
Dog Days Quest: People, Varmits, and Places to get Drinks.

Jul 6th, 2015 (edited)
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  4. Dog Days Quest
  6. Character list (Hey! you'll need this!)
  7. --------------------
  9. Jack Albator (The Captain!) :
  10. Hey! You know this guy. He's the dashing rogue, the handsome explorer, he's the one that has to fix the problems caused by everyone else! He's crude, doesn't get along with strangers, but he does what he feels has to be done. Plus, he only does it with a mild amount of complaining!
  11. He used to live on a pirate ship, up until the furry menace pulled him into their world. His current country of origin is Biscotti.
  12. Because he's a hero, he gets a barrier jacket as a set of armor. His makes him look just like a ship captain!
  13. His favorite weapons are a cutlass, a saber, and a variety of firearms! His emblem type is "Blue", which means a powerful control over water. He also knows a mild amount of barrier magic, and can roll again on botched combat dice because of it!
  15. Yuuki Kuchinashi (Lucky Rabbit!) :
  16. Wow! This girl is an amazing hero! She doesn't complain too much about being dragged along in Jack's plans. She tries to make the most of it! Or at the very least, doesn't complain much at all. She's quiet, reserved, but knows when it's time to spring into action!
  17. She used to live in feudal-era Japan, but was then taken away to live with the bunny princess. Her current country of origin is Bruschetta.
  18. Because she's a hero, she gets a barrier jacker as a set of armor. Hers makes her look just like a beautiful samurai!
  19. Her favorite weapon is the one she came to Flonyard with, a powerful naginata! Her emblem type is 'Teal', which means she can create ice at will! She can even turn things into solid ice!
  21. Cody (Micah Remington) :
  22. Huh, there's a guy that sticks out like a sore thumb. He wears a dumb looking hat, his clothes are mostly patterened cloth and leather, and he always seems to be causing trouble. It's amazing he's lived as long as he has! It's a good thing his keen sense of cunning and fast hands keep him a valuable member of your crew.
  23. He used to live in the wild west, but was taken to live with his future wife. No matter how much he tries to escape from her. His current country of origin is Pastillage.
  24. His favorite weapon is a set of revolvers. He doesn't even try using anything else, despite the fact that he would be very talented with a knife.
  25. Because he's a hero, he gets a barrier jacket as a set of armor. His strengthens his wild west look, but doesn't make his hat look any less stupid. His emblem type is green, which is the fierce wind that is at his control!
  27. Louise Lacerte (Little girl, big axe) :
  28. Yikes! Here's someone dangerous to be around! She's pretty young compared to everyone else, and is the youngest hero to be summoned. Jack saved her life from the cat people and their awful understanding of medicine. Ever since then, she's been taking to this 'hero' role rather slowly. Almost as if she doesn't quite understand what it is they do or what it is she's supposed to do. There is one thing that she finds entertaining, and that's swinging around a large axe.
  29. She used to live in France, and was the daughter of a very wealthy merchant. Not the best person to get along with Jack! She currently resides in Gallete, but goes wherever her princess goes.
  30. Her FAVORITE weapon in the whole wide world is the greataxe. It's an axe that's even larger than she is! She wasn't trained to use axes, either. She was entirely a fencer at heart, and even went to the greatest schools in france to learn fencing! Maybe that's why she has taking such a liking to swinging a huge, sharp slab of metal at absolutely everything with her superhuman strength.
  31. Because she's a hero, she gets a barrier jacket as a set of armor. Plus her barrier jacket makes her look like a highly skilled fencer! Her emblem type is gold, which is control over powerful bursts of lightning!
  33. Dorje Tseten (The Kid) :
  34. Isn't this one a bit young to be a hero? He is the third youngest of anyone summoned, and he acts like it too. He tries to take up the hero role, but his own childishness gets in the way of it sometimes. He also has this absurd notion that he is practically invicible. Even if there is some shred of truth to it after coming to this new world.
  35. He used to live in the mountains of Tibet, where he spent most of his life training with his family. He was also bald back then, too. He was summoned as the hero of Cranacha, but his princess made him grow his hair out again.
  36. His favorite weapon are the ones he was born with. His fists cansmash straight through solid stone, and that was BEFORE he came to this new world! It's unclear just what can stop his fists with his newfound strength.
  37. Because he's a hero, he gets a barrier jacket as a set of armor. His looks like the plainclothes of a wanderer, and he gets teased for looking like a homeless kid. His emblem type is the grey emblem, which gives him strength and willingness over stone!
