
NonCanonClasses-v1a beta 51 Changelog

Oct 7th, 2018
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  1. General:
  2. -New item named "NCCWeapons" which will give all the custom weapons via the console.
  3. -New class: Quint's Revenge 2 Quint!
  4. -New class: Komuso Man!
  5. -New class: Tome Woman!
  6. -New class: Forecast Man!
  7. -New class: Dagger Man!
  8. -New class: Circuit Man!
  9. -New class: Gryphon Man!
  10. -New class: Aquarius!
  11. -New weapon: Snow Blower
  12. -New weapon: Door Stopper
  13. -New weapon: Blazing Arrows
  14. -New weapon: Magic Tome
  15. -New weapon: Gryphon Dash
  16. -New weapon: Storm Surge
  17. -All instances of suction/pushing have been replaced with a new script featuring a team check (made by JaxOf7), velocity may be slightly different as a result of this
  18. --Classes affected by above: Volt Man, Propel Man, Wing Man, Jet Man, Dust Man, Toad Man, RNC Air Man
  19. -Option for reload key added in the control setup
  20. -Mega Man now has an animated ammo bar displaying his charge amount
  21. -Mega Man uncharged shot cooldown decreased: 6 > 4
  22. -Mega Man uncharged shot damage increased: 9 > 11
  23. -Mega Man uncharged shot speed increased: 32 > 38
  24. -Mega Man half charged shot damage increased: 12 > 20
  25. -Mega Man half charged shot speed increased: 32 > 40
  26. -Mega Man fully charged shot damage increased: 10 > 42
  27. -Mega Man fully charged shot no longer rips
  28. -Mega Man fully charged shot speed increased: 35 > 45
  30. Rock Force:
  31. -Photon Man skin updated
  32. -Photon Man mainfire now shoots 4 waves instead of 6
  33. -Photon Man mainfire damage (head flare active) decreased: 6 > 3
  34. -Photon Man mainfire cooldown increased: 24 > 35
  35. -Photon Man uncharged altfire ammo use increased: 10 > 14
  36. -Power Man reworked
  37. --Altfire is now the hazard launcher
  38. --Item now turns hazards on/off
  39. --Ceiling laser now blocks projectiles
  40. --Spike pad is no longer solid, can no longer ride on it, now rips through targets
  41. -Power Man hazard ball sprites updated
  42. -Power Man now starts with 1/4 altfire ammo
  43. -Power Man now gains ammo over time very slowly (1 bit per 75 tics)
  44. -Power Man shot HUD uses new DECORATE offsets
  45. -Power Man mainfire cooldown increased: 22 > 25
  46. -Power Man mainfire hit ammo give amount increased: 1 > 2
  47. -Power Man mainfire shot speed increased: 40 > 52
  48. -Power Man mainfire damage decreased: 16 > 14
  49. -Error in Power Man's Spike Pad obit corrected
  50. -Port Man weapon icons updated
  51. -Port Man sentry wave attack no longer goes through walls
  52. -Port Man sentry obit changed
  53. -Glitch corrected with Fuse Man's altfire while in fused mode
  54. -Shock Man taunt replaced
  55. -Shock Man mainfire damage decreased: 25 > 20
  56. -Shock Man mainfire stun time decreased: 6 > 3
  58. Forever:
  59. -Propel Man now starts with max altfire ammo
  60. -Propel Man mainfire startup decreased: 3 > 1
  61. -Propel Man mainfire cooldown decreased: 16 > 14
  62. -Propel Man mainfire damage increased: 4 > 7
  63. -Propel Man mainfire no longer has a windbox
  64. -Propel Man altfire blow now has a hitbox
  65. -Propel Man altfire now has a special 150-tic cooldown during which it cannot be used again
  66. -Propel Man altfire cooldown decreased: 51 > 44
  67. -Propel Man altfire now only pulls and pushes from the front
  68. -Guard Man second weapon removed, reload moved to the reload key
  69. -Boil Man altfire burn is now ready on one mainfire hit, burn damage decreased: 40 > 15
