checking for --with-libpng... yes
  21. checking for --with-libjpeg... yes
  22. checking for --with-libtiff... yes
  23. checking for --with-libxpm... yes
  24. checking for --with-libiconv... yes
  25. checking for --with-libmspack... no
  26. checking for --without-gtkprint... no
  27. checking for --without-gnomeprint... no
  28. checking for --with-gnomevfs... no
  29. checking for --with-hildon... no
  30. checking for --with-opengl... yes
  31. checking for --with-dmalloc... no
  32. checking for --with-sdl... no
  33. checking for --with-regex... yes
  34. checking for --with-zlib... yes
  35. checking for --with-expat... yes
  36. checking for --with-macosx-sdk... /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.5.sdk
  37. checking for --with-macosx-version-min...
  38. checking for --enable-debug... checking for --disable-debug_flag... no
  39. checking for --enable-debug_info... no
  40. checking for --enable-debug_gdb... no
  41. checking for --enable-debug_cntxt... no
  42. checking for --enable-mem_tracing... no
  43. checking for --disable-shared... no
  44. checking for --enable-stl... no
  45. checking for --enable-std_containers... no
  46. checking for --enable-std_iostreams... yes
  47. checking for --enable-std_string... yes
  48. checking for --enable-std_string_conv_in_wxstring... no
  49. checking for --disable-unicode... no
  50. checking for --enable-mslu... no
  51. checking for --enable-utf8... auto
  52. checking for --enable-utf8only... no
  53. checking for --enable-extended_rtti... no
  54. checking for --disable-optimise... no
  55. checking for --enable-profile... no
  56. checking for --enable-no_rtti... no
  57. checking for --enable-no_exceptions... no
  58. checking for --enable-permissive... no
  59. checking for --enable-no_deps... no
  60. checking for --disable-vararg_macros... no
  61. checking for --enable-universal_binary... no
  62. checking for --enable-macosx_arch... x86_64
  63. checking for --enable-compat26... no
  64. checking for --disable-compat28... no
  65. checking for --disable-rpath... no
  66. checking for --enable-objc_uniquifying... no
  67. checking for --disable-visibility... no
  68. checking for --disable-tls... no
  69. checking for --enable-intl... yes
  70. checking for --enable-xlocale... yes
  71. checking for --enable-config... yes
  72. checking for --enable-protocols... yes
  73. checking for --enable-ftp... yes
  74. checking for --enable-http... yes
  75. checking for --enable-fileproto... yes
  76. checking for --enable-sockets... yes
  77. checking for --enable-ipv6... no
  78. checking for --enable-ole... yes
  79. checking for --enable-dataobj... yes
  80. checking for --enable-ipc... yes
  81. checking for --enable-baseevtloop... yes
  82. checking for --enable-epollloop... yes
  83. checking for --enable-selectloop... yes
  84. checking for --enable-any... yes
  85. checking for --enable-apple_ieee... yes
  86. checking for --enable-arcstream... yes
  87. checking for --enable-base64... yes
  88. checking for --enable-backtrace... yes
  89. checking for --enable-catch_segvs... yes
  90. checking for --enable-cmdline... yes
  91. checking for --enable-datetime... yes
  92. checking for --enable-debugreport... no
  93. checking for --enable-dialupman... yes
  94. checking for --enable-dynlib... yes
  95. checking for --enable-dynamicloader... yes
  96. checking for --enable-exceptions... yes
  97. checking for --enable-ffile... yes
  98. checking for --enable-file... yes
  99. checking for --enable-filehistory... yes
  100. checking for --enable-filesystem... yes
  101. checking for --enable-fontenum... yes
  102. checking for --enable-fontmap... yes
  103. checking for --enable-fs_archive... yes
  104. checking for --enable-fs_inet... yes
  105. checking for --enable-fs_zip... yes
  106. checking for --enable-fswatcher... yes
  107. checking for --enable-geometry... yes
  108. checking for --enable-log... yes
  109. checking for --enable-longlong... yes
  110. checking for --enable-mimetype... yes
  111. checking for --enable-printfposparam... yes
  112. checking for --enable-snglinst... yes
  113. checking for --enable-sound... yes
  114. checking for --enable-stdpaths... yes
  115. checking for --enable-stopwatch... yes
  116. checking for --enable-streams... yes