  39. Kayda (Wihakayda) :
  40. What's with all these little kids hanging around the heroes? She doesn't seem to act like a little kid, but she definitely is one at heart. Jack hasn't seen too much of her except for that time she fought him. Other than that, she's been bedridden for most of her stay in Jack's entourage. She's very loyal, and follows orders without question. Which is a very serious fault when the people who gave her orders previously were jerks. Her general distrust of strangers, Cody for instance, doesn't help matters any.
  41. She used to live on the rolling grasslands of the plains. Now she lives with her summoner, the princess of Konditorei.
  42. Because she's a hero, she doesn't have a barrier jacket yet! Nope! No jacket! They really didn't give her much to work with, did they? At least they had the decency to give her the red emblem, which gives her control over fire and heat.
  44. ------------------------------------
  45. Places and people!
  46. ------------------------------------
  48. Biscotti:
  49. Hey! This is Jack's kingdom! All the fluffy-eared trouble started with this place!
  50. All the ears of this place are oddly canine in nature. The people are laid back, and pretty nice overall! Just don't bring up their seemingly incompetent royalty.
  52. Biscotti's Demonhunter Shrine:
  53. A little shanty located in the middle of the wilderness several miles out of town. Not the place you would expect Jack to call his home. He sleeps here, eats here, causes trouble here, and hasn't been finding the time to fix the place up. That's okay though, Atsuko, the local shrine maiden, hasn't found the time either. So it serves mostly as a playground for Keiko, the other shrine maiden who resides here.
  55. Biscotti's town:
  56. Every kingdom needs a good sized town to support it. It's just the definition of Biscotti's town wouldn't really be considered 'good sized'. It's big enough, and has all the nicities travelers would be expecting of any decent town. Like their bar, or... their bar.
  58. Biscotti's underworld:
  59. What a terrible place! At least, it's a terrible place until you realize that ghosts can't actually harm you. After being used as a graveyard for hundreds, maybe thousands of years, the spirits of this area below the surface are extremely restless. So restless that the princess' uncle volunteered to stay there just to keep them company. Or, maybe it's because he's not much of a people person. It could be either, really.
  61. Gallete:
  62. Cat land. Oh, Cat land. You exist to disappoint. No, that's not true, you're a friendly place to people who are familiar to you. But everyone else should stay far, far away. It's ironic considering that they are the biggest trade hub in the region, and therefore have people of all different types in their town. Maybe the royalty can work to change that.
  64. Gallete's town:
  65. Was it mentioned that this was the largest trade hub in the region? It has shops stocked full with everything one could possibly imagine a magic world having plenty of. Honey stolen from bears, trinkets that help your love life, potions brewed from ancient mushrooms, and of course one of the largest bars in the entire region. One that puts Biscotti's to shame. Maybe the drinking can make them act a little more friendly.
  67. Pastillage:
  68. Squirrel land. Hey, we haven't seen much of this place, have we? It's not hard to spot someone who hails from this kingdom. For one, they have a huge fluffy squirrel tail. They also may be incredibly well-versed in magic. It's the magic capitol of the region, after all. Still, it might be nice to visit this place someday, or not, there must be reason Cody is always so eager to escape the place.
  70. Bruschetta:
  71. Bunny land, we haven't seen much of this place, either! This is where Yuuki hails from, but she hasn't really said much about what it's like there. From what Jack has heard in the various bars, the place is almost wall-to-wall bakeries. Strange place, that must be.
  73. Konditorei:
  74. The Bears. Do you like bears? It seems like few people do. There's a good reason for it, though. Konditorei is mostly an isolationist state. It's ruled by a monarch, and has a princess. That's all most people know about it. Jack knows that they're behind or at least an accessory of a most devious plot to kidnap villagers from other lands. The true purpose of this scheme is still hazy at best.
  76. Cranacha:
  77. This is the place that Jack and his crew seem to know the least about. Well, except that most of its inhabitants are sheep-like in nature and grow horns. It's an extremely remote island nation off the west coast of Flonyard. Thankfully, because of it's remote location, it's also experienced zero demon attacks or kidnappings. If it weren't for its princess being a thrillseeker, you would never see their hero.
  79. Mysterious village to the North:
  80. What a terrible place. This is where most of the kidnapped villagers seem to be taken to. The very fact that there are people there is the only reason a barrier seems to have formed around the extremely distant town. Without them, there would be no barrier. The entire village is built on top of the ruins of what some call the 'Old Kingdom'. It's location in the mountains make it ideal for staving off an attack or holding up as a fortress, but that's nullified by the existence of teleportation and magic.
