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lol raziel rage

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Apr 2nd, 2015
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  1. Jim: So.
  2. Jim: Have you seen that Rebels season finale
  3. Jim: :3
  4. TehRaziel: i havent seen
  5. TehRaziel: rebels
  6. TehRaziel: at all
  7. TehRaziel: it is heresy
  8. Jim: I will confess
  9. Jim: I did like the last three episodes.
  10. Jim: But that's about it
  11. TehRaziel: interesting
  12. Jim:
  13. Jim:
  14. Jim: Lando, Tarkin, Ahsoka, and Vader appeared.
  15. TehRaziel: ahsoka
  16. TehRaziel: ?
  17. Jim: ...Yes. It was in a link I sent you.
  18. TehRaziel: is she sexy as a legal chick?
  19. TehRaziel: im playing tf2
  20. TehRaziel: cant exactly view yt
  21. Jim: She suffered from the Satele disease.
  22. Jim: She's not really cute anymore.
  23. TehRaziel: but
  24. TehRaziel: is she sexy
  25. TehRaziel: idc about cute
  26. TehRaziel: does she still have boobs?
  27. Jim: She has boobs.
  28. Jim: But she is not really sexy.
  29. Jim: Or hot.
  30. TehRaziel: first or second link
  31. Jim: first
  32. TehRaziel: her voice
  33. TehRaziel: is awful as fuck
  34. TehRaziel: like
  35. Jim: It still sounds young
  36. TehRaziel: it sounds forced
  37. Jim: But
  38. Jim: it's so fucking soft
  39. TehRaziel: i mean
  40. Jim: its like
  41. TehRaziel: i would take
  42. TehRaziel: whiny ahsoka
  43. TehRaziel: over this one
  44. Jim: If they were going to put her in a rebel-type story
  45. TehRaziel: WHY THE FUCK
  46. TehRaziel: DOES THE IMPERIAL
  47. Jim: they should have done it in 18 BBY
  48. TehRaziel: BY TARKIN
  50. Jim: His voice actor is black too.
  51. TehRaziel: HE IS
  52. TehRaziel: SCOTTISH AS FUCK
  53. TehRaziel: what
  54. TehRaziel: the flying fuck
  55. TehRaziel: the second link
  56. Jim: :3
  57. TehRaziel: what is that hilt
  58. TehRaziel: what is that guy
  59. TehRaziel: fucking hell
  60. Jim: Kanan Jarrus.
  61. TehRaziel: oh no
  62. TehRaziel: dont tell me
  63. TehRaziel: there is a mother fucking
  64. TehRaziel: second sith
  65. TehRaziel: fuckthat shit
  66. Jim: He's not a Sith.
  67. Jim: More like an Inquisitor/Dark Jedi
  68. TehRaziel: WHAT
  69. TehRaziel: FUCK THAT SHIT
  70. Jim: His character is 'The Inquisitor'
  71. Jim: but not a Sith
  73. TehRaziel: IN THAT SPACE?
  74. TehRaziel: FUCK THAT
  75. TehRaziel: IMPOSSIBLE
  76. Jim: :3
  78. TehRaziel: ALSO
  79. TehRaziel: also
  81. TehRaziel: he seems like a sith
  82. Jim: Yes.
  83. TehRaziel: i mean
  84. TehRaziel: i havent seen the lightning
  85. TehRaziel: but
  86. Jim: But you'll see what sets him apart.
  87. TehRaziel: i mean
  88. TehRaziel: useless sit
  89. TehRaziel: shit
  90. TehRaziel: ALSO
  91. TehRaziel: how the fuck
  92. TehRaziel: does a fight go on that long?
  93. TehRaziel: in canon, fights were short shit
  94. TehRaziel: explain to me
  95. TehRaziel: how they lasted
  96. Jim: ask the choreographers for anakin vs. obi-wan
  97. TehRaziel: until the kid wakes up?
  98. TehRaziel: well
  99. TehRaziel: anakin and obiwan, as well as yoda and palpy
  100. TehRaziel: were literally the best duelists of the time
  101. TehRaziel: youre telling me
  102. TehRaziel: that two noobs
  103. TehRaziel: one false sith
  104. TehRaziel: and one random ass fake jedi
  105. TehRaziel: managed not to kill each other
  106. TehRaziel: or tire out
  107. TehRaziel: in the time it takes
  108. TehRaziel: for a human boy
  109. TehRaziel: to come to?
  110. Jim: JUST
  111. Jim: goodbye cheat spinstaff
  112. TehRaziel: i mean
  113. TehRaziel: seriously
  114. TehRaziel: youre telling me
  115. TehRaziel: that a hilt the size
  116. TehRaziel: of a single saber
  117. TehRaziel: has not only
  118. TehRaziel: the equipment for two sabers
  119. TehRaziel: but also a motor?
  120. Jim: kek
  121. Jim: Notice how the Inquisitor takes his own life
  122. Jim: where as a Sith would NEVER do that
  123. Jim: I was hoping Kanan would say this instead
  124. Jim: "You were right, I was a coward. But now I know there's something stronger, far more powerful. The dark side. Let me show you its true power!"