  117. checking for --enable-sysoptions... yes
  118. checking for --enable-tarstream... yes
  119. checking for --enable-textbuf... yes
  120. checking for --enable-textfile... yes
  121. checking for --enable-timer... yes
  122. checking for --enable-variant... yes
  123. checking for --enable-zipstream... yes
  124. checking for --enable-url... yes
  125. checking for --enable-protocol... yes
  126. checking for --enable-protocol_http... yes
  127. checking for --enable-protocol_ftp... yes
  128. checking for --enable-protocol_file... yes
  129. checking for --enable-threads... yes
  130. checking for --enable-iniconf... no
  131. checking for --enable-regkey... yes
  132. checking for --enable-docview... yes
  133. checking for --enable-help... yes
  134. checking for --enable-mshtmlhelp... yes
  135. checking for --enable-html... yes
  136. checking for --enable-htmlhelp... yes
  137. checking for --enable-xrc... yes
  138. checking for --enable-aui... yes
  139. checking for --enable-propgrid... yes
  140. checking for --enable-ribbon... yes
  141. checking for --enable-stc... yes
  142. checking for --enable-constraints... yes
  143. checking for --enable-loggui... yes
  144. checking for --enable-logwin... yes
  145. checking for --enable-logdialog... yes
  146. checking for --enable-mdi... yes
  147. checking for --enable-mdidoc... yes
  148. checking for --enable-mediactrl... yes
  149. checking for --enable-gstreamer8... no
  150. checking for --enable-webkit... yes
  151. checking for --enable-richtext... yes
  152. checking for --enable-postscript... yes
  153. checking for --enable-printarch... yes
  154. checking for --enable-svg... yes
  155. checking for --enable-clipboard... yes
  156. checking for --enable-dnd... yes
  157. checking for --enable-metafile... yes
  158. checking for --disable-controls... no
  159. checking for --enable-markup... yes
  160. checking for --enable-accel... yes
  161. checking for --enable-animatectrl... yes
  162. checking for --enable-artstd... yes
  163. checking for --enable-arttango... auto
  164. checking for --enable-bmpbutton... yes
  165. checking for --enable-bmpcombobox... yes
  166. checking for --enable-button... yes
  167. checking for --enable-calendar... yes
  168. checking for --enable-caret... yes
  169. checking for --enable-checkbox... yes
  170. checking for --enable-checklst... yes
  171. checking for --enable-choice... yes
  172. checking for --enable-choicebook... yes
  173. checking for --enable-collpane... yes
  174. checking for --enable-colourpicker... yes
  175. checking for --enable-combobox... yes
  176. checking for --enable-comboctrl... yes
  177. checking for --enable-commandlinkbutton... yes
  178. checking for --enable-dataviewctrl... yes
  179. checking for --enable-datepick... yes
  180. checking for --enable-detect_sm... yes
  181. checking for --enable-dirpicker... yes
  182. checking for --enable-display... yes
  183. checking for --enable-editablebox... yes
  184. checking for --enable-filectrl... yes
  185. checking for --enable-filepicker... yes
  186. checking for --enable-fontpicker... yes
  187. checking for --enable-gauge... yes
  188. checking for --enable-grid... yes
  189. checking for --enable-headerctrl... yes
  190. checking for --enable-hyperlink... yes
  191. checking for --enable-imaglist... yes
  192. checking for --enable-infobar... yes
  193. checking for --enable-listbook... yes
  194. checking for --enable-listbox... yes
  195. checking for --enable-listctrl... yes
  196. checking for --enable-notebook... yes
  197. checking for --enable-notifmsg... yes
  198. checking for --enable-odcombobox... yes
  199. checking for --enable-popupwin... yes
  200. checking for --enable-radiobox... yes
  201. checking for --enable-radiobtn... yes
  202. checking for --enable-richmsgdlg... yes
  203. checking for --enable-rearrangectrl... yes
  204. checking for --enable-sash... yes
  205. checking for --enable-scrollbar... yes
  206. checking for --enable-searchctrl... yes
  207. checking for --enable-slider... yes
  208. checking for --enable-spinbtn... yes
  209. checking for --enable-spinctrl... yes
  210. checking for --enable-splitter... yes
  211. checking for --enable-statbmp... yes
  212. checking for --enable-statbox... yes
