
Kanto Episode 3

Oct 21st, 2017
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  1. Kanto Episode 3
  3. 5PM...Jalen wakes up after a 3 hour sleeping session. As he get up he looks at the pokeballs containing his well as their data such as levels, HP, Status, and more. It's been years since he developed this....'Ability'. Where it came from, he don't know, but whatever it is, it's very helpful as it tells him all he needs to know regarding Pokemon. Hell, he can tell when will they reach their next levels and what not....He gets off the bed and grab them. Looking at them, he sees that Froakie is level 15, and the other 2...Starly and Shroomish are level 13. Not bad, he guess. By the time he enters Mt. Moon, he hopes to get a Frogaider and Staravia. Checking out of the PKMN Center, he looks over at the gym and see a line. Evidently, Effie woke up sooner than he expected and is fighting more challengers. Shrugging at that, he head towards the PKMN Mart and buy some items to prepare himself for Mt. Moon. He heard of it being the test for many trainers like him and is preparing for the trip...mainly repels and Pokeballs with other medicines in case he find some cool Pokemon to have.
  6. Eventually, Jalen step foot on Route 3, a rocky route thanks to Mt.Moon being so close. He sees a couple of trainers, no doubt victorious trainers over Effie, battling one another against each other with various Pokemon. Their data popping up to Jaleln's eyes as he check them out. Nothing but Lvl 11-13 with Grass, Water, and even some Fighting types here and there. Seeing someone who's not battling, Jalen walk up to them and challenge them. Thus, a chain reaction of Jalen challenging and defeating others before him. As his Pokemon gain 'EXP'(Shown by the blue bar underneath their names), Eventually both Froakie and Starly evolves into their next forms, Froakie gets taller and sleeker with what appears to be a mask on his face called Frogaider. Whereas Starly gets bigger and a cowlick on his head with a marking that looks like a 'M' on his chest called Staravia. Happy with the results, He continue on his trip, walking up a hill and then walking back down on it towards the entrance of Mt. Moon.
  8. However, while walking, he encounters 2 trainers...One of them a redhair with long twin pony tails commanding a Prinplup against a Vigoroth...and it seems she's winning judging by the final Bubblebeam that nets her the win. She smirks and walk over to the losing trainer and hold her hand out. While she do that, Jalen check her Prinplup out...Lvl 17, Bubblebeam and Peck with Metal Claw and Growl....Sounds challenging..Looking at the girl, he sees 2 more Pokeballs above her floating with 3 empty spots next to them. So she have 3 mons on her.
  10. As the losing trainer hand her the money and walk off north(Presumably where a PKMN Center is at, Jalen hopes) The redhead turn and lock eyes with him. Jalen sees an exclamation point pop up over her head as she smirk at him. Her Prinplup walk up behind her as she point at him, challenging him to a fight...he gets a closer look at her. She's pretty cute, skinny, but he can see that she works out occasionally, and that he thinks she's familar-looking..but where?(edited)
  12. [You were totally checking me out, weren't you??]Conceited girl, huh....She crosses her arms.[Well pal, the paying fee is a battle! I'm sure you know who I am, right?......No!?! How!?! I'm Severa Cromaisi!! Daughter of Cordelia Cromaisi!!]Oh yeah, now Jalen remembers....her mom was a former champion of Kanto before retiring...Seems this is her daughter.[HMPH! I was gonna go easy on you, but now you done pissed me off! Prinplup, To battle!]
  14. RISING STAR Severa wants to battle! The words pop up underneath her as her Prinplup jumps in front of her. A Rising Star, Jalen wonders....he knows with time, she will eventually become a Ace Trainer, and therefore a huge threat....Takumi had RIVAL, meaning it's more personal with him. That Hinata guy had Bug Catcher despite his samurai doubt he's gonna become a Bug Maniac lest he gets other types...and Effie of course had Leader since she's a Gym Leader. Back to the battle, Jalen overlooks the Prinplup, knowing that Shroomish can't beat her 1v1 yet due to the level advantage Prinplup had over him with 2 levels above him...Despite this, Shroomish needs the EXP to catch up and he can help hinder the Pokemon. He send out Shroomish, with a scowl on Severa's face.
  16. [Grass type, huh? Well fine! I'm ready for this one!! Prinplup, Peck!]
