
kek 2

Aug 26th, 2016
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  1. <Kioku> There were like, two or three people in favor
  2. <Kioku> And everyone else hated it
  3. <DarnellJermaine> how many of those people are still around?
  4. <DarnellJermaine> It seems like a lot of the old players talked about have left
  5. <EndPhone> uh, on the "yes" side? Inthimk 0
  6. <Kioku> The ones in favor? One. I was on the yes side.
  7. <Uracilo> I don't think the game needs a reset, right now. I just think it needs to wean off the system and start experimenting with something else
  8. * EndPhone did not know that
  9. <Kioku> The ones against? I'm not sure... it was everyone else who was around at the time I think, so...
  10. <Uracilo> And I think the lore page needs to have a giant billboard that reads "THIS IS NOT EXHAUSTIVE"
  11. <EndPhone> we tried that, and we kept coming up with systems way too rigid
  12. <DarnellJermaine> I think it needs to be a little more open to concepts too instead of using ridiculous and convoluted canon too
  13. <Uracilo> Maybe the lore page should be written in character, because it certainly isn't accurate
  14. <DarnellJermaine> cuz the canon seems to be all over the place made from specific chars that happened to come first and weird definitions
  15. <Kioku> The lore page *does* have a big sign that- okay, actually it says 'still very much a work in progress'
  16. <Kioku> But same meaning
  17. <Uracilo> That's not the same thing
  18. <BobaFettuccine> I agree with the lore bit.
  19. <EndPhone> It does have different implications, Kio
  20. <BobaFettuccine> Our lore seems very arbitrary.
  21. <DarnellJermaine> ^
  22. <Uracilo> Extremely arbitrary
  23. <DarnellJermaine> and Kioku this isn't me attacking you
  24. <DarnellJermaine> but you're literally the /only/ person that seems to know this lore
  25. <DarnellJermaine> I don't even think most the other GMs could name all the stuff that you've mentioned is canon
  26. <Kioku> The parts of lore that are established aren't arbitrary really, and yeah, there's a lot of stuff not there because it doesn't usually come up for most people.
  27. <Uracilo> Things are stonewalled willy-nilly for no real reason, and it's usually in contradictory ways that aren't constructive
  28. <DarnellJermaine> which seems strange when it isn't shared with the rest of us, cuz we have no clue where to begin or what is what
  29. <Kioku> ... Not really...
  30. <Kioku> I've barely seen anything 'stonewalled'
  31. <Uracilo> There is absolutely no reason why proper ghosts shouldn't exist in Sunnybrook
  32. <DarnellJermaine> Neon is a big one
  33. <Kioku> And the few times it's happened, it's been for a very good reason
  34. <Uracilo> Like what?
  35. <DarnellJermaine> he literally quit the rp cuz he worked so hard on a char that was rejected because of an interpretation of 'ghost'
  36. <Uracilo> Fae?
  37. <DarnellJermaine> and Duno had to spend forever fretting over his elf so it fit in fae canon
  38. <Kioku> Or else it's been a matter of 'note that x, are you sure you wan tot go this way'
  39. <Uracilo> That is not true, Kio
  40. <DarnellJermaine> things that coulda been avoided if any of the countless people that saw those sheets knew the lore
  41. <Kioku> That's because he kept trying to insert a species where it has no place v_v
  42. <Uracilo> YOu have not been very constructive in those discussions
  43. <DarnellJermaine> nobody else that saw the sheet before you could point that out to him
  44. <DarnellJermaine> cuz nobody else knew of this shenanigan canon
  45. <Uracilo> You've gone out of your way to say "No, that's not how it works" and then kept it at that
  46. <EndPhone> which is why we're working to fix it
  47. <Uracilo> With no attempt to bend in any direction
  48. <DarnellJermaine> 'again I want to be clear as we argue
  49. <DarnellJermaine> I have nothing against you guys
  50. <Kioku> I've gone pretty far into depth to explain, actually.
  51. <DarnellJermaine> I hope this doesn't come off as a personal attack
  52. <Uracilo> The explanation was definitely not enough for me
  53. <Kioku> I can't think of once where I've said "no, that's not how it works" and then kept it at that.
