
School Yard Shorts: The Breakfast Colts

Apr 22nd, 2017
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  1. Contains: Underage Prey, Accidental pred, soft vore, soft digestion.
  2. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  4. Cheerilee felt terrible. Indigestion plagued the teacher through the night and into the wee hours of the morning while she readied herself for another school day. Kicking herself for eating such a nasty little filly like Diamond Tiara, Cheerilee made a solemn vow to herself to never eat a foal again.
  6. The dawn of a new morning crested the hill as Cheerilee came to the school house and unlocked the front door and then unlocking the door to her classroom where she set her teaching equipment and sat down to rest her head. Cheerilee rubbed the pudge on her stomach tenderly, the cool surface of the desk was a comfort she didn’t want to leave but she still had to climb the stairs to the belfry to ring the school bell, letting all the little ones know that school would be in session soon.
  8. It was a boon of fortune when two little colts walked into the classroom earlier than expected, a thin, lanky student named Feather Weight and the transfer student Pipsqueak. The two set their saddlebags down near their desks before bringing out the new youth fad of the year the foals called “Pogs”.
  10. “Good Morning Miss Cheerilee!” Pipsqueak said.
  12. “How are you?” Feather Weight asked.
  14. Their voices sounded like pounding drums, she opened her mouth to respond but her belly sent up another belch instead. The colts stopped what they were doing and giggled about it. Cheerilee rolled her eyes and smiled, no matter how much her class changed, some things just stayed the same.
  16. “How would you boys like to do a favor for Miss Cheerilee?” Cheerilee asked.
  18. “Sure, what do you need help with?” Pipsqueak responded.
  20. “Well, I’m not feeling my usual 110% today, but I still need to ring the school bell to let your classmates know class is in session. Would you like to ring the bell in my stead?” Cheerilee asked, sweetly.
  22. “Would we?” Both colts exclaimed “Yeah! Let us at it!”
  24. “Aww you two a so sweet,” Cheerilee said, grabbing her keys “Follow me, if you’d please”
  26. The two colts had never been to the second floor of the school house, let alone the belfry. The prospect of being that high, looking down on the schoolyard and seeing far off was super exciting to them.
  28. “I’m gonna ring that bell so hard you’ll be able to hear it from the other side of Ponyville!” Pipsqueak exclaimed.
  30. Cheerilee grimaced at the thought, her head already hurt from a restless night of tossing and churning, the ringing of a bell in her ears would easily make her long for the cold embrace of Wendigos.
  32. “Oh yeah? Imma ring it so hard Princess Celestia will be able to hear that our school is in session!” Feather Weight said, one upping his pal.
  34. “You can’t do that! Bells can’t ring that hard silly,” Pipsqueak chided
  36. Cheerilee saw bickering coming from a mile away, one upping each other and tearing the other down all the way up the stairs to the attic door. Cheerilee stood on her hind legs and pulled on the cord leading to the ceiling entrance, a folded step ladder falling down neatly as the hatched was pulled open, providing the way straight up into the belfry of the schoolhouse.
  38. “Remember, ring it 6 times and then come right down, okay?” Cheerilee said to bickering boys.
  40. Stopping their quarrel for only a instance the two smiled sweetly their dear teacher and spoke in unison “Yes Miss Cheerilee,” before climbing the ladder up.
  42. Feather Weight climbed after Pipsqueak, it was only a small bit of bad luck that Feather Weight tripped over his own hooves getting into the belfry and fell into Pipsqueak, knocking him down.
  44. “Ow! Hey, you did that on purpose!” Pipsqueak accused getting to his hooves,
  46. “No I didn’t, it was an accident, I swear!” Feather Wight tried to explain but received a push back from Pipsqueak.
  48. Feather Weight fell back into the bell causing it to sway and ring once and just like that the quarreling had become a tussle. Pushing and shoving, grappling each other, Pipsqueak slapped at each other, wanting to vent their frustrations but not wanting to get hit either. Each time the two swung trying to best the other they hit the bell, causing it to ring out and let the other filles and colts in their class know, the school day had begun. Two rings, three, four; finally Pipsqueak and Feather Weight were a tangle of limbs as they yelled incoherently at each other about how the other was the worst thing since Nightmare Moon.
  50. Cheerilee heard the fighting, looking up the ladder she rolled her eyes and reflected on her earlier thought about how some things staying the same included the limited usefulness of kids. The sixth bell rung out, completing the two colts tasks, Cheerilee saw Pipsqueak near the opening and assumed he was coming down.
  52. “Alright boys, come on. Stop your squabbling and come down here,”
  54. Feather Weight had other plans, scraping his hoof against the ground twice, he charged Pipsqueak and tackled the little colt. Cheerilee saw the two come down, tangled in a heap and only had enough time to exclaim
  56. “Boys!”