  213. checking for --enable-statline... yes
  214. checking for --enable-stattext... yes
  215. checking for --enable-statusbar... yes
  216. checking for --enable-taskbaricon... yes
  217. checking for --enable-tbarnative... yes
  218. checking for --enable-textctrl... yes
  219. checking for --enable-tipwindow... yes
  220. checking for --enable-togglebtn... yes
  221. checking for --enable-toolbar... yes
  222. checking for --enable-toolbook... yes
  223. checking for --enable-treebook... yes
  224. checking for --enable-treectrl... yes
  225. checking for --enable-commondlg... yes
  226. checking for --enable-aboutdlg... yes
  227. checking for --enable-choicedlg... yes
  228. checking for --enable-coldlg... yes
  229. checking for --enable-filedlg... yes
  230. checking for --enable-finddlg... yes
  231. checking for --enable-fontdlg... yes
  232. checking for --enable-dirdlg... yes
  233. checking for --enable-msgdlg... yes
  234. checking for --enable-numberdlg... yes
  235. checking for --enable-splash... yes
  236. checking for --enable-textdlg... yes
  237. checking for --enable-tipdlg... yes
  238. checking for --enable-progressdlg... yes
  239. checking for --enable-wizarddlg... yes
  240. checking for --enable-menus... yes
  241. checking for --enable-miniframe... yes
  242. checking for --enable-tooltips... yes
  243. checking for --enable-splines... yes
  244. checking for --enable-mousewheel... yes
  245. checking for --enable-validators... yes
  246. checking for --enable-busyinfo... yes
  247. checking for --enable-hotkey... auto
  248. checking for --enable-joystick... yes
  249. checking for --enable-metafile... yes
  250. checking for --enable-dragimage... yes
  251. checking for --enable-accessibility... no
  252. checking for --enable-uiactionsim... yes
  253. checking for --enable-dctransform... yes
  254. checking for --enable-palette... yes
  255. checking for --enable-image... yes
  256. checking for --enable-gif... yes
  257. checking for --enable-pcx... yes
  258. checking for --enable-tga... yes
  259. checking for --enable-iff... yes
  260. checking for --enable-pnm... yes
  261. checking for --enable-xpm... yes
  262. checking for --enable-ico_cur... yes
  263. checking for --enable-dccache... yes
  264. checking for --enable-ps-in-msw... yes
  265. checking for --enable-ownerdrawn... yes
  266. checking for --enable-uxtheme... yes
  267. checking for --enable-wxdib... yes
  268. checking for --enable-autoidman... no
  269. checking for gcc... gcc
  270. checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
  271. checking whether the C compiler works... yes
  272. checking whether we are cross compiling... no
  273. checking for suffix of executables...
  274. checking for suffix of object files... o
  275. checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
  276. checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
  277. checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
  278. checking whether we are using the Intel C compiler... no
  279. checking how to run the C preprocessor... gcc -E
  280. checking for grep that handles long lines and -e... /usr/bin/grep
  281. checking for egrep... /usr/bin/grep -E
  282. checking whether gcc needs -traditional... no
  283. checking for g++... g++
  284. checking whether we are using the GNU C++ compiler... yes
  285. checking whether g++ accepts -g... yes
  286. checking whether we are using the Intel C++ compiler... no
  287. checking whether we are using the Metrowerks C++ compiler... no
  288. checking whether we are using the IBM xlC C++ compiler... no
  289. checking for ar... ar
  290. checking for SDK directory /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.5.sdk... configure: error: not found
  291. See `config.log' for more details.
  292. Error running configure
  293. ERROR: failed building wxWidgets
  294. Traceback (most recent call last):
  295. File "", line 352, in <module>
  296. wxbuild.main(wxscript, build_options)
  297. File "/Users/victorng/dev/wxPython-src-", line 328, in main
  298. "Error running configure")
  299. File "/Users/victorng/dev/wxPython-src-", line 62, in exitIfError
  300. raise builder.BuildError, msg
  301. BuildError
  302. Victors-MacBook-Air:wxPython victorng$
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