  54. <DarnellJermaine> I just think it's arbitrary and super hard to access
  55. <DarnellJermaine> at the very least
  56. <Kioku> I've always, in memory, expanded on it
  57. <DarnellJermaine> if you want to have a crazy convoluted lore
  58. <Uracilo> So there was one PC in the past who made a Fae and you hammered out some canon for them. Okay
  59. <DarnellJermaine> even bore the rp page is up, the other GMs should know it all
  60. <DarnellJermaine> and help guide people
  61. <Uracilo> So why does the canon every other character brings to the table not factor in?
  62. <Uracilo> Like, why is that whole thing about the afterlife in there when Nadia was a character for most of the first year of the RP
  63. <Kioku> It... does...
  64. <DarnellJermaine> I can't remember the specifics
  65. <DarnellJermaine> but I even remember a situation where 2 gms approved a character
  66. <DarnellJermaine> and then when you got on
  67. <Kioku> What does one have to do with the other?
  68. <DarnellJermaine> something lorewise or mechanically was unfit about them and they had to change it
  69. <Kioku> Nadia and afterlife have literally nothing to do with each other
  70. <Kioku> There is no relation
  71. * Kioku blink
  72. <Uracilo> Nadia the angel?
  73. <DarnellJermaine> I know that sounds vague but I remember it cuz I was like 'but 2 other gms already said it was cool'
  74. <SavanahHolland> Red and me worked on the heaven and hell stuff
  75. <SavanahHolland> it was cannon
  76. <DarnellJermaine> I know one was I think Boba's newest char
  77. <EndPhone> I remember I had a whole debate where one player wanted an angel, like Nadia, and the backstory was full of things that would /severely/ impact Nadia, so I said "okay, not unless you talk this all out with Savy"
  78. <DarnellJermaine> it was a sentient AI but had to be changed to a real girl's conscious transferred for some reason
  79. <Kioku> But the 'heaven and hell' stuff had /nothing/ to do with an afterlife
  80. <DarnellJermaine> and it had already been approved
  81. <SavanahHolland> Heaven and hell are the afterlife tho
  82. <DarnellJermaine> but the situation I was thinking about was something waaaay earlier
  83. <Kioku> They really aren't.
  84. <Kioku> And that was established in like, the first month of the game
  85. <Kioku> Long before nadia
  86. <DarnellJermaine> yeah but then don't uyse heaven and hell
  87. <DarnellJermaine> because people associate that with the concepts irl
  88. <DarnellJermaine> which mean afterlife
  89. <DarnellJermaine> this is what I mean by convoluted
  90. <SavanahHolland> Me and Red Worked on Heaven and Hell, which was approved by Goldie
  91. <DarnellJermaine> you use words irl people know but then give them new pretend meanings
  92. <DarnellJermaine> it's very confusing
  93. <SavanahHolland> we were pumping out lore since there was barely any and people wanted to make characters heavily based on it
  94. <EndPhone> Darnell, that's over-simplified
  95. <DarnellJermaine> not really
  96. <EndPhone> we room the concepts of something, made a couple alterations, and explained it
  97. <Kioku> In that particular case, it was confusing because Naida was confused. :-\ She /called/ the place she's from heaven. Heaven is just a name though, that never made it *the* heaven
  98. <SavanahHolland> Nadia was disturbed so that's fair
  99. <DarnellJermaine> what about sierra then?
  100. <SavanahHolland> the way I've played it is that heaven is like an office
  101. <DarnellJermaine> she was an angel with divine powers
  102. <SavanahHolland> Which one is sierra?
  103. <DarnellJermaine> also from heaven
  104. <SavanahHolland> Oh yeah that, I think CZ talked to me about her
  105. <Kioku> Nadia was an entirely different type of angel from Nadia.
