
Amazon is ruining the economy

Jan 16th, 2019
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  1. Covet: Kelsey had her tablet on her lap and she was working on some of the work for her writing class. She was kind of in a groove and was pretty intent on what she was typing .
  2. Alexithymiaa: -Bryan was standing in Kelsey's kitchen cooking up a big pot of red sauce because it was his specialty. The apartment smelled of that rich italian smell, dominantly garlic and tomatoes. // CJ was sitting on the couch patiently waiting for Bryan to finish cooking because all she wanted was a nice bowl of pasta after a long shift. She was still in her scrubs and she had her feet propped up on the coffee table with her head tipped back into the cushions, her eyes closed.-
  3. Covet: Kelsey heard her stomach growl and looked over where Bryan was at, peering at him through the plants. " You're killing me over here, how much longer does that have?" She asked. "Also don't make a mess that sauce will stain that kitchen so bad."
  4. Alexithymiaa: "Another fifteen minutes to simmer and then we can dish up." He said as he stirred the thick sauce a bit more. "I think you're a little late on that one." // CJ groaned, prying one eye open to turn her head and look over in Bryan's direction. "You're cleaning up after yourself."-
  5. Covet: "Really? Bryan... Clean up what you can in there, I really don't want to have to pay the extra cleaning fee because their's sauce stains all over the stove and counter." She said as she closed her laptop, setting it on the coffee table, walking into the kitchen to go see the disaster.
  6. Alexithymiaa: -Sure enough, there was splattered sauce all over the stove and the back splash as well as on the counters surrounding the stove. "I will I will, keep your pants on." // CJ just gently shook her head because she knows what his standards of clean are.-
  7. Covet: "Oh my god...Bryan. How did you even get it this messy? Do you even have any in the pot?" She asked, then went about getting a washcloth to start cleaning up anything that might stain at least.
  8. Alexithymiaa: "I made a lot so you can freeze some and use it for future dinners. It takes too long to not make a lot and when you make a lot, shit goes places." He retorted, stirring some more and splashing a bit more on the stove.-
  9. Covet: "Well Thank you I appreciate that, but all the same....You have the worst kitchen manners, I swear." Kelsey said as she got the counters cleaned up, then went about getting dishes out for dinner. "Can you stir like a sane person please."
  10. Alexithymiaa: "Were you expecting anything else?" He asked as he completely ignored her request to be a normal god damn person. "Alright, everyone take your pasta. Sauce is ready." He turned to grab a dish from her, scooping some pasta from the other pot into it and then spooning sauce over the top of it. // CJ pulled herself up off the couch and dragged herself over into the kitchen, taking a dish from kelsey and patiently waiting for Bryan to finish hogging the food.-
  11. Covet: Kelsey waited behind CJ, because she clearly looked beat. "Bryan, you're an ass, you could have gotten CJ hers. She's had a long day." She said Momming him because that's what she does.
  12. Alexithymiaa: "She's fine. Gimme." He said, taking the dish from CJ to serve her up some pasta with sauce, passing it back to her full. "Go sit." He said to her, holding his hand out for Kelsey's dish. // "Please." She corrected him as usual, taking her dish to the table to have a seat.-
  13. Covet: Kelsey shook her head as she got her food and went to go sit down at the table. Taking a bite of the pasta, she closed her eyes, because that was a sauce you couldn't possibly mess up. " It's a good thing you know how to cook at least this, Bryan."
  14. Alexithymiaa: "I know how to cook plenty of things, this is just the only thing that's worth wasting the time on." He said, bringing his dish to the table to take a seat. // "He actually makes good baked chicken, too. That's one he'll actually make me since he can stick it in the oven and not have to babysit it."-
  15. Covet: "Go figure, Bryan would find shortcuts around cooking." She said with a laugh. "You know, there's lots of things you can make that you don't have to babysit. Especially if you have a crockpot." She said taking another bite of her food.
  16. Alexithymiaa: "I don't have a crockpot, but I do like pulled pork sandwiches. Maybe we should get one of those." He said as he looked to CJ, giving her a nod. // "So get one. No ones stopping you except you. It just better not sit in the box for six months until you realize you're never going to actually use it."-
  17. Alexithymiaa: (My mom gave us a crockpot like last year. Still havent used it.)
  18. Covet: [....Woman it's like the easiest thing ever XD from cooking to cleanup. lmao]
  19. Covet: "I can call him and tell him to use it." Kelsey said to CJ, "Pulled pork is amazingly easy to do with it. Same with chicken to make chicken noodle soup."
  20. Alexithymiaa: (I DONT KNOW WHAT TO MAKE IN IT)
  21. Alexithymiaa: "Well then you should come over and make it for us in our new crockpot." Bryan said as he stuck his chest out, shoving pasta in his face. // "You know, that's really not what I meant when I said you need to actually use it."-
  22. Covet: [Bitch it's called the internet. ]
  23. Covet: Kelsey shook her head. " I doubt you'll get one before I leave to go back home . But if you do, I'll show you how to use it for at least one meal, outside of Pulled pork."