  70. -Chemic Man reworked:
  71. --Mainfire no longer gives altfire ammo during the animation
  72. --Item is now a transformation which changes your attacks:
  73. ---Mainfire launches a toxic blob that spawns other bouncing blobs
  74. ---Altfire cancels the transformation and scatters bouncing blobs all around you, but leaves you vulnerable for a while
  75. --Transformation animation improved to better match the one in-game, but faster
  76. --Transformation now takes less time before Chemic Man can act
  78. MMCX:
  79. -Fire Mario HUD scaling reduced: 4x > 3x
  80. -Fire Mario HUD slightly updated
  81. -Kamen Rider reworked:
  82. --All attacks now have effects and sounds on hit
  83. --Both attacks can be charged
  84. --Mainfire uncharged now does a punch flurry, punch damage decreased: 10 > 4
  85. --Mainfire charged now does the giant kick
  86. --Altfire uncharged now does a dash kick forwards
  87. --Altfire charged now does a rising upper kick
  88. --Flying kick has been moved to reload, ammo use increased: 14 > 28
  89. -Kamen Rider item altfire now launches the bike forward while dismounting
  90. -Kamen Rider item now lasts for 15 seconds
  91. -Kamen Rider HUDs updated
  92. -Whispy Woods skin updated, scale changes from 4.0 to 2.5, attack and view heights changed to match this
  93. -Whispy Woods mainfire air puff now has rotations
  94. -Whispy Woods altfire has 3 more tics of cooldown
  95. -Whispy Woods altfire apple damage decreased: 12 > 8
  96. -Whispy Woods altfire apple bounce count increased: 5 > 10
  97. -Whispy Woods altfire apple is no longer shootable
  98. -Whispy Woods altfire apple speed increased: 35 > 45
  99. -Bomberman HUD updated
  100. -Bomberman mainfire blast hitbox explosion radius decreased: 40 > 12
  101. -Bomberman mainfire blast hitbox explosion now has set radius damage
  102. -Bomberman altfire damage increased: 5 > 12
  103. -Bomberman altfire speed increased: 12 > 20
  104. -Bomberman altfire now has a skin animation
  105. -Bomberman altfire now has a visible sprite
  106. -Yoshino Man HUD slightly updated
  107. -Yoshino Man's weapons now have icons
  108. -Air Man's attacks no longer have knockback or hitstun
  109. -Air Man mainfire damage decreased: 6 > 5
  110. -Air Man mainfire melee hitbox removed
  111. -Cheat Man infinite lasting intangible boomerang bug fixed
  113. Odyssey:
  114. -Spike Man armor decreased: strong > semi-strong
  115. -Spike Man mainfire damage decreased: 20 > 18
  116. -Spike Man mainfire mini spikes no longer rip
  117. -Spike Man mainfire mini spike shot damage decreased: 8 > 5
  118. -Spike Man aerial altfire can be held for more jumps, which uses more ammo
  119. -Spike Man aerial altfire damage decreased: 12 > 8
  120. -Spike Man aerial altfire quake radius reduced: 480 > 150
  121. -Disc Man no ammo disc speed increased by 50%: 20 > 30; 28 > 42
  122. -Disc Man ammo give rate increased: 3 > 2
  123. -Disc Man altfire usage decreased: 7 > 4
  124. -Rapid Man mainfire damage increased: 4 > 7
  125. -Duplex Man charged mainfire damage increased: 10 > 25
  126. -Duplex Man charged mainfire protection duration increased: 5 > 35
  127. -Bolt Man HUD updated
  128. -Necro Man uncharged mainfire cooldown decreased: 20 > 18
  129. -Necro Man uncharged mainfire can be held for more uncharged shots
  130. -Necro Man is now invincible during the successful altfire hit animation
  131. -Necro Man successful altfire hit ha 20 tics of cooldown, during which he is invincible
  132. -Necro Man now stops after his altfire
