
Normal Aegis day

Aug 1st, 2015
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  1. 21:44 Frostbyte walked into the main Aegis building, in full hero costume and a bag of old clothes, he stopped a criminal at a old flea market and got them as a reward. Being a hero doesn't pay, unless your Wells
  2. 21:48 Frostbyte "Hello? Anyone home?"
  3. 21:49 Symbol_ adjusted his uniform while he took to resting. When he did it, it was different. In the fountain he sat cross legged. He was not wet, and in fact he seemed to be balancing right on top of the water's surface. Looking over his shoulder he saw Frostbyte walk in
  4. 21:49 Symbol_ "Yes, and I imagine I am not alone."
  5. 21:51 Frostbyte "Oh hey, Symbol right? You uh, meditating?"
  6. 21:51 Symbol_ "I have little to meditate upon. For now anyway"
  7. 21:52 AnnaClaskovic saw who was there, she peered through the doorway outside where both Symbol and Frostbyte were. "Oh, hello!" She waved, but it was a pretty quick wave. She was holding books under her arm and was trying to balance them so they wouldn't all fall out. She put them on a nearby table and sorted through them. "So, how're you all doing?"
  8. 21:53 Frostbyte "Hm? Oh hey Anna! You studding for a test?"
  9. 21:55 Symbol_ "Miss Claskovic, fine seeing you again. I'm simply relaxing. In silence initially but I see you both have arrived" As always his tone was calm and welcoming, above all else in control of himself and respectful.
  10. 21:59 AnnaClaskovic "Oh, uh... Yeah, I... I guess you could say that..." She kept sorting through the books, maybe looking for a specific book. She pulled out some old, leather covered book. Man's Search For Meaning, it says on the cover. The Author's Viktor Franki. Limited Edition, it has additional note by the Man himself. "It's more of an interest of mine, really."
  11. 22:00 Frostbyte "Ah, reading, good hobby. If you need help caring those books you know who to ask"
  12. 22:03 Symbol_ "I've not spent much time looking into more western books like that. Perhaps I could ask for recommendations so I may see more"
  13. 22:05 AnnaClaskovic "Well, thank you Frostbyte, that's very considerate." Anna stopped flicking through the pages from the response given. "Oh, well, what kind of genre would you particularly like? There's many, some that would take your interest more than others."
  14. 22:10 Symbol_ "I've always taken far more interest in non fictional things, experiences that shape and teach I know really happened. Philosophies or tales of survival... Fiction I feel I have neglected too often, though"
  15. 22:14 AnnaClaskovic "Oh, well, The Oregon Trail might take your interest." She tapped her lip thinking of other books. "The Field is also a good example of philosophical meaning... But, if you're looking for Fiction, I recommend anything by J.K Rowling, specifically Harry Potter. The Harry Potter universe is simple but broad, a good suggestion for consideration."
  16. 22:16 Symbol_ "I will see what I can do. Should I have questions, you would not mind if I came to you, no?"
  17. 22:19 AnnaClaskovic "I wouldn't mind a bit of business, come to me anytime if you want book suggestions." She sorted the pile of books into a thin bookshelf. She picked up what concerned her, continuing to flick through the pages. "So, what are you all up to?"
  18. 22:21 Frostbyte "Looking for a job, can't save cheap old stores for everything"
  19. 22:24 Symbol_ "My side of town has been peaceful as of late. The Four Paths are in a good place. I figured that with them able to handle themselves I could acquaint better with Aegis, after all we are to fight together"
  20. 22:27 AnnaClaskovic "Mmm. Things have been quite slow, recently, I noticed. But as long as we're together as a team, we should be able to cope."
  21. 22:27 Frostbyte "Bit weird how like, the day after we join Wells leaves for some world trip"
  22. 22:29 Symbol_ "The man has his reasons... I do wonder of the both of you. Largely what drew you into this kind of work."
  23. 22:30 AnnaClaskovic "Yeah, he's quite stressed. "He works very hard, you'd have to understand his side of the whole ordeal. I wished I could have come along with him, thinking that he'd need security. But he seems to be fine. I hope he comes back, soon."
  24. 22:30 Frostbyte "I was raised into helping others, and being possessed really pushes you more into heroics"
  25. 22:37 Symbol_ "I do see that. I presume that many could attest to such things. If I may be blunt, I was once a member of the triad crime rings."