  106. <DarnellJermaine> crayola's crazy angel girl based off anime
  107. <Kioku> Different species, different place of origin
  108. <SavanahHolland> I said that it didn't make any sense
  109. <SavanahHolland> but I left soon after so he just went with it
  110. <DarnellJermaine> also along with heaven and hell you have gods of other religions, like odin or kali based off an Indian God
  111. <SavanahHolland> It's a mess since nothing was fully cannonized
  112. <DarnellJermaine> so you mix a shit ton of ideologies that are all real in the world and have conflicts, or give them pretend meanings and make them more obsolete
  113. <EndPhone> Okay, let's put up a disclaimer: These locations and creatures may differ from conventional use of the names. Other locations can be made based off the same concepts are IRL lore
  114. <EndPhone> something like that
  115. <DarnellJermaine> ok sure but that doesn't explain to people the new definitions
  116. <DarnellJermaine> nobody ever teaches them unless they happen to come into play
  117. <DarnellJermaine> and then you get long drawn out arguments and confusing lessons
  118. <DarnellJermaine> like what the fuck is different about a spirit and a ghost or a demon and a devil
  119. <Kioku> The established canon is 'as far as we know, there are no gods, and if there are we can't possibly know of them, and if they're from a human religion, they're not a god'
  120. <DarnellJermaine> what about maria?
  121. <DarnellJermaine> She works for a god
  122. <EndPhone> We have a page to explain the differences, though
  123. <DarnellJermaine> that can literally perform miracles
  124. <DarnellJermaine> and Kali /was/ a god, canon and approved, that was struck down
  125. <Kioku> So when someone like Odin comes up, they might be some particularly powerful race from another dimension, and they might even have something to do with the nordic religion, but they've got nothing to do with an afterlife.
  126. <Uracilo> There are characters who are tied to entities so powerful they could be literal gods
  127. <EndPhone> the title "God" in this universe basically means nothing
  128. <DarnellJermaine> like CZ literally would constantly pm me about her ghodly powers
  129. <SavanahHolland> ^
  130. <DarnellJermaine> and at the time he was a GM, or some weird gm like thing
  131. <DarnellJermaine> so it seemed legit to me
  132. <Kioku> I have no idea what the Kali stuff was about.
  133. <DarnellJermaine> then another gm tells me that's no longer the case
  134. <SavanahHolland> You think the gms would try to stop that kind of thing
  135. <DarnellJermaine> it's very confusing when even the staff aren't on the same page
  136. <Kioku> I don't recall Kali being submitted for approval in the first place, honestly, but it might have gone through two other gms. :-\
  137. <DarnellJermaine> he told me she was approved long before hand
  138. <Uracilo> Also, Silvors had a different opinion on the afterlife stuff, where the character could be wrong, but wasn't necessarily so
  139. <Kioku> So I dunno on that matter at all
  140. <DarnellJermaine> and he'd tell me all day and nighta bout all these powers
  141. <Uracilo> Which is WAY different from how you talk about it, Kio
  142. <DarnellJermaine> and then shelved her cuz ofd all the complaints and he wasnt happy
  143. <Kioku> Look
  144. <DarnellJermaine> He;d literally tell me canonically her goal was to eventually restore power and destyroy the entire universe
  145. <DarnellJermaine> and that that was canon and could theoretically happen
  146. <DarnellJermaine> that sounds pretty god like to me
  147. <Kioku> About 4 months ago, every GM looked at the stuff on this page
  148. <Kioku>
  149. <Kioku> And said 'yeah'
  150. <Kioku> So that's just what I'm going with right now
  151. <DarnellJermaine> and kali laughed at demons and other shit
  152. <DarnellJermaine> for being so much weaker and younger than her
  153. <DarnellJermaine> and he was a /gm/
  154. <Kioku> Well... no, he wasn't.