  58. The force of them falling spread Cheerilee’s jaws wide and bulged her throat out as the two colts went barreling down Cheerilee’s gullet and landed squarely in her stomach. Cheerilee was dragged to ground, stunned for a few minutes while the colts yelled and complained to no avail. Blinking twice Cheerilee twitched and gasped as she felt a particularly hard kick from one of the colts.
  60. Putting two and two together Cheerilee looked down at her swollen belly in shock, the colts her still squirming, unaware themselves what had happened. Bathed in hot humidity and in the dark, both Pipsqueak and Feather Weight could barely move let alone breath.
  62. “What’s going on?!” Pipsqueak yelled
  64. “Help! I’m stuck! Miss Cheerilee, where are you! Feather Weight cried, panic setting in.
  66. Cheerilee heard her stomach gurgle, seemingly happy with the sudden meal. The muffled cry of help from her middle fell on deaf ears as Cheerilee soon realized that her stomach ache had lessened greatly. Sitting up, her lumpy gut swollen enough with delicious foal to sit on the floor between her hind legs, she patted and shook the two colts inside around a little.
  68. “Class can wait a little bit, right?” Cheerilee said, her stomach groaned, as if answering her question.
  70. Cheerilee took her time, leaning against the hallway way and waiting for the two little colts. Much to her surprise they were quite the fighters, both resolving to fight when they escaped whatever muggy hell they had gotten themselves into and both pushing against the walls of Cheerilee’s stomach causing the imprint of little hooves to show clearly for a few seconds before sinking back down. Soon the Cheerilee noticed they weren’t moving as much, the squirming little colts losing to their teachers hungry stomach. Cheerilee patted her stomach and belched, the taste of hay fries a welcome change from the sour ones this morning.
  72. “Such sweet little colts,” Cheerilee said, standing up.
  74. Closing the hatch leading to the attic, Cheerilee trotted to her class her gut swaying gently from side to side as she did.
  75. Silver Spoon was excited. Today would be the day she was eaten by Cheerilee. To make sure she was extra tasty for her teacher Silver Spoon used cake frosting as a body wash and styled her mane with donut glaze icing and glittered it with sprinkles. All Silver Spoon had to do was wait for one of those weakling colts to come in and she would deck him in the muzzle. Hitting others is what got Diamond Tiara gobbled up, surely that would be Silver Spoon’s end too.
  77. Cheerilee entered class and just as she expected the class immediately took notice of how her belly hung heavy underneath her.
  79. “Good Morning class!” Cheerilee said, full of enthusiasm.
  81. “Good morning Miss Cheerilee!” Silver Spoon was the only one to respond. The rest of the class was silent.
  83. “I have a special lesson for you today, my little ponies,” Cheerilee said, pulling out a stick of chalk before seeing Applebloom’s hoof in the air “Yes Applebloom? Question?”
  85. “Yeah, what’s up with your belly? Ya’ll got a tape worm or somethin?” Applebloom asked
  87. “Nope! Just a big ol’ breakfast! Most important meal of the day, after all!” Cheerilee said, laughing
  89. Cheerilee got right into her planned lesson but Silver Spoon was waiting patiently for either Pipsqueak or Feather Weight to come back to class. She knew they were here, they’re stupid pogs were all all over their desks; stupid colts were probably kissing in the bathroom or something. It didn’t dawn on Silver Spoon until later that the two colts weren’t coming back; Cheerilee’s engorged belly, the fact that she was so late to class herself. Those stupid boys took her spot in Miss Cheerilee’s belly! Silver fumed silently, glowering at that soft looking belly churning away two more of her classmates into nothing more than little extra fat on Cheerilee’s sumptuous hips.
  91. The bell rang once more signaling lunch break. Cheerilee sat down while her student’s filed out of the classroom to go play and enjoy their lunches, while she pulled a book out of her saddle bags and was about to read, still full from the two colts still firmly digesting in her belly; when she saw Silver Spoon approaching her desk. Leaning forward Cheerilee smiled warmly.
  93. “What can I help you with, SIlver Spoon?” Cheerilee asked.
  95. “I was wondering where Feather Weight and Pipsqueak are? I see there pogs so they must have shown up at school,” Silver Spoon asked
  97. Keeping a straight face Cheerilee replied “The two got picked up by their mothers, they won’t be in school for a little while. Sorry SIlver Spoon,”
  98. Silver Spoon knew she was being fed a line, but said nothing as she left the classroom fuming in anger and jealousy. Cheerilee picked her book up once more and rubbed her stuffed belly, the colts inside were long gone and just soft hunks of meat her stomach was quickly breaking down. Cheerilee sighed renouncing her vow.
  100. “Tasty little foals,” Cheerilee muttered.
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