
Industrial Perils: Suicide thread: Explorer Anon. CH 7

Jul 5th, 2014
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  1. >You wound walking all over town while Gerard pointed out every little nuance and location.
  2. >You wind up eating some civilian rationed packets for dinner while watching the zeppelins
  3. >land and take off in the evening sun. The ration packs are pretty much just more flat bread
  4. >and cheese, but they get the job done. You were so caught up with Gerard’s city tour that
  5. >you didn't even consider where you were going to sleep. You wound up sleeping in the
  6. >parliament guard barracks with Gerard and the rest of the retaining soldiers. You woke up
  7. >in the morning with the first guard shift, and proceeded to wander about the city for
  8. >another day with Gerard. Every other day you spent with the retaining soldiers for training.
  9. >It was amazing how quickly the Griffons accepted you as one of their own. This went on for
  10. >a week, at some point before you crossed the border Twilight must have sent a message to
  11. >Canterlot somehow, because you overheard them talking about Celestia or Luna visiting to
  12. >try and broker a peace between the Griffons and the Minotaurs. That’s ponies for you,
  13. >kind, naïve, and getting into things they shouldn't. You only know this from eaves
  14. >dropping, not like any of them talk to you anymore, hell they won’t even stay in the same
  15. >room as you. It hurt at first, but you bounced back amazingly fast, Elena had invited you
  16. >and Gerard out to eat a couple times. Of course there were no restaurants to speak of, but
  17. >simply sitting down to eat the allotted food ration with company was still nice. She
  18. >still felt as if she owed you something, she didn't.
  20. >It was the night before the Canterlot crowns arrival, you couldn't sleep. You knew this was
  21. >going to end poorly, very poorly. The ponies had no idea what they were dealing with, they
  22. >saw this war as immature, an act of the moment. You saw it for what it was, a resource
  23. >fight. Both the Griffon Republic and the Minotaur Coalition were fighting for the most basic
  24. >of resources, both were fighting to ensure their peoples survival. There would only be
  25. >peace when there was enough water. So here you were, unable to sleep, sitting against the
  26. >wall of the main hall of the parliament building, having a smoke. The griffons really didn’t
  27. >care where you smoked, in fact, one of the janitors left an ashtray for you. You put your
  28. >head back against the wall and close your eyes. A couple of moments later you hear
  29. >hoof steps approaching you, you know it’s a pony and not a griffon, griffon talons made a
  30. >very distinct clacking against the stone floors of the parliament building. You open your
  31. >eyes and look over at Twilight. She sighs and sits down next to you, not the full folded leg
  32. >seating, but the back leg down, front legs up stance. It betrayed her discomfort.
  33. >”Anon *deep breath* we’re worried about you.”
  35. >You don’t say anything, just take a last drag and drop the cigarette in the ashtray.
  36. “Here I was thinking you guys finally wrote me off.”
  37. >She seems a little surprised at this, but hangs her head before responding.
  38. >”I can… I can see why you would think that… Even if we haven’t talked in a while, you’re
  39. >still our friend. We still care, it’s just that… that.”
  40. “I have become a terrifying sort of demon to you?”
  41. >”No, not at all. We just don’t know how to react…”
  42. “Surely there must have been a few crazies in pony history.”
  43. >She scuffs the ground with her front left hoof and collects her thoughts, you pull out
  44. >another cigarette and light it as she talks.
  45. >”But that’s just the thing, you don’t seem crazy. Except, well”
  46. “That one discriminating factor”
  47. >”…yes. That one discriminating factor. Otherwise you seem to be getting along with the
  48. >griffons and staying sane… but… I don’t know. We just want things to go back to how they
  49. >were. You haven’t been the same since you came back from the mapping expeditions.”
  50. >You take a long drag, hold it, and exhale slowly.
  51. “Of course I haven’t. Two years with minimal contact or anything. Find me a human who
  52. Wouldn’t change.”
  54. >You sigh, rub your eyes, and resume speaking.
  55. “I don’t blame anyone, I accepted that job, well maybe accepted is the wrong word.