  155. <Kioku> At any point
  156. <DarnellJermaine> and that was my experience the first 2-3 weeks of the game
  157. <Kioku> :-\
  158. <DarnellJermaine> at least that's what he told me and he had the green dot for a while
  159. <SavanahHolland> He was, said he was, and had the little green thing
  160. <Kioku> But like I said, I don't know anything about the Kali business
  161. <SavanahHolland> told new people he was a gm
  162. <EndPhone> Let's add onto that thing that "God" is a meaningless title, and that the afterlife is unconfirmed
  163. <DarnellJermaine> he even approved one of my chars once
  164. <DarnellJermaine> I don't remember which one though
  165. <Kioku> EndPhone, both of those are already on there
  166. <EndPhone> okay
  167. <DarnellJermaine> maria serves a god too and nobody has ever told her that's not a real god
  168. <Kioku> They're the first two things, even
  169. <EndPhone> then that's solved
  170. <DarnellJermaine> and I'd know cuz gum and nemi always talk about their chars like every day
  171. <DarnellJermaine> again, not insulting
  172. <Uracilo> He told me he was a GM, too
  173. <Kioku> Yeah, but gumbal1 /knows/ that Maria's god isn't a god.
  174. <DarnellJermaine> just sayin g that's what I hear
  175. <Uracilo> Offered to approve one of my characters and then got pulled away for a talk
  176. <DarnellJermaine> CZ really messed up a lot of the god lore for me since it was acknowledged canon by him and others for more than a while
  177. <DarnellJermaine> plus sierra got her powers from some divine entity
  178. <SavanahHolland> ^
  179. <SavanahHolland> Reading Sierra's backstory frustraits me
  180. <DarnellJermaine> and lots of chars get powers from demons, which are sort of like weaker gods
  181. <Kioku> Sierra got her powers from someone more powerful than her.
  182. <Kioku> Remember that backstories are from the character's point of view for the most part.
  183. <SavanahHolland> since her father is the angel of Judgement, Which was the offical title for Nadia, which I told him
  184. <DarnellJermaine> and then moby
  185. <Kioku> Characters are allowed to be incorrect about things.
  186. <DarnellJermaine> we talka bout things being OP
  187. <SavanahHolland> It was writen as a player
  188. <DarnellJermaine> but he was shot in the head by a silver bullet, his designated weakness
  189. <Kioku> They can think things but not know the truth behind them
  190. <DarnellJermaine> and he just lost his memory
  191. <DarnellJermaine> and he told me once Moby was immortal
  192. <DarnellJermaine> only way he could die was chop off his head, carry it real far away and bury it
  193. <DarnellJermaine> and even then it wasn't really guaranteed
  194. <SavanahHolland> He literally told me the father was the angel of judgment
  195. <Kioku> Okay, that was just a player godmoding and was in no way right.
  196. <SavanahHolland> and went with it even though I told him that wasn't an open spot
  197. <DarnellJermaine> tbf as clarification, I never really liked crayola
  198. <DarnellJermaine> he acted pretty childish about stuff, but still he was a longtime player
  199. <Kioku> And something that should've been brought up to a gm probably
  200. <DarnellJermaine> and nobody seemed to ever correct him or tell him no
  201. <Kioku> So, sorry on the moby thing
  202. <Kioku> But yeah, that was just plain wrong
  203. <DarnellJermaine> that was during a stage where I talekd to him more
  204. <DarnellJermaine> because of the lena stuff and spooky yelling at me and not fitting in to the community, before I fit in more and realized he was not a fun guy
  205. <DarnellJermaine> so that's why I never brought that stuff up with GMs til now even though it felt suspicious
  206. <Kioku> Savy, different species of "angel"
  207. <Kioku> That happen to have the same name
  208. <Kioku> We went over dis
  209. <DarnellJermaine> so it feels weird cuz all those CZ and Crayola things were drilled into my head the first month
  210. <SavanahHolland> No, he said it like it was the same species
  211. <DarnellJermaine> and now they're all being told they're wrong and there's stuff every now and then that's completely new to me
  212. <Kioku> ... Well it pretty clearly wasn't, from the backstory... and the appearance...
  213. <DarnellJermaine> it just seems like it's almost impossible to nail down the canon
  214. <SavanahHolland> Tell him that, not me :/
  215. <Kioku> Oh, I dare say I probably did.
  216. <SavanahHolland> Aaaand he didn't listen?
