
random phantom forces script

Feb 23rd, 2022
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  1. -- Settings
  3. local Settings = {
  4. FOV = 0,
  5. SilentAim = false,
  6. ShowFOV = false,
  7. UseFOV = false,
  8. AutoShoot = false,
  9. AimForHead = false,
  10. FOVColour = 0,
  11. WalkSpeed = 12,
  12. JumpPower = 4,
  13. FlySpeed = 12,
  14. InfiniteJump = false,
  15. AntiAim = false,
  16. FallDamage = false,
  17. AutoRespawn = false,
  18. FlyKeybind = "Space",
  19. TrackerLength = 1.5,
  20. TrackerFrequency = 0.4,
  21. Tracker = false,
  22. NameESP = false,
  23. BoxESP = false,
  24. HealthESP = false,
  25. DistanceESP = false,
  26. Tracers = false,
  27. TrackerColour = 0,
  28. RainbowGun = false,
  29. RapidFire = false,
  30. InstantReload = false,
  31. InstantEquip = false,
  32. InstantAim = false,
  33. NoRecoil = false,
  34. NoSpread = false,
  35. NoSway = false,
  36. NoFlash = false,
  37. CombineMags = false,
  38. HeadshotChance = 0,
  39. Fullbright = false,
  40. NoBlood = false,
  41. NoShells = false,
  42. WindowsKeybind = "Z"
  43. }
  45. -- Variables
  47. local Services = {
  48. Players = game:GetService("Players"),
  49. ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"),
  50. UserInputService = game:GetService("UserInputService"),
  51. RunService = game:GetService("RunService"),
  52. Lighting = game:GetService("Lighting"),
  53. TweenService = game:GetService("TweenService"),
  54. HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService")
  55. }
  57. local Local = {
  58. Player = Services.Players.LocalPlayer,
  59. Mouse = Services.Players.LocalPlayer:GetMouse(),
  60. Cam = workspace.CurrentCamera
  61. }
  63. local Connections = {
  64. RainbowGun = nil
  65. }
  67. local FullbrightSettings = {
  68. Brightness = 1,
  69. ClockTime = 12,
  70. FogEnd = 999999,
  71. GlobalShadows = false,
  72. Ambient = Color3.fromRGB(178, 178, 178)
  73. }
  75. local BypassWords = Services.HttpService:JSONDecode(game:HttpGet(""))
  76. local Network, Effects, Gamelogic, Char, Particle, Menu, Hud
  77. local Send, Walk, Jump, Bloodhit, Ejectshell, New
  78. local GameGui = Local.Player.PlayerGui.MainGui.GameGui
  79. local FogEnd, Ambient = Services.Lighting.FogEnd, Services.Lighting.Ambient
  80. local Modules = Services.ReplicatedStorage.GunModules
  81. local TracerStart = / 2, Local.Cam.ViewportSize.Y)
  82. local SilentTarget, FOVCircle = nil, nil
  83. local ScrMid = / 2, Local.Cam.ViewportSize.Y / 2)
  84. local IsFlying = false
  85. local TrackFolder ="Folder", workspace)
  86. local Parts = { "HumanoidRootPart", "Left Leg", "Right Leg" }
  87. local Esp = { Esps = {} }
  88. local GunData = {}
  90. -- Setup
  92. for a, b in next, Modules:GetChildren() do
  93. GunData[b.Name] = {}
  94. for c, d in next, require(b) do
  95. GunData[b.Name][c] = d
  96. end
  97. end
  99. function SetSilentTarget()
  100. if not Local.Player.Character then return nil end
  101. local Bodypart, Dist = nil, Settings.UseFOV and Settings.FOV or math.huge
  102. for a, b in next, workspace.Players:GetChildren() do
  103. if b ~= Local.Player.Character.Parent then
  104. for c, d in next, b:GetChildren() do
  105. local Pos, Vis = Local.Cam:WorldToViewportPoint(d.Torso.Position)
  106. if Vis and #Local.Cam:GetPartsObscuringTarget({d.Torso.Position}, {d}) == 0 then
  107. local Mag = (ScrMid -, Pos.Y)).Magnitude
  108. if Mag < Dist then
  109. Bodypart = Settings.AimForHead and d.Head or d.Torso