  133. -Necro Man flight duration increased: 35 > 70
  135. 4MI:
  136. -All classes now reset to 50 HP when entering rage mode
  137. -All classes can no longer pick up health capsules after transforming to rage mode
  138. -Drill Man's HUD uses two hands and shots shifted slightly to the left and right every other time used
  139. -Drill Man digging HUD now uses offsets rather than separate images
  140. -Drill Man universal mainfire damage decreased: 5 > 4
  141. -Drill Man altfire dig damage decreased: 11 > 5
  142. -Glitch with Ring Man fixed where using mainfire in a corner would sometimes hurt you
  143. -Ring Man altfire ring return now uses a sound
  144. -Toad Man mainfire damage increased significantly, now only hits one time
  145. -Toad Man altfire in rage form ammo cost halved: 112 > 56
  146. -Toad Man jump attacks now give altfire ammo via ACS, making it more consistent
  147. -Toad Man jump attacks now give altfire ammo on kill
  148. -Toad Man jump attacks hitbox size decreased: 80 > 40
  149. -Pharaoh Man rage altfire now lights oil
  150. -Dust Man altfire suction sequence is now faster, messy spaghetti code cleaned up
  151. -Dust Man rage altfire suction damage decreased: 11 > 9
  152. -Dust Man altfire junk spitter damage increased: 10 > 11, rage 13 > 4
  153. -Dust Man altfire junk spitter no longer pushes opponents
  154. -Dust Man bot AI altered
  156. Rokko Chan:
  157. -Rolling Man altfire can be cancelled with mainfire use
  158. -Rolling Man altfire no longer stops on the ground
  159. -Rolling Man altfire damage increased: 30 > 35
  160. -Volcano Man item deactivation now has a cooldown before it can be used again
  161. -Volcano Man oversight fixed where getting frozen while in item mode would unfreeze the player
  162. -Volcano Man can now use his giga eruption more than once
  163. -Volcano Man item mode attacks have 2 tics of protection
  164. -Volcano Man item mode mainfire cooldown increased: 11 > 20
  165. -Volcano Man item mode mainfire ammo use increased: 2 > 3
  167. Unlimited:
  168. -Rainbow Man HUDs updated
  169. -Rainbow Man mainfire now comes out 2 tics faster
  170. -Rainbow Man prismatic flash FX sprites changed
  171. -Rainbow Man altfire ammo regen rate doubled
  172. -Rainbow Man item now sends him to a new state, is not instant
  173. -Yoku Man now gains ammo in the air at half rate
  174. -Yoku Man mainfire cooldown decreased: 28 > 18
  175. -Yoku Man homing mainfire damage increased: 13 > 18
  176. -Yoku Man no ammo mainfire damage increased: 11 > 14
  177. -Yoku Man no ammo mainfire animation time increased: 15 > 27
  178. -Yoku Man no ammo mainfire can now be held for rapid shots
  179. -Yoku Man altfire vanish has new HUD frames
  180. -Yoku Man fake death time can now be cancelled with mainfire or altfire
  181. -Yoku Man fake death spikes now spawn faster: 7 > 5
  182. -Trinitro Man skin sprites no longer have incorrectly colored orange liquid pixels
  183. -Trinitro Man mainfire damage increased: 14 > 17
  184. -Trinitro Man mainfire now explodes 1 tic faster
  185. -Trinitro Man mainfire (no ammo) damage increased: 7 > 10
  186. -Trinitro Man altfire initial explosion damage increased: 22 > 31
  187. -Trinitro Man altfire landing explosion damage increased: 32 > 40
  188. -Trinitro Man item now plays a sound if failed
  189. -Trinitro Man item recoded, now smokes head when at max headshots, sounds now properly play for the countdown hits
  190. -Glitch fixed where spamming Trinitro Man's item would cause it to fail on next activation
  191. -Glue Man reworked:
  192. --Mainfire uncharged now half stuns, semi charged causes floor stick, now burns half ammo, floor stick lasts longer
  193. --Altfire thrust force doubled (25 > 50), now only hits once (damage 2 > 16), has more cooldown (16 > 38)
  194. --Altfire with max ammo can be charged for a continuous skate that leaves glue trails behind, mainfire during this is a spread shot
  195. -Yo-Yo Man reworked:
  196. --Mainfire and altfire now use 3 ammo
  197. --Mainfire throws ranged cutter which can climb surfaces up to a certain time limit
  198. --Altfire is the same as mainfire but the cutter moves in reverse
  199. -Yo-Yo Man item ammo use decreased: 28 > 21
  200. -Yo-Yo Man item now slows down ammo regen when the giant yo-yo is separated
  201. -Yo-Yo Man item can not be used for 35 tics after returning
  202. -Yo-Yo Man HUD updated, no longer freezes the game shortly on first use
  203. -Yo-Yo Man skin updated
  204. -Comet Woman skin updated
  205. -Comet Woman altfire projectile sprites updated
  206. -Nail Man reworked:
  207. --Ammo regeneration wait time increased: 2 > 5
  208. --Item removed, has a second weapon which activates shield on main/alt use
  209. --Mainfire nail shot during shield no longer slows Nail Man down
  210. --Altfire head no longer does contact damage during air time, release to slam down and damage opponents with a shockwave
  211. --Altfire with shield when tapped shoots nails in a Blizzard Attack-like pattern, held shoots the tracking nails
  212. -Jet Man uncharged mainfire speed decreased: 80 > 65
  213. -Jet Man uncharged mainfire sound changed
  214. -Jet Man altfire takeoff sound changed
  216. SFR:
  217. -Wizard Man HUDs shifted 4 big pixels (16 normal pixels) to the right
  218. -Wizard Man mainfire missile now has NOCLIP for 1 tic, to prevent it from being eaten by corner walls
  219. -Wizard Man fireballs now light oil
  220. -Wizard Man ice lance freeze time decreased: 40 > 34
  221. -Wizard Man movement speed decreased by .04 units
  222. -Axe Man HUDs improved
  223. -Axe Man axe swing mainfire startup decreased: 4 > 3
  224. -Axe Man axe toss speed increased: 35 > 45
  225. -Axe Man altfire jump angle changed
  226. -Leaf Man reworked:
  227. --Now has two weapons
  228. --No ammo altfire removed and moved to weapon 2 mainfire
  229. --Item removed and moved to weapon 2 altfire
  230. -Leaf Man mainfire cooldown increased: 11 > 19
  231. -Leaf Man mainfire now uses DECORATE offsets
  232. -Leaf Man no ammo altfire cooldown decreased: 26 > 17
  233. -Leaf Man mainfire damage decreased: 10 > 9
  234. -Leaf Man mainfire lingering leaf damage decreased: 3 > 2
  235. -Trash Man HUDs updated
  236. -Trash Man mainfire now comes out 3 tics faster
  237. -Trash Man trash circle altfire now comes out 1 tic slower and finished 1 tic faster
  238. -Trash Man falling trash altfire now refires 1 tic faster
  239. -Coal Man's attacks now light oil
  240. -Coal Barrage now lights oil
  241. -Soak Man charged altfire cloud reaction time increased: 3 > 8 (lives for 40 tics more)
  242. -Soak Man charged altfire clouds can now bounce on ceilings
  243. -Soak Man charged altfire drop damage increased: 10 > 12
  245. IFI:
  246. -Cleanse Woman sliding now gives infinite mainfire ammo for a short time, represented by a glowing bar
  247. -Cleanse Woman charged mainfire now requires infinite ammo mode (from sliding) and full M1 ammo to work
  248. -Cleanse Woman charged mainfire bounce count decreased: 8 > 5
  249. -Cleanse Woman charged mainfire now dies after 5 seconds (175 tics)
  250. -Cleanse Woman altfire sliding damage decreased: 11 > 7