  82. ---------------------
  83. People and Varmits!
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  88. Tuile Di Biscotti -
  89. The princess of Biscotti! It would be tough to figure it out if someone didn't tell you. She act slike a run-of-the-mill tomboy, but she still has a soft spot for some things. Knows barrier magic, and is very good with it. Gets to replace ANY low combat roll.
  91. Atsuko Crostade-
  92. Atsuko, or 'Suki' as she's also called, is the shrine maiden who initially took it upon herself to summon Jack. Or, at least, that's what her plan was until Keiko went and did it instead. She's extremely cold, and a little stiff at times, but she quickly warms up to people who get to know her well enough.
  94. Akiko Crostade-
  95. If you want to get on someone's nerves, just have them talk with their older sister. Akiko has annoying Atsuko down to an artform at this point. Which is merely a hobby of hers that she's very talented at. Her main interest is hunting the massive beasts of the land, of which hunting seems to be a second nature to her. Her main job is being a maiden at the shrine, but she shirked that responsibility and left it to Atsuko years ago. She speaks with an accent that sometimes makes her unintelligible, but she's friendly enough to repeat anything that needs to be said.
  97. Keiko Canele-
  98. This green-haired shrine maiden is Atsuko's assistant in all things shrine related. She sweeps, cleans, dusts, sometimes cooks. She could do alot with the place if she was old enough to do repairs and work. She's the one who initially summoned Jack, and the first person Jack saw when he set foot in this crazy world. She's very excitable, but also determined to help out in any way that she can.
  100. Madeleine-
  101. Did you know a South American python can exude almost a quarter ton of pressure? Just food for thought.
  103. Camille Canele-
  104. Meet Camille! One of the most famous Demon hunters in the land. She's been in a slump lately, traveling alone can do that to people. But after she met Jack and joined up with his crew, her attitude has been looking up! She is sarcastic, sly, but enjoys a good conversation at the end of the day. Either that, or booze.
  106. Aligot Aujus-
  107. Aligot, what a great guy. Usually when he's not cowering or acting extremely introverted, he's working on magic theory and trying to help Jack solve complex problems that plague him. He's extremely talented with magic, and studied under one of the best arch-mages in the land. So his title of 'Archmage of Biscotti' is well earned.
  109. Alicot Aujus-
  110. Meet Aligot's sister, Alicot! She's the head maid in charge of keeping Biscotti castle nice and clean. For the most part, she does an excellent job! It's just not that difficult a task to do in the first place considering its size and the staff at her disposal. She's very quiet, and reserved just like her sister. Except she has a mean side which she keeps hidden from everyone.
  112. Fritelli d'Salcia-
  113. Need a weapon? Fritelli has you covered! She runs Biscotti's armory, and keeps it nice and organized. She joined up mostly because she loved the training and constant workout. Biscotti's knight division isn't very large, so she acts as their quartermaster and the head knight of their legion. If you ever decide to spar for any reason, she's never too far away.
  115. Andou-
  116. Tuile's Uncle, and the only person crazy enough to live in the underworld like some kind of hermit for years. Appreciates what little company he gets, but usually ends up scaring people off. The idea of maybe coming out of his underground hidey-hole is foreign to him, because it's his opinion that people should get off the surface and come pay him a visit.
  118. Noel-
  119. Huh, you don't know much about this knight. You recruited her into your crew when you decided that you needed some bodyguards for your fake caravan. She seems very well adjusted to combat! And is even very good with emblem magic. It's just her inward attitude keeps her from making friends.
  121. Bennet-
  122. Not much known about him either. He's one of Noel's only friends, and prefers to put on a scary face while keeping a sensitive interior. Mostly prefers looking like a knight instead of acting like one.
  124. Pomelo-
  125. The clumsy greatsword-wielding knight that is always giving Fritelli problems. That's okay, she has Noel to look out for her when she falls. She was also hired to act as a bodyguard, and at the very least can look spooky and say tough words when she has to.
  127. Gallete
  128. -------------------------------
  129. Charlotte Di Gallete-
  130. Hey, you know her! She's the princess of Gallete. Also one of the only members of her royal family that is productive instead of resting on her laurels. She puts on a cold and serious exterior, and is severely hurt any time her pride is threatened. Yet, she still finds it in herself to appreciate when a helping hand comes along.
  132. Antonin Friand-
  133. This guy is a jerk, but at least he's a respectable jerk. He's the head knight of Gallete, and spends most of his time either being extremely serious or worrying about his little sister. He would never show that of course. He was the one that tried to keep Madeleine from entering the castle back when his hero was sick. So he has his fair share of distrust for outsiders, and he's still not sure if he can trust Jack.