  110. Dist = Mag
  111. end
  112. end
  113. end
  114. end
  115. end
  116. SilentTarget = Bodypart
  117. end
  119. function RegisterChar(char)
  120. Local.Char = char
  121. Local.Hum = char:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
  122. Local.Root = char:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart")
  123. Local.Hum.Died:Connect(function()
  124. Local.Char = nil
  125. Local.Hum = nil
  126. Local.Root = nil
  127. end)
  128. end
  130. if Local.Player.Character then
  131. RegisterChar(Local.Player.Character)
  132. end
  134. Local.Player.CharacterAdded:Connect(function(char)
  135. RegisterChar(char)
  136. end)
  138. for a, b in next, getgc(true) do
  139. if type(b) == "table" then
  140. if rawget(b, "send") then
  141. Network, Send = b, b.send
  142. elseif rawget(b, "breakwindow") then
  143. Effects, Bloodhit, Ejectshell = b, b.bloodhit, b.ejectshell
  144. elseif rawget(b, "gammo") then
  145. Gamelogic = b
  146. elseif rawget(b, "jump") then
  147. Char, Walk, Jump = b, b.setbasewalkspeed, b.jump
  148. elseif rawget(b, "new") and islclosure( and table.find(debug.getconstants(, "ontouch") then
  149. Particle, New = b,
  150. elseif rawget(b, "deploy") then
  151. Menu = b
  152. elseif rawget(b, "getplayervisible") then
  153. Hud = b
  154. end
  155. end
  156. end
  158. function Track(char)
  159. coroutine.wrap(function()
  160. local isleft = true
  161. repeat wait(Settings.TrackerFrequency)
  162. for i, v in next, Parts do
  163. if not char:FindFirstChild(v) then
  164. break
  165. end
  166. end
  167. local Step ="Part", TrackFolder)
  168. local Part = isleft and char["Left Leg"] or char["Right Leg"]
  169. local Root = char.HumanoidRootPart
  170. Step.Anchored = true
  171. Step.CanCollide = false
  172. Step.BottomSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth
  173. Step.Color = Color3.fromHSV(Settings.TrackerColour, 1, 1)
  174. Step.Position = - 0.25, Root.Position.Y - 3, Part.Position.Z - 0.25)
  175. Step.Rotation =, Part.Rotation.Y, 0)
  176. Step.Size = + 0.4, 0.4, Part.Size.Z + 0.2)
  177. Step.TopSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth
  178. isleft = not isleft
  179. coroutine.wrap(function()
  180. wait(Settings.TrackerLength)
  181. local T = Services.TweenService:Create(Step,, {Transparency = 1})
  182. T.Completed:Connect(function()
  183. Step:Destroy()
  184. end)
  185. T:Play()
  186. end)()
  187. until not char or char.Parent == nil or Settings.Tracker == false
  188. end)()
  189. end
  191. Network.send = newcclosure(function(self, ...)
  192. local Args = {...}
  193. if Args[1] == "bullethit" and math.random(0, 100) <= Settings.HeadshotChance then
  194. Args[6] = Args[6].Parent.Head
  195. elseif Args[1] == "newbullets" and Settings.SilentAim then
  196. if SilentTarget then
  197. for i, v in next, Args[2]["bullets"] do
  198. v[1] = (SilentTarget.Position - Gamelogic.currentgun.barrel.Position).Unit
  199. end
  200. end
  201. elseif Args[1] == "stance" and Settings.AntiAim then
  202. Args[2] = "prone"
  203. elseif Args[1] == "changehealthx" and Args[3] == "Falling" and Settings.FallDamage then
  204. return
  205. elseif Args[1] == "closeconnection" or Args[1] == "logmessage" then
  206. return
  207. end
  208. return Send(self, unpack(Args))
  209. end)
  211. Char.jump = newcclosure(function(self, ...)
  212. local Args = {...}
  213. Args[1] = Settings.JumpPower
  214. return Jump(self, unpack(Args))
  215. end)