  24. Alexithymiaa: "Deal." He spoke with a mouthful of food. "It's payment for all the sauce I made for your freezer." // "I don't know if that's how this works, but sure." CJ said sarcastically.-
  25. Covet: "You still owe me for making my kitchen a disaster." Kelsey said to him raising an eyebrow at him.
  26. Alexithymiaa: "Then we're even." He said quickly, trying to get out of any actual clean up. // "Again, I really don't think that's how this works. You better get your butt in that kitchen and clean up whatever mess is left. It's not fair to leave Kels with your tornado."-
  27. Covet: "Tornado, more like a Tormato." Kelsey said with a snicker, but that was dumb Kelsey.
  28. Alexithymiaa: -Bryan cracked up, shooting a glance at Kelsey. "That was so bad. Did you really just say that?" // CJ shook her head, sinking down into the table a bit. "I think I'm too tired for this."-
  29. Covet: "Yeah I did. I know it was awful, but I couldn't help it. I'm sorry CJ." She said with a light chuckle. "Do you think I can come over on Thursday to do dinner? Will you have a crockpot by then?" Kelsey aske.d
  30. Alexithymiaa: "I will if I order one on Amazon right now." Bryan said, pulling his phone from his pocket and starting in on finding one. // "What is it with you and Amazon lately?"-
  31. Covet: "He's got the amazon itch. Let me guess he recently signed up for Prime to get the good shipping?" Kelsey asked.
  32. Alexithymiaa: "Bingooooo." He said loudly as he found one he liked, one clicking his way into ordering it and having it shipped. "Done. Will be here by Thursday afternoon." // "How did you guess?" CJ asked in a droll voice, shaking her head at Bryan because she's probably listened to him go Amazon crazy all week.-
  33. Covet: "I'm sorry, but at least he's getting the good deals right?" Kelsey said with a laugh.
  34. Alexithymiaa: "All the good deals." He said dramatically as he set his phone down, finishing off his pasta and taking his dish to the sink to rinse off. // "Sort of. Everyone that's Amazon crazy lately is feeding into this big business motto that's literally killing our economy. Amazon is a marketplace bully and I'd prefer to buy my goods from individual retailers rather than from Amazon where they get a cut from all their vendors."-
  35. Covet: "Ah, that makes sense. I try to purchase from select boutique places, but sometimes I just can't resist the deals that Amazon has." She said cringing looking a little guilty.
  36. Alexithymiaa: "Are you really goig on about this again?" He retorted, tired of hearing her shit about Amazon. // "Yes I am because it's ruining our economy. They're becoming a monopoly and they're overpowering other businesses and making it impossible for the little guys." She said firmly before addressing Kelsey. "That's how they get you."-
  37. Covet: "I'll try to be more consciencious of that. I hadn't really put much thought into it." She said.
  38. Alexithymiaa: "She hasn't stopped about it since I got Amazon Prime." He said with disappointment in his voice, turning to collect the dishes from the table to deposit in the sink even though he wasnt actually washing them. // "Well sorry I care about our economy." She shot back to him. "Most people don't and that's how they win. They appeal to the consumer's perspective of saving money."-
  39. Covet: "Well, I can't say that Saving money is nice though. So can you blame them for catching onto that early on? Business is a harsh and cruel world when you look at the basics of it. Have you heard about this copyright stuff Disney pulled on this Youtuber?" Kelsey asked.
  40. Alexithymiaa: "Yeah, but once they have a monopoly on the market after they put everyone else out, they can jack up all their prices and people won't have any alternative choices." He said, mimicking what CJ has told him numerous times recently. // 'Exactly." She nodded, gesturing to Bryan. "No, what's happening with that?"-
  41. Covet: "So this youtuber reached out to Disney to do a fan film about Darth Vader. And they said sure, but he can't crowdfund for it, or get any other sponsers, has to be completely out of pocket. So this guy drops two hundred thousand dollars, of his own money to make this amazing movie that die hard Star Wars fans love more than anything Disney's put out since obtaining the rights to Star Wars. Well Disney's response to this is to use their extended copyright holds to put their adds all over this work, making money off this guys work, that he can't even make himself." Kelsey explained.
  42. Alexithymiaa: "Wowwwwwwwww. That's fucked up. This is why Disney is a shit corporation too." He said with a shake of his head. // CJ rubbed at her forehead. "Unfortunately I can't say I'm surprised they would do something like that. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer. That's how this country works for some reason."-
  43. Covet: "Disney is the whole reason that copyrights last for as long as they do, and because of what they've done to influence those rights, is keeping some really good independent works from ever seeing the light of day. It's kind of sad, because sure there's probably a bunch of crap, but there's probably a lot of really good stuff too." Kelsey said. "They lobbied for longer copyrights, in order to keep Micky Mouse with his full integrity."
  44. Alexithymiaa: "And everything is influenced by the big companies that can afford to pay off the government officials who make these laws." Like he doesn't work for the government. He turned around to CJ, sliding his hands into his pockets. "Come on sleepy, let's get home." // CJ dragged herself up from the table, letting out a yawn. "You might have to carry me home."-
  45. Covet: "Get home safely, you two. Thank you for dinner tonight Bryan." Kelsey said, walking them out so she could lock the door behind them and all that stuff.
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