  125. TehRaziel: this kanan scrub
  126. TehRaziel: is so bad
  127. TehRaziel: its awful
  128. TehRaziel: he had a motherfucking chance
  129. TehRaziel: to turn the fake ass jedi
  130. TehRaziel: to the dark side
  131. TehRaziel: clearly the jedi was a weak motherfucker
  132. TehRaziel: also
  133. TehRaziel: this is hilarious
  134. TehRaziel: in the related vids on the side
  135. TehRaziel: is a kanan vs opress vid
  136. TehRaziel: like wtf
  137. Jim: LOL
  138. Jim: WHAT
  139. TehRaziel: anyone
  140. TehRaziel: could beat kanana
  141. TehRaziel: ep2 whiny bitch ass anakin
  142. Jim: I see Savage Opress vs. The Inquisitor
  143. TehRaziel: would snooze while fighting kanan
  144. Jim: not savage vs. kanan
  145. TehRaziel: same shit
  146. TehRaziel: i thought
  147. Jim: No
  148. TehRaziel: does the inquisitor not have a name
  149. Jim: Kanan = "fake ass jedi"
  150. TehRaziel: no
  151. Jim: Yes, the Inquisitor is nameless
  152. TehRaziel: fake ass jedi doesnt have a name
  153. TehRaziel: he is a fake ass pussy bitch
  154. Jim: lmfao
  155. TehRaziel: this show
  156. TehRaziel: sucks
  157. Jim: Watch the full Inquisitor vs. Savage video
  158. TehRaziel: k
  159. Jim: it's quite funny
  160. TehRaziel: WAIT
  161. TehRaziel: what
  162. Jim: how he gets savage's abilities run
  163. TehRaziel: one fucking second
  164. TehRaziel: 47 years
  165. TehRaziel: before yavin
  166. TehRaziel: assuming rebels
  167. TehRaziel: is fairly close to ep4
  168. Jim: Which means he was 42 years old in rebels
  169. TehRaziel: this inquisitor
  170. TehRaziel: is old as fuck
  171. Jim: Yeah.
  172. Jim: I was surprised
  173. Jim: but whatever
  174. Jim: its utapaun
  175. TehRaziel: i mean
  176. TehRaziel: the clone wars
  177. TehRaziel: lasted what
  178. TehRaziel: ten years?
  179. TehRaziel: 8?
  180. Jim: LO
  181. Jim: L
  182. Jim: NO
  183. Jim: Three years
  184. TehRaziel: 4?
  185. TehRaziel: ROFL
  186. TehRaziel: so then
  187. TehRaziel: this fucker
  188. TehRaziel: was lulzing around
  189. TehRaziel: in the old republic
  190. TehRaziel: why would palpy
  191. TehRaziel: take a chance
  192. TehRaziel: on someone not indoctrinated?
  193. Jim: gg
  194. TehRaziel: why not find some punk ass jedi bastard
  195. Jim: Maybe he just wasn't mentioned until now
  196. TehRaziel: and indoctrinate them
  197. TehRaziel: i dont trust this fucking shit
  198. TehRaziel: anyone
  199. Jim: lel
  200. TehRaziel: anyway
  201. TehRaziel: continuing now
  202. TehRaziel: UNDER VADER?
  203. TehRaziel: fuck that shit
  204. TehRaziel: fck
  205. TehRaziel: that
  206. TehRaziel: shit
  207. TehRaziel: palpy i MIGHT elieve
  208. TehRaziel: vader had galen
  209. Jim: he is Vader's servant.
  210. TehRaziel: and dont fucking tell me
  211. Jim: Starkiller is no longer canon.
  212. Jim: Unfortunately.
  213. TehRaziel: FUCK
  214. TehRaziel: THAT
  215. TehRaziel: SHIT
  216. TehRaziel: THEY REPLACED
  217. Jim: I know. Saddening.
  220. TehRaziel: WITH A 42 YEAR OLD SCRUB?
  221. TehRaziel: tbh
  222. TehRaziel: i understand why
  223. TehRaziel: they didnt want anyone in the target demographic
  224. TehRaziel: to relate tto the villain
  225. TehRaziel: what tween