  217. Char.setbasewalkspeed = newcclosure(function(self, ...)
  218. local Args = {...}
  219. Args[1] = Settings.WalkSpeed
  220. return Walk(self, unpack(Args))
  221. end)
  223. Effects.bloodhit = newcclosure(function(self, ...)
  224. if Settings.NoBlood then
  225. return
  226. end
  227. Bloodhit(self, ...)
  228. end)
  230. Effects.ejectshell = newcclosure(function(self, ...)
  231. if Settings.NoShells then
  232. return
  233. end
  234. Ejectshell(self, ...)
  235. end)
  237. = newcclosure(function(tab)
  238. if Settings.SilentAim then
  239. if SilentTarget and Gamelogic.currentgun then
  240. tab.velocity = (SilentTarget.Position - tab.position).Unit *
  241. end
  242. end
  243. New(tab)
  244. end)
  246. function Esp:Create(plr)
  247. local Box ="Square")
  248. Box.Filled = false
  249. Box.Thickness = 2
  250. local Tracer ="Line")
  251. Tracer.From = TracerStart
  252. Tracer.Thickness = 2
  253. local Label ="Text")
  254. Label.Text = plr.Name
  255. Label.Center = true
  256. Label.Outline = false
  257. local Health ="Text")
  258. Health.Text = "[0/100]"
  259. Health.Center = true
  260. Health.Outline = false
  261. local Distance ="Text")
  262. Distance.Text = "0 Studs Away"
  263. Distance.Center = true
  264. Distance.Outline = false
  265. Esp.Esps[plr] = {
  266. Box = Box,
  267. Tracer = Tracer,
  268. Label = Label,
  269. Health = Health,
  270. Distance = Distance
  271. }
  272. return Esp.Esps[plr]
  273. end
  275. function Esp:Remove(plr)
  276. local PlrEsp = Esp.Esps[plr]
  277. if PlrEsp then
  278. for i, v in next, PlrEsp do
  279. v:Remove()
  280. end
  281. Esp.Esps[plr] = nil
  282. end
  283. end
  285. function Esp:Update(plr)
  286. local v = Esp.Esps[plr] or Esp:Create(plr)
  287. local Pos = Hud:getplayerpos(plr)
  288. if Pos then
  289. local RootPos, Vis = Local.Cam:WorldToViewportPoint(Pos)
  290. if Vis then
  291. v.Box.Visible = Settings.BoxESP
  292. v.Tracer.Visible = Settings.Tracers
  293. v.Label.Visible = Settings.NameESP
  294. v.Health.Visible = Settings.HealthESP
  295. v.Distance.Visible = Settings.DistanceESP
  296. local HeadPos = Local.Cam:WorldToViewportPoint(Pos +, 3, 0))
  297. local LegPos = Local.Cam:WorldToViewportPoint(Pos -, 3, 0))
  298. if Settings.BoxESP then
  299. local Y = HeadPos.Y - LegPos.Y
  300. v.Box.Size = / 1.5, Y)
  301. v.Box.Position = - v.Box.Size.X / 2, RootPos.Y - v.Box.Size.Y / 2)
  302. v.Box.Color = plr.Team == Local.Player.Team and Color3.fromRGB(0, 200, 0) or Color3.fromRGB(200, 0, 0)
  303. end
  304. if Settings.Tracers then
  305. v.Tracer.To =, RootPos.Y - v.Box.Size.Y / 2)
  306. v.Tracer.Color = plr.Team == Local.Player.Team and Color3.fromRGB(0, 200, 0) or Color3.fromRGB(200, 0, 0)
  307. end
  308. if Settings.NameESP then
  309. v.Label.Position =, RootPos.Y + v.Box.Size.Y / 2 - (Settings.HealthESP and v.Label.Size * 2 or v.Label.Size))
  310. v.Label.Color = plr.Team == Local.Player.Team and Color3.fromRGB(0, 200, 0) or Color3.fromRGB(200, 0, 0)
  311. end
  312. if Settings.HealthESP then
  313. v.Health.Text = "[" .. math.floor(Hud:getplayerhealth(plr)) .. "/100]"
  314. v.Health.Position =, RootPos.Y + v.Box.Size.Y / 2 - v.Label.Size)
  315. v.Health.Color = plr.Team == Local.Player.Team and Color3.fromRGB(0, 200, 0) or Color3.fromRGB(200, 0, 0)
  316. end
  317. if Settings.DistanceESP then