  26. 22:37 Symbol_ "It took a few mishaps before I could come to realize the error in such a life and strive to correct it. Teach others to fight it"
  27. 22:44 AnnaClaskovic "Well, I'd always thought of coming to Neon, my Brother, Greg, he'd send my father and I postcards about places he's been. When I was a little kid, he'd always told me about a city of heroes. When Greg, Sales and Wells came along, I took the opportunity to come here."
  28. 22:52 Symbol_ "Yes, this place was the thought of paradise for many coming in. Even I thought I'd get a fresh start arriving here"
  29. 22:53 Frostbyte "You two are lucky. My coming here was uh, a bit messy"
  30. 23:13 *** McGoFuckYourself joined #covenger_rp
  31. 23:30 *** GregClaskovic joined #covenger_rp
  32. 23:32 Frostbyte "well, I'm gonna go out and scout. Enjoy your books Anna"
  33. 23:33 Frostbyte leaves the Aegis building
  34. 23:33 *** Frostbyte is now known as Ryan-Stone
  35. 23:33 GregClaskovic barely made it through the doors stumbling along with a empty bottle of vodka. Burps and groans are the only sounds he could make whilst looking around. He looked at the ground, too drunk to keep his neck up. "Is... Is *Hic* Anna here? I, I-I-I gotta talk to her about something..."
  36. 23:38 AnnaClaskovic "Greg? Greg, how did you get here, Greg? You need to get home, you're drunk, aren't you?"
  37. 23:40 GregClaskovic "W-... Whuhu-What? Anna, do you know, do you know what.. what time of the year it is, the certain day? It's that day, Anna. Do you know what type of day it is?"
  38. 23:41 Ryan-Stone [is greg secretly rick?]
  39. 23:43 AnnaClaskovic "...I-It's, Sunday, Greg. Look, Greg, I know we're siblings, but you don't need to watch over me. I'm fine, really." She walked over, taking the bottle off him and propping it on top of the bookshelf. "You need to go home, Greg."
  40. 23:43 GregClaskovic [cyka bylat]
  41. 23:46 GregClaskovic "No! Nonono... It's your birthday today, Anna! H-...Happy Birth *Hic* Day!" He laughed and slapped his knee, falling over and nearly knocking over a table in the process. "It's, it's... it's your birthday, Anna, We... We need a birthday party, don't we?"
  42. 23:49 AnnaClaskovic "It's... n-not my birthday. My birthday is until September. You need to go home. Call me once you get home, Greg, okay?"
  43. 23:53 GregClaskovic "Oh." Greg slumped. "I'm... I'm getting sober, so, once I...I-I uhh... get sober, I'll go... I'll go home." He sat where he fell. Looking around, Seeing Symbol sit in the fountain, it sparks something. "Wuh... Anna, you... You have a job, don't you? You... this... this is where you work?"
  44. 23:56 AnnaClaskovic "I work for Wells, this is where I work, yes." Anna was getting slightly embarrassed. She kneeled beside Greg and picked up his arm and started shaking it slightly. "And you need to leave, Greg, I need to get things done, and you'll be in the way."
  45. 23:59 GregClaskovic "He pays you.. D-doesn't he? He has to." Greg couldn't pick himself up, and Anna definitely couldn't. "Is, is-is the pay good? It better be. He... He better be paying you good money, Anna."
  46. 00:02 AnnaClaskovic "U-uhh... No... H-he lets me live with him. I don't need the money." Anna was going to be honest about this, rather than having him find out. "It' fine, Greg, he treats me very well. I couldn't ask for anything more."
  47. 00:07 GregClaskovic jolted his head to stare at Anna. He didn't believe what he was hearing. "What?" Greg didn't like the sound of that. "Anna, he doesn't pay you?"
  48. 00:13 AnnaClaskovic "No, Greg, look. I know it's, sort of hard to understand, but it's completely fine. He's a very giving person... Honestly!" Anna knew that this wouldn't go down well.
  49. 00:26 GregClaskovic got up. "Where is he? wh-... Where's Wells? He's not paying you for service, Anna, that's... that's a.. that's a problem. We're gonna have a talk about this... We're..."
  50. 00:28 *** Ryan-Stone is now known as Red-Star
  51. 00:28 AnnaClaskovic passes out, Snoring loudly.
  52. 00:28 AnnaClaskovic (shit)
  53. 00:28 *** Symbol_ is now known as Otilya
  54. 00:29 GregClaskovic passes out, Snoring loudly.
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