  217. <Kioku> He probably forgot v_v
  218. <Kioku> ... Or selectively listened
  219. <EndPhone> Darnell, that's the problem when we got so many people that all are able to add ti cano
  220. <DarnellJermaine> and if heaven and hell aren't the religious ones
  221. <Uracilo> So can I have a different species of ghost
  222. <DarnellJermaine> and the angels and demons are different species
  223. <Kioku> Ghost isn't a species
  224. <DarnellJermaine> there are angels that are neutral and demons likee nevermore that just have control of concepts, right?
  225. <Kioku> :-\ It's a phenomenon
  226. <DarnellJermaine> so why do angels and demons hate eachother?
  227. <DarnellJermaine> without religion and without living in the same place, they have no reason to conflict
  228. <DarnellJermaine> if you just think of them as species
  229. <SavanahHolland> I had it just because of racism in geneal
  230. <SavanahHolland> *general
  231. <Kioku> ^
  232. <DarnellJermaine> yet most demons and angels would agree to be enemies
  233. <DarnellJermaine> especially sierra
  234. <Uracilo> It's a taxonomically recognized one, now. You insult them by confusing them with the psychic smears on the walls that people callously gave the same name to
  235. <SavanahHolland> "You're not us, we're better than you so we hate you"
  236. <DarnellJermaine> being super super against demons and it was her duty to slay them
  237. <Uracilo> These ghosts are completely different
  238. <Kioku> Some kinds of angels (Sierra) were just plain indoctrinated to think Demons were evil, so they'd appeal to religious humans more
  239. <Kioku> I'd speculate
  240. <SavanahHolland> The "heaven" me and red did had a lot of propaganda
  241. <SavanahHolland> for angels, and against demons for not really any good reason
  242. <DarnellJermaine> it would even be 10x easier if we just didn't call them heaven and hell
  243. <DarnellJermaine> since that confuses newbies
  244. <Kioku> Well
  245. <DarnellJermaine> you could call them higher plane and lower plane
  246. <DarnellJermaine> or aether realm and ether realm
  247. <DarnellJermaine> stuff that isn't already concepts irl
  248. <Kioku> I don't think we actually have anything or any place called Hell
  249. <Kioku> Except a bar.
  250. <Kioku> There's a bar called Hell.
  251. <Kioku> More of a nightclub maybe
  252. <DarnellJermaine> thought sebastian had talked about hell before
  253. <Kioku> But it only came up once
  254. <DarnellJermaine> and sierra mentioned sending back to hell
  255. <Uracilo> Kio, Sav just told you Hell was made canon by GMs in the past
  256. <DarnellJermaine> and sav said it was canon just now
  257. <Kioku> Eh, I think some demons call Underworld Hell too
  258. <EndPhone> The Underworld
  259. <SavanahHolland> Goldie played Satan
  260. <SavanahHolland> literally
  261. <Uracilo> I mean, there are characters taht mentioned it a ton back when I was still here
  262. <Uracilo> I have logs
  263. <Kioku> Yeah, but Satan didn't have anything do do with demons
  264. <Uracilo> Kio
  265. <Uracilo> PLEASE
  266. <Kioku> Or the Underworld
  267. <Uracilo> Cease and desist
  268. <SavanahHolland> Satan lived in hELL
  269. <DarnellJermaine> Underworld and Over World or Upper Plane would even help understand no religious background or god
  270. <Uracilo> With the pointless pedantry
  271. <DarnellJermaine> than using names like heaven and hell
  272. <Kioku> SGF oturight *said* that it was nothing to do with demons
  273. <Uracilo> YOu cannot say "There's no hell."
  274. <DarnellJermaine> you even have a satan
  275. <DarnellJermaine> but he's not 'satan'
  276. <Uracilo> "Oh, you meant underworld!"
  277. <EndPhone> Look, let's just add a notice that things may share names with something in IRL mythology, but have very important difference
  278. <DarnellJermaine> it makes it super confusing
  279. <Uracilo> That's just... no
  280. <Kioku> They're different places
  281. <DarnellJermaine> if you do that endphone you have a duty to write out all this complicated nomenclature
  282. <Uracilo> It's literally making people angry for no reason. The worst kind of argumentation tactic
  283. <Kioku> But Hell never got really fleshed out
  284. <DarnellJermaine> in a way everyone can understand clearly
  285. <DarnellJermaine> rather than leaving things vague or in 1 person's head
  286. <EndPhone> but we do write it out
  287. <SavanahHolland> There was satan, devils, demons, multiple characters refrencing Hell
  288. <Kioku> Hell was where devils come from. Underworld was where demons come from.