  56. Either way, the only way for that to happen is for all of us to start talking again.
  57. >Twilight nods, then you watch as she begins to think about it, her confidence falters.
  58. >”I’m not sure if I can convince them.”
  59. “Yeah, Flutters and Rarity seemed to have bee-“
  60. >”Actually Applejack is the one I’m worried about.”
  61. >This catches you off guard; she was the only one to talk to you directly after the prison break
  62. >Twilight reads your expression correctly, shifts her position, and proceeds with an explanation
  63. >”This… situation… hit her as hard as the others; she just does a good job of hiding it.”
  64. “That can’t be all.”
  65. >”No, she also feels guilty for… the prison guard… she views it just as much her doing as yours.”
  66. “Well… It wouldn’t have happened without her help, but it was necessary.”
  67. >Twilight pokes the floor again with her hoof; she obviously has mixed feelings about it.
  68. >You bring yourself standing, pick up the ash tray, and turn to Twilight.
  69. “Tomorrows a big day, you should get some sleep… I should get some sleep.”
  70. >She nods, standing on all fours herself.
  72. >This time the ship full of ponies made it safely, by the guiding lights of Griffon Zeppelins.
  73. >Once the ship hit port, the zeppelin took the important members and a guard contingent.
  74. >In the end the one chosen to mediate the discussion was Luna.
  75. >Well, here comes the zeppelin, a big silver object, floating slowly down to the landing field.
  76. >You turn back to the fence surrounding the landing field, lots of protesters, they still believed that the Canterlot crown was going to throw its lot in with the minotaurs.
  77. >The crowd seemed less agitated than last time, but the line of griffon troops in full riot gear probably had something to do with the crowds new found hesitancy.
  78. >The griffons stand ready with batons, guns, and tear gas.
  79. >You stand with them, in a second line with a baton and steel sheet shield.
  80. >The zeppelin touches down; a couple of parliament members come up to the lowering ramp.
  81. >A contingent of about twenty guards, Luna, a couple of other royalty members, and finally spike, the walking talking post office.
  82. >Maybe that was a little harsh; truth was you didn't actually know him that well.
  83. >Either way Luna looks over and gives you a slight wave, you two were always friendly.
  84. >You wave back, when you turn back your reflexes take over, lifting your shield to stop an incoming bottle.
  85. >It was out of your eyesight, but Luna flinched a little at the crowd.
  86. >The political procession starts to move towards the parliament hall, with the riot soldiers slowly shifting in front of them to maintain a safe perimeter.
  87. >A couple of griffons try to take flight, to get over the police perimeter; they are quickly brought down with ‘less than lethal’ rubber shot.
  88. >They fall to the ground clutching at broken ribs and below skin wounds.
  90. >This sends the crowd of protesters into over drive; you see many tear the cardboard off their signs and heft up pipes and boards.
  91. >A couple of the soldiers with guns fire above the rioters heads hoping to disperse them.
  92. >The rioters stagger for a moment, before finding their anger and marching forwards again.
  93. >Griffons in the back of the mob take to their wings, the previously semi organized rioters have turned to pandemonium.
  94. >The Griffon soldiers in the rear of the group start firing off teargas canisters as there was a strong head wind to keep the gas in the right direction.
  95. >A couple of shots ring out from the back, more attempts to disperse the crowd.
  96. >Most of the crowd leaves, only leaving the diehards in front of the group.
  97. >They come running or flying forwards with bat and brick in talon.
  98. >You brace yourself against the oncoming crowd.
  99. >Hold it.
  100. >The small group that remains are intent on fighting you, the procession, and every single soldier if they have to.
  101. >Hold it.
  102. >Now.
  103. >You swing your shield out catching a middle aged griffon across the cheek and beak.
  104. >The head whips around, his body follows, dropping the section of pipe he was wielding.
  105. >The other Soldiers are engaged in the small scale skirmish as the soldiers who dispersed the rear come up to keep the group moving for the parliament building.
  107. >The procession begins to move again, leaving your group to deal with the couple dozen rioters who remain.
  108. >Speaking of, you swing your right leg, kicking the middle aged griffon in the gut, and watch him curl up.