  18. Ready for this one? Whatever that means, Jalen don't care as Shroomish barely dodge the Peck attack and stumbles before catching his footing. He orders a Leech Seed and then a Stun Spore. Shroomish is able to connect 3 pods on Prinplup's body, but Prinplup use Bubblebeam to dispel th Stun Spore before him.
  19. [Ha! You won't beat us with those moves! Metal Claw!]
  21. Prinplup's fins shine brightly as he slash them across Shroomish, echoing a pained cry from the Mushroom Pokemon. He bounce towards Jalen and get up with a more meaner scowl than usual(Jalen thinks it's adorable on him, tho he will never admit that.) Sadly, Shroomish doesn't have Effect Spore, but he does have the more useful Technician which will benefit more down the future. Regardless, Shroomish did his job and so is returned by Jalen.
  22. [Getting scared?]
  24. He roll his eyes, already he's looking forward to choking her with his dick as he send out Staravia to finish off Prinplup. Staravia's Intimidate kicks in and Jalen sees Prinplup get enveloped in red light that flows down...showing that her ATK drop. Severa doesn't see this, but knows that Intimidate worked.
  26. [Bah! It's just a stupid bird, Prinplup! Bubblebeam!]
  28. Prinplup breath in air and shoot out a ray of bubbles at Staravia, who skillfully dodges the attack and counters back with a Wing Attack, scoring a critical blow!...Prinplup stumbles around, with the Leech Seed sapping her(Jalen sees that it's a female and just now notice it.) He have Staravia capitalize on it with a Quick Attack. Staravia zooms in and tackle the Penguin Pokemon..netting the KO. He sees that Staravia and Shroomish both gained EXP,with Shroomish getting more due to being more underleveled as opposed to Staravia being tied with Prinplup level wise.
  29. [Gah! You asshole!! No one makes a fool out of me!]
  31. Just as she returns her Prinplup and place her hand on her next Pokeball...Time stops as Jalen sees her next mon will be a Houndour...Nodding that he will switch Pokemon, time resumes as he return his Staravia and throw out his Frogaider at the same time Houndour comes out, Severa frowning at this.
  32. [Damnit, are you like, counterpicking me or something!?]
  35. Jalen smirks at her and order a Water Pulse from Frogaider who charges one up and hurl it at the Houndour. Houndour didn't dodge it in time nor does it get off easily as it takes a critical hit on it's head. It get sent flying towards a rocky wall KO'ED, much to Severa's shock.
  37. [Son of a bitch!...]
  38. Severa grumbles as she look at her last remaining pokeball, Jalen see above her head that an 'X' is over it now. showing that she have forfeit the match. She scowls and walk over to him with cash in her hand and slam it into his open hand.
  40. [Here! Gawds...Can't believe I lost.....what do you want now?!?, Are you daft!?!?]
  42. Severa blushes hard as Jalen propose to her his usual request...however, she sighs and scowl at him as she grabs his hand and lead him to the PKMN Center before Mt. Moon. By now, the sun had set and the moon is up above them, making traveling through Mt.Moon a dangerous they decide to buy a room in the center together. Once they found one, they walk inside with Jalen sitting on the bed and removing his clothing, revealing his naked body and big dick to Severa's shock.
  43. [Ho-Ho-Holy shit, you're big!!!....You fucked other girls with that!?!]
  45. A contemplative look arise on Severa before she strips her clothing off, Showing her B-sized tits and slim, yet, athletic figure. She lay down next to him with a smirk and spread her legs.
  47. [Betcha my pussy is better than theirs.....don't believe me? Then go ahead and fuck me, boy~]
  48. Jalen licks his lips and hop on top of Severa. She thinks it won't be all that...
  50. [(Heh, I bet I'm gonna have to finish myself when he's do-HOOOOOOOLY SHIT!!!!)]
  51. Until she gets 3 inches of his dick in her and feel the pain and pleasure of BBC in her....and get ravaged by him with furious thrusts that make the bed shake
  53. [Wh-What's your na-name??!? Jalen?!!? Jalen, holy sh-shit, yo-you have the di-dick of the gooo-AAAWWWDDS!]
  55. And so, the 2 teens fucked until Jalen came in her pussy with Severa close behind, cumming very hard around his dick. Later that night, as Jalen look up info regarding Mt.Moon, Severa lay next to him in a total bliss with her tongue out. Jalen shakes his head and chuckle...looking forward to not only getting through Mt.Moon..but banging more girls...done with reading, he put his laptop up and cuddle close to a sleeping Severa now...and hug her to him for the warmth in the night.
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