  289. <Kioku> And honestly I had no idea why they had to be different
  290. <DarnellJermaine> that's even more convoluted
  291. <SavanahHolland> I mean, hell, Red was in the process of doing the cannon for Hell
  292. <Kioku> But SGF and Red were pretty adamant about it
  293. <DarnellJermaine> what the hell (heh) is the difference?
  294. <Uracilo> I mean isn't there an incubus in the school that comes from hell?
  295. <DarnellJermaine> it seems so arbitrary
  296. <DarnellJermaine> to have a hell and an underworld
  297. <DarnellJermaine> yet no gods or religious figures
  298. <DarnellJermaine> yet devils and demons
  299. <EndPhone> we're not saying we're perfect with any of this, but we're trying
  300. <Kioku> Err... how so?
  301. <DarnellJermaine> yet different interpretations among those
  302. <SavanahHolland> End, that's why we're discussing it
  303. <DarnellJermaine> demons each control an aspect
  304. <DarnellJermaine> what was claire's aspect?
  305. <DarnellJermaine> what is sebastians?
  306. <DarnellJermaine> Devils aren't demons
  307. <DarnellJermaine> they look the same- is the difference the aspect or contract ability?
  308. <Kioku> What have demons ever had to do with religion - I mean in the real world
  309. <DarnellJermaine> Devils make contracts too though, as seen with elspeth
  310. <SavanahHolland> Sebastian's aspect was being the worst :p
  311. <Kioku> They kinda pre-dated it by a long shot
  312. <Kioku> Just under different names
  313. <DarnellJermaine> demons aren't just christianity, they are just a general religious or spiritual concept
  314. <DarnellJermaine> so what the fuck is the difference between a devil and demon
  315. <DarnellJermaine> besides bullshit arbitrary canon and different word use?
  316. <DarnellJermaine> they seem literally the same
  317. <DarnellJermaine> besides slightly different origin
  318. <Kioku> Honestly if it were up to me (and I could get away with it without upsetting anyone), I'd just combine Hell and Underworld and rename Demons to something else entirely.
  319. <SavanahHolland> I've only played it as Devils are just weaker than Demons
  320. <DarnellJermaine> also sorry sav, not trying to drag Elspeth in and I'm not insulting the char, just pulling examples
  321. <SavanahHolland> Nah you're good
  322. <Uracilo> Anyways, my point in this debate has been to say that if all of this is allowed I don't see why anything wouldn't be
  323. <DarnellJermaine> and angels as different species but just called angels
  324. <Uracilo> If we can have two hells we can have two ghosts
  325. <Kioku> I'm pretty sure devils had nothing to do with demons, as far as that goes.
  326. <DarnellJermaine> but those different species are related like cray saying nadia was sierras father
  327. <DarnellJermaine> this is so damn complicated
  328. <SavanahHolland> Cray didn't say Nadia was Sierra's father, more so just took the title even though I said that wasn't okay
  329. <DarnellJermaine> you have to fuckin study this shit
  330. <DarnellJermaine> and even then without asking tons of questiopns and learning as shit comes upo, you'll never know it all
  331. <DarnellJermaine> how is anyone expected to follow?
  332. <Kioku> Just... okay, considering Sierra (it was figured out and established otherwise, dammit) and Moby... I'd opt to say 'ignore anything Cray said if it wasn't backed up'
  333. <DarnellJermaine> what about CZ and Kali?
  334. <DarnellJermaine> He acknowledged kali, and I think lena and silv did too
  335. <Kioku> I told you, I have no idea about Kali
  336. <DarnellJermaine> and the godliness
  337. <DarnellJermaine> but that goes to an earlier point, how come some GMs did and you didn;t?
  338. <DarnellJermaine> just like you know a lot of this lore and other gms don;t
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