  135. Odelle Friand-
  136. Oh Odelle, you try so hard; but have you ever considered not being a knight? She isn't the best knight, but she's definitely determined. At the very least, you'll never see her running away from a fight. At the worst, she'll turn down much needed assistance because she wants to do things on her own. She wants to live up to her big brother and eventually take over the Gallete Knights in his stead. Good luck with that one, kiddo.
  138. Felice Palmier-
  139. Green haired, extremely famous knight of the Gallete forces. In some places, she's almost considered a superstar just from legend alone. It's too bad the reality doesn't match the legend! She spends much of her time chasing crushes and acting like the bubbly teenager that she is. If she's not doing that, she's instead following around Odelle to make sure she doesn't get into trouble. Mostly at the request of Antonin, of course.
  141. Axel D'Lyon-
  142. Wow this guy is tough. He's tough, cocky, and arrogant. All three things that have kept him from moving up in the Gallete forces. Still, he's a great friend to have, and is very knowledgable in weaponry and staffing. He's even the Quartermaster of Gallete forces just on his expertise alone. Just don't ask to see his underwear.
  144. Gougere Palmier-
  145. The head archmage of Gallete. Secretly became that title so she could spy on her daughter and her progress through the ranks of knighthood. Now spends most of her time in the Gallete library, researching things and trying to figure out where her daughter will run off to next. When she's not being kidnapped, that is.
  147. Lynneth/Lynnith-
  148. Gallete's resident expert on magic. Used to train some of the best magicians in the entire world! It's just being a world-class magician is very tiring, and has left her very little time to pursue anything else in life. She made all the heroes barrier jackets, and taught Tuile everything she knows about barrier magic. Is currently researching in parts unknown.
  150. Bruschetta
  151. ---------------------
  152. Annetta Di Bruschetta-
  153. What a clingy princess. She is so enthralled by her hero, Yuuki, that she rarely ever decides to let her leave. Whether Yuuki likes it or not. Sometimes she acts like a bossy older sister to Yuuki instead of a summoner, despite the fact that Annetta is clearly younger than Yuuki. She also seems to have a sore spot with Jack. Which isn't surprising considering that Jack likes to drag Yuuki off on adventures without telling her.
  155. Pastillage
  156. ---------------------
  157. Amaretti E Pastillage-
  158. What a wonderful girl! Always smiling, always cheerful! It makes one wonder why Cody always seems so eager to get away from her. Whatever the case, she's always near Cody. Or at least chasing after him. That is when she isn't busy with important leader stuff, which she feels obliged to do due to the fact that she's older than most of the other princesses.
  160. Pastillage's Royal Pilot-
  161. You never asked for her name! Of course, I don't expect anyone to bother asking! She's much more inclined to luxury liners and flying royalty for sightseeing tours. The idea of a "Combat Pilot" has never once entered her vocabulary before she met Jack. She wishes it never had! Every attempt to fly under pressure has resulted in her breaking down, so maybe she could learn a lot from Jack; if he decides to help someone else learn how to sail, that is.
  163. Konditorei
  164. ---------------------
  165. Greta Von Konditorei-
  166. Currently exiled princess of Konditorei. Has spent most of her life locked up in her room. This is due to an edict made by her late father which stated that she would take over the Kingdom once she was married. Kayda, her hero, has been her only friend. Which has resulted in her becoming overdependant on having Kayda by her side. She's extremely shy, and still unsure what to do with her newfound freedom.
  168. Miss Clair (Von Konditorei)-
  169. Head Maid of castle Konditorei. She handles everything that goes on behind those cold stone walls. She's also Greta's close relative, but she took her job as head maid to disguise her proximity to Greta. She spends most of her time cleaning, trying to find ways to sneak food and essentials to Greta, and undermining her superiors.
  171. Gilles Von Konditorei-
  172. From Konditorei, Weighing at over two-hundred and twenty pounds, GILLES! It's Gilles! The least sane person in the kingdom! Yet, he somehow always finds a way to make things work through sheer brute force or just insane plans that are so crazy that no one would expect someone to go through with them! Who knows what he's thinking up next? I sure don't!
  174. Residing King of Konditorei-
  175. Greta's uncle, and the person who is seemingly resisting all attempts for Greta to take the throne. There isn't much known about him, except that he has an insane son who doesn't care about leading as much as smashing things. That might be the way he likes it.
  177. Cranacha
  178. --------------------------
  180. Princess Aileen Cranacha-
  181. You don't know much about this girl, other than the fact that she has a set of powerful looking horns. Her country isn't very large, and her royal family is very small. Which means she's taken an almost immediately liking to her hero, Dorje. Of course, convincing him that it's okay for a commoner to marry a princess is a battle on its own.
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