  226. TehRaziel: would feel sorry
  227. TehRaziel: for a 42 year old scrub?
  228. TehRaziel: its propaganda
  229. TehRaziel: full on motherfucking propaganda
  230. TehRaziel: its actually
  231. TehRaziel: terrifying
  232. TehRaziel: it is full on indoctrination
  233. TehRaziel: young = hero
  234. TehRaziel: old = enemy
  235. Jim: :3
  236. TehRaziel: imagine
  237. TehRaziel: if the voting age
  238. TehRaziel: was lowered to ten
  239. TehRaziel: who would
  240. TehRaziel: 10-17 yr olds
  241. TehRaziel: vote for?
  242. TehRaziel: consdiering that kids represent the largest group
  243. TehRaziel: WAIT
  244. TehRaziel: A FUCKING SEC
  246. Jim: LOL
  247. TehRaziel: WAS A PRACTIIONER
  248. TehRaziel: OF FORM 2?
  249. Jim: "Savage was an Ataru user"
  250. Jim: BULL
  251. TehRaziel: MAKASHI?
  252. Jim: SHIT
  253. Jim: Yeah
  254. Jim: he was
  255. TehRaziel:
  256. TehRaziel: dont tell me he learned it from vader
  257. TehRaziel: makashi required
  258. Jim: I have no clue
  259. TehRaziel: years of practice
  260. TehRaziel: against actual force users
  261. TehRaziel: wielding blades
  262. TehRaziel: dooku never taught makashi to any of his scrubs
  263. TehRaziel: because they didnt have enough people to fight against
  264. Jim: except ventress
  265. TehRaziel: i thought ventress
  266. TehRaziel: used a diff style
  267. Jim: She used a bit more wild Makashi too
  268. TehRaziel: EXACTLY
  269. TehRaziel: a true makashi user
  270. TehRaziel: hones himself by fighting multipler targets
  271. TehRaziel: ventress
  272. TehRaziel: practically the blade of dooku
  273. TehRaziel: fighting huge amounts of jedi
  274. TehRaziel: still couldnt become a master of the style
  275. TehRaziel: considering
  276. TehRaziel: that in ep3
  277. TehRaziel: dooku easily bested obiwan and anakin using light powers only
  278. TehRaziel: it wasnt until anakin dipped dark that he could beat dooku
  279. Jim: What do you think of that victor
  280. Jim: :3
  281. TehRaziel: havent finished it yet
  282. TehRaziel: BUT
  283. TehRaziel: if opress doesnt win
  284. TehRaziel: i will find this guy
  285. TehRaziel: and shove a cactus up his anal cavity
  286. TehRaziel: while old
  287. TehRaziel: and useless
  288. TehRaziel: dooku was the prime example of a makashi master
  289. TehRaziel: someone who doesnt break a sweat in a fight
  290. Jim: Quite right
  291. TehRaziel: the inquisitor
  292. TehRaziel: is nothing like a makashi master
  293. TehRaziel: or even a makashi adept
  294. TehRaziel: from what i saw
  295. Jim: I will confess
  296. Jim: He is quite alright
  297. TehRaziel: his movements didnt have the flow of even ventress
  298. Jim: Dooku would best him tho
  299. TehRaziel: PFF
  300. TehRaziel: opress
  301. TehRaziel: maul
  302. TehRaziel: dooku
  303. TehRaziel: ahsoka
  304. TehRaziel: in her prime
  305. TehRaziel: literally anyone could beat this inquisitor
  306. Jim: Except deadeye duncan
  307. TehRaziel: you can be the absolute best hands down duelsit in the world
  308. TehRaziel: but i can still
  309. TehRaziel: choke you if you are a weak ass force wielder
  310. TehRaziel: give me the link
  311. TehRaziel: to that duel again