  109. >Just for good measure you do it again, not that it mattered to you; you couldn’t feel anything through these boots.
  110. >You look back up from your target to find a new one, there!
  111. >A couple rioters are trying to tear the shield from one of the soldiers, trying to lift him off the ground with their wings.
  112. >Out of the corner of your eye you can see the main body of the group pass you, the ponies look over just as you grab one of the rioting griffons by the ankle.
  113. >Drag her down and beat her head with the night stick. She fights back for the first blow, but not the second, or third.
  114. >You don’t get a fourth one in as a bottle impacts the side of your head, stumbling you forward.
  115. >You spin to face the aggressor, it some young griffon, human age maybe around 16.
  116. >Not that it matters to you.
  117. >His eyes go wide when you raise your shield and night stick.
  119. >He turns and flies off as fast as he can, which is pretty fast.
  120. >The other rioters begin to lose cohesion and soon follow in suite.
  121. >What a fucking croc, you only got to smash two heads.
  122. >The commandant calls your section back in.
  123. >”Keep up with the group, don’t get separated now.”
  124. >Not that it mattered, the only griffons still around were the soldiers walking with the main group, and the shambling wounded from the riot.
  125. >As you proceed back to the group the former rioters begin to trickle out and gather those who have died, or are too hurt to move on their own.
  126. >Your section meets up with the main section at the parliament halls gates, as they open you take a glance back at the city.
  127. >A white plume of tear gas still marks the spot, the wounded are still shuffling about.
  128. “Well that was a good bit of fun.”
  129. >Gerard leans up against you, having been assigned to the same unit, lifts off his helmet.
  130. >”Now that my friend, is the fun part.”
  132. >You walk up the courtyard, the ponies and parliament members have already entered the building to discuss the matters at hand.
  133. >Behind you the section commandant does a head count.
  134. >You simply turn to the section commandant, who just throws up her talons.
  135. >”Well turn in your gear I guess.”
  136. >You join in the line to turn your gear into the armory.
  137. >It’s amazing, after such a rush they just expected you to stand quietly in line.
  138. >You can still feel the adrenaline coursing through you.
  139. >You just want to move, to fight something, anything, any outlet for this energy.
  140. “Ahhhhh… How do you do it?”
  141. >Your speech is terse and forced. Gerard regards you kind of blankly for a second.
  142. >”Do what?”
  143. “Just stand still in the armory line after… That!”
  144. >”You get used to it… Say… do human heads always bleed like that?”
  145. >You bring a hand up to where the bottle hit, sure enough there’s several lacerations.
  146. >You were so amped up that you didn’t even note the pain at the time.
  147. >The hand comes back with a fair amount of blood.
  148. “Is it still bleeding?”
  149. >You bend down and Gerard lifts himself on his hind legs to look.
  150. >”Yeah, go over to the medical tent. You can check in the equipment later.”
  151. “fucking, cocksucking, feathered, furred dipshits.”
  152. >You whisper this quietly to yourself as you trudge off to triage.
  153. >Gerard calls after you.
  154. >”I heard that!”
  155. “I hope you did!”
  156. >Both of these were said with such cheeky smiles that you couldn’t take him seriously.
  158. >The triage tent laughed when you showed up, little youngling wounds they said.
  159. >After they stopped their giggling they gave you some of the laziest half assed stiches possible.
  160. >They didn’t even stop the bleeding, just made the wound a little smaller.
  161. >You went back to stand in line for the armory, there was no line anymore, you just walked up and handed over all the gear.
  162. >The adrenaline is beginning to wear off. It made you pretty tired.
  163. >Either way you lazily work your way back into the parliament hall, desiring to know more about the current plans.
  165. >You enter the hall, and put an ear to the door of the main meeting room.
  166. >Nothing.
  167. >You hear some conversation, it’s coming from the dining room.
  168. >Whatever plans there are have been made without your input, you feel a little insulted at this.
  169. >Honestly thought, they’ve been ignoring you for the better part of the week, save Twilight last night, you still don’t know what to make of that.