  318. v.Distance.Text = math.floor((Local.Cam.CFrame.Position - Pos).Magnitude) .. " Studs Away"
  319. v.Distance.Position =, RootPos.Y - v.Box.Size.Y / 2)
  320. v.Distance.Color = plr.Team == Local.Player.Team and Color3.fromRGB(0, 200, 0) or Color3.fromRGB(200, 0, 0)
  321. end
  322. else
  323. v.Box.Visible = false
  324. v.Tracer.Visible = false
  325. v.Label.Visible = false
  326. v.Health.Visible = false
  327. v.Distance.Visible = false
  328. end
  329. else
  330. v.Box.Visible = false
  331. v.Tracer.Visible = false
  332. v.Label.Visible = false
  333. v.Health.Visible = false
  334. v.Distance.Visible = false
  335. end
  336. end
  338. Services.RunService.Stepped:Connect(function()
  339. for i, v in next, game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers() do
  340. if v ~= Local.Player then
  341. if not Esp.Esps[v] then
  342. Esp:Create(v)
  343. else
  344. Esp:Update(v)
  345. end
  346. end
  347. end
  348. SetSilentTarget()
  349. if SilentTarget and Settings.SilentAim and Settings.AutoShoot then
  350. mouse1press()
  351. wait()
  352. mouse1release()
  353. end
  354. end)
  356. Services.Players.PlayerRemoving:Connect(function(plr)
  357. Esp:Remove(plr)
  358. end)
  360. FOVCircle ="Circle")
  361. FOVCircle.Color = Color3.fromHSV(Settings.FOVColour, 1, 1)
  362. FOVCircle.Filled = false
  363. FOVCircle.Position = Services.UserInputService:GetMouseLocation()
  364. FOVCircle.Radius = Settings.FOV
  365. FOVCircle.Thickness = 2
  367. Services.UserInputService.InputBegan:Connect(function(input, istyping)
  368. if not istyping and input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.Space and Settings.InfiniteJump then
  369. if Local.Root and Local.Hum and Local.Hum.FloorMaterial == Enum.Material.Air then
  370. Local.Root.Velocity =, Settings.JumpPower * 12, Local.Root.Velocity.Z)
  371. end
  372. end
  373. end)
  375. Services.UserInputService.InputChanged:Connect(function(input)
  376. if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement then
  377. FOVCircle.Position = Services.UserInputService:GetMouseLocation()
  378. end
  379. end)
  381. Services.UserInputService.InputEnded:Connect(function(input, istyping)
  382. if not istyping and (input.KeyCode.Name == Settings.FlyKeybind or input.UserInputType.Name == Settings.FlyKeybind) then
  383. IsFlying = false
  384. end
  385. end)
  387. for i, v in next, FullbrightSettings do
  388. Services.Lighting:GetPropertyChangedSignal(i):Connect(function()
  389. if Settings.Fullbright then
  390. Services.Lighting[i] = v
  391. end
  392. end)
  393. end
  395. GameGui:GetPropertyChangedSignal("Visible"):Connect(function()
  396. if GameGui.Visible == false and Settings.AutoRespawn then
  397. repeat wait(1)
  398. Menu:deploy()
  399. until Menu:isdeployed()
  400. end
  401. end)
  403. for a, b in next, workspace.Players:GetChildren() do
  404. b.ChildAdded:Connect(function(child)
  405. if Settings.Tracker then
  406. Track(child)
  407. end
  408. end)
  409. end
  411. -- Gui
  413. local Library = loadstring(game:HttpGet("", true))()
  415. local SilentTab = Library:Window("Silent Aim")
  417. SilentTab:Slider("FOV", 0, 600, Settings.FOV, function(val)
  418. Settings.FOV = val
  419. FOVCircle.Radius = Settings.FOV
  420. end)
  422. SilentTab:Toggle("Silent Aim", Settings.SilentAim, function(toggle)