  312. TehRaziel: i need to review the inq's style
  313. Jim:
  314. TehRaziel: ty
  315. TehRaziel: nope
  316. TehRaziel: absolutely
  317. TehRaziel: fucking not
  318. TehRaziel: he is using
  319. TehRaziel: two hands
  320. TehRaziel: AND FEET STRIKES
  321. Jim: Dooku used hands in ep3/2
  322. Jim: kek
  323. TehRaziel: only
  324. TehRaziel: in stalemates
  325. TehRaziel: power blocks
  326. TehRaziel: never to parry
  327. TehRaziel:
  328. TehRaziel: fight starts at 45
  329. TehRaziel: notice how
  330. TehRaziel: unless he is actively agressively pushing
  331. TehRaziel: or if he is in a full on stalemate block
  332. TehRaziel: he never uses two hands
  333. TehRaziel: also
  334. TehRaziel: he never uses his feet
  335. TehRaziel: makashi was the duelists style
  336. TehRaziel: and a duelist needed balance above all
  337. TehRaziel: a makashi wielder didnt stumble
  338. Jim: It might be a result of him adding his own elements
  339. TehRaziel: possible
  340. TehRaziel: but
  341. Jim: oh wait, no
  342. TehRaziel: you cant call him
  343. Jim: i thought you were talking about inq
  344. TehRaziel: a makashi practitioner
  345. TehRaziel: if he changes it
  346. Jim: dooku stumbled
  347. TehRaziel: makashi is like japanese
  348. TehRaziel: it is
  349. TehRaziel: an old form
  350. Jim: when anakin shoved him out of the way
  351. TehRaziel: extremely traditional
  352. TehRaziel: surprise
  353. Jim: Inq is no makashi master
  354. Jim: nuff said
  355. TehRaziel: but
  356. TehRaziel: he isnt even an adept
  357. TehRaziel: he doesnt hold himself
  358. TehRaziel: to the tenets of the form
  359. TehRaziel: it would be like
  360. TehRaziel: a non force user
  361. TehRaziel: trying to imitate makashi
  362. TehRaziel: not actually learning makashi from a teacher/textbook
  363. Jim: I love how Anakin gets his arm cut off
  364. Jim: he just stands there
  365. Jim: while dooku spins for a second
  366. TehRaziel: well fuck
  367. Jim: and then gets dismembered
  368. TehRaziel: lol ye
  369. Jim: He nearly had him too
  370. Jim: but then
  371. Jim: he decided to be a little retard
  372. TehRaziel: dooku
  373. TehRaziel: as a makshi master
  374. TehRaziel: is arrogant as fuck
  375. TehRaziel: he believes himself impervious
  376. TehRaziel: as such, anyone who has like 3/4 his ability
  377. TehRaziel: surprises him
  378. TehRaziel: notice how
  379. TehRaziel: he never uses just one hand with yoda
  380. TehRaziel: he knows it will be a hard fight
  381. Jim: iK
  382. TehRaziel: doest take it easy
  383. Jim: Ik* :3
  384. TehRaziel: sorry
  385. TehRaziel: i cant believe
  386. TehRaziel: fucking inq
  387. TehRaziel: beat opress
  388. TehRaziel: like, absolutely not
  389. TehRaziel: and you know
  390. Jim: It's utter bullshit. I know.
  391. TehRaziel: my opinion of opress
  392. Jim: This is EXACTLY how it would happen:
  393. Jim: The Inquisitor would slowly piss Savage Opress off and get Force whored eventually. Worn down, he would turn on his cheat spinstaff. Savage would deactivate one blade, take a step forward, draw his blade black, and slam it at the rotating blades, jarring the weapon out of the Inquisitor's hands and killing him with it.
