

Aug 9th, 2018
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  1. #PMBG-System#
  3. on script load:
  4. set {joincount} to 0
  6. on join:
  7. set the join message to "&7&l[&eJoin&c+&7&l]&a>>&b%player%"
  8. set {join.%player%} to "quited"
  10. on quit:
  11. set the quit message to "&7&l[&eQuit&c-&7&l]&a>>&b%player%"
  12. if {join.%player%} is "joined":
  13. set {join.%player%} to "quited"
  14. remove 1 from {joincount}
  16. command /pmbg [<text>]:
  17. trigger:
  18. if arg-1 is set:
  19. if arg-1 is "join":
  20. if {join.%player%} is "quited":
  21. set {join.%player%} to "joined"
  22. add 1 to {joincount}
  23. message "&b選手登録しました"
  24. broadcast "&7&l[&b選手登録&7&l] &e%player%"
  25. stop
  26. else:
  27. message "&c既に登録されています"
  28. else if arg-1 is "quit":
  29. if {join.%player%} is "joined":
  30. set {join.%player%} to "quited"
  31. remove 1 from {joincount}
  32. message "&c選手解解除しました"
  33. broadcast "&7&l[&c選手解除&7&l] &e%player%"
  34. stop
  35. else:
  36. message "&c既に解除されています"
  37. else if arg-1 is "start":
  38. executor is console
  39. if {joincount} >= 4:
  40. execute console command "/start pmbg"
  41. stop
  42. else if {joincount} < 4:
  43. broadcast "&4選手が4人以下のため、ゲームを開始できませんでした"
  44. stoo
  45. else if arg-1 is not "join" or "quit" or "start":
  46. message "&4Invalid command."
  47. stop
  48. else:
  49. message "&4Invalid command."
  50. stop
  52. command /start pmbg:
  53. executable by: console
  54. trigger:
  55. send player title "&c30&b秒後にゲーム開始" with subtitle "&d選手の方は準備してください" for 6 seconds
  56. wait 15 seconds
  57. send player title "&c15&b秒後にゲーム開始" with subtitle "&d選手の方は準備してください" for 3 seconds
  58. wait 5 seconds
  59. send player title "&c10&b秒後にゲーム開始" with subtitle "&d選手の方は準備してください" for 3 seconds
  60. wait 5 seconds
  61. send player title "&c5&b秒後にゲーム開始" with subtitle "&d選手の方は準備してください" for 1 second
  62. wait 1 second
  63. send player title "&c4&b秒後にゲーム開始" with subtitle "&d選手の方は準備してください" for 1 second
  64. wait 1 second
  65. send player title "&c3&b秒後にゲーム開始" with subtitle "&d選手の方は準備してください" for 1 second
  66. wait 1 second
  67. send player title "&c2&b秒後にゲーム開始" with subtitle "&d選手の方は準備してください" for 1 second
  68. wait 1 second
  69. send player title "&c1&b秒後にゲーム開始" with subtitle "&d選手の方は準備してください" for 1 second
  70. wait 1 second
  71. send player title "&6ゲーム開始!!" with subtitle "&b好きなところに飛び降りよう!" for 3 second
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