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Mar 30th, 2020
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  1. 21:47:48.892
  2. FML
  3. main
  4. The coremod net.shadowfacts.forgelin.preloader.ForgelinPlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
  5. 21:47:48.892
  6. FML
  7. main
  8. The coremod ForgelinPlugin (net.shadowfacts.forgelin.preloader.ForgelinPlugin) is not signed!
  9. 21:47:48.896
  10. FML
  11. main
  12. Found FMLCorePluginContainsFMLMod marker in iceandfire-1.8.4.jar. This is not recommended, @Mods should be in a separate jar from the coremod.
  13. 21:47:48.897
  14. FML
  15. main
  16. The coremod iceandfire (com.github.alexthe666.iceandfire.asm.IceAndFirePlugin) is not signed!
  17. 21:47:48.908
  18. FML
  19. main
  20. Found FMLCorePluginContainsFMLMod marker in InventoryTweaks-1.63.jar. This is not recommended, @Mods should be in a separate jar from the coremod.
  21. 21:47:48.944
  22. FML
  23. main
  24. The coremod invtweaks.forge.asm.FMLPlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
  25. 21:47:48.946
  26. FML
  27. main
  28. The coremod ivorius.ivtoolkit.IvToolkitLoadingPlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
  29. 21:47:48.946
  30. FML
  31. main
  32. The coremod IvToolkit (ivorius.ivtoolkit.IvToolkitLoadingPlugin) is not signed!
  33. 21:47:48.953
  34. FML
  35. main
  36. Found FMLCorePluginContainsFMLMod marker in mclib-1.0.4-1.12.2.jar. This is not recommended, @Mods should be in a separate jar from the coremod.
  37. 21:47:48.955
  38. FML
  39. main
  40. The coremod McLib core mod (mchorse.mclib.core.McLibCM) is not signed!
  41. 21:47:48.964
  42. FML
  43. main
  44. Found FMLCorePluginContainsFMLMod marker in Quark-r1.6-178.jar. This is not recommended, @Mods should be in a separate jar from the coremod.
  45. 21:47:48.966
  46. FML
  47. main
  48. The coremod Quark Plugin (vazkii.quark.base.asm.LoadingPlugin) is not signed!
  49. 21:47:49.022
  50. FML
  51. main
  52. Found FMLCorePluginContainsFMLMod marker in SereneSeasons-1.12.2-1.2.18-universal.jar. This is not recommended, @Mods should be in a separate jar from the coremod.
  53. 21:47:49.023
  54. FML
  55. main
  56. The coremod sereneseasons.asm.SSLoadingPlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
  57. 21:47:49.023
  58. FML
  59. main
  60. The coremod SSLoadingPlugin (sereneseasons.asm.SSLoadingPlugin) is not signed!
  61. 21:47:49.024
  62. FML
  63. main
  64. Found FMLCorePluginContainsFMLMod marker in Sound-Physics-1.12.2.jar. This is not recommended, @Mods should be in a separate jar from the coremod.
  65. 21:47:49.026
  66. FML
  67. main
  68. The coremod CoreModLoader (com.sonicether.soundphysics.CoreModLoader) is not signed!
  69. 21:47:49.035
  70. FML
  71. main
  72. Found FMLCorePluginContainsFMLMod marker in TickDynamic-1.12.2-1.0.2.jar. This is not recommended, @Mods should be in a separate jar from the coremod.
  73. 21:47:49.036
  74. FML
  75. main
  76. The coremod LoadingPlugin (com.wildex999.tickdynamic.LoadingPlugin) is not signed!
  77. 21:47:49.044
  78. FML
  79. main
  80. The coremod blusunrize.immersiveengineering.common.asm.IELoadingPlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
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