  394. TehRaziel: pff
  395. TehRaziel: wouldnt even need
  396. TehRaziel: to exploit the spinstaff
  397. Jim: I never said he was exploiting it
  398. Jim: :3
  399. TehRaziel: opress could beat him in a straight fight
  400. Jim: Or
  401. Jim: it would go as easily as this
  402. Jim: (sec):
  403. TehRaziel: while you do that
  404. TehRaziel: opress trained under
  405. TehRaziel: 1. Ventress
  406. TehRaziel: 2. Dooku
  407. TehRaziel: 3. Maul
  408. Jim: He trained under Ventress?
  409. TehRaziel: didnt he?
  410. Jim: He didn't really get much training...
  411. Jim: He was a secret servant
  412. Jim: but didnt actually learn shit
  413. TehRaziel: he learnt survival
  414. Jim: I thought that was a nightbrother thing
  415. TehRaziel: males of his race
  416. Jim: but
  417. Jim: yes
  418. TehRaziel: were subservient fucks
  419. TehRaziel: ventress made him an alpha
  420. TehRaziel: which is why he stopped taking shit from the both of them
  421. Jim: This, my friend
  422. Jim: Is irrefutable evidence that the Inquisitor would get steamrolled:
  423. Jim:
  424. TehRaziel: obiwan
  425. TehRaziel: was a form 4 guy wasnt he
  426. Jim: Nar. Three.
  427. Jim: Partially four.
  428. TehRaziel: which one was three again?
  429. Jim: Soresu, the defense form.
  430. Jim: He was the best Soresu master who ever actually existed.
  431. Jim: And Savage just destroyed his defenses.
  432. TehRaziel: if a soresu master
  433. TehRaziel: was beaten by shear strikes
  434. Jim: then the inquisitor is hopeless
  435. TehRaziel: a makashi IMITATOR
  436. TehRaziel: would be cut to bits
  437. Jim: But
  438. Jim: it's that same video I just linked you
  439. Jim: that makes me feel extremely butthurt
  440. Jim: about this
  441. Jim:
  442. Jim: I mean
  443. Jim: If Maul was going to win
  444. Jim: Couldn't the fight have been longer
  445. Jim: This is basically when the writers stopped completely giving a shit about Savage
  446. Jim: He was clearly getting more powerful and skilled in the Death Watch arc
  447. TehRaziel: ye i mean
  448. Jim: But like
  449. TehRaziel: wasnt this
  450. TehRaziel: really early in opress' relationship with his bro
  451. TehRaziel: maul hadnt taught him much of anything
  452. TehRaziel: and maul NEVER trained under dooku
  453. TehRaziel: dont tell me maul picked through opress' style in 3 sec
  454. Jim: It's just
  455. Jim: Gay.
  456. Jim: It shouldn't have been done like that.
  457. Jim: Maybe more like
  458. Jim: Malgus vs. Zallow in the TOR Deceived trailer
  459. Jim: But Maul outclasses him in the apex of the fight
  460. Jim: or a draw
  461. TehRaziel: Makashi also placed a great deal of emphasis on footwork in both attack and defense. The footwork of Form II practitioners commonly followed a single line, front and back, shifting the feet to keep in perfect balance as the practitioner advanced and retreated.
  462. Jim: since Savage is more powerful but Maul is more skilled
  463. TehRaziel: if the inq
  464. TehRaziel: was a true practitioner
  465. TehRaziel: on a bridge
  466. TehRaziel: with only two routes
  467. TehRaziel: he would have owned
  468. Jim:
  469. Jim: The Inquisitor's display here is kind of impressive though.
  470. TehRaziel: Due to Form II's emphasis on blade manipulation, and its many fluid one-handed moves, Makashi practitioners often wielded lightsabers that were specialized for such use.
  471. TehRaziel: also
  472. TehRaziel: um
  473. TehRaziel: one thing
  474. TehRaziel: why does
  475. TehRaziel: the inq's blade oscillate so bad?
  476. TehRaziel: its like an unbalanced flourescent bulb
  477. Jim: :3
  478. TehRaziel: now that
  479. TehRaziel: fight
  480. TehRaziel: was more makashi
  481. Jim: Yeah
  482. Jim: He was probably offset though
  483. TehRaziel: elegant
  484. TehRaziel: in control
  485. Jim: when kanan surprised him with that gunsaber shit
  486. TehRaziel: still
  487. TehRaziel: the inq
  488. Jim: And Makashi's specialty is NOT against deflection
  489. TehRaziel: is too agressive
  490. TehRaziel: a makashi user
  491. TehRaziel: waits for his enemy to make a mistake
  492. TehRaziel: and exploits it
  493. Jim: Which is what he did in this fight
  494. TehRaziel: inq tries to force an opoening
  495. Jim: Sort of.
  496. Jim: Also
  497. Jim: Notice he's a left-handed fighter
  498. TehRaziel: fuck rebels
  499. TehRaziel: fuck that useless show
  500. Jim: lmfao
  501. TehRaziel is now Offline.
  502. TehRaziel is currently offline, they will receive your message the next time they log in.
  503. Jim: LOL
  504. Jim: NO
  505. Jim: Why would you leave
  506. Jim: rofl
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