  170. >You walk up to the door and hesitate; you take your hand off of it and put your ear to the door.
  171. >It’s no good, you can’t hear nearly as well as you used to after that whole trench deal.
  172. >instead you slowly push the door open and lean your head in.
  173. “How’s everyone holding up?”
  174. >The conversation immediately stops as seven pony heads, and a dragons head all turn to address you.
  175. >It’s unnerving to say the least.
  176. “Luna you doing alright after… that”
  177. >You motion your head behind you, indicating the previous riot.
  178. >”We, Anonymous, are doing fine. One does not live to my age without experience the odd bout of civil disobedience.”
  179. >You step in closing the door behind you and sit on the floor by the table; everything was too small in this world.
  180. >The ponies begin to shuffle uncomfortably, spike legitimately looks like he’s about to have a panic attack.
  182. >You stay silent for a moment; everyone regards your actions suspiciously.
  183. >Fucking prey species, flighty at best, paranoid at worst.
  184. >You take out your pack, draw a cigarette out, and hold it out for everypony/dragon else.
  185. >No takers, shrug, light, pull over ashtray from the middle of the table.
  186. >Maybe you should go easier on them, remember life back in ponyville wasn’t so bad.
  187. >Quiet but not bad…
  188. >Looking back up only Luna seems to be regarding you without trepidation or suspicion.
  189. “What the shit guys, tell me what’s happening. It’s been a week now, and only Twilights talked to me… once. Hell, I’m still the same person.”
  190. >Luna is the first to speak up, looking you dead in the eye. It’s an odd experience looking a deity in the eyes.
  191. >”We have been discussing the events that have transpired after your expedition left port.”
  192. >You wave your cigarette for her to keep going, usually Luna was pretty pleasant to talk with.
  193. >Not this time, there was a cold icy professionalism behind this voice, like she wanted to separate herself from what had actually happened behind the veil of professionalism.
  194. >”What we have learned disturbs us greatly. Once we return to Equestria, consider yourself under the watch of the guard. For your own safety.”
  195. >What the shit.
  196. “What the shit. Really? I drag you halfway across the front.”
  197. >You point at Dash who seems to almost shrink at your finger.
  198. “I break you guys out of prison.”
  199. >You wave over the group of ponies, reactions ranging from attempted stoicism to shame to fear.
  200. “I lost most of my ear for you guys, and this!”
  201. >You gesture to your head cuts, which are now slowly beginning to ooze again due to your raising blood pressure.
  202. >You angrily suck down the last half of the cigarette in one angry drag.
  203. “No, I’m out.”
  204. >You stand quickly, getting the head rush from the nicotine as well as blood redistribution.
  205. “Make sure to get me before these peace talks go down! Because despite my apparent anger you are all still good ponies and I want to make sure you don’t get hurt!”
  206. >You grab hold of the door handle and push, it was a pull door.
  207. >However you were also over twice the size of the creatures it was made for.
  208. >The old rotted wood shatters right apart, leaving you holding the door in the middle of the hall.
  209. “Fuck!”
  210. >You throw the door down. Much to the displeasure of the janitor down the way.
  212. >It took another three days for the summit to be scheduled, those three days were slow.
  213. >Spent in the company of a couple of the griffon’s gunsmiths and armorers.
  214. >They asked you on the same angry night if you wouldn’t mind being the showcase for their new weapons and prototypes.
  215. >The griffons didn’t think the peace talks would go through, and wanted to use the opportunity to show off some of their best.
  216. >Who were you to turn that offer down, so here you were.
  217. >The day before the zeppelin carrying the ponies and parliament members left.
  218. >You were a little hesitant about going to the summit with a prototype weapon that you’ve only had one day at the range with.
  219. >But it isn’t anything new.
  220. >Gerard is waiting with you; he’s probably been the best support anyone could have asked for in this situation.
  221. >Forget those ponies, wanting you sectioned. Hell the griffons appreciate you at least.
  222. >A rather thin but long griffon with thin wire frame glasses comes back to the counter.
  223. >A huge lock box, the griffon gunsmith smiles as she hands you the keys.
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