  423. Settings.SilentAim = toggle
  424. end)
  426. SilentTab:Toggle("Show FOV", Settings.ShowFOV, function(toggle)
  427. Settings.ShowFOV = toggle
  428. FOVCircle.Visible = Settings.ShowFOV
  429. end)
  431. SilentTab:Toggle("Use FOV", Settings.UseFOV, function(toggle)
  432. Settings.UseFOV = toggle
  433. end)
  435. SilentTab:Toggle("Auto Shoot", Settings.AutoShoot, function(toggle)
  436. Settings.AutoShoot = toggle
  437. end)
  439. SilentTab:Toggle("Aim For Head", Settings.AimForHead, function(toggle)
  440. Settings.AimForHead = toggle
  441. end)
  443. SilentTab:ColourSlider("FOV Colour", Settings.FOVColour, function(hue)
  444. Settings.FOVColour = hue
  445. FOVCircle.Color = Color3.fromHSV(hue, 1, 1)
  446. end)
  448. local PlayerTab = Library:Window("Player")
  450. PlayerTab:Slider("WalkSpeed", 12, 30, Settings.WalkSpeed, function(val)
  451. Settings.WalkSpeed = val
  452. Char:setbasewalkspeed(val)
  453. end)
  455. PlayerTab:Slider("JumpPower", 4, 40, Settings.JumpPower, function(val)
  456. Settings.JumpPower = val
  457. end)
  459. PlayerTab:Slider("Fly Speed", 12, 40, Settings.FlySpeed, function(val)
  460. Settings.FlySpeed = val
  461. end)
  463. PlayerTab:Toggle("Infinite Jump", Settings.InfiniteJump, function(toggle)
  464. Settings.InfiniteJump = toggle
  465. end)
  467. PlayerTab:Toggle("Anti Aim", Settings.AntiAim, function(toggle)
  468. Settings.AntiAim = toggle
  469. if toggle then
  470. Network:send("stance", "prone")
  471. end
  472. end)
  474. PlayerTab:Toggle("Anti Fall Damage", Settings.FallDamage, function(toggle)
  475. Settings.FallDamage = toggle
  476. end)
  478. PlayerTab:Toggle("Auto Respawn", Settings.AutoRespawn, function(toggle)
  479. Settings.AutoRespawn = toggle
  480. end)
  482. PlayerTab:Keybind("Fly", Settings.FlyKeybind, function(key)
  483. Settings.FlyKeybind = key
  484. IsFlying = true
  485. if Local.Root and Local.Hum then
  486. Local.Hum.PlatformStand = true
  487. repeat Services.RunService.Stepped:Wait()
  488. Local.Root.Velocity = Local.Cam.CFrame.LookVector * (math.random(Settings.FlySpeed - 2.5, Settings.FlySpeed + 2.5))
  489. until not IsFlying
  490. Local.Hum.PlatformStand = false
  491. end
  492. end)
  494. local ESPTab = Library:Window("ESP")
  496. ESPTab:Slider("Tracker Length", 0, 10, Settings.TrackerLength, function(val)
  497. Settings.TrackerLength = val
  498. end)
  500. ESPTab:Slider("Tracker Frequency", 0, 1, Settings.TrackerFrequency, function(val)
  501. Settings.TrackerFrequency = val
  502. end)
  504. ESPTab:Toggle("Footstep Tracker", Settings.Tracker, function(toggle)
  505. Settings.Tracker = toggle
  506. if toggle then
  507. for a, b in next, workspace.Players:GetChildren() do
  508. for c, d in next, b:GetChildren() do
  509. Track(d)
  510. end
  511. end
  512. end
  513. end)
  515. ESPTab:Toggle("Show Names", Settings.NameESP, function(toggle)
  516. Settings.NameESP = toggle
  517. end)
  519. ESPTab:Toggle("Show Boxes", Settings.BoxESP, function(toggle)
  520. Settings.BoxESP = toggle
  521. end)
  523. ESPTab:Toggle("Show Health", Settings.HealthESP, function(toggle)
  524. Settings.HealthESP = toggle
  525. end)
  527. ESPTab:Toggle("Show Distance", Settings.DistanceESP, function(toggle)
  528. Settings.DistanceESP = toggle
  529. end)
  531. ESPTab:Toggle("Tracers", Settings.Tracers, function(toggle)