  251. -Cleanse Woman altfire sliding no longer cancels on walls
  252. -Cleanse Woman slip duration reduced: 175 > 70
  253. -Cleanse Woman slip mechanic no longer works on aerial opponents
  254. -Cleanse Woman slip mechanic recoded to be smoother
  255. -Chemical Cleanser infinite board exploit fixed
  257. No Constancy:
  258. -Wood Man armor decreased: semi-strong > base
  259. -Bubble Man HUD updated
  260. -Bubble Man second weapon removed, reload moved to the reload key
  261. -Heat Man HUDs updated
  262. -Heat Man level 1 altfire on hit now gives flashing bar which doubles mainfire rate, hit altfire again during this bar for exploding fireballs, also gives exploding fireballs on kill
  263. -Heat Man altfire hitbox size decreased: 80 radius, 80 height > 60 radius, 20 height
  264. -Clash Man reworked:
  265. --Ammo regeneration time increased: 3 > 4
  266. --Item ammo use reduced: 28 > 9
  267. --Item now has a 4 second cooldown after cancellation before it can be used again
  268. --Mainfire in item mode shoots a bomb that explodes multiple times in a wide radius
  269. --Altfire in item mode shoots two mines with twice the damage and radius
  270. -Air Man HUD slightly updated
  271. -Slight error in Metal Man's damage frames fixed
  272. -Flash Man charged mainfire now activates on press rather than on release
  273. -Flash Man altfire no longer drains mainfire charge when ammo is insufficient
  275. Strategy:
  276. -Sagittarius mainfire no longer freezes the game shortly on first use
  277. -Sagittarius mainfire charged arrow flame no longer rips, now does a single hit for 20 damage
  278. -Sagittarius item icon updated
  279. -Gemini altfire orb throw has a new sound
  280. -Cancer mainfire bubbles go less upwards, now stop and wait a bit before bursting
  281. -Cancer altfire now has more bubbles on surface collision which spread out in a more horizontal pattern
  282. -Cancer altfire now cannot trap opponents again for 30 tics after release
  283. -Cancer altfire can no longer be shot to escape, keeps opponents trapped for a static 70 tics, rises faster
  285. DOS:
  286. -Shark Man's HUD teeth no longer disappear after using altfire
  287. -Volt Man HUDs updated
  288. -Volt Man mainfire shield shot has 2 tics less startup
  289. -Volt Man now has a different colored shield when used at max alt ammo
  290. -Volt Man max alt ammo indicator position updated to match the current skin
  291. -Glitch fixed where Torch Man's mainfire becomes locked after using up altfire ammo
  292. -Wave Man HUDs updated
  293. -Tox Man forklift has an updated HUD, now has HUD animation for activating the vehicle
  295. MMRocks:
  296. -Police Man ammo regen time increased: 2 > 3
  297. -Police Man altfire ammo gain increased: 2 > 4
  298. -Police Man grey gain during mainfire increased: 2 > 3
  299. -Police Man grey ammo no longer regenerates when holding mainfire
  300. -Police Man altfire shield now blocks projectiles more consistently and blocks explosions
  301. --A successful block will give you a red bullet count (up to 14 can be stacked)
  302. ---Using mainfire with a red bullet count will shoot a stronger, faster, exploding bullet
  303. -Door Man ammo regain time reduced: 6 > 5
  304. -Door Man altfire spikes now hit multiple times (once every 4 tics)
  305. -Door Man altfire spike damage decreased: 7 > 4
  306. -Door Man AI added
  307. -Snow Man mainfire flakes now produce FX more often
  308. -Snow Man altfire now hits more consistently
  309. -Snow Man AI added
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