  532. Settings.Tracers = toggle
  533. end)
  535. ESPTab:ColourSlider("Tracker Colour", Settings.TrackerColour, function(hue)
  536. Settings.TrackerColour = hue
  537. end)
  539. local GunTab = Library:Window("Guns")
  541. GunTab:Toggle("Rainbow Guns", Settings.RainbowGun, function(toggle)
  542. Settings.RainbowGun = toggle
  543. if Connections.RainbowGun then
  544. Connections.RainbowGun:Disconnect()
  545. end
  546. if Settings.RainbowGun then
  547. Connections.RainbowGun = Services.RunService.Heartbeat:Connect(function()
  548. if rawget(Gamelogic, "currentgun") then
  549. for i, v in next, workspace.CurrentCamera[]:GetDescendants() do
  550. if v:IsA("BasePart") then
  551. v.Color = Color3.fromHSV(tick() % 10 / 10, 1, 1)
  552. end
  553. end
  554. end
  555. end)
  556. end
  557. end)
  559. GunTab:Toggle("Rapid Fire", Settings.RapidFire, function(toggle)
  560. Settings.RapidFire = toggle
  561. for i, v in next, Modules:GetChildren() do
  562. local req = require(v)
  563. if type(req.firerate) == "table" then
  564. req.firerate = toggle and { 1000 } or GunData[].firerate
  565. else
  566. req.firerate = toggle and 1000 or GunData[].firerate
  567. end
  568. req.variablefirerate = toggle and false or GunData[].variablefirerate
  569. req.requirechamber = toggle and false or GunData[].requirechamber
  570. req.firemodes = toggle and { true } or GunData[].firemodes
  571. end
  572. end)
  574. GunTab:Toggle("Instant Reload", Settings.InstantReload, function(toggle)
  575. Settings.InstantReload = toggle
  576. for i, v in next, Modules:GetChildren() do
  577. local req = require(v)
  578. if rawget(req, "animations") then
  579. if rawget(req.animations, "reload") then
  580. req.animations.reload.timescale = toggle and 0.1 or GunData[].animations.reload.timescale
  581. req.animations.reload.stdtimescale = toggle and 0.1 or GunData[].animations.reload.stdtimescale
  582. end
  583. if rawget(req.animations, "tacticalreload") then
  584. req.animations.tacticalreload.timescale = toggle and 0.1 or GunData[].animations.tacticalreload.timescale
  585. req.animations.tacticalreload.stdtimescale = toggle and 0.1 or GunData[].animations.tacticalreload.stdtimescale
  586. end
  587. end
  588. end
  589. end)
  591. GunTab:Toggle("Instant Equip", Settings.InstantEquip, function(toggle)
  592. Settings.InstantEquip = toggle
  593. for i, v in next, Modules:GetChildren() do
  594. local req = require(v)
  595. req.equipspeed = toggle and 9999 or GunData[].equipspeed
  596. end
  597. end)
  599. GunTab:Toggle("No Recoil", Settings.NoRecoil, function(toggle)
  600. Settings.NoRecoil = toggle
  601. for i, v in next, Modules:GetChildren() do
  602. local req = require(v)
  603. req.camkickmin = toggle and or GunData[].camkickmin
  604. req.camkickmax = toggle and or GunData[].camkickmax
  605. req.aimcamkickmin = toggle and or GunData[].aimcamkickmin
  606. req.aimcamkickmax = toggle and or GunData[].aimcamkickmax
  607. req.aimtranskickmin = toggle and or GunData[].aimtranskickmin
  608. req.aimtranskickmax = toggle and or GunData[].aimtranskickmax
  609. req.transkickmin = toggle and or GunData[].transkickmin
  610. req.transkickmax = toggle and or GunData[].transkickmax
  611. req.rotkickmin = toggle and or GunData[].rotkickmin
  612. req.rotkickmax = toggle and or GunData[].rotkickmax
  613. req.aimrotkickmin = toggle and or GunData[].aimrotkickmin
  614. req.aimrotkickmax = toggle and or GunData[].aimrotkickmax
  615. end
  616. end)
  618. GunTab:Toggle("No Spread", Settings.NoSpread, function(toggle)
  619. Settings.NoSpread = toggle
  620. for i, v in next, Modules:GetChildren() do
  621. local req = require(v)
  622. req.hipfirespreadrecover = toggle and 100 or GunData[].hipfirespreadrecover
  623. req.hipfirespread = toggle and 0 or GunData[].hipfirespread
  624. req.hipfirestability = toggle and 0 or GunData[].hipfirestability
  625. req.crosssize = toggle and 2 or GunData[].crosssize
  626. req.crossexpansion = toggle and 0 or GunData[].crossexpansion
  627. end
  628. end)
  630. GunTab:Toggle("No Sway", Settings.NoSway, function(toggle)
  631. Settings.NoSway = toggle
  632. for i, v in next, Modules:GetChildren() do
  633. local req = require(v)
  634. req.swayamp = toggle and 0 or GunData[].swayamp
  635. req.swayspeed = toggle and 0 or GunData[].swayspeed
  636. req.steadyspeed = toggle and 0 or GunData[].steadyspeed
  637. req.breathspeed = toggle and 0 or GunData[].breathspeed
  638. end
  639. end)
  641. GunTab:Toggle("No Flash", Settings.NoFlash, function(toggle)
  642. Settings.NoFlash = toggle
  643. for i, v in next, Modules:GetChildren() do
  644. local req = require(v)
  645. req.hideflash = toggle and true or GunData[].hideflash
  646. req.hideminimap = toggle and true or GunData[].hideminimap
  647. end
  648. end)
  650. GunTab:Toggle("Combine Mags", Settings.CombineMags, function(toggle)
  651. Settings.CombineMags = toggle
  652. for i, v in next, Modules:GetChildren() do
  653. local req = require(v)
  654. if rawget(req, "magsize") and rawget(req, "sparerounds") then
  655. req.magsize = toggle and GunData[v.Name].magsize + GunData[v.Name].sparerounds or GunData[v.Name].magsize
  656. req.sparerounds = toggle and 0 or GunData[v.Name].sparerounds
  657. end
  658. end
  659. end)
  661. local MiscTab = Library:Window("Misc")
  663. MiscTab:Slider("Headshot Chance", 0, 100, Settings.HeadshotChance, function(val)
  664. Settings.HeadshotChance = val
  665. end)
  667. MiscTab:Toggle("Fullbright", Settings.Fullbright, function(toggle)
  668. Settings.Fullbright = toggle
  669. if toggle then
  670. for i, v in next, FullbrightSettings do
  671. Services.Lighting[i] = v
  672. end
  673. else
  674. Services.Lighting.FogEnd = FogEnd
  675. Services.Lighting.Ambient = Ambient
  676. Services.Lighting.GlobalShadows = true
  677. end
  678. end)
  680. MiscTab:Toggle("Disable Blood", Settings.NoBlood, function(toggle)
  681. Settings.NoBlood = toggle
  682. if toggle then
  683. for i, v in next, workspace.Ignore.Blood:GetChildren() do
  684. v:Destroy()
  685. end
  686. end
  687. end)
  689. MiscTab:Toggle("Disable Shells", Settings.NoShells, function(toggle)
  690. Settings.NoShells = toggle
  691. if toggle then
  692. for i, v in next, workspace.Ignore.Bullets:GetChildren() do
  693. v:Destroy()
  694. end
  695. end
  696. end)
  698. MiscTab:Keybind("Break Windows", Settings.WindowsKeybind, function(key)
  699. Settings.WindowsKeybind = key
  700. for i, v in next, workspace:GetDescendants() do
  701. if v.Name == "Window" then
  702. Effects:breakwindow(v)
  703. end
  704